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Preview The Gluonic Operator Matrix Elements at O(α_s^2) for DIS Heavy Flavor Production

DESY 08-187 SFB/CPP–08–107 IFIC/08–68 December 2008 9 0 0 The Gluonic Operator Matrix Elements 2 n at O(α2) for DIS Heavy Flavor Production a s J 6 ] h p - p Isabella Bierenbaum 1, Johannes Blu¨mlein and Sebastian Klein e h [ 1 Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron, DESY, v Platanenallee 6, D–15738 Zeuthen, Germany 9 6 6 0 . 1 0 9 0 : v i X Abstract r a We calculate the O(α2) gluonic operator matrix elements for the twist–2 operators, which s contribute to the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in unpolarized deeply inelastic scattering in the region Q2 ≫ m2, up to the linear terms in the dimensional parameter ε, (D = 4+ε). These quantities are required for the description of parton distribution functions in the variable flavor number scheme (VFNS). The O(α2ε) terms contribute at the level of the s O(α3) corrections through renormalization. We also comment on additional terms, which s have to be considered in the fixed (FFNV) and variable flavor number scheme, adopting the MS scheme for the running coupling constant. 1Presentaddress: InstitutodeFisicaCorpuscular,CSIC-UniversitatdeVal`encia,ApartadodeCorreros22085, E-46071Valencia, Spain. 1 Introduction Bothunpolarizedandpolarizeddeep-inelasticstructurefunctionsreceivecontributionsfromlight partons and heavy quarks. In the unpolarized case, the charm quark contribution may amount to 25-35% in the small x region, [1]. Since the scaling violations in case of the heavy quark contributions differ significantly from those of the light partons in a rather wide range starting from lower values of Q2, a detailed description of the heavy quark contributions is required. In the FFNS the corresponding Wilson coefficients were calculated to next-to-leading order (NLO) in a semi-analytic approach in [2]. 2 Consistent QCD analyzes to 3-loop order require the description of both the light and the heavy flavor contributions at this level to allow for an accurate measurement of the QCD scale Λ in singlet analyzes [4] 3 and the measurement of QCD the parton distribution functions. The calculation of the 3-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in the whole Q2 region is currently not within reach. However, as noticed in [6], a very precise descriptionoftheheavyflavorWilsoncoefficientscontributingtothestructurefunctionF (x,Q2) 2 is obtained for Q2>10 m2, disregarding the power corrections ∝ (m2/Q2)k,k ≥ 1, which covers ∼ Q Q the main region for deep–inelastic physics at HERA. In this case, the Wilson coefficients are even obtained in analytic form. The heavy flavor Wilson coefficients factorize into universal massive operator matrix elements (OMEs) A (µ2/m2) and the light flavor Wilson coefficients ij Q c (Q2/µ2) [7] in this limit, j H (Q2/µ2,m2/µ2,z) = A (m2/µ2,z)⊗cj(Q2/µ2,z), i = 2,L . (1) i Q ji Q Here, µ denotes the factorization scale and z the longitudinal momentum fraction of the parton in the hadron. In the strict sense, only massless particles can be interpreted as partons in hard scattering processes since the lifetime of these quantum-fluctuations off the hadronic background τ ∝ life 1/(k2 +m2) has to be large against the interaction time τ ∝ 1/Q2 in the infinite momentum ⊥ Q int frame, [8]. In the massive case, τ is necessarily finite and there exists a larger scale Q2 below life 0 which any partonic description fails. From this it follows, that the heavy quark effects are genuinely described by the process dependent Wilson coefficients. Since parton-densities are process independent quantities, only those pieces out of the Wilson coefficients can be used to define them for heavy quarks at all. Clearly this is impossible in the region close to threshold but requires Q2/m2 = r ≫ 1, with r>10 in case of F (x,Q2). For F (x,Q2) the corresponding ratio Q ∼ 2 L even turns out to be r>800, [6,9,10]. Heavy flavor parton distributions can thus be constructed ∼ only for scales µ2 ≫ m2. Their use in observables is restricted to a region, in which the power Q correctionscanbesafelyneglected. Thisrangemaystronglydependontheobservableconsidered as the examples of F and F show. 2 L Forprocesses inthehighp regionattheLHC,inwhich theaboveconditionsarefulfilled, one ⊥ may use heavy flavor parton distributions by proceeding as follows. In the region Q2>10m2 the ∼ Q heavy flavor contributions to the F (x,Q2)–world data are very well described by the asymptotic 2 representation in the FFNS. For large scales one can then form a variable flavor representation including one heavy flavor distribution, [11]. This process can be iterated towards the next heavier flavor, provided the universal representation holds and all power corrections can be safely neglected. One has to take special care of the fact, that the matching scale in the coupling 2For a fast implementation of these corrections in Mellin space see [3]. 3For a determination of Λ effectively analyzing the scaling violations of the non-singlet world data to QCD O(a4s), (as =αs/(4π)), cf. Ref. [5]. 2 constant, atwhichthetransitionN → N +1istobeperformed, oftendiffersrathersignificantly f f from m , cf. [12], Q Fortheprocedureoutlinedabove, besidesthequarkonicheavyflavorOMEs[6,13],thegluonic matrix elements are required. These have been calculated to O(a2) in Ref. [11]. Here we verify s this calculation and extend it to the terms of O(a2ε), which enter the O(a3) matrix elements s s through renormalization. The corresponding contributions for the quarkonic matrix elements were calculated in [14]. 4 The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we summarize the relations needed to describe heavy flavor parton densities out of parton densities of only light flavors in terms of massive operator matrix elements. Furthermore, we point out terms to be added to theFFNSdescription intheMSschemeifcomparedto[2,6],whichareofnumericalrelevance, cf.[16]. Wealsocomment on the question of the effective number of flavors considering the renormalization of the process. In Section 3 the massive gluonic 2–loop operator matrix elements are presented and Section 4 contains the conclusions. 2 Heavy Flavor Parton Densities In the asymptotic region Q2 ≫ m2 one may define heavy flavor parton densities. This is done Q under the further assumption that for the other heavy flavors the masses m form a hierarchy Qi m2 ≪ m2 ≪ etc. Allowing for one heavy quark of mass m and N light quarks one obtains Q1 Q2 Q f the following light and heavy-quark parton distribution functions in Mellin space, [11], µ2 f (N +1,µ2,N)+f (N +1,µ2,N) = ANS N , ,N · f (N ,µ2,N)+f (N ,µ2,N) k f k f qq,Q f m2 k f k f Q ! (cid:2) (cid:3) µ2 +A˜PS N , ,N ·Σ(N ,µ2,N) qq,Q f m2 f Q ! µ2 +A˜S N , ,N ·G(N ,µ2,N), (2) qg,Q f m2 f Q ! µ2 f (N +1,µ2,N)+f (N +1,µ2,N) = APS N , ,N ·Σ(N ,µ2,N) Q f Q f Qq f m2 f Q ! µ2 +AS N , ,N ·G(N ,µ2,N) . (3) Qg f m2 f Q ! Here f (f ) denote the light quark and anti–quark densities, f (f ) the heavy quark densities, k k¯ Q Q¯ and G the gluon density. The flavor singlet, non-singlet and gluon densities for (N +1) flavors f are given by µ2 µ2 Σ(N +1,µ2,N) = ANS N , ,N +N A˜PS N , ,N f qq,Q f m2 f qq,Q f m2 " Q ! Q ! µ2 +APS N , ,N ·Σ(N ,µ2,N) Qq f m2 f Q !# 4For the first few values of the Mellin moment N the pure-singlet and non-singlet quarkonic OMEs were calculated to O(a3s) in Refs. [15]. 3 µ2 µ2 + N A˜S N , ,N +AS N , ,N ·G(N ,µ2,N) (4) f qg,Q f m2 Qg f m2 f " Q ! Q !# 1 ∆(N +1,µ2,N) = f (N +1,µ2,N)+f (N +1,µ2,N)− Σ(N +1,µ2,N) (5) f k f k f N +1 f f µ2 G(N +1,µ2,N) = AS N , ,N ·Σ(N ,µ2,N) f gq,Q f m2 f Q ! µ2 +AS N , ,N ·G(N ,µ2,N) . (6) gg,Q f m2 f Q ! Here, ∞ ANS(PS,S) = hj|ONS(PS,S)|ji = δ + alA(l),NS(PS,S) (7) ij i ij s ij l=1 X are the operator matrix elements of the local twist–2 non-singlet (NS), pure singlet (PS) and NS(PS,S) singlet (S) operators O between on–shell partonic states |ji, j = q,g and j A = N A˜ . (8) ij f ij Note that in the pure-singlet case the term δ in (7) is absent. The normalization of the ij quarkonic and gluonic operators obtained in the light cone expansion can be chosen arbitrarily. It is, however, convenient to chose the relative factor such, that the non-perturbative nucleon- state expectation values, Σ(N ,µ2,N) and G(N ,µ2,N), obey f f Σ(N ,µ2,N = 2)+G(N ,µ2,N = 2) = 1 (9) f f due to 4-momentum conservation. As a consequence, the OMEs fulfill the relations ANS (N ,N = 2)+N A˜PS (N ,N = 2)+A˜PS(N ,N = 2)+AS (N ,N = 2) = 1 ,(10) qq,Q f f qq,Q f Qq f gq,Q f N A˜S (N ,N = 2)+A˜S (N ,N = 2)+AS (N ,N = 2) = 1 .(11) f qg,Q f Qg f gg,Q f The above scenario can be easily followed up to 2-loop order. Also here diagrams contribute which carry two different heavy quark flavors. At this level, the heavy degree of freedom may be absorbed into the coupling constant and thus being decoupled temporarily. Beginning with 3-loop order the situation becomes more involved since there are graphs in which two different heavy quark flavors occur in nested topologies, i.e. the corresponding diagrams depend on the ratio ρ = m2/m2 yielding power corrections in ρ. There is no strong hierarchy between these c b two masses. The above picture, leading to heavy flavor parton distributions whenever Q2 ≫ m2 Q will not hold anymore, since one cannot decide immediately in case of the two-flavor graphs, whether they belong to the c– or the b–quark distribution. Hence, the partonic description can only be maintained within a certain approximation by assuming ρ ≪ 1. At this point we would like to add some remarks directed to readers who are not acquainted withthedetailsofthecalculationofheavyflavorWilsoncoefficients. InRefs.[2,6]thecalculation to O(a2) was performed in a scheme, in which the heavy quark insertion in the external gluon s legs5 were absorbed into the strong coupling constant through the relation aˆ = a (µ2) 1+a (µ2)δa (µ2,m2) (12) s s s s Q 2β(cid:2) (N ) 2β m2 ε(cid:3)/2 ζ ζ δa (µ2,m2) = S 0 f + 0,Q Q 1+ 2ε2 + 3ε3 , (13) s Q ε ε ε µ2 8 24 ( ) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 5In the present case, these are the terms ∝ T2. F 4 for N light and one heavy flavor. Here aˆ denotes the bare coupling constant aˆ = gˆ2/(16π2), f s s s β (N ) = (11/3)C −(4/3)T N ,β = −(4/3)T , C = 3,T = 1/2 for SU(3) . The spherical 0 f A F f 0,Q F A F c factor S = exp[(ε/2)(γ −ln(4π)] is set to one in the MS scheme. The bare coupling constant ε E is thus given by 2β (N +1) µ2 aˆ = a (µ2) 1+a (µ2) 0 f −a2(µ2)β ln +O(ε) . (14) s s s ε s 0,Q m2 (cid:20) (cid:21) Q! If the above scheme is applied, cf. [6], the renormalized OMEs do not contain terms ∝ T2. F However, to express a in the MS scheme, only the first term in Eq. (14) has to be used, while s the second remains as a prefactor of the 1–loop contributions. 6 Hence, as has been lined out in [11] later, the latter term appears e.g. in A(2) in front of A(1) in the case Q2 ≫ m2. This is Qg Qg Q (2) encountered as well in the present paper for A . Additionally, one has to do the same for the gg,Q complete heavy flavor Wilson coefficients, leading to the extra terms µ2 m2 a2(µ2)β ln H(1) Q,z (15) s 0,Q m2 Fi µ2 Q! (cid:18) (cid:19) in the scattering cross section in the MS scheme. Here, m2 1 m2 (1) Q Q H ,z = 8T β − +4z(1−z)+ z(2z −1) F2 Q2 F 2 Q2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 m2 m4 1−β + − +z −z2 +2 Qz(3z −1)−4 z2 ln , (16) 2 Q2 Q4 1+β (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) m2 m2 1+β H(1) Q,z = 16T z(1−z)β − Qz2ln , (17) FL Q2 F Q2 1−β (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:21) (cid:12) (cid:12) 4m2z (cid:12) (cid:12) β = 1− Q , (cid:12) (cid:12) (18) s Q2(1−z) denote the leading order Wilson coefficients for massive quarks with the strong coupling constant taken out. In the same manner the contributions ∝ T2 in the non-1PI-contribution in A , F Qg Ref. [11], have to be removed, to avoid double counting if the asymptotic representation for the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients is referred to. Since the light flavor Wilson coefficients are calculated in the MS scheme, the same scheme has to be used for the massive OMEs. It should also be thoroughly used for renormalization, as the case for light flavors, to derive consistent results in QCD analyzes of deep-inelastic scattering data. In Refs. [2,6,11] another contribution, which belongs to the inclusive heavy flavor contribu- tions to the structure functions F (x,Q2), was not dealt with. To O(a2) these are heavy quark 2,L s loop insertions on the initial state gluon line for the 1st order light flavor Wilson coefficient c(1) (x,Q2). The corresponding contribution is 2(L),g µ2 a2(µ2)β ln c(1) (z) , (19) s 0,Q m2 Fi,g Q! 6The running coupling constant including heavy flavors in the MOM–scheme was presented in [17] to O(a3s) recently, showing Applequist–Carrazone [18] decoupling of the heavy quark contributions. 5 (2),NS (2),NS (2),S see also [19]. We also note that virtual corrections to A , resp. H , and A need to be qq,Q 2,L gg,Q accounted for. In the asymptotic case Q2 ≫ m2 they lead to +-functions, which regularize the Q soft singularity, cf. [6,11,13,14]. Here we always considered only one heavy quark contribution. The above expressions are derived for the FFNS. Charge– and mass–renormalization are performed multiplicatively for the observables. As evident from Eq. (13), a (µ2) has to be s calculated for N + 1 flavors upon passing the N + 1st flavor threshold. In the FFNS the f f structure functions contain separate contributions of the strictly light and heavy flavors. The corresponding expressions for the Wilson coefficient contain anomalous dimensions which partly depend on N . In the case of the heavy flavor contributions to O(a2), [6,11,13,14], (2–6), no f s closed light fermion lines contribute, however. The evolution of the three light flavors proceeds with N = 3. Due to this, there is no arbitrariness in the choice of N as sometimes anticipated f f in the literature. 3 The Gluonic Operator Matrix Elements Thedescription ofheavy quarkpartondensities, Eqs. (2–6),requires themassive operatormatrix elements given by the partonic on-shell expectation values hp|OK|pi, p = q,g, of the operators, cf. [20], OF,0 = in−1S[ψγ D ...D ψ]−trace terms , (20) µ1,...,µn µ1 µ2 µn OV = 2in−2SSp[F D ...D Fα ]−trace terms . (21) µ1,...,µn µ1α µ2 µn−1 µn Here D = ∂ −ig t Aa denotes the covariant derivative, t are the generators of SU(3) , ψ the µ µ s a µ a c quark fields, Aa the gluon fields, F the gluonic field strength tensors, Sp the color trace, and µ µν S the operator which symmetrizes the Lorentz indices. The corresponding quarkonic operator matrix elements were calculated in Refs. [6,13] to O(a2) and O(a2ε) in [14], respectively. s s The renormalized gluonic operator matrix elements A and A to O(a2) are given by gq,Q gg,Q s A = a2 Aˆ(2) +Z−1,(2)(N +1)−Z−1,(2)(N ) gq,Q s gq,Q gq f gq f " + Aˆ(1) +Z−1,(1)(N +1)−Z−1,(1)(N ) Γ−1,(1) +O(a3), (22) gg,Q gg f gg f gq s # (cid:16) (cid:17) A = a Aˆ(1) +Z−1,(1)(N +1)−Z−1,(1)(N ) gg,Q s gg,Q gg f gg f h i a2 Aˆ(2) +Z−1,(2)(N +1)−Z−1,(2)(N )+Z−1,(1)(N +1)Aˆ(1) s gg,Q gg f gg f gg f gg,Q " +Z−1,(1)(N +1)Aˆ(1) + Aˆ(1) +Z−1,(1)(N +1)−Z−1,(1)(N ) Γ−1,(1)(N ) gq f Qg gg,Q gg f gg f gg f h i +δa Aˆ(1) +O(a3). (23) s gg,Q s # Here Aˆ are the operator matrix elements after mass–renormalization has been carried out. The ij Z–factors Z (N ) renormalize the ultraviolet singularities of the operators and Γ (N ) remove ij f ij f 6 the collinear singularities, cf. [6,11,13,14]. The terms Z−1 (N +1) are equal to gq(g) f 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z−1(N +1) = a − γ(0) +a2 − γ(1) −γ(0)δa + γ(0)β + γ(0)γ(0) + γ(0)γ(0) gq f s ε gq s ε 2 gq gq s ε2 gq 0 2 gq qq 2 gq gg (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) +O(a3) (24) s Z−1(N +1) = 1+a −1γ(0) +a2 1 −1γ(1) −γ(0)δa + 1 γ(0)β + 1γ(0)γ(0)+ 1γ(0)2 gg f s ε gg s ε 2 gg gg s ε2 gg 0 2 qg gq 2 gg (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) +O(a3) . (25) s In Eqs. (24,25), γ(l) are the O(al+1) anomalous dimensions and have to be taken - as well as β - ij s 0 (l) (l) (l) at N +1 flavors. We adopt the notation γˆ = γ (N +1)−γ (N ) and define for later use f ij ij f ij f m2 ε/2 ∞ ζ ε k Q k f(ε) = exp . (26) µ2 k 2 " # (cid:18) (cid:19) Xk=2 (cid:16) (cid:17) ˆ(1) To the operator matrix element A necessarily only non-1PI diagrams contribute. The un- gg,Q renormalized OME Aˆ(2) is given by 7 gq,Q m2 ε 2β γˆ(1) Aˆ(2) = Q 0,Qγ(0) + gq +a(2) +a(2) ε +O(ε2) . (27) gq,Q µ2 ε2 gq 2ε gq,Q gq,Q " # (cid:16) (cid:17) (2) (2) The constant and O(ε) contributions a and a read gq,Q gq,Q 4 N2 +N +2 88N3 +13N2 +27N +16 a(2) = T C 2ζ +S +S2 − S gq,Q F F 3(N −1)N(N +1) 2 2 1 9 (N −1)N(N +1)2 1 ( (cid:16) (cid:17) 8 P 1 + , (28) 27(N −1)N(N +1)3 ) 2 N2 +N +2 a(2) = T C −2S −3S S −S3 +4ζ −6ζ S gq,Q F F 9(N −1)N(N +1) 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 ( (cid:16) (cid:17) 28N3 +13N2 +27N +16 4 P S + 2ζ +S +S2 − 1 1 9 (N −1)N(N +1)2 2 2 1 27(N −1)N(N +1)3 (cid:16) (cid:17) 4 P 2 + , 81(N −1)N(N +1)4 ) (29) with P = 43N4 +105N3 +224N2 +230N +86 (30) 1 P = 248N5 +863N4 +1927N3 +2582N2 +1820N +496 . (31) 2 7In the following we drop the overallfactor [1+(−1)N]/2 in the operator matrix elements. 7 Here S ≡ S (N) denote the (nested) harmonic sums, [21], ~a ~a N (sign(b))k S (N) = S (k) . (32) b,~a k|b| ~a k=1 X The renormalized operator matrix element is given by β γ(0) m2 γˆ(1) m2 β γ(0) A = a2 0,Q gq ln2 Q + gq ln Q +a(2) − 0,Q gq ζ +O(a3) . (33) gq,Q s 2 µ2 2 µ2 gq,Q 2 2 s " # (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (0,1) (0,1) Here the anomalous dimensions γ and γ are gq gg N2 +N +2 γ(0) = −4C , (34) gq F(N −1)N(N +1) N2 +N +1 γ(0) = 8C S −2 −2β (N ) , (35) gg A 1 (N −1)N(N +1)(N +2) 0 f (cid:20) (cid:21) 32 N2 +N +2 328N3 +13N2 +27N +16 γˆ(1) = C T − S + , (36) gq F F 3 (N −1)N(N +1) 1 9 (N −1)N(N +1)2 ! 4 1 16 6 4 8 10 4 20 1 γˆ(1) = 8C T 1− + − + − − + − gg F F 3N −1 N N2 N3 N +1 (N +1)2 (N +1)3 3 N +2 (cid:20) (cid:21) 16 23 1 19 1 2 19 1 2 23 1 10 + C T 2+ − − + − − − S , 3 A F 3 N −1 3 N N2 3 N +1 (N +1)2 3 N +2 3 1 (cid:20) (cid:21) (37) (0) and γˆ = (8/3)T . A closer look at Eqs. (33,40) reveals, that the terms ∝ ζ cancel. The gg F 2 coefficients of the un-renormalized OME Aˆ are given by gg,Q 2β Aˆ(1) = − 0,Qf(ε) , (38) gg,Q ε m2 ε 1 γˆ(1) Aˆ(2) = Q γ(0)γˆ(0) +2β γ(0) +2β + gg +a(2) +a(2) ε gg,Q µ2 2ε2 gq qg 0,Q gg 0 2ε gg,Q gg,Q " # (cid:16) (cid:17) n (cid:16) (cid:17)o 4β2 f(ε)2 + 0,Q +O(ε2) . (39) ε2 (2) (2) The constant and O(ε) contributions a and a are gg,Q gg,Q 8 16(N2 +N +1)ζ 56N +47 (2) 2 a = T C − ζ S + −4 S gg,Q F A 3 2 1 3(N −1)N(N +1)(N +2) 27(N +1) 1 ( 2P 3 + 27(N −1)N3(N +1)3(N +2) ) 4(N2 +N +2)2ζ P 2 4 +T C − , (40) F F (N −1)N2(N +1)2(N +2) (N −1)N4(N +1)4(N +2) ( ) 8 8 20 16(N2 +N +1) 2N +1 S2 a(2) = T C − ζ S − ζ S + ζ + S − 1 gg,Q F A 9 3 1 9 2 1 9(N −1)N(N +1)(N +2) 3 3(N +1) 2 3(N +1) ( 4P ζ 328N4 +256N3 −247N2 −175N +54 5 2 + −2 S 9(N −1)N2(N +1)2(N +2) 81(N −1)N(N +1)2 1 P 6 + 81(N −1)N4(N +1)4(N +2) ) 4(N2 +N +2)2ζ P ζ 3 7 2 +T C + F F 3(N −1)N2(N +1)2(N +2) (N −1)N3(N +1)3(N +2) ( P 8 + , (41) 4(N −1)N5(N +1)5(N +2) ) where P = 15N8 +60N7 +572N6 +1470N5 +2135N4 +1794N3 +722N2 −24N −72 , (42) 3 P = 15N10 +75N9 +112N8 +14N7 −61N6 +107N5 +170N4 +36N3 4 −36N2 −32N −16 , (43) P = 3N6 +9N5 +22N4 +29N3 +41N2 +28N +6 , (44) 5 P = 3N10 +15N9 +3316N8 +12778N7 +22951N6 +23815N5 +14212N4 +3556N3 6 −30N2 +288N +216 , (45) P = N8 +4N7 +8N6 +6N5 −3N4 −22N3 −10N2 −8N −8 , (46) 7 P = 31N12 +186N11 +435N10 +438N9 −123N8 −1170N7 −1527N6 −654N5 8 +88N4 −136N2 −96N −32 . (47) The renormalized operator matrix element A reads gg,Q 4 m2 1 m2 γˆ(1) m2 A = a T ln Q +a2 2β γ(0) +2β +γ(0)γˆ(0) ln2 Q + gg ln Q gg,Q s3 F µ2 s 8 0,Q gg 0 gq qg µ2 2 µ2 " ( ) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ζ +a(2) − 2 2β γ(0) +2β +γ(0)γˆ(0) +O(a3) . (48) gg,Q 8 0,Q gg 0 gq qg s # h (cid:16) (cid:17) i (2) (2) We agree with the results for a and a given in [11], which we presented in (28,40). gq,Q gg,Q (2) (2) (3) The new terms a and a , (29, 41), contribute to all OMEs A through renormalization. gq,Q gg,Q ij (2) (2) With respect to the mathematical structure, a and a , (28,40,29,41), belong to the gq(gg),Q gq(gg),Q class being observed for two–loop corrections before, [22]. In the present case even only single harmonic sums contribute. We checked our results for the moments N = 2,... ,8 using the code MATAD , [23]. An additional check is provided by the sum rules in Eqs. (10,11), which are fulfilled by the renormalized OMEs presented here and in Refs. [6,11,13]. Moreover, we observe that these rules are obeyed on the unrenormalized level as well, even up to O(ε), [14]. To describe the evolution of the parton distributions, Eqs. (2–6), the OMEs (33,48) have to 9 be supplemented by the corresponding 1PR terms N2 +N +2 µ2 A(2) → A(2) +a24β T ln2 , (49) Qg Qg s 0,Q FN(N +1)(N +2) m2 Q! µ2 A(2) → A(2) +a2β2 ln2 . (50) gg,Q gg,Q s 0,Q m2 Q! Eqs. (49,50) agree with the results presented in Ref. [11]. In applying these parton densities in other hard scattering processes this modification also affects part of the massless hard scattering cross sections there, as outlined above. 4 Conclusions We calculated the massive gluonic operator matrix elements A and A , being required in gq,Q gg,Q the description of heavy flavor parton densities at scales sufficiently above threshold, to O(a2ε). s We confirm previous results given in [11] for the constant terms and obtained newly the O(ε) terms which enter the 3-loop corrections to A via renormalization. We reminded of details of ij the charge renormalization and clarified that additional terms at O(a2) are to be included in the s data analysis in the FFNS and VFNS using the MS scheme. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank S. Alekhin and E. Laenen for useful discussions. This work was supported in part by DFG Sonderforschungsbereich Transregio 9, Comput- ergestu¨tzte Theoretische Teilchenphysik, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the European Commission MRTN HEPTOOLS under Contract No. MRTN-CT-2006-035505, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under Grant No. FPA2007-60323, CPAN (Grant No. CSD2007-00042), the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant No. PROMETEO/2008/069, and by the European Commission MRTN FLAVIAnet under Contract No. MRTN-CT-2006-035482. 10

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