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No. 1367 $19.95 THE GIANT BOOK ,OF ELECTRONICS : PROJECTS ~ BY THE EDITORS OF 73 MAGAZINE FIRSTEDITION FIRSTPRINTING CopyrightC 1982byTAB BOOKSInc. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Reproductionorpublicationofthecontent inanymanner,withoutexpress permission of the publisher, is prohibited. No liability is assumed with respecttotheuseoftheinformationherein. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Mainentryundertitle: TheGiantbookofelectronicsprojects. Includesindex. 1.Electronics-Amateurs' manuals. I.73 magazine for radioamateurs. TK9965.G498 621.381 81-18243 ISBN0-8306-0078·7 AACR2 ISBN0-8306-1367·6(pbk.) Contents , Introduction 1 Power Supplies and Regulators 1 A Basic 13.S-V, 25-A Power Supply-A 12 Volt Power Supply-A2Q-Amp,Adjustable,Regulateddc Supply-Dual Voltage Power Supply-Another Dual-Voltage Supply- Heavy-DutyPowerSupply-FMPowerSupply-LowVoltage Power Supply-Adjustable Bench Supply-Versatile Power Supply-Inexpensive Power Supply-Three Terminal Regulators-The 723 Voltage Regulator-Adjustable Elec- tronlc Load 2 General Test Equipment 75 Meterless Ohmmeter-An Ohmmeter for Solid-State Circuits-Build an Audio VOM-VOM Design-Rx and Cx SubstitutionBoxes-Wide-RangeRfResistanceBridge-AC Wattmeter-RFWattmeter-Capacity Meter-AudibleTran- sistorTester-VersatileTransistorTester-Semiconductor Test Gadget-Use With Your Scope-Bargain Zener Classifier-IC Audio Frequency Meter-Effective Radiated Field Meter-Simple Bridge for Measuring Meter Reslstance-FieldStrength Meter 3 Special Test Equipment 119 Signal Generator-Signal Tracer-An Audible. LogiC Probe-TV Test Unit-Power Supply Tester,Using a Load Bank-Frequency Counter-Frequency Standard-Audio Function Generator 4 Amplifiers 155 General Purpose Preamp-Bargain Preamp-Inexpensive 400WattAmplifier-SO WattAmplifier for 1296MHz 5 Radio And TV Receivers 171 A Simple Recelver-HF Receiver-Five Band Receiver- Low-CostReceiverfor SatelliteTV-WWV-t0-8Q-Meter Con- verter 0_ 6 Transmitter, Transceivers, and Accessories 207 The Keycoder 1-A Vest Pocket QRP Rig-A Miniature Transceiver-Easy QRP Rig-Allband QRP Rig-Two-Meter Synthesizer-A$10PhonePatch-FastScanATVTransmitter 7 Antennas, Mounts, and Matchers 281 Antenna Basics-The "No Antennas" Antenna-The Better Vertical-A Tribander for the Attic-Triband Dual Delta-A Trapped Dipole-Super Loop Antenna-A Fortified Two- MeterWhip-ThePotted J-BrewUpa BeamforTwo-The Collinear Beam-The Monster Quad-Four-Band Mobile Antenna-Inexpensive Beam-Multiband Ground Plane- The Magnetic Mount-Magnet Mount Antenna for Two Meters-A Deluxe QRP Transmatch-No-Wire Antenna Switch-Home-BrewingaParabolic Reflector-DisconeAn tenna for 1296MHz 8 Batteries And Battery Chargers 359 Nicad Batteries-The Nicad Conditioner-Low Cost Trickle Charger-Home-Brew an HT Charger-Regulated Nicad Charger-AJunk-BoxHTCharger-AChargerwithAutomatic Shutoff-ABatteryVoltage Monitor-Storage Batteries 9 Various Electronic Devices and Gadgets 387 AnAutomaticThertnostat-e-JunkBoxAnemometer-Build a 6D-Hz Frequency Monitor-The Super Clock-Touch-Tune fortheVisuallyHandicapped-AVisualSignal for theDeaf- VHFNotch Filter-How to MakeYour OwnCrystal Filters Overvoltage Protection Circuit-The Panic Button-Build This Mini-Counter 10 Special Projects and Useful Information 441 A Simple Car Voltage Regulator-Solid-State Car Regulator-Home-Brew Circuit Boards-TV Games-'-New Lifefor OldTransformers-New Life for OldKlystrons 11 Easy One-Evening Projects 479 World's Smallest Continuity Tester-Simple Field-Strength Meter-BuildaCoaxSwitch-SuperSimplen Generator- LineNoiseSuppressor-SimpleDiodeTester-TheCapacitor Comparator-SimpleTRSystem-BlownFuseIndicatorsfor Low Voltage--Gravity Detector-Solar'Powered Alignment Tool Index 497 -----.--~----_.-------------~ Introduction This bookofelectronicprojectsrepresentssome ofthe verybest projectstoappear in73Magazine. Hereisonevolumeyouwillfind projects for electronics experimenters, amateur radio operators, and just anyone who has an interest in the exciting world of .electronics. Theseprojectscover the wholegamut ofelectronics. From power supplies to test equipment and from receivers to transmittersyou'llfinditallinthesepages. Youcanbuildyourown antenna or your ownamplifier, and there are even some simple ;one-evening projects tohelp yougetstartedthe easy way!We've tried our bestto give youa real smorgasbordoftriedand tested electronicsprojects that everyonefromthe beginnertothe oldpro willfindinterestinganduseful. Sodigoutyourjunkboxes, heatup your soldering iron, and enjoy! v ----------- Other TABbooks by the authors: No. 801 MasterHandbook ofHamRadioCircuits No. 805 99 TestEquipmentProjects You CanBuild No. 806 ThePowerSupplyHandbook No. 1169 TheGIANTHandbook ofComputerProjects No. 1369 TheGIANTBookofComputerSoftware No. 1443 AmateurRadioExtra-ClassLicenseStudyGuide-2nd Edition vi Chapter 1 Power Supplies and Regulators Ifyou're goingtobuildelectronicprojectsyou'llneedsome wayto power them. Ofcourse, batteries canbe usedfor some projects, andotherscanbe powereddirectlyfromthe ac line, butformany projects you'llneed apermanentpower supply thatprovidesjust the right voltage. In this chapter you'll find a variety of power suppliesandregulatorsthatcanbeconstructedexactlyasdesigned or modifiedto fit your exact needs. 1 ABASIC 13.8-V, 25-APOWER SUPPLY The 13.8-volt ham radio transceiver has really come ofage. Manyofthese units are great for mobile operation, but when it comes to fixed-station use, the transceivers can really come up short-primarilybecause ofthe comparativelyhighcurrentvalues they draw onpeaks. Thetwo-meterFM andpolice-scannerindustrieshave given usavarietyof13.8-volt, low-currentpowersupplieswhichinmany casescanbeboughtmore cheaplythanbuilt. However, the seem inglyrarified 13.8-volt,fifteen-amp(orhigher)powersupplyisnot that easy to come by, which really limits the possibilities with transceivers drawinganywhere from sixteen to 20 amperes. The Circuit The power-supply circuit uses 2N3055 transistors. Youcan tailor yourcurrentcapabilitybythenumberofpasstransistorsyou use. I wanted a25-Ampsupply, so Iused five 2N3055s. Youcan figureroughlyonetransistorforevery5Ampsyou'llbedrawing.In a lO-Ampsupply, onlytwo transistors wouldbe used, andso on. See Fig. 1-1and Table 1-1. The 2N3055isanNPN powerdevice built intoaTO-3 case. The3055isoneofthe more easily comebytransistorsandisvery cheap. Because ofthe power these little devils are going to be dissipating,heatsinksshouldbeemployed. Iusedaheatsinkwith approximately27square inches ofsurface areawithfourhalf-inch fins, which cools nicely. Extreme heat can quickly mess up the transistorjunction(nottomention anicepaintjob). Before secur ingthe transistors to the heat sink, applysome silicone thermal compoundbetween the 3055s and the surface ofthe heat sink to provide a goodpositive heat transfer. Ihavealwaysused the rule ofthumbthat ifyoucan't touchit, youcanblowit. Ifyoudon't care to goheat-sinkshopping, use a coolingfan.Ifyouuseafaninadditiontothe heatsink, besurethe air circulates inlinewiththe fins. Blowingair perpendicularlyto the finssetsupstanding waves-theaerodynamic kind-andtur bulence and the coolingeffect is minimal. Transistor-mountinghardwareisnice, butIdidn'tfeel that it was necessary. Iattachedthe transistorsdirectlyto the heatsink and then mounted the whole heat-sink assembly on a sheet of PlexiglasTMattachedtofour standoffs. Since the transistorcase is commontothecollector, Itappedascrewintooneoftheheat-sink finsandthis becamemycommoncollectortiepoint. Itisimportant 2 --- ~.---------~- tokeep allleadlengths constant. Afterdrillingmatching holes for the base andemitterpins inthe heat sink, heavy-gauge wire was soldered(carefully)toeachemitter pinthrougha0.25-ohmresis tor,andthenasecondpieceofwirewasattachedtoeachbasepin.I then had onlyto connect the rest ofthe circuit to either the heat sink or one ofthe two bus wires. Youmayor maynot have difficultylocatinga suitable trans former capableoftaking120Vacandsqueezingitdownto17to24 V ac. I was lucky enough to locate an old, beat-up, ex-battery charger transformer at a hamfest whichgave me 120/17Vac. I thinkyouwillfindoldbatterychargersto beagoodsourceforthe transformer you willneed. Remember, the transformer must be capable ofcarrying the current you are going to draw from your power supply. I paid$3.00 for my transformer and felt robbed; I haveseenthemforadollar.Yes,youdotakearisk,butremember, even ifthe transformerisnogood, it isanexcellentsourceof#14 AWGantenna wire (or larger)! Intherectifiercircuittherearetwoavenuestofollow.Youcan buyfourdiodesandmakeyourbridgeoryoucandoasIdidanduse oneofthe niftyone-inch-squareepoxybridgerectifiers. Thelittle one-inch jobs are convenient because you don't have to mess around figuringwhichend is the anode and whichis the cathode. +, Ordinarily, the expoxied bridgesare simplymarked ac,ac, and As always, no matter what you dofor rectification, be sure yourrectifierisratedforthe currentyouwillbeneeding. Most of Fig.1-1.Power supplyschematicdiagram. 3 Table 1-1.PartsUstFor25Amp Supply. C1-13,OOO-uF,25-Velectrolyticcapacitor C2-1Q.uF,25-Velectrolyticcapacitor C3-0.22-uF,1Do-Vtubularcapacitor C4,CS-O.01-uF,500Vceramiccapacitor D1-D4-25-Adiodesorepoxy bridge rectifier(seetext) D1-DS-1N4004diodes F1-Fuse,SAmp F2-Fuse,30Amp 01,02,03, 04,OS-2N30SStransistors R1-12Q.Ohm4-Wresistor R2-3000-0hm,VZ-Wresistor R3-SOO-0hm,1-Wpotentiometer R4,RS,R6,R7,R8-0.25-0hm, 1-Wresistor IC1-7812voltage regulator S1-SPSTswltcn S2-6-posltionwafer switch T1-120/17·24-Vacpowertransformer(seetext) Miscellaneous: NE1neon bulb, binding posts, line cord, Q.25-Vdc voltmeter,Q.3Q.Aammeter,heatsinks,chassis,blower,fuseholders; andbulb socket. the little squarebridges are ratedbetween20and35amps. Iam usingaSemtech-Alpac7905onlybecause Ihappened to haveone onhand. Motorola, InternationalRectifier, VARO,andEDlmake excellent equivalents. Voltage regulation depends on adequate filtering and an IC known as a 7812. After much experimentation. I found that my voltage regulation (as well as hum attenuation) improved as I increased the value offilter capacitor C2. Starting out with 2000 ILF, Iworked mywayupwardto 13,000ILF. ThoughInowhavea 37,OOQ-ILFfilter capacitor inthe circuit, 13,000ILFseemedtobe enough.The amountoffiltering achieved bygoingfrom13,000to 37,000 ILFis very, very slight and detectable onlywith a scope. Obviouslyonecan't ignorethethoughtthat if13,000ILFisgood,a higher value wouldbe better, but let me caution youenthusiastic high-capacity freaks against installing 150,000-ILF capacitors without limiting inrush current. I haven't experimented beyond 37,000 ILF. The 7812voltage regulator is anICdevice capable ofmain taining excellent regulation as longas the input voltage falls be tween 14.6 and 19volts nominally. Anumber of companies are producing the 7812 and it generally has some sort of prefix or suffix, but the digits remain the same. 4

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