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THE GERMANIC REVIEW THE GERMANIC REVIEW ANNGAL INDEX—VOLUME 79 (This volume is paginated continuously) ARTICLES Austerlitz. Stuart Taberner. 181-202. Collecting Childhood Memories of Introduction to Special Issue on the Future: Arabic as Mediator W. G. Sebald. Mark M. Anderson. between Turkish and German in 155-61. Emine Sevgi Ozdaniar’s Mut- Prose of the World: W. G. Sebald’s terzunge. Bettina Brandt. Literary Travels. Bianca Theisen. 295-315. 163-79. Das Grauen der Autorschaft: Angst- Restaging Cultural Memory as Po- narrationen im literarhistorischen etic Homecoming in German Dis- Biopic. Sigrid Nieberle. 115-34. courses of the 1990s. Mariatte C. “denn das Haus, was wir bewohnen, Denman. 273-94. [...] ist ein Spukhaus”: Fontanes Tattered Snapshots and Castaway Effi Briest und Fassbinders Verfil- Tongues: An Essay at Layout and mung in der Tradition des Female Translation with W. G. Sebald. Gothic. Silke Arnold-de Simine. Noam M. Elcott. 203-23. 83-113. »Wo keine Géttinnen sind, da wal- Desire in the Literary Field: Hagiog- ten Gespenster“: Damoninnen raphy, History, and Anagrams in und Philister im Werk Theodor Kleist’s Der Findling. C. C. Whar- Storms. Karin Tebben. 7-38. ram. 227-96. Einleitung: Angst und Geschlecht. REVIEWS Gabrijela Mecky Zaragoza. 3-6. Exhuming Rilke’s Orphic Body: German Literature, Jewish Critics: Gender and Poetic Voice in “Or- The Brandeis Symposium. pheus. Eurydike. Hermes” and Stephen D. Dowden and Meike G. “Hetaren-Graber.” Joseph Metz. Werner, eds. Rev. by Karen 247-72. Remmler. 148-50. The Figure of Melusine in Hermeneutik literarischer Sinnlich- Fontane’s Texts: Images, Digres- keit. Historisch-systematische Stu- sions, and Lacunae. Bettine dien zur Literatur des 17. und 18. Menke. 41-67. Jahrhunderts (Communicatio 31). German Nostalgia? Remembering Lothar van Laak. Rev. by Holger German-Jewish Life in W. G. Se- Helbig. 316-17. bald’s Die Ausgewanderten and Poetry’s Touch: On Lyric Address. 320 ANNUAL INDEX William Waters. Rev. by Michael arischer Sinnlichkeit. Historisch- Eskin. 145-47. systematische Studien zur Liter- Werke and Jenseits von Schuld und atur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts Stihne. Unmeisterliche Wander- (Communicatio 31). Lothar van jahre. Ortlichkeiten. Jean Améry. Laak. 316-17. Rev. by Sven Kramer. 137-43. Kramer, Sven. Werke and Jenseits Women Writers and National Identi- von Schuld und Stihne. Unmeis- ty. Bachmann. Duden. Ozdamar. terliche Wanderjahre. Ortlichkeit- Stephanie Bird. Rev. by Bettina en. Jean Amery. 137-43. Brandt. 71-74. Mecky Zaragoza, Gabrijela. Ein- leitung: Angst und Geschlecht. AUTHORS AND REVIEWERS 3-6. Menke, Bettine. The Figure of Melu- Anderson, Mark M. Introduction to sine in Fontane’s Texts: Images, Special Issue on W. G. Sebald. Digressions, and Lacunae. 41-67. 155-61. Metz, Joseph. Exhuming Rilke’s Arnold-de Simine, Silke. “denn das Orphic Body: Gender and Poetic Haus, was wir bewohnen, [...] ist Voice in “Orpheus. Eurydike. ein Spukhaus”: Fontanes Fffi Hermes” and “Hetaren-Graber.” Briest und Fassbinders Verfil- 247-72. mung in der Tradition des Female Nieberle, Sigrid. Das Grauen der Au- Gothic. 83-113. torschaft: Angstnarrationen im lit- Brandt, Bettina. Collecting Child- erarhistorischen Biopic. 115-34. hood Memories of the Future: Remmler, Karen. German Litera- Arabic as Mediator between ture, Jewish Critics: The Brandeis Turkish and German in Emine Symposium. Stephen D. Dowden Sevgi Ozdamar’s Mutterzunge. and Meike G. Werner, eds. 295-315. 148-50. . Women Writers and National Taberner, Stuart. German Nostalgia? Identity. Bachmann. Duden. Oz- Remembering German-Jewish Life damar. Stephanie Bird. 71-74. in W. G. Sebald’s Die Ausgewan- Denman, Mariatte C. Restaging derten and Austerlitz. 181-202. Cultural Memory as_ Poetic Tebben, Karin. ,,Wo keine Gottinnen Homecoming in German Dis- sind, da walten Gespenster“: Da- courses of the 1990s. 273-99. moninnen und Philister im Werk Elcott, Noam M. Tattered Snap- Theodor Storms. 7-38. shots and Castaway Tongues: An Theisen, Bianca. Prose of the Essay at Layout and Translation World: W. G. Sebald’s Literary with W. G. Sebald. 203-23. Travels. 163-79. Eskin, Michael. Poetry’s Touch: On Wharram, C. C. Desire in the Literary Lyric Address. William Waters. Field: Hagiography, History, and 145-47. Anagrams in Kleist’s Der Findling. Helbig, Holger. Hermeneutik liter- 227-46. wm)

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