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THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E 12958 - - w (cid:127) ~ 1j ' ~ .J. Op1 _ '` . ` ` 1 I USAF HISTORICAL STUDIES: NO. 155 , - - `.- ' 1 ` ~ i , ; ; ty . I ,V I i i THEGERMAN AIR FORCE VERSUS RUSSIA 1943 , : b y Generalleutnant Hermann Plocher _ ,_ SCANNEDBYACD = F e zoos G _ O ^ AEROUSSPAAFCHEISTSOTRUICDAILESDIV1NISSIOTNITU`1'E V . .- -(cid:127) ? AlR UNIVERSITY `r - JUNE 1967 . -. QI {9 C. ' - 51z THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E 12958 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E 12958 USAF HLSTORICAL STUDIES: NO. 1 5 ti . :; ; _ , : ' c . _ 1 THE GERMAN AIR FORCE " VERSUS RUSSIA 1943 ' \ , , ._- . b J y ° s--- ---_- ---- --- Generall eutnant Hermann Plocher _ _ Edited by Mr. Harry R. Fletcher USAF Historical Division (cid:127) _ ` ' USAF HISTORICAL DN ISION Aerospace Studies Institute Air University } June 196? G G y t t ' _ U,r, v ' ' ., (cid:127) ryr ` '1 ' "-.. "T _ _ . THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E 12958 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IA V E 12958 __ _ `I(cid:127)~ I I' `} _ (cid:127) : 'J',i. (cid:127)',i . ' '5.I'._LI'(cid:127)'- !`7/'Y 1 -' J11 ',, ' /r' ,F' 'I(cid:127) (cid:127)'. - ,'ItI I, , .1II'_, I-. I-' (cid:127)- ''rI ---'-,' '1IIr 1 1_'(cid:127) 'III. I I1f..-'JI!II +,I I(cid:127)''.'I11I I ' ` n.R-- 'I '` ',`.I'II '_ , I'I ,(cid:127)-,'(cid:127) I- ''I '-_-'I-.1'-I f'_. T '.' y 'I' I. -_--L ,, , I'' 1 II(cid:127)_ _,'-r, f-,_-I''.I iT I-/ti s \i`1 _1 . 'rjI'I .J'II . (cid:127)(cid:127)III1 II' -7_ tiLL 'I' I ''.'i_-._(cid:127);=.iII t1 .-.(cid:127) II (cid:127)(cid:127) .I ''„I- ti' .t 1:i_(cid:127)}I, *I t I'.f. ',''__.- - II i_ ,- I 1 ,II(cid:127) ''f- , , I I t' . _ ,i , I-III'I - I III-p=w_Y ' _-. . - I '';I' 1 I'.- I - r .I,i''I'.. , I , i,' I' 'I i 'I(cid:127) _-..,,'I.-....' a:}III' 1 Ayy7. . - l,i , - II rl w4r,7 ''`?. J'-. -:- } I, III ,:- r '--..:(cid:127)fI,,.', - s'';,,+y,F-,t 7 __1 y'IIIt . (cid:127)' .'I(cid:127)I ' _ _. I 'i_I _ +r 'L_"_ ,I'i i i lI.i .I'-(cid:127)1k_r '' '. I, ' I Y '.. 'I--I. I _f -.,Iti''t1 _-.."'tI . ' 'I __-I.1 1-''I(cid:127)I tC-(cid:127)_I,^ LI'(cid:127)-- ' / ,I I1_ ' -'_-NIIr - _,*1 _J-_ „_ /I'I'f, I' , f=-1II {`' _ v I-I1I' _.,I, T _ :I+,".r 1.(cid:127),',_. " '-'i* .'II'SI (cid:127)''_`'I ,- +; ' .'jBI-j -j rI''''I -, i(cid:127)-f II -I .(cid:127),._ :1'I: . '' 1`-. :: L . --- .. .II I, ' L r (cid:127)I,''' L,,', , ti I t I_IIII'I''I'--I I ,I,; . ,'', I', '' I '1 IItiII-: .. .I,', ,II,.I -,iI I , -._'II II'1i ;If, I I-II=(cid:127)r_ 1i', I' .-'I I_-- (cid:127)(cid:127) .r' +,'' I III- I I III I i '1'Ii I.''I- t;/;i11,' r: t'NIi-I'I/_ - . ' I '„IlIII I ' i1 IlI I'. _ 'I 'I'(cid:127):(cid:127)i-I1 .I1' -, .1 -... ', 1 , I-. ,`J'4;tL.fI't'4 t .' , 'ItI t'I I _ t +. a',,i,,fI'1-I- I . j, , 'I' II1 _7i 'I' 1', ',i. I .t'+f- ,_ - 'I 7I,I ,: L'.f I.l I'III' 1-. It- -: t. IItII ' u-_,+-.*'a .r,I'I 1 .-- ,'' It_' ',' ' ,TrI I r #, ;I,,Ir;vL ---, LI i ,,, i i - +4. + I f,II.i ,i._t - ,I ;'-._' - I') III-- '' (cid:127).,t t et -, ir,. _. i L fI _.II(cid:127)-.,T` , ii?i'',% fG'F"' IL7.I' ' _, ' _'1' ...LI _-_-.-.-l' i, :- _I-i I ,i IlYJr -1II . _I!i'-- .-1`_}I `' ' If " ' „II'' ' : I i. a`; i.a f: 1{ c ,ti a (cid:127)$.- -.-t'fI, '/ ' II r r "IIr' ' Y.I,' ' 'II'- u i 'I(cid:127)II''tI -_II- II i ,'j',' IiI' _1,' I iI Ir II ;'' I '#_' ": r III 7 II-ttt(cid:127): I I 1 iI. 'a(cid:127)I'. ,rI I' ;..'tiTI-'1Ir J-- "'.''''(cid:127)-I'(cid:127), (cid:127)I'IaTT l I "' tI`7+ ' 'I'_I.1 rI-', ;-'1(cid:127); ,t' T ,'R.T,'r' f- i' ,r_ tiZ;I 1' .(cid:127)=}' ii1 f,-'. , I ,It, '' I_I' rI '.'T . I-_'I--Ii' ' (cid:127)''T.-' ^"'I III- - '' a - ,-i,(cid:127)'-I'In(cid:127) II_ TI ` -_ I.I a _ ' IIII . ' ' ', -y'.I ,' ' i `' ''_ I fI -'._ .I'I iIIri, lIr 7(cid:127) ' .-I .I I'I:_I (cid:127)I ,, -_'', I IrI'-. I' i, ,_II III-..,''I I4'(cid:127)(cid:127)I.LI'I,' L: I'1'I I' '.-(cid:127) I ,'II ,. .` ',a I. .' _ - ' ti ',-, I : .! I! , 'i I:,`'ll„ ., - _ (cid:127)I(cid:127)''(cid:127) I-f.- :I . _- I ,' ',I I _ - . ' Ii . I-,' _I ' I- I Ii ' I' ' .I II'I , I ' '' - - Ii1'~ ,i I I i 1 I 7I . ' i '- s j 1 t I I . .f IL . III___j ,_,_- ' THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IA V E 12958 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E 12958 Intermediary thou art between yesterday and tomorrow; What is past thou bearest into the future ! Thus thou preservest the fleeting today in life and deed. Karl Knoblauch Member of the 4th (Strategic) Flight, 14th (Muenchhausen) Reconnaissance Squadron, Sixth Air Fleet He who would make wise use of history must recognize in the new circum stances the old kernel, and must not, through engrossment in the old elements overlook the new contexts. Grillparzer (cid:127) Historical and Political Studies (cid:127) iii / THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E 12958 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 129 8 FOREWORD The German Air Force versus Russia, 1943, written by General- leutnant Hermann Plocher, and revise-d and edited by Mr. Harry Fletcher, is one of a series of historical studies written for the United States Air Force Historical Division by men who had been key officers in the German Air Force during World War II. The overall purpose of the series is twofold: 1) To provide the United 5tates Air Force with a comprehensive and, insofar as possible, authoritative history of a major air force which suffered defeat in World War II, a history prepared by many of the principal and responsible leaders of that air force; 2) to provide a firsthand account of that air force's unique combat in a major war, especially its fight against the forces of the Soviet Union. This series vf studies therefore covers in large part virtually all phases of the Luftwaffe's operations and organi- zation, from its camoufl aged origin in the Reichawehr, during the period of secret German rearmament following World War I, through its par- ticipation in the Spanish Civil War and its massive operations and final defeat in World War II, with particular att ention to the air war on the (cid:127) Eastern Front. The German Air Force Historical P roject (referred to hereinaft er by its shorter and current title, "The GAF Monograph Project") has generated this and other especiall y prepared volumes which comprise, in one form or another, a total of more than 40 separate studies. The project, which was conceived and developed by the USAF Historical Division, was, upoa recommendation of Headquarters Air University late ia 1952, approved and funded by Headquarters USAF in early 1953. General supervision was assigned to the USAF Historical Division by Headquarters USAF , which continued principal funding of the project through 30 June 1958. Within the Historical Division, Dr. Albert F . Simpson and Mr. Joseph W. Angell , Jr. , respectively Chief and Assist- ant Chief of the Division, exercised overall supervision of the project. The first steps towarda its initiation were taken in the fall of 1952 following a staff visit by Mr. Angell to the Historical Division, Head- quarters United States Army, Europe, at Karlsruhe, Germany, where the Army was conducting a som ewhat similar historical project covering matters and operations almost wholly of interest to that service. Where- as the Army's project had produced or was producing a multiplicity of studies of varying length and significance (rn ore than 2, 000 have been prepared to date by the Army project), it was early decided that the Air (cid:127) v THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 129 8 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IA V E 12958 ` -'' -__ ;t,TTr -J -_-. _t-rII', ltTJ ,1 Ii (cid:127) ,,,, - -,,,",,,'JJJ .I-, _j _-I ' '' , . ? . 15 ,._r'-.-'_,t ,, ,i . --.: .., -..: _,(cid:127) _ _-cL..1.' 8. _i-__ p .At.'t -^ .''_ . .-:.>. .! t .'";Y.,rL-' ! ° +_(cid:127);!:#-_ 13 , (cid:127)1l(cid:127);,, Ii-Y. .yy.- !T,.'. [ l,'. ,_!1j 1__! y(cid:127)-/ ,- -_ !.- . ( : { , '1'j.... ' --__i._ (cid:127)t.1!t(cid:127)S_ -,...Yl;.-^+- ..." - l'-` .k,tr c, 1,'' yy PPP `. -_`~ ',.'I' '..,'` .! .a'T.=I_.f v-,(cid:127).._ d ''i'_ ,I _. _..S.(cid:127)..s .'r "(cid:127)_-,Ii.-_.'_,' _ 1' -; -_-i,.' , iII=.-ri i r_- " ' 3. '. .- ,7#Z.y.l_" '.V' iyr , - ,- :' i ' " ± ii$. i I!iS, S"' e/ . . 'i_s'-, t-. T:tl, 1,` r((cid:127),,.a ii _G. - 1 1c G I- ~1 pi ._(cid:127) ! t, ` i-.$ ' '- ,' yl 2_ 1 w: 'G -.-,7'__# a',fIDqFl' .l.`t :_FF.T-rr ., . '' ' €1:'if_ .:i . :--.. '. r i;1 i4,t'r_ -(cid:127)_,. s.' . -' C "' _'+'' } " ':t .ti. t ,:}f- i _.;., 11-C'_ .1,(cid:127) _.7 _, jjMjrj,-VI_iT'J_1i.. , L ,__._ (cid:127) ; _i tt__.l _ .1(cid:127)I_ ,F,l_,I(cid:127),i,',i sJl ( '_ T ._`l._:J. .1'-, t,(cid:127)_yi I '' 1l .(cid:127),f .J Iy_F :. . A{YYl-_ , :, ti'tf`+.iZ,i t.- r J_ . I. `(cid:127)i- V K`FrYr F. _.:(cid:127)i: l (cid:127) a i Yr ,' J/ .i,aRl(cid:127) - +:. F., . 8 _",, S. t( F ' -Ire.i`l,„t' .5l t ,-i. 'Yt I'. r.l y14y:Fr(cid:127) :i, 4i+_, $T ;, .r _ -_ .J_ , . i .($.3_f1 .iiIa-` .$'r .. _I_ V. './__ + .i ', LC. _ ._.!,(i :TZM.i Nt., la ,' :..¢ J _(cid:127).r.: ..(cid:127) ; - ': -(., - t 1I t.I', - t- _... rII._.1$J7 ' ,, ,1, `; Ytii_ J` J , !;-,t`Irf.-,-_-_.' ,. .SfIi. .. 't_J,f., 't (cid:127).i_,T- ., . _.(cid:127)-_ti1_ '(cid:127).-^c'_;.T . ..l'i I (cid:127) .I. - 'M_ jj I !, _ :.I.Q-,T2 I(cid:127),'I i.i '. tti7t,.Jn ',f1'' i , . F Y i_C` , , --". ,t -. 't. I t fI tf. _` II, . , rt (cid:127),t_..'. i , -'.1 1'- .t _' -- II. ±i Y/_, r -,r.'I - : '- I ;,' irI .- L ' r,.I--I .'.--l_ ! . .__- _ ._'-...« _. .* *t ., _' .-'_at_,; .'.-^. -. (cid:127)'a..1F. - .„ t - I`- . -_r T,i_ 'yX '_-.l.s. ' tT. ..-i ^ _' (cid:127)-_(cid:127)ii(cid:127)_l. -- ; i.._1- -.S; jI'; ',E >_ L_Y- , .i .-. ,_ -L1(cid:127)I'-I _-.--._.1(cid:127)_I_- _ _--r _ `i _; - __T (cid:127)-_- i. ' ,:._d 1}..Bw,l 't.I a :t'-'-G.(cid:127). .+ t''_-_ . i,., _= ' _.ri,'1. 'r,_. i'.}: `.I.', (cid:127).j' .f . _,r.(cid:127)'` .? : &* i 7 -I',r1ji. t r.(cid:127);t . i;.y (cid:127) 1 -.pY4: t !I"_ J'$(cid:127)_":.,'i._.- .- ,iI.-.:'.: . . ..a..-.l.-j...- ,(cid:127),x. -(cid:127)t '1 .`. . ra _w - .' _y Tr- ';'_.-- ,,...;_ i, . -_I .- 11`l 1- J.(cid:127) 4_ Ct-_ ' !. .:_ a (cid:127)._.,Y1 -- -/---' -i__(cid:127)-:.--`.`yf-(cid:127)'. -1 ,.-'_. r.'t!s -.r(cid:127)'l_ .' - -. '' _!, ' , 'II, __- -_ ' .r'4. ._°_-' . --;. ,, i1 .'_-,-. F`!_-.T-,, . '.(cid:127)_-F . . 3 iLt , - i y s V-_ 4_$.j_ r_/' .i .Y ' y [i _t7_a' , _. ....__ /+, t(cid:127)' s,_t. (cid:127),;7_,fii;, _ s,Z..-T ,1:C5.'`a t Y._,`. I .,'1 _ .p ; -(cid:127) " ..t y o .. '_j."' rt_L. ,--c.'i4 7:, , t--i.- 'ii_.(cid:127)--/F,(cid:127).._(cid:127)T_.,_.t .,i -1 , _ iI_- -_- l`-r (cid:127)_ -_',.- i' `.J . Iw t - ' -_' I' ,- -,'p''I ,._ ! . .', . T Sr `'ri";i-(cid:127) ' t- *. t1 . /I I ' I /a_-'I i Lt r ' .' _ ,i y.,' I ' ''I'' _-_ -}1 I 1ti.1. .' tI'' I'.1t ' t'- _ ' I +, ' ' ' 1- I1 ' t _III ' t', I ' ri t. ' 'I t 1r '1 r (cid:127)(cid:127) I I t '. .- ' t t _ ' I ,t. . ' ' ' , -' ,' J t1- 1 _- ' _ tT . t'I1 t.( : T ' 1 THI- S IPA tG LE DE_ C- LASSILFa tIE ID1 IA V Et 12It 958 I THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 129 8 _ and the United Kingdom, and the wealth of literature concerning World War II, both in German and English, which has appeared in book form or in m ilitary journals since 1945. With the completion of the research and writing phases in 1958, the operations at Karlsruhe were closed out. At that time the project was moved to the Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, where the process of editing and publishing the studies was begun by the USAF Historical Division. Basic revising and editing of the monographs has been handled bMHoayfsarsrDM.irrsGryt..aeRAnrE.calbderFwedolriefnEttD.cFPhr.H.e.aSrKMs.iemsanepFunlrsewinoedaanrynl,dM(reC1ea9rhvu5i(ir8ee1e-fw9,r66,12aU)n-CS,6dAhD3ieF)er,df.HitaoLiinfnsidttgthotthlreheaietDcsoapinblvreiBeDsesi.inveoAnnitsht'tikseEoiHnndr,sieitaosowtnproiot,r(hni1Msc9tiah6brle1.il-i6t2y}, Studies Branch. The complexity of the GAF Monograph Project and the variety of participation which it has required can easily be deduced from the acknowledgements which follow. On the German side: General Deichmann, (cid:127) wparhcoooj,entcarts,ibCauhtnoiderhftiCos,oanastnrsdoislsttOarnfoftin,cgeGrse,unpebpreoacrlatmPerleooctfhh,eerthm;eGovpeirnnoegjrefacoltr,Jcoweshbeoefh Kbienacdmatmmhheeutebhneetrir, e first chief of the new German Air Force; Generaloberst a. D. Franz Hwhalodseer,syCmhpiaefthoeftitcheasGseirsmtananceAtromthyeGpernoejreacltSwtaafsf ofrfothme 1g9r3e8atteost19v4a2lu, e; the late Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring, who contributed to several of the studies and who also, because of his prestige and popularity in German military circles, was able to encourage many others to con- tribute to the project; and all of the German "topic leaders ' and "home workers" who are too num erous to mention here, but whose names can be found in the prefaces and footnotes to the individual studies. early inIn19G5e3rmunatnily,JuCnoelo1n9e5l7.HaCmomloenrelsHeravmemd aesr'Ps rcoojnescitdOerffai.bcleerdfirpolmomatic and administrative skills helped greatly towards assuring the project's Hsuicstcoersisc.al CDoilv:isWioinlliaatmthSe.pNroyjee,ctU'sSAin,cwepatsioCnh;iheifsosfttrhoengUSsAupRpEoUrtRprovided an enviable example of interservice cooperation and set the pattern which his several auccessors followed. In England, Mr. L. A. Jackets, Head of Air Historical Branch, Britiah Air Ministry, gave invaluable assist- ance with captured Luft waffe documents. The USAF Historical Division . vii THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 129 8 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IA V E 12958 , - :: .. - - _ - - -r- ,, - - - , _ ,---, iI''.I -.I7,,-.ti-,_I-_. , ,' tr,1- ;+i +, -I i ,' , ` i _' ,,. ',(cid:127)1 i- i S I- '_ r-- ' - I _,' ,L.,_ . , ,t, .'t,' .1ti It1I(cid:127) t IIkkk, i- _---' 'i , T Y " . ' .t'. },''t,,''' ' '' ,'- , ,J' . -' _T, ,' I''I, II,i 1; ; L 'J, 1 ;I',, ''. '-„ - YJ,,. . r -_--r ,(cid:127)' , 5 ' ' tT-. .-= .-. ..:-= -j_ 'l i .. `t. -.. '.,M- . (cid:127) t.- - I'i'Z_--_-., '-'i' i, . .,7_-._...'!'i, ' _ . . '!-'c_ _-. (cid:127)1;r'1 ':'I (cid:127),_+,i i /iTM+- i . ' r i+ ,(cid:127) ' ''= -_-~ _I-F,:_ ' t' I i' 'l _-_. .7 :!- . 1I-. .l.,t i': --1_.(cid:127) -- ",i. i,_11.. , ', . _.__.'_- '-'. . r -l. (cid:127) (cid:127) It .'= __ -7rI F ti .-'_k., .i ,'r,(cid:127)s -_- ,,-ii',', '' "_$(cid:127)' i_ t, ."-: ^. . - (cid:127)"=(cid:127) -- ,, (cid:127)'!r - :°= ,'..', - .I' _-. _ (cid:127) '''-.a'',' -1J,-7-, -r(cid:127) ,. r_._ -.< °_' , , ,_ T''I J, 1,.,'I. --, '" J` _-i.'- + - (cid:127), -(cid:127);'a iI,_-` -'' -_t-ii .. 1 . LY f .rI, .,.Vr i _ "- j -.8.' ri'_y._.t?T -j1t,t ,, 9"' _ i_l -' ',' ,_,-.-i.(cid:127)(cid:127) eq v..uO;I 1 :i . . _' .:i.r''J . :t y.' ''.- (cid:127)_ -_ _,..., .,. `1 R' ,-_ .- '' ,r._-"" ,. ' ,I- !!!, .(cid:127)i (cid:127) ', -._. ' #- 4r , i,i` rI, I`, aI_ (cid:127)7a !(cid:127)..,' _ .L-- -:r- .r'r :,- T- -l I C..(cid:127)'.._ _ .-. _,.'' t .' 't, it :-.', y I -.(cid:127)._w'. iR-..;ti ,i_i '. '. L. -f - ' ' t.,-_(cid:127) k".i '(cid:127)'i-., .i_t _'. .e (cid:127) jr 1.'" i a -- i1,' (' ._ _ 1,r .-.j .; iC.,f( ' j__' . : / .v T S .. y .. N P: j ! 'i, Y.E_ -c, }'. . J l i'!t': !J Y.' _ `1_ gril .'i L I,.'rI , t.y ,°'l-_'- . q 7 I''_ V. ...J{_-i, .(cid:127) i1. .. , if. r., ta'..9. l i / .!., _ r', :l, $' 'Vt_,1: ju. ' j' -'' II- i W' ', r t i 't )wY ;1_Q' -'.(cid:127) '.'!' , .._(cid:127)r t r i(cid:127) T. `i7 _ . f e , . '(cid:127) '. r_' __ N.,-- - _ ,t .,_ _l,' .ti. ' - ..' . , (cid:127)L_.,-L ' " ._..J, -!,,+ - .- .' - 't ., l ,r-&. tir:i' -.. _ . ,,(cid:127) '_ d1 .ti 7 '(cid:127) (cid:127)L__'' ,`l .Q-. -J-1 , - , _(cid:127);:.r "(cid:127) !- ' -t -F i 'l,,..,' __r'. - .r.-..! ;.s4a1, 1 -f'1- .-.t=1(cid:127)r1?t - -y-'_'- _T -- s , .+,f1 ,S iI , !'}.;_ caR '.(cid:127) ",.f t . w T_i!!r! (cid:127)_' ;' iiI,' ii` I ".Y _i. aJ.i. ,4t''` (cid:127)L!" ' L, s' 1 ' .. °- 1 -`i'. " -- ,-_(cid:127)--. t.Yt_ .'-_.''-ci .' t...::.--:h' ,. J1 i,.i r .._s.'I (cid:127)t.`,a ,1 Eg ,' c i i(cid:127)1r a, '., ' ' It"i , '-- Ti e- F Y. _ ,.1_t.' 'i'.a -fb_,'. ` -'t . ' -n . '_ R :`.(cid:127) '^-.o.'_j1 i_ .,t '`S_ - iiK .1,(cid:127):R.- ..t _s ,7- 3, ,' 1y .(cid:127) 'Ja-F i _r i,,i,1 e r : .. i' t- - __ . '. '--_(cid:127);s _cYt-_- .',7 . .iil,,, J- -.i_ ,J!" . , _ "x -_.L'.1.,,,.,- ' i'- ...` '(cid:127)I.,. . _"' .' ! _1-_ -l_! t `'I,'Y_ -- ', ` `'ti J'` I_ ,I' (cid:127)t 1(cid:127) i- -" _ _ 'L.i I I ! L7 ' . tI'It -. ' __'__1,..(cid:127)iI, I,'a ,,,r if L} 'I'''' 1u l u,'' tt,i I - _-lT" 'b.i iIi,_1-5! +(cid:127)(cid:127): .i' -- -.. =._ I i '. _(cid:127) l1 -,t' } ,'I ir . ,___(cid:127)- ' i., ,h', ''t_ . .i(cid:127).'_,, (cid:127):. ' . '- i1 .(cid:127)_(cid:127) (cid:127) t}1 r iFJ1' , _'' ,'t'' /j 'i . . =4 1.'` i I, ,-1y J`, 'I 'y i (cid:127) -y i,1- _1t .I ,1 1 ' ,t I,' (cid:127) ,, , +, r -- It} ,iI'l;,t I I'' l I ii'Ii Ii i' ,I '' `'I ' i -rL_ '1- T . 7.- -'LJ . 1''F-ti_1 ', .' i_r- - __ ' iI ,71 ,' -/<'' ',/ S.I(cid:127)tI ;.1 I ' r-,''i' ._ , ,,`, (cid:127) , /' -. .-r.r, , ; ., -I'titi.'' ,_'.''' ii, .ty'J, t ti-. + ','. ' ' _- - ' I 'iI . ?t '', i ' ''ii_' , -. /-.'Ir . 1I. -, .y,' T_', i5_'I - . r " I r_ . ' ,.L,i- (cid:127)' .-.+ 1 i , (cid:127) . ti'1' . . ' , .. . - ' ,- . , , f -i_ L J (cid:127)(cid:127) ,/-..`, (cid:127) :. . i.'-' L''ii ' .(cid:127) _ . T' r H' 'I.S `P' A ' G1E_ D_ 1EC- L7L' 'A S'4 S I. FIIL E-' -D--IA V- -E__ 1i 29L 5L8. 1 1_ L` THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 129 8 AUTHOR'S FOREWORD In the course of the crucial battles in the East at the close of 194Z, the oaly important mission assigned to the Luftwaffe was that of providing for the support of the Army, usually direct support on the field of battle. This remained the Luft waffe's main mission throughout the year 1943, and was almost exclusively dependent upon Army operations. Therefore, in this third volume on the war in Russia, it is again necessary, in fact even more than before, to treat the ground situation in some detail. In the existing circumstances it is only natural that the many in- dividual missions carried out by German air forces were very similar, with respect to purpose, assignment, execution, and results achieved, to the tactical support operations which had become the order of the day. Because of this, the various individual missions have not been treated in detail except in those instances in which it could be substantiated by documentary evidence that they had a marked irn pact upon the overall out- come of military operations. In general, an effort has been made to keep unnecessary details in the text to a minimum. (cid:127) However, whenever the Luftwaffe PlaYed a decisive role in an operation, such as was the case in Operation ZITADELLE , in the battle for the Kuban bridgehead, and in the Crimea, air operations have been treated as exhaustively as available sources permitted. In this regard, the written and oral reports of many participants in these actions have been quoted and included, either completely or in part, in the body of the study. In volumes one and two of The German Air Force yersus Russia' the various operations were treated separately within the several major battle areas (army group areas) in the Eastern Theater, namely, the South, Center, North, and Far North. This could not be done in this study, since all too frequently the large- scale operations of 1943 simul- taneously involved several army groups, and most of the major actions were closely interrelated between the various combat sectors. Only in Combat Zones North and Far North (First and Fifth Air Fleet areas respectively) could operations be treated in separate sections or chapters. Editor's Note: Volumes one and two are USAF Historical Division Studies No. 153 and 154. (cid:127) ix THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 129 8 THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IA V E 12958 - I --- --I . - , - _ -_ - T , -- I - I. I s,i_y I ,',s I !rs'-I ''II, I7I(cid:127)f'/ `-1II lrs'_ , _, _I_, '---' i II 'I -:I_ I I-`1I' '_e_ -I 1''r I IIrr. ' .'' .x '+. ,(cid:127) ,`I'_ t`. _ III -r ,-I" _ '' ' ' r,:'IIIsI.-> I(cid:127)F ' -t I ._ II I'.- . .r _,__ I,t- III I - _ I_- I ' '__, ,.:,III I ' T II '.I , - ii I +' .:l ,T rs,IIIJ t 7'I'II'II,'1 r'-L,+''L' r- " I r-L.r3r---, ,(cid:127).- I ,-_ -i' 'I,_II ,I. _ ,, _-'Jr .'1 (cid:127)._-_IrI l I 1I'I 7 _L T ' .`.` .-'- I --7t',- II; I_' 'I-1:.. .+' -t'I--J'(cid:127)-._tI . (cid:127) -(cid:127)1 I .I!I.' -!r .II!r _--'II} ' G 1I't(cid:127) II .. r.yLL,M r. ,=', fI. jIL I l(cid:127). ' s.. - tii5.sIJ' / ]I'Y- ,l.f -(cid:127) '!-7I ,-'-_ r 1-r '/ = tl1 r , .'I'.I '' I7__- -I11 - 'I"Iti_,.:,(cid:127) -I'/'t-'.'' ; -'Ii;, .s, - IIr ;_Jt t_' r. .t._ , 1 fI'-''df-'- IitiI(cid:127)' rI'I' '(cid:127)'.'I'II II 1--T-T! I-1-'-- .,--._ ! - I _ ',_ ' ,,,(cid:127)r'_.-;; fI_.- I . _' ' I ' 'I f a,: _-wiiI' I 1I,,.__._. ` y ,'., ,-'l-_. _ I1.; ," . {r , ! _:_ I,! ' I ,' : , y_ . (cid:127)_-'' ,-ti-,I,_III'II , 's4.E ,' I --.(_` I,--I (cid:127). . 4_j '-I(cid:127)- " T. c-' ' ' I'ts,1r.}(cid:127)I :I*> _It 1 _. 'i.I(cid:127) - r"l.. C.',S,,,"-'' ' '. I-,.' } 7. r' ,t 1,1`f ' f/-/',._(cid:127) _I' ,1 4, I s i,+.'_>'1I.I:'(cid:127)S _ _ r`-,', - '1, '':_. ,I_j. 'I ., J-(cid:127)' ' -r 1n.' ,-+'1 , --7- .'s. .}.",--_ ' -' -,I' __--(cid:127)1Ia.. _' , _Ir.r'.'l ,-4- ,.,;, s r "(cid:127)F-c_ _(cid:127)l i + tI` '''.. 'I:I, yi- '{ S ' F-.'I-+_tI 'A,Y- -,7 . r(cid:127)r I:'- -,_ . IIcII'I__'_ _.. ~r- ''F '''_-I -- i1ti-_ 1.- :I]rIII.-. .I- Ji J1 (cid:127)_-_F.': ,I. _.(cid:127).f _i L.'u I -+ - FIrT fi'- -(cid:127),F_L'',-_ _- 7J :-I. (cid:127) /I/`,„_1(cid:127)I(cid:127) I(cid:127) iII.r, I , 5 ti5 ILLLI, .r-Ir '' w- III!.. t l±._ _ ,.: ,I(cid:127) ' r' '.-', (cid:127)- (cid:127)' II t r-,t (cid:127) . : ',i'! (cid:127)//.' s ' -- 1I.-. (cid:127)! .S 4I.I1 trII 41- ..; .'_ - '_ ., I1_ r/8,_" ,lr ..,.. :_ J. '' .pL ' '. .I' '-I .I.S-' '-I«-(cid:127) _ =,,-1I, -'., 't'. . ,'' I,."'r1,.. ,_-r I. __- 1I'III.I- _-_I .I I'' ;1I (cid:127),. # 5 T.III-' 'I i .- _ . ':>„, -I-! . :I(cid:127)_ -Y ,__'I1.,I,.,,._ 1 _, L'1_` t/` _i T_ ,_.I r + . ,' _I ..'L- , ' ,' `'I ,I:irIII _ r'-=I_I,(cid:127)I.L 1, III +III'I 4+I+I , -/I'II+ I IiII I iII I Ci(cid:127)I' I ' /I _ .- - ." // (cid:127)' '''IIttI Itti_~tIII,IIt'I II.IIR 'I,I-,s_I,II'i11'I,I_ 1','. , I Ir.LI I s ;-.'. '' - 'I I11 II ''-'.IT,',- . sI., It'I' J_ 's.I .,„II.rr/ J'.i I , /,r':(cid:127),.Ir1 ss't'.._-l ..l ri-,,' - L.'. .1.I'I' __ S,s- 'It _'-`I',, _- . '.a Ii . ,l ' ^Ti JL, _I ' II l I I,.I(cid:127),,I'//I; _II'I ` '_, LI",1 ''tI , 's_.(cid:127)' ,Ii'I.I .__I_(cid:127)ti. I.''t--" , /+'- a-r1 i1iI;'rI'I ,.I-I,_* I,' (cid:127)- ,_I s -''._+'J - ,'r s I' II';/I 7' .tislI,'rlr (cid:127), I.i kts.,I',(cid:127) '. ''.I;sI7N:'_s' I I . '/ T,,- n/,I.,'SI II(cid:127),'I,` .t EI JI.r .I!5', 'I;I.I--_.s .II-II,1,' ,,I' -'II(cid:127),II !- I,IIr,I, II.,I'.(cid:127)_ .I : -I. 7 *I ,,II 'IJ, I i I,,'' / ;„I 'tiI _,,-,, ;iI'i ,7 -/ ', I Is ; IIIi,+I'I II,, , / 'II I T-r I,iIti I 1 L'ilIIIII,s, _' i,'i ,_'', iI . l_rt (cid:127)'I _ Sti _ --, i,; I' I,'I .I ; iri ',, I i _'[ ,'S,, ' _,' --. ,rr I,I ':' .r.,i r^ ' L/i. (cid:127) ,- I 1' - :, ' 'A',II_ ,W_ MI r 'I'I(cid:127),,_,'..III-',ri , I T-,' .., .. ' Ia, I r' -,' .-_l, ;l. lI . ,I} ' , _;tiII :I , (cid:127)F; . '' -, '7 L ' .1r I ,.'- (cid:127)I_.II(cid:127)srI'I s 'II 'IIt , , III' IIIs ;I- I/Ii 'I'I '- s ' ItII'.' '-,Is `'i _Iil -__ _ i ..(cid:127) 1'IF 'T I,I :I'_' '- I, (cid:127)I-. ' -1 'I .I ,I ' F .,'I I_II„ '-- II. - i - - i i i - -- - - _ S tu i -' THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IA V E 12958

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