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Preview The Georgia Historical Quarterly 2008: Vol 92 Index & Table of Contents

c;eorgia historic al quarterly Index To Volume XCI 1-2008 This Index Uses Shortened Titles To CYwserve Space African American Life in South Carolina's lip- Bunn, }. Michael, revs., 268-70 per Piedmont, by W. J. Mcggiiisoii, revd., BsTtie, Frank }., revs., 260-61 124-26 An American Aristocracy, by Daniel Kilbride, (Caldwell, Lee .Ann, “In Memoriam: Edward revd., 2(}()-61 Joseph (Kashin,Jr. (1927-2(M)7),” 372-76 Anderson, Edward mayor of Savannah, ('.ampbell, Karl E., Senator Sam Ervin, revd., illus., .516 270-73 “.Annual Bibliography,” by Nicole Mitcbell Carp, Benjamin L., Rebels Rising, revd., 2.56- with E. Lorene Flanders, 413-19 59 “Annual Report of the (ieorgia Historical C.ashin, Edward }., 372-76; illus., cover Fall, Society for Fiscal Year 20()R,’’ by 374 \\'. Todd Ciroce, 507-69 Central City College, illus., 109 Atlanta, Oeorgia, 321-71, 46(K5()6; illus., C.hambliss, Julian C., “A Question of 329, 346, 3.58; International Cotton Ex¬ Progress and Welfare; The Jitnev Bus position, 340-71; illus., 346, 3.58; Jitney Phenomena in Atlanta, 19L5-1925,” 486- Bus Phenomenon, 48(>-506; Rtice Riot of .506 1906, 460-85 Charlton, Thomas Llsher Pulaski, Mayor of Savannah, illus., 452 Barnes, (iov. Roy, illus., 510 The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears, by Bartow County, (ia., 65-92 Theda Perdue and Michael D. (ireen, Berry, Daina Ramey, Swing the Sickle for the revd., 424-26 Harvest is Ripe, revd., 12()-28 Cobb, Howell, letter from, illus., 517 Beschloss, Michael, illus., 513 ('olquitt, Oov. .Alfred., illus., .3.58 "The Bitter Trial of Defeat and tanancipa- Confederate Daughters, by Victoria E. Ott, tion: Reconstruction in Bartow County, revd., 431-33 fieorgia, 186.5-1872,” by Keith .S. Copeland, Susan F.., ed., “My Exjx-riences Hebert, 6.5-92 as a ' Kriegsgefangen ■. Heinz Caertner's Blaker, tiordon A., C. L. Bragg, C.harlcs D. Account as a Pri.soner of War in Tennes¬ Ro.ss, Stephanie A. T. Jacobe, and The¬ see and Ceorgia,” 229-55 odore P. Savas, Sever for Want of Pmtuler, Creek Indians, 149-76; illus., 161, 165 revd., 428-31 Crunk, (ilenda, and Harvey K. Newman, Bragg, C. L., f^harles 1). Ross, (iordon .\. “Religious Leaders in the Aftermath of Blaker, Stephanie A. T. Jacobe, and ■Atlanta’s 1906 Rttce Riot,” 460-85 Theodore P. Savas, Never for Want of Poiu- der, revd., 428-31 Davis, Robert Scott, “Hysteria and Literature; Broadwater, Jeff, revs., 422-24 .Atlanta’s First Execution and its l.egend- Brown, Ru.ssell K., “Killed in the I.ine of arv Ties to Organized (^rime,” 321-39 Duty: Marshal Robert Harriss, Jr., of Summerville, ('.eorgia,” 378-401 Edtzroth, E. Lee, “fk-orgia Photographers; Bullock 111, Charles S., revs., 270-73 The First Ceneration, 1840-1860,” 37-<>4 The Ceordia Historicu. Qi arteri.v VoE. XCll, No. 4, Winter 2008 578 Georgia Historical Quarterly Emerson, W. Eric, revs., 128-29 Hebert, Keith S., "The Bitter Trial of Defeat The Encyclopedia of Civil War Medicine, ed. by and Emancipation: Reconstruction in Glenna R. Schroeder-Lein, revd., 43.S-3.5 Bartow (iounty, Georgia, 186.5-1872,” 6.5-92 “’The Fire-Brand of Discord’: The North, Heckle, George J., illus., 399 the South, and the Savannah Fire of Hild, Matthew, Creenbackers, Knights of I.a- 1820,” by Matthew Mason, 443-59 bor, and Populists, revd., 132-34 Flanders, E. Lorene and Nicole Mitchell, Home of the Infantry, by Pegg)' A. Stelpllug “Annual Bibliography,” 41.3-19 and Richard Hyatt, revd., 268-70 Formisano, Ronald P., revs., 26.3-66 Howe, Daniel Walker, What Hath Cod Forret,Jeff, revs., 126-28 Wrought, revd., 402-12 Frank, Andrew K., revs., 424-26 Humphreys, Margaret, revs., 432-34 Frank, Leo, lynching, illus., 510 Htmt, Monica, “Organized Labor Along .Sa¬ Frederick, Jeff, Stand Up for Alabama, revd., vannah’s Waterfront: Mutual C’.oopera- 270-73 tion among Black and White Freedmen’s Bureau, 65-92, passinr, illus. 83, Longshoremen, 186.5-1894,” 177-99 86 Hyatt, Richard and Peggy A. Stelpflug, Home of the Infantry, revd., 268-70 Gaertner, Heinz, 229-55; illus., 233, 249 “Hysteria and Literature: .Mlanta’s First Fix- Gaillard, Frye, Profdiet from Plains, revd., ecution and its Legendaiy Ties to Orga¬ 274-76 nized Grime,” by Robert Scott Daris, Gall, Jeff, illus., 523 .321-.39 “The Georgia Gonfederate Flag Dispute,” by J. Michael Martinez, 200-28 “In Memoriam: Edward Joseph Ciashin.Jr. Georgia Day Parade, illus., .514 (1927-2007),” by Lee Ann Caldwell, 372- Gettrgia Historical Society Wehsite, illus., 76 520 Ingham, Benjamin, 287-320; illus., 293 “Georgia Photographers: The First Gener¬ Inscoe, John and Lesley C’lordon, eds.. Inside ation, 1840-1860,” by E. Lee Eltzroth, the Confederate Nation, revd., 261-63 37-64 Inside the Confederate Nation, ed. by Lesley J. Georgia State flag, 200-28; illus., 205, 219, Gordon and John G. Inscoe, revd., 261- 227 6,3 (Georgia's Frontier Women, by Ben Marsh, International Cotton Exposition, Atlanta, revd., 120-21 340-71;illus., 346, .3.58 Glover, Lorri, revs., 120-21 Gordon, Lesley and John G. In.scoe, eds.. In¬ Jacobe, Stephanie A. T., G. L. Bragg, side the Confederate Nation, revd., 261-63; Charles D. Ross, Gordon A. Blaker, and revs., 43.5-37 Theodore P. Savas, Neverfm Want ofPenv- Green, Michael D. and Theda Perdue, The der, revd., 428-31 Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears, Jitney Bus Phenoinein)n, Atlanta, 486-.506; revd., 424-26 illus., cover Winter, 494, .501 Creenbackers, Knights of Labor, and Populists, Johnson, Gov. Herschel V'., letter to, illus., bv Matthew Hild, revd., 132-34 517 Groce, W. Todd, “Annual Report t)f the John.son, I.lttyd, revs., 124-26 Georgia Historical Society for Fiscal Johnson, Otis, mayor of Savannah, illus., Year 2008,” .507-69; illus., bio 511 Jones, Gordon L., revs., 428-31 A Hard loumes, bv lames 1. Lorence, revd., 266-68 Kiuifman, Scott, Rosalynn Carter, revd., 274- Harriss, Jr., Robert, 378-401; illus., .393 76 Index 579 Kilbride, Daniel, An American Aristocracy, “My Experiences as a ‘Kriegsgefangen: Heinz revd., 260-61 Claertner’s Account as a Prisoner of War “Killed in the Line of Duly: Marshal Robert in Tennessee and Georgia," ed. Su.san E. Harriss, Jr., of Summerville, Cleorgia,” Copeland, 229-55 by Russell K. Brown, 378-401 Klinger,Jerry, illus., .510 Never for Want of Pmvder, by C. L. Bragg, Krawczynski, Keith, revs., 256-59 Charles D. Ross, Gordon A. Blaker, Stephanie A. T. Jacobe, and Theodore P. Savas, revd., 428-31 Langdale, Jay, revs., 134-36, 266-68 “‘Next to Nothing?’: Benjamin Ingham’s The Ij'tters of Pierce Butler, 1790-1794, ed. by Mission to Georgia," by John Thomas Terry W. Lipscomb, revd., 422-24 Cott, 287-320 Lincoln and the Decision for lV«r, by Russell Newman, Harvey K. and filenda Crunk, .McClintock, revd., 426-28 “Religious Leaders in the Aftermath of Lipscomb, Terr)’ V\'., ed.. The Ij'tters of Pierre .Atlanta’s 1906 Race Riot," 460-85 Butler, 1790-1794,422-24 Nigut, Bill, illus., 510 Lorence, James J., ,4 Hard Journey, revd., 266-68 “Organized l.abor .Along Savannah’s Water¬ Love, Emmanuel K., illus., 103 front: Mutual (Cooperation among Black and White Longshoremen, 186.5- McLlintock, Ru.ssell, Lincoln and the Decision 1894," by Monica Hunt, 177-99 for U'flr, revd., 426-28 Ott, Victoria E., (jmfederate Daughters, revd., McDonough, Daniel, revs., 420-22 431-3.3 Mcfiillivray, Alexander, 149-76 McKenzie, Robert Tracy, revs., 261-63 Perdue, Theda and Michael D. Green, The McKinney, (lordon B., /j’b Vance, revd., 1.30- Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears, 32 revd., 424-26 Manning, (’.handra, revs., 426-28 Poole, W. Scott, South Carolina’s Civil W'ar, Marsh, Ben, (ieorgia’s Frontier Women, revd., revd., 128-29 120-21 The Populist Vision, by (Charles Postel, revd., Martinez, }. Michael, “The (leorgia Confed¬ 263-66 erate Flag Dispute," 2(M)-28 Postel, (Charles, The Populist Vision, revd., Ma.son, Matthew, “‘The Fire-Brand of Dis¬ 26:34)6 cord’: The North, the South, and the Sa¬ Prince, K. Stephen, “A Rebel Yell for Yan¬ vannah Fire of 1820," 443-.59 kee Doodle: Selling the New .South at Mazzari, Louis, Southern Modernist, revd., the 1881 Atlanta International Cotton 134-.36 Exposition," 3-10-71 Megginson, VV’. J., African American Life in Proctor, Henry Hugh, illus., 472 South (larolina's Upper Piedmont, revd., Prophet from Plains, by Frye Gaillard, revd., 124-26 274-76 Mercantini, Jonathan, Who Shall Rule at Pryor, Elizabeth Br»)wn, Reading the Man, Home?, revd., 420-22; revs., 122-24 revd., 4.3.5-37; illus., 521 Mitllin, John Hou.ston, 374)4 passim; illus., 41 “A (Question of Progress and Welfare: The Mills, -Sr., Frederick \’., revs., 274-76 Jitney Bus Phenomenon in Atlanta, Mitchell, Nicole with E. Lorene Flanders, 1915-1925," byjulian C. (Chambliss, 486- “Annual Bibliography," 413-19 506 Moore, Peter N., World of Toil and Strife, revd., 122-24 Rable, George C., “What Hath Howe (and Murrell, John Anderson, illus., .336 the Whigs) Wrought?" 402-12 580 Georgia Historkai. Quarteri.y Race Riot of 19{)6, Atlanta, 460-85 “Sovereign or Suzerain: .Mexander “A Rebel Yell for Yankee Doodle: Selling Mc(CillivTay’s Argument for (Creek Inde¬ the New South at the 1881 Atlanta Inter¬ pendence after the Treaty of Paris of national Cotton Exposition,” by K. 1783,” by Melis.sa A. Stock, 149-76 Stephen Prince, 340-71 Stand L'p for Alabama, by Jeff Frederick, Reading the Man, by Elizabeth Brown Pnor, revd., 270-73 revd., 435-37 Stelpflug, Peggv' A. and Richard Hyatt, Rebels Rising, by Benjamin L. ('.arp, revd., Home of the Infantry, revd., 268-70 256-59 Stephens, .Mexander, speech, illus., 519 “Recently Processed Manuscript (Collec¬ Stephens, Thomas, 1-.36; illus. 31 tions and (Cataloged Material at the Stephens, William, 1-36 (ieorgia Historical Society,” 139-48, 277- Stock, Melissa A., “Sovereign or Suzerain: 86, 43842, Alexander Mc(Cillivray’s Argument for “Religious Leaders in the .\ftermath of At¬ Creek Independence after the Treaty of lanta’s 1906 Race Riot,” by Harvey K. Parisof 1783,” 149-76 Newman and Glenda Crunk, 460-85 Summerville, (Ceorgia, 378401; illus., 393 Revels, TracyJ., revs., 431-33 Sweet, Julie Anne, “William .Stephens versus Rhvne,J. Michael, revs., 130-32 Thomas Stephens; A. Family Feud in (Co¬ RosaRnn Carter, by Scott Kaufman, revd., lonial (Ceorgia,” 1-36 274-76 Swing the Sickle for the Harvest is Ripe, by Ross, (Charles D., (C. L. Bragg, (Cordon A. Daina Ramey Bern , revd., 126-28 Blaker, Stephanie A. T. jacobe, and Theodore P. Savas, Neverfar Want of P(m>- Wade, Frances (Fanny) Rebecca Walton, il¬ der, revd., 428-31 lus., 59 Wells, Jonathan Daniel, revs., 132-.34 Savannah, (Ceorgia, 177-99, 443-59; illus., lV7irt/ Hath Cod Wrought, by Daniel Walker cover Summer, 179, 191, 311, 445 Howe, revd., 402-12 Savas, Theodore P., (C. L. Bragg, (Charles D. “Wliat Hath Howe (and the Wliigs) Ross, (Cordon A. Blaker, Stephanie A. T. Wrought?” by (Ceorge (C. Rable, 402-12 Jacobe, Never for Want of Poivder, rev d., U7io Shall Rule at Hornet, by Jonathan .Mer- 428-31 cantini, revd., 420-22 Schroeder-Lein, Glenna R., ed.. TheEnryclo- “William Stephens versus Thomas pedia of Civil War Medicine, revd., 433-35 Stephens; A Family Feud in (Colonial Scott, John Thomas, “‘Next to Nothing?’: (Ceorgia,” by Julie Anne Sweet, 1-.36 Benjamin Ingham’s Mission to Geor¬ Wilmer, (Cary B., illus., 478 gia,” 287-320 World of Toil and Strife, by Peter N. Moore, "Self-Detemiination, Politics, and (Cender on revd., 122-24 (Ceorgia’s Black (College (Cttmpuses, 1875- Wright, Stephanie R., “Self-Determina¬ 1900,” by Stephanie R. Wright, 93-119 tion, Politics, and (Cender on (Ceor- Senator Sam Ervin, by Ktirl E. (Campbell, gia’s Black (College Campuses, 1875- revd., 270-73 1900,” 93-119 South Carolina's Civil U'nr, by W. Scott Poole, revd., 128-29 Southern Modernist, by Louis Mazzari, revd., /eb Vance, by (Cordon B. McKinney, revd., 134-36 13(K32 r

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