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ManuscriptpreparedforAnnalesGeophysicæ withversion3.2oftheLATEXclasscopernicus.cls. Date:26January2017 The geomagnetic/magneto-telluric induction problem with spatial conductivity fluctuations 7 1 0 R.A.Treumann∗1andW.Baumjohann2 2 1DepartmentofGeophysicsandEnvironmentalSciences,MunichUniversity,Munich,Germany n 2SpaceResearchInstitute,AustrianAcademyofSciences,Graz,Austria a J ∗VisitingtheInternationalSpaceScienceInstitute,Bern,Switzerland 5 2 Abstract. The electromagnetic induction equation 1 Introduction ] h (Helmholtz equation) for the electrically conducting p Earthisgeneralisedtotheinclusionofaspatiallyfluctuating Thepresentnote1dealswithanextensionofgeomagneticin- - internal conductivity spectrum that is superimposed on a ductiontheorytotheinclusionofaspatiallyfluctuatingcon- e c one-dimensional large-scale conductivity reference-profile ductivitydistributioninsidetheEarth. a which depends solely on the vertical coordinate z>0. This Ingeophysicalprospecting,aswellasingeomagnetismin p large-scale profile is assumed to be known. It might consist general,itisofvitalinteresttogatherinformationaboutthe s . of a stratification of layers of different conductivity and conductivity structure of Earth’s interior in particular about s c thickness but serves just as the background reference for a the distribution of conductivity in Earth’s crust and man- i distribution of intrusions of differently conducting regions tle. These regions are not directly accessible such that one s y whosesizemayspatiallyvaryaccordingtoa(givenoreither is forced to apply indirect methods of determination of the h unknown) spectrum of fluctuations. The distribution of the propertiesoftheunderneathmaterial.Seismicinvestigations p fluctuations is allowed to be two-dimensional but can also [ bethree-dimensional.Weobtaintheconductivity-fluctuation 1This paper has in 2016 been rejected by Ann.Geophys. with 1 generalised Helmholtz equation. It depends on the spectral thereasonablecommentthattheauthorsarenotfamiliarwiththe v density of the fluctuations as function of the vertical and progress achieved within the past 3 decades in solving the induc- 2 horizontalcoordinates.Thesearecontainedinanadditional tion problem numerically suggesting several reviews (Alumbaugh 7 term in the Helmhotz equation. In the case of a prescribed etal.,1996;Avdeev,2005;EgbertandKelbert,2012;Kelbertetal, 2 7 fluctuation model the forward problem must be solved. 2014;Meqbeletal,2014;Yangetal,2015).Weareverygratefulfor 0 Application to the inverse geomagnetic/magneto-telluric thesesuggestionasweareindeednotworkinginthisfieldcoming . problemineitherofitsversionsisdiscussed.Initsanalytical fromplasmaturbulencewithwhatisproposedinthisnotetopossi- 1 blybeapplicabletotheinductionproblemaswell.Sinceourtime 0 approach (Weidelt, 1972, 2005) we show that the inverse doesnotpermittoinvestmoreeffortsintothisproblemwesimply 7 problem yields the fluctuation spectrum. The relation provideitherefortheinformationofaninterestedreader.Oneof 1 between the spectral density and the obtained conductivity : therefereesalsoclaimedthatthefluctuationshadbeenalreadyin- v profile is given. By chosing different reference profiles the cluded in theory. In inspecting the above reviews we have indeed i spectrum could be optimised to fit the data best. Making X not found any similarity with our approach. Temporal fluctuation useofthepenetrationdepth,arelationbetweenthespectral spectrahaveofcoursebeentreatedbuttheinclusionofspatialcon- r a density of the conductivity spectrum is derived which is ductivity fluctuations to the degree done here is not detectable to subjecttofurthergeophysicalinterpretation.Thismaybeof us.Thereisnodoubtthatinpraxithenumericalworkisveryvalu- interestinspaceapplicationsliketheJUICEmission. able.Thereviewerwrote:“Infact,asisshownbydozensofpub- lishedmanuscripts,thesereasonsincludethepresenceofwaterand Keywords. Geomagneticinduction,Conductivitystructure, partialmelt,temperaturevariations,presenceofmetalsandcertain Magneto-Tellurics,Inversegeomagneticinductionproblem, othervolatiles,suchascarbondioxide,intheEarth’smantleandthe Earth:Geomagneticeffectsofinternalconductivitystructure crust.Moreover,practical3Dinversionsareabletoconstrainsome ofthesefeaturesregionallyintheEarth.”Thereisnothingtoaddto thisstatement.Neverthelesswebelieveitmakessense,tobringthis Correspondenceto:R.A.Treumann idea/attempttotheattentionofthecommunitywithoutcompletely ([email protected]) reworking. 2 R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem already provide most important information. However, in- similarthoughdifferentproblemismonitoringthevariations formation about the conductivity requires additional input ofEarth’sinternalfieldatEarth’ssurfaceinviewoftheirin- sincethephasevelocitiesofseismicwavesdependonlyindi- formationcontentabouttheconductivitystructureinthelay- rectlyontheundergroundconductivity.Geomagneticinduc- ersbetweenthedynamoregionandobservationalsites.)By tionmethodsarethereforehighlydesirable.Thoughbeingin- itsnaturethisisanill-posedproblem.Itsassumptionsarethat directaswell,theyareboundtotheconductivitydistribution theoriginalinductionfield,avaryingmagneticfieldB(x,t) via the penetration depth of the external geomagnetic field –mostlyofnaturalorigin–inducesanelectriccurrentflow into the ground. This is a function of conductivity and fre- j inside the electrically conducting parts/layers of the sub- quency of the applied natural magnetic induction field. Ac- surfaceinterioroftheEarthwhoseelectromagneticinduction counting for the induction inside the Earth is important as field penetrations to the surface where it can be detected as well for separating the internal contribution to the geomag- a modification of the initial induction field. The problem is netic variation field. An important further application con- quasi-stationary such that any displacement currents can be cernsthequestionofhowtheinternaldynamo-generatedge- neglected. Moreover, there are no electric charges present. omagneticfieldpenetratesalmostdiffusivelyacrossthecon- Then, with the (isotropic scalar) conductivity σ(x), on all ductingmantleandcrust. relevanttimescalesastationaryfunctionoflocationxonly2, Theoretically, it is quite clear that the most inhomoge- Maxwell’sequationsreduceto neously electrically conducting parts of Earth are the crust 1 and mantle with the scale of inhomogeneity probably in- ∇2E=µ σ(x)∂ E, ∇× ∇×B=−∂ B (1) 0 t µ σ(x) t creasingwithincreasingdepthbelowsurface.Moreover,be- 0 lowacertainmantledepthandcertainlyatthetransitionfrom withtheadditionalconditions mantletocoreEarth’sinteriorcan,fromanypracticalpoint ofview,beconsideredasideallyconducting,nomatterwhat ∇·B=0, ∇·E=−E·∇ln∈(x) (2) thereasonforthegenerationofconductivitywillbe.Thisas- sumptionisinvalidonlywhendealingwiththegeomagnetic withboundaryconditionsatEarth’ssurfacerequiringthatthe dynamo.Sincethedynamofieldvariesonalongscaleonly, tangential electric and magnetic fields must be continuous. atthecorrespondingtimescalesthemantleandcrustcanbe The latter of the last equations is added here for the reason consideredasbarelyconducting. thatthedielectricconstant(cid:15)=∈(x)·(cid:15)0 maylocallydeviate Geomagnetic induction theory has found extended appli- fromitsvacuumvalue.Thisisforinstancethecaseinwater cation for now decades. In the present note we add to it the where one has ∈(H2O)≈80. Moreover the dielectric con- proposal that the conductivity structure inside Earth – and, stantdependsontemperatureandfrequency.Thiscondition of course, also on other planets or their satellites like, for isusuallyneglectedinanytreatmentofthegeomagneticin- instance, Ganymed, if only regular magnetometer measure- ductionproblem.Itmaybecomeimportantwheninterpreting mentsofthefluctuationsoftheirmagneticfieldswillbeper- inductioneffectsattheoceanicshoreandelsewhereinlayers formed over a longer period on close-by orbits like those where water is contained. We may assume that ∇∈ is re- planned for the JUICE mission – can be considered as a strictedonlytotheboundariesofsuchdomains,forinstance superposition of a main and simple one-dimensional given ocean shores. In this case the above condition just becomes reference-conductivitymodel,inwhichtheconductivityde- a secondary condition on the solution of one of the above pendsonlyondepth,andasuperimposedfluctuatingconduc- field equations, where it must necessarily play a role when tivity of shorter scale which modifies the reference model. consideringinductioneffectsof,forinstance,theequatorial Weshowhowthecommoninductiontheoryhastobemodi- electrojetoralternativelythegeomagneticSq-variations. fiedinordertoaccountforthisdistributionandcanpossibly Sincetheelectricandmagneticfieldsarerelatedby∂tB= provideadditionalinformationabouttheconductivitystruc- −∇×E,itismostconvenienttostayintheelectricTErepre- tureintheundergrounduptoacertaindepthbeneathsurface. sentation,restrictingtotheelectricfield.Moreover,Lorentz- gauge implies E=−∂ A, and ∇·A=0 holding outside t boundariesofdomainswhere∈changesdiscontinuously.Ig- 2 Briefreviewofbasics noring, as commonly done, such regions, the TE problem 2The condition of stationarity applies to any of the geomag- The general geomagnetic induction problem is, of course, netic induction fields considered in the induction problem. How- subject to the quasi-stationary electrodynamics applied to ever,whenbeinginterestedinlong-scalevariationslikethesecular the body of Earth. The idea is to gather information about variationofthegeomagneticfieldorlong-termchangesintheex- the conductivity distribution beneath/below Earth’s surface ternalconditionsofthegeomagneticfield,saysecularaveragesof downtounaccessibledepthsbymonitoringtheEarth’selec- geomagnetic disturbances etc., then time scales of plate tectonics tromagnetic response to variations in the geomagnetic field aswellasvariationsinthegeodynamocomeintoplay.Undersuch atthesurface.Thisproblemisknownastheinversegeomag- conditionstheconductivitydistributioninsidetheEarthwillexhibit neticinduction–ormagneto-telluric–inversionproblem.(A long-termvariationsandbecomesafunctionoftime. R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem 3 can also equivalently be formulated for the vector potential Hence,thefunctionc(x,y,0,s)entersthetemporalconvolu- A(x,t) tionoftheverticalderivativeofthetangentialelectricfieldin anygivensurfacepoint(x,y): ∇2A=µ σ(x)∂ A, ∇·A=0 (3) 0 t (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) t ThemagneticfieldfollowsfromB=∇×A. E (0,s)=− dte−st c(0,t−τ)E(cid:48) (0,τ)dτ (11) T T In locally homogeneous tangential induction fields E= 0 0 Ee , with e the tangential vector at Earth’s surface, only x x one field component remains. This is the simplest imagin- Theresponsefunctionc(x,y,0,s)foldsthefieldanditsver- able case. If one, in addition, restricts to a mere vertical z- ticalderivative.Itmediatesthetime-delayedresponsetothe dependence of the conductivity the problem simplifies even tangentialinductionfieldinthisparticularsurfacepoint. more.TheTEequationthenreducesto Suppliedwiththeboundaryconditionsofcontinuityofthe tangentialfieldsatEarth’ssurface,theaboveTEequationfor E(cid:48)(cid:48)(z,t)=µ0σ(z)∂tE(z,t) (4) theelectricfieldandtheresponsefunctionformthebasisfor theelectromagneticinductionproblem.Herewehavechosen where (cid:48) indicates differentiation with respect to z. The time the TE representation. Alternatively an equivalent magnetic dependencecanquitegenerallybetreatedbyLaplacetrans- formulation can be given which, however, is formally more formationofeitherthefieldsorthevectorpotential: involved. ∞ c+i∞ ThereareseveralapproachestosolvetheTEproblem.The (cid:90) (cid:90) ds E(x,s)= dtE(x,t)e−st, E(x,t)= E(x,s)est (5) forward approach assumes a model of the conductivity dis- 2πi tribution in order to reproduce and match the magnetic and 0 c−i∞ electric field components which result from the response of Thisispreferableasitallowsforapplicationtonon-periodic theEarthtotheapplicationoftheexternalinducingfield.The perturbations.Theenergydensitiesoftheelectricandmag- complementaryapproachistosolvetheso-calledinversein- neticfieldsaregivenby ductionproblem.Foralargenumberofmeasurementsofthe electricfieldcomponentsoreithertheresponsefunctionthe (cid:15)0(cid:104)E2(cid:105)= (cid:15)0 (cid:90) c+i∞ds(cid:12)(cid:12)E(s)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 (6) system becomes overdetermined. This enables the applica- 2 8π2 tion of well-developed numerical procedures to infer about c−i∞ theconductivitystructureinoneormoredimensionsandap- 1 1 (cid:90) c+i∞ (cid:12) (cid:12)2 (cid:104)B2(cid:105)= ds(cid:12)∇×E(s)/s(cid:12) (7) plicationofoptimisationmethods(cf.,e.g.,Beusekometal., 2µ0 8π2µ0 c−i∞ (cid:12) (cid:12) 2010,forapplicationofoptimisationmethodsintheinverse problem). The third more theoretically oriented method re- Theintegrandsarethespectralenergydensitiesofthefields lies on the solution of the theoretical inverse problem. This averagedoverthelongesttimevariation. method has been put forward by Weidelt (1972, 2005) and The transformed fields are complex quantities. The field is based on the reformulation of the Gel(cid:48)fand-Levitan ap- equationthenreducestotheHelmholtzequationconvention- proach (Gel(cid:48)fand and Levitan, 1951; Marchenko, 2011) to allyusedinthegeomagneticinductionproblem the inverse Sturm-Liouville (stationary Schro¨dinger equa- (cid:104) (cid:105) tion)problem(cf.,e.g.,Koelink,2008,fortherigorousmath- ∇2E(x,s)=µ σ(x) sE(x,s)−E0 (8) 0 ematicaltheoryofthelatter).AsshownbyParker(1980),the exactsolutionofthisprobleminthegeomagnetic/magneto- where E0≡E(x,t=0). With z the vertical coordinate one telluric case is possible only in certain cases. Nevertheless, maythen,asdoneinTE/magneto-tellurics,definearesponse itprovidesaverylucidunderstandingoftheinversionofthe functionatEarth’ssurfacez=0by Helmholtz-geomagnetic induction equation and the limita- tions of any inversions, in particular as the problem itself E (x,y,0,s) E (x,y,0,s) c(x,y,0,s)=− T =− T (9) is ill-posed (Jackson, 1972). It does anyway not allow for E(cid:48) (x,y,0,s) sB (x,y,0,s) T T anunambiguousreconstructionoftheconductivityprofilein theunderground.Justfromthispointofviewastatisticalap- where E (x,y,0), B (x,y,0) are the local orthogonal tan- T T proach to the Earth’s crustal and mantle conductivity distri- gential components of the electric and magnetic fields at butionisofvitalinterestinpracticalapplicationsaswellas Earth’s surface obtained in the point (x,y). The response itprovidesabaseforfurthergeophysicalinterpretation. function c(x,y,0,s) is a measurable quantity. It is an ana- lytical function whose general properties have been investi- Inthefollowingweproposeareformulationoftheabove gated.Thelastequationcanalsobewrittenastheproductof sketchedtheorytotheinclusionofadistributionofconduc- twoLaplacetransforms tivityintheEarth.Suchanapproachcircumventstheneces- sityofsolvingaparticulargivenmodelwhichmightnotbe E (x,y,0,s)=−c(x,y,0,s)E(cid:48) (x,y,0,s) (10) wellsuitedinrealsituations. T T 4 R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem 3 Spatiallyfluctuatingconductivitydistribution With these conditions in mind we rewrite the basic TE- Helmholtz equation for the above conductivity profile with LetusassumethattheconductivityofEarthhasaparticular E→(E +δE)obtaining,afteraveraging 0 structurewhichsonsistsoftwomaincomponents.Thelarge- scalestructureoftheconductivity,σ(z)isassumedtobever- ∇2E =µ σ (cid:104)F (cid:0)sE −E0(cid:1)+s(cid:10)δFδE(cid:11)(cid:105) (14) 0 0 0 0 0 tical (or radial) with the conductivity organized in shells or otherwise varies gradually on the vertical scale z>0 only. This equation replaces the original TE equation. It contains Thismainverticalconductivityprofileisoverlaidwithirreg- theinitialvalueoftheelectricfieldE0≡E(t=0)whichre- ularlydistributedsmallerregionsoflesserorbetterconduct- sults from the use of the Laplace transform. For harmonic ing material. Of such regions there may be many. Treating timevariationsoffrequencyω<ωmax itismoreconvenient theminanyforwardmodelbecomesimpossiblejustforthe to use the temporal Fourier transform. In this case the ini- reasonthatitwouldbeverydifficulttoadjustforthegeome- tialvaluedropsout,andonehass=iω.Asanewadditional triesandsatisfythevariousboundaryconditions.Inorderto term,theaboveequationcontainsthecorrelationbetweenthe circumvent this difficulty the scale of variation of the con- spatial fluctuations of the conductivity and the electric field ductivitydistributionisassumedtobelessthanthescaleof thatiscausedbythesefluctuations. the primary induction field, in which case the variation can Subtracting the averaged equation from the original not be considered smooth and no internal boundary conditions averagedone,thefollowingLaplace-transformedequationis have to be taken into account. With these assumptions the obtained: conductivityisrepresentedasthesumoftwoterms ∇2δE=µ σ (cid:104)s(cid:0)F δE+δFδE−(cid:10)δFδE(cid:11)(cid:1)+ 0 0 0 σ(x)=σ0(cid:2)F0(z)+δF(z,x(cid:48))(cid:3) (12) +δF(cid:0)sE −E0(cid:1)(cid:105) (15) 0 whereσ isaconstantreferencevalue,F (z)themainver- 0 0 It is understood as an equation that determines the spatial tical structure function, and δF(z,x(cid:48)) is the fluctuation of evolution of the fluctuations in the applied electric field in- the conductivity, in general a three-dimensional function of cludingitsresponsewhichresultsinthevariationδEofthe theprimedsmall-scalecoordinatesx(cid:48)thatvariesslowlywith electric field. Here the fluctuations in the conductivity are depth on the large scale z. One may assume that the small- assumed to be given. Since the long-scale variation of the est scales should be found in the Earth’s crust closer to the correlation is taken into account in the former equation we surfacewhilethescaleofthefluctuationsshouldgrowwith assumethatthetermcontainingthecorrelationontheshort increasing depth. However, at the present stage no such ex- scales is of second order and can thus be neglected. More- plicitassumptionswillbemadeontheparticularformofδF. over,theaveragetermvariesonthelongscaleonly.Forthis Theonlyassumptionisthatthedistributionoftheintrusions reasonitisaconstantonthescaleofthevariationoftheelec- of better or worse conducting material is such that on the tricfield.Wedropitinthisapproximationthoughitcouldin verticalscaleδF averagesoutwhenaveragedoverthemain principle be retained and added to the last term which pro- referenceframeofthemainglobalverticalconductivitypro- videsanotherinhomogeneity. file. With these approximations and conventions we have for This assumption does not imply that the fluctuations in the spatial electric field fluctuations which are produced in conductivity are small amplitude; it merely says that their thepresenceofaspectrumoffluctuationsintheunderground scalesontheverticalaresubstantiallyshorterthanthescale conductivity: of variation of the main stratification of the conductivity. Nothing is assumed in the horizontal direction except the ∇(cid:48)2δE=µ σ (cid:104)sF δE+δF(cid:0)sE −E0(cid:1)−s(cid:10)δFδE(cid:11)(cid:105) (16) 0 0 0 0 noted smallness of the scale with respect to the horizontal scaleoftheappliedinductionfield.Thustheconditionisthat This is an inhomogeneous linear equation for the electric field fluctuations. After solving it, the result can be used to (cid:10) (cid:11) δF =0 (13) obtainanexpressionforthenonlinearterminthefluctuation- modified Helmholtz equation (14). The prime on the ∇(cid:48)- holds locally, i.e. on the noted horizontal scale. Monitoring operator indicates that in this equation it acts on the short the sub-surface response to the application of the temporal fluctuationscaleonly.Itdoesnotaffecttheglobalscaleofthe variation of the induction field along the surface thus pro- average field E nor the dependence of F (z). The bound- 0 0 vides information about the lateral variation of the conduc- ary condition is that the total electric field and its vertical tivity distribution. The angular brackets (cid:104)...(cid:105) indicate aver- derivative are continuous at z(cid:48)=0, the surface of Earth. It aging over the vertical scale z of the variation of the main thus applies to the combination of both the average and the profile F (z). This also implies that the fluctuating part of 0 fluctuatingfields.Sinceσ=0inz(cid:48)<0,theequationforthe the induction field and its derivatives that are produced on fluctuationsaboveEarthreducestotheLaplaceequation theshortscalesbythespatialfluctuationsoftheconductivity averageout:(cid:104)δE(cid:105)=(cid:104)δE(cid:48)(cid:105)=0. ∇(cid:48)δE=0, z(cid:48)<0 (17) R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem 5 As explained above, we may for simplicity drop the last κ-plane term on the right in (16). Then, on the fluctuation scale all indexedcoefficientsareconstant,asisalsotheinitialfieldas r 0 it does not participate in the fluctuations yet. Moreover we 0 do not assume any fluctuation model. The final equation is r ψ 0 linearinthefluctuationsandcanthusbesolvedbystandard methods. We can apply spatial Fourier transforms in x(cid:48),y(cid:48) and a Laplace transform in z(cid:48), counting z(cid:48)>0 positive in thedownwarddirection.Thisimpliesthat∇(cid:48)=ik,withk= (k ,k )theatwo-dimensionalwavevector,yielding x(cid:48) y(cid:48) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:104) k2−∇(cid:48)2 δE (z(cid:48))=µ σ sF δE (z(cid:48))+ z k 0 0 0 k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:105) + sE −E0 δF (z(cid:48)) (18) Fig.1.Theintegrationcontourinthecomplexκplane.Integration 0 k isrestrictedtothelowerκ-halfplane. ThisequationmustnowbeLaplace-transformedinz(cid:48),mul- tiplying with e−κz(cid:48) and performing the integration over the interval0≤z(cid:48)<∞.Itsright-handsideprovidesnoproblem. δ(k+k(cid:48))δ(κ+κ(cid:48)). Hence, replacing k(cid:48) →−k, κ(cid:48) →−κ Onesimplyreplacesallz(cid:48)-dependencieswithκ.Theopera- yieldsforthecorrelationfunction torontheleftyields,however,twonewterms.Thefinalresult ∞ c+i∞ is (cid:68) (cid:69) 1 (cid:90) (cid:90) dκ δFδE = d2k × µ σ (cid:0)sE −E0(cid:1)δF (κ) (2π)3i k2−κ2−µ0σ0sF0 δE (κ)= 0 0 0 k + (19) −∞ c−i∞ k k2−κ2−µ0σ0sF0 (cid:110) (cid:12) (cid:12)2 × µ σ (sE −E0)(cid:12)δF (κ)(cid:12) − (20) δE(cid:48)(0)+κδE (0) 0 0 0 (cid:12) k (cid:12) + k k κ2+µ0σ0sF0−k2 −(cid:104)δE(cid:48) (0)−κδE (0)(cid:105)δF (κ)(cid:111) −k −k k Theprimeindicatesdifferentiationwithrespecttoz(cid:48)>0,and theargument0indicatesthatthequantityhastobetakenat In this expression |δFk(κ)|2 is the spectral density of the z(cid:48)=0.Hencethisexpressionincludestheboundaryvaluesof conductivityfluctuations.Onemaynotethatthefieldissym- the spatial electric field fluctuations at the surface of Earth. metricink:itholdsthatEk=E−k.Inthisnotationwesup- Allthesefluctuationsdependonthetransformsofthespatial pressedthedependenceofallquantitiesonthelargescalez. fluctuationsoftheconductivityδF (κ). k Thisexpressionmustbeusedtocalculatetheaveragecor- Intheforwardproblemonewouldchoseadefinitemodel relation of the field and conductivity fluctuations. This pro- fortheconductivityfluctuationssuchthatitisconsideredas cedure will yield the explicit form of the ultimate average known. In this version it depends on the large scale coordi- conductivityfluctuation-generalisedinductionequation(14). nates, however. F0(z), the main spatial profile of the con- ductivity,dependsonzonly.Clearly,thisexpressionisquite involved. It is not only complicated by the presence of the 4 Fluctuation-generalisedinductionequation surfaceandinitialvaluesofthefieldbutalsobythedenom- inator in the integral. For this reason we will farther below Our aim is to find the fluctuation-averaged induction equa- introduceasimplification. tionwhichtellshowthedistributionofelectricalconductiv- However, before doing this we go one step further in the ity on different scales affects the electric induction field. It calculation.Thedenominatorofthecomplexκintegralgen- willcontainalltheinformationabouttheconductivitydistri- eratespolesinthecomplexplane.Ifweassumethattheex- butionintheearthlyhalfspace.Inordertoachievethisgoal pressioninthecurlybracketsisanalytical,thentheintegral we must calculate the average correlation function (cid:104)δFδE(cid:105) canbesolvedbyintegratingoverthepoles.Thiscaneitherbe between the spatial fluctuations of the conductivity and the doneintheκ-planeorinthek-plane.Definingk2=sµ σ F 0 0 0 0 inducedfluctuationsoftheelectricfield. and Calculatingthistermrequiresformationoftheproductof (cid:113) theconductivityandfieldfluctuationsandaveragingoverthe κ =± k2−k2≡re∓iψ/2 (21) ± 0 global scales. When representing the fluctuations as the in- verse Fourier respectively Laplace transformations of argu- thedenominatorcanbefactorised.Undertheassumptionthat mentsk,k(cid:48) andκ,κ(cid:48).Anumberofexponentialfunctionsof theconductivityspectrumbehavesregularly,theκ-integralis theseargumentsarise.Thespatialaveragesoverthesefunc- formallysolved.Bothk andsarethemselvescomplexvari- tions lead to products of Dirac-delta functions of the kind ables.Letus,forsimplicity,assumethats→iω,withω the 6 R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem (cid:41) frequencyoftheappliedinductionelectricfield.Itisassumed (cid:104) (cid:105) − δE(cid:48)(0)−κ δE (0) δF (κ ) (26) that a broad range of frequencies may be applied by taking k + k k + their Fourier transform instead of the Laplace transform. In this case the intial value of the field E0 drops out from the where κ is to be expressed through k. Solution of the k- + aboveequation.Wehavek2≡iωµ σ F =iρ2andcomplex 0 0 0 0 0 integral is inhibited if no model is assumed for the conduc- k=ρexp(iχ)withρthemodulusandχthephase.Then tivityfluctuations.Noteagainthatκ ,k ,F ,δF alldepend + 0 0 k (cid:112) on the large scale z. Hence, the new additional term in the κ =± ρ2exp(2iχ)−iρ (z) (22) ± 0 Helmholtz equation caused by the spatial conductivity fluc- Thefrequencyωisreal.Thepolesofκinthecomplex(r,ψ)- tuationsturnsouttobearathercomplicatedfunctionofthe planelieat globaldepth-coordinatez. (cid:113) Thisexpressioninitsimplicitformistobemultipliedwith r = 4 ρ4cos22χ+(ρ2sin2χ−ρ2)2 (23) 0 iωandinsertedintothefluctuation-averagedinductionequa- (cid:18)ρ2sin2χ−ρ2(cid:19) tion (14). While the integral containing the spectral density ψ =tan−1 0 (24) ρ2cos2χ of the conductivity fluctuations adds to the linear term in thatequation,theintegralcontainingtheboundaryvaluesap- In particular r=ρ ,∞ and 1ψ=−1π,0 for ρ=0,∞, re- 0 2 4 pears as an inhomogeneity. The TE induction equation thus spectively. They are conjugate to the positive real axis in becomesaninhomogeneousHelmholtzequation. this plane. When the complex horizontal wavenumber k Becausewe assumedthat theglobal modelis knownand changes,theymovefromρ →∞ontwoarcsectionsfrom 0 is strictly one-dimensional, depending solely on the global ψ=∓1π→ψ=0. Figure 1 shows the integration contour 4 vertical conductivity profile F (z), the Helmholtz equation inthecomplexκ-plane. 0 remainsaone-dimensionalequationalsowhenconductivity After factorisation, the solution of the κ-integration for- fluctuationsareincluded.Thesefluctuationsareatleasttwo- mallyyieldsthesumoftheresiduaintheκ-poles dimensional, depending on the vertical and one horizontal (cid:68) (cid:69) 1 (cid:90)∞(cid:90)2π kdkdφ (cid:40)k2 coordinate. Their large-scale variation in the horizontal di- δFδE = 0 × (25) rection is intrinsic to the k-dependence of the new terms. It 8π2 +(cid:112)k2−k02 F0 becomes explicit only after solution of the equation and re- 0 0 transformationfromk toconfigurationspace.TheTEprob- (cid:12) (cid:12)2 (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:27) ×(cid:12)δF (κ )(cid:12) E − δE(cid:48)(0)−κ δE (0) δF (κ ) lemcouldbetreatedasaforwardproblemwhenanappropri- (cid:12) k + (cid:12) 0 k + k k + atemodelforthefluctuationsoftheconductivityisassumed. Of the two residua that with κ=κ is selected by the StillthisisdifficultbecausethecoefficientsintheHelmholtz + requirement that the Laplace-transform of δF (κ) exists. equationarenotconstants.Moreover,itsinhomogeneityre- k We rewrote the two-dimensional volume element of the k- quiresconstructionoftheGreen’sfunction.Subsequentlythe integral in terms of k and the azimuthal angle φ. One may solutionbecomesanintegraloftheGreen’sfunctionandthe note that the root in the denominator is κ whose explicit inhomogeneity. + formintermsofρandχisgivenabove. The integration variable k is complex. When the residua Theimportantterminthisexpressionisthetermcontain- areentireor analyticalfunctionspossessingsimple polesin ingthemainelectricfieldE (z).Thecorrelationtermaddsa thecomplexk-plane,thepresenceoftherootinthedenomi- 0 linearcontributiontotheoriginalaverageinductionequation, natoroftheintegrandintroducestwoalgebraicbranchpoints withthenonlinearitybeingabsorbedintothespectraldensity at oftheconductivityfluctuationswhichappearsasaspacede- pendentfactor.Theappearanceoftheboundaryvaluesinthe k =(cid:112)µ ωσ F e±iπ/4=ρ e±iπ/4 (27) ±b 0 0 0 0 last bracket complicates the problem. They represent an in- homogeneityinthefluctuation-averagedinductionequation. which depend on z and frequency ω, and one additional Furtherreductionofthenonlinearcorrelationtermcanbe branch point at k=∞. The latter provides no further prob- doneassumingthatthefluctuationsdependonlyonzandx,a lembecauseallvariablesvanishsufficientlyfastfork→∞. caseofpracticalimportancebecauselocallyitwillalwaysbe Of the two finite branch points only that in the positive k- possibletoidentifyamaindirectionofstrikeofthehorizon- plane is selected for reasons of convergence of the inverse talvariationoftheconductivity.Inthiscasethek-integration Fouriertransform.Thecontourofintegrationinthecomplex isone-dimensionalwithφ-integrationdisappearing.Theen- k-planeisshowninFig.2.Thus,thecutistobemadefrom tireproblemisthentwo-dimensional,andtheaverageofthe the upper branch point k=k ≡+k along a line at angle +b 0 conductivityandfieldfluctuationssimplifiesto +π/4toinfinitywhenintegratingwithrespecttok overthe ∞ (cid:40) upperk half-plane.Inprinciple,thecontourisclosedalong (cid:68) (cid:69) 1 (cid:90) dk k2(cid:12) (cid:12)2 δFδE = 0(cid:12)δF (κ )(cid:12) E − theimaginaryaxisfrom+i∞downtotheorigin.Itcan,how- 4π (cid:112)k2−k02 F0(cid:12) k + (cid:12) 0 ever,extendedtotheentireupperk-halfplanebyanalytical 0 R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem 7 The ultimate fluctuation-generalised Helmholtz equation reads k-plane nary k-axis branch-cut E0(cid:48)(cid:48)(z)−k02E0(z)(cid:34)1+(cid:16)(cid:112)2kF020k(cid:88)R(cid:54)=eksb(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:17)δFk(cid:112)((cid:112)k2k−2−k02k02)(cid:12)(cid:12)2(cid:35) (29) magi = k02k(cid:88)(cid:54)=kbδFk k2−k02 (cid:104)δE(cid:48)(0)−κ δE (0)(cid:105) i branch-point 2 (cid:112)k2−k2 k + k Res 0 wheretheresiduaarecontributedbythepolesofthefluctua- 0 tionspectruminsidetheintegrationcontourintheupperhalf real k-axis ofthebranch-cutcomplexk-planeshowninFig.2.Itmustbe stressed that without any assumption about the fluctuations nothingisknownabouttheexistenceand/orformofthepoles inthespectrumofconductivityfluctuations.Forthisreason Fig.2.Theintegrationcontourinthecomplexkplane.Integrationis the representation given in the above generalised equation restrictedtotheupperrightk-halfplane.Therelevantbranchpoint isimplicit.However,theargumentisthatanyphysicallyrea- islocatedatk =ρ exp(+iπ/4).Thebranch-cutextendsfromk b 0 b sonabledistributionofconductivityfluctuationsintheunder- toinfinitywhereforanyreasonabledistributionthespectrumvan- ground,i.e.intrusionsofhighorlowconductivitystructures ishes. will necessarily give rise to a number of poles or, in more complicated cases, branch points integration around which continuation.Thevalueoftheintegralbecomes contributeresidua.Onemightassumethatanyphysicalcon- ductivity distribution will not give rise to essential and thus ∞ (cid:34) ∞ (cid:35) (cid:90) dk(cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:90) dk (cid:110) (cid:111) non-integrablesingularities.Thusapplicationoftheimplicit ... = P −2πRes(k ) ... κ+ (cid:112)k2−k02 b form of the above induction equation is for a large class of −∞ −∞ fluctuationsjustified.Thisclassencompassesallfluctuations k(cid:88)(cid:54)=kb 1 (cid:110) (cid:111) thatsatisfytheconditionthattheirscalesareshorterthanthe =2πi ... (28) verticalscaleofthereferencezero-ordermodelF (z). (cid:112) 0 k2−k2 Res 0 The right-hand side of the above euqation contains any possible residua which are contributed by the correlation of ItisthesumoftheHilbert-principalvalueP oftheintegral thesurfacefluctuationelectricfieldandtheconductivityfluc- takenalongtherealk-axis,plusthenegativeresiduuminthe tuations.Inaforwardproblemsolutiononewoulddetermine positivebranchpoint.Thissumequalsthesumofallresidua this term from the boundary conditions. Here, for simplic- intheupperpositivequadrantofthek-planecontributedby ity,weassumethatitcanbeputtozerobecausenocorrela- thepolesoftheintegrandinthecurlybraces.Allresiduacon- tributed by poles on the real axis must be multiplied by 1. tionisexpectedbetweenthefluctuationsinconductivityand 2 field at the surface, a condition which can, in principle, be Hence,thek-integralisthesumofallresiduaontherightof relaxed when solving the external problem at z(cid:48)<0 for the thelastexpression.Iftherearenoadditionalpoles,i.e.ifthe fluctuations. We restrict to the demonstration of the modifi- spectral density of the conductivity fluctuations is an entire cationoftheinductionproblembyinclusionofconductivity function,thentheintegralvanisheswithvanishingright-hand fluctuations. We therefore don’t do this here, relegating the side.Theproblemdegenerates.Thefluctuationsinthatcase inclusionoftheboundaryeffectstoamoreextendedinvesti- do not visibly contribute to the induction field. The above gation3.UnderthissimplifyingassumptiontheTEinduction integral, split into imaginary and real parts, then provides a equationreducestozeroontheright. so-called“dispersionrelation”forthefluctuations.Itrelates The conductivity fluctuations just generate an additional therealandimaginarypartsofktothefluctuationspectrum contribution to the linear term in the Helmholtz equation. and the induction electric field. On the other hand, if the k- Formallythistermisamodificationoftheconductivitypro- integral in this case is interpreted as a principal-value inte- file while being of second order in the applied frequency. gral, then the relevant residuum is taken to be the residuum atthebranchpoint:+2πi|δF (0)|2. k=kb 3The assumption is that the surface values of the fluctuation- The physically important case is when the fluctuation inducedelectricfieldvariationisofshortscalesuchthatthehori- spectrum of the conductivity possesses poles and thus gen- zontalvariationoftheelectricfieldisentirelyattributedtoit.Inthis erates non-vanishing residua. This case is realistic because casethevalueoftheconductivity-fluctuation-causedfieldisgiven one must expect that the presence of conductivity fluctua- by its internal value, and the external field in the non-conducting tions causes a nonnegligible effect in the induced electric airjustbehavespassivelyanddecaysexponentiallywithincreasing field. altitudeabovethesurfaceasdeterminedbyLaplace’sequation. 8 R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem This was expected. Hence, it seems that little has been σ (x,z).Intheaboveapproachtheverticalprofileofthecon- 0 gained by assuming the presence of a fluctuating conduc- ductivity is assumed to be known. Thus, in any given point tivity. Moreover, due to the dependence of all quantities on x on the surface the inversion provides information about the large-scale coordinate z the spatial variation of the co- the average spectral density of the conductivity fluctuation efficient of E (z) is complex. Indeed, a forward analytical as function of the global coordinates z and x. These coor- 0 solutionofthebasicfluctuation-averagedTEequationseems dinates are prescribed by the zero-order model profile. The improbableevenformostsimplefluctuationmodels.Numer- spectraldensitythusinformsabouttheaveragedeviationof icalsolutionsareonewayout. the real conductivity structure from the model. In principle, Letusassumethattherearempolesintheupperhalfk- this could be used in an optimisation of the vertical model planewhichleadto1≤n≤mresiduawithk thevalueof structure by variational methods. In the horizontal direction n k at the n-th pole of the expression under the sum in the therestrictionisthatthedistanceofmeasuringpointsislim- aboveequation.Then,byFourier-transformingtheinduction ited by the scale of the horizontal variation of the external equation back into real configuration space with horizontal inductionfield.Thisisaconsequenceoftheassumptionofa coordinatexweobtainitstwo-dimensionalversion homogeneousfield. (cid:34) In application of the inverse problem it is more conve- k2(z) E(cid:48)(cid:48)(z)δ(x−x )−k2(z)E (z) δ(x−x )+ 0 × nient to return to the one-dimensional Eq. (29) than using 0 0 0 0 0 4πF0(z) its x-transformed two-dimensional version (30). The two- dimensionalityissecondaryonlysincek appearssimplyas (cid:88)m eikn(x−x0) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:18)(cid:113) (cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)2(cid:35) aparameter.Withtheright-handsidesetntozero,theinduc- (cid:112)k2−k2(z)(cid:12)(cid:12)δFkn kn2−k02(z) (cid:12)(cid:12) =0 (30) tionequationassumesitscanonicalform n=1 n 0 kn(cid:54)=+k0 E(cid:48)(cid:48)(z,ω)=iωµ σ Σ(z,ω)E (z,ω) (32) Thisholdsunderthestrictconditionthat 0 0 0 0 whereweunderstandE (z,ω)→E (z,ω)/E (0,ω).More- k2(cid:54)=k2=iρ2 (31) 0 0 0 n 0 0 over, σ Σ(z) is the fluctuation modified equivalent conduc- 0 The field on and along the Earth’s surface refers to x as tivityand 0 an arbitrary reference point. The horizontal variation of the  (cid:12) (cid:16)(cid:112) (cid:17)(cid:12)2 contribution of the fluctuating conductivity is thus given as Σ(z)=F 1+ k02 (cid:88)m (cid:12)(cid:12)δFkn kn2−k02 (cid:12)(cid:12)  (33) anusmupbeerrpsoksit.ion of m harmonic modes with complex wave 0 2F0 n=1 (cid:112)kn2−k02  n kn(cid:54)=+k0 Theparameterρ containsthetimevariationoftheinduc- 0 where all quantities ρ ,F ,k are functions of z. This de- tion field. It corresponds to the inverse penetration depth of 0 0 n pendence complicates the calculation but is, for the inverse theelectromagneticfieldoffrequencyωintotheconducting problem, not of primary importance. It simply implies that Earth, which thus enters in a rather complicated way. This the conductivity structure is not as simple as the originally complication reflects the complex reflection and absorption assumedstratificationmodelthatiscontainedinthefunction processoftheinductionfieldinthevariousdifferentlycon- F (z).Withthisnormalisationthesurfaceresponsefunction ducting conductivity intrusions. The statistical formulation 0 atz=0is has the advantage that it avoids the taking into account of manyinternalconductivityboundariesbelowEarth’ssurface 1 c(ω)=− (34) in a complicated and still unrealistic structure model of the E(cid:48)(0,ω) 0 conductivity. Only the average response of the conductivity afunctionwhichbehavesanalyticalifonlyΣ(z,ω)isanalyt- structureenterstheapproach. ical,sincethisisoneoftheconditionswhichmustgenerally holdforapplicationofourtheory. 5 Inverseproblem Inthefollowingwearenotprimarilyinterestedinabrute forcenumericalsolutionofthegeomagneticinversionprob- Solvingtheaboveequationinaforwardcalculationisdiffi- lem.Thereaderisreferredtoabroadliteratureonthissub- cult even when a reasonable conductivity fluctuation model ject(cf.,e.g.,thereviewsbyBackusandGilbert,1967;Bai- isassumedthoughitcan,ofcourse,beattackedbynumerical ley, 1970; Johnson and Smylie, 1971; Parker, 1971, 1980, methodsandwiththehelpofsupercomputers. 1994; Gubbins, 2004, and references therein). Rather we Anotherwayoutistheapplicationoftheinversegeomag- seek to relate it to the analytical formulation of the one- neticinductionproblem.Theinverseinductionprobleminei- dimensional inverse problem as given by Weidelt (1972), therversionseekstogatherinformationaboutthecoefficient whofirsttransformedthegeomagneticinductionintothesta- oftheelectricfieldinthesecondtermoftheaboveequation. tionarySchro¨dingerequationformsuchthatitbecomestreat- Ittheirordinaryversiontheinverseproblemsaimonadirect ablebythestandardexactGel(cid:48)fand-Levitaninversionproce- reconstruction of the one- or two-dimensional conductivity dure. R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem 9 InviewofapplicationoftheGel(cid:48)fandandLevitan(1951) data, the difficulty is shifted from the solution of the inver- theory in its adapted Weidelt (1972) version we adopt the sionproblemtotheinterpretationoftheobtainedresult,i.e. Weidelttransformations to the interpretation of V(ζ,ξ) in terms of a model of the (cid:90) z subsurfacestructureoftheconductivitydistribution.Itisthe (cid:112) (cid:112) ξ:= k (0)= iµ ωσ , ζ(z,ξ):= dy Σ(y,ξ) (35) great achievement of Weidelt (1972) of having discovered 0 0 0 0 theabovetransformationswhichhavebroughttheinduction forthevariables,andforthefunctions equation into its general form Eq. (38) making it treatable bythegeneralinversiontheory(Gel(cid:48)fandandLevitan,1951; (cid:104) (cid:105)1 u(ζ,ξ):= Σ(ζ,ξ) 4 (36) Marchenko,2011)ashadbeendevelopedforthewaveequa- tion and the inverse scattering problem. Since this theory is f(ζ,ξ):= u(ζ,ξ)E (ζ,ξ) (37) completeandhasbeenshowntoyieldauniquesolution,itis 0 theappropriatewayofsolvingtheinductionproblem.Parker Intheseexpressionsthenormalisedfrequencyξ occursasa (1980)hasdiscusseditsprosandcontras,itsadvantagesand parameteronly. deficiencies. With (cid:48) now indicating differentiation with respect to ζ Weidelt(1972),infollowingGel(cid:48)fandandLevitan(1951), the conductivity-fluctuation-generalised induction equation hasshownthatthesolutionoftheinverseTEinductionprob- transforms into the standard Sturm-Liouville (or stationary lemreducestothesolutionofthelinearGel(cid:48)fand-Levitanin- Schro¨dingerequation)form tegralequationforsomefunctionG(ζ,η)(seeAppendix2) (cid:104) (cid:105) f(cid:48)(cid:48)(ζ,ξ)= ξ2+V(ζ,ξ) f(ζ,ξ) (38) +ζ (cid:90) (cid:110) (cid:111) G(ζ,η)=K(ζ+η)+ dτG(ζ,τ) K(η+τ)+K(η−τ) (40) This has been demonstrated by Weidelt (1972) by straight- −ζ forwardthoughsomewhattediousalgebra(seeAppendix1). The“equivalentpotential”functionV(ζ,ξ)isdefinedsolely underthecondition|η|<ζ.Itrequiresknowledgeoftheker- and uniquely through the conductivity Σ(ζ,ξ) respectively nelfunctionK(ζ),whichitselfisgivenbythemeasurements u(ζ,ξ)as c(ξ)atEarth’ssurfacewhichistheinverseLaplacetransform V(ζ,ξ)≡u(cid:48)(cid:48)(ζ,ξ)(cid:14)u(ζ,ξ) (39) 1 (cid:90) (cid:15)+∞ (cid:104) (cid:105) K(ζ)= dξ 1−ξc(ξ) eξζ (41) 4πi Itisthisfunctionwhichisconsideredunknownintheinver- (cid:15)−i∞ sion problem. It is to be determined by inverting the induc- HavingdeterminedK(ζ)fromtheobservationscontainedin tion equation for any given frequency ξ respectively ω or – c(ξ),thesolutionoftheaboveGel(cid:48)fand-Levitanequationcan more generally – any applied frequeny spectrum of the ex- beobtainedbystandardnumericalmethodsiteratingthein- ternal geomagnetic induction field. On may, however, note tegral equation, i.e. expanding its solution into a Neumann that ξ is just a parameter reserved for later use, not the pri- series.ThisprocedureyieldsG(ζ,η).Thesolutionofthein- maryimportantvariableintheinversionproblem.Therele- verseTEproblemsubsequentlyfollowsfrom vantvariablethatenterstheinversionisζ. (cid:90) +ζ Inverting the induction equation will yield the function u(ζ)=1+ dτ G(ζ,τ) (42) u(ζ,ξ), from which one also obtains V(ζ,ξ) on the way of −ζ differentiation.Thisfinallyprovidesthewanteddependence It directly produces the vertical profile of the conductivity of Σ(ζ,ξ) on the depth ζ for given frequency ξ. Once this Σ(ζ,ξ).Straightforwarddifferentiationwithrespecttoζ ul- hasbeenachieved,oneencoutersthedifficultproblemofin- timately yields the wanted ”equivalent potential” function terpreting the result in terms of the spectral density of the V(ζ,ξ). conductivity fluctuations. The advantage up to this point is Once the inverse TE problem has been solved, u(ζ,ξ) is that by relegating all the complicated distribution of the in- locally given. This implies that V(ζ,ξ) and by it also the trusions of conducting material to the fluctuation spectrum vertical profile Σ(ζ,ξ) are available at some site x−x at of conductivity reduces the inverse geomagnetic induction 0 Earth’s surface. Pointwise construction of the vertical con- problemtoastrictlyone-dimensionalproblem.Onlythede- ductivity profile over an area of prospection on Earth’s sur- pendence on depth ζ enters. Any lateral dependence is re- face then, for given frequency ξ, allows obtaining the con- constructedpointwisealongaprofileobtainedattheEarth’s ductivitystructurepointwisebelowthatareaofprospection. surface. The important point to be made is that though V(ζ,ξ) is substantially more complicated than in the non-fluctuation 6 Reconstructionofthefluctuations? models,thereisnoprincipaldifferencebetweenthosemod- els and the present one what concerns the inversion theory. For practical purposes the above result suffices. It provides Once one has succeeded in determining V(ζ,ξ) from the the vertical conductivity structure within a certain surface 10 R.A.Treumann,W.Baumjohann:GeomagneticInductionProblem region. Its advantage is that it yields the corrections to a Inthisexpressionthedependenceondepthζ andfrequency (cid:112) simple analytically solvable geophysically reasonable verti- ξ is explicitly contained in k ∼ ξF (ζ). It is also im- 0 0 cal conductivity-reference model that had been initially as- plicittok andthusnotdirectlyacessiblewithoutfurtheras- n sumed. sumptions.Onerealises,however,thatthespectraldensityof This is what one would like to know from the practical conductivityfluctuations|δF |2couldinprinciplebedeter- kn point of view. One might, however, be interested in the re- minedifonlythedependenceofk ondepthandfrequency n constructionofthedistributionofconductivityitself,i.e.in- wouldbeknown. feraboutthenatureoftheconductivityfluctuations.Thisis, Determination is possible of the horizontal wavelengths unfortunately,notcompletelypossibletoachieveindetailfor λ =2π/kr of the contributing conductivity fluctuations at n n the reason that the information contained in the conductiv- thesurfaceofEarthatz=0foreachappliedrealfrequency ity profile, though of practical use, is just statistical. Infer- ξ aswellastheirsurfaceamplitudes.Thisrequiresthemea- ence about the nature of the fluctuations in real space re- surement of c(ξ) as function of x−x in an area on the 0 quires not only the separation of the conductivity spectrum surface along the direction of dominant variation. (A sim- butalsoitsre-transformationfromwavelength/wavenumber ilar procedure would be possible also for two-dimensional space into real space. Below we show that this requires ad- dependencies.) ditionalknowledgewhichmightbeavailableonlyinimplicit It is reasonable to assume that the real parts kr of the n form. wavenumbers k do not (or only weakly) depend on depth n Applied to our case which involves fluctuations, the ζ.Iftheyareindependentonz thenthevariationoftheam- conductivity profile differs from the assumed large-scale plitudes of the fluctuation spectrum is included in the de- reference-modelprofileσ0F0(z).Sincetherelationbetween pendenceofk0(z)whichisgivenby F0(z).Inthisapprox- these two is linear, one can subtract the model profile. The imation, determination of kr(z=0) fixes the real part of n deviation from it is the wanted contribution that is caused the wavenumbers of the fluctuations over a certain range of solelybythespectrumofconductivityfluctuationsthatissu- depths. perimposedonthereferenceprofile: Theimaginarypartki(ξ,ζ=0)forgivennandfrequency n ξ on the Earth’s surface can be determined from the be- ∆Σ=Σ−σ0F0=ξ22 (cid:88)m (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)δFkn(cid:112)(cid:16)(cid:112)k2k−n2−k2k02(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 (43) h∆aΣvi(oxu−roxf0,ζ=0)∼exp[−kni(x−x0)] (46) n=1 n 0 kn(cid:54)=+k0 along the profile x−x . For ki >0 the amplitude ∆Σ in- 0 n n with left-hand side now known from the solution of the creasesaslongasx<x0.Itreachesmaximumatx=x0and inverse problem. Here k02(ζ,ξ)=ξ2F0(ζ) contains the de- decaysforx>x0.Hence,x0(n,ξ)isidentifiedasthewave- pendence of the fluctuations on ζ respectively z. One may lengthandfrequencydependentlocationofthemaximumre- remember that ξ is complex. Similarly, the poles k (ζ,ξ), sponsein∆Σatthesurface.Ideallythisbehaviourisexpo- n where the residua have been taken, are as well functions of nential. It should be treated by considering the logarithmic ζ,ξ.Sofartheyareunknown.Wouldthefluctuationspectrum profile. Its slope provides the imaginary part kni(ζ=0,ξ), beknown,thiswouldbethefinalresult.Thisis,however,not howeveronlyatthesurfaceforanygivenfrequencyξ. thecase. Incontrasttothewavelengthandrealpartknr,theimagi- Determinationoftheconductivityfluctuationsrequiresthe narypartkni(ζ,ξ)is,however,afunctionofdepthζ andfre- inversionofthesumontherightandthedeterminationofthe quencyξbecauseitcontainsthespatialdamping/penetration variousk (ζ)foraspectrumoffrequenciesξ. effectoftheconductinglayers.Thedeterminationofitsde- n There is only a finite number of poles and therefore only pendenceonζposesamajorproblemwhichcannotbesolved a finite number of wave numbers k . We also know that all easily.Forthisreasontheexplicitdeterminationofthecon- n k =kr+iki havepositiveimaginarypartski >0only.Re- ductivity fluctuations in real space is practically impossible n n n n transformation from k-space into horizontal coordinates x from the measurement of the response function at Earth’s thenyields surface. One has to stay with the information contained in ∆Σ(ζ,ξ). ∆Σ(ζ,x)=4ξπ2 (cid:88)m e(cid:112)ikkn2(x−−xk02)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)δFkn(cid:18)(cid:113)kn2−k02(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 (44) preTchiseerley.isTnhoisoinbavbioiluitsywinahyiboiftshtohwepkrniec(ζis)ecfouunlcdtiobneailnrfeecrorend- n=1 n 0 struction of the conductivity fluctuations, i.e. it inhibits the in the one-dimensional case under consideration. The sum precise knowledge about the physical nature of the fluctu- thus consists of a limited number n≤m of harmonic func- ations. The solution of the inverse problem only provides tions.Foreachharmonicwecanwrite the contribution of the fluctuation spectrum to the conduc- tivity, it does not say for whatever geophysical reason the ξ2 1 (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:18)(cid:113) (cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 conductivity structure has the partucular spatial distribu- ∆Σn(ζ,ξ)=4π(cid:112)k2−k2(cid:12)(cid:12)δFkn kn2−k02 (cid:12)(cid:12) (45) tionobtainedfromthesolutionofthefluctuation-generalised n 0

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