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THE GEOLOGY* OF STAR SAS III AND STAR MINE GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO By Howard L. Garrett Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado March 1950 ProQuest Number: 10781402 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10781402 Published by ProQuest LLC (2018). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 5 3 3 1 3 A th esis submitted to the Faculty and the Board of Trustees of the Colorado School of Mines in p artial fu lfillm en t of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Signed Howard L. G arrett Golden, Colorado Approved f." H." VârTTüy'T ruman H . K CONTENTS Page A b str a c t................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 2 Purpose and Scope of I n v e s t ig a t io n .......................... *2 F ield W o r k ................................... 2 Previous Geologic Work . . . .................................... 3 Acknowledgments .............................................. . . . . . . 4 Geography ....................................................................................................... 5 Location ............................................................................................ 5 A ccessib ility .................................................................................. 5 Climate and V e g e t a t io n ......................... 5 G eom orphology................................................................................. 8 G e o lo g y ..................................................................................................................11 General Statement .....................................................11 Sedimentary R o c k s..............................................................................12 Sawatch Quartzite ......................................................... 12 Manitou D o lo m ite....................................................................12 Chaffee Formation....................................................................15 L eadville L im e s to n e ..........................................................17 Hermosa Formation ......................................................... 19 Igneous Rocks ................................................................................... 21 Pre-Cambrian Rocks ......................................................... 21 North Ita lia n Mountain I n tr u s iv e ...........................21 i l _?a&e Structure . . . . ................................................................... 23 F a u lt s ....................................................................................... 23 F o l d s ......................'............................................................... 27 Summary of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Geologic H istory .............................................................. 28 Ore D e p o s its .................................................................................................. 29 General S ta tem en t.................................................................. . 29 H istory and Production .......................................... 30 M in e r a lo g y ........................................................................................ 31 Secondary M inerals . ................................................... 31 Primary M etallic M inerals . .......................... 31 Gangue M in e r a ls ............................................................. 33 Controls for Ore D eposition . . . . . . . . . . 35 A lt e r a t io n ........................................................................................ 39 Tenor of the O r e ......................... 40 Genesis of the D e p o s i t ........................................................ 40 Conclusions and R ecom m endations................................... . . 42 B ib lio g ra p h y .................................................................................................. 44 Table 1 Production, Star Mine, 1927-1928 . . . . 32 Table 2 Abbreviations Used on M aps................................. 45 ILLUSTRATIONS 1 Index map of Colorado .................................................... 6 2 Panoramic photograph looking south across Star basin, showing overturned sediments . . 9 3 Photograph taken from North Ita lia n Mountain looking northeast ......................................... 10 4 Area northwest of Mount T ilton , looking northwest .................................................................................. 13 5 Sawatch quartz it e , showing rounded elongated g r a in s ........................................................* . . 14 6 Sawatch q u artzite, showing highly angular s ilic lf le d fra g m en ts......................................... . . . 14 7 Chert stringers in Manitou dolomite . . . . 16 8 Contact of Chaffee formation and Manitou dolomite ................................................................... 16 9 Dyer dolom ite, showing intercalated shales . 18 10 Parting quartzite-L eadville lim estone contact ....................................................................................... 18 11 L eadville lim estone with lin ea tio n due to elongated c a lc ite rhombohedrons . . . . . . 18 12 Hermosa formation as roof pendant in intrusive .................................................................................. 20 13 Herm osa-intrusive contact ......................................... 20 14 Thin section of gran ite, showing highly altered orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars . . ................................................................... 22 15 Thin section of gran ite, showing altered orthoclase phenocrysts with inclu sion of b io tite , quartz, and orthoclase . . . . . . 22 16 Quartz monzonite, showing zoned plagio­ clase feldspar ........................................................................ 24 iv FÏKUi-e Page 17 Quartz la tite dike rock, showing pheno- crysts in a f e ls it ic grou n d m ass................................24 18 Ridge extending east of North Ita lia n M ountain..............................................................................................26 19 Overturned a n ticlin a l r o ll in L eadville formation ............................................................ 26 20 Galena embaying lim estone ............................................... 34 21 B arite in lim e s t o n e .................................................................34 22 Unconsolidated sand of solu tion c a v itie s, showing angularity of grains ........................................ 36 23 M ineralized b r e c c i a .................................................................36 24 Stained b r e c c i a ............................................................................38 25 Matrix around breccia fragm en t........................................38 Plate 1 Drainage map showing geology ...................................... pocket 2 Stratigraphie section and t r a v e r s e ............................ ,f 3 Claim m a p ......................................................................................... ” 4 Workings of Star mine ..................................... 11 5 Geology of workings above f ir s t lev e l . . . w 6 Geology of fir s t le v e l .......................................................... ” 7 Geology of h a lf l e v e l .......................................................... ” 8 Geology of second lev e l ..................................................... n 9 Geology of third lev el .......................................... ” 10 G eneralized stratigraphie section .......................... 11A 11 Geologic cross section through ridge lin e . 27A 12 Geologic cross section through Star mine . . 39A ABSTRACT The Star b asin , a cirque at the base of North Ita lia n Mountain on the western rim of Taylor Park, is 55 m iles northeast of the city of Gunnison in Gunnison County, Colorado. North Ita lia n Mountain is developed upon a T ertiary, monzonite stock that intrudes a Paleozoic sedimentary sec­ tio n , composed e sse n tia lly of carbonate rocks. This sec­ tion includes the Sawatch q u artzite. Manitou dolom ite, Chaffee form ation, L eadville lim estone, and Hermosa forma­ tio n . At Star basin the formations are in reverse sequence because of overthrusting1 from the east. The oxidized ores of the Star, mined for th eir lead and silv e r content, are found in a zone of lim estone brec­ cia in the L eadville form ation. D irectly over the lim e­ stone breccia is a zone containing sand pockets. Sulphide m inerals are found in len ses or pods in unbroken L eadville lim estone above the layer containing the sand pockets and below the breccia zone. arthub lakes library COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN, CO 80401 INTRODUCTION purpose and Scope of In vestigation The general geology of Star basin was studied to determine the controls for m ineralization. The work was carried out underground as w ell as on the surface and in­ cluded the study of the stratigraphy, structure, petrogra­ phy, and mineral stu d ies, including polished sectio n s. Id en tifica tio n and age c la ssific a tio n of the sediment­ ary form ations was made by lith o lo g ie and stratigraphie relation sh ip s, based on published data of the surrounding d is tr ic t s . F ield Work The fie ld work for th is study was commenced in July, 1949, and was completed by the end of August of the same year. IT. S. Forest Service aerial photographs on a scale of 4 Inches to a m ile served as a base for surface mapping; C.D.L. 32-41 through 32-44 in clu sive are the numbers on the photographs flown October 22, 1939. The underground mine maps supplied by Mr. Lambertson, mine operator, were prepared by means of a Brunton-and-tape survey on a scale of 1 inch to 40 fe e t. They were supple­ mented by additional maps based on a survey by the author. 3 The elevation of Star mine is 11,600 fe e t, and alpine willow s and Engelmann spruce grow abundantly at th is eleva­ tio n . This cover, combined with g la cia l m aterial, makes surface mapping very d iffic u lt, esp ecially in topographic lows ; thus, the surface mapping was based largely on out­ crops found on ridges and slop es. The areal d istrib u tion of the form ations that outcrop in Star basin is represented on the drainage map (p l. 1, in pocket). Previous G eologic Work The principal published a r tic le s on the geology of Star basin examined in the preparation of th is th esis are as follow s; In 1931 and 1934 J. Harlan Johnson measured a s tr a ti­ graphie section near North Ita lia n Mountain, which was pub­ lish ed in the B u lletin of the G eological Society of America for March 1944. The t i t le of th is a r tic le is "Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Sawatch Range, Colorado.11 Cross and Shannon studied the intrusive of North I t a l­ ian Mountain and published th eir report, "Geology of I ta l­ ian Mountain, Gunnison County, Colorado," in the Proceed­ ings of the United States National Museum (vol. 71, no. 2690, Sept. 26, 1927). The Star mine and area was Included in the Tincup mining d is tr ic t in Albert W olf's 1915 geologic reconnais­ sance report of the area. This report is In a f ile of min­ ing p rop erties, the C ollins f i l e s , of the Colorado School of Mines lib rary. ARTHUR LAKES LIBRARY COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN, CO 80401

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