TTTTHHHHEEEE GGGGEEEEOOOOLLLLOOOOGGGGYYYY AAAANNNNDDDD GGGGEEEEOOOOTTTTHHHHEEEERRRRMMMMAAAALLLL AAAACCCCTTTTIIIIVVVVIIIITTTTYYYY OOFF TTHHEE EEAASSTT AAFFRRIICCAANN RRIIFFTT SSYYSSTTEEMM BByy Dr. Peter Omenda KenGen Outline (cid:153) Geothermal energy (cid:153)(cid:153) EEaasstt AAffrriiccaann rriifftt – ggeenneerraall rriiffttiinngg mmooddeell (cid:190)Ethiopian Rift (MER and Afar) (cid:57)(cid:57)GGeotthhermall acttiiviitty (cid:190)Kenya Rift (cid:57)Geothermal activity (cid:190)Western branch (Albertine, Tanganyika- Rukwa-Malawi) (cid:190)SW branch (cid:190) Others - Comoros 2 Geothermal Energy (cid:153) Geothermal is the earth’s internal heat (cid:153)(cid:153) SSources off eartthh’’s hheatt: (cid:190)Heat generated during accretion of earth (cid:190)Heat generated during segregation of earth into layyers due to sinkingg of heavyy elements (cid:190)Radioactivity throughout the earth’s history 3 EEartthh’’s TTemp DDiisttriibbuttiion 1,000 oC 1,200 oC 4,200-5,000 oC 4 Heat Transfer (cid:153)Heat transferred by geological processes (cid:190)(cid:190)RRiifftt zzoonneess, EEaasstt AAffrriiccaann RRiifftt (cid:190)Hotspots, e.g. Hawaii, Yellowstone (cid:190)SSubbdducttiion zones, eg. PPhhiilllliippiines, JJapan 5 Plate Boundaries (cid:153) EARS is part of the worldwide system of active plate boundaries 6 East African Rift System (cid:153) Is part of the Afro- Arabian Rift system: Red Sea-Gulf of Aden- EARS NNUUBBIIAANN MMIICCRROOPPLLAATTEE (cid:153) The EARS extends from Afar to MMozambbiique SOMALI MICROPLATE 7 The Branches (cid:153) The EARS consists of: (cid:190) Eastern Branch (cid:57) Afar Rift (cid:57) Ethiopian Rift (cid:57) Kenya Rift (cid:190) Western Branch (cid:57)(cid:57) AAllbberttiine riifftt (cid:57) L. Tanganyika – Rukwa - L. Malawi (cid:57) SW rift 8 Rifting Process (cid:153)The EARS is described by the active rift model where initiation is byy asthenosppheric upwelling followed by lithospheric extension Crust Asthenosphere Mantle 9 Results of Rifting-1 (cid:153)LAB and Moho is shallow under the rift (cid:153)(cid:153)4400-8800kkmm ooff eexxtteennssiioonn aalloonngg tthhee rriifftt (cid:153)Intermediate to silicic magma bodies occur wiitthhiin crustt (cid:153)Axial volcanism (cid:153)Graben formation 10