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THE GEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA ENVIRONMENT | CULTURE | ECONOMY SECOND EDITION SUSAN WILEY HARDWICK FRED M. SHELLEY DONALD G. HOLTGRIEVE Department of Geography, Department of Geography, Department of Geography, University of Oregon University of Oklahoma University of Oregon Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Geography Editor: Christian Botting Senior Art Specialist: Connie Long Marketing Manager: Maureen McLaughlin Illustrations: Kevin Lear, Spatial Graphics Assistant Editor: Sean Hale Design Manager: Marilyn Perry Media Producer: Ziki Dekel Interior and Cover Design: Emily F. Friel, Integra Editorial Assistant: Bethany Sexton Photo Manager: Maya Melenchuk Marketing Assistant: Nicola Houston Photo Researcher: Caroline Commins Managing Editor, Geosciences and Chemistry: Gina M. Text Permissions Manager: Beth Wollar Cheselka Text Permissions Researcher: Jenny Bevington Project Manager, Production: Edward Thomas Operations Specialist: Michael Penne Full Service/Composition: PreMedia Global Front Cover and Title Page Photo Credit: The Blue Water Bridge on the St. Clair River crosses an international boundary, linking Sarnia, Ontario, with Port Huron, Michigan. Photograph taken in February 2009 by Jim West/ © PhotoLibrary. Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on p. 414. Copyright © 2013, 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, 1900 E. Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 60025. For information regarding permissions, call (847) 486-2635. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hardwick, Susan Wiley. The geography of North America : environment, culture, economy/Susan Wiley Hardwick, Fred M. Shelley, Donald G. Holtgrieve.—[2nd ed.]. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-321-76967-1—ISBN 978-0-13-009727-9 1. North America–Geography—Textbooks. 2. Human geography—North America—Textbooks. 3. Environmental geography North America—Textbooks. 4. North America—Economic conditions—Textbooks. I. Shelley, Fred M., II. Holtgrieve, Donald G. III. Title. E40.5.H37 2013 917--dc23 2011036173 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10—QGD—15 14 13 12 11 www.pearsonhighered.com ISBN-10: 0-321-76967-8; ISBN-13: 978-0-321-76967-1 Brief Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 North America’s Environmental Setting 16 3 Historical Settlement of North America 42 4 The North American Political Economy 70 5 The Atlantic Periphery 90 6 Quebec 108 7 Megalopolis 128 8 The Great Lakes and Corn Belt 150 9 The Inland South 170 10 The Coastal South 188 11 The Great Plains 204 12 The Rocky Mountain Region 226 13 The Intermontane West 244 14 MexAmerica 264 15 California 282 16 The Pacific Northwest 302 17 Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands 322 18 The Far North 340 19 The Future of North America 358 iii Contents Preface xii 3 About the Authors xvi Book and mygeoscienceplace Overview xviii Historical Settlement 1 of North America 42 Exploration, Discovery, Introduction 2 Settlement, and Exploration 44 Why Study North America? 3 Indigenous Patterns and Imprints 44 Putting Geography Back on the Map 6 Early European Explorers and Settlers 46 Why Study Regional Geography? 7 Colonial Settlement: New Land Uses, Approaches Used in This Book 9 New Cultures 48 Review Questions 13 Ongoing Migration, Expansion, and Group Activities 13 Settlement 55 Suggestions for Further Reading 14 North American Culture Hearths and Territorial Expansion 55 2 Evolving Economic Development and Urbanization 62 North America’s Evolving Immigration Patterns and Issues 63 Nativism and the Passage of Canadian and U.S. Environmental Immigration Laws 63 Setting 16 Post–1980s Immigration: New Patterns, Old Issues 65 Landforms, Hydrology, Soils 17 Conclusions 66 Landforms and Geomorphic Processes in North Review Questions 67 America 17 Group Activities 68 Hydrologic Patterns 21 Suggestions for Further Reading 68 North America’s Physiographic Provinces 24 Weather and Climate 26 North American Climate Zones 30 Biogeography and Ecology 35 Forests 37 Tundra 37 Grasslands and Steppes 37 Deserts and Steppes 38 Mediterranean Scrub 38 Subtropical Wetland 38 Ecosystems and Watersheds 38 Conclusion 40 Review Questions 40 Group Activities 40 Suggestions for Further Reading 41 iv 4 The North American Political Economy 70 The Contemporary North American Economy 71 Economic Base and Economic Sectors 72 The Primary Sector 72 The Secondary Sector 75 The Tertiary Sector 76 The Quaternary Sector 78 The Changing Urban System of North America 80 North America and the World Economy 84 Political Institutions in North America 86 Conclusion 87 Review Questions 87 Group Activities 88 Suggestions for Further Reading 88 6 5 Quebec 108 The Atlantic Periphery 90 Environmental Setting 110 Landforms 110 Environmental Setting 91 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 111 Landforms 91 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Climate Change in Northern ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY The Collapse of the Great Stone Quebec 112 Face 93 Historical Settlement 113 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 94 Regional Economies and Politics 116 Historical Settlement 94 Economic Activities 116 Pre-European Settlement 94 Quebec’s Urban and Industrial Economies 117 European Settlement 94 The Development of Quebecois Nationalism and CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY The Acadians—A Founding People of the Quiet Revolution 118 Canada 96 The Secession Movement in Quebec 118 Regional Economies and Politics 97 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Hockey and Ethnic Identity Agriculture—A Marginal Proposition 97 in Quebec 119 Resources from the Forest and the Sea 98 Culture, Peoples, and Places 120 Manufacturing, Innovation, and Trade 99 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY An Update on Separatism from an On- Spillovers from Megalopolis 100 Site Correspondent in Quebec to the American Geographical Society 121 Culture, Peoples, and Places 101 Southern Quebec 121 Metropolitan Areas 102 Northern Quebec 122 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Northern Maine Becomes North America’s Biathlon Center 104 Urban Places in Quebec 123 The Future of the Atlantic Periphery 105 The Future of Quebec 124 Environmental Impacts 105 Toward Cultural Sustainability 125 Review Questions 106 Review Questions 126 Group Activities 106 Group Activities 126 Suggestions for Further Reading 106 Suggestions for Further Reading 126 v vi CONTENTS 7 Other Cities of the Northeastern Corridor 142 Megalopolis 128 Nonurban Places in an Urban Region 143 POLITICAL ECONOMY The Revitalization of Atlantic City 144 Environmental Setting 130 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Homelessness in Landforms 130 Washington, D.C. 146 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 131 The Future of Megalopolis 147 Land Cover 131 Review Questions 147 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Geography and Conservation in Group Activities 148 Megalopolis 132 Suggestions for Further Reading 148 Historical Settlement 132 Regional Economies and Politics 135 The Establishment of Megalopolis 135 8 The Emergence of New York and Washington, D.C. 135 The Great Lakes and Corn Industrialization and Deindustrialization in the Northeast 136 Belt 150 Cities and Suburbs 136 Environmental Setting 153 Unity and Diversity in Megalopolis 138 Landforms 153 Culture, Peoples, and Places 138 Lakes and Rivers 153 The Major Cities of Megalopolis 138 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 153 Environmental Issues 141 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Jumping Asian Carp and Other Great Lakes Threats 154 Historical Settlement 155 Regional Economies and Politics 157 Agriculture and Other Primary-Sector Activities 157 Industry in the Great Lakes and Corn Belt 158 Tertiary and Quaternary Economic Sectors 160 Culture, Peoples, and Places 161 Canadian Places on the Great Lakes 161 American Places on the Great Lakes 162 POLITICAL ECONOMY Surviving Globalization and the Postindustrial Transition in the Rust Belt 163 American Places in the Corn Belt 165 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY The Geography of Rap Music in Detroit: Eminem and Eight Mile Road 166 The Future of the Great Lakes/Corn Belt Region 167 Review Questions 168 Group Activities 168 Suggestions for Further Reading 168 CONTENTS vii African Americans, Latin Americans, and Vietnamese Immigrants 193 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Galveston: Ellis Island of the Coastal South 194 Regional Economies and Politics 194 Primary and Secondary Economic Activities 195 Government Services and the Military 197 Resorts, Tourism, and Retirement 197 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY EPCOT: A Mythical View of World 9 Cultures? 199 Culture, Peoples, and Places 200 The Inland South 170 Other Places in the Coastal South 201 The Future of the Coastal South 201 Environmental Setting 171 Review Questions 202 Landforms 172 Group Activities 202 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 172 Suggestions for Further Reading 203 Historical Settlement 174 Population Changes in the South After 11 the Civil War 175 Regional Economies and Politics 176 The Changing Economic Position The Great Plains 204 of the Inland South 176 Environmental Setting 205 The Primary and Secondary Sectors in the Landforms 207 Contemporary Inland South 177 Hydrology 208 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Mountaintop Removal Mining 179 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 208 The Tertiary and Quaternary Sectors 179 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Is Kansas Flatter than a Culture, Peoples, and Places 180 Pancake? 209 POLITICAL ECONOMY Riding with the Legend 181 Historical Settlement 211 Places in the Eastern Inland South 181 Early Settlement of the Great Plains 211 Places in the Central Inland South 182 Aging in Place on the Great Plains 212 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Country Music 183 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Nicodemus, Kansas 214 Places in the Western Inland South 183 Regional Economies and Politics 215 The Future of the Inland South 184 Agriculture and the Boom and Bust Cycle 215 Review Questions 185 Energy Production and Mining 217 Group Activities 185 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Oil Deposits on the U.S.-Canadian Suggestions for Further Reading 186 Border 218 Manufacturing and Meatpacking 218 10 Tertiary- and Quaternary-Sector Economic Activities 219 The Coastal South 188 Culture, Peoples, and Places 220 The Canadian Great Plains (Prairies) 220 Environmental Setting 189 The Northern U.S. Great Plains 221 Landforms 190 The Central U.S. Great Plains 221 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 190 The Southern U.S. Great Plains 223 Historical Settlement 191 The Future of the Great Plains 223 Native Americans 191 Review Questions 224 Early European Settlement 191 Group Activities 224 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Restoring the Gulf Coast 192 Suggestions for Further Reading 225 viii CONTENTS 12 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY The Story of Butte, Montana 237 Culture, Peoples, and Places 238 The Rocky Mountain Urban Growth 238 Cities in the Rocky Mountain Region 240 Region 226 The Future of the Rocky Mountain Region 241 Environmental Setting 228 Review Questions 241 Landforms 229 Group Activities 242 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 230 Suggestions for Further Reading 242 Vegetation Patterns 231 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Saving the Wolves! 233 13 Environmental Hazards 233 Historical Settlement 233 Native American and First Nations The Intermontane Settlement 234 West 244 Early Euro-American Settlement 234 Early Canadian Settlement 234 Environmental Setting 245 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Chief Joseph Speaks Out 235 Landforms 246 American Settlement 235 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY The Great Missoula Flood 248 Regional Economies and Politics 235 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 248 The Primary Sector 235 Natural Vegetation and Environmental Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Sectors 236 Issues 250 Historical Settlement 250 Indigenous Imprints 250 Spanish and Mexican Settlement 250 Euro-American Settlement: A Land of Discontinuous Settlement 250 The Latter-day Saints 251 Other Migration Streams in the Intermontane West 253 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Russian Doukhobors in British Columbia’s Intermontane 254 Regional Economies and Politics 255 Farming, Ranching, and Water Resources 255 Minerals and Other Natural Resources 256 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Where Is the Water? 257 Tertiary- and Quaternary-Sector Activities 258 Culture, Peoples, and Places 260 Places in the Canadian Intermontane West 260 Places in the Central and Southern U.S. Intermontane West 260 The Future of the Intermontane West 262 Review Questions 262 Group Activities 262 Suggestions for Further Reading 263 14 MexAmerica 264 Environmental Setting 266 Landforms 266 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 267 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Conservation in Conflict: Threats to the Desert Tortoise 268 Historical Settlement 269 Native Americans and the Spanish and Mexican Era 269 The Spanish and Mexican Era 269 Regional Economies and Politics 271 Culture, Peoples, and Places 274 Places in South and Central Texas 274 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Spring Break—Texas Style 275 The Future of MexAmerica 276 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Building Fences, Dividing Communities 277 Review Questions 279 Group Activities 279 Suggestions for Further Reading 280 15 Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry 293 California 282 Silicon Valley and the High-Technology Industry 294 Environmental Setting 283 California and the Pacific Rim 294 Landforms 285 Culture, Peoples, and Places 294 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY The Northridge Earthquake 286 California’s Cities 294 Weather, Climate, and Hazards 287 The Southern California Conurbation 295 Water Resources and Environmental The San Francisco Bay Urban Region 296 Modification 288 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Chinatown: Residential Place, Tourist Space 297 Historical Settlement 288 Cities in the Central Valley and Beyond 298 Native Americans 289 The Future of California 298 Early Spanish and Mexican Review Questions 300 Settlement 290 Group Activities 300 Impacts of the Gold Rush 290 Suggestions for Further Reading 300 Regional Economies and Politics 291 Agriculture and Natural Resources 291 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY An Early Look at Steinbeck’s Salinas Valley 292 California and the Defense Industry 293 ix

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