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The Geography and Ecology Compendium for CSAT Paper 1 State PCS CDS NDA and other Competitive Exams PDF

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Preview The Geography and Ecology Compendium for CSAT Paper 1 State PCS CDS NDA and other Competitive Exams

The Geography and Ecology Compendium • Head Office : B-32, Shivalik Main Road, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 • Sales Office : B-48, Shivalik Main Road, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 Tel. : 011-26691021 / 26691713 Typeset by Disha DTP Team DISHA PUBLICATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright Publisher No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher. The author and the publisher do not take any legal responsibility for any errors or misrepresentations that might have crept in. We have tried and made our best efforts to provide accurate up-to-date information in this book. For further information about the books from DISHA, Log on to www.dishapublication.com or email to [email protected] CONTENTS GEOGRAPHY 1. Nature and Scope G-1-G-6 Introduction; Modern Geography; Branches of Geography; 2. Universe and Our Planet Earth G-7-G-32 Introduction; Galaxy; Stars; Planets; Moon; Asteroids; Earth 3. Hydrosphere G-33-G-54 Introduction; Hydrological cycle; Components of Hydrosphere 4. Atmosphere G-55-G-76 Introduction; Composition; Structure; Atmospheric Pressure; Winds; Air mass 5. World Geography (Physical Aspect) G-77-G-106 Introduction; Asia; Africa; North America; South America; Australia And Oceania; Europe; Antarctica 6. World Geography (Social Aspect) G-107-G-112 Introduction; Race; Population; Migration 7. World Geography (Economic Aspect) G-113-G-124 Introduction; Primary; Activties; Secondary; Activities; Tertiary Activities; 8. Physiography and Drainage Pattern of India G-125-G-154 Introduction; Location - Area – Extent; Physical Features; Climate; Drainage 9. Soil, Natural Vegetation, Wildlife and Agriculture of India G-155-G-188 Introduction; Description and Composition; Soil Formation; Major Soils 10. Mineral Resource, Industries Population Multipurpose Projects of India G-189-G-208 Introduction; Mineral Resource of India; Agro-Based; Cotton Textiles; Woolen Textile; Jute Textiles; Sugar; Silk; Metallurgical; Iron And Steel; Aluminium Smelting; Engineering; Automobile; Fertilizer; Aircraft; Cement; Glass Industry ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 1. Ecology and Environment EE-1-EE-22 Ecosystem; Abiotic Components; Biotic Components Environment; Population 2. Biodiversity EE-23-EE-40 Levels of Biodiversity; Biodiversity of India; Loss & Conversation 3. Environmental Issues EE-41-EE-72 Global Warming; Green House Effect; Ozone Depletion; Deforestation; Air; Water; Sound Pollutions; Agro-chemical effects; Acid Rain; Solid Waste Management; Radioactive Waste Management; Plastic Waste Management; Mercury Pollution; ECO Sensitive Zones; COP; Environmental Acts GEOGRAPHY 1 NATURE AND SCOPE Chapter Geography Nature and Scope Universe World Geography IndianGeography Galaxies/Milky A.Physical wayGalaxy Physical Aspect Social Aspect Economic Aspect Land Continents Race Water Climate Extent Contineatwise Constellations/Stars Racial Distribution B.Social Regional Divisions India Race Physical Divisions Population States Density SolarSystem(TheSun) Climate HumanDevelopment India Factors affecting (Se/ST,Rurallsion) States Drainage Distribution of India Religion P 1 Mercury Lithosphere Natural Vegetation Population States L Trends in Migration A 2 Venus Population C.Economic N Growth 3 Earth Hydrosphere E Migration NaturalResources T 4 Mass Economic Activitiy HumanResources S Agriculture Atmosphere steroids Irrigation Primary Secondary Tertiary Industries 5 Jupiter Transport Communications 6 Saturn 7 Uranus 8 Neptun G-2 Nature and Scope GEOGRAPHY Geography is that branch of knowledge which links the study 4. Carl Ritter (1779-1859) A German geographer is of natural world to that of society. It is the frame work of considered the founder of modern geographic study. He various fields of study which cover origin and development of stressed the importance of using all the sciences in the universe, land scapes and its natural environment and pressure study of geography. created over them, the global and local changes in the world His most important work Die Erdkunde (Earth Science) and how and upto what extent the society is contributing in emphasized the influence of physical environment on these changes. In this section we are going to cover all these human activity. He divided the Earth into natural regions above mentioned aspects in details. and showed each unit as a whole interrelated complex of elements. His plan of study became the model for regional Greek Scholar Eratosthenes is first man to discuss about study and presentation. Geography. It’s the combination of two greek words and Geo 5. Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947), an American means earth and graphy” means write. Thus geography means geographer and explorer, was noted particularly for his to write about the Earth or “earth descriptions”. study of the effects of climate on human heredity and Various other geographers defined Geography as follows: civilization. The human aspect was neglected to a great extent. His approach to geographic study is known as In Classical Period determinism in which humans are passive agents while the physical environment is active. (i) Pythagoras, a great Greek philosopher and mathematician, 6. Vidal de la Blache advocated the opposite theory of was the first to say that the Earth is spherical and revolves determinism, which is sometimes known as possiblism, around the sun. in which humans are active agents, at liberty to choose (ii) Herodotus Greek historian is known as the “Father of between a wide range in environmental possibilities. history”. He explained the deposition of silt in the Nile delta. Branches of Geography (iii) Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.) another Greek philosopher explained the eclipses. During the 20th century, more attention has been paid to (iv) Eratosthenes (276 - 194 B.C) a Greek poet, mathematician systematic studies of geographical data. Phenomena have observing the angle of the noon day Sun at Syene and at combined to make geography one of the first disciplines to fulfil Alexandria. a bridging function between the natural and social science. As a result, the branches of geographical inquiry fall into three (v) Hipparchus (190 - 120 B.C.) was perhaps the greatest of major areas, studies associated with the regional concept, the the Greek astronomers. (vi) Ptolemy (2nd century A.D.). He wrote the book major systematic branches of human geography, and physical geography. ‘Geography’ and he described system of latitudes and longitudes. He was a cartographer and he evolved the Physical Geography science of map-making. This is the most important branch of geography. The Modern Geography superstructure of the discipline of geography is built upon it. It studies relief, soil and structure of the Earth. 1. Bernhardus Varenius (1622-1650) first recognised the It is divided into a number of branches making the subject need for organisation of geographical knowledge. He matter of geography more comprehensive. wrote Geographia Generalis, the most highly regarded (i) Geomorphology studies the Earth’s structure, the rocks treatise on geography for more than a century into two that make up the Earth, relief features like mountains and - part - general (now called systematic) and special (also plains and their evolution. called regional) which identified regions according to the (ii) Geology is the science of the study of rocks, and is helpful interactions between human and environmental processes. in the study of glaciers. 2. Immanual Kant (1724-1804) was also a German (iii) Glaciology is concerned with the study of glaciers. philosopher, is considered by many to be one of most (iv) Seismology is the study of earthquakes and their bearings influential thinkers of modern times. He tried to find a on the internal structure of the Earth. foundation for geography within the framework of other science. According to him, all knowledge can be organised (v) Hydrology is the study of the characteristics of rivers, into three groups according to the object of study. lakes fluvial morphology, fluctuation of water table and 3. Baron Alexander Von Humboldt (1769-1859) a German underground water resources, development and change of naturalist and explorer, moulded the substance of coastal features. geography into a scientific form. He was interested in (vi) Oceanography is the branch of hydrology. It is the study all aspects of natural history and has been described by of the ocean, tides waves and the ocean floor. Charles Darwin as “the greatest scientific traveller that (vii) Climatology studies the causes and distribution of ever lived”. temperature and winds, rainfall and runoff weather and * He invented the “isotherms” to compare temperatures. climate. Nature and Scope G-3 (viii) Pedology is the study of soil science. Soil, which is Systematic and Regional Geography formed due to the result of complex physical and chemical reaction of parent rock materials, needs the support of Systematic Geography other sciences like chemistry, geology and biology. Systematic Geography, we choose any geographical factor and (ix) Biogeography studies the distribution of flora (plant) and study its distribution for the whole world. Relief, drainage, fauna (animal) in different parts of the world. climate, vegetation, soil, minerals wealth, agriculture, industry, (x) Paleography is the study of physical geography in the transport, trade and commerce and population are some of the past geological ages. It studies the distribution of land and important geographical elements. These elements are studied sea through successive geological times. separately with reference to a particular area. This method of studying geography is also known as ‘Topical approach’. This Human Geography is known as General Geography also. Human geography, also known as a branch of the modern Regional Geography geography, deals with the evolution of human beings i.e, Regional Geography area as a whole first aims at identifying changing distribution and spacial organsation of a variety geographical factors or components of any area. Regional of human characteristics, ranging form great urban centres geography helps us in identifying the region. For example, built by man to geographical diffusion of specific technical if we take Ganga plain, Chhota Nagpur Platiau. or Assam innovations in agriculture. By applying geographical methods Velley, rather than taking whole of India and study their and techniques of analysis to such feature the knowledge location, relief, drainage, climate, soils, vegetation mineral accumulated in other social studies - history, politics, wealth, agriculture, industry, transport, trade, population. In economics, and sociology - may be seen in a new light and often extended considerably. It is accepted that it is not the regional geography, the main emphasis is on the region. physical environment alone that determines human ability to Advantages of Regional Geography make the best use of the natural sources. (i) Study becomes easy and effective. It is divided into following sub fields to make the study more comprehensive : (ii) Basic principle becomes easy to understand. (i) Economic Geography : It deals with man’s activities in (iii) It describes relation between man and environment. improving his material through economic production, (iv) We come to know the economic disparities among various exchange distribution and consumption of useful goods regions. and services, that human groups and their members need. (v) The study is intense because the area is limited. (ii) Cultural Geography : This is also known as social The above discussion makes it clear that both systematic geography. It deals with the cultural aspects of human’s and regional geography are essential to comprehend the habitat, clothing, food, shelter, skills, tools, language, geographical knowledge. religions, social organisation and his outlook. (iii) Historical Geography : It describes geographical Features of Systematic Geography picture of a region or area. It gives us important clues in • Systematic geography studies a particular element over understanding of the regions as it is viewed at present. the earth or a part thereof. (iv) Anthrogeography : Discuses the distribution of human • It presents an the integrated form of the area. It is based communities on the Earth in contence of their geographical on political units. environment. • The study presents the facts about any particular region (v) Demography : Studies the different aspects of population like birth rate, death rate, age composition. It also deals on the earth surface. with the socio-economic composition of the population • In the systematic, study types and sub-types are determined and sex composition. on one particular factor. (vi) Settlement Geography : It studies about the size, form • It presents isolated form of the area, and it is based on and function of settlement of human beings and define geographical units. their historic growth. • This study examines the man-environment relationship. (vii) Agricultural Geography : Studies about farms and farming systems have developed in particular areas Cartography and how they are different or similar too the farms and It is the science and art of drawing maps and charts on selected farming systems of other areas. scale. (viii) Urban Geography : Study of urban Geography is based on the concepts of location interaction and accessibility as Mathematical Geography well as distribution and movements of populations. It is almost similar of maps and interpretation and also describes (ix) Political Geography : In study about the government statical data. states and countries. It studies human social activities Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) which is concerned to the location and boundaries of The techniques of remote sensing and GIS plays an important cities, nations and groups of nations. role in the study of geographic problems. G-4 Nature and Scope 1. Who was the first man to discuss about geography? 16. The study of the distribution of human communities on (a) Pythagoras (b) Eratosthenes the Earth in contence of their geographical environment (c) Aristotle (d) None of these is called 2. Who was the first man to say that the Earth is spherical (a) Biogeography (b) Paleography and revolves around the sun? (c) Anthropogeography (d) Climatology (a) Aristotle (b) Hipparchus 17. Who wrote the five volume book ‘Kosmos’? (c) Pythagoras (d) None of these (a) Pythagoras (b) Humboldt 3. Which of these was great astronomer? (c) Carl Ritter (d) Aristotle (a) Hipparchus (b) Herodotus 18. Who evolved the science of map making? (c) Ptolemy (d) Carl Ritter (a) Ptolemy (b) Hipparchus 4. Who wrote ‘Geographia Generalis’? (c) Herodotus (d) Huntington (a) Ptolemy (b) Bernhardus Varenius 19. Who wrote the book ‘Geography’? (c) Herodotus (d) None of these (a) Carl Ritter (b) Blanche 5. Who is considered the founder of modern geographic (c) Ptolemy (d) Humboldt study? 20. The study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather (a) Humboldt (b) Hipparchus process and forcasting is called (a) Biogeography (b) Glaciology (c) Carl Ritter (d) None of these (c) Meteorology (d) Hydrology 6. Who invented the Isotherms? 21. Chain of roughly adjacent metropolitan areas are called (a) Pythagoras (b) Homboldt (a) Global city (b) Megalopolis (c) Aristotle (d) Herodotus (c) Metropolis (d) None of these 7. Who advocated the opposite theory of determinism? 22. General geography was written by (a) Vidal de la Blache (b) Huntington (a) Bernhardus Varenius (b) Ptolemy (c) Ptolemy (d) None of these (c) Blanche (d) None of these 8. The study of earth’s structure and the rocks that make up 23. Select the correct sequence in the chronological order the earth is called of the following Greeks who have contributed vastly to (a) Geology (b) Glaciology the evolution of geographical thought during the ancient (c) Hydrology (d) Geomorphology period: 9. The study of earthquakes and their bearings on the (a) Aristotle-Eratosthenes-Anaximander-Ptolemy internal structure of the Earth is called (b) Eratosthenes-Anaximander-Ptolemy-Aristotle (a) Glaciology (b) Seismology (c) Anaximander-Aristotle-Eratosthenes-Ptolemy (c) Geology (d) None of these 10. The study of soil science is called (d) Ptolemy-Anaximander-Aristotle-Eratosthenes (a) Climatology (b) Geology 24. Which one of the following is a key concept in humanistic (c) Pedology (d) Biogeography geography? 11. Oceanography is the branch of (a) Development and quality of life (a) Geomorphology (b) Geology (b) Spatial location (c) Hydrology (d) Pedology (c) Spatial concentration 12. Human geography is also known as (d) Geographical distribution (a) Economic geography 25. Which one of the following scholars was the first to (b) Demography divide the world landmass into three continents : Europe, (c) Urban geography Asia and Libya (Africa) ? : (d) Cultural geography (a) Anaximander (b) Hecataeus 13. The study of physical geography in the past geological (c) Herodotus (d) Eratosthenes ages is called 26. An early statement of Geography as Chorology was (a) Biogeography (b) Paleography provided by (c) Climatology (d) Geology (a) Kant (b) Humboldt 14. The science and art of drawing maps and charts on (c) Ritter (d) Varenius selected scale is called 27. Ratzel’s work was based on the concept (a) Hydrology (b) Geology (a) There is a dichotomy between physical and cultural (c) Pedology (d) Cartography aspects of geography 15. The approach of ‘Determinism’ is related with (b) Geography is a scientific discipline (a) Huntington (b) Aristotle (c) Physical environment controlled human activities (c) Herodotus (d) Hipparchus (d) Geography is necessarily descriptive Nature and Scope G-5 28. Huntington is noted for describing (c) man’s behaviour as a function of the environment (a) man as a product of the earth’s surface (d) reality as is perceived by individuals] (b) the evolution of landforms 30. Which one of the following concepts is associated with (c) the effects of climate on human life Vidal de La Blache? (d) the historical-ecological study of the cultural (a) Determinism landscape (b) Possibilism 29. The behavioural environment is meant by (c) Environmentalism (a) reality as it exists in nature (d) Probabilism (b) the decisions based on reasoned thought Statement Based MCQ 4. Assertion (A): In contemporary geography, there is an increasing awareness of the need for an interdisciplinary 1. With reference to the sub-tropical high pressure belt, approach to the regional problems. consider the following statements Reason (R): Groups of scholars with diverse backgrounds 1. It is affected by Earth’s rotation and descent of and skills focus on specific sets of regional problems winds from higher altitudes more comprehensively and scientifically. 2. It dynamically induced and characterized with (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the anti-cyclonic conditions. Which of the statement/ correct explanation of A statements given above is/are correct (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the (a) 1 only (b) 2 only correct explanation of A (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true 2. Consider the following rivers : 5. Consider the following statements: 1. Barak 2. Lohit 1. Human Geography covers all those aspects of 3. Subansiri Geography which are not directly concerned with Which of the above flows/flow through Arunachal Physical Geography. Pradesh? 2. Human Geography is the study of interrelationship (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only between human beings and their (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 environment. 3. With reference to ‘Changpa’ community of India, 3. Human Geography deals with the description and consider the following statements : explanation of human phenomena 1. They live mainly in the State of Uttarakhand. around the variable earth surface. 2. They rear the Pashmina goats that yield a fine wool. 4. Human Geography does not cover technical matters 3. They are kept in the category of Scheduled Tribes. of Cartography. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) Only 3 (d) 1,2,3 & 4

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