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Preview The genus Prosciara Frey (Diptera, Sciaridae)

© Entomologica Fennica. 8.XI.l991 The genus Prosciara Frey (Diptera, Sciaridae) Heikki Hippa & Pekka Vilkamaa Hippa, H. & Vilkamaa, P. 1991: The genus Prosciara Frey (Diptera, Sciaridae). - Entomol. Fennica 2:113-155. The concept of Phytosciara Frey with the subgenera P. (Phytosciara), P. (Dolichosciara) and P. (Prosciara) is polyphyletic and the subgenera are treated as genera. Prosciara includes 1 Holarctic, 8 Palearctic and 28 Oriental species. The species are keyed and described, including the following new species: P. angustiloba sp. n. (Thailand), P. biceps sp. n. (Burma), P. bifida sp. n. (Burma), P. biloba sp. n. (Burma), P. collina sp. n. (Burma), P. crassidens sp. n. (Burma), P. decamera sp. n. (Burma), P. dolichochaeta sp. n. (Burma), P. duplex sp. n. (Burma), P. ensifera sp. n. (Burma), P. filichaeta sp. n. (Bur ma, Nepal), P.furcifera sp. n. (Burma), P. gemellata sp. n. (Burma), P. gibbosa sp. n. (Burma), P. glomerata sp. n. (Burma), P. latifurca sp. n. (Burma), P. latilingula sp. n. (Burma), P. megacera sp. n. (Burma), P. megachaeta sp. n. (Burma), P. mima sp. n. (Burma), P. pectinifera sp. n. (Japan), P. pentacanta sp. n. (Nepal), P. pentadactyla sp. n. (Burma), P. plusiochaeta sp. n. (Finland), P. pollex sp. n. (Burma), P. processifera sp. n. (Burma), P. quantula sp. n. (Burma), P. tetrix sp. n. (Burma) and P. triloba sp. n. (Burma). Xenopygina Frey is not a synonym of Prosciara but an independent genus. It includes two species: X. hastata (Johannsen) n. comb. (USA) and X. paradoxa (Frey) (USSR). Heikki Hippa, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Entomo logy, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Pekka Vilkamaa, Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland 1. Introduction which by their gonostylar structure resembled the known Palearctic species of Prosciara and Prosciara Frey, originally described as a sub finally proved to be congeneric with them. A genus of Neosciara Pettey, is a small group in careful examination of the sciarid material of which only eight species have been included, all Burma, consisting of about 1 500 individuals, except one Palearctic in distribution. Tuomi revealed no less than 25 strictly sympatric species koski's (1960) classification according to which of Prosciara. This suggested that the Oriental Prosciara, with Xenopygina Frey as a synonym, region was the "home" of Prosciara. The check should be a subgenus of Phytosciara Frey, has ing of smaller collections from different areas of generally been adopted by subsequent authors. the region yielded, however, only two additional In material collected in the mountains of species and only one probable member of the northeastern Burma we noticed a few sciarids genus was discovered in the literature. 114 Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 Apart with this Oriental material, we checked oured to make the drawings of the hypopygium rather extensive Palearctic and Nearctic collec and apex of the front tibia as exact as possible up tions and smaller collections from the Neotropical to the thickness and position of individual setae. area and from South Africa, examined earlier In a few cases we have taken the liberty of com known species of the group insofar as it was pleting some broken setae on one side that are possible, and perused the existing literature. As a similar to those on the other side in homological result one undescribed species from Fennoscandia positions, or shown setae cut in the drawings to and one from Japan appeared. One species so far avoid their marring the clarity of other structures. known from the Palearctic region only was found The microtrichia have been omitted from all il in Alaska and a couple of misplaced Palearctic lustrations. The verbal description of illustrated species were discovered, as well as one from structures has been restricted to a minimum. Hawaii. Further, the species described earlier The morphological terminology used in this proved to be in need of redescription and the paper is mostly generally known and does not taxonomic concept of Prosciara in need of a re deserve any special explanation here. Some terms vision. and ways of measurement are indicated in the following figures: Head, Figs. 3, 5 and 8, Wing, Fig. 12, and Hypopygium, Fig. 4. By megasetae we mean the stout spine-like setae or bristles on 2. Materials and methods the gonostylus which sharply differ from other setosity (see Fig. 4.). The megasetae arise from Part of the material we studied had been mounted distinct basal sockets. They are commonly found on permanent slides by different persons, and in a variety of groups of Sciaridae. By apical tooth part had been kept in ethanol, or, like most of the we mean an apical or subapical claw-or toothlike material from Burma, was dry and pinned. We projection of the gonostylus without a basal mounted the specimens kept in ethanol, as well socket. as the pinned ones, on slides in "Euparal" the In the phylogenetic discussions we apply the latter after treating with KOH. The Burman ma methods and terminology of phylogenetic tax terial as a whole was in poor condition, with onomy (see e.g. Hennig 1966, Wiley 1981). antennae, legs or parts of them, or even whole heads being broken off and lost in the specimens studied. Due to pinning, the thorax was in most cases badly damaged and thus did not permit 3. The genus Prosciara Frey careful study and measurements to be made. For this reason, the size of the thorax as well as any ratios or indices demanding measurements of the Neosciara (Prosciara) Frey, 1942:32. Type thorax have been omitted from the descriptions. species Neosciara porrecta Lengersdorf, 1929 Not being aware of methods for recognizing fe (original designation and monotypy). male Sciaridae with any certainty we have iden tified the males of Prosciara only. The material is deposited in the following Description institutions, later referred to by the name of the city only: Zoological Museum, University of Head dark with palpus and proboscis pale. Helsinki, Helsinki, Swedish Natural History Interfacetal hairs of eyes long, extending well Museum, Stockholm, Natural History Museum, over the surface of facets. Eye bridge complete, London, Canadian National Collection of Insects, composed of 3-5 rows of facets. Anterior vertex Ottawa and Cornell University Insect Collection, bare or with one to several setae. Prefrons with Ithaca. numerous setae. Clypeus bare or with one to The illustrations have been made by the aid many setae. Proboscis normal, not elongated. of a camera Iucida attached to a microscope from Maxillary palp 3-segmented, segments several specimens mounted on slides. We have endeav- times longer than wide; segment 1 with 2-9 setae, ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 • Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara 115 with the sensillae widely scattered on dorsal sur Diagnostic characters face, without a sensory pit. Antenna! scapus and pedicel with short ventral setae. Flagellar seg A commonly used key character in Sciaridae, ments of antenna with short necks, surface of viz. the presence of a comb like transverse row of segments from rather smooth to rough, setae bristly setae subapically on the prolateral side of shorter than the diameter of segment, length/ front tibia combines Prosciara with Scatopsciara width of segment 4 1.40-2.80. Edwards, Bradysia Winnertz, Ctenosciara Tuo Thorax dark or part of pleura and longitudinal mikoski, Phytosciara Frey, Lobosciara Steffan stripes on no tum paler. No tum with the acrostichal and Dolichosciara Tuomikoski. From all these setae weak, posteriorly often nearly absent, the Prosciara differs in having dorsomesially on the dorsocentral setae strong and the supra-alar setae gonostylus a characteristic lobe or branch that of mixed weaker and stronger ones including a bears megasetae. Some species of Dolichosciara row of very strong ones. Scutellar margin with may have a reminiscent lobe, too, but the lobe strong setae intermixed with weaker ones espe goes obliquely across the mesial surface and the cially laterally. Episternum 1 with 5-13 setae. megasetae are straight, not curved, as in Postpronotum, mediotergite and mesoanepi Prosciara. sternum bare. Mesokatepisternum high, sub There are a few species currently placed in triangular or slightly trapezoidal. Corynoptera which have an almost perfect comb Wing fumose greyish or brownish. Wing of setae on the front tibia. From these Prosciara length 1.9-3.9 mm. Width/length of wing 0.35- differs in e.g. having more than one seta on the 0.50. c/w 0.50-0.80. Rl short, Rl!R 0.65-1.10. first palpal segment, in the lack of an apical R5 extending beyond the middle of M 1. The fork tooth, and in having a dorsal lobe with megasetae of M (M 1 and M2) nearly symmetrical. bM and on the gonostylus. The genus Phorodonta r-m subequal in length or r-m longer. stCu near Coquillett (Sciara nigra Wiedemann), which is the length of bM. C and R (R, Rl and R5) setose, often mentioned in connection with Phytosciara, r-m, stM, Ml, M2, Cul and Cu2 setose or bare, does not have a comb on the front tibia (Steffan bM and stCu bare. Halter normal. 1969). Legs pale. Femur !/metatarsus 1 0.85-1.55. Tibial spurs 1: 2:2, the spurs longer than the apical width of tibia, the two spurs of tibia 2 and tibia 3 Classification subequal in size. Tibia I and 2 with spinose setae ventrally, usually also laterally and dorsally; tibia Frey (1942) proposed Prosciara (type-species 3 with spinose setae on all sides, the dorsals for Neosciara porrecta Lengersdorf) as a monotypic ming a long row. Tibia 1 with a subapical pro lateral subgenus in his Neosciara Pettey (Sciara copro straight comb-like row of strong setae, the row phila Lintner) and the monotypic Xenopygina not separated by a bare area on the proximal (X. paradoxa) as a subgenus in his Bradysia side. Claws toothed. Winnertz (B. angustipennis Winnertz). Tuomi Abdomen dark, normal. koski (1960) considered Xenopygina as a syno Hypopygium pale, with or without an inter nym of Prosciara and made Prosciara one of the coxal lobe. Gonocoxites short or elongated, without three subgenera of Frey's (1942) earlier mono conspicuous modifications. Apical inner edge of typic genus Phytosciara (Sciara halterata gonocoxites ventrally with one long seta. Lengersdorf). As the third subgenus of Phyto Gonostylus variable in shape, without an apical sciara Tuomikoski (1960) proposed Dolicho tooth, with or without apical megasetae, without sciara (Sciaraflavipes Meigen), the type species flagellate setae, with a dorsal mesial lobe bearing of which had long been considered the only Eu four to more than ten megasetae. Tergites 9 and ropean representantive of Phorodonta Coquillett 10 normal, without unusual modifications. (Lengersdorf 1930, Frey 1942, 1948). Sternite 10 with 1-6 setae on each half. Aedeagus In addition to the type-species of Prosciara variable in shape, aedeagal apodeme normal, not and Xenopygina Tuomikoski ( 1960) included two strikingly asymmetrical. other species, Sciara ungulata Winnertz and a 116 Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 , p...: I I I I I I I I B I Fig. 1. Wing (A), dorsal view, gonostylus (B and E) and part of hypopygium (D), ventral view, and apex of hind tibia (C), prolateral view.-A, C, 0 and E: Xenopygina hastata (Johannsen) (holotype).-B: X. paradoxa (Frey) (holotype). Scale for wing 0.50 mm, for other parts 0.05 mm. new species P. producta in Prosciara. Tuomi been generally followed by later authors CAnto koski ( 1960) had difficulties in separating nova 1977, Freeman 1983, Mohrig, Krivosheina Prosciara from Bradysia and with hesitation and Mamaev 1985, Steffan 1969, 1972). Anto placed his B. prosciaroides in Bradysia. Tuomi nova (1977) without any argumentation consid koski's classification of Phytosciara, including ered Dolichosciara a synonym of Phorodonta the delimitation of Phytosciara (Prosciara) has but did not use this older name for the genus. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 • Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara 117 Antonova ( 1977) added two new species and gonostylus (apomorphy) and that have the dorsa also gave a key to the known species of Prosciara. mesial aggregation of megasetae on the gono One species, P. neofusca was added by Mohrig stylus. et al. ( 1982), but we reject this species from We do not accept the synonymy of Prosciara Prosciara, as well as P. vulcanata, described by and Xenopygina proposed by Tuomikoski (1960) Steffan (1973) from Hawaii. Mohrig and Krivo on the basis of the similarity between the sheina (see Mohrig et al. 1985) described a new gonostylus in their type-species. The two species species Phytosciara quadriangulata which we know to belong to Xenopygina, the Palearctic closely resembles B. prosciaroides and ex X. paradoxa (Frey, 1942) and the Nearctic X. has pressed their suspicion that both species should lata (Johannsen, 1912), comb. n., are "Bradysia be included in Prosciara, with which we agree. like" species which have on the gonostylus a We consider Prosciara a genus because we mesial lobe with megasetae but unlike the species cannot find anything that could be an autapo of Prosciara the whole mesial surface of the morphy of Phytosciara as limited by Tuomikoski gonostylus is impressed and the lobe arises from ( 1960). In fact, there are no characters even for the bottom of this impression. So the lobe is not the identification of Phytosciara sensu Tuomi an outgrowth of the dorsomesial margin of the koski (1960) and such have not been proposed gonostylus as in the species of Prosciara. We are by anyone, not even by Tuomikoski himself. The convinced that the lobes are not homological. same applies to Dolichosciara, which was in The members of Prosciara and Xenopygina are cluded by Tuomikoski (1960) as a subgenus in also in many other respects different: the gono Phytosciara. Instead, the species of Prosciara and coxites and tegmen which are nearly identical in Dolichosciara are similar in their general struc the both species of Xenopygina (Fig. 1) are of tural pattern and they have a group of dorsal different type in Prosciara (e. g. Figs. 4 and 14), mesial megasetae on the gonostylus which we and the wing vein R5 is much shorter (e. g. Figs. regard as an apomorphic character state compared 1 and 12). In X. hastata the two spurs of middle to the mesially widely distributed unmodified and hind tibia are conspicuously unequal in length setosity found on the gonostylus of Phytosciara. (Fig. 1) , not subequal as in the species of Prosciara. There are a number of species currently placed in Whether X. paradoxa is similar is not known be Bradysia which have a great general resemblance cause the only known specimen Jacks the legs. The to the species of Prosciara and Dolichosciara spurs of X. hastata resemble those of the species of and which also have a similar pattern of megasetae Scatopsciara, except that in that genus one of the on the gonostylus (?synapomorphy). When com spurs of the hind tibia is totally reduced. pared with Bradysia the Prosciara and Dolicho sciara differ in having the base of the group of megasetae on the gonostylus prolonged lobe-like, Species included this prolongation possibly being their synapo morphy and Prosciara and Dolichosciara thus angustiloba sp. n.: Thailand, p. 134 being sister groups. Further, the monophyly of biceps sp. n.: Burma, p. 152 both could be argumented as follows: in Prosciara bifida sp. n.: Burma, p. 128 the megasetae on the gonostylus are stout and biloba sp. n.: Burma, p. 150 slightly curved (autapomorphy), while in Doli col/ina sp. n.: Burma, p. 132 chosciara they are straight and slender (plesio crassidens sp. n.: Burma, p. 128 morphy). In Dolichosciara the gonocoxites have decamera sp. n.: Burma, p. 146 two or more strong setae at the apicoventral me dolichochaeta sp. n.: Burma, p. 144 dial angle (autapomorphy) instead of only one in duplex sp. n.: Burma, p. 150 Prosciara (plesiomorphy). We suppose that ensifera sp. n.: Burma, p. 130 Bradysia in the current sense is polyphyletic and filichaeta sp. n.: Burma, Nepal, p. 145 paraphyletic and that the sister group of Prosciara furcifera sp. n.: Burma, p. 139 + Dolichosciara should be searched for among gemellata sp. n.: Burma, p. 152 those Bradysia that lack the apical tooth on the gibbosa sp. n.: Burma, p. 139 118 Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 glomerata sp. n.: Burma, p. 130 3. Gonostylus short and thick, its mesial side basal from latifurca sp. n.: Burma, p. 142 the dorsal lobe lengthwise hollowed or impressed (Figs. 4B, 4D, SC, SG) ...................................................... 4 latilingula sp. n.: Burma, p. 125 Gonostylus elongated, its mesial side basal from the lobata Antonova (Phytosciara): USSR: Primorye, dorsal lobe not hollowed or impressed (Figs. 6B, 6D, p. 130 7B, 7D) ..................................................................... 6 megacera sp. n.: Burma, p. 146 4. Cu2 with numerous setae (Fig. SB), gonostylus rela- megachaeta sp. n.: Burma, p. 135 tively narrow in ventral aspect (Fig. SC) .................... . mima sp. n.: Burma, p. 128 .............................. P. producta (Tuomikoski), p. 123 Cu2 nonsetose or with a few setae only, gonostylus pectinifera sp. n.: Japan, p. 139 relatively broad in ventral aspect (Figs. 4B, 4D, SG) . pentacanta sp. n.: Nepal, p. 132 ................................................................................... 5 pentadactyla sp. n.: Burma, p. 132 5. The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium narrow with more plusiochaeta sp. n.: Finland, p. 120 or less distinctly notched apex (Figs. 4A, 4C, 4E), the pollex sp. n.: Burma, p. 144 dorsal lobe of gonostylus with five megasetae (Figs. porrecta Lengersdorf (Sciara): W Europe, p. 136 4B, 4D) ...................... P. ungulata (Winnertz), p. 123 The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium broad and apically processifera sp. n.: Burma, p. 140 rounded (Fig. SF), the dorsal lobe of gonostylus with producta Tuomikoski (Phytosciara): Finland, p. 123 four megasetae (Fig. SG) .. P. latilingula sp. n., p. 125 prosciaroides Tuomikoski (Bradysia): Finland, 6. In ventral aspect the apex of the dorsal lobe of gono Britain, Austria, USSR:Tuva, USA: Alaska, stylus extends distally as far as the apex of gonostylus p. 120 (Fig. 6D) .......................... P. crassidens sp. n., p. 128 quadriangulata Mohrig & Krivosheina (Phyto- In ventral aspect the apex of the dorsal lobe of gono stylus does not extend distally as far as the apex of sciara): USSR: Amur Region, p. 123 gonostylus (Figs. 6B, 7B, 7D) .................................. 7 quantula sp. n.: Burma, p. 125 7. The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium deeply emarginated tetrix sp. n.: Burma, p. 146 apically, tegmen nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 7 A) ........ . triloba sp. n.: Burma, p. 152 ................................................. P. bifida sp. n., p. I 28 ungulata Winnertz (Sciara): Europe, p. 123 The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium not emarginated ussuriensis Antonova (Phytosciara): USSR: apically, tegmen narrowing towards apex (Figs. 6A, 7C, 7E) ..................................................................... 8 Primorye, p. 130 8. The intercoxallobe of gonostylus large, its setae short, Possibly also the following species which we much shorter than the width of the lobe (Fig. 7E) ..... . have not seen belongs to Prosciara: .................................................. P. mima sp. n., p. 128 The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium small, its setae as flavipleura Brunetti (Sciara): India long or longer than the width of the lobe (Fig. 6A) .... ............................................ P. quantula sp. n., p. 125 In addition, Steffan (1981) mentioned an 9. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus subbasal, its megasetae unidentified species of Phytosciara (Prosciara) slender (Fig. 20), Cu2 setose ... P.filichaeta sp. n., p. 145 from Ontario, Canada. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus on the apical half or near the middle, its megasetae thick (Figs. 9D, IOD), Cu2 bare ......................................................................... 10 10. The intercoxallobe of hypopygium small, with 4-10 Key to the species of Prosciara setae, the lobe separated laterally from the base of gonocoxites by a membraneous area (Fig. IOC) ........ . Because the characters of the wing of P. crassi ..................................... P. pentadactyla sp. n., p. 132 dens are not known this species is included in The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium large, with numer- both couplets 2 and 17. Sciara flavipleura which ous setae, the lobe not separated laterally from the base of gonocoxites by a membraneous area (Figs. 8D, we have not seen is omitted. 9C, 13A, 13C) ........................................................ I I !. Ml, M2 and Cui setose (Figs. SB, 12A, 12D) ......... 2 I I. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus divided into a ventral, Ml, M2 and Cui nonsetose (Figs. 3A, 12B) ......... 17 more apical, and into a dorsal, more basal part, both 2. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus subapical, in ventral with a group of megasetae (Fig. 9D) ...................... 12 aspect the gonostylus does not appear deeply bilobed The dorsal lobe of gonostylus not divided into two (Figs. 4B, 4D, SC) .................................................... 3 parts (Figs. 8E, 13B, 13D, 19B) ............................. 14 The dorsal lobe of gonostylus well basal from apex, in 12. The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium narrow, longer ventral aspect gonostylus appears deeply bilobed (Figs. than broad, apically slightly emarginated (Fig. 9C) IOD, 19B, 20B) ........................................................ 9 . ............................................ P. ensifera sp. n., p. 130 ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 • Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara 119 - The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium broad, broader - Tegmen laterally evenly curved (Fig. 3F) .................. . than long, rounded apically .................................... 13 ..................................... P. plusiochaeta sp. n., p. 120 13. The length of wing 2.1 mm, c/w 0.50, the intercoxal 23. Apex of gonostylus with one or more megasetae (Figs. lobe of hypopygium in the form of a horse-shoe, apex 22B, 22E, 23D, 23F, 24B, 24D) ............................. 24 of halter pale ......... P. ussuriensis (Antonova), p. 130 - Apex of gonostylus without megasetae .................. 28 The length of wing 2.7 mm, c/w 0.66, the intercoxal 24. Apex of gonostylus with one megaseta, the dorsal lobe lobe of hypopygium in the form of a semicircle, apex of gonostylus very strong, with one of its megasetae of halter dark ................ P. lobar a (Antonova), p. 130 more basal than the others (Figs. 22E, 22F) ............... . 14. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus on the apical half of .......................................... P. megacera sp. n., p. 146 gonostylus, its megasetae strong and long, nearly as Apex of gonostylus with 3-4 megasetae, the dorsal long as the lobe itself (Figs. 8E, I 3D) .................... 15 lobe of gonostylus weaker, its megasetae in a tight The dorsal lobe of gonostylus approximately at the cluster (Figs. 22B, 23D, 23F, 24B, 24D) ............... 25 middle of gonostylus, its megasetae not unusually 25. Apex of gonostylus narrow, as narrow or narrower strong, short, much shorter than the lobe itself (Figs. than apex of the dorsal lobe (Figs. 23D, 24B) ....... 26 13B, 19B) ............................................................... 16 - Apex of gonostylus broad, broader than apex of the 15. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus widened at apex, with dorsal lobe .............................................................. 27 six megasetae (Fig. 8E) .... P. glomerata sp. n., p. 130 26. The megasetae of gonostylus relatively short, about 3x The dorsal lobe of gonostylus steadily narrowing to- longer than basally thick (Fig. 23D), Rl/R 0.75-0.80 wards apex, with four megasetae (Fig. I 3D) ............. . . ................................................ P. biloba sp. n., p. 150 ....................................... P. megachaeta sp. n., p. 135 The megasetae of gonostylus relatively long, about 4x 16. The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium long and narrow, longer than basally thick (Fig. 24B), RI/R 0.60-0.70 tegmen nearly equilateral (Fig. 13A) ......................... . . ................................................ P. biceps sp. n., p. 152 ....................................... P. angustiloba sp. n., p. 134 27. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus nearly rectangular to the The intercoxal lobe of hypopygium short and broad, long axis of gonostylus, the megasetae of gonostylus tegmen tapering towards apex (Fig. 19A) .................. . short, the intercoxal lobe of hypopygium small (Figs. ................................................ P. pollex sp. n., p. 144 23F, 24C, 24D) ...................... P. duplex sp. n., p. 150 17. Oonostylus with two dorsal lobes, one subapical, the The dorsal lobe of gonostylus strongly oblique to the other more basal, both with megasetae at apex (Figs. long axis of gonostylus, the megasetae of gonostylus 25B, 25D) ............................................................... 18 long (Fig. 22B), the intercoxal lobe of hypopygium Oonostylus with one dorsal lobe varying from subapical large (Fig. 22A) ........................ P. tetrix sp. n., p. 146 to subbasal in position ............................................ 19 28. The megasetae of the dorsal lobe of gonostylus long 18. In ventral aspect the two dorsal lobes of gonostylus and slender (Figs. liB, 19D, 21B, 21E) ................ 29 separated from each other by a gap which at least - The megasetae of the dorsal lobe of gonostylus short equals the apical width of the lobes (Fig. 25B) .......... . andthick(Figs.9B,I4B,I4E, l5B,l6D,l7A) .... 31 ............................................... P. triloba sp. n., p. 152 29. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus with 5-6 megasetae .. 30 In ventral aspect the two dorsal lobes of gonostylus - The dorsal lobe of gonostylus with more than 10 close to each other, separated by a narrow gap only megasetae ......................... P. decamera sp. n., p. 146 and usually overlapping (Fig. 25D) ............................ . 30. The distal part of gonostylus, distal from the dorsal lobe, .......................................... P. gemellata sp. n., p. 152 long and slender (Fig. 19D), hypopygium with an inter 19. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus subapical, in ventral coxal lobe (Fig. 19C) .. P. dolichochaeta sp. n., p. 144 aspect gonostylus does not appear deeply bilobed (Figs. The distal part of gonostylus, distal from the dorsal 2B, 2D, 30, 6D) ..................................................... 20 lobe, broad (Fig. II B), hypopygium without an inter- The dorsal lobe of gonostylus far basal from the apex, coxal lobe (Fig. II A) ...... P. pentacanta sp. n., p. 132 in ventral aspect gonostylus appears deeply bilobed 31. Hypopygium with a small intercoxal lobe, in ventral (e.g. Figs. 14B, 14E, 15B, 16B, 16D, 17A) ........... 23 view the width of gonostylus similar subapically and 20. Oonostylus short and broad, the dorsal lobe of at the middle (Figs. 9A, 9B), the front tibia with a gonostylus short, shorter than its megasetae, the mesial comb of six setae ................... P. collina sp. n., p. 132 side of gonostylus basal from the dorsal lobe impressed Hypopygium without an intercoxal lobe, in ventral or hollowed (Figs. 2B, 2D, 30) .............................. 21 view the width of gonostylus subapically much smaller Oonostylus slender, the dorsal lobe longer than its than at the middle (Figs. 14B, 14E, 15B, 16B, 16D, megasetae, the mesial side of gonostylus basal from 17 A), the front tibial comb with eight or more setae the dorsal lobe not impressed (Fig. 6D) ...................... (Figs. 18B, lSD) ..................................................... 32 ......................................... P. crassidens sp. n., p. 128 32. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus strongly inflattened 21. Hypopygium without an intercoxal lobe (Figs. 2A, basoventrally (Figs. 14B, 14E), tegmen with an apico- 2C) ................ P. prosciaroides (Tuomikoski), p. I 20 subapicolateral tooth (Figs. 14A, 14D) .................. 33 - Hypopygium with an intercoxal lobe (Fig. 3F) ...... 22 The dorsal lobe of gonostylus not inflattened baso 22. Tegmen with a lateral, rounded shoulder-like angle ... ventrally (Figs. 15B, 16B, 16D, 17 A), tegmen not .. P. quadriangulata (Mohrig & Krivosheina), p. 123 toothed (Figs. !SA, 16A, 16C, 17B) ...................... 34 120 Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 33. Tegmen strongly tapering towards apex, almost Irian- 8 with 11-21 setae.-Hypopygium: Fig. 2. Sternite gular in ventral view (Fig. 14A) ................................ . 10 with 1 seta on each half. .............................. P. porrecta (Lengersdorf), p. 136 Tegmen almost equilateral in ventral view (Fig. 140) Discussion .............................................. P. gibbosa sp. n., p. 139 Prosciara prosciaroides was originally de 34. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus with 4-5 megasetae in a scribed on the basis of three syntype males. Of row (Fig. 15B) ................. P. pectinifera sp. n., p. 139 these we have found only the two listed above, The dorsal lobe of gonostylus with 6 or more megasetae one, also from Finland (Lohja), being probably in a group ................................................................ 35 35. Setae of gonocoxites strong, the ventralmembraneous lost. We have designated one of the existing area between gonocoxites with a couple of strong syntypes as the lectotype of the species. setae (Fig. 16A) .................. P. }i.lrcifera sp. n., p. 139 Freeman (1983) recorded P. prosciaroides Setae of gonocoxites weak, the ventral membraneous from Britain, and we judge from the illustration area between gonocoxites with a few to many fine of the hypopygium that the identification is cor setae (Figs. 16C, 17B) ............................................ 36 rect. Krivosheina & Morig ( 1986) mentioned P. 36. The dorsal lobe of gonostylus broad, rather abruptly tapering at apex (Fig. 160), wing length 3.2-3.4 mm prosciaroides from Austria, and USSR, Tuva. ............................................ P. latifurca sp. n., p. 142 P. prosciaroides is similar to P. plusiochaeta The dorsal lobe of gonostylus narrow, gradually taper and P. quadriangulata. The distinguishing char ing towards apex (Fig. 17 A), wing length 2.7-3.0 mm acters are discussed under the latter two . ...................................... P. processifera sp. n., p. 140 Prosciara plusiochaeta sp. n. 4. The species of Prosciara Material studied: Hololype male: Finland, Iivaara, 23.6.1964, R. Tuomikoski (in Helsinki). Description Prosciara prosciaroides (Tuomikoski) Head: Fig. 3. Eye bridge with 2-3 rows of facets. Anterior vertex bare. Prefrons with 9 setae. Bradysia prosciaroides Tuomikoski 1960: 113. Clypeus with 4 setae. Palpal segment 1 with 7 Material studied: Lectotype male (here designated): setae. Length/width of flagellar segment 4 of Finland, Vihti, Vihtijarvi, 18.6.1958, R. Tuomikoski (in antenna 2.70. - Thorax: Unicolorous dark Helsinki). Paraleclolype d': Finland, Kuusamo, Oulanka brown. Episternum 1 with 6 setae. - Wing: joki, 2.7.1958, R. Tuomikoski (in Helsinki). Wing length 2.1 mm. Width/length of wing 0.45. Other material: Finland, Iivaara, 23.6.1964, R. c/w 0.70. Rl!R 0.90. r-m bare, stM bare, M1 and Tuomikoski, 2d'd' (in Helsinki); USA, Alaska, II mi S M2 bare, Cu 1 bare and Cu2 bare.- Legs: Femur Anderson Jet, Rte 3, mi 270, alder poplar spruce, 23.6.- 2.8.1984, S. & J. Peck, I d' (in Helsinki). 1/metatarsus 1 1.45. Tibia 1 with a comb of 6 setae. Length of spur/width of tibia 1 1.75. Tibia Description 1 with 0 dorsal, 4 ventral, 0 prolateral and 0 Head: Fig. 3. Eye bridge with 3 rows of facets. retrolateral spinose setae. Tibia 2 without dorsal Anterior vertex bare. Prefrons with 18-26 setae. spinose setae. - Abdomen: Sternite 8 with 15 Clypeus with 0-3 setae. Palpal segment 1 with 5-9 setae.-Hypopygium: Fig. 3. Sternite 10 with 1 setae. Length/width of flagellar segment 4 of antenna seta on each half. 2.50-2.70. - Thorax: Unicolorous dark brown. Episternum 1 with 5-8 setae. - Wing: Fig. 3. Discussion Wing length 1.9-2.0 mm. Width/length of wing P. plusiochaeta is similar to P. prosciaroides 0.45. c/w 0.60-0.65. Rl!R 0.70-D.85. r-m with 0-1 (Tuomikoski) and P. quadriangulata (Mohrig & seta, stM bare, M 1 and M2 bare, Cu 1 bare and Cu2 Krivosheina). It differs from both by simple bare. - Legs: Femur ]/metatarsus I 1.40-1.55. tegmen and from P. prosciaroides also in having Apex of tibia 1, Fig. 3. Length of spur/width of tibia an intercoxal1obe on hypopygium and in having 1 1.45-1.80. Tibia 1 with 0 dorsal, 3-5 ventral, 0 more numerous setae on gonostylus. From P. prolateral and 1-3 retrolateral spinose setae. Tibia 2 quadriangulata it differs in having five, not four without dorsal spinose setae.-Abdomen: Sternite megasetae on the gonostylus. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 • Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara 121 Fig. 2. Prosciara prosciaroides (Tuomikoski) (A and B lectotype, C and D from Alaska): part of hypopygium (A and C) and gonostylus (Band D), ventral view. Scale 0.10 mm. 122 Hippa & Vilkamaa: The genus Prosciara • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 2 !~: \ 4 '··1 ;/':~;.~:'''\, it ~11);8 \ . / I , I , c (, \ \ i I I \ I Fig. 3. Wing (A), dorsal view, prefrons and clypeus (Band C), frontal view, apex of front tibia (D and E), prolateral view, and part of hypopygium (F) and gonostylus (G), ventral view. A, C and E: Prosciara prosciaroides (Tuomikoski) (A and C from Finland, E from Alaska).-B, D, F and G: P. plusiochaeta sp. n. (holotype). Scale for wing 0.50 mm, for other parts 0.05 mm.

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