PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(2), 2007, pp. 440-453 THE GENUS PHYSOPLEURELLA REUTER (HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA: ANTHOCORIDAE) FROM SOUTHEASTERN ASIA Kazutaka Yamada and Toshiya Hirowatari Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan (e-mail: (KY) kazu2000@; (TH) [email protected]) — Abstract. The flower bug genus Physopleiirella Renter 1884 ofsoutheastern Asia is revised. Six species are recognized from this region, including three new species: P. malayana, n. sp., P. nigrifemova, n. sp., and P. striata, n. sp. Physopleurella armatci Poppius 1909, P. pessoni Carayon 1956, and P. flava Carayon 1956 are recorded from southeastern Asia for the first time. Keys are provided to distinguish species. Key Words: Heteroptera, Anthocoridae, Dufouriellini, Physopleurella, new species, new records. Southeast Asia Physopleurella Renter, belonging to the and other entomologists have resulted tribe DufourieUini, is a small flower bug in the recognition of six species in this genus, previously including 13 world genus, three of which are new. Here, species: P. africana Carayon 1956; P. three new species are described and three armata Poppius 1909; P. australis Gross previously known species, P. armata, P. 1954; P. bribiensis Gross 1954; P. flava pessoni, and P. flava, are first recorded Carayon 1956; P. indica Muraleedharan from southeastern Asia. The biology of 1978; P. loyala Muraleedharan 1978; P. species of this genus is briefly documen- mundula (White 1877); P. pacifica Gross ted based on our field observations. Keys 1954; P. pessoni Carayon 1956; P. signata are provided to assist in distinguishing (Distant 1913); P. typica (Distant 1913); P. species. vichitravarna Muraleedharan 1977 (Pop- Materials and Methods pius 1909; Distant 1913; Gross 1954; Carayon 1956; Muraleedharan 1977, Most specimens were preserved in 70% 1978; Ford 1979). Members of this genus ethyl alcohol, then dried and mounted for are distributed predominantly over the observation of their various structures. tropics and subtropics, including south- The examination and illustration of the eastern Asia. The fauna of this region detailed external structures were made requires a great deal of further investiga- from specimens macerated in 5% hot KOH tion. Prior to this study, there were no solutionfor 3-5 minutes. Theywere records of the genus from southeastern dissected with micro-pins in glycerin on Asia, except for P. indica, P. loyala, and P. a well glass slide under a Nikon Stereo- vichitravarna, from southern India (Mur- scopic Zoom Microscope SMZ1500 bin- aleedharan 1977, 1978). ocular microscope. Recent surveys in the southeastern Examined specimens are deposited in Asia by the authors, our colleagues. the Entomological Laboratory, Osaka — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 2 441 Prefecture University, Sakai (OPU) and and leaves, and the nests of weaverbirds the Department of Zoology, National (Usinger 1946; Carayon 1958; Hiura Science Museum, Tokyo (NSMT). All 1959). In Malaysia, most individuals measurements in the text are given in were collected by beating dead-leaf millimeters and terminology for descrip- clusters of evergreen trees, together with tions generally follows Carayon (1972) other Dufouriellini species of the genera and Pericart (1972). An asterisk is placed such as Ainphiareus Distant, Bucluma- after the name of new localities. niella Renter, and Cardiastethus Fieber. Five species, excluding P. armata, were Taxonomy found sympatrically in a similar habitat Genus Physopleurella Renter in Selangor, Malaysia, and the largest Physopleurella Renter 1884: 124. Type number of individuals was P. malayaim. Zimmerman (1948) reported psocids and species: Cardiastethus niimdulus White, 1877, by monotypy. small leaf hoppers as preys of P. Ostorodiasoides Distant 1913: 187. Type mundula. In contrast, Malaysian speci- mens were collected together with many species: Ostorodiasoides typicus Dis- nymphs and adults of unidentified tu- tant 1913, by original designation. buriferan thrips that possibly serve as Synonymized by Carayon 1972: 339. prey of Physopleurella species. — Diagnosis. Recognized by the fol- lowing characters: Body oblong ovate, Physopleurella armata Poppius covered with long, silky, reclining setae (Figs. 1, 17, 18) on dorsum; rostrum short, robust, hard- Physopleurella armata Poppius 1909: 12, ly surpassing anterior margin ofproster- 13. Syntypes: S, Bukenji, Japan; num; pronotal callus with longitudinal housed in the Hungarian Natural grooves; ostiolar peritreme curved pos- History Museum, Budapest. Haveri, teriorly, not joining fine carina which New Guinea; Museo Civico di Storia extends to anterior margin of meta- Naturale "Giacomo Doria," Genoa. pleuron; fore femur enlarged, much Physopleurella obscura Poppius 1909: 13. thicker than mid- and hind femora, Holotype: 2 Ighibirei, New Guinea; bearing series of spines on ventral Museo Civi,co di Storia Naturale surface; fore tibia arched, bearing a row "Giacomo Doria," Genoa. Synony- of short reclining setae on all of the mized by Esaki 1926: 170. ventral surface (Renter 1884, Blatchley Scoloposcelis japonicus Esaki 1931: 263, 1925, Gross 1954). 264, fig. 4. Holotype: $ Fukuoka- Remarks. Physopleurella is appar- Hirao, Japan; Kyushu Univ,ersity, En- ently a distinct genus and can be tomological Collection, Fukuoka. Syn- distinguished easily from the other gen- onymized by Hiura 1959: 7. era of the tribe Dufouriellini by the — pronotal callus with longitudinal Diagnosis. Recognized by the fol- grooves, the enlarged fore femur bearing lowing characters: Head (Fig. 1) light series of spines on ventral surface, and brown; vertex tinged with dark brown; arched fore tibia, all of which are antenna pale yellow, with apex of seg- considered to support the monophyly ment I and II dark brown; antennal of the genu—s. segment II longer than head width across Biology. Species of Physopleurella eyes; rostrum pale yellow; pronotum are known to be found in dead plant (Fig. 1) unicolorously yellowish brown; materials, such as dead leaves and scutellum (Fig. 1) reddish brown to branches, banana leaves, harvested stems brown; hemelytra (Fig. 1) yellowish 442 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-6. Physopleurella spp. in dorsal view. 1, P. annate/, female. 2, P. pessoni, male. 3, P. Jlava, female. 4, P. malayana, male, holotype. 5, P. nigrifemora, male, holotype. 6, P. striata, male, holotype. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. brown with innermost portion ofcorium 0.09/0.06-0.08, 0.21-0.25/0.21-0.25, and narrowly darkened; cuneus broadly 0.16-0.19/0.16-0.20; anterior pronotal darkened; legs pale yellow; abdomen width 0.33-0.35/0.33-0.35; mesal prono- dark reddish brown; pygophore tal length 0.43-0.45/0.45-0.50; basal pro- (Fig. 17) with a nearly straight paramere notal width 0.90-1.00/0.90-1.10; length extending laterad and slightly bent ante- of embolial margin 0.92-0.98/0.90-1.13; riorly at apex. length of cuneal margin 0.60-0.65/0.64- Measurements [S (n=7) /? (n=20)]. 0.75; maximum width across hemelytra Body length 3.00-3.25/3.05^.13; head 1.04-1.13/1.02-1.28. — length (excl. neck) 0.42-0.45/0.40-0.46; Specimens examined. VIETNAM: head width across eyes 0.47-0.48/0.46- 1 2, Ba Be, 230 m ah., Bac Kan Prov., 0.54; vertex width 0.18-0.20/0.18-0.20; 12.V.1998, M. Tomokuni (NSMT). 1?, width between ocelli 0.07-0.08/0.10-0.15; Trung Yen, 900 m alt., Moc Chau, Son length of antennal segments I-IV 0.14/ La Prov.,, light trap, M. 0.13-0.16, 0.53-0.58/0.44-0.59, 0.34^ Tomokuni (NSMT). lS\2, Tarn Dao, m 0.38/0.30-0.39, and 0.31-0.33/0.25-0.35; 900 ah., Vinh Phuc Prov., 17- length of rostral segments II-IV 0.08-, Y. Nakatani (OPU). THAI- — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 2 443 LAND: 1 (?4?, Mae Sa, 400^50 m alt., ened at apex, cuneus widely darkened; Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, l^.viii.2001, S. legs unicolorously pale yellow; abdomen Nagashima (OPU); 5S (Figs. 17, 18) 85 blackish brown, laterally yellowish (Fig. 1), same locality, 15-17.V.2002, T. brown; pygophore (Fig. 19) with a short Ishikawa (OPU); 2$, Mae Sa, 450 m paramere extending laterad, gradually alt., Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, 18.viii.2001, tapering toward apex and slightly con- hght trap, T. Ishikawa (OPU). 1 ?, Khao stricted near apex. Luang National Park, H. Q., 120 m alt.. Measurements [S (n=2) /$ (n=4)]. Nop Pi Tam, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Body length 2.75/3.18-3.38; head length 9.viii.l987, M. Sato (NSMT); 1$, Khao (excl. neck) 0.40/0.40-0.44; head width m Luang, National Park, H. Q., 450 alt.. across eyes 0.45/0.48-0.50; vertex width Nop Pi Tam, Nakhon Si Thammarat, 0.17/0.19-0.20; width between ocelU 6.viii.l997, T. Yamasaki (NSMT). PHL 0.09/0.10-0.12; length of antennal seg- LIPPINES: 12, Puerto Princera, Pala- ments I-IV 0.13/0.15-0.16, 0.50/0.50- wan Is., 26.viii.—1985, M. Sakai (NSMT). 0.52, 0.31/0.31-0.33, and 0.29/0.29-0.31; Distribution. Vietnam*, Thailand*, length of rostral segments II-IV 0.06/ Philippines*, China (central and south- 0.08, 0.22/0.23-0.25, and 0.17/0.17-0.19 eastern territories), Taiwan, Japan, New anterior pronotal width 0.31/0.33-0.34 Guinea, Aust—ralia, Hawaii. mesal pronotal length 0.41/0.46-0.48 Remarks. This species was described basal pronotal width 0.85/1.05-1.07 from Japan and New Zealand by Pop- length of embolial margin 0.76/0.90- pius (1909). It is now known to be widely 1.00; length of cuneal margin 0.60/0.68- distributed in eastern Asia and the 0.70; maximum width across hemelytra Australian Region (Cassis and Gross 0.96/1.15-1.20. — 1995, Pericart 1996, Bu and Zheng Specimens examined. MALAYSIA: 2001). Vietnam, Thailand, and the Phil- 1(^22, Ulu Gombak, Selangor, 9.V.2005, ippines represent nev/ distributional rec- K. Yamada. \$ (Figs. 2, 19, 20) 1?, nr. ords for this species in southeastern Endau-Rompin, Pahang, 12.V.2005, light Asia. trap, K. Yamada. 1 ?, Kampung Peta, Endau-Rompin, Johor, 15.V.2005, Hght Physopleurella pessoni Carayon trap, K. Yamada—. All in OPU. (Figs. 2, 19, 20) Distribution. Malaysia* Mauritius , Physopleurella pessoni Carayon 1956: (Mascarene Isls.), Madagascar, Camer- oon, Cote-dTvoire. 104, 106, figs. 1, 2. Holotype: S, Remarks. Physopleurella pessoni was Adiopodoume, Cote-dTvoire; Muse- um National d'Histoire Naturelle, described by Carayon (1956) based on specimensfromCote-dTvoire and Camer- Paris. oon. Subsequently, he recorded this spe- — Diagnosis. Recognized by the fol- cies from Madagascar and Mauritius, lowing characters: Head (Fig. 2) yellow- together with P. flava (Carayon 1958). ish brown; vertex widely darkened; Malaysia represents a newcountryrecord. antenna pale yellow with apex of seg- The shape of male genitalia and other ment I and II dark brown; antennal external structures of specimens from segment II about as long as head width Malaysia agree with those of pessoni across eyes; rostrum pale yellow; prono- Carayon, judging from the original de- tum (Fig. 2) yellowish brown with widely scription of Carayon (1956). However darkened posterior angles; scutellum Malaysian specimens have a rather larger (Fig. 2) dark brown; hemelytra (Fig. 2) body than those ofthe African specimens yellowish brown, clavus narrowly dark- (2.32-2.58 in male, 2.54^3.05 in female). 444 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 7-9. Heads and pronota in dorsal view. 7, Pliysopleurella nuilciyana, female. 8, P. nigrifemora, male. 9, P. striata, male, holotype. Scale bars: 0.3 mm. Pliysopleurellaflava Carayon about as long as head width across eyes; (Figs. 3, 21, 22) rostrum pale yellow; legs pale yellow to yellowish brown; abdomen brown tinged Physopleurella flava Carayon 1956: 107, with fuscous; pygophore (Fig. 21) wide, 108. Holotype: 2, Dahomey; Museum rounded at bottom, apex ofleft side with National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. dense, short, stout setae; paramere — (Figs. 21, 22) stout, moderately rounded Diagnosis. Recognized by the fol- anteriorly, abruptly bent near apex. lowing characters: Body (Fig. 3) unico- Measurements [$ (n=4) 12 (n=14)]. lorously yellowish brown to light brown; Body length 2.75/2.80^3.08; head length antenna pale yellow with segment I (excl. neck) 0.36-0.37/0.35-0.40; head slightly darkened; antennal segment II width across eyes 0.41-0.42/0.41-0.44; VOLUME NUMBER 109, 2 445 Figs. 10-13. Fore legs (10-12) and hind femur (13). 10, P/iysoplewella malayana, male. 11, P. nigrifemora, male. 12, 13, P. striata, male. Scale bars: 0.05 mm. vertex width 0.16-0.18/0.19-0.20; width shima; 1$, same locality, l.viii.2001, T. between ocelli 0.08-0.10/0.13; length of Ishikawa; 1 c? 1 ?, same locality, antennal segments I-IV 0.11-0.13/0.11- 13.viii.2001, T. Ishikawa; \$ (Figs. 21, 0.13, 0.41/0.41-0.43, 0.25/0.24-0.25, and 22) 5? (Fig. 3), 16-17.V.2002, T. Ishi- 0.25/0.25; length ofrostral segments II-IV kawa. 22, Mae Choe, N17-45' El00-01', 0.06-0.08/0.06-0.09, 0.22/0.22-0.23, and Uttaradit, Y. Nakatani (without collec- 0.17-0.18/0.16-0.20; anterior pronotal tion date). MALAYSIA: 2(?4$, Ulu width 0.29-0.30/0.30-0.34; mesal pronotal Gombak, Selangor, 8.V.2005, K. Ya- length 0.40-0.42/0.45; basal pronotal mada. All in OP—U. width 0.82-0.84/0.90; length of embohal Distribution. Thailand*, Malaysia*, margin 0.80/0.80-0.90; length of cuneal Mauritius (Mascarene Isls.), Madagas- margin 0.60/0.67-0.70; maximum width car, Congo,—Benin, Cote-d'Ivoire. across hemelytra 0.95-1.00/0.94-1.08. Remarks. Previously, this species — Specimens examined. THAILAND: was known to be widely distributed in 1 ?, Mae Sa, 400-450 m alt., Mae Rim, tropical Africa. Thailand and Malaysia Chiang Mai, l^.viii.2001, S. Naga- represent new country records. 446 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON According to Carayon (1958), the width across eyes; segment III about 0.6 shape of male genitalia differed very times as long as segment II; segment IV little between the specimens from the slightly shorter than segment III, flat- Cote-d'Ivoire and those from Mauritius tened. Rostrum pale yellow, with sparse, (Mascarene Isls.). Judging from the male short setae; segment I and II darkened; genitalia of specimens from Thailand segment II bearing a pair of long erect and Malaysia, the shape ofthe paramere setae at base; segment III distinctly resembles that of the Mauritius speci- swollen, 1.3 times as long as segment IV. mens. Carayon (1958) indicated that Pronotum (Figs. 4, 7) dark brown, these differences could represent sub- sometimes tinged posteromedially with specific distinction or geographic vari- light brown, shiny, covered with long, ability. Besides the male genitalia, how- silky, reclining setae; collar longitudinal- ever, no differences in external characters ly narrow, with some furrows and short were found between the African and setae; anterior margin slightly curved, southeastern Asian specimens. There- 0.68 times as long as mesal length; lateral fore, the male genitalic differences are margin slightly sinuate, carinate on considered to represent intraspecific var- anterior 2/3; posterior margin 2.9 times iation. as wide as anterior margin. Scutellum (Fig. 4) paler than color of pronotum, Physopleurella malayana Yamada and weakly shiny, with two distinct foveae at Hirowatari, new species middle. Hemelytra (Fig. 4) light brown, covered with yellow, reclining setae; (Figs. 4, 7, 10, 14, 23, 24) — cuneus narrowly darkened at apex, Diagnosis. Recognized by the fol- sometimes obscure; apical part ofcorium lowing characters: Head (Figs. 4, 7) dark three times as wide as embolium; cuneal brown; antenna pale yellow, with seg- margin about 0.75 times as long as ment I dark brown; antennal segment II embolial margin; membrane smoky dark about as long as head width across brown, with three veins, innermost vein eyes; pronotum (Fig. 4) dark brown; distinctly bifurcated at base, remainder apical 1/3 ofdorsal surface offore femur veins slightly curved; venter of thorax (Fig. 10) and basal half of fore tibia blackish brown. Legs pale yellow, dense- (Fig. 10) darkened; abdomen blackish ly covered with yellow, short setae; coxa brown; paramere (Figs. 23, 24) stout, dark brown; apical 1/3 of dorsal surface bent and swollen at base in lateroposte- of fore femur (Fig. 10) and basal half of rior view, notched near apex, abruptly fore tibia (Fig. 10) darkened; trochanter acute apically.— with 5-6 spine like setae ventrally; fore Description. Body (Fig. 4) generally femur ventrally with two series of spines brown. Head (Figs. 4, 7) dark brown, composed of 18-20 long and 26 short slightly shorter than its width across spines. Ostiolar peritreme and evapora- eyes; dorsal surface shiny, sparsely cov- tive area black to blackish brown, as ered with long, silky, erect setae; anteoc- shown in Fig. 14. Abdomen blackish ular portion about as long as length of brown, ventrally with dense, short, silky the eye; vertex tinged with blackish setae; scissure on abdominal tergite brown, about 1.3 times as wide as width nearly reaching to middle ofsegment III. of eye; ocelli red. Antenna (Figs. 4, 7) Male genitalia (Figs. 23, 24): Pygo- pale yellow, covered with yellow, sub- phore (Fig. 23) posteroventrally covered erect, setae; segment I dark, reaching with stout setae longer than length of apex of head; segment II thickened pygophore, bottom ofpygophore round- toward apex, about as long as head ed; paramere (Fig. 23, 24) stout, extend- VOLUME NUMBER 109, 2 447 / /. -./ Figs. 14—16. Ostiolar peritremes and evaporative areas in left lateroventral view. 14, Physopleurella malayana, male. 15, P. nigrife?7iora, male. 16, P. striata, male. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. ing anteriorly, bent and swollen at base of rostral segments II-IV 0.05-0.06/0.06- in lateroposterior view, notched near 0.07, 0.23-0.25/0.24^0.26, and 0.16-0.19/ apex, abruptly acute at apex. 0.18-0.19; anterior pronotal width 0.30- Measurements [$ (n=45) /? (n=20)]. 0.34/0.29-0.31; mesal pronotal length Body length 2.55-2.83/2.60-3.25; head 0.44-0.47/0.43-0.51; basal pronotal width length (excl. neck) 0.36-0.40/0.38-0.42; 0.83-0.90/0.90-1.04; length of embolial head width across eyes 0.40-0.44/0.42- margin 0.76-0.82/0.73-0.95; length of cu- 0.46; vertex width 0.16-0.17/0.17-0.20; neal margin 0.55-0.63/0.56-0.74; maxi- mum width between ocelli 0.09-0.10/0.09-0.12; width across hemelytra 0.89-1.00/ length of antennal segments I-IV 0.13/ 0.90-1.14. — 0.13-0.15, 0.41-0.44/0.41-0.47, 0.23-0.25/ Holotype. S (with glass slide 0.25-0.28, and 0.23-0.24/0.25-0.26; length No. OPU-KY135 for genitalia), "MA- 448 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 17-22. Male genitalia. 17, 18, PhysopleweUa armata. 19, 20, P. pessoni. 21, 22, P.flciva. 17, 19, 21, Pygophores in dorsal view. 18, 20, 22, Parameres in posterior view. Scale bars: 0.05 mm. LAYSIA, Selangor, Ulu Gombak, across eyes (definitely shorter than head 9.V.2005, K. Yamada" (OPU). width across eyes in P. africcma); the MALA Paratypes.— YSIA: 43S (Figs. innermost vein of membrane distinctly 10, 14) 192 (Fig. 7), same locality as for bifurcate at base (not bifurcate in P. holotype, 7-10.V.2005, K. Yamada; Ic?, africcma); the darkened apical 1/3 of same data as for holotype. 1 ?, Kampung dorsal surface of fore femur and basal Peta, Endau-Rompin, Johor, 14.v.2005, half of fore tibia (brown or clear yellow K. Yamada. All—in OPU. femur and tibia in P. africcma); and the Distribution. Malaysia. stout paramere notched near apex and — Etymology. Named after the type abruptly acute at apex (gradually acute locatlity, Mal—aysia; an adjective. toward apex in P. africcma). Remarks. In general, habitus of this Physopleuvella nigrifemora Yamada and new species is allied to P. africcma from Cameroon. It may be distinguished from Hirowatari, new species the latter by the larger body size (niale: (Figs.—5, 8, 11, 15, 25, 26) 2.28; female: 2.33 in P. africcma); the Diagnosis. Recognized by the fol- antennal segment II aslongasheadwidth lowing characters: Head (Figs. 5, 8) VOLUME NUMBER 109, 2 449 Figs. 23-28. Malegenitalia. 23, 24, Physopleiirellamalayana, holotype (glass slideNo. OPU-KY135). 25, 26, P. nigrifemora, holotype (glass slide No. OPU-KY137). 27, 28, P. striata, holotype (glass slide No. OPU-KY141). 23, 25, 27, Pygophores in dorsal view. 24, 26, 28, Parameres in posterior view. Scale bars: 0.05 mm. black to brownish black; antenna pale portion as long as length of eye; vertex yellow with segment I entirely darkened; 1.28 times as wide as width ofeye; ocelli antennal segment II apically tinged with red; neck tinged with pale brown. An- fuscous, about 1.2 times as long as head tenna (Figs. 5, 8) pale yellow, slender, width across eyes; pronotum (Fig. 5) covered with yellow, suberect setae; unicolorously black; femur (Fig. 11) segment I entirely darkened, reaching entirely black or brownish black; abdo- apex of head; segment II apically tinged men overall blackish brown, with central with fuscous, slightly thickened toward area pale brown; paramere (Figs. 25, 26) apex, about 1.2 times as long as head slender, extending laterally and abruptly width across eyes; segment III 0.55 times bent anteriorly near middle, gradually as long as segment II; segment IV slightly tapered toward—apex in posterior view. shorter than segment III, weakly flat- Description. Body (Fig. 5) brown to tened. Rostrum pale yellow, with sparse blackish brown. Head (Figs. 5, 8) black short setae; segment I to and basal of II to brownish black, 0.92 times as long as darkened; segment II bearing a pair of width across eyes; dorsal surface shiny, long erect setae at base; segment III sparsely covered with long, silky, erect distinctly swollen, about 1.2 times as setae and small punctures; anteocular long as segment IV.