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The genus Lomographa Hubner (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Taiwan, with descriptions of three new species PDF

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Preview The genus Lomographa Hubner (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Taiwan, with descriptions of three new species

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ueLwt 1),OtoGa 44(4):233-248, February1994 The genus Lomogrqpha HUbner (LepidopteGeroar,netridaef)rom Taiwan, with deseriptio nosf three new species KatsumiYAzAKi 2-5-20,Motoyokoyama, Hachioji,Tokyo, 19ZJapan Abstract Taiwanese species of Lomogmpha HUbner are reviewed. Three new species, L. ram, L. guttu'lat aand L, Percnostic alrae, describe d.Meths and genitalia of all the specics are figured. Key words Lepidoptera, Geometridae ,Lomagmpha, taxonomy, Taiwan. The ennomine genus Lomogmpha HUbner, [182 5iis known to be represented in Eurasia and N. America with about 40 species, most of which are found in temperate and tropical Asia. From Taiwan six species, of which two were describe dfrom Taiwan, were liste din Inoue (1992 ).Most species of this genus having only a simple maculation on the white wings resemble each other, sometimes being diMcult to distingui shby appearance. Accordingly t,here have been some confusion about the identificati oofn sspecies in the past, I have examined a long series of Lomqgmpha specimens from Taiwan, and have compared them with some type specimens preserved in MAKB and BMNH. In this paper I will enumerate ten species of this genus from Taiwan, of which three are recorded here'fo rthe firs ttime and three are describe das new to s'cience. The followin gabbreviations are used to indicat ethe locatio nof type material, BMNH : BritishMuseum (NaturaHlistory),・London.NSMT NationalScienceMuseum, Tokyo. : MAKB: ZoologischesForschungsinstitut Museum Alexander Koenig,Bonn. HI: und HiroshiInoue. KY: Katsumi Yazaki, Lomogrmpha inamata (Walker)(Fig1.) Acidaria i /amata : Walker, 1861, List specime lnesPid .Jnsect sColln Bx Mus, 22 : 755.・ Nbreiainamata:Moore.1887.Lapid.Caylon3i 406, Leucetaer ainamal a: Warren, 1894 ,Novit, gool, 1 : 406. BaPla inamala:Swinhoe, 1894, Tinns. enL Soc .Lond, 1894: 193. IlaPt a(Leucelae ivnaa)mata : Wehrli ,1939 : 298 Lomogmpha inamata:Inoue,1977,Bull,fuc.domest.Sci.Otsuma VVbm. Uhiv. 13[283. Acidon'a simplician'a Walker, 1861, List ,SZ)ecime nlsopid .insects Cvllon Br. Mus. 23 : 793. This is an unmistakable species, with a straightish ocherous postmedian line on both wings irrorated dark which are creamy white, with ocherous, Male genitalia (Fig.2 5)V.alva tapered towards round apex, bearing a small, thinly sclerotized lobe subapically below costa, Aedeagus vesica bearing three bunches of cornutui as figured. Female genital i(aFi g4,1) ,Ductus bursa elong ,membranous in posterior half ,sclerotized and ribbed in anteriQr half, somewhat dilated towards anterior end, Corpus bursae ovate, scattered densel ywith spines in posterior two-thirds. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 234 Katsumi YAzAKI NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan Genus LomogmPha from Taiwan 235 Figs 19'24. Type specimens of Lomog7mpha spp. 19. Caben znzatgarita Moore, lectotype di ,India ,ZO , Enj,t aanomp,s Wehrli ,lectotyp edi, China . 21 . dept aphaedm Wehrli, holotype or,China .22, Bfipt oachn'lineu Warren,holotyp e\,China .23, BqPin lungtanensis Wehrli, lectotype di ,China . 24. Bmpta asl,ncipta Wehrli, lectotype China. ci-, Specimens examined. Nantou Hsien, Lushan Spa (1,2 0m)0 : 3 c{" 3 \, 4-6 .viii, 1974 (H. Nakajima) : 2 di , 24-27 ,viii. 1983 (H, Yoshimoto) ; 4 (Ji 3 \, 30. vii-1. viii, 1984 (K ,Yazaki). Chiayi Hsien,Mt. Alishan (2,200 1 2-5, 1984(K,Yazaki). ChiayiHsien,Shiht- m) : cli, viii, zulu (1,5 m2):01 9, 5-6. v. 1984 (H.Yoshimoto). Distribution.Sri Lanka, India,Japan,Taiwan. This species had been known to be distribut ewiddely in the Orient aRlegion until Holloway (199 3s)eparated L. Izact12i v(aWtaalke r1,862) ,ranging from Peninsula rMalaysia to New Guinea,from inamala independent as an species. Lomogrqpha margarita (Moore )(Fig 2,) (;tib evmaangarike Moore, 1868, Proc .zool. Soc .Lond. 1867 : 647. Bmpla mp4ylata : Prout, 1914, Ent. fl4it t3.: 249 (ne cGuenee, 1857). Lomagmplza gn'seok z: Bastelberger, 1909, Dtsch. ent. Zbit .In' s(Dresde n22) : 176 (ne cWarren, 1893). BtzPld conshersa Wilernan, 1914, Entomolagist 47: 201, Syn. n. Lomogmpha conspersa : Inoue, 1992, in Heppner & Inoue (ed, )L,ePid. 7keiwan 1 (2 ): 11Z, Wings densely irrorated with fuscous, Forewing with antemedian fascia slender, oblique, curved outwards, vanished towards costa; postmedian fasci aslightly arched outwards; Figsl-18, Lo7nagmplta spp 1, L, inanzata (Walker) ,di. 2, L, margarita {Moore) ,c{T, 3. L. anarys (Wehrl id}i,- .4. L. distan <sWarren),holo t5yLp,e[Chin a]5, . L. opixuntha(Wehr- li),lectotyp ee,China. 6. L. claripennis lnoue, ?. 7. L, mntsp.n.holotype c{ny, 8. L. guttulatn sp. n., holotype d", 9. Ditto,paratype cl,China. 10. L. pempicat a(Wehrli )e,n. 11. L. gungtanens i(s"Tehr l[Df"., 12. L. topaishana (VL'ehr lleic)t,otyp [e1,China, 13. L. Pempicat a(Wehrli h}o,lotype d-, China , 14, L. Percnosti cslpa, n,, holotype M. 15. L. atrinotcipex <Joann i{sfi,) ,Thailand . 16. L. Plalyleu camatrgainaia {Wileman) ,9, 17, Ditto h,olotype Y of lmpla Poliotaen iWeahirnli ,China . 18. L. Platyleuc aatsyanopta (Wehr- li) ,paralectotype \, China. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 236 Katsumi YAzAKT ,g'5,'za//'wattt"ttdettzatttpmtts-ttttttttrfilett..-ttumtttttttttttttt 'sx.x t1 ttt"ttttt t ttt,t,ttt ' 6 ms・-.//"ff 25 ! ' : Il pt.twt'/.wr , x 1 8 ' as/k'ti/t '..,.t t"i.ftAt.-r・':'/.tt.ttp; t'''' ,ll,lM.k,,.: :-:i tt ・ ,yin tt ;・'f t.'' 'ige" 29 . t ttt t] ' p'astt.- '.,KIlIl:,.,-,',, 't '-t:.i"T,:-.an.N tt - tA titEtitt,tt - eqg} l t t ti..'t, lge: ' Figs25-30. Male genitalia of Lomogmpha spp, 25.28L., inamata (Walker ).26. L. mangarita {Mo o r e ) .27, L, anompG ("'ehrli), L, opiranth (aWehrli l)e,ctotype, China . 29 . L ,clan'pennis Inoue ,Japan .30. L.rara sp. n., holotype. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeeplpdiopdteorpoltoeglroaollogical  SSooolceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Genus LomograPha from Taiw an 237 ま蕪嘩鬻 遜                 華隔 犠 響 蕁等職 鷺 、,     磁 燥     聾 葺             5 ::胤轢萋董;    鞋      、華 襴    耐              Flgs 31 36 Male gen且talla Qf L o mo g ra ph a   s pp  31 L  guttu〜ket asp ’n , paratype     32  Llarngtanensts(Wehrh ) ,  le ct o ty p e,  Ch l na  33 五 subsPersata  (VVehrh ),Japan     34  Litipazshana (Wehrl1), 1e c t ot y p  eC hl n a 35 五 percno〜ttct asp n ,paratype     i6 L atη”otaPex {JOdnni) S正halland 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 238 KatsumiYAzAKI esWts,wtrm..vaff .t/ m'.ag'i'wwe/l'llas ・i.},?i' 38 ,t・nigw`s..・f・i'g.:kte',g t t latt/.I-pla.,t...t .:,, amX:. i.fltw・"t,-e./'', ,.' ..' ' Figs37-40 .Male genitalia of LomQgmph a s pp . 37. L. Pempical a(Wehrli)h,olotype, China . 38. L, plalyleuc atmaa7gin al a (Wileman ).39 . L. Pkilyleucatasa)veopta <Wehrli l>e,ctotype ,China . 40. L. Ptalygguc aPtlealylett c(aWtaalker )Ne,par. disca ldot dark grayish, relatively large .Hindwing with postmedian fasci aslender; discadlot rather small, }vlal geenitalia (Fig 2.6) . Valva rather short, Posterio rrnargin of juxt alobed bilaterally, Aedeagus 7-8long roundly produced rnesally, vesica elongate, with spines and an apical Eighth longlateral short cornutus, sternite with a pair of processes. Female genitalia (Fi g4.2) . Ductus bursae elongate, sclerotized and ribbed except posterior fift hwhich is membranous. Corpus bursae roundish; signum elongate with serrate margm. Specirne nexsamined. Lectetype cl of ma7garita (Fi g1.9) ,here designated "B,engallType/ Cabera margarita Moore, TypefMoore Coll ,94-1061Geometrida egenitali aslide No, 16643 (1", in BMNH. Taipei Hsien, Mt. Lalashan : 10 dl 3 g, vii, 1968 . Nantou Hsien, Lushan Spa <1,20 m0):1 di 1 9, 23-24, ii L1981 (H,Yoshimoto )d;i, 17-9. xi. 1983 (K .Yazaki). Nantou Hsien, Sungkang (2,O Om)O : 1 ?, 31. v. 1965 (T. Shir6zu) .Taichung Hsien, Lishan (2,O Om)O : 1 4, 22. vii. 1968 (H. Fukuda), Taichung Hsien, Mt. ShUehshan, Chika-shan- chuang {2,4 6m0), ] di, 29. vi, 1989 (M, Owada), Hualien Hsien, Tayuling (2,6 0m)0 : 1 cl, 23-26. vii. 1981 (R.Sato) ;cr1, 12, vi. 1988 (S,Sugi); c1i", 25. ix ,1992 (Aulomba r&d Plante) ,Chiayi Hsien ,Mt. Alishan (2,2 0m)0 : 1 di, 11-13, viii. 1974 (H .Nakajima) ; 1 cl-, 27. iii .1977 (Y.Kishida )1 ;9, 2-5. viii. 1984 (K.Yazaki ).Pingt:ung Hsien, Kenting, 1 \, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan GenusLomagmpha fromTaiwan 239 "yi-:i"・' yvewy"x'i es'en'vil・l ・ ・ :, i,i .,'?;i. kl:.zs::.'・.l.l,Y;g'iik/:i・-'I'iigiX'iS. i]・--}w--:ii・t \・i・}... il・:i:I}l,tll:.:t ttt.tt t.ttt ' t t.t'/・ii.f..1;;-/;・l:・ll.l":.//1:/・.'il ll - . I,.t/ t ttti ・tvt:・t:: lamIttl・t tt,:t:.tit ,tYt .ftl,t.tlf''iit'l l,lt・・:vtalIitl#Im/,u.i:t:・ t.'.,I,・i・ i・ll ・,・:;・-l-,u - l- e,e'ts"" tu .:::::::/:l:;://.:;-:..:k't.-:itl:,,iiii . , //:' : , /:: /: ,:,:::1.:,:/-l・ t :l-i,l{:i・・.・./ttttttti"ttt.l,tt,l・Il・tvr-,..uiII,'di'IItt/ttttwtttt-tttt tt ttt ttt ttttttttt ttl,t, ..t. t :i ttt.tttt tttttt.ttttttt .l.,wu.:llii・lllir,',i,likllll!ll tt ' . :.:.: li X・'YIIi t ;t i , ttl tt/t ,.ttt.t't tt, t it.t.ttti ,t v tt,.t,t:ttt:lt'42 ill4 k,xe tt wt rtmt tt"tttt..es ll' ' .pt,ilfilag i'i' gt g'gdilg・:llllil:I w sc , ll it gt et.-tt t gt.tttt,-/i[,,ii tttWintuattt , t ,,ltl.. l: t'r.t,',g:i, e:/ei;'i..:t: 1 /1. /t.'iil- f''ir tx,・, ・v /' ' e l1 :}lt・,il・,,'t・k I'l:.I t:t.ttt::.,::: :1 ':iile・ii・.l\E.li:va・ 47 48 49 50 Figs41-50 ,Fernale genitalia of Lomogmpha spp. 41 . L. inamata (Walker ).42. L. ma7garila (Moore ).43. L. anoA)c" (Wehrli >4.4. L. distans (Warren )h,olotype, [China ].45. Ditto , holotype of BtTPt a ochrilinea Warren, China , 46. L. et,ixantha (Wehrli ),paralectotype, China . 47. L. claviPennis Inoue .48. L. guttulat asp.n,,paratype, 49 L, ler"glanen s(iVsL'e-h rl5i0). .L. subsPersata (We- hrli) ,Japan, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 240 Katsumi YAzAKI wasks gtvex ..:llt .mnia. va:l/.ua ':: "xgi: i:..k .dix ' bltli .:;1 tum/t ....l・e'E'i/ pm:llewll・ X .,-udaiv k il, tx, ffla H.ts.・-.l. 52 s3i・ 55.tts/,-'i're.'sssc・pm -,,54 Figs51-55. Female genitalia of LomQgmpha spp. 51. L. tcipaishan a(Wehrl ip)a,ra- lectotyp eC,hina . 52. L. Percnosti csipn, n., paratype. 53 . L. platyleucal amar- gnrita ("rilema n)54., Ditto ,horotype of dnta Potiotaeni aWieahrli ,China . 55. L. Platylet tacsyanolplaa (Wehrli p)a,ralectotype. 12. 1970(Y.Shibata). viii. Distribution.India,Taiwan. An examination of the lectotyp eof mangarita has proved that Btrpt aconspersa Wileman describe dfrom Taiwan (a photograph of a male syntype taken by Dr H, Inoue examined) is conspecific with margarim. Lomagmpha g?dseola (Warren ,1893) ,describe dfrom India ,is the most similar species to ma7garila, but is distinguish efdrom the latte rby rather broad postmedian fasci aand clearer disca ldot on both wings, The male and female genitalia of grdseol a(se eYazaki, in preparation) are widely differe nftrom those of marginata. Although Bastelberger (1909 r)ecorded grdseol afrom Taiwan, I have found no specimen of it among a number of specimens of Lomagmpha secured from Taiwan. Consequen't lgyn'seol aof Bastelberger (190 9se)ems to be an misidentification of ma7garite, Lomographa anoxys (Wehrl i<)Fig 3.) pmla anompF Wehril ,1936, Ent. Rclsc h5.3 : 514, fig.5. Loinogimph adistan si Inoue ,1992 ,in Heppner & Inoue (ed. L)e,Pid .7)iitva n1(2 ): 112 <ne cWarren, 1894). BtzPi nPhaed' mWehrli, 1936, Ent. Rdsch, 53 : 563 .Syn. n. Lomagmpha laurentschwaM iHerbulot, 1992, Bull. Soc. ent. Mtithouse 1992 : 8, fig ,Syn. n. Somewhat large rthan ma7garila. Both wings les sdensel yirrorated with fuscous than in NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Genus Lomogmpha from Taiwan 241 margarild ; antemedian fasci auntraceable ; postmedian fasci astraightish, often obsolete in some specimens ; disca ldot blackish ,distinc tb,ut sometimes vanished in some speci- mens, Male genitalia (Fi g2.7) .Valva elongate, broad ; costa straightish or slightly swollen at middle. Juxta elongate; posterior margin lobed bilateral lryo,undly produced mesally. Coremata long, with long fine hair. Aedeagus vesica with a row of 7-10 stout spines, Female genitalia (Fi g4.3) . Ductus bursae elongate, membranous, with a thin, sclerotized belt-lik esclerite. Corpus bursae roundish, densely scattered with short spines laterall yin posterior portion ; signum relatively small, round with serrate margin. Specimens examined, Lectotype dn of anoays (Fig.2 0he)r,e designat e"Cdhina,, Provinz Hunan, Hoeng-Shan (90 0m), 18, 3. 1993 ,H.H6ne/Genitalia slide KYS-1046", in MAKB. Holotype c7 of Phaedv a(Fig 2.1) ,"Siao-Lou, Chasseurs indigene sd,u P, Dejean ,1901/Bapta phaedra Wehrli, Holotype/5870 di", in MAKB. Paratype ciT of Phaedr a",Khasis)', in MAKB. Taoyuan Hsien, Shang Paling (1,4 m0),0 1 9 {i ).Taoyuan Hsien, Mt. Lalashan, 3 cl (vi ).Taichung Hsien, Lishan (2,OOO m1) d,i 1 S (vi i)N.antou Hsien, Lushan Spa (1,200m )1,4 cl 6 \ (ii ivi,i-viii). Nantou Hsien, Wushe (1,100m )4, dn 1 ? (vii-viii). Nantou Hsien, Yushih, 1 (viiiH)u,alienHsien, Tayuling (2,600m)1,4 (v).Hualien {1 Hsien, Losao (1,1 1m0), 2 di n(iv ).Chiayi Hsien, Mt, Alisha n(2,2 0m)0, 14 di 4 4 (iii- viivi-, viii), Chiay iHsien ,Shihtzul u(1,5 m2),0 6 di 2 ? (vi i)C.hiayi Hsien, Fenchifu (1,400m), 2 (viii)T.aitungHsien,ChiepenSpa(200 1di(iii), c9n m), Distribution.India,Nepal, China,Thailand,Taiwan,PeninsularMalaysia, Philippines. This is the commonest species in Taiwan as well as in the Himalayas. It is suspectecl that there has been a confusion of the understanding for this species and Lomagmpha distans (Warren )wh,ich has been considered to range widely from N,W, Himalaya through China to Taiwan, in the senior authors. So far as my investigati oonn LoJnogmpha species from Asia, distan sseems to be distribute dlocall yin China, and anojt ys may have hitherte been erroneously regarded as disian sby almost all the students. BitPt aanoays was describe dupon nine males and two females from China by Wehrli (1936), and in the same paper B. Phaedra was described upon four males frem China and India. It has been proved by an examination of the syntypes of anoays that they are a mixture of several taxa. Among them one female bears "Holotype" label .and only one male bears "Paratype" label .It has appeared that the C`Holotype" female and "Paratype" male belong to a single species by a comparison with the Taiwanese taxon formerly considered as "distans". Moreover the "Paratype" male is apparently conspecific with the holotype of Phaedv a,As I select the "Paratype" male as lectotyp eby followin gthe advice of Dr D. StUning ,anoays becomes conspecific with phaedm, I use anoxys as valid name because the lectotyp eof anoays is in better condition than the holotyp eof Phaedra. The above synonymy of Lomagvapha lau7entschwarts iHerbulot ,describe dfror nTaiwan, with anoays is evident from the figur eof the male genitali ian the original deseription, The follewing specimens of anompts secured from outside of Taiwan were examined. India -Punjab, Simla {2,5 0m)0, 1 8 1 9 ; Kumaon, Bhimta] ,1 9 ; Darjeelin g<2,OOO m7) c,P 4 \ ; W. Sikkim ,Yuksam (1,780m )1 ,di, Nepal-Kathmandu: Godavari <1,6 0m0), 4 0 4\; Mt. Phulchouki (2,075m)3, Gandaki,Naudanda (1,470m)1,9. Thailand- cSZ. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 242 Katsumi YAzAm Chiang Mai : Doi Angkhang (1,350m )2, 9 ; Doi Inthanon (1,300 m3) 8, 1 4, China- Chekiang : W. Tien-mu-shan (1,6 0m)0, 2c{'19 ; E. Tien-mu-shan (1,5 0m)e, 19 ; Mokan- shan, lciT .Peninsula rMalaysia-Pahang, G, Berinchang (1,950m )1,\. Philippines- Luzon : Mt, Puguis (1,9 0m0), 1 9 ; Mt, Data (2,2 m5),0 1 0. Bapla distnn sWarren was describe dfrom [Chin (as]tat eerrdoneously as Japan ; see Prout, 1926 : 785) on the basi sof one female . The holotype of distan s(Fig 4.) is similar to anoxys in appearance, and is separable only by having more indistin cptostmedian fasci aand vestigial disca ldot on the forewing .The female genitalia (Fig.4 a4re) widely different from those of anoit;ys : ostium bursae sclerotized; ductus bursae membranous; corpus bursae rather large ,fully scattered with shorter spines; signum wanting. AIthough the name dislan sis well-known to students, I have found no specimen of it among the Asian Lomagimpha specimens other than the holotyp eexcept one female mentioned below. On the other hand BaPta ochritinea Warren, 1894 (Fig 2,2) was described from China upon ene female in the same paper as dislan s,The female genitalia (Fig.4 c5le)arly show ochrilinea to be conspecific with distan s,Therefore I treat ochriiinea as a juni osyrnonym of disla n(ssy nn..), since the name distan shas been cited more frequentl tyhan ochntinea, The male specimen (examine dil)lustrat easd ochn"linea by Wehrli (1939 :pl,23 ,row c) lacks abdomen, but as it has distinc ptostmedian fasci aon the forewing it seems to belong to anoays or another undescribed species. Type material examined are as follows, Holotype ? of distan s"J,apanlW. China psesumably!Bapta distan sWarr,, Type \/Type/ Geometridae genitali aslide 9674 ?/Rothschi ldBequest B. M, 1939-1' 'i,n BMNH, Holotype 4 of ochrilinea, "China/Bapta ochrilinea Warr., Type ?/Rothsch iBleqduest B, M. 1939-11Geometrida egenitalia slide 16644 9", in BMNH, Another taxon being similar and related to anorys is BkePl aopiranth aWehrli, 1936 (Fig 5.) from Chekiang, China. It is characterized by large rsize, rather brownish irrorati oonn the wings, and somewhat sinuated postmedian fascia on the forewing ,The male genitalia are distinctiv eas in Fig, 28. The female genitalia (Fig.4 6a)re rather similar to those of distan sthan to those of anowys. Ostium bursae is broader and more thinly sclerotized than in dislan s.Ductus bursae is broader . Corpus bursae is more elongate and more densely scattered with spines. Specimens of opixanth aexamined are as follows .Lectotype cl, here designated ,"Chekiang, West Tien-Mu-Shan (1,600m )8,. 6. 1932, H,H6nelBapta epixantha Wehrli, cl TypelGenitali aslide KYS-1050", in MAKB. Paralectotype ss:ame localit aynd collector, 1 \, 11 ,vi, 1932; 1 \, 1. vi. 1932. Lomographa claripennis Inoue (Fig 6.) Lomag,mpha clan'pennis Inoue, 1977, BugL Fizc .domest. Sci l.Otsuma LVbm. Univ, 13: 3Z2, fig,54. Distinguish efdrom anoxys by much darker frons ,rather slender and more conspicuous postmedian fasci aon both wings, and large rand more prominent disca ldot on hindwing. Male genitalia (Fig 2.9) , Very similar to those of anoicys, but distinguished by srnaller latera llobe at posterior margin of juxta ,Aedeagus with cornuti consisting of three stout spines and a shorter, slender one. Female genitalia (Fi g4.7) .Ductus bursae membranous in pesterior half ,sclerotized and ribbed in anterior half , Corpus bursae ovate, membranous, sclerotized and scattered with spines laterall yin posterior half ; signum stellate. NII-Electronic Library Service

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