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Preview The genus Goera (Trichoptera: Goeridae) in China

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 98(3), 1996, pp. 551-569 THE GENUS GOERA (TRICHOPTERA: GOERIDAE) IN CHINA LIANFANG YANG AND BRIAN J. ARMITAGE (LY) Department of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, People(cid:8217)s Republic of China; (BJA) Ohio Biological Survey and Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212-1192, U.S.A. Abstract.(cid:8212)Seven new species of the genus Goera Stephens from China are described: Goera arcuata, G. bicuspidata, G. morsei, G. ramosa, G. redacta, G. spinosa, and G. spiralis. Some of these species and some of the eleven species already described from China are placed in two previously defined and one newly defined species group. Possible relationships of the unassigned species are suggested. Goera interrogationis Botoganeanu, previously known only from Korea, is herein reported from the northeastern Chinese provinces of Hei-long-jiang and Ji-lin. Males of G. armata Navas, G. interrogationis Botosaneanu, G. martynowi Ulmer, and G. altofissura Hwang (= Huang) are redescribed. Females of G. interrogationis, G. martynowi, and G. altofissura are described for the first time. Key Words: Caddisflies, Trichoptera, Goeridae, Goera, China, new descriptions, new species groups Goera Stephens (1829) is the largest ge- tata Schmid, 1959; and G. tecta Schmid, nus in the family Goeridae and is repre- 1965. In addition, three species are known sented by 107 described species. Recently, from Taiwan: G. minuta Ulmer, 1927; G. Gall (1994) presented a phylogenetic anal- prominens Ulmer, 1911; and, G. tenuis Ul- ysis of Goeridae and a revision of the world mer, 1927; and, two species from Korea: G. genera. Goera has essentially a Laurasian interrogationis Botosaneanu, 1970 and G. distribution (Gall 1994), with the greatest japonica Banks, 1906. diversity in the Oriental region (Malicky Seven unknown species were identified and Chantaramongkol 1992). Schmid from specimens collected in China during (1991) described 21 new species from In- 1990 and 1991. These bring the total num- dia, Malicky and Chantaramongkol (1992) ber of known species in the genus to 114. described 15 new species from southeast To date, only two species groups, Goera ra- Asia, including 10 from Thailand. ghu Group (Schmid 1991) and G. minor Eleven species were previously described Group (Malicky and Chantaramongkol from mainland China: Goera altofissura 1992) have been defined. In the process Hwang (= Huang), 1957; G. armata Navas, of placing these new species within the ge- 1933; G. clavifera Schmid, 1965; G. cras- nus, one new species group is proposed. sata Schmid, 1965; G. digitata Martynov, The group relationships of some of the re- 1931; G. fissa Ulmer, 1926; G. foliacea maining species are suggested. A complete Schmid, 1965; G. latispina Schmid, 1965; examination of the genus worldwide, in- G. martynowi Ulmer, 1932; G. quadripunc- cluding a phylogenetic analysis, is planned 552 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON for the near future by B. Armitage (Ohio Types of new species and redescribed Biological Survey) and W. Gall (Buffalo species are deposited in the collections of Museum of Science). Nanjing Agricultural University, PR. China Male genitalia in the genus Goera exhibit (NAU, not specifically indicated in the diversity in the presence and absence of text), or partly in NAU and partly in the various associated structures, in their de- Clemson University Arthropod Collection velopment, and in their elaboration. Seg- (CUAC). ment IX exhibits a range of forms including Goera raghu Group, Schmid 1991 upright and continuous from dorsum to venter, reclined and continuous, or reclined Characters used to establish this Group with the subventral portion absent. Tergum include the absence of the subventral por- X generally bears median dorsal and ven- tion of abdominal segment IX and the ar- trolateral processes. These latter were de- ticulation of the inferior appendage(cid:8217)s distal scribed by Schmid (1983) as belonging to segment. In this Group, the basal segment tergum IX. The median dorsal processes of the inferior appendage is usually en- can be absent or represented by a simple larged and upright, occupying the position elongate lobe with a rounded apex. There normally assumed by sternum IX(cid:8217)s subven- is generally a pair of ventrolateral process- tral portion. Abdominal sternum VI bears es. These processes are represented by a one fingerlike process. Goera clavifera similar range of variability, including mul- Schmid from China is a member of this tiple branching. When the median dorsal Group. The following new species is pro- processes is absent, the ventrolateral pro- posed for inclusion in this species Group. cesses assume a more dorsal position. The Goera bicuspidata Yang and Armitage, preanal appendages are the least variable NEW SPECIES genitalic structure, typically represented by (Figs. 1A(cid:8212)-1E) elongate, cylindrical lobes with rounded apices. The inferior appendages demon- Description.(cid:8212)Body yellowish brown, strate the most variability. The distal seg- forewing testaceous with hairs concolorous, ment is reduced, often fused with the basal male antennal scape 3 to 3.5 times as long segment, and usually produced into a dorsal as wide; distal segment of maxillary palp lobe of varying length, directed posteriad. oval, 2 times as long as wide, each with An inner, mesal process of the distal seg- inner lobe covered with dark brown scales; ment is usually present, but not always di- sternite VI bearing one fingerlike process, rectly associated. The reduction in the distal 3.5 times as long as wide. segment has resulted in this inner process Male genitalia (Fig. 1)(cid:8212)Dorsum IX often being located at the junction of the broad in lateral view, and with subventral basal and distal segments. There is much portion missing. Preanal appendages slen- variation among species in the length and der and clavate, with apical taper. Dorsal shape of either portion of the distal seg- process of tergum X present, represented by ment. The basal segment is large and bears single, slightly clavate lobe. Lower, paired One or two processes of varying length. In processes of tergum X simple and terete, species in which the subventral portion of not sclerotized. Basal segment of each in- segment IX is reduced or missing, the basal ferior appendage much enlarged, bearing segment of the inferior appendage is com- elongate, dorsal spinelike process, and paratively larger, occupying the space nor- shorter ventral process with apex pointed mally filled by segment [X. Parameres are slightly mesad. Distal segment of inferior usually absent. The aedeagus is either sim- appendage completely fused with basal seg- ple and tubular, or bears membranous por- ment, and consisting of elongate dorsal lobe tions of varying complexities. with apex flattened apically as seen in dor- VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 553 sal and ventral view; and short, subtending Goera spiralis Yang and Armitage, point also pointing slightly mesad. Phallus NEw SPECIES a simple tube, laterally compressed near (Figs. 2A(cid:8212)2E) apex, with no parameres. Phallic apodeme Description.(cid:8212)Specimen rather denuded forming acute angle anteriorly. in alcohol, maxillary palpi broken. Body Length of forewing.(cid:8212)Male 5(cid:8212)5.2 mm. yellowish brown, forewings with trace of Immature stages and female.(cid:8212)Unknown. yellowish brown hairs. Sternite VI bearing Holotype male.(cid:8212)Yunnan Province. one, very short process, 1.5 times as long Wen-shan-xian, 5 km N of Wen-shan, San- as wide. jiao-tang, 9 July 1990, 1300 m elev., Li Male genitalia (Fig. 2).(cid:8212)Dorsum IX re- Youwen and Ke Xin. Paratype: 15 males duced in size compared to other species, (NAU); 5 males (CAUC). wider than tall in lateral view, and with sub- Etymology.(cid:8212)Latin, (cid:8220)(cid:8216)two points(cid:8217)(cid:8217), with ventral portion missing; ventrum IX repre- reference to the shape of the inferior ap- sented by small triangular patch in ventral pendages viewed ventrally. view. Preanal appendages slender and cla- Diagnosis.(cid:8212)This species is similar to vate. Dorsal process of tergum X present, several species within the Goera raghu represented by single, slightly clavate lobe; Group in having inferior appendages each lower, paired processes of tergum X simple with two distinctive acute processes in ven- and terete, not highly sclerotized. Basal tral view, but differs: (1) in segment IX segment of each inferior appendage much roughly forming an equilateral triangle in enlarged and semispherical in lateral view; lateral view; (2) in the dorsal process of dorsal spinelike process of G. raghu Group each inferior appendage with apex flattened absent. Distal segment of each inferior ap- apically; and, (3) in the basal segment of pendage consisting of arcuate dorsal pro- each inferior appendage oriented vertically, cess directed ventrolaterad apically and heightened, about one third as wide as high. shorter ventral process twisted in relation to Distribution.(cid:8212)Known only from the former process in ventral view. Phallus sim- type locality in southwestern China. ple tube, with no parameres. Phallic apo- deme quadrate. Unnamed Species Grouping No. 1 Length of forewing.(cid:8212)Male 5 mm. A second group of species within the Immature stages and female.(cid:8212)Unknown. Chinese fauna, similar to the Goera raghu Holotype male.(cid:8212)Yunnan Province. Group, is suggested, but awaits a more Wen-shan-xian, 5 km N of Wen-shan, San- complete examination of the world Goera jiao-tang, 9 July 1990, 1300 m elev., Li fauna. This group, like the G. raghu Group, Youwen and Ke Xin. lacks the subventral portion of abdominal Etymology.(cid:8212)Latin, (cid:8220)(cid:8216)a spiral,(cid:8221) with ref- segment IX and has an enlarged basal seg- erence to the shape of the inferior append- ment of each inferior appendage, which oc- ages viewed ventrally. cupies the position normally assumed by Diagnosis.(cid:8212)This species is similar to the subventral portion of sternum IX. In Goera quadripunctata Schmid 1959 from contrast, the long, dorsal, spinelike distal Li-jiang, Yunnan Province, in having a very process on the inferior appendage is absent. similarly shaped arcuate dorsal process of Sternum VI bears one fingerlike process. the distal segment of each inferior append- Current species from China which exhibit age, but differs in the lower mesal process these character states include G. quadri- of the appendage(cid:8217)s distal segment which in punctata Schmid and G. foliacea Schmid. this new species is much developed and The following new species appears related twisted in relation to the dorsal process in to these species. ventral view. 554 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON BICUSPIDATA Figs. 1-2. 1, Goera bicuspidata. Male genitalia: A, left lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, ventral view; D, phallus, left lateral view. Sternite VI: E, ventral view. 2, G. spiralis. Male genitalia: A, left lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, phallus, left lateral view; Dd, phallus dorsal view. Sternite VI: E, ventral view. VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 555 Distribution.(cid:8212)Known only from the vergent in dorsal or ventral view; in lateral type locality in southwestern China. view, subparallel-sided dorsoventrally, three times as long as high. Lamellae sub- Goera minor Group, Malicky and truncate with lower lateral portion extreme- Chantaramongkol 1992 ly convex in lateral view, each with apico- The Goera minor Group is defined by the mesal point slightly produced in ventral absence of subventral sternum IX and by view. Gonopod plate broad, subrectangular, the long, arcuate process arising from the 2.5 times as wide as long in ventral view, distal segment of each inferior appendage. with median apicomesal lobe two-fifths as Sternite VI bears a single, tonguelike pro- long as base. Spermathecal plate generally cess. No previously described species from anchor-shaped, roughly 2.2 times as long as China belongs to this group. However, the wide. following new species collected during this Length of forewing.(cid:8212)Male, 4 mm; fe- study is proposed for inclusion. male, 5 mm. Immature stages.(cid:8212)Unknown. Goera arcuata Yang and Armitage, Holotype male.(cid:8212)Yunnan Province, NEW SPECIES He-kou-xian, stream 5 km N of Nan-xi-he- (Figs. 3A(cid:8212)3E, 18A(cid:8212)18C) zhen, 20 July 1990, 300 m elev., Li You- Description.(cid:8212)Body yellow brown. Basal wen. two segments of male maxillary palp dark Etymology.(cid:8212)Latin, (cid:8220)(cid:8216)an arch(cid:8221)(cid:8217); with ref- brown, distal segment elongate oval, with erence to the shape of the distal segment of golden yellow hairs; on latter(cid:8217)s inner sur- each inferior appendage viewed laterally. face, apparent narrow aperture present, pos- Diagnosis.(cid:8212)This species is very close to sibly to internal sac of non-pigmented Goera schmidi Denning in the pattern of scales. Forewings faded in alcohol, sparsely male genitalia, but differs from it in having covered with yellowish brown hairs. Ster- (1) ventrolateral processes of tergum X not nite VI bearing one finger-like process, 2.5 completely fused, (2) reduction in the an- to 3 times as long as wide. terior portion of the basal segment of each Male genitalia (Fig. 3)(cid:8212)Dorsum IX ap- inferior appendage with corresponding pearing as subequilateral triangle in lateral elaboration of the dorsal spine, and (3) view; subventral portion of abdominal seg- more arcuate and capitate second segment ment IX absent; and, ventral portion of ab- of each inferior appendage. dominal segment IX present as a broad, Distribution.(cid:8212)Known only from the subtriangular plate in ventral view. Dorsal type locality in southwestern China. process of tergum X clavate, about as long Goera fissa Group Yang and Armitage, as preanal appendages; ventrolateral pro- NEw GRoOupP cesses of abdominal segment X closely ap- pressed to each other, 1.3 times as long as The members of this group are defined dorsal process. Basal segment of each in- by the elongation of abdominal sternum [X ferior appendage subrectangular, bearing into a simple or bifid lobe, and the absence long, curved, heavily sclerotized spine dor- of tergum X(cid:8217)s dorsal process. Sternite VI sally; distal segment completely fused with has a comb-like array of spines. The distal basal segment and represented by an arcu- segment of each maxillary palp is usually ate mesodorsal process with an inflated oval; the opening of the scale-bearing inner apex, curved posteroventrad in lateral view, lobe appears as a short, longitudinal, nar- sinuate in dorsal and ventral view. Phallus row aperture bearing pigmented, closely ap- tube-like; phalicata not distinct. pressed scale-like setae, sometimes ar- Female genitalia (Fig. 18).(cid:8212)Preanal ap- ranged as one or two stripes. Current spe- pendages fused with tergum X, slightly di- cies from China which fall into this group 556 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ARCUATA ALTOFISSURA 4c vleifetFw i;gl sat.Ce ,r a3l-v 4e.nv tireawl.3 , vGSitoeeewr,rn ait De, a rVpcIhu:aa ltlaEu.,s , Mvealneltfetr allg aetneviritaealwl .i va:i4 e,w A., G . leaftl tolfaitesrsaulr a.v ieMwa;l eB , gdeonritsaalli a:v ieAw,; lCe,f t velnatterraall vviieeww;; DB,, phdaolrlsauls VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 557 include Goera altofissura Hwang (= ite simple and viola-shaped in ventral view, Huang), G. fissa Ulmer, G. latispina constricted at basal one third distance. Schmid, and G. martynowi Ulmer. A pre- Length of forewing.(cid:8212)Male, 8.5 to 9 viously described Korean species recorded mm; female, 10 mm. here for the first time from China, G. inter- Immature stages (cid:8212)Unknown. rogationis Botosaneanu, is also a member. Material examined.(cid:8212)Anhui Province. 2 Two new species are proposed for inclu- males and 2 females, Dong-zhi-xian, Feng- sion, Goera ramosa and G. redacta. shui-cun, Qiou-pu-qiao-he, 11 km SE of Dong-zhi, 7 June 1990, 30 m elev., J. C. Goera altofissura Hwang 1957 Morse, Yang Lianfang, and Sun Changhai (Figs. 4A(cid:8212)4D, 12A(cid:8212)12C) (CUAC); 1 male, Jiuhua Mt., 5 June 1989, Sun Changhai; 2 males and 2 females, Goera altofissura Hwang, 1957: 397-398, Xi-xian, Yang-jia-tan, Feng-yuan-shui, 24 figs. 112-117; holotype male; type local- May 1990, 215 m elev., J. C. Morse and ity = Fujan Province, PR. China; type Sun Changhai; 2 males and 3 females, depository = PR. China?, unknown Xi-xian, Shang-feng, 23 June 1991, Sun Goera altofissura was collected from Changhai and Zhao Lixin. Zhejiang Prov- seven localities in four provinces. Males ince. | male, 26 June 1986, Yang and Hu. and females were taken at six of the sites. Jiangxi Province. 2 males and 1 female, Yu- Distal segment of male maxillary palp oval, shan-xian, San-qing-shan, Shuang-xi-he, 80 2 times as long as wide, its outer surface km S of Yu-shan, 27(cid:8212)28 May 1990, J.C. covered with golden hairs, inner surface Morse and Sun Changhai. Hubei Province. bare; opening of scale-bearing inner lobe 8 males and 1 female, Ma-cheng-xian, 15 appearing as short, longitudinal, narrow ap- km NE of Ma-cheng, Zheng-shui-he, 1 km erture, bearing darkly pigmented, closely S of Gui-shan Tea Farm, 13 July 1990, J. appressed scale-like setae as two dark C. Morse and Wang Shida. stripes. Male genitalia have been redrawn Distribution.(cid:8212)Previously known from (Fig. 4). Sternite IX produced into finger- Fujan Province in southeastern China; now like process rounded at apex, not quite one known from six other localities in south- half as long as main portion of segment IX. eastern China. Ventrolateral branches of tergum X sclero- Goera ramosa Yang and Armitage, tized, stout and straight, each with shallow, NEW SPECIES apical bifurcations. Preanal appendages di- (Figs. SA-S5E, 13A(cid:8212)13C) vergent, apical portion of each preanal ap- pendage blunt and bent dorsad. Dorsal and Description.(cid:8212)Body brown, covered with mesal processes of each inferior append- brown to dark brown hairs. Distal segment age(cid:8217)s second segment arcuate, pointed in of male maxillary palp shaped similar to lateral view, and with mesal process point- that of Goera altofissura, but inner lobe ed slightly laterad in ventral view. Opening appears only as one dark scale- Female genitalia (Fig. 12).(cid:8212)Preanal ap- bearing stripe. Sternite VI bearing comb- pendages fused with tergum X, finger-like, like array of spines with middle spine stur- 3 to 3.5 times as long as wide each with dy. rounded apex in lateral view. Lamellae each Male genitalia (Fig. 5)(cid:8212)Dorsum IX with distinctive constriction around its mid- long in lateral view, with apicomesal pro- dle surface such that each seems to be di- cess of sternum IX developed into single vided into two lobes in lateral view. Gon- rounded lobe at least two-thirds as long as opod plate subquadrate with apicomesal main body of segment IX. Preanal append- lobe broad, about 4 times as wide as its ages slender and clavate. Dorsal process of length in ventral view. Spermathecal scler- tergum X absent; ventrolateral processes 558 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON highly sclerotized and branched, each pro- process of tergum X and from G. redacta cess with inner branch bifurcate and with by the greater length of its lateral branch. outer branch slightly shorter than inner The ventral process of sternum IX is broad- branch. Basal segment of each inferior ap- er than that of G. redacta. Finally, the in- pendage about three times as long as tall. terior, mesal process of the inferior appen- Distal segment of each inferior appendage dage(cid:8217)s distal segment in ventral view has an well developed compared to most species, acute apex which is hooked laterad. In fe- with broad basal portion clearly separated male genitalia, G. ramosa differs from G. from basal segment, with dorsal portion de- altofissura in the transversely broad gono- veloped into elongate, flattened lobe, and pod plate with a relatively smaller apico- with separate, mesal sclerotized arm with mesal process and in the spermathecal apex acute and hooked laterad. Phallus sim- sclerite without constriction near its base; it ple tube with no parameres. Phallic apode- differs from G. redacta in having elongate me forming acute angle anteriorly. lateral lobes on tergum X; and it differs Female genitalia (Fig. 13).(cid:8212)Preanal ap- from both of these related species by its pendages fused with tergum X, elongate in conspicuous bilobed lamellae. lateral view, at least 5 times as long as Distribution.(cid:8212)Known only from type se- wide. Lamellae distinctively bilobed in both ries in southwestern China. lateral and ventral views. Gonopod plate Goera redacta Yang and Armitage, about 1.5 times as broad as long, apico- NEw SPECIES mesal process 2.5 times as wide as long in (Figs. 6A-6E, 14A(cid:8212)14C) ventral view. Spermothecal sclerite simple, with anterior portion broadly rounded. Description.(cid:8212)Body brown, forewings Length of forewing.(cid:8212)Male, 9.5(cid:8212)10 mm; covered with golden brown hairs. Maxillary female, 10(cid:8212)10.5 mm. palps similar in structure and appearance to Immature stages.(cid:8212)Unknown. those of Goera ramosa. Sternite VI bearing Holotype male.(cid:8212)Sichuan Province. comb-like array of spines with middle spine Qing-sheng-shan, 32 km SW of Guan-xian, sturdy. Wei-jiang-he, 730 m elev., 20 June 1990, J. Male genitalia (Fig. 6).(cid:8212)Dorsum IX, ap- C. Morse, Yang Lianfang, and Chen icomesal process of sternum IX, and pre- Xiaoen. Paratypes, 5 males and 5 females anal appendages similar to those of Goera (NAU), 2 males and | female (CUAC), ramosa. Dorsal process of tergum X absent; same data as holotype; 8 males and 7 fe- ventrolateral, paired processes of tergum X males, Du-jiang-yan, 6 km W of Guan-xian, highly sclerotized and branched; each with Bai-shui-he, 780 m elev., 18 June 1990, inner branch deeply notched at apex, form- Yang Lianfang and Chen Xiaoen. ing two acute apical spines; outer branch Etymology.(cid:8212)Latin, (cid:8220)(cid:8216)full of branches(cid:8217), much shorter than inner branch, and arising with reference to the branching processes of from midpoint of process. Basal segment of male tergum X. each inferior appendage one half as long as Diagnosis.(cid:8212)This species, Goera altofis- high. Distal segment of each inferior ap- sura Hwang (= Huang) and G. redacta sp. pendage similar to that of G. ramosa, with n. are very closely related in sharing the broad basal portion clearly separated from following homologue: a notched inner api- basal segment and developed dorsally into cal projection of each lower lateral process an elongate, flattened lobe, interior, mesal of tergum X; the notch is very weak in G. sclerotized arm with apex acute and hooked altofissura, but very distinctive in this spe- dorsad. Phallus simple tube with no para- cies and G. redacta. In male genitalia, G. meres. Phallic apodeme forming acute an- ramosa differs from G. altofissura in hav- gle anteriorly. ing deep branching of each lower lateral Female genitalia (Fig. 14).(cid:8212)Preanal ap- VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 559 Figs. 5(cid:8212)6. 5, Goera ramosa. Male genitalia: A, left lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, ventral view; D, phallus, left lateral view. Sternite VI: E, ventral view. 6, G. redacta. Male genitalia: A, left lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, ventral view, D, phallus, left lateral view. 560 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON pendages fused with tergum X, each trian- ported from North Korea. Male antennal gular, about 1.6 to 1.7 times as long as wide scape 3.5 times as long as wide and distal basally in dorsal view; laterally appearing segment of each maxillary palp oval, 1.7 elongate, with subapical ventral swelling. times as long as wide. The male genitalia Gonopod plate subrectangular, similar to are redescribed and redrawn here and the that of Goera ramosa. Spermathecal scler- female genitalia described for the first time. ite simple, with anterior portion broadened, Male genitalia (Fig. 7).(cid:8212)Segment IX without distinctive constriction near its long, oblique; sternite IX produced into base. elongate process tapering to an acute point Length of forewing.(cid:8212)Male, 9.7 mm; fe- in lateral view, at least two-thirds as long male, 8.8(cid:8212)9.8 mm. as main body of segment IX, and expanding Immature stages.(cid:8212)Unknown. to flat, truncate lobe in ventral view. Ven- Holotype male.(cid:8212)Sichuan Province. trolateral branches of tergum X unbranched, E-mei-shan, 3 km W of Jing-shui, E-mei- each tapering to acute point, and slightly he, 910 m elev., 1 July 1990, Li Youwen arcuate in lateral view. Inferior appendage(cid:8217)s and Chen Xiaoen. Paratype, 1 male and 3 basal segment very elongate and oblique; females (NAU), 1 male and 1 female distal segment distinct from basal segment (CUAC), same data as holotype. and bearing arcuate dorsal process with Etymology.(cid:8212)Latin, (cid:8220)(cid:8216)reduced(cid:8217)(cid:8217), with rounded apex, short ventral lobe, and ar- reference to the short, outer branch of ter- cuate mesal process with tapering apices di- gum X. rected laterad in ventral view. Phallus reg- Diagnosis.(cid:8212)As discussed above, this ular, tube-like with phalicata membranous, species is possibly a sister species to Goera bearing many tiny spines. ramosa, both species having similar lateral Female genitalia (Fig. 15).(cid:8212)Preanal ap- processes of tergum X, with the outer pendages fused with tergum X, stout and branch arising mesally; and, in the female, digitate in dorsal view, elongate in lateral having subrectangular gonopod plates and view. Lamellae distinctively bilobed with unconstricted spermathecal sclerites. The upper lobe short, subtruncate in lateral male of this species differs from that of G. view. In ventral view, gonopod plate about ramosa by the relative shortness of its outer as long as wide with broadly rounded lat- branch on each lower lateral process of ter- eral edges; apicomesal process large, trian- gum X, by the narrower ventral process of gular, with blunt apex. Spermathecal scler- sternum IX, and by the blunt apex on the ite subrectangular, about 2.2 times as long mesal process of each inferior appendage(cid:8217)s as wide, with paired anteromesal longitu- distal segment. dinal lips, and bearing broad plate anteri- Distribution.(cid:8212) Known only from type lo- orly in ventral view. cality, southwest China. Material examined.(cid:8212)Hei-long-jiang Province. 2 males and 1 female, Wu-da- Goera interrogationis Botosaneanu 1970 lian-chi, 8 August 1987, Xue Yingen. Ji-lin (Figs. 7A(cid:8212)7E, 15A(cid:8212)15C) Province. 1 male, Chang-bai Mt., 980 m elev., 15 August 1983, Zhang Manfu. Goera interrogationis Botosaneanu, 1970: Distribution.(cid:8212)Previously known from 306-307, plate XXXI; holotype = male; North Korea; now found in northeastern type locality = Korea; type depository = China. Zoological Institute of the Polish Acad- emy of Sciences (Warsaw). Goera martynowi Ulmer 1932 (Figs. 8A-8E, 16A(cid:8212)16C) Goera interrogationis was collected from two localities in two northeastern Chinese Goera martynowi Ulmer, 1932: 69-70, figs. provinces. Previously it had only been re- 44(cid:8212)45; holotype = male; type locality =

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