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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 101(3). 1999, pp. 540-568 THE GENUS COSTATRICHIA MOSELY IN COSTA RICA, WITH A REVIEW OF THE NEOTROPICAL SPECIES (TRICHOPTERA: HYDROPTILIDAE) Ralph W. Holzenthal and Steven C. Harris MN (RWH) Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 55108, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (SCH) Department of Biology, Clarion Univer- sity, Clarion, PA 16214, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Three new species ofCostatrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) aredescribed from Costa Rica, C. carara, C.flinti, and C. zopilote, and one from Venezuela, C. cressae. The subspecies Costatrichia tripartita venezuelensis from Venezuela is elevated to species status and newly recorded from Costa Rica. Illustrations and a key to males of the 12 C known species in the genus are provided. The females of carara, C. simplex, C. C tripartita, and zopilote are illustrated. Key Words: Trichoptera, Costa Rica, Venezuela, taxonomy, microcaddisflies,Neotropics, key This paper on the genus Costatrichia pas, Mexico. Since then, six additional spe- Mosely represents another in a continuing cies have been described, including C. bi- series of works emphasizing the taxonomy partita Flint 1970 (Nicaragua), C. noite An- of the microcaddisfly fauna of Costa Rica. grisano 1995 (Uruguay), C. panamensis In cases where a broader review ofthe fau- FUnt 1967 (Panama), C. simplex ¥\mX 1970 na is necessary to resolve taxonomic prob- (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexi- C lems, we have expanded our study beyond co, Nicaragua), spinifera Flint 1970 Costa Rica, as we have done in this paper. (Panama), and C. tripartita Flint 1970 (Pan- We herein describe four new species, in- ama). In addition, Flint (1981) also de- cluding one from Venezuela, redescribe an- scribed the subspecies C. tripartita vene- other four species known from Costa Rica, zuelensis from Venezuela. Flint (1970) re- elevate one subspecies to full species status, corded C. lodora and C. simplexfrom Costa and illustrate two species not reported from, Rica. Another of these species, C. spinifera but likely to occur in Costa Rica. As well, Flint from Panama, is herein recorded from we have included new figures of C. noite Costa Rica. With the description of four Angrisano since we have seen additional new Costa Rican and Venezuelan species in material from Peru [Loreto: Sucusari River this paper and the elevation of the subspe- at Explornapo Camp, 13 January 1993, L. cies to full specific status, 12 species are J. Davenport (NMNH, UMSP)], suggesting now known in the genus. The immature a wider range for the species than previ- stages of Costatrichia are unknown and ously suspected. A key is included to sep- nothing of substance is known about the bi- arate the males of all known species in the ology of the genus except that adults are genus. usually taken near flowing water. The genus Costatrichia was erected by Flint (1970) separated the genus into two Mosely in 1937 for C. lodora from Chia- groups based on features of the male geni- VOLUME NUMBER 101, 3 541 talia, head and wings. The simplex group Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo, Heredia, contained those males with unmodified an- Costa Rica (INBIO) as noted in the descrip- tennae, and no basal costal bulla in the fore- tions. Morphological descriptions follow wing, while the lodora group contained the terminology of Marshall (1979). Spec- those species with modified antennae, a imen length is measured from the tip ofthe costal bulla, and divided inferior append- wings to the top of the head and is given ages. Flint (1970) mentioned the close sim- as a range when more than one specimen ilarity among Costathchia, Leucotrichia, was measured. and Zumatrichia, with greater similarity to Costatrichia Mosely the latter genus. In Marshall's (1979) key the lodora group keyed close to Acostath- Costatrichia Mosely 1937: 166 [Type spe- chia Mosely and the simplex group keyed cies: Costatrichia lo—dora Mosely 1937, separately with Betrichia argentinica Flint, original designation]. Flint 1970:11 [re- Leucotrichia malleopicta group, and Ce- vision]. laenotrichia Mosely. It may be, however, Costatrichia is defined by the following that Costatrichia is paraphyletic, with the characteristics: Head unmodified in males simplex group belonging to another genus. and females; 3 ocelli in males and females, Costal bullae and modified male antennae antenna with scape elongate in most males, occur in other genera within the Leucotri- otherwise basal segments unmodified, re- chiini. As mentioned by Marshall (1979) maining segments terete, or with middle and Flint (1992), the generic limits ofthose segments broad in males of some species; taxa placed in the Leucotrichiini, including males usually with costal bulla on forewing, Costatrichia, are not clearly defined. Only comprised of short thickened setae, varying a reassessment ofall genera in the tribe will in length; transverse suture on mesoscutel- resolve the taxonomic problems. We have lum, metascutellum subpentagonal to tri- recently finished a review of the Stactobiini angular in shape; tibial spur formula 1,3,4. which necessitated an examination of the Generally brown in coloration with green- A Leucotrichiini. complete reassessment of ish bands or patches of hairs on the fore- the Leucotrichiini is beyond the scope of wing. Male genitalia with abdominal seg- this paper, but we are pursuing these stud- ment VII bearing elongate sternal process; ies. In anticipation ofthis larger assessment segment VIII typically narrowing ventrolat- and for ongoing research in biodiversity erally; segment IX greatly reduced ventral- conservation and aquatic ecology, we take ly, often bearing elongate lateral process this opportunity to provide names for these and with setose lateral process; segment X new species now. However, until the larger short and membranous, partly fused with IX assessment of the leucotrichiine genera and anteriorly. Inferior appendages elongate and their characters occurs, the exact placement conspicuous or absent; subgenital plate pre- or status of the genus Costatrichia remains sent or absent. Phallus with median com- in question. plex, which includes a basal loop and dorsal Types of species described in this paper window, anteriorly with spines or sclerites. are deposited in the collections of the Na- Female genitalia with abdominal segment tional Museum of Natural History, Smith- VII with short sternal process. Segment sonian Institution, Washington, D.C. VIII usually with patches of short spicules. (NMNH), the University of Minnesota In- Bursa copulatrix with lyrelike vaginal scler- sect Collection, St. Paul, Minnesota ite bearing teeth on inner margin. (UMSP), the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (CMNH), Costatrichia lodora Mosely the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Ma- (Figs. lA, 2A, 3, 4) racay (UCV), and the Institute Nacional de Costatrichia lodora Mosely 1937:168. 542 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. I. Head and thorax of male Costalrirhia. dorsal view. A. C. locloni. B. C. spinifera. C, C zopilole. VOLUME 101, NUMBER 3 543 Figs. 2-3. 2, Fore and hind wings of Costathchia. A, C. lodora. B. C. zopilote. 3. Fore, mid and hindlegs of C. lodoro. Costathchia lodora is most similar to the narrowing anteriorly, posteriorly with small following new species. Both are related to dorsal knob and elongate posteroventral C. panamensis, differing primarily in the process, dorsolaterally with short setose shorter, more rounded posterior process process; in dorsal view posteroventral pro- from abdominal segment VIII. cess generally truncate, slightly emarginate — Male. Length 3.4-4.2 mm. Brown in posteriorly. Segment X membranous; in alcohol. Antenna with 19 segments, scape dorsal view, triangular posteriorly, broadly elongate, basal flagellar segments broad; 3 fused to segment IX anteriorly. Inferior ap- ocelli. Forewing with elongate costal bulla. pendages incised on posterior margin, dor- Abdominal sternum VII with elongate, sal arm thin and slightly narrowing poste- slender process. Segment VIII narrowing riorly, ventral arm broadly rounded; in ven- posterolaterally to acute point; in ventral as- tral view rectanguloid with apices curved pect with narrow posteromesal excision. slightly inward, thin lateral sclerotized pro- Segment IX mostly within segment VIII, cesses sharply curved inward at apex. Phal- 544 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 4. Costdirichia loJora. male genitalia. A, Lateral. B. Ventral. C. Dorsal. D, Phallus, lateral. E, Phalli dorsal. VOLUME 101, NUMBER 3 545 lus tubular basally with midlength complex alcohol. Antenna with 19 segments, scape bearing dorsal loop, apically with pair of elongate, basal flagellar segments broad; 3 elongate, thin lateral sclerites and middle ocelli. Forewing with elongate costal bulla. plate narro—wing to apical point. Abdominal sternum VII with slender elon- Female. Unknown. gate process. Segment VIII narrowing pos- Material examined.—COSTA RICA: Al- terolaterally to elongate, narrow spine; in ajuela: Rio Pizote, ca 5 km N Dos Rios, ventral view narrowing posteriorly with 10.948°N, 85.29rw, el. 470 m, 9.iii.l986, small mesal incision. Segment IX narrow- Holzenthal and Fasth, 1 6 (UMSP); Finca ing anteriorly, posteriorly with small dorsal El Ensayo, Cerro Campana, iv.1994, F. Mu- process and elongate posteroventral pro- noz, \S (UMSP); Quebrada Arena, Puesto cess, laterally with short setose process; in San Ramon, iv.l994, F. Munoz, \S ventral view, posteroventral process gener- (UMSP). Guanacaste: Rio Tizate, 2 km NE ally truncate, slightly emarginate posterior- Caiias Dulces, 10.773°N, 85.449°W, el. 275 ly. Segment X membranous; in dorsal view m, 28.vi.1986, Holzenthal, Heyn, Armitage, triangular posteriorly, broadly fused to seg- 2 S (INBIO); Parque Nacional Guanacaste, ment IX anteriorly. Inferior appendages El Hacha, Quebrada Alcornoque, 1 1.009°N, broadly incised on posterior margin, broad 85.577°W, el. 250 m, 26.vii.1987, Holzen- dorsal arm about twice as wide as narrow thal, Morse, Clausen, 1 6 (UMSP). Here- ventral arm; in ventral view with basomesal dia: Rio Bijagual on road to Magsasay, shelves which curve inward, distally nar- 10.408°N, 84.076°W, el. 140 m, 12.ii.l986, rowing to acute apices. Phallus tubular ba- Holzenthal, Morse, Fasth, 5 6 (UMSP). sally, with midlength complex bearing dor- BELIZE: Stan Creek District: Cockscomb sal loop, apically with wide lateral sclerites Wildlife Preserve, Maya Mountains, Cocks- which narrow to acute distal points, middle comb-B4, 16.80°N, 88.55°W, el. 200 m, 10- plate narro—wing to apical point. 1 1.v.1990, Ad—ams and Dow, 1 6 (CMNH). Female. Unkn—own. Comments. The specimen of C lodora Type material. Holotype, 6. COSTA recorded from San Jose, Costa Rica, Rio RICA: Puntarenas: Rio Singri, ca 2 km (air) General, Pacuare, by Flint (1970) belongs S Finca Helechales, 9.057°N, 83.082°W, el. to a new species, C. flinti, described below. 720 m, 21.ii.1986, Holzenthal, Morse, Flint (1970) noted several differences when Fasth, (NMNH). Paratypes: COSTA RICA: the specimen was compared to a paratype Puntarenas: same data as holotype, 3 6 (IN- of C. lodora, but, with insufficient material, BIO), 9 6 (UMSP); Quebrada Potrero near these differences were attributed to intra- Potrero Grande, 5.vii.l992, T Shepard, 3 S specific variation. (INBIO), 15 S (UMSP); Rio Plantanar, Sal- itre, 6.5 km E Buenos Aires, el. 455 m, 8- Costatrichiaflinti, Holzenthal and 9.vi.l992, F Mufioz, 2 6 (NMNH), 20 6 Harris, new species (UMSP). San Jose: Rio General, Pacuare, (Fig. 5) l.vii.l967, P J—. Spangler, 1 6 (NMNH). Etymology. Named for Dr. Oliver S. Costatrichia lodora Flint 1970: 12 [para- type from Rio General, Pacuare, Costa Flint, Jr. who first recognized the differenc- Rica], nee Mosely 1937. es between the new species and the closely related C. lodora. This species is very similar to C. lodora Costatriehia simplex Flint Mosely differing in the shape ofthe inferior (Figs. 6-7) appendages, which have a broad dorsal arm, and in the wide lateral sclerites of the Costatrichia simplex Flint 1970: 13. phallus. Males of Costatrichia simplex are most — Male. Length 3.3-4.3 mm. Brown in similar to C. spinifera in the presence of PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 546 Fig. 5. Costathcliiaflinli. male genitalia. A, Lateral. B, Ventral. C. Dorsal. D, Phallus, lateral. E, Phallus, dorsal. VOLUME NUMBER 101, 3 547 Fig. 6. Costatrichia simplex, male genitalia. A, Lateral. B, Ventral. C, Dorsal. D, Phallus, lateral. E, Phallus, dorsal. 548 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 7. Costathchici simplex, female genitalia. A,Terminal abdominal segments, ventral. B, Bursacopulatrix, ventral. C, Bursa copulatrix, lateral. VOLUME 101. NUMBER 3 549 numerous phallic spines. The two species short, rounded posteriorly bearing pair of are easily separated by the absence of pos- apical papillae. Burse copulatrix in ventral terior spines from segment VIII in C. sim- aspect thin and elongate; vaginal sclerite plex. Since females of only a few Costatri- lyrelike, with inner margin serrate, con- chia are known, determining affinities is nected by thin tube to oval posterior scler- difficult. Females of C. simplex differ from ite; in lateral view vaginal sclerite with ser- those of the tripartita group by the narrow rate teeth posteroventrally, bifid anteriorly posterior portion ofthe bursa copulatrix and with cluster of hairs, connected by narrow lack of lateral membranous folds. The spe- tube to membranous posterior lobes. cies has been recorded from Costa Rica, El Material examined.—EL SALVADOR: Salvador, Honduras and Mexico. San Salvador, Lake Ilopango near Apulo, — Male. Length 4.2-4.6 mm. Head with 5.viii.l967, Flint and Ortiz, 2 (5, 3 9 par- whitish hair; antenna with 19 segments, te- atypes (NMNH). COSTA RICA: Guana- rete; 3 ocelli. Forewing mostly brown with caste: Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Que- narrow greenish stripe at midlength, with brada San Emilio, 10.862°N, 85.610°W, el. greenish area subapically and along poste- 300 m, 27.vi.1986, Holzenthal, Heyn, Ar- rior margin, costal bulla present, but small mitage, 1 6 (UMSP). NICARAGUA: So- and inconspicuous. Abdominal sternum VII lentiname, Isla La Venada, 22.ii.1995, F. with pair ofshort mesal processes. Segment Collantes, 2 d—, 1 9 (NMNH). VIII tapering posteroventrally, truncate in Comments. Previously recorded from ventral view. Segment IX compressed dor- Costa Rica by Flint (1970): Guanacaste: solaterally, narrowing anteroventrally, Rio Ahogados, 10 miles northwest of Li- obliquely truncate posteriorly, bearing a beria, 25.vii.1965, P J. Spangler, 1 S large setose lobe posterolaterally; in ventral (NMNH); Las Canas, I3.vii.l965, 1 S view slightly rounded posteriorly. Segment (NMNH). X membranous, a short round lobe in lateral view; in dorsal view rounded posteriorly, Costatrichia tripartita Flint broadly fused to segment IX anteriorly. In- (Figs. 8-9) ferior appendages rectanguloid, ventral Costatrichia tripartita Flint 1970: 13. margin sclerotized and extending posteri- orly as small lobe; in ventral view trian- Costatrichia tripartita and the two new gular, with inner margins sinuate. Phallus species which follow, along with the rede- C tubular basally, with midlength complex fined species venezuelensis, form a dis- bearing dorsal loop, apically with cluster of tinct group recognizable by the tripartite in- short spines basally, apex with rings of ferior appendages. Costatrichia tripartita is small spicules; in lateral view, spinal cluster separated from the rest of the group by the ventrolater—al in position. deep mesal incision of the posterior margin Female. Length 3.8-4.4 mm. Colora- ofthe eighth sternum and the internal spine- tion as in male. Antenna simple, with 19 like process of this segment. As well, the segments; 3 ocelli. Forewing without costal phallus of C. tripartita has a pair of short, bulla. Abdominal segment VI with short acute posterolateral spines. The species is sternal process. Segment VII nearly square, known from Panama, but as we have fe- slightly emarginate on posterior margin. males from Costa Rica which appear to Segment VIII with patches of short spic- match females collected with males of C. ules, posterior margin with ring of elongate tripartita from Panama, we are here record- setae; lateral apodemes extending midway ing the species from Costa Rica. This re- through segment VIII. Segment IX with tri- cord from San Jose remains tentative, how- angular ventral lobe; lateral apodemes ex- ever, since females of all Costatrichia spe- tending through segment VIII. Segment X cies are not yet associated and species spe-

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