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The generic differentiability of convex-concave functions: Characterization Abbas Moameni ∗ Department of Mathematics and Statistics 1 1 Queen’s University 0 Kingston, ON, Canada K7L3N6 2 [email protected] n a January 12, 2011 J 0 1 Abstract ] A AsestablishedbyRT.Rockafellar,realvaluedconvex-concavefunctionsaregenericallydifferentiable. F Itthispaperweshallshowthatforaconvex-concavefunctiondefinedonanopenconvexsetC×D,there existdensesubsetsN ofC andMofD suchthatthepartialderivativewithrespecttothefirstvariable . h (resp. second variable) exists on N ×D (resp. C ×M) and therefore the function is differentiable on at N ×M. This is an interesting property of convex-concave functions and it does not hold for convex- m convex functions. As an immediate application we recover the generic single-valuedness of monotone operators. [ 1 1 Introduction v 2 7 Many results about generic differentiability of real valued convex functions are already known. However, 9 to our knowledge the only results about directional derivatives and generic differentiability of real-valued 1 convex-concave function was established by R T. Rockafellar in [8]. Since then there has been some con- . 1 tributions and extensions to the continuity and differentiability of convex-concave and biconvex operators 0 taking vales in appropriate partially ordered vector spaces (see [4, 5] and references therein). 1 1 : The regularity properties of convex-concave functions follows indeed as extensions of similar results for v convexfunctions. Thatiswhyonemaynotexpecttoobtainabetterresultwhenitcomestoconvex-concave i X functions. Here is our main theorem that reveals an interesting property of convex-concavefunctions. ar Theorem 1.1 Let H be a convex-concave function on Rn×Rm. Let C×D be an open convex set on which H is finite. The following statements hold, (1) There exists a dense subset N of C, such that Ln(C\N)=0 and for each x∈N, the partial derivative ∇ H(x,y) exists for all y ∈D. 1 (2) There exists a dense subset M of D such that Lm(D\M)=0 and for each y ∈M the partial derivative ∇ H(x,y) exists for all x∈C. 2 (3) The complement of N ×M in C×D has Lebesgue measure zero in Rn×Rm and H is differentiable on the dense subset N ×M of C×D. The above conclusion no longer holds for convex-convexfunctions, for instance the function H :R×R→R defined by H(x,y) = |x−y| fails to have this property. In fact, for each dense subset N of R, the partial derivative with respect to the first variable does not exist on the whole set N ×R. HereisanimmediatecorollaryofthisTheoremtoskew-symmetricfunctions,i.e. functionsdefineonRn×Rn with H(x,y)=−H(y,x) for all (x,y)∈Dom(H). ∗ResearchsupportedbyaColemanfellowshipatQueen’sUniversity. 1 Corollary 1.2 Let H be a convex-concave skew-symmetric function on Rn ×Rn. Let C ×C be an open convex set on which H is finite. There exists a dense subset N of C, such that Ln(C\N)=0 and for each x∈N, the function H is differentiable at (x,x). An important application of this Corollary is the generic single-valuedness of monotone operators. Indeed, as shown by E. Krauss [6] one can associate to each maximal monotone operator T : Rn → Rn, a skew- symmetric closed convex-concavefunction H such that T Tx=y if and only if (y,−y)∈∂H (x,x), T where ∂H stands for sub-differential of convex-concave function introduced by T. R. Rockafellar. By the T above Corollary H is almost every where differentiable on the diagonal of Dom(T)×Dom(T) (assuming T int(Dom(T)) 6= ∅) and therefore ∂H (x,x) = ∇H (x,x) for a dense subset of Dom(T) for which we have T T theoperatorT isalmosteverywheresingle-valued. Foradetailedproofinmoregeneralspaces,theinterested reader is referred to [7] where a new and shorter proof of the Krauss result together with the extension of Theorem 1.1 to mappings on Asplund topological spaces are provided. TheproofofTheorem1.1consistsofpermanencepropertiesofconvex-concavefunctionsestablishedbyT.R. Rockafellar[8]togetherwith afundamentalbutless-knownresultofArzela[1,2]in(1883/1884)providinga necessary and sufficient condition for the point wise limit of a sequence of real valued continuous functions on compact sets to be continuous (see Theorem 3.4 in the present paper for the statement). In the next sectionwe recallsome preliminary definitions andresults which will be of use in section3 where Theorem 1.1 is proved. 2 Preliminaries In this section we start by introducing the notations used throughout the paper and then recallsome of the standard results for both convex and convex-concavefunctions. As to notation: If x,y ∈Rn then the inner product is denoted by hx,yiRn. Explicitly if x=(x1,...,xn) and y =(y ,...,y ) 1 n hx,yiRn =x1y1+..+xnyn. The norm of x is kxk= hx,xi. Lebesgue measure in Rn will be denoted by Ln and integrals with respect to this measure will be pwritten as f(x)dx. Let f : Rn → (−∞,+∞] be any function. Let x be a point where f is finite. The directionaldeRrivative off atx in the directionu is denoted by Df(x)u andis defined to be f(x+λu)−f(x) Df(x)u= lim λ→0+ λ if it exists. If f is differentiable at x, the directional derivatives Df(x)u are all finite and Df(x)u=h∇f(x),uiRn, ∀u∈Rn, where ∇f(x) is the gradient of f at x. Let us list some of the properties of directional derivatives of convex functions. Theorem 2.1 Let f :Rn →(−∞,+∞] be a proper convex function. Let x be a point where f is finite. The following statements hold, (1) For each u ∈ Rn, the difference quotient in the definition of Df(x)u is a non-decreasing function of λ>0, so that Df(x)u exists and f(x+λu)−f(x) Df(x)u= inf . (1) λ>0 λ (2) Df(x)u is a positively homogeneous convex function of u, with Df(x)u+Df(x)(−u)≥0 ∀u∈Rn. 2 Definition 2.2 Say that a mapping H : Rn×Rm →[−∞,∞] is a saddle function provided it is convex in the first variable and concave in the second; more precisely, we require that the function x→H(x,y) (resp. y →−H(x,y)) be a convex function for each fixed y ∈Rm (respectively each x∈Rm). Similarly,onecandefine the directionalderivativesfora saddlefunctionH :Rn×Rm →[−∞,∞]asfollows Let (x,y)∈Rn×Rm be a point where H is finite. The one sided directionalderivative of H at (x,y) in the direction (u,v)∈Rn×Rm is defined to be the limit H(x+λu,y+λv)−H(x,y) DH(x,y)(u,v)= lim λ→0+ λ if the limit exists. By Theorem 2.1, the directional derivatives H(x+λu,y)−H(x,y) D H(x,y)(u)= lim 1 λ→0+ λ and H(x,y+λv)−H(x,y) D H(x,y)(v)= lim 2 λ→0+ λ exist and if H is differentiable with respect to the first variable (resp. second variable) at (x,y) then D1H(x,y)(u)=h∇1H(x,y),uiRn resp. D2H(x,y)(v)=h∇2H(x,y),viRm (cid:0) (cid:1) for all u ∈ Rn (resp. v ∈ Rm) where ∇ H(x,y) (resp. ∇ H(x,y)) is the gradient of H with respect to the 1 2 first variable (resp. second variable) at (x,y). This result is due to T. Rockafellar [8]. Theorem 2.3 Let H be a convex-concave function on Rn×Rm. Let C×D be an open convex set on which H is finite. Then for each (x,y) ∈ C ×D, DH(x,y)(u,v) exists and is a finite positively homogeneous convex-concave function of (u,v) on Rn×Rm. In fact, DH(x,y)(u,v)=D H(x,y)(u)+D H(x,y)(v). 1 2 3 Proof of Theorem 1.1 Fix (x,y)∈C×D. For each λ>0, define the following functions on Rn×Rm. H(x+λu,y+λv)−H(x,y) H (u,v)= , λ λ H(x+λu,y+λv)−H(x,y+λv) H˜ (u,v)= , λ λ H1(u) = H (u,0) and H2(v) = H (0,v). We have the following result regarding the convergence of λ λ λ λ H ,H˜ ,H1 and H2. λ λ λ λ Proposition 3.1 The following statements hold. (1)H1(u) converge uniformly to D H(x,y)(u) on compact subsets of Rn. λ 1 (2)H2(v) converge uniformly to D H(x,y)(v) on compact subsets of Rm. λ 2 (3) H (u,v) converges uniformly to D H(x,y)(u)+D H(x,y)(v) on compact subsets A×B of Rn×Rm. λ 1 2 (4) Let u∈RN. If ∇ H(x,y) exists then for each v ∈Rm, 1 lim D H(x,y+λv)(u)=D H(x,y)(u), 1 1 λ→0+ and this convergence is uniform on compact subsets of Rm. (5) H˜ (u,v) converges uniformly to D H(x,y)(u) on compact subsets A×B of Rn×Rm. λ 1 We shall need the following result known as Dini’s theorem for the proof of this Proposition. 3 Theorem 3.1 Let K be a compact subset in a metric space, and (1) {f } is a sequence of continuous functions on K, k (2) {f } converges pointwise to a continuous function f on K, k (3) f (x)≥f (x) for all x∈K,k=1,2,3,.... k k+1 Then f →f uniformly on K and therefore f is continuous on K. k Proof of Proposition 3.1. For parts (1) and (2), note that H1 is a non-decreasing function and H2 is a λ λ non-increasing function of λ>0 and therefore the result follows from Dini’s Theorem. Proofofpart(3): We firstshow thatfor eachǫ>0 there existsλ >0 suchthat for all0<λ<λ ,we have 0 0 H (u,v)<D H(x,y)(u)+D H(x,y)(v)+ǫ, for all (u,v)∈A×B. λ 1 2 Then by a dual argument we have H (u,v)>D H(x,y)(u)+D H(x,y)(v)−ǫ, for all (u,v)∈A×B, λ 1 2 from which we obtain the desired result in part (3). The difference quotient in the function H can be λ expressed as H(x,y+λv)−H(x,y) H(x+λu,y+λv)−H(x,y+λv) + , λ λ where the first quotient convergesuniformly to D H(x,y)(v) on B. It follows from Theorem35.1 in [8] that 2 H is Lipschitz on every closed bounded set of C×D. Suppose Λ>0 is the Lipschitz constant on the set K :={(x+δ A)×(y+δ B);0≤δ ,δ ≤δ } 1 2 1 2 0 where δ > 0 is small enough so that K ⊂ C×D. Since H1(u) converges uniformly to D H(x,y)(u) on A, 0 λ 1 there exists 0<α<δ such that 0 H(x+αu,y)−H(x,y) ǫ <D H(x,y)(u)+ . 1 α 2 Thus, for every v ∈B and 0<λ<δ , it follows from the above inequality that 0 H(x+αu,y+λv)−H(x,y+λv) ǫ 2λΛkvk <D H(x,y)(u)+ + . 1 α 2 α Let λ be small enough such that 2λ0Λkvk <ǫ/2 for all v ∈B. For each 0<λ<min{λ ,α} we have 0 α 0 H(x+αu,y+λv)−H(x,y+λv) D H(x,y)(u)+ǫ > 1 α H(x+λu,y+λv)−H(x,y+λv) ≥ , (2) λ from which part (3) follows. Weknowprovepart(4). Notefirstthatby(1)inTheorem2.1wehave H(x+λu,y+λv)−H(x,y+λv) ≥D H(x,y+ λ 1 λv)(u), from which together with (2) we have D H(x,y)(u)+ǫ>D H(x,y+λv)(u), (3) 1 1 for every 0<λ<min{λ ,α} and v ∈B. By a similar argument we have 0 −D H(x,y)(−u)−ǫ<−D H(x,y+λv)(−u), (4) 1 1 It follows from (3), (4) and part (2) of Theorem 2.1 that −D H(x,y)(−u)−ǫ<−D H(x,y+λv)(−u)≤D H(x,y+λv)(u)<D H(x,y)(u)+ǫ, 1 1 1 1 and the result follows due to assumption that ∇ H(x,y) exists and D H(x,y)(u) = −D H(x,y)(−u) = 1 1 1 h∇1H(x,y),uiRn. Part (5) follows from the fact that H˜ (u,v)=H (u,v)−H2(v). (cid:3) λ λ λ The following result holds for both convex-concaveand convex-convexfunctions. 4 Proposition 3.2 Suppose F is a finite convex-concave (resp. convex-convex) function on convex subset C×D of Rn×Rm. The following assertions hold: (1) There exists a dense subset N of C, such that Ln(C\N)=0 and for each x∈N, the partial derivative ∇ H(x,y) exists for almost all y ∈D. 1 (2) There exists a dense subset M of D such that Lm(D\M)=0 and for each y ∈M the partial derivative ∇ H(x,y) exists for almost all x∈C. 2 Proof. We just prove part (1). Part (2) follows from a similar argument. For each x∈C, set N ={y ∈D;∇ H(x,y) does not exist }. x 1 Thus,thesetN =∪ {x}×N consistsofall(x,y)∈C×D suchthat∇ H(x,y)doesnotexist. Itfollows x∈C x 1 that for convex-concave (resp. convex-convex) functions this set is of measure zero in Rn×Rm. Therefore, it follows from Fubini’s theorem that 0= dydx= 1 dydx= Lm(N )dx. ZZ Z Z {x}×Nx Z x C D C N Therefore, there exists a dense subset N of C, such that Ln(C \N) = 0, and for each x ∈ N one has Lm(N )=0 from which one has D\N is dense in D. (cid:3) x x Lemma 3.2 Let N and M be as in Proposition 3.2 for the convex-concave function H in Theorem 1.1. The following statements hold. (1) Let x ∈N. For each u∈Rn the function f :D →R defined by f (y)=D H(x ,y)(u) is continuous. 0 u u 1 0 (2) Let y ∈M. For each v ∈Rm the function g :C →R defined by g (x)=D H(x,y )(v) is continuous. 0 v v 2 0 Notethatthefunctionsf andg intheaboveLemmaareindeedthepointwiselimit-notnecessaryuniform u v though-ofthequotientsinthedefinitionofdirectionalderivativesofthefunctionH.Toprovethecontinuity of these functions we first recall the notion of quasi-uniformly convergence and an immediate application introduced by Arzela [1, 2]. Definition 3.3 A sequence {f } of (scalar-valued) functions on an arbitrary set X is said to converge to k f quasi-uniformly on X, if {f } converges pointwise to f and if, for every ǫ > 0 and L ∈ N, there exists a k finite number of indices k ,k ,...,k ≥ L such that for each x ∈ X at least one of the following inequalities 1 2 l holds: |f (x)−f(x)|<ǫ, i=1,2,...,l. ki Theorem 3.4 Ifasequenceofreal-valuedfunctionsonatopologicalspaceX convergestoaconcinnouslimit, then the convergence is quasi-uniform on every compact subset of X. Conversely, if the sequence converges quasi-uniformly on a subset of X, the limit is continuous on this subset. The interested reader is also referred to a more recent paper [3] for the proof. Proof of Lemma 3.2. We just prove part (1). A similar argument yields part (2). Let B be a compact subset of D with a non-empty interior. Fix u ∈ Rn. We shall show that y → f (y) = D H(x ,y)(u) is u 1 0 continuous on B. In order to simplify the writing and since the direction u is fixed, we do not indicate the dependence of the function f to u and we just use f instead of f . u u Note first that f(y)=D H(x ,y)(u)=lim f (y) where 1 0 k→∞ k H(x +λ u,y)−H(x ,y) 0 k 0 f (y)= , k λ k andλ =1/k fork ∈N. Notethatforeachk thefunction f iscontinuous. We shallshowthatf converges k k k quasi-uniformly to f on B. Fix ǫ > 0 and L ∈ N. Since x ∈ N, it follows from Proposition 3.2 that there 0 5 exists a dense subset B of D suchthat ∇ H(x ,y)exists for all y ∈B . For eachy ∈B , it followsfrom x0 1 0 x0 x0 parts (4) and (5) of Proposition 3.1 that there exists k >L such that y H(x0+λkyu,y+λkyv)−H(x0,y+λkyv) −D H(x ,y)(u) < ǫ, 1 0 (cid:12)(cid:12) λky (cid:12)(cid:12) 2 (cid:12) (cid:12) and ǫ D H(x ,y+λ v)(u)−D H(x ,y)(u) < , 1 0 ky 1 0 2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) foreveryv ∈B.Notethatf (y+λ v)=[H(x +λ u,y+λ v)−H(x ,y+λ v)]/λ andf(y+λ v)= ky ky 0 ky ky 0 ky ky ky D H(x ,y+λ v)(u). Thus, it follows from the above inequalities that 1 0 ky |f (y+λ v)−f(y+λ v)|<ǫ, (5) ky ky ky for all v ∈B. Define U ={y+λ v;v ∈B}. Since B is dense in D we have y ky x0 B ⊂∪ int U . y∈Bx0 y (cid:0) (cid:1) B is compact and therefore there exist y ,y ,...,y ∈ B such that B ⊂ ∪l int U ). This together with 1 2 l x0 i=1 yi (5) implies that (cid:0) |f (w)−f(w)|<ǫ, for all w ∈U , kyi yi and therefore f converges to f quasi-uniformly on B from which we have f is continuous on B. (cid:3) k Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let N and M be as in Lemma 3.2. Fix x ∈N. We shall show that ∇ H(x ,y) 0 1 0 existsforally ∈D.ItfollowsfromProposition3.2thereexistsadensesubsetB ofDsuchthat∇ H(x ,y) x0 1 0 exists for all y ∈B . Fix u∈RN. We need to show that x0 D H(x ,y)(u)+D H(x ,y)(−u)=0, (6) 1 0 1 0 for all y ∈ D. Note first that, equality (6) holds for all y ∈ B . It also follows from Lemma 3.2 that the x0 functiony →D H(x ,y)(u)+D H(x ,y)(−u)iscontinuousandthereforetheresultfollowsfromthedensity 1 0 1 0 of B in D. x0 By asimilarargumentwe havethat foreveryy ∈M, ∇ H(x,y ) existsfor allx∈C. Itfinally followsthat 0 2 0 N ×M is dense in C×D and for each (x ,y )∈N ×M, the function H is differentiable at (x ,y ). (cid:3) 0 0 0 0 References [1] C. Arzela`, Intorno alla continuita` della somma d’infinita` di funzioni continue, Rend. R. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna (1883/1884)79-84. [2] C. Arzela`, Sulle serie di funzioni, Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna 5 (8) (1899/1900)131-186. [3] R.G. Bartle, On compactness in functional analysis, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 79 (1955) 3557. [4] J. M. Borwein, Partially monotone operators and the generic differentiability of convex-concave and biconvex mappings. Israel J. Math. 54 (1986), no. 1, 42-50. [5] M. Jouak, L. Thibault, Directional derivatives and almost everywhere differentiability of biconvex and concave-convex operators. Math. Scand. 57 (1985), no. 1, 215224. [6] E.KraussArepresentationofarbitrarymaximalmonotoneoperatorsviasubgradientsofskew-symmetric saddle functions. Nonlinear Anal. 9 (1985), no. 12, 1381-1399, [7] A. Moameni A charactrization of points of differentiability of convex-concave mappings, In prepration. [8] T. Rockafellar, Convex Analysis, 1970,Princeton University Press. 6

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