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The Generic Chaining: Upper and Lower Bounds for Stochastic Processes PDF

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S M M pringer onographs in athematics Michel Talagrand The Generic Chaining Upper and Lower Bounds of Stochastic Processes 123 MichelTalagrand Equiped’Analysefonctionelle InstitutMathématiquesdeJussieu U.M.R.7586C.N.R.S. UniversitéParisVI Boite186 4PlaceJussieu75230Paris,France and TheOhio-StateUniversity 281West18thAvenue Columbus,OH43210,USA e-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2005920702 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):60G15,60G17,60G52,60D05,60G70,60B11 ISSN1439-7382 ISBN3-540-24518-9SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned,specifically therightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmorinany otherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofispermittedonlyunderthe provisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalways beobtainedfromSpringer.ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springeronline.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2005 PrintedinGermany Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenin theabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsand thereforefreeforgeneraluse. TypesetbytheauthorsusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage Production:LE-TEXJelonek,Schmidt&VöcklerGbR,Leipzig Coverdesign:ErichKirchner,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper 44/3141/YL-543210 To my father Contents Introduction.................................................. 1 1 Overview and Basic Facts................................. 5 1.1 Overview of the Book ................................... 5 1.2 The Generic Chaining................................... 9 1.3 A Partitioning Scheme .................................. 17 1.4 Notes and Comments ................................... 30 2 Gaussian Processes and Related Structures ............... 33 2.1 Gaussian Processes and the Mysteries of Hilbert Space ...... 33 2.2 A First Look at Ellipsoids ............................... 39 2.3 p-stable Processes ...................................... 42 2.4 Further Reading: Stationarity ............................ 50 2.5 Order 2 Gaussian Chaos................................. 51 2.6 L2, L1, L∞ Balls ...................................... 60 2.7 Donsker Classes ........................................ 75 3 Matching Theorems ...................................... 89 3.1 The Ellipsoid Theorem.................................. 89 3.2 Matchings ............................................. 94 3.3 The Ajtai, Komlo`s, Tusn`ady Matching Theorem............ 97 3.4 The Leighton-Shor Grid Matching Theorem. ............... 102 3.5 Shor’s Matching Theorem ............................... 110 4 The Bernoulli Conjecture................................. 129 4.1 The Conjecture ........................................ 129 4.2 Control in (cid:1)∞ Norm .................................... 130 4.3 Chopping Maps and the Weak Solution ................... 134 4.4 Further Thoughts ...................................... 144 5 Families of distances...................................... 145 5.1 A General Partition Scheme ............................. 145 5.2 The Structure of Certain Canonical Processes.............. 150 5.3 Lower Bounds for Infinitely Divisible Processes............. 160 VIII Contents 5.4 The Decomposition Theorem for Infinitely Divisible Processes.......................... 175 5.5 Further Thoughts ...................................... 181 6 Applications to Banach Space Theory .................... 185 6.1 Cotype of Operators from C(K).......................... 185 6.2 Computing the Rademacher Cotype-2 Constant ............ 196 6.3 Restriction of Operators................................. 202 6.4 The Λ(p) Problem...................................... 207 6.5 Schechtman’s Embedding Theorem ....................... 213 6.6 Further Reading........................................ 216 References.................................................... 217 Index......................................................... 221 Introduction What is the maximum level a certain river is likely to reach over the next 25 years? (Having experienced three times a few feet of water in my house, I feel a keen personal interest in this question.) There are many questions of the samenature:whatisthe likelymagnitude ofthe strongestearthquaketo occurduringthelifeofaplannedbuilding,orthespeedofthestrongestwind a suspension bridge will have to stand? All these situations can be modeled in the same manner. The value X of the quantity of interest (be it water t level or speed of wind) at time t is a random variable. What can be said about the maximum value of X over a certain range of t? t A collectionof random variables (X ), where t belongs to a certain index t set T, is called a stochastic process, and the topic of this book is the study of the supremum of certain stochastic processes, and more precisely to find upper and lower bounds for the quantity EsupX . (0.1) t t∈T Since T might be uncountable, some care has to be taken to define this quantity. For any reasonable definition of Esup X we have t∈T t EsupX =sup{EsupX ; F ⊂T , F finite}, (0.2) t t t∈T t∈F an equality that we will take as the definition of the quantity Esup X . t∈T t Thus, the crucial case for the estimation of the quantity (0.1) is the case where T is finite, an observation that should stress that this book is mostly about inequalities. The most important random variables (r.v.) are arguably Gaussian r.v. The study of conditions under which Gaussian processes are bounded (i.e. the quantity(0.1)isfinite)goesbackatleasttoKolmogorov.Thecelebrated Kolmogorov conditions for the boundedness of a stochastic process are still useful today, but they are far from being necessary and sufficient. The un- derstanding of Gaussian processes was long delayed by the fact that in the most immediate examples the index set is a subset of R or Rn and that the temptation to use the specialstructure of this index set is nearly irresistible. ProbablythesinglemostimportantconceptualprogressaboutGaussianpro- cesses is the realization, in the late sixties, that the boundedness of a (cen- tered) Gaussian process is determined by the structure of the metric space 2 Introduction (T,d), where the distance d is given by d(s,t)=(E(X −X )2)1/2 . (0.3) s t In1967,R.Dudley obtainedasharpsufficientconditionfortheboundedness of a Gaussianprocess,the so-calledDudley entropy condition. It is basedon the fact that, for a Gaussian process, (cid:1) (cid:2) u2 ∀u>0, P(|X −X |≥u)≤2exp − . (0.4) s t 2d(s,t)2 Dudley’s condition is however not necessary. A few years later, X. Fernique (building on earlier ideas of C. Preston) introduced a condition based on the use of a new tool called majorizing measures. Fernique’s condition is weaker than Dudley’s, and Fernique conjectured that his condition was in fact necessary. Gilles Pisier suggested in 1983 that I should work on this conjecture, and kept goading me until I proved it in 1985, obtaining thus a necessaryandsufficientconditionfortheboundednessofaGaussianprocess, or equivalently, upper and lower bounds of the same order for the quantity (0.1) in terms of the structure of the metric space (T,d). A few years of great excitement followed this discovery, during which I proved a number of extensions of this result, or of parts of it, to other classes of processes. I was excited because I liked (and still like) these results. Unfortunately, I was about the only one to get excited. Part of the reason is that Fernique’s concept of majorizing measures is very difficult to grasp at the beginning, and was consequently dismissed by the main body of probabilists as a mere curiosity. (I must admit that I did have a terrible time myself to understand it.) In 2000, while discussing one of the open problems of this book with K. Ball (be he blessed for his interest in it) I discovered that one could replace majorizingmeasuresbyasuitablevariationontheusualchainingarguments, a variation that is moreover totally natural. That this was not discovered much earlier is a striking illustration of the inefficiency of the human brain (and of mine in particular). This new approach not only removes the psy- chological obstacle of having to understand the somewhat disturbing idea of majorizing measures, it also removes a number of technicalities, and allows onetogivesignificantlyshorterproofs.Ithusfeltthetimehadcometomake anewexpositionofmybody ofworkonlowerandupperboundsforstochas- tic processes. The feeling that, this time, the approach was possibly (and even probably) the correct one gave me the energy to rework all the proofs. For several of the most striking results, such as Shor’s matching theorem, the decomposition theorem for infinitely divisible processes, and Bourgain’s solution of the Λ problem, the proofs given here are at least three times p shorter than the previously published proofs. Beside enjoying myself immensely and giving others a chance to under- standtheresultspresentedhere(andevenpossiblytogetexcitedaboutthem) Introduction 3 a main objective of this book is to point out several problems that remain open. Of course opinions differ as to what constitutes an important prob- lem, but I like those presentedhere. One of them deals with the geometryof Hilbert space, a topic that can hardly be dismissed as exotic. I stated only the problems that I find really interesting. Possibly they are challenging. At least, I made every effort to make progress on them. A significant part of the material of the book was discovered while trying to solve the “Bernoulli problem” of Chapter 4. I have spent many years thinking to that problem, and will be glad to offer a prize of $ 5000 for a positive solution of it. A smaller prize of $ 1000 is offered for a positive solution of the possibly even more important problemraisedat the end of chapter 5.The smaller amount simply reflects the fact that I have spent less time on this question than on the Bernoulli problem. It is of course advisable to claim these prizes before I am too senile to understand the solution, for there will be no guarantee of payment afterwards. (Cash awards will also be given for a negative solution of any of these two problems, the amount depending on the beauty of the solution.) It is my pleasure to thank the Ohio State University and the National Science Foundation for supporting the typing of this book, and making its publication possible. Imustapologizeforthecountlessinaccuraciesandmistakes,smallorbig, that this book is bound to contain despite all the efforts made to remove them. I was very much helped in this endeavor by a number of colleagues, and in particular by A. Hanen and R. Latala, who read the entire book. Of course, all the remaining mistakes are my sole responsibility. Inconclusion,abitofwisdom.IthinkthatIfinallydiscoveredafoolproof way to ensure that the writing of a book of this size be a delightful and easy experience. Just write a 600 page book first!

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