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The GAVI Alliance - Independent Evaluation Group - World Bank PDF

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GLOBAL PROGRAM REVIEW The GAVI Alliance Global Program Review The World Bank’s Partnership with the GAVI Alliance Main Report and Annexes Contents ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................. V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................ XI PROGRAM AT A GLANCE: THE GAVI ALLIANCE ............................................................................ XII KEY BANK STAFF RESPONSIBLE DURING PERIOD UNDER REVIEW ........................................ XIV GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................................... XV OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ XVII GAVI ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT RESPONSE .............................................................................. XXV WORLD BANK GROUP MANAGEMENT RESPONSE ................................................................... XXIX CHAIRPERSON’S SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... XXXI 1. THE WORLD BANK-GAVI PARTNERSHIP AND THE PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW ...................... 1 Evolution of GAVI ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Funding and Results ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Purpose of the Review .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Data, Methodology, and Timeframe .......................................................................................................................... 7 2. THE WORLD BANK AS A FINANCIAL PARTNER TO GAVI ........................................................... 9 Setting up an International Finance Facility for Immunisation ................................................................................... 9 Origin and Establishment of IFFIm ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Financing IFFIm ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 IFFIm’s Governance and Management ............................................................................................................................... 13 The World Bank’s Role and Responsibilities as Treasury Manager of IFFIm ..................................................................... 13 External Evaluation of IFFIm ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Advanced Market Commitment to Spur Vaccine Development .............................................................................. 16 Origin and Establishment of the AMC ................................................................................................................................. 16 AMC Funding and Operations ............................................................................................................................................. 18 The World Bank’s Role in AMC’s Financial Platform .......................................................................................................... 19 Conclusions and Lessons on the Bank’s Contributions to Innovative Finance on Behalf of GAVI ......................... 20 3. THE WORLD BANK AS DEVELOPMENT PARTNER TO GAVI ..................................................... 21 Opportunities for Stronger Development Effectiveness in Immunization ................................................................ 21 Opportunities to Help Ensure Adequate and Sustainable Funding for Immunization ............................................. 22 Opportunities to Address Inequities in Immunization Access ................................................................................. 24 Opportunities to Coordinate Support to Health and Immunization via Global Health Partnerships ........................ 26 The Bank’s Limited Engagement in Immunization .................................................................................................. 27 Limited Bank-GAVI Country-level Engagements................................................................................................................. 30 Direct Bank-GAVI Trust Fund Collaboration Has Ceased ................................................................................................... 32 Country Visits Also Find Opportunities for Stronger Bank Engagement in Immunization ................................................... 35 i CONTENTS 4. THE BANK AS A GOVERNANCE PARTNER .................................................................................. 37 Pre-governance Reform Period .............................................................................................................................. 37 Post-governance Reform Period ............................................................................................................................. 39 GAVI’s Evolving Strategy and Relationship with the Bank ...................................................................................... 41 Lessons for Future Engagement with GAVI and other Partnership Programs ........................................................ 44 5. CONCLUSIONS AND LESSONS ..................................................................................................... 47 Lessons for the Bank’s relationship with GAVI and other partnership programs. ................................................... 49 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 95 ENDNOTES ........................................................................................................................................... 99 Boxes Box 1. The International Health Partnership ..........................................................................................27 Box 2. Major Findings from Survey of World Bank TTLs .......................................................................34 Box 3. The World Bank’s Participation in GAVI Board Committees .......................................................41 Box 4. GAVI’s Phases and Strategies ...................................................................................................42 Tables Table 1. Contribution Receipts from AMC Donors, as of March 31, 2013 .............................................19 Table 2. Immunization-related Projects by Sector Board .......................................................................28 Table 3. Polio Projects, US$ million .......................................................................................................30 Table 4. References to GAVI in Country Assistance Strategies and Project Appraisal Documents, Fiscal Years 2001–11. ...........................................................................................................................30 Table 5. References to the Global Fund in Country Assistance Strategies and Project Appraisal Documents, Fiscal Years 2003–10 ........................................................................................................31 Table 6. DGF Contributions to GAVI, 2001–07 (US$ millions)...............................................................32 Table 7. Cross-Cutting Issues from Country Visits ................................................................................35 Table 8. GAVI Board and GAVI Fund Board Compositions Before the Reform, 2005 ...........................38 Figures Figure 1. Contributions and Pledges to GAVI (2000 - Present) .............................................................. 2 Figure 2. GAVI’s Commitments to Countries (from inception until August 31, 2013) .............................. 3 Figure 3. . IFFIm Process ......................................................................................................................11 Figure 4. . IFFIm Donor Commitments and Funds Raised, 2006-2030 .................................................12 Figure 5. . Cash Received by GAVI by Source (1999-2009) .................................................................12 Figure 6. . AMC Process ........................................................................................................................17 Figure 7. AMC Funding Structure (Illustrative Example) ........................................................................18 Figure 8. Immunization Operations by Sector Board and as Share of Total Projects, 2003-12 .............29 ii CONTENTS Figure 9. Regional Distribution of Immunization-related Operations ..................................................... 29 Figure 10. World Bank Immunization Operations by GAVI Eligibility ..................................................... 29 Figure 11. Type of Activities Funded by ImGAVI Trust Fund ................................................................ 33 Figure 12. GAVI Alliance Board Composition, 2013 .............................................................................. 39 Figure 13. HNP Department Expenditures for GAVI and Immunization-related Projects, 2002-2013 ... 45 Appendixes APPENDIX A. GAVI: PURPOSE, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND ACTIVITIES ............................................ 51 APPENDIX B. REPLICABILITY OF INNOVATIVE FINANCIAL MECHANISMS ................................. 63 APPENDIX C. TIMELINE OF GAVI ALLIANCE AND RELATED EVENTS IN THE WORLD BANK AND ELSEWHERE ............................................................................................................................... 65 APPENDIX D. MEMBERS OF THE GAVI ALLIANCE BOARD ........................................................... 71 APPENDIX E. FINDINGS FROM THE COUNTRY VISITS ................................................................... 73 APPENDIX F. RESULTS OF THE ELECTRONIC SURVEY OF WORLD BANK TASK TEAM LEADERS ............................................................................................................................................. 79 APPENDIX G. WORLD BANK IMMUNIZATION-RELATED OPERATIONS ....................................... 88 APPENDIX H. LIST OF PERSONS CONSULTED ............................................................................... 91 Evaluation Managers  Caroline Heider Director-General, Evaluation  Nick York Director, IEGCC  Geeta Batra Manager  Christopher Gerrard Task Manager (for Approach Paper)  Rasmus Heltberg Task Manager (final Report) iii Abbreviations AAA Accra Agenda for Action AEFI Adverse Effects from Immunization AFR Africa Region AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMC Advanced Market Commitment AusAID Australian Agency for International Development BCG Bacille Calmette-Guérin CEO Chief Executive Officer CEPA Cambridge Economic Policy Associates CSO Civil Society Organization DAC Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD) DFID United Kingdom Department for International Development DGF Development Grant Facility DTP Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis EAP East Asia and Pacific Region EPI Expanded Program on Immunization FFA Financial Framework Agreement FIF Financial Intermediary Fund (World Bank) G8 Group of Eight Highly-industrialized Nations GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GFA GAVI Fund Affiliate GHAP Global HIV/AIDS Program GNI Gross National Income GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit HDN Human Development Network HepB Hepatitis B Hib Haemophilus Influenza Type B HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HLSP Health and Life Sciences Partnership (Consultants) v ABBREVIATIONS HNP Health, Nutrition, and Population HPV Human Papillomavirus HSCC Health Sector Coordination Committee HSFP Health Systems Funding Platform HSS Health Systems Strengthening IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICC Interagency Coordination Committee (country-level) IDA International Development Association IEG Independent Evaluation Group IFF International Finance Facility IFFIm International Finance Facility for Immunisation IHP+ International Health Partnership ImGAVI Immunization and GAVI (Trust Fund) INS Injection Safety Support IPV Inactivated Polio Vaccine IRC Independent Review Committee (GAVI) ISS Immunization Services Support JANS Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies JFA Joint Financing Agreement JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KFW Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, (German Development Bank) LCR Latin America and Caribbean Region MAP Multi-Country AIDS Program M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCH Maternal and child health MDBs Multilateral Development Banks MDGs Millennium Development Goals Men A Meningococcal A Vaccine MNA Middle East and North Africa Region MNT Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus MOH Ministry of Health MOHP Ministry of Health and Population NDHS National Demographic and Health Survey NIP National Immunization Program NVS New and Underused Vaccine Support OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OIC Organization of the Islamic Conference vi ABBREVIATIONS OPV Oral Polio Vaccine PBS Promoting Basic Services POL Polio PREM Poverty Reduction and Economic Management SAR South Asia Region SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SP Social Protection SWAp Sector-wide Approach TB Tuberculosis TMA Treasury Manager Agreement TTL Task Team Leader UK United Kingdom UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund US United States of America USAID U.S. Agency for International Development WHO World Health Organization vii Fiscal Year of the GAVI Alliance January 1 to December 31 GAVI Alliance Phases GAVI Phase Period Governance Phase Phase I 2000-2006 Pre-governance reform (2000-October 2008) Phase II 2007-2010 Post-governance reform Phase III 2011-2015 (October 2008-present) ix Acknowledgments This review has been prepared by a team led by Bernhard Liese under the supervision of first Chris Gerrard and later Rasmus Heltberg following the outline and methodology in the Approach Paper that was issued in October 2012. Other members of the core team were Calvin Siow, Moritz Piatti, and Anahit Aghumian. Further support was provided by Yasmin Angeles. Nick York, Director, Country, Corporate, and Global Evaluations provided overall guidance. Bernhard Liese, Calvin Siow, and Rasmus Heltberg were the principal authors. The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) gratefully acknowledges all who made their time available for interviews and provided useful information and insights for this review. IEG especially wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of the Bank Group’s Health, Nutrition, and Population Sector and the GAVI Alliance Secretariat in providing all requested information and documents. IEG is also grateful to Bank staff in country offices who facilitated the country visits. Peer reviewers for this report were Mark Rosenberg, the Task Force for Global Health; Enis Baris, Sector Manager for Health, Nutrition, and Population in the Middle East and North Africa Region of the World Bank; and the late Ciro de Quadras, the Sabin Vaccine Institute. The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation contributed financial support to this review. xi

The World Bank's Partnership with the GAVI .. Financial Framework Agreement. FIF . GAVI is also involved in shaping vaccine market conditions to lower.
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