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tuesday, 15 january, 2008 « www.thegatewayonline.ca hile some University offices have been operating out of Enterprise Square for STaphers (MOVED histo space have the SCOOP on the vu a = oO = = (e) fn | m n@n z is] -< aw S A < > Zz z wn = as [a] uv n umv mi = > z Oo = A Mm 9g = (eo) NAOLISINSNLVXI I0 SPORTS 11 [email protected] ¢ tuesday, 15 january, 2008 Cougars give ice Pandas practice winning : ‘i Mr ROBIN COLLUM The Pandas may have swept the Regina Cougars this weekend, but theyre considering Saturday’s game a welcome taste of adversity overcome. Alberta (15-2-1) beat the Cougars (9-7-2) 4-2 on that night, but the win was hard-fought. Unlike the relative cakewalk of Friday’s 7-2 victory, when Alberta already had a comfortable five-goal lead by the time Regina first put the puck in the net, scoring went back and forth on Saturday. The Cougars twice neutralized the Panda lead, but Alberta tried not to let it get to them. “Tying it up is always hard to swal- low, but we didn’t get down on the bench, that’s for sure,’ second-year Alberta forward Leah Copeland said. She put in two on Friday and the second Pandas goal the next night. Nonetheless, each time the U of A recaptured the lead, it brought a feeling of relief to their bench. “The game could have gone either way, it seemed at times,” Pandas head coach Howie Draper said. “Despite the ANDREW RURAK fact that I think we carried the majority MADAMA BUTTERFLY Katie Borbely’s shot didn’t go in on Friday, but the Pandas still came up with a big 7-2 victory . Saturday's game was tougher, but they won it. of the play, it seemed like every time we got into our end, anything could with hardship on the ice. the game’s easy. But when youve only that goal and make it a game.” to have gotten a win, but at least we have happened. It was nice to get that “Tt was good that we had the oppor- up one goal, and it’s tight, and then Regina coach Sarah Howald tried got a better effort today.” go-ahead goal.” tunity to have a close game because we they tie it up, then the game’s a lot to take what good she could from the Copeland noticed the Cougars’ As much as Draper was pleased with got away from our systems a little bit tougher to play.” weekend’s two losses. added drive the second night as well. the weekend’s results, he still saw room when the game was a bit tighter,” he Draper gave the Cougars the credit “T wasn’t happy with their effort yes- “T would say that they came out for his team to improve and considered said. “We got a little nervous; we lost for making the Pandas work harder terday, but I think we came back and [looking] for vengeance,” she said. Saturday’s tighter game somewhat of a our focus. So it’s good that we had that the second night. played a much better game today. But “Nobody wants to get beat 7-2, so blessing in disguise. For the most part opportunity, so we know now that to “think they picked it up, and I don’t I think if we could have done that for everybody would want to come back this season, the Pandas have been able continue to maintain our momentum, know that we necessarily responded six periods instead of three, the game out hard, especially to get that two to win handily, so they haven't had too we have to stick to the systems. as well as we could have,” he said. yesterday would have been closer, at points that so critical within our con- many chances to see how they deal “When we get up a few goals, then “Kudos to them to come back and get least,” she said. “We would have liked ference to stay in the standings.” NCAA Division II clears way for Canadian member schools ROBIN COLLUM ing interest in NCAA membership is and figures and try to get as much >po because of the differences in schol- information as we can and move it arship rules between CIS and the through to see if the University has The face of university athletic compe- US organization. The NCAA allows any appetite to pursue it,” he said. tition in Canada could soon look very schools to give out so-called “full-ride” “With the tremendous time com- different, as schools from the NCAA in scholarships—tuition, fees, room and mitment that our student-athletes the US voted Monday to allow Canadian board, and books—while CIS schools have, academically and athletically, schools to apply for membership. are only allowed to pay for tuition and it’s very difficult for them [finan- The impetus for the vote, which was fees at the most. That discrepancy in cially]. We lose some top recruits on held at the NCAA’s annual nationa funding—as well as the opportunity an annual basis to the States, as doa convention in Nashville, Tennessee, for wider competition south of the bor- lot of Canadian institutions, because came mainly from UBC. The coasta der—means that many of Canada’s top of that factor.” school has been vocal about its desire athletes leave the country for school. There are some obvious down- to leave CIS competition in favour of “UBC has long stated that its ratio- sides to schools like UBC and the U of an American conference for severa nale in seeking NCAA membership is A—two of the biggest and most domi- years, and with this decision, they to give Canadian student athletes the nant in the country—leaving CIS, both will finally be able to submit a forma choice to remain in Canada,” Wells for the schools that join the NCAA and application. It’s expected that UBC wil said. “We're concerned with the the ones they leave behind. apply for inclusion in Division II com- number of student athletes that leave “From a negative standpoint, I think petition by the next deadline, 1 June Canada, that take scholarship oppor- if we went that route, we would be of this year. tunities at US schools. We're trying to hurting the CIS,” Schulha said. “[And] “We have a deadline, but we've provide them with the same opportu- if we were to consider this, there got a lot of questions to get answered nities that await them at US schools by would be financial implications. For before then,’ UBC interim com- giving them the same level of support us to be able to even consider this, munications coordinator Don Wells here in Canada.” we would have to be able to generate said. “It doesn’t mean anything in the Though the University of Alberta has funds through our alumni, through immediate future, but it does mean never expressed an official position on the corporate sector, and through sup- that if we are going to proceed with whether they would join the NCAA, porters in the community. an official application, the door is now Athletic Director Dale Schulha has pub- “But I think that’s definitely a pos- PETE YEE open to do so.” licly stated before that he thinks it’s an sibility because I think people would LEADER OF THE PACK, VROOM VROOM The U of A hosted a fun meet this The main reason that Canadian opportunity worth considering. see us as more marketable if we were weekend, as a useful warm-up for the bigger Golden Bear Open coming up. schools like UBC have been express- “T think we should look at the facts competing in certain NCAA sports.” tuesday, 15 january, 2008 « www.thegatewayonline.ca URBANSTUDIES SIMO TRASTR URIVERSITY = y Learn To Make Cities ork Better! SO UAE i ca te rt nd Simon Fraser University offers Canada’s most dynamic Master's degree in Urban Studies. v Build your understanding of urban sustainability v Apply your insights in the heart of western PETE YEE Canada’s largest metropolis SIX POINTS OF SUPERIORITY Though this match didn't go the Bears’ way, the team had good overall results on Friday. | Varsity meet results bode well v Gain research experience while exploring important urban issues v Practice your skills in building a better city for young Alberta wrestlers OUR PROGRAM This program enables you to learn about planning, local politics, and urban Inexperienced Bears and Pandas still need more matches to reach their peak development, earning a degree in as little as two years. It also allows you to work ROBIN COLLUM head coach Vang Ioannides acknowl- a half that she’s wrestled,’ Ioannides up to full-time while pursuing your studies. Sports Editor edged the team’s deficiencies, but said. “I’m pretty excited for her.” Courses are held on weekday evenings at added that this weekend showed both “T feel like I've improved a lot Alberta’s young wrestlers took another the Pandas’ and Bears’ potential. since the beginning of the season,” SFU’s campus in downtown Vancouver. step towards developing into a force to “T think there’s still lots of room for Yamashita said of her performance. Application deadline: February 29, 2008. be reckoned with this Friday, as seven improvement, and it’s going to be achal- “T’s really a stepping-stone tourna- of the U of A’s athletes made it to the lenge. I hope they're up to it,” he said. ment because the end goal is really Visit our website for further information. top three in their events at the Golden Canada West. Bear Varsity Invitational. Beating Ewanishin, she said, “is “I think there’s still The Bears and Pandas hosted some something that builds confidence of their biggest competition this lots of room for because that is how you know you're weekend with Friday’s varsity events getting better, you know youre improvement, and it’s and Saturday’s open tournament, and making progress, and that the train- UBC DAP earned a few medals for their trouble. going to be a challenge. ing has gone to something.” But according to the team, the most It was also a good weekend for the I hope they're up to it.” The gateway to accounting important thing the Bears and Pandas Bears, who boast a slightly more vet- garnered from the weekend was eran roster than the Pandas. Hulbert, VANG IOANNIDES experience. Mike Asselstine, and Saksham Mengi ALBERTA HEAD COACH “The point of these tournaments is each finished second in their events on to get matches in and to figure out what Friday, and Bram Ratay, Colin Stewart, youre doing wrong,” first-year Panda “Tf they are, and if they continue to and Ben Marois earned third place in Marielle TerHart said. “I'd rather make progress the way they’ve progressed to theirs that night. mistakes and lose amatch now but learn this point in the season, I think we're “T think we've come a long way in and fix those mistakes I’m making, and going to see some good things at the terms of our will to attack,” Ioannides Accelerate your future with the Diploma in Accounting then win when it matters.” end of the season.” said. “We seemed to really go for it Program (DAP) at the University of British Columbia. “These tournaments are invaluable,” On the Pandas’ side, Ioannides was this weekend, which was good to see fourth-year Bear Mike Hulbert agreed. particularly pleased with the results because in the first part of the year, I “They teach everybody to develop that second-year Jenna Yamashita think the problem was people were DAP prepares university graduates with limited or no their skills in competition before CIS produced, which included two just standing there allowing people to training in accounting for entry into a professional and Canada West so we know what to wins against Pam Ewanishin—a come to them. Usually, that just leads accounting designation (CA, CGA, CMA or CPA in the US). work on and train for. junior national team member from you to hope that they make a mis- The Pandas squad is mostly made up Saskatchewan whom she had never take—and if they don’, theyre going of wrestlers like TerHart, who are get- beaten—as well as a silver medal in to beat you. ting their first taste of CIS competition the 51kg weight class on Friday night. “So instead, we went out there and APPLICATION DEADLINES this season—part of the team’s goal “They were really solid perfor- made them make the mistakes, and so May start: Mar1 (International applicants) this year is just getting those athletes mances from Jenna, and she’s really I was pretty happy with the perfor- Apr 1 (Canadian applicants) up to that level of competition. Alberta come a long way in the short year and mance of the team.” Sep start: Jul 1 (International applicants) Aug 1 (Canadian applicants) SPORTS More like Wes-Ladies behind with 22 points each. Saturday, Neb Aleksic’s 17 points led the team. SHORTS The Pandas basketball team (11-3) also put up two wins on the road. In Winnipeg Straight sets to the net Find out how DAP can accelerate your future. on Friday night, they beat the Wesmen Visit www.sauder.ube.ca/dap By Robin Collum (6-8) 64-51. Guard Ashley Wigg led In Winnipeg as well, the Pandas vol- he game in points with 17. On Saturday leyball team (9-3) won 3-0 on Friday Weather similes are funny, right? he Pandas played the Manitoba Bisons and 3-1 Saturday against the Wesmen (5-9) across town and won //-63, with (2-12), who are second-last in Canada t was a great weekend for U of A sports atie Barrett at the top of the Pandas West. Panda Samantha Wojtkiw led in eams. First, the Bears hockey squad board with 14 points. kills Friday with 14, and Jocelyn Blair had (15-2-1) lit it up in Lethbridge, melting 19 on Saturday night. Head-Smashed-in Bears jumpers he Pronghorns’ defenses like a chinook. They beat the last-in-the-conference The Thin Man SAUDER Pronghorns (4-14-0) 3-1 on Friday night The basketball Bears (9-5) were the only School of Business and 5-1 on Saturday. Alberta team that didn’t sweep this week- My undies today are polka-dotted, which Derek Ryan, Dylan Stanley, and Richard end. Though they beat the Wwesmen (7-7) is a pattern | wish we saw more of nowa- Opening Worlds Hamula each put goals on the board 95-91 on Friday, they surprisingly weren't days. | saw a really nice polka-dotted he first night, while Saturday saw two able to over come the Bisons (3-11) and dress in a black and white movie the goals each from Ben Kilgour and Chad lost 88-81 on Saturday. On Friday, Alex other day, and it was great. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA lassen, rounded out with one from lan Steele led the Bears with 24 points, with | also want to wish Superfan Robert a cDonald. Richard Bates and Andrew Parker right happy belated birthday. 13 NATIONAL SPORTS THE GATEWAY ¢ volume XCVIII number 27 CFL light on CIS quarterbacks |t each engtish |e GMAT GRE Overseas .= BEN MYERS The Fulcrum (University of Ottawa) Preparation Seminars OTTAWA (CUP)-Ever heard of > Complete 30-Hour Seminars Tommy Denison? Besides those familiar with the Queen’s Golden Intensive 60-Hour Program Proven Test-Taking Strategies Gaels’ recent football history, not Classroom Management Techniques Personalized Professional Instruction many have. » Detailed Lesson Planning Comprehensive Study Materials Denison was the last CIS quarter- Comprehensive Teaching Materials back to play in a CFL game—in June Simulated Practice Exams Internationally Recognized Certificate 2004. As a two-time Hec Crighton Teacher Placement Service Free Repeat Policy award winner as CIS MVP, Denison Money Back Guarantee Included could be considered one of the best Personal Tutoring Available » Thousands of Satisfied Students quarterbacks in the past ten years of Thousands of Satisfied Students «9 OXFORD Canadian university football. Sadly, he Oxford Seminars barely got a chance in the CFL. Less than a week after playing his SEMINAR 8§ first game, Denison was cut from the 780-428-8700 /1 -800-269-6719 780-428-8700! 1-800-269-6719 Winnipeg Blue Bombers roster when www.oxfordseminars.ca they added future star quarterback www.oxfordseminars.ca Kevin Glenn, a product of Illinois State University. Since then, many CIS play- ers have found success in the CFL— such as Ottawa Gee-Gees wide receiver Adam Nicolson, who completed a suc- ‘O:C HRISTINE BROWN cessful season with the BC Lions in HOT POTATO CIS quarterbacks have had a tough time getting into CFL lineups. 2007, and former Western Mustangs slotback Andy Fantuz. As a member of chance [...] and won a few games, and had success. the Saskatchewan Roughriders, Fantuz all of a sudden, I got noticed. But if “Because of the stigma that goes recently faced Glenn’s Bombers in the those injuries hadn't happened, who with the CFL, and the preference that Grey Cup. knows whether Russ Jackson ever they have towards drafting Canadians But this year in the CFL, not a single would have gotten discovered?” at specific positions, a quarterback is starting quarterback hailed from Noting that quarterbacks are never really given the opportunity,” Canada’s university system. trained for their positions throughout Falconer said. Three-time Grey Cup champion their football careers, Jackson thinks “The problem is being [drafted]— and McMaster University graduate that some variety would benefit [CFL teams] don’t go into the draft Russ Jackson believes it’s a matter of Canadians looking to become profes- thinking that they're going to be look- flexibility, understanding, and oppor- sional players. ing at quarterbacks ... . Even when tunity for Canadians to succeed. “Quarterbacks today] don’t have they draft a quarterback, they ask, The University of Plymouth in the UK is the only “T think kids coming out of college another skill to offer or another position “How good is this athlete, and can we place in the world where you can earn yourself a today ... don’t have the versatility that I to offer, and I just think that overall [...] use him somewhere else?’ BSc (Honours) in Surfing Science and Technology. was lucky enough to have,” he said. “I the kids coming out of American col- “T think [CFL teams] say to them- played defensive back and quarterback leges at that position are better trained selves, ‘If he’s such a great quarter- I bet your degree in Italian language and literature when I was at McMaster University, and have more knowledge of the posi- back, why didn’t he get a scholarship, looks pretty useful all of a sudden, eh? and therefore I could make a profes- tion than a Canadian [quarterback].” and why isn’t he playing [NCAA] sional team at another position other Doug Falconer, a member of the Division I?’” If you want to get started learning some actually than quarterback.” 1975 Vanier Cup-champion Ottawa As 2007 football squads take their useful skills, head up to 3-04 SUB Tuesdays at Indeed, Jackson was drafted first Gee-Gees and 1976 Grey Cup- training inside for the winter, the 4pm and join a Gateway Sports meeting. overall in 1958 by Ottawa as a slot- champion Ottawa Rough Riders, thought of'a CFL career is likely weigh- back, and got to play quarterback thinks that CFL clubs hardly give CIS ing on the minds of more than a few only because of a couple “big breaks” quarterbacks a chance. players. Like Denison, they will have GATEWAY SPORTS when Ottawa’s other quarterbacks According to Falconer, CFL teams to struggle to make a career of their were injured. are more comfortable selecting quar- university passion. “One of them broke his arm; the terbacks from the US and using their All things considered, it may come Going for the tubular since 1910 other broke his leg,” Jackson said. “I Canadian college draft picks on posi- down to a couple of breaks and a CFL was the only show in town. I got the tions where Canadians have already team taking a leap of faith. No Olympic glory for male synchro-er KIMBERLEY BRUCE routine for me than just going out and male synchronized swimmers with The Martlet (University of Victoria) pounding the water,” May said. “There the Santa Clara Aquamaids, the group were subtle nuances to [Kelly's] dancing where he started his own career. Te we'll ® ou the CASH! VICTORIA (CUP)—Bill May could that we tried to bring into the water.” In addition, May now performs have been an Olympian if he hadn’t The win thrust him into a contro- with O, a Cirque du Soleil water been born a man. versy over how the young sport of syn- show in Las Vegas. He says he wears éB $750 Tuition Voucher and a The American synchronized chronized swimming should develop. more makeup now than he ever did swimming champion visited Victoria Some competitors complain that men in competition. $200. Textbook Vouche last month to share his experi- have an unfair advantage competing Despite the hurdles, May is still pas- ence and coaching talent with the against women because men have more sionate about the sport he’s excelled at [$950 value] [Compliments of HUB Merchants Victoria Pacific Sport Synchro Club at upper body strength, allowing them to since he was a ten-year-old practicing @ $750 Tuition Voucher ar Commonwealth Pool. do higher lifts and propel themselves with his sister at the local pool. He 150 Subway Gift Care But what May can’t share is the expe- further out of the water. maintains that he stayed in synchro- rience of competing in the Olympics. For him, it’s a matter of the sport’s nized swimming because it was fun, [$900 value] [Complimentsv e HUB Mer That’s because the sport he loves and in potential to grow and become more not to become a pioneer. Still, May @ Shopping Spree at which he excels has been categorized artistic with a mix of male and female is proud to have helped break down and a Deluxe Poker$ as women’s only and will remain a competitors. May worked with duet barriers for other men who want to women’s only sport in Beijing and for partner Kristina Lum, with whom he participate. the foreseeable future. had hoped to go to the Olympics to “T feel like I’ve done things that they Throughout his career, May was explore the boundaries of the sport. can look forward to so that they know made the punchline of jokes. He was “T think I bring an added sense of there are competitions that they can go haunted by an episode of Saturday power to the sport, and when I’m to, and someone is fighting for them Night Live, where Martin Short made swimming with my duet partner, and will stand behind them wherever & Eye Wear Package, a¥ 00 Fiudsoil fun of the idea of a male synchronized there’s sensuality to the sport that you they want to go,” he said. “Hopefully Gift Certificate anda Deluxe Pok swimmer. But May just focused on his can't have between two women.” they'll continue to fight, and more men [$350 value] [Compliments of Bijan Optical, HUB Merchants an sport, ignoring the opinions of others. May continued to train, compete, will be inspired to join the sport.” He became the first professional and win until he was barred from In Victoria, May was happily sur- CONTEST RUNS JANUARY 14— male synchronized swimmer to win competing in the 2004 Olympics. But prised to find a ten-year-old boy regis- Contest open to any full-time U of A student. Entry form pei & drop-v i at room #209 HUB Administration, Mon-Fri between 9 am-3 pm. Limit of two entry forms per person a University a US Championship in 1998, winning instead of giving up, he joined the US tered in one of his workshops. Draw on January 25, 2008 at 3 pm sharp! Prizes must be accepted as awarded and aioe cannot betraded for cash. Call 492-2241 for details or go to www.ualberta.ca/hubmall with a solo interpretation of Gene team as a coach. “T think it’s great seeing young guys Kelly’s dance number from “Singing Since then, May has focused on pass- in the sport,” he said. “The more men HUB Mall convenient Campus Shopping in the Rain.” ing on his knowledge and experience. who get into the sport will push to get next to the University LRT Station “There was more finesse in that He has helped train up-and-coming doors opened up.” [email protected] « tuesday, 15 january, 2008 Im Not There keeps Dylan shrouded Watching multiple actors play Bob Dylan is frustating, but ultimately rewarding filmreview discovery in the late 1950s. metaphorical breakdown of the artist Fast forward to the early 60s, during the late *60s. Fortunately, where Dylan is depicted as the char- Dylan’s revival is represented by acter Arthur Rimbaud (portrayed Richard Gere’s portrayal of an older I'm Not There by actor Ben Whishaw), a young Dylan—a reclusive man, living in a Directed by Todd Haynes man in his early 20s being inter- rural, forested area near a town lit- Starring Christian Bale, Cate viewed by government officials tered by exotic circus performers and Blanchett, Marcus Carl Franklin, about his true identity. The Arthur frontier-era townsfolk; a depic- Richard Gere, Heath Ledger, and Ben Rimbaud scenes, filmed entirely in tion of Dylan’s later life as a singer Whishaw black and white film, are scattered returning to his original country Garneau Theatre throughout the movie, convey- music roots. ing Dylan’s changing persona and Each actor’s variation of Dylan EDMON ROTEA musical styles. Such chameleon- provides a convincing portrayal and Arts & Entertainment Staff like changes include Dylan’s emer- a unique perspective of the musi- gence on the early 60s Greenwich cian’s life, especially with the film’s The current trend in the main- music scene as singer Jack Rollins many subplots, historical events, stream film industry today is to (Christian Bale), singing clean, and narratives. All of these are pre- produce biographical pictures of innocent-sounding folk music tunes sented in an asynchronous, non- legendary, recently deceased music while making gains as a film and chronological order, interspersed artists—the Ray Charles biopic television star. with documentary-style interview, Ray, Johnny Cash’s Walk the Line, historical archival news footage, and director Gus Van Sant’s Kurt and dream-like sequences. This With its chopped-up Cobain-inspired Last Days come to non-chronological style may prove mind. Director Todd Hayne’s latest narrative, I'm Not confusing or difficult for some feature, I’m Not There—which, viewers to grasp, especially with There is perhaps as according to the film’s opening the film constantly jumping back credits, is “inspired by the many fractured and complex and forth throughout the timeline lives of Bob Dylan’—breaks this of Dylan’s life. as Dylan’s personal and trend by portraying the life of the However, the real star of living legend through six different professional life. I’m Not There is the music. The actors of varying age, gender, and film’s soundtrack is comprised of even ethnicity. over two dozen songs written or Like a kaleidoscopic dream, I’m With the turbulent social and performed by Bob Dylan, along Not There can be best described as political events of the ’70s, the film with covers by Iggy Pop, Sonic a loose portrayal of Dylan’s life at focuses on the life of Robbie Clark Youth, Ritche Havens, and other varying stages of his career, span- (Heath Ledger), a character on the contemporary artists and bands—a ning the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. With verge of divorce and radical change. soundtrack that is perhaps more its chopped-up narrative, the film Once these adjusments occur, the comprehensive than any of Dylan’s is perhaps as fractured and com- next stage of Dylan’s life is marked Greatest Hits albums. plex as Dylan’s personal and pro- by Cate Blanchett’s convincing por- I'm Not There is another coming- fessional life. Marcus Carl Franklin trayal of Dylan as a mainstream of-age type film, richly infused and portrays Dylan as a rail-hopping rock star who parties with the illustrated with music, where the African-American youth, escaping likes of The Beatles and drunk- journey throughout Dylan’s life is his turbulent past while entertain- enly insults fashion models while more entertaining and important ing and befriending hobos and good passing out on alcohol and ille- than the final destination and the samaritans throughout his journey of gal substances—a literal and film’s ending. The Mighty Carlins offers dark, hilarious take on family and alcohol theatrereview amount of cantankerousness when delivering some lines while adding a touch of gentleness when necessary. Evoking sympathy for the alco- The Mighty Carlins holic Leo isn’t be an easy task, yet Wright is able Runs until 20 January to incorporate enough nuanced sensitivity into Directed by Michael Clark Leo’s swearing and insults to do just this. Written by Collin Doyle Zbryski and Hamilton are also perfectly Starring John Wright, Frederick Zbryski, and cast as sons Mike and Davey. Zbryski matches James Hamilton Wright’s strength and stage presence, while Hamilton brilliantly counterpoints the two MARIA KOTOVYCH rougher characters with the more frag- Arts & Entertainment Staff ile and sensitive Davey. Together, the trio depict a dysfunctional family that has been, The word fuck can be quite versatile, no matter and continues to be, ravaged by alcoholic how it’s used. In the case of The Mighty Carlins, hopelessness. the expletive certainly receives more than its As we learn more details about Leo’s relation- share of stage time over the course of the funny ship with his wife, we see many of the same and insightful play that examines serious issues patterns taking hold in Davey as he relates tales such as family dysfunction, alcoholism, mental of his own relationship with his girlfriend. The illness, and suicide. Mighty Carlins portrays a potent message about The Mighty Carlins depicts old curmudgeon dysfunctional patterns of behaviour and how Leo Carlin John Wright) and his two adult sons, they manifest themselves from one generation Mike (Frederick Zbryski) and Davey (James to another—a message that might have been lost Hamilton), who have a reunion and a “sharing had it not been carried out by such a strong trio circle” once a year on the anniversary of the of actors. boys’ mother’s death. Fuelled by large amount Due to the difficult topics explored in this play, of alcohol, the event frequently degenerates into the group expends enormous amounts of energy accusations and shouting matches, along with conveying one emotion after another. At times, the occasional body part ending up between Wright's and Zbryski’s faces actually turn red as Tackling such difficult topics can’t be easy, but language and conversational topics, along with someone else’s teeth. they accuse each other of terrible things while the script infuses enough humour and lighter the run-down appearance of Leo’s kitchen, The actors portraying the three men use this cursing and gesturing wildly. Given the mod- moments to keep the audience’s interest and to outwardly reflect the brokenness of the char- performance to show why they've earned the erately sized set, the men don’t overpower the help create more human characters. The humour acters’ lives. reputation of being three of Edmonton’s finest space, instead using it to their advantage to por- is dark and the one-liners sharp, supported by This fantastic production of The Mighty performers. John Wright as Leo Carlin creates tray the limited and broken world of alcoholism the actors’ wonderful comic timing. Carlins allows the audience to feel compas- a cross between Jack Lemmon in Grumpy Old in which they all live. Furthermore, the actors While the use of the word fuck borders sion and sympathy for this trio of highly Men and Archie Bunker from All in the Family. never run out of steam, maintaining their energy on gratuitous at times, it also perfectly keeps flawed characters. And that’s pretty fucking He’s gruff, crass, racist, and applies just the right levels and level of emotions for the entire piece. with the theme of the play: the script’s crass amazing. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 15 THE GATEWAY ¢ volume XCVIII number 27 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY STUDENTS’ UNION ELECTIONS POLL CLERKS (90 POSITIONS) Work Part-Time on Voting Days (March 5 - 6 and March 19 - 20) e Set up, supervise, and take down polling stations ¢ Work around you class schedule Wage: $9.00/hour with paid training Application Deadline: Friday, February 8, 2008 @ 17:00 Apply online at Spbte. . WWW.SU.UALBERTA.CA/VOTE (rrs-**229 their first steps s bands rock The 15-year-old continent-hopping festival beckons untapped local acts gateway student journalism society musicpreview an international final in Germany. show together, we’d have to rent and The Gateway Student Journalism Society is seeking But there’s no panel of judges in the that would cost us even more [than initial stages; to advance past the pre- our registration fee],” guitarist Scott one student-at-large member for its board of directors Emergenza Music Festival liminaries, the audience will choose Lehman admits. effective immediately. Applicants should be under- Thursday, 17-20 January, 8pm the winning band at the end of the Both Failing Esther and Acronycal graduate students who are not members of Students' The Pawn Shop night by a show of hands. are new bands, and to them, the fes- Council, General Faculties Council, the University “T would like to see the audience tival is an important way to get their ELLIOT GOODINE choose whoever is honestly the best start in the Edmonton music scene. Board of Governors, or the University Senate. Arts & Entertainment Writer band to be chosen,” Gibson hopes. Acronycal are completely green, while The Gateway Student Journalism Society Board of “Everyone has their own musical taste Failing Esther played their first show “You have to be aware that no [...], so at least this way, you've got a last weekend. Directors meets approximately once per month and is one thing is going to make you larger number of people voting” ‘Tm really looking forward to responsible for the overall direction of the society, but successful overnight,” admits Keith Madsen, bassist/vocalist for the professional sound [provided not for any element of the editorial content of the singer-guitarist Sall Gibson from the alt-rock trio Acronycal, agrees that by Emergenza] and to see what our Gateway. indie pop-rock band Failing Esther. the audience choice is a fair method potential is live,’ Wenzel says. The “But at the same time, these sorts of of picking a winner in these early drummer also joked about their Applicantions should be sent to Adam Gaumont, events allow you to play with a whole stages. He’s also fairly confident in first-show nerves, saying, “Our first other bunch of musicians you'd never his untested band’s ability to wow a few songs will be a little faster than the Gateway Editor-in-Chief, at have the chance to play with. You get roomful of strangers. they should be.” [email protected] on or before January 24. to develop relationships and meet “T think we hold down our songs Both bands admit that the other bands. Even if you don’t make it good enough, and we can stand Emergenza festival is only part of the For more information, please contact the to the top, youre making connections behind our tunes,” he says. “People strategy to find success as new art- Chair of the Board of Directors at [email protected] with people within the festival.” should be able to judge us upon ists, noting that Internet promotion, or visit http://www.gateway.ualberta.ca/gsjs/ The particular festival Gibson has in that.” touring, and intense rehearsal are mind is the Emergenza Music Festival, The winners in later rounds are to all going to be necessary for achiev- a four-night competition among inde- be chosen by a panel of judges, which ing their long-term goals as respect- pendent bands at The Pawn Shop. doesn't bother the band, either— able artists in town. According to Even Henri Cartier-Bresson was Emergenza itself-was founded 15 years really, they're excited to be playing Acronycal, finding success is about ago in Europe, created expressly to in front of a roomful of people. The “working your ass off” a total newb once. showcase unsigned and undiscovered Emergenza festival will be Acronycal’s “We're going to be doing the battle musical acts. first show after recruiting their of the bands; we're going to be doing The bands that make it through the drummer Jayme Wenzel four months the on-the-road thing, whatever,” preliminary round will then go on ago. Lehman says. “We're going to put our And Philippe Halsman. to regional, national, and ultimately “If we wanted to put on our own feet down wherever we can.” u y | And Annie Leibovitz. | a N W M - : Dorothea Lange... same deal. { i Come on up to the Gateway and get your start. Photo meetings are Fridays at 4pm in 3-04 SUB. THE GATEWAY MIKEOTTO Playing with all the buttons since 1910 VERY CEREBRAL Skin, a collection of U of A Prof Emeritus Walter Jule’s best work from the past 40 years, hangs in FAB. 16 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT tuesday, 15 january, 2008 « www.thegatewayonline.ca Hockey Stories gives glimpse into our NHL culture Actor Steve Pirot opens up about lazy storytelling, his shows lack of puppets, and how much he hates the Maple Leafs theatrepreview issues of Canadian identity. Pirot sees the mean- ing of the play as something that goes far beyond sports fiction. Hockey Stories For Boys “This is not just about hockey; this is about our Runs 17-27 January culture,” he explains. “We've become so lazy as Written by George Szilagyi storytellers, [giving it all] over to television. Ifwe Starring Steve Pirot, Murray Utas, and KS don’t know how to tell the stories, then we don’t Callihoo know how to own the stories, and then we don’t Roxy Theatre (10708 124 Street) know how to own our culture.” His words seem especially relevant considering CHARLIE CRITTENDEN the amount of American influence in Canadian Arts & Entertainment Writer media and sports. Other messages come across in the play and, while told in jokes, represent other Despite what the child-like title of Hockey Stories parts of Canadian culture—namely, the parts for Boys may lead you to believe, actor Steve Pirot based around a dislike for Toronto. regretfully admits that “we don’t have any pup- “One of the most important principles of pets. No clowns.” this story is that Toronto sucks. It sucks hard,” Although your interest is likely in Pirot passionately explains. “The only thing danger of waning, don’t rush to judge that sucks more than Toronto is the Maple Hockey Stories for Boys. The play is a road-trip Leafs.” As the two friends journey to whatever con- story involving a 70s station wagon, marijuana, and two rock-bottom friends on a trek across usion awaits them in the big city, the humour Canada. One of them, Neil, has found the original deed fully balance out the show’s deeper themes to the Stanley Cup and wants to to claim it. The about Canada. And to Pirot and many others, other, Darcy, has to move some pot to Toronto the older tales retold during the course of and needs a ride. The stage is set for a rather Hockey Stories are a vast improvement to the strange journey. only hockey story going on during the 2005 Their car has an eight-track and a heater that strike: that of rich players arguing with even don’t work at the same time, and as Pirot puts richer team owners. it, “you can't rely on Neil Young to keep you So, in wanting to draw the “atypical warm.” faces,” and in focusing their show around To pass the time, the two friends take hockey—even going so far as to order the turns reading from the book they discov- three acts like hockey periods—Hockey ered the Stanley Cup’s deed within, called Stories for Boys aims to be both mean- Hockey Stories for Boys. Through simply reading ingful and funny. And despite the lack of STEFFIROSSKOPF these tales of hockey greats, the play deals with puppets, it just might. FIVE-MINUTE MINOR FOR MOUSTACHE Steve Pirot explores our love of Hockey in Hockey Stories. MARKET RESEARCH INTERVIEWER date > FINE ART JAN. 16 - 18 A TREND ¥, RESEARCH FANTASY < Conduct interviews over the telephone from our centrally place located call centre, accurately enter data into a computer S.U.B.-DINWOODIE system. WILDLIFE < Absolutely no sales involved. LOUNGE Position requires excellent telephone manner and typing skills. Flexible scheduling with shift choices. Company benefits plan. > GIANT-SIZED POSTERS $11.00 / hour to start, with performance based reviews. hours > Music 9-7 Please mail, fax or email your resume to: 10147 — 104 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5J 0Z9 Fax: 780-485-5085 Email: [email protected] last day FRAMES & HANGERS < 9-5 Phone: 780-485-6558 TREND HIRES ON AN ONGOING BASIS > FILM > PHOTOGRAPHY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY STUDENTS UNION ELECTIONS > 1000S OF POSTERS POLL CAPTAINS (4) Work part-time (as required) from THE Reading Week to March 21. e Assist the Chief Returning Officer and the IMAGINUS Deputy Returning Officers in the office POSTER ¢ Supervise candidates, enforce election rules and regulations, assist Poll Clerks on voting days, and perform various other duties Wage: $10.00/hour with Paid Training Application Deadline: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 @ 17:00 SALE -3 Apply online at 2 Wye, a WWW.SU.UALBERTA.CA/VOTE vote ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 17 THE GATEWAY ¢ volume XCVIII number 27 featuredalbum music—the kind that attacks your ears and changes your world, even if only for a few listens. ~ Kamera The high points of the album come Resurrection back to back: “Fragile” finally man- Nettwerk ages to harness some of Kamera’s David Bowie has made energy with a pulsing synth beat and driving guitar riffs, and “I’m Gonna the jump from flesh GARY ALLEN Be Your Lover’ adds a sweeping Arts & Entertainment Writer string section to the mix that elevates the song above the rest of the slower and blood to cartoon. Ir’s easy to be envious of the Swedish. to cinching the Holy Grail: break- fare. Tt seems as though every Benny, Bjorn, ing America and its record-buying Kameramadeanamefor themselves and Agnetha is born with music on masses. playing to sold-out crowds across the mind and an A&R man awaiting To be fair, Resurrection is very Sweden, and while Resurrection is them in the delivery room. It’s from listenable; it’s a good pop-rock well produced, one gets a sense that this fertile land of pop mythology that album. But therein lies the problem: this is a band best enjoyed live. Being Kamera spring, looking to take on the Resurrection is never great. Kamera inspired by the ’80s might be a fun world with a mix of ’80s-inspired attempt to walk a line between the gimmick, but sometimes you can’t You too can make a music, fashion, and hair. rock and pop genres that are so pro- help but feel that you've heard it all On Resurrection, their sophomore lific in their native Stockholm, but before. album that follows the loss of two capture neither the raw essence of To listen to samples from jump—trom writing band members and a major label the former or the guilty fun of the Kamera’s Resurrection, go to contract with Sony, Kamera look to latter. Resurrection also lacks the www.thegatewayonline.ca and click segue from modest success at home immediacy that defines great pop on the editors’ playlist. for the Gatewayt o ace arts journalist. THAT! GUY — i) albumreview industrial grooves and frenetic per- Z cussion, defies classification. De Moon ising | That 1G uy The album's just as bizarre in The Moon is Disgusting vocals as it is in every other aspect: Silverman’s gravelly baritone sounds ie =Jezebel Records Inc is like Isaac Brock at his most spastic, and the recurring lyrical themes are tropical fruit and a moon made of CHRIS NOVAK cheese. But despite this ingenuity, Arts & Entertainment Writer Allit takesis alittle trip up sometimes The Moon is Disgusting just gets too weird. To paraphrase In a world where sample-based hip his head. The resulting instrument is a line from the surprisingly great to 3-04 SUB on any given hop and generic bands like Nickelback the Magic Pipe, a system of electroni- track “Buttmachine”: “Just because and dominate the airwaves, it’s rare to cally wired metal pipes with one bass it’s modern doesn’t mean it sounds hear something that is truly unique. string running along it and featuring good.” Thursday at 5. Except this For all of you that are bored with drums attached to foot pedals and a Some tracks, such as the 14-minute mediocrity, That 1 Guy has come to nearby musical saw. psychedelic closer “Rainbow,” are Thursday, because nobody the rescue. The only way to truly visualize the too creative for their own good, but This one-man band is the brain- Magic Pipe is to watch it being played hey, it’s always better to try some- child of jazz bassist Mike Silverman (seriously, look it up on YouTube), thing interesting and fail than to be will be there. and is probably different than any- but essentially, it’s played like a hybrid generic and mediocre. thing you have ever heard. Frustrated of tribal percussion instruments and Silverman’s boundless creativ- with the limitations of his instrument, slide guitar. ity creates a fun, zany album that, Silverman set out to invent something The Moon is Disgusting is his overall, is both refreshing and that could reproduce all the sounds in second album and, with its funky, invigorating. y: albumreview | e would remind some of the band Eisley, without being a copycat. One B Kristilyn Robertson might also be tempted to measure her against pop singer/songwrit- x The Bee Tree + Independent ers like Vanessa Carlton, until you realize you can’t because Robertson BR = is better than that. Songs like “Your & Lovely Bones” just tip the scale in & = KELSEY TANASIUK Kristilyn’s favour, exhibiting her KRISTILYN ROBERTSON Arts & Entertainment Staff artful lyrics and lovely vocals in a manner that should make everyone It’s hard to know what to expect not a singer/songwriter that needs to stop and notice. when an artist sends a MySpace-style fall back on her looks, as cute as they Overall, The Bee Tree is an album headshot along with her album. My may be. By the second track of her that you just can’t sing enough praise first assumption was that she isn’t album, “Little Earth,” you'll already be about. It will take over your brain for actually very good and was trying blown away by her delicate, playful, a time and leave the goal of seeing to compensate by saying “Look how and beautiful handling of the piano Kristilyn Robertson live very high on pretty I am!” In the case of Kristilyn and vocals. your priority list. The Bee Tree leaves Robertson, however, the picture was Her lyrics and music are creative you wanting more in all the best | entirely unnecessary: she’s certainly and whimsical in a manner that ways. albumreview gravelly, and similar to each other, with minimal lyrics and grinding Thunderwood guitar solos. Turn It Up A look at the album art reveals far more grey hair than any rock Thunderwood Records album should feature, but hey— these old guys are living out their dreams. SARAH SCOTT They’ve passed their prime Arts & Entertainment Writer (that is, assuming they ever had a Fr’ prime), but they’re giving it a shot. You know that old joke that you've ground on Turn It Up, and end And after all, at least they have an heard one too many times? The one up only redoing what’s been done album to show their kids, even if that your dad still finds funny, but before—far better and by much more it’s mediocre. every time you hear it, it makes you talented artists. With generic metal motifs such GATEWAY A&E gag. That’s sort of how | feel about They do acknowledge the achieve- as “Thunder on the Mountain” and ’80s glam rock: it was a joke of an ments of other old metal groups “Grim Reaper,’ Thunderwood may era that would best be forgotten. But like and Motley Cri, not inspire a following of their own, Poison here comes Calgary’s Thunderwood, and you really have to respect but they showcase a pure respect for Inking rock stars since 19: O a band of old men that are trying to them for trying. But the tracks on those before them and do a decent rock like it’s 1986. Turn It Up, like “Sandman” and enough job trying to keep glam rock Thunderwood tread no new “The Legacy of Warrior” are rough, alive. 18 CLASSIFIEDS tuesday, 15 january, 2008 « www.thegatewayonline.ca BA NECNAGE MUTANT 5 su|do|ku A common misconception is that 5 a8 | t J A= S solution, tips and computer programs at www.sudoku.com pie must contain a fruit. Did you | | \\ = © Puzzles by Pappocor know that in certain parts of the world, pizza is also considered a type of pie? Did you also know that many real-life celebrities like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are avid consumers of pizza pie? If you'd like to learn more about the exciting world of pie, as well as a thing or two about reptilian art, be sure to attend the Gateways Artists meetings, Wednesdays at 4:30pm in 3-04 SUB. They're totally radical! GATEWAY ARTISTS CLASSIFIEDS requires full or part time backroom person o work in Southside or Sherwood Park ocation. Duties include shipping, recieving, Anchovie-free since 1910 urniture detailing and some repairs. Some To place a classified ad, please go to eavy lifting required. Apply w/resumé to 3865 99th St OR 975 Broadmoor Blvd. Sh. www.campusclassifieds.ca Pk. FOR RENT Visionary Collegeis currently seeking voice/ Lookinfgo r a placet o live? Check out www. early childhood, piano, and guitarinstructors rentingspaces.ca, the student housing or their St Albert location. Offering registry. Free to search and freefor students competitive wages and comprehensive to post roommate listings! benefits, submit a resumé today! Fax: Stop paying rent—why rent when you can 780-460-4431.Email:visionaryhnr@gmail. own? Free list of homes available with no com money down, under $1200/month. Free EMPLOYMENT - PART TIME recorded message 1-800-615-6094 ID# Before and after school child care center 1051 (ages 6-12) requires student for part 5 bedroom house in the prestigious ime shift work. Start: $11/hour. 7-9am Windsor Park community. 3 washrooms, 6 or 2:30-6pm, Mon-Fri. Call Roxanne @ applicances, 2 car garage, wood fire place, 905-9416. $2500 + utilities, 1y ear lease, NS, NP, call University based clinic is looking for a 439-1470 ask for Emma. receptionist and office help person! OnCampus Parking Spot—walk to U of A from 109st & Job. Flexible hours and competitive wages. 8lave $35/mo. Unpowered outdoor spot. Part time. Submit resumé with availability in [email protected] person. 8911112 Street HUB Mall Available Immediately: Recently Renovated! Head coach for dynamic rec club, Orca Close to Amenities. Beautiful home in High Synchro. Contactheadcoach@orcasynchro. Park 2 bedroom house w/bsmt, large org for more details. backyard and detached garage. Fireplace, Personal care aide required for male ardwood and new appliances. Also has quadriplegic. Weekend position, 1-3 2 workshops. 1 attached to house and weekends per month. Sermi-flexible hours, attached to garage. Smoking and pet plenty of time off available during the day. ree, $1400. Contact Andy 973-3393 or o experience required, will train. Contact [email protected] Mark at [email protected] to apply or for Room available in 2 bedroom penthouse more information. on Jasper Ave. Share with 1 guy and his cat, Personal Care Aides required at a local M/F welcome, NS please. Beautiful view, ousing co-op for physically disabled. 5 min to Uni by LRT,cool flatmate, all for Various shifts available. Apply: pjoman@ $900/mo. 240-7450 shaw.ca, fax 433-5531 or PJ) Oman, 201, Avail Immed! Close to amenities! Warm 0950-82 Ave, Edm., T6G 2R9. and inviting home with high vaulted ceilings Attention Education Students: Part-time and breath taking backyard. This pet and Employment Available. 7am-9am and/or smoke free 4 level home is located in St 3:30pm-6pm Duggan Out of School Care Albert, close to Walmart and Tim Hortons. 0616-36A Avenue Call Ran @ 904-9787. 3 bedrooms upstairs, one bdrm down and a large bsmt storage area. Michelle VOLUNTEERS WANTED 717-3158. Volunteers needed to teach English as SERVICES a second language to adult newcomers. Guitar instruction. On campus location. Classroom setting, 2-3hrs/week, Now booking for winter semester. downtown. No exp. necessary. Ongoing 707-5750 www.equavemusic.com training provided. Great opportunity ANNOUNCEMENTS to meet people from around the world. American Sign Language Class Level One, Contact Anne-Marie at CCI-LEX, non-credit course, begins 17 January, 944-0792. [email protected] 2008 for twelve weeks: Thursdays, Share a few hours of your evening or 6:30pm-9:30pm, $125. Contact weekend doing kid stuff like movies and Specialized Support and Disability sports; or visit one of 50 schools one hour Services, U of A, 492-3381, 2-800 SUB a week reading, working on computers and for registration. playing games. Volunteer with Big Brothers EMPLOYMENT - FULL TIME Big Sisters today! Look for us on Campus 16 and 23 January or at the Butterdome YottaYotta is looking for a bright, energetic Career Fair 31 January 37. Apply online at individual who has a keen interest in bbbsedmonton.org or call 424-8181. technology and strong verbal and written communication skills to join our Technical Volunteer with Safewalk! We offer flexible CommunicatioYounwisllt weorakclmos.el y shifts, an opportunity to meet new people, with other writers to create, illustrate, edit improve your resume, and get involved! and publish technical documentation for Safewalk is a Students’ Union run service YottaYotta products. Please visit http.// that walks people home at night on and www.yottayotta.com for more information. around campus. Apply today! Visit www. Apply to [email protected]. su.ualberta.ca/safewalk to get your application. Application deadline is 28 Oaksmith — Interiors-Western Canada’s January. Largest Chain of Solid Oak Superstores STEFFI ROSSKOPF THE GATEWAY ¢ volume XCVIII number 27 COMICS 19 EWE OFA by Norman Lau WWW.UALBERTA.CA/~NLAU/EWEOFA OKAY, TO HELP EASE WE'LL START DEGLAZE! YOU OFF YOUR FOOD WITH WORD T THINK WE'VE NETWORK ADDICTION, ASSOCIATIONS. "STRESS"? PARBOIL! MADE EXCELLENT WE'LL NEED TO DO A WHAT DO YOU : DEEP PSYCHOLOGICAL THINK OF WHEN PROGRESS TODAY. PROFILE. I SAY "LAMP"? "GREEN"? pet ode Have you been living Second coming under an iRock? | 4 Sinners repent! | oF ais : are you There’s something | a, ) wearing 9 in the air! GSM! Se «The ‘Phone oJ black icon U. turtle- The Second Coming Is neck? upon us!! wTiRtWhw' s cognuicdeer tt o cdreeaelpisn:g » FHBAA_TTLh eg giwvweea y cinon..t hLei m cahlicokneen. Ytoh: ehT c,waam ey wiotfh tmhye Foxbrother/ Vi’ The way ofi e the aDri WT/Yhees ss.w.o.y of t: he venus Fly; tTraYp { le, gou here alove syW is noe T dort have an* erg oate g. Hes ore Ae caoav e | | en Twakeu 5 PEPER there, Behind ay You con pick Tiss ee be | 5 hanced CSCS Biosa str... a i= Subsiding, -- _— zm,-* os 7 21R e, : i a Rvuies For Criminal Success eXTe io emen.- ° OVERHEARD AT THE U OF A by Matt Lui ..« Do | THOUGHT THe WHEN I RE Dom OH YEAH? YouS'oR DUEMB You THougHT WHEN You Woo,d GROW UP, T'D BE A T- REY... ha Hd Too Sern oue GROW UP)Jo yW ERE GOINGT O BE ADOCTOR! Yoo THousHT THAT WHEN You GRow UP You WookD Be A DinosavR J a ad

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