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THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA “No, no. Pavent gone through, the system, and im the Premier.” - Ralph Klein «o n the nierits of _post secondary education. ees eotiie SR Sy Thursday, January 14, 1993 Kiein meets students Premier talks lean gov't by Jay Brown Alberta premier Ralph Klein was “Pve talked about the at the University of Alberta Wednes- need to really allow time day speaking to a crowd of about a for the premier to put his hundred students and fielding stamp on this govern- questions. ment, and that precludes The premier, who assumed of- fice a month ago today spoke of his an early election.” plans for the government, stating —Ralph Klein that his leadership platform had two main objectives. One was to change the tone and style of gov- that his government has been rela- ernment, and second, to bring re- tively successful in putting a new newal to both the government and face on government. However, he the Conservative party. believes that he still needs more He also stated that it was his mis- time. sion to rationalise and consolidate “I've talked about the need to services and reduce the size of gov- really allow time for the premier to ernment through cuts in the civil put his stamp on this government, service, and that precludes an early elec- Klein said his government will tion.” be looking to “carry that out witha After his speech, the premier tremendous amoofu conmpatssi on opened the floor to questions. Klein and concern for those good, hard- asked people not to yell at him, working people in the public ser- referring to the well publicized in- vice.” cidents during his tenure as Envi- He also pointed out that the tran- ronment Minister when protesters sition team that will be carrying threw fish at him. that out will be doing so with the One of the questions asked of the co-operation of the AUPE [Alberta premier concerned the demise of Union of Public Employees], not- the department of Agricultural En- ing that he wants to eliminate the gineering two years ago. Klein re- “polarization” between labour and sponded by saying that in his own management in the government. personal view, all he knew about The result, he says, will be greater the matter was that the productivity and efficiency in the programme’s demise came about provision of public services. as the result of too few students Klein also expressed confidence being registered in it. Student government takeovers planned by Peter Moore propriately. There’s nothing for us it they tabled it. itself from all political bodies to members to run for student Aleaked document outlining stu- to gain from making this informa- Wegen said that the document criticise their policies. organisation positions indepen- dent government takeovers, attacks tion available,” he added. looks official and bears no marks “This students’ union would dently. on political correctness and opposi- The document was leaked by a that would suggest otherwise. strongly resist any attempt of a po- “TY don’t condemn that [...] but tion to the Canadian Federation of former highly-positioned PCYF As documented, the campaigns litical party to take over the govern- we're not funneling our resources Students is being defended as “un- member whoturned to Reform, said would have been initiated in May ment structure,” he said, adding intoanational programme,” hesaid. official” by the group that wrote it, Bob van Wegen, the Reform Party’s 1992 and be reconsidered in April that “I’m pretty sure the electorate Watt said that his Progressive the Progressive Conservative Youth Youth Development Director. Van 1993 by the Post-Secondary Direc- would smell it and weed it out. wow Conservative connections have Federation. Wegen was responsible for distrib- tor. Brown said the document was Craig Watt, president of the Pro- been beneficial to the Students’ The document explains the moti- gressive Conservatives on campus Union because he can arrange con- vation for taking over student gov- as well as University Affairs Coor- ferences with Ministers and other ernments would be to “divert the “This is something they’re looking to do right from B.C. to dinator of the U of A Students’ government representatives. student government resources : Newfoundland.” Union, said the Students’ Union is “This is a matter that will further away from the political causes of —Chris Grey, Reform Students’ Association president very aware of political organisations student causes and gets rid of the the student left and towards the moving in. artibfaririecr oif oafflici al channels.” accomplishments of the goals of the The document also says, “The Chairman-elect of the CFS, Carl PCYF and our party in Canada.” uting the document to Reform Uni- never distributed to the over 300 PCYF will only be able to accom- Gillis, said that he was not taking “This is something they’re look- versity chapters nationwide. He student leaders who attended the plish its objectives if we are able to the document seriously because it ing to do right from B.C. to New- added that the source wants to keep National Campaign College con- position our local members ‘non- is not very realistic and in part be- foundland,” said Chris Grey, the his name and former position kept ference in August of this year. partisan’ campus activists playing cause he was reassured by Justin University of Alberta Reform Stu- confidential. Randy Boissonnault said that stu- a leadership role in challenging the Brown that this document is not dents' Association president. “That is not an official docu- dent organisations at the post-sec- student left.” being implemented. “Essentially it’s a matter of let- ment,” said Justin Brown, Post-Sec- ondary level should not run on par- Brown said he did not object to “T have been assured by [Justin ting average people know andit’sa ondary Director of the PCYF. He tisan agendas butrepressetundetn t Progressive Conservative campus Brown] that thisis not theiragenda,” matter of using student fees inap- added that as soonas they received interests and be able to disassociate organisations encouraging their he said. The real story on Native success. Please see page 7. Page2 Thursday, January 14,1993 GATEWAY On Campus Premier Ralph speaks easy at the U Ralph Klein visited the University of Alberta Wednesday to speak to students. He took nance mode. You were once quoted in a the time to sit down with Gateway writers Jay Brown and Joyce Seto. Here’s what , Earlier at the meeting, you said magazine as saying that the Alberta’s twelfth premier had to say. that one of your priorities was to worst part of Edmonton were How much in terms of a per- make Albertans feel good about the mosquitoes and the social- centage should a University stu- themselves, and feel good about ists. Do you think that your dent pay for theirown education? the province. I don’t think that there duality and sort of frame of mind A good portion of it is already is anyone who can question that between the two cities in Alberta subsidised, what is an acceptable you succeeded at that in Calgary, will hamper your role in repre- percentage? but what else is known is that you senting Alberta as a whole? It's difficult to arrive at a figure, left the city with a $1 billion debt. Not really, we’ve gotten rid of but we’re at about that level right No I don’t feel bad about that the mosquitoes, they aren’tasbad now, what I consider isa fair share. because that city is touted as having as they were, but the fact is I live Something that a student can the best infrastructure of any city in in Edmonton, and I spend a lot of handle without it becoming a det- North America, literally. And that time in Calgary too, and there is riment to a student obtaining an money was spent when nothing else nothing wrong with that. ButI’m education, and certainly something was happening. So we brought going to be purely political and that I consider comparable to tu- things in like LRT, Municipal Build- that’s okay because I am a politi- ition fees generally paid across the ing, all the legacy that has been left cian, but I think there are far too country. I’m not talking about the as a result of the Olympics, put in many socialists. I mean if you'll United States or otherjurisdictions tremendous sewage treatment, so just look at Edmonton there are where they are extraordinarily it's not a matter of spending the eleven NDP representatives, and high. But reasonable I think is the money simply for the sake of spend- there are only two Conservatives, word. ing , we also got some pretty good so we've got to change that. In terms of Jack Ady, what assets. qualities did you see in him to BoG rep choose him as Minister of Ad- vanced Education? When Jack was an MLA, he was always keenly interested in uni- heads south versities and technical schools and often talked about advanced edu- cation as being the key to our fu- ture. And he’s had a good experi- ence in the private sector, in per- sonnel in particular. He’s a good Rachel Sanders people person and I think that you'll find him to be a good lis- I know that you've probably tener and very responsive. You gotten a lot of flak because he present level of services. How do know, we've only had two or three hasn’t gone through [the Univer- the two balance out? cabinet meetings and his genuine sity] system. Do you think that is Well, by CadillacserviIcm eeasn concern for universities, especially a major criteria for being an Ad- enhancing them tomake them very for students who want to get into vanced Education Minister? rich. What I’m talking about is the university is something to behold, No. No, I haven’t gone through status quo, maintaining what we’ve because he’s already making some the system and I’m the Premier. gotnow. AndI’msaying to folksin very strong cases that we have to On the 22 or 23 December, after all endeavours of government [...] maintain an adequate level of ser- you announced that you'd stream- that we’re all going to have work vice, that we can’t jack up univer- lined the cabinet and were going together to be satisfied with what sity fees so as to make it unpalat- to streamline services, you told we've got, and not expect a lot able for university students to go the people of the province not to more. Really not to expect any- to university, and we’ve got to find expect any “Cadillac” services. thing more because we’ve got to a way to accommodate the waiting You were talking just earlier at get our finances under control... list. the meeting about maintainintgh e but right now we’re in a mainte- iT Pet's Party Kyle Loranger The BoG representative Winston Pei. He’s happy. by Joyce Seto term on the board.” Are students' interests on the Pei has no intent to compro- FOR ALL YOUR Board of Governors being compro- mise his position on the board. mised when issues such as the Uni- “Like every other graduating PARTY SUPPLIES versity budget and tuition willbe on student, I started looking for ajob the table? Some students may have four months before finishing Disposable concerns because the student repre- school.” ®glasses sentative, Winston Pei has taken a According to his defined re- @plates job in Red Deer, halfway through sponsibilities, Pei is supposed to his term as undergraduate repre- be on two to three subcommitees, ®napkins sentative on the BoG. be enrolled in courses, and main- @utensils & Pei’s decision to split his time be- tain at least 5 office hours a week. tween the two cities worries GSA Pei says he is fulfilling all of his president Steve Karp. But Karp said responsibilities. Red Deer College there would be no time to find a has agreed to allow Pei to have a replacement for Pei on the BoG. Friday, Saturday weekend. Pei “KA partial voice would be better will then be able to have office Full meal service for lunch a than no voice,” he said. hours on Friday between 10:00 SU president Randy Boissonnault and 3:00. Board meetings are held fully supports Pei’s decision. Fridays, so Pei does not forsee Lister Dining Hall offers full meal service for lunch “It’s my feeling that Winston will any problems of compromise. and dinner in a spacious, airy eating space. be able to fully fulfill his responsi- Pei also will have his phone bilities. This is an excellent personal number in Red Deer on his office A nutritous vegetarian alternative is available opportunity, and ifhe’s able to com- door in SUB so students can con- for the health conscious diner. promise that’s fine.” tact him collect. Pei strongly stated that he was Peisaid he encourages students Located in Lister Hall, Lister Dining Hall is just a STemmecR OT taking this decision seriously. with concerns about his decision short walk from the heart of the campus. “IT worked hard to keep a commit- to move to Red Deer to contact EATS ment to the board, the only concern him during his office hours. I had was being able to finish the 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (Mon.-Fri. Lunch) Correction:The photo credit for the blood donor clinic 455-6276 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (Sat. and Sun. Brunch) photo in the January 7 edition of the Gateway was L- 451-4380 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (Mon.- Sun. Dinner) N 12136 - 121 A St. incorrectly credited to Rodney Gitzel. Mike LaRiviere SEE US FIRST actually was the photographer. Sorry Mike. 9/92/01/12 Te ee eee ee TF GATEWAY Thursday, January 14,1993 Page3 Engineers design week of festivities Geers at Geers take prisoners City Hall by Perry Gereluk by Juliet Williams Hanreider served, he said. The Civil Engineering club University personnel and local Despite his extensive contacts, dressed up like poor folk, huddled celebrities spent time in jail Boissonnault had to resort to call- around mock fires, and pan- ing his mother to help spring him Wednesday afternoon on various handled in City Hall on Wednes- until his hearing. Unfortunately, charges associated with Engineer- day in an attempt to raise aware- Boissonault’s mother was only will- ing Week. ness for Edmonton’s poor and ing to contribute $10 to her son’s The Computer Engineering Club homeless. held its annual “Jail n’ Bail” to raise cause. “She said, ‘I think he de- Part of the demonstration in- serves to spend some time in jail.’”” money for the Edmonton Food } cluded a model of an inner city U of A president Paul Daven- Bank. Bail was set for most prison- | boardingroom. This shoddy struc- portalso spent time in the slammer ers at $100 or 100 cans of food. 7 ture contained a couple of chairs, a Wednesday morning, and though Most of the convicts had little mangy sofa, and a few run-down trouble raising the necessary funds, he was not sure of the charges, he appliances. Dotting the window- as they were provided witha cellu- was certain he was not guilty. less walls were a couple of maga- lar phone, phone books (prisoners “Iwas framed; no question about zine pictures. it. Randy Boissonnault’s the guilty Cory Albers, a club executive, party,” Davenport said. expressed his shock at the condi- “Il was framed; no question Boissonnault denied the charge, tions under which some inner city adding, “atlweasna’ts thtroIwni n about it. Randy residents live. Boissonnault’s the guilty for my terrible karaoke skills,” re- “Our group was interested in ferring to the charges laid against doing something community re- party.” Filewych. lated this year.” —Paul Davenport As the lunch hour approached, City councillor Phair, was Davenport was busily trying to amongst the geers shaking hands raise enough bail before all his as- and appearing interested. He ex- were not limited to one call each), sociates went out of their offices. pressed the hope that this demon- and a felt pen to mark the time But Davenport was the top fund- stration might teach the Civil Engi- remaining in their incarceration. raiser of the day, though not all neers a lesson about the poor and jailed University officials were so Students' Union president needy. Later, he took the engi- Randy Boissonnault and SU vp lucky. Maria Yakimovich neers on a tour of City Hall high- external Terence Filewych spent Clarence Capjack, Electrical En- Our faithful president does some hard time in the big lighted by a cameo appearance over an hour in the cell in CAB gineering chairman, had to be re- house, as opposed to his big house. Don’t worry, from mayor Jan Reimer. cafeteria, but between them man- leased after 45 minutes, as he was parole is just around the corner Paul. Phair had a different answer aged to raise about $300, unable to raise sufficient bail. Be- from the common‘more money’ or Other convicts included Jay Boissonault said. cause he only raised 11 cans of raising $1000 and 380 cans of food ‘we need to educate people’ ap- “Inthe CAB lines there wereeven food, Capjack has now been placed for the Edmonton food bank. Brown, associate Business Dean, proach to solving the inner city Golden Bears football coach Tom two hats going around: one to raise on probation by the Computer En- Can-Tel donated the cellular problem. funds to get us out, and one to keep gineering Club. phone and the Spruce Grove Kins- Wilkinson, and GUBA, the Golden “I wishI knew the answer to that Todd Pepin, president of the men Club supplied the jail for the Bears mascot. All managed to raise usinlonger,” he said. Boissonnault problem,” he lamented. and Filewych were grateful for the Computer Engineering Club, said event which took over three weeks enough cash and donations to get Yet an unnamed participant did bread and water jailer Paul the event was a complete success, to organise. them out. have an answer. “We need to be- come more involved in the com- Needles found in washrooms munity.” Lo oe All Gateway contributors! Safety precautions taken for disposal of hypodermics by Monica Eggink their blood sugar level. The worker campus wondering how carefully said Yu. His office accepts needles needles containing safe materials and brings them to the University Following the discovery of used from Cameron Library came to no hypodermic needles in a few cam- significant harm, and University like water should be disposed of. Hospital to be incinerated. pus bathrooms, the University has officials breathed easier knowing “Our policy is that all biomedi- No needles have been reported put up posters in most buildings that the needle was disease- and cal material, even if not used, found since the distribution of the urging needle-users to dispose of drug-free. should be disposed of properly,” posters. these potential hazards in a safe “The heat came off us when the way. scenario of illegal drug use was Looking for Career Ideas? In Septofe lamst ybeare, arB ui ld- ruled out. The problem then be- ing Services worker was poked by came one of education,” said W. S. a stray needle while emptying a Larsen, manager of Building Ser- Check out Chartered Accounting! garbage container in the women’s vices. : washroom on the 4th floor of Dr. Grimrud of the Edmonton Cameron Library. A few more Board of Health says the Board needles were noticed in this same recommends that used needles be Come to an information session on Thursday, January 28. bathroom before one was able to stored in a hard plastic or metal be analysed for its chemical con- container. Once it is full, the con- Listen to a brief presentation about the Chartered Accounting tent. tainer should be well-sealed be- “When someone is poked it’s fore going into our regular gar- profession, then mingle with Edmonton Chartered Accountants quite a concern,” said Dr. Ken Yu, bage. (CAs) to discuss the career in detail. “This was obviously a case of incorrect disposal. Someone was “When someone is poked careless,” said Grimrud. Students from all faculties are welcome. it’s quite a concern.” Needles were also found in one —Dr. Ken Yu, Biosafety washroom in Rutherford North Refreshments will be served. Officer at the U of A’s office Library and one in the Law Centre. Occupational Health and To deal with the problem, in No- For exact time and place, and to register, call the safety. vember Building Services put up posters in some washrooms of two U of A Accounting Club at 492-2993. thirds of the 70 buildings on cam- Biosafety Officer at the U of A’s pus. The posters advise that office of Occupational Health and needles not be placed in garbages, acl Chartered Hosted by the Institute of Safety. “The presence and trans- and that information on safe dis- mission of hepatitis or AIDS is al- posal be sought at Occupational Accountants Chartered Accountants of ways a possibility.” Health and Safety. Dr. Yu said he of Alberta Alberta and the U of A The analysed needle was found is not aware of any calls to office as Accounting Club. tocontain insulin, asubstance used a direct result of the posters, but he by some diabetics to help control does hear regularly from labs on Page 4 Thursday, January 14,1993 GATEWAY 6? fu BhRe lE O AK ONIN G HOT DEFSETRNIINEA SwTNIOeWOsV NASwL:L E Y PACKG.ui d PgD —BACKeS”- YARD SKI BANFE geesrtl t WEScT uLrOUtIS E L=O=DG=E Mm _PatSroeustlha nd NID-WEEK SNEA K * —Hundreds of Units !!!— "354 SPRING BREAK '93 V, per Saida " Bahia Mar e alley ran? BO Le]O o*/ p erson Sunchase Fla orence a per person, based on double occupancy ULTIMATE nibh reniied Lo aaa Includes: private PACKAGE INCLUDES: ae hs : accommodation, SNOW °2 day lift pass for Lake Louise - FREE STeatning a caresse ees EXPERIENCE e2 nights accommodation ¢ Transportation from most campuses Looru isoeu nsannidne ,M ystLiakce Liéf ts and Lodgi:n g Se. ¢ LowestF ropm rice$s 109 per pers Ridge/Norquay, free | *free guided tour of skiar ea South el Isl (Ge ct shuttle service, c,o upon a Ow -a8 free shuttle bus servi~c e 1-80So0ut-h HIPad-reP AIsDlanRd E entroa r 1‘-e8se0r0v-at4i4on7s- 22337733 for night skiing at Mystic $2 pp /n ght *Taxes not included Ridge/Norquay. (Hostel-3 Day) Dial 2-LOQUISE (Calgary 256-8473) (403) 762-3560 1-800-567-6262 (Outside Calgary) Padre Calgary direct (403) 2666816 |( G04) 423-9284 Call for reservations or information on other Lake Louise Ski Packages Rentals CAE CANAaDA’kS eFAV OURITE LSKoI AuREiA se VW 7 A FERNIE SNOW VALLEY @ . 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Call the Visitors Get the bare facts on discountfso r you es : aeeeen and experience the Bureau for a color brochure on | 4nd your friends by calling South : 00: 1G149 Lt. ultimate in partying with our hotels, motels, and condos. Padre Island FREE! : sensational night life. And we And save some real chump Party Smart on South Padre so | change (up to 50 percent!) on 1-800-343-2368 you won't fall off the deep end. | select airlines. Southwest, If you're in the mood for areal | American and Continental fiesta, just drive 20 minutes for | serve The Valley International mwLv= w-vwCswoOS>M a diversion in Mexico. Airport in Harlingen. : te Se oat . a 3 ae . Centralized island Ss Sheraton South Padre Island Beach Resort accommodations fit any GATEWAY Thursday, January 14,1993 Page 5 History incomplete Jobs, jobs? job without Natives by Mala Khanna Council are to “improve vocational Thesignread, “This way towards secondary school programs and the Future...” so a few optimistic encourage partnerships and coop- students proceeded to the erative programs (and) improve by Tania Brewe and Naomi Butterdome Wednesday to browse the quality and quantity of indus- Szigeti through the Career Fair. try-based training.” Canada’s nationhood can be en- “There is a real diverse repre- Fora person who hasjust gradu- riched by a greater understanding sentation of companies here, there ated with a bachelor of Arts and is of Native Canadian history, as- are a lot of people you can talk to,” looking for some sort of security, serted Olive Dickason in a speech said one female student. the prospects may not seem good. to students Tuesday. Some students, however, were The representative from SunLife, “By incorporating the Indian fac- disappointed by what the career however, stressed that companies tor into historical context and forum had to offer. Ken, a third- are not simply looking for voca- internalising it, it will give us a year science student, felt disillu- tional experience. much wider and broader texture of sioned by both the fair and his “There are a number of people ourselves both as an individual, entire University experience. who have started here (SunLife) and as a nation.” “Thave friends that are studying right out of University and have Dickason, a history professor for a trade at NAIT that will prob- done quite well.” He added that who specialised in Native history ably make more money than I, and corporate ladder climbing was not before she was forced to retire last university seems like a big shaft.” necessarily a thing of the past. year following a Supreme Court As for the fair itself, “it’s advertis- One of the organisers of the fair judgement, warned that without ing more than anything else.” from Career and Placement Ser- knowledge of Native history be- These discouraging sentiments vices reiterated that although par- fore the conquest, we will not be from people like Ken could be what ticipation from employers at the able to get the whole picture and prompted the Economic Council fair has decreased since last year, understand the Native contribu- of Canada to publish a study en- career fairs are still an effective tion to modern Canada. titled A Lot to Learn—Education and way to learn about job opportuni- She referred to the Oka crisis in Trainingi n Canada. The study, pub- ties. She added that students 1990 and related it to the pattern of lished in 1992, looks at the Cana- should come prepared with re- attitudes set by the Europeans and dian educational system and tries sumes and be able to answer ques- Natives during the conquest of the to identify some of its problems. tions. Americas. She said the first contact Some of the targets of the Economic between Europeans and Natives set forth all of the tensions and MINSTRELS problems evident today. She went on to say that those first encoun- ters established what is now tradi- tionally based on written docu- Rodney Gitzel ments and that anything before O N then is considered prehistory. This Olive Dickason speaks to students Tuesday on Native leaves the thousands of years be- Canadian history. fore written documentation unno- ticed, and when looking at people “prehistory”: archaeology, geol- ample, Dickason said that up to the with a tradition of passing history ogy, linguistics, anthropology, and 1960s, published history still re- orally, their history is much more oral traditions. By compiling all ferred to natives as savages. SPEED difficult to trace. this evidence, the piecing together Dickason said that although “If you're going to depend on of America’s complete history can things have improved, Canadian historical documentation, you’ve begin, Dickason said. Although society still has a long way to go. basically got nothing to work with.” these five areas are an efficient way “Once an attitude is in place it is Dickason explained five areas of gathering history, they have just very difficult to convince people to | a a “Trait = used in attempting to uncover this recently been introduced. For ex- expand their horizons.” Ss ATUU Fe DP Aw AA'I Social influences on Medicine examined by Giles Alexander Pinto Medicine is more susceptible social networks overseeing re- What challenges face us in the than natural science to these issues search, as well as the Marxian cri- z= ap ap sve a ZT fe = «DpF f next century? With an aging popu- since health professionals encoun- tique that, by veiling its social ori- lation and epidemics like AIDS, ter‘almost all members of society gins, the elite use medicine asa tool SEVENTH FLOOR, STUDENTS' UNION BUILDING health ranks high on the list. through their practice. The “inti- to control the population. UOFA CAMPUS The exploits of medical profes- mate significance” of these encoun- Jordanova demonstrated how sionals are being examined like ters, the “fragile” definition of what social/cultural anthropology af- never before, by experts from many constitutes medicine and society’s fected thought on belief systems: Nd Please send ticket(s) at disciplines. integration of medical language “magical” medicine is no longer $5.00 each (Official ticket to follow) Dr. Ludmilla Jordanova teaches and images also distinguish the considered less progressive than Licence #R38767 history at the UK’s University health sciences. modern forms. They are equal yet Enclosed is $ ofEssex, and she examines “medi- Jordanova noted the history of different. cal culture” in her book medicine was shaped by fear of She added that this construction- Overe e Name SexualVisions: Images of Gender disease and institutional interests. ist approach could make medicine Address. in Science and Medicine between This means that the opinions of relevant to all of society, giving a $14, 000 '<Foonr aAA === the doctors, rather than patients, were sense of long-term trends and iden- in Prizes! YEAR City. Postal Code. Eighteenth and Twentieth Centu- solicited. The “primacy” of words, tifying the social context of re- Telephone: Res. ries. She explained her methodol- instead of diagrammatic commu- search; all vitally important con- ogy at the University of Alberta nications was also singled out as a siderations in the health problems Bus. ¢$500 per month towards rent or Tuesday, in the Mackenzie Health shaping force in medical history. we face. mortgage payments To-order by phone, call (403)428-0343 Science Centre’s Bernard Snell Hall, She identified several strands of Jordanova will speak on “ Medi- $2400 in grocery vouchers through a lecture entitled “The thought which foster cine and the Visual Arts” Thurs- eLake Tahoe Vacation rental (limited Please return this form with payment to: Social Construction of Medical socialconstructionism, and pro- day afternoon at 4 PM in Humani- times available, transportation not JDF Office Knowledge." mote a more balanced view of ties Centre L-3. Next week she talks included) 202, 9924 - 106 Street Jordanova said social health. The scientific philosophy about “Conceptualising Women: ¢ $500 in gasoline vouchers Edmonton, Alberta TSK 104 ¢26 other great prizes constructionism focuses on the so- of constant, open questioning is Problems and Perspectives” and cial influences that affect scientific one. Others include examination “Testaments of Women: 1720- Get your tickets as soon as [_]cheque [] Money Order [_] Visa research. of science’s political power and the 1780”. possible! [] MasterCard eOnly 10,000 tickets printed Credit Card Number. eTickets are $5.00 each ¢Draw date: January 31, 1993 Expiry Date ALL PROCEEDS TO DIABETES RESEARCH Signature. OPINION Managing Editor: Malcolm Azania, 492-5178 Cold world le sheen py cold out iy cae tit? It’s so cold thatS freewheel on my bike froze and broke; it’s so cold that a _ student died frozen dead out in the river valley over the _ break; it’s just cold and cold and cold. Canada just isn’t the land of easy weather, and northern Alberta can Merely kil / you. It’s all pretty scary stuff. Orisit? Maybe it dependson what you make oft. Sure, this _isn’t the finest of times to be out and about, but there’s little- point sitting around complaining. This is Edmonton: who _ _signed up for Edmonton duty expecting tropical climes? If_ _we’re going to live here, we might as well make the most of _ it.S o, rather than squandering a good chunk of each year — ts frigid somewhere bitching. about the omnilacking _ heat, let’s get off our butts and go enjoy the winter! _ _ But what's there to do? How about skating? Believe it or. | don’t , there have been people gliding about at Hawrelak _P ark all through the minus thirties. Could go watch fire-_ _ works, as a lot of happy people did New Year's Eve. Or how | about bundling up and going for a walk down Whyte Ave? — | Don’‘ t worry—those people aren't! laughing atall the clothes HEY, HASEES, Great Vews ! _ you're warmly wearing, they’re drooling in envy and cee THE ‘ISRAELIS FINALY ApMITIED phlegm frozen all over their faces.) Go builda snow sculpture THEY WERE WRONG To Exicé us! _ (maybe the geers will lend you their blowtorches). Or go S Wwe CAN Ge Komé A OG _ outsideand listen,e venjustto your Sak in theo S _s now. Winter, even at minus thirty, jony, or colder, ii s still a Jivable environment. People still bike to work, birds still fly _around, and McDonald’s drive-thrus are still open. You just _ have tochange your approach tto the outside. There’snothing © _ that says you have to be cold; nothing iis preventing you from > _ dressing up properly, iis there? And once you're not cold, you _can do anything you would do normally (well, except water — your lawn), and possibly... you might ¢e ven enjoy being— ee So get out there! And ~~ t or your 0 eh! . oe ‘Gitzel Oa UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Israel like drawna political cartoon, his intent I’mabit confused. How cana draw- would probably have been clearer, inogf asoldiofe trh e Israeli army be Roman Empire but the cartoon was much more equated with all Jewish people? I open to individual interpretation, don’t hate Jewbust I,su re don’t like Published Since November 21, 1910 for Palestinians and people were offended. the way the state of Israel has tried Readership 30,000 The Gateway editors did not fore- to remove all the Palestinians from Volume 82 Number 28 see this offense. If they had, they their own homeland. Well, well, well. A fine kettle of would not have run the cartoon, Palestinians have just as much fish. Advertising 492-4241, Room 234 SUB I think it’s fair to say that the and they’ve said as much. With right to land and representation Main Office 492-5168, Room 282 SUB artist behind the Gateway’s now- hindsight being whatitis, it’s easier within the country of Israel as do to see how someone could be hurt. Jewish residents. Palestinian history FAX Number 492-4643 infamous political cartoon did not The Gateway has apologized for the and Palestinian ancestors come Mailing Address Room 259 Students' Union mean to label Jewish people as unintentional pain caused by the from the same place as Jewish his- Christ-killers. I also think it’s fair to Building, U of A, Edmonton, AB, T6G 237 piece, but it was intended as a con- tory and Jewish ancestors. Many say that the editors of the Gateway did not print the cartoon with the demnation of the Israeli govern- Jewish people recognize this, but Editor-in-Chief Karen Unland 492-5168 ment—not the of Israeli people and the state of Israel doesn’t, as evi- spread of anti-Semitism as their aim. Managing Editor Malcolm Azania 492-5178 not of Jewish people as a whole. If denced by the ongoing persecution So what was the point they were News Editor Jeff Aplin 492-1483 the Gateway apologises for running of the Palestinian people. Racism is trying to make? That the Israeli gov- News Assistants Peter S. Moore, ernment and security forces don’t the cartoon in the first place, then a very serious allegation to make, Juliet Williams 492-7308 treat Palestilniviinga nins t he occu- they’re saying that they’re sorry for but in the case of Israel (NOT all criticising the government of a coun- members of the Jewish faith) I think Entertainment Editor Steven Yi 492-7052 pied territories very nicely. That try. And they don’t have tobe sorry it is justified. Sports Editor Dan Carle 492-5068 was probably all. Israeli soldiers enforce curfews and bulldoze about that. The reaction to the cartoon raises Photo Editor Rodney Gitzel 492-1482 Mark Meer another question regarding free- Production Editor Pam Hnytka 492-3423 houses. We can see these things on dom of the press and freedom of Circulation Manager Martin Tucker 492-5168 CNN, and the cartoon said as much. Human rights, expression. Though the images pre- Wecanalso watch reports of bomb- Advertising Manager Marilyn King 492-4241 sented by the artist may not be par- ings by groups like the PLO, but freedom of press ticularly appealing to some read- political cartoons, by their nature, Contributors rarely show both sides of a given the real issues efrosr, btehinegy Jaerew isnho.t Tchrietyi cairsei ncgr iatincyiosnineg Rob Daly, Heather Johnson, Cam Ashmore, Travis Lamb, issue. the ongoing abuses of rights that Lisa Kartusch, Tania Brewe, Joyce Seto, Jay Brown, Naomi Right. But there’s still the issue of When a supposedly democratic we take for granted. Szigeti, Monica Eggink, Perry Gercluk, Giles Alexander the image used—bJeineg wresspon - country enforces systematic dis- Our university paper must be al- Pinto, Mala Khanna, Heather, Karyn Robson, John Cheng, sible for the death of Christ. Similar crimination of an identifiable eth- lowed to criticise political injustice Rachel Sanders, Trevor Hancheroff, Maria Yakimovich, images have been used to justify nic group most of us self-righteous Kyle Loranger, Rufus, Heather Harris-Wilps ’Niist-Lax the persecution of Jews in the past. North Americans get pretty excited. without having to pander to every reader who gets offended by a par- Gibsuu-Anspai yaxw-Yip Gitksan’m In all likelihood, the cartoonist However, when the state of Israel ticular image. Otherwise we'll end merely wished to draw a parallel (not the Jewish people) is accused All materials appearing in The Gateway are copyright and may not be used without the between the treatment of the Jews of apartheid-like behaviour in a up with a paper full of watered- written permission of The Gateway. Contents of The Gateway are the responsibility of the down crap that’s designed not to by the Romans and the treatment of Gateway cartooneveryone from Paul Editor-in-Chief. All grievances should be submitted in writing to either the Editor-in- offend anyone. Chief, Room 282 SUB, or the Students’ Union Vice-President Internal, Room 259 SUB. the Palestinians by the Israelis. Had Davenport to MPs and MLAs start All opinions signed by the writer do not necessarily reflect the views of The Gateway. he written an article rather than complaining about anti-Semitism. See LETTERS CONT’D p.7 GATEWAY ‘Thursday, January 14,1993 Page7 Natives and truth agonizing void that we try to fill Alberta as students, staff and fac- on inner city street corners—my some of which they have little or with liquor,” that it would have ulty. husband and I do not drink at all. I no idea. Some of us have been more been better to have “spared our I personally consider myself to do not make my living from wel- successful in this synthesis and HHaerartihsge rran dchildren the burden of their be such a person. My successes in fare or prostitution. I was a college some of us less so. Nichols has lives,” that “our dignity is gone,” the whitemans’ world include be- instructor for the ten years before I portrayed us all as totally unsuc- Ihad torespond toBrent Nichols that our lives are “worse than ing a graduate student with an av- returned to graduate school. cessful in any world, but in my article in a recent issue of Gateway. death,” that we live on whiteman’s erage of 9. I do not drive a rusted- In my own world J also consider view even those people you see on It made me very angry. It exempli- “pity and wel- myself successful. I theinner city streets probably have fied the most dangerous form of fare cheques,” et - am a member of the some successes in life. To see every racism which comes cloaked in lib- cetera. WS Wolf Clan who individual as valuable and worth- eral clothing. Nichols seems to be I realize that works hard to fulfil while no matter how bad he may saying that he sympathises with the way I have my obligation inthe look right now, to know that he has American Indians because he has represented potlatch. I give help a family and home, that he belongs some native ancestry and because Nichols’ words to any family or somewhere and is loved by some- of all the cruel injustices aboriginal is not they way community mem- one, is the way native people see people have suffered at the hands he meant them, ber who asks. I have that down and out Indian on the of the whiteman in this country. A but it is what he served my commu- street. That is the difference be- nice liberal sentiment. said. The only nity on the school tween the way natives and whites In fact this article does nothing thingin Nichols’ \ board and band look at people. but perpetuate racist stereotypes. article that I can SS council. Ihave spent Mr. Nichols, did you know when Nichols, like the obvious racists agree with is many hours listen- native people see a native guy and before him, portrays the Native that powerful ing to and learning a white guy on those inner city Americans of the past as scalp-tak- and racist whitemen have had con- out ‘68 Pontiac as Nichols’ por- from elders. Is upport my husband streets, it is the white guy we pity ing savages and those of today as siderable success in oppressing the trayal on natives might lead one to is his position as hereditary chief. I because we know he is much less drunks on inner-city streets. The indigenous people of this land. I believe. I drive a ’91 Dodge Cara- make chief's robes, moccasins and likely to have a home and family to difference between the views of cannot agree that such oppression van, the kind driven by suburban do beadwork. I make traditional go to if he gets tired of the life he is Nichols and the White Supremists is total, which is the only picture housewives. I do not live in a run- foods. living? We even pity some white lies not in their portrayal of the presented by Nichols. In fact, many downshack with plastic windows, Iam not the only native person middle-class people because they facts of Indian life today but in the native people are successful in their buta five-bedroom three-bathroom who does all these things. The real- donot have what we consider most reason for the fact. Nichols agrees own terms and in the whiteman’s (indoor, that is) house which inci- ity of our lives today is a synthesis valuable, which is home, family with the racists that Indians are terms. Many such people are found dentally, the government did not of cultures, some aspects with and belonging. without “manhood,” live in “an right here at the University of pay for. [donot hang around drunk which Canadians are familiar, and CONTINUED from p. 6 1. All cartoon characters have toon “Hans.” Sure, it’s a stereo- way, Jan. 7). Your letter was well during the Gulf War. Fortunately There is a problem: up to now big noses. type, but unless the stereotype is written and seemingly reasonable, for everyone, chemical weapons the only solution to the Palestin- 2. How do you draw a cartoon there to promote hatred against a to the typical reader who knows were not used in the war. Unfortu- ian-Israeli problem has involved criticising the actions of Israeli sol- race, it isn’t racist. It’s just stereo- nothing of the true situation in the nately, Palestinian civilians had no killing unarmed Palestinians who diers without making them look typical. Middle East. Allow me to answer form of protection when the Israe- don’t doasthey’re told and equally Jewish? Do you draw the soldier But it’s not really the nose, is it? the questions you’ve proposed. lis used internationally banned destructive responses by Palestin- with “normal,” white person char- It’s because you can’t handle the You complained that Israel has napalm bombs against them in the ians. This violence has achieved acteristics? How about Chinese fa- fact that the oppressed have be- to spend half of its budget (which 1967 war. nothing. I commend the artist and cial features? come the oppressor, that the scape- is subsidised heavily by the West) Mr. Lachman, your entire letter the staff at the Gateway for printing If the cartoon is critisising an goats of the world have finally on defense. Mr. Lachman, is that is written on the premise that the this cartoon. Only by identifying Israeli soldier for being Jewish, turned into the murderous bastards unexpected considering that the Israelis have a right to govern any injustice will we ever be able to that’s racism. But take an honest they once faced in the concentra- land was seized illegally by force? of the land of Palestine. Person- conquer it. If we let politicians (re: look. The cartoon is criticising an tion camps. Well, face it. Even the You also said that Israel is plagued ally, [believe that they do not. Had scum) like Kilgour and Chivers tell Israeli soldier for being a brutal Jewish race is not immune to fas- by terrorism. Fighting tanks with the Jews come to Palestine in peace, our paper what it can and cannot fascist, which is not a fair cism. rocks is not terrorism. In any case, there would be peace today. In- print we’re just the latest victims of generalisation of all Jews, buta fair David Malmo-Levine just to refresh your memory, Israel stead they had the audacity to come modern fascism. generalisation of all Israeli soldiers. is a country founded on terrorism. off their boats and drive their flag Doug Reid And the cartoon was very specific Palestinian You said that Israeli children re- into the ground, instantaneously inmakingsure the soldier wasiden- gretfully have to fear for their lives. claiming the land as their own. Even Israel children live in tified as an Israeli soldier. Every- Palestinian children do not have Peace without justice is incompat- can be fascist body see the bars above and below fear time for fear when their refugee ible. For centuries Christians, Mus- the Star of David? That means Is- camps (which the Zionists created) lims and Jews lived together in Iam responding to the reactions raeli. Not Jew. Israeli. In reference to Adi Lachman’s are bombed by a state-of-the-art peace in the Holy Land. Yet in only of some of the letters in the Tues- 3. Calling the guy “Shlomo” is letter (“Cartoon wrong; Palestin- warplane. You mentioned how Is- day, Jan 12th issue of the Gateway. like calling a German guy ina car- ians should put down guns,” Gate- raelis were forced to use gas masks See LETTERS p. 8 Comedy Night at the Horowitz Theatre! JANUARY Kevin Hughes 15,16 1993 Life, Love and Laughter for 8:00P m Relationships in the 90's AY a Sunday January 24, 1993 INFO ¢ TICKETS 7:30 pm Horowitz Theatre, SUB 492.2677 Tickets for this event are available at all Ticketmaster Outlets (Charge-by- phone 451-8000) and Info Booths on Campus (HUB, CAB, SUB) For more Info: 492-4764 Page 8 Thursday, January 14,1993 GATEWAY Adolf Hitler, CONTINUED from p. 7 successfully painted a subliminal sage which your cartoonist in- made. When this first came out, I 45 years the Zionists have man- image of the Jewish people—and tended (although we’ve yet to hear saw the cartoon as anti-Semitic but anti-Semitism aged to deport us, slaughter us, precipitated a hatred not equalled from him). This, however, would not the Gateway, but given the re- bulldoze our homes and deprive in modern history. suggest a problem not of interpre- sponse of the Gateway I have to and the Gateway us of our human rights. I often wonder why your edito- tation, but of cartooning skill. Your question that judgement. The fact Andy Muwais rial staff would include works cartoonist drew a picture of Jewish that a mistake was made and the Anti-Semitism is racist which attempt to dehumanize a soldiers terrorizing Mary and Jesus staff can’t admit that makes me behaviour against the Jewish group of people. Degrading im- having just come from killing three think the senior staff of the Gateway Eyewitness people. Since ancient times, the ages certainly leave a permanent wise men. Now what was it again are more concerned with editorial Jews have lived asa minority group scar on your readers. Tocommence thata perceptive reader would have autonomy than they are with jour- accounts of in many countries. Both Christian a healing process it is fitting that garnered from this cartoon? nalistic integrity irrespective of the and Muslim nations often perse- you would print a written apology Lewis Klar consequence of their actions. This Israeli cuted Jews for not accepting the in your next issue. Staff too arrogant attitude has got to change religion of the majority. When eco- Barry N. Slawsky to save the reputation of the Gate- atrocities nomic conditions were bad, Jews concerned w/ way as an impartial newspaper. were blamed for causing the Few have editorial Joel Benjamin Anti-Semitic claims about the troubles of society. In the late 1800s cartoon published in the Gateway many Jews in Poland and Russia courage to autonomy Deplorable on Jan. 5, 93 have no basis. were killed in organised massacres The cartoon shows Israeli sol- called “pogroms.” Adolph Hitler admit mistakes Iam writing about the response travesty diers beating an old man in the made anti-Semitism an official gov- given to charges of anti-Semitism background, and another holding ernment policy of Germanyi n 1933. Anyone can makea mistake. Un- in the Gateway on Tuesday. I was deeply disturbed by the a gun to baby Jesus. In 1989, His government stripped the Jews - fortunately, few seem to have ei- Although you say, “We do not cartoon, “IfJesus were born 1992...”, Heather Spears spent six weeks in of their citizenship and sent mil- ther the courage or integrity to ad- trivialise the reaction of those who which appeared ina recent issue of East Jerusalem, drawing children lions of them to concentration and mit it. have taken offense to the cartoon,” Gateway. It went far beyond legiti- who were beaten, shot, stabbed and death camps. This campaign of Your “Response” to the cartoon thatis exactly what you have done. mate criticism of Israeli politics, brutalized by members of the Is- mass murder, of which 6 million controversy was in some ways as I fail to see how so many people which many Jews and Israelis raeli army. Jews perished, became known as pathetic as the cartoon itself. In the who saw the correlation between share, to a characterization of Inherbook, Drawn From The Fire, the Holocaust. space of a few short paragraphs, this cartoon and the images of Jews Jewishness in general as being anti- Heather wrote, “And many that I The beauty of Canada is that we you were able to use the words as Christ-killers could have misin- Christian and inhuman. In particu- drew were victims of a gratuitous have created acountry blessed with “misinterpreted”, “misinterpreta- terpreted the symbols of the car- lar, the spectacle of a hook-nosed violence, and undiscriminating tolerance and understanding. tion”, or “misperceived” no fewer toon. Yet the Gateway in its infinite Jew with thick lenses pointing a cruelty. I learned then that no one Christians, Jews, Muslims, and than seven times. The message of wisdom is telling some very promi- gun at the Christ child evoked place is more dangerous, or more people of all faiths have fused to- your response was clear. The prob- nent people that they are wrong many centuries of anti-Jewish cari- safe, than another, that the walls of gether to build a political system lem with the cartoon was not with and the Gateway is right which is cature and the canard of deicide schools and hospitals mean noth- with social justice for all. the Gateway staff or its cartoonist, what trivialises the reaction. that has haunted Jewish history. It ing. Id rew children who had expe- The Gateway did a disservice to but with all of us out there who The Gateway also overlooked the is hard to believe that the perpetra- rienced at first hand their parent’s enlightened citizens by printing a simply did not understand the car- portrait of the Israeli soldier. The tor of this deplorable travesty was helplessness to protect them, or cartoon depicting a Jew with a Star toon. If we were only smarter or way heis drawnis almost identical totally ignorant of its implications. themselves.” of David holding Jesus Christ at less sensitive, we would have “in- to that of the Jews drawn in Nazi I think that the editors of the Gate- This is an eyewitness account. gunpoint. Racist cartoons aimed at terpreted” the cartoon correctly. propaganda, yet we are told, “If way owe Jewish students, the Jew- Hence one begins to question what religious groupsare distasteful and A political cartoon can only be the cartoon were anti-Jewish, we ish community, and the University this army might do if Jesus were harm the society in which we live. interpreted, not “misinterpreted”, would not have printed it.” How- at large an unreserved and frank born today. These kinds of cartoons dominated by those who read it. Perhaps your ever, you did print it, and now apology. Omeed El-Zabet the media of pre-war Europe—it cartoon did not convey the mes- refuse to admit a mistake was Francis Landy It'sa H UB of a DEAL Make5 mii nim um $5 Bo urehases to win one of: 3 Ski weekend getaway for two to Banff. & Pair of tickets to either an Alberta Ballet, Edmonton Opera, or Edmonton Symphony performance. * Free Lunch at HUB. * Free Pair of Eyewear. * Upto $25 in HUB Cash. ae Free Rootbeer. | INTERNATION MARKETPLACE > * Valentine’ s Lunch at the Rutherford House. c |a ils available at alm all merchants anof rom our HUB Cat. 89 Ave. & 112 ST. GATEWAY Thursday, January 14,1993 Page9 Azania wrong to fore his intent was not to portray bid, even learn from it. And if you perpetual career harassment. How- opposed to Aryan, in racial de- the “Christ-Killer Myth.” How do do not agree with the criticism, ever, at no time did Mr. Lachman ask scent publish own free the Editors know his intent? then by all means defend your de- this Editor. Furthermore, in propaganda, Whether he is Christian, Jewish, cision, as was done in the editorial; Jews were identified with particu- Chan wrong; speech cartoon Muslim,or Atheist, the Editors do there is no need for a martyr com- lar “Semitic” racial characteris- not know his intent. plex. tics—the most frequently refer- If, as the Editors say, the intent of I would also like to address a Semitic more enced being a prominent nose In the aftermath of the January the cartoon was to raise the issue of response letter the Gateway had The fact that the purported Is- 5th Israeli soldier cartoon, Gateway the human rights abuses against received. Mr. Chan, whois vp com- than linguistic raeli soldier in the cartoon was Managing Editor Malcolm Azania the Palestinians, it has failed mis- munications of GSA, appears to depicted with such a nose (an at- saw fit to run his follow-up edito- erably. We feel that this entire epi- believe that the criticism of the car- Re: Benjamin Chan’s Letter, “ Zi- tribute curiously lacking on Mary’s rial cartoon in the January 12th sode directly reflects the situation toon is merely a smoke screen be- onism DoeEqusal nJuda’ismt; C ar- face) implies that the cartoonist had issue. It is undeniably a dramatic in the Middle East. The. tentative hind which cowers a cruel and evil toon Right On” (Gateway: Tuesday, the intent of identifying the an- work, showing a pencil-holding and growing relationship between Israel. I think not. I would like to Jan. 12) tagonist with the Semitic racial hand chained up by heavy links the Palestinians and Israelis is be- point to Mr. Chan’s recollection a Although I am compelled to group, and the use of the name and a wrist fetter, calling up im- ing undermined by extremists on certain incident in the middle of agree with Mr. Chan’s assertion “Shlomo” and the term “Kosher” ages of censorship, slavery, rac- both sides. Similarly, we feel that this century, which wiped out one that the term “Semitic” does not makes it abundantly clear that the ism, and Big (Imperialist) Brother. the equivalent relationship be- third of the Jewish population in solely denote the Jewish racial soldier is Jewish—a racial, and not But it is not an appropriate cartoon tween the Muslim Students Asso- the world, and that left Jews some- group, his assertion that it refers national, category. due toits heavy-handed excess and ciation and the Jewish Students what touchy to the subject of anti- only to a linguistic group is false. Furthermore, the use of the na- the role of its creator. I didn’t see Association could face the same Semitism. “Semitic” isaracial category that tivity imagery in the cartoon, aside any evidence of artists being re- danger, and we sincerely hope that But aside from this point, Mr. refers to those with ancestry in a from its close relation to the “Christ- strained from drawing. I saw a it will not. Chan also argues that the word specific area of the Middle-East. killer” symbol historically used to cartoon which made the editorial David Witten Semitic denotes a linguistic cat- “Semitic aS =a cline uistic promote pogroms and racial ha- page of a major student newspa- Jessica Benjamin egory. Unfortunately that is not categorisation refers to those lan- tred, implies that the critique is at per, followed by a predictable precise: Semitic actually denotes guages (such as Hebrew and Ara- least partially of a religious nature. amount of criticism. Some agreed all those who are descendants of bic) associated with groups of the Judaism, a religion frequently seen with and some I found excessive; Chan should Shem, who was one of Noah’s three Semitic racial categorisation. as in conflict with Christianity, is a rather like my reaction to the origi- sons (look it up—Genesis chapter Jews are Semitic even if they do specific characteristic of the Jewish nal cartoon and to Azania’s cri- keep trap shut 10). And while the expression not speak Hebrew, and Hebrew race, not the Israeli state. tiques over the past few years. But “Semitic” includes the Arabs, the speakers are not of necessity As we have no direct and incon- censorship? Hardly. What I find The controversial cartoon pub- expression anti-Semitic does not. Semitic. trovertible evidence of the more excessive than either the lished on Jan. 5 in the Gateway The reason for this is simple: the It is absurd that anyone could Cartoonist’s (and Publisher’s) in- original cartoon or the subsequent seemed to have caused a flood of term anti-Semite was developed think that “anti-Semitic” describes tent, we must look to the evidence uproar is Azania’s thin skinned need to publish his own artwork reaction in the Jan. 12 issue, prov- by the leader of a Hungarian a distaste for a particular set of we have—a cartoon which, by form ing once again that the Middle East organisation in the 19th century. languages—an absurdity that Mr. and apparent intent, identifies a on his own editorial page to defend is indeed a delicate yet volatile sub- This organisation was attempting Chan seems to be promoting. particular racial group and ascribes his own editorial decision, right ject. I have responded to this car- to remove the rights granted to The use of” anti-semitic” to de- to it heinous acts. next to his co-authored written toon already, but in view of a few Jews during the period of emanci- note racist activities or attitudes That makes the cartoon anti- defense. of the articles in the two pages pation in Europe. The group was directed against the Jewish people Semitic, or, if you will, anti-Jewish. This isn’t editing, Malcolm, it’s devoted to the subject, I felt obliged motivated by religious hate for stems from Nazi Germany, where apologetics. If you can’t take the to write again. Jews, not Arabs, and called itself Jews were identified as Semitic, as See LETTERS cont'd p. 10 heat, stay ouotf t he drawing room. I start with the editorial, in the “The Anti-Semitic League” (or Andrew Pemberton-Pigott 9/92/01/14 the Gateway opened its mouth to something similar, I do not recall 10% off all Esthetics services roar and then proceeded to put its the exact wording of the name). 10% off all Professional products *GST extra* Editor’s Note: The Gateway has foot in it. The editorial stated that That is the origin of the expression *ID required* never had a policy barring Editors “...we stand by our cartoonist and anti-Semitic. Fortunately Mr. Chan from contributing political cartoons. his intent in the creation of the has advice for people who exhibit cartoon.” I understand the posi- linguistic incorrectness: they tion of the two editors supporting should “get their terminology Gateway the publication of the cartoon; I straightbefore they open theirtraps myself do not think that the car- again.” As Mr. Chan had failed to poses danger toonist meant to evoke anti- get his own terminology straight, Semitism, but rather a statement and as I am sure that Mr. Chan is to campus on the policy of Israel in the territo- quick to follow any advice he gives ries. Again, as an Israeli, I am in to others, Iw ould expect to see Mr. We have taken great interest in total disagreement with that state- Chan’s“ trap” shut for the next little JAGGERS’ STUDENT PRI the proceedings of the Gateway as ment, but Mr. Hussein is entitled while. LADIES CUT . : of late. We were offended by the to have his opinions. Finally, with regard to the letter MEN’S CUT.. COLOURS “political” cartoon which has On the other hand, I can in no written by Marcel Opazo. I was STREAKS .. caused so much uproar, and when way understand the Gateway’s de- puzzled as to whether Marcel APPOIN NOT (403) 439-7853 Excellence in hair & skin care we saw the Editors’ response we cision to endorse the contents of Opazo had actually bothered to ALWAYS NECESSARY 10806 - 82nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 2B3 felt compelled to write. this cartoon. The Gateway, being read the letter I wrote, as evidence The Editors’ justifications for not the U of A student newspaper, rep- would indicate otherwise. offering an unconditional apology resents not a single opinion, but I hope that those who have read are flawed and unacceptable. The rather a collective whole of the stu- my letter would know to dismiss Editors’ first argument is that the dent group. In this respect, the Marcel Opazo’s reply as not to the cartoon has been misinterpreted. Gateway should be no different point at best, and utter rubbish at Thereisno single, correct interpre- than any other newspaper pub- worst. Having said this, I believe tation of a political cartoon. As lished anywhere. If Karen Unland that Marcel Opazo’s letter has al- with any work of art, everyone has and Malcolm Azania wish to sup- ready taken up more words than it when its just too theirowninterpretations and draw port the contents of the cartoon, is worth. their own conclusions. If the Edi- that is perfectly legitimate; how- Controversy aside, I would like damn cold to go tors’ interpretation of the cartoon ever, they must not do so in the tocloseby re-emphasisintghe state- as merely political is correct, why name of the Gateway. And despite ment I made in my previous letter: home... has it caused such an uproar? The the fact that the signature on the The problems in the Middle East Editors’ response implies that their article is theirs, they did not use are not, and never were, one sided. interpretations are the only correct theirnamesinthe article, but rather Blaming Israel for everything that ones. They were negligent in not that of the Gateway. happens is too easy, and is not the considering all of the-possible in- Mr. Azania, Managing Editor of solution. terpretations of this cartoon. the Gateway, added his own per- We Israelis are not perfect, but When the Jewish Students on sonal touch in a cartoon depicting neither are the Palestinians, by far. Campus tell you that they find the a manacled hand holding a pencil, And the media, inits infinite search cartoon offensive and hurtful, this implying that the criticism is an for ratings, often sacrifices the pre- is a credible response based on attempt to stifle the cartoonist’s sentation of the whole picture for experience that you must respect, freedom of expression. Really, the instant gratification of violence not dismiss. Telling us that this Malcolm. Don’t insult our intelli- on screen. There are two sides to cartoon was not anti-Semitic be- gence. Youare well aware that there this coin. All I ask is that you look cause we misinterpreted it is analo- is no attempt to silence the free at both. gous to telling a sexual assault vic- press. No oneis threatening to close Adi Lachman tim-that she was not assaulted be- the Gateway. There may have been cause she misinterpreted his ac- some harsh criticism, perhaps ex- Editor's Note: Contrary to theabove tions. treme criticism, but I would have assertions, the staff at the Gateway A further point the Editors make thought that the Gateway was ma- has been threatened by numerous in- is that the artist “is of neither Chris- ture enough to be able to take such dividuals at numerous times, with fed- tian or Jewish extraction,” there- criticism, and perhaps, God for- eral lawsuits, closure of the paper and Page 10 Thursday, January 14,1993 GATEWAY CONTINUED from page nine is enjoying it, or of an Aboriginal Good lord! on your allegations. Iw as unaware being drunk in the gutter. that I was afflicted with illiteracy The cartoonis not legitimate politi- Do you, Ms. Editor, really think What is this?! until Ir ead about it in your letter. I cal commentary precisely because that if the same were published was wonderingi f your reference to it characterises a particular ethnic there would be calls for not only Editor's note: We get some ur- “balls” was some sort of sexist re- and religious group rather than a resignations but disciplinary ac- usual letters at our offices. Here is mark implying only males are ca- political entity. tion? one printed in its original spelling pable of courage? No, Craig, none Finally, it is inappropriate that a Theremaybesomewherea Com- and form. . of us is having an incestuous rela- public- and student-funded forum mittee on Equality and Respect on tionship with our mothers. I be- be used to promote such racial over- To MR. MALCOME AZIM this campus, and it will be interest- lieve your message was concise, so tones and historical use of such ing if they see fit to do anything. At I'M Reffering to some of the allow me to summarize: we’re not images is no more convincing than least the President has spoken out Comic strips. I’D LiKE TO KEEP banned—you'te just not going to the excuse that “I was only follow- against this obscenity! SOMEOFMY PRIVACY, toasmall play us. Got it. ing orders.” - The fact that Ahmed Hussein, degree. My life, if not most of the As far as suggesting we made Karen Unland and the cartoon- who I understand is a fourth-year time should be some what private. the whole thing up, contempt? You ist owe this University and the Jew- student from Saudi Arabia, was ANY FURTHER DECLORATION haven’t yet experienced, tasted, ish community an apology, not responsible for the cartoon makes of this typpe will not be tolerated. touched or embraced anything as vague and unimpressive state- it clear that the message was meant I KNOW THE TYPE of Liturature distasteful as my feeling of con- ments about intent and misinter- (comic strip), Defenetly isn’t toler- as an obvious attack on the Jewish tempt for anyone who feels they pretation. people and Judaism. able. AND shouldn’t be toyedd can brush away the stain of a bad A.J. Armstrong It is one thing to politically with. IN that maner. If this is con- decision by pretending it didn’t criticise and comment, and quite tinued some leagel action might happen. (Are you considering a Dismayed and another to directly single out a re- take place. career in politics?) ligious group for opprobrium for ED! So now that you have pointed offended by political purposes. Sales siow— out that I have no talent as a musi- Will yourun cartoons from mem- cian, perhaps I should look for an- cartoon bers of the Klu Kiux Klan reviling singer other job, like a music director! people of colour? I think not. Jews, Apparently it’s perfect for some- Re: Editorial cartoon published however, seem tobe fair game, and switches to one as irresponsible and obnox- January 5, 1993. your paper's failure to appreciate ious as myself. I am dismayed and deeply of- or be the least bit sensitive to this letter writing Raven fended that the Gateway would al- may be indicative of a general mal- Broken Dolls low an obviously anti-Semitic car- aise in our society towards minori- toon to be published. ties, visible or otherwise. Re: ”CJSR breaks raving dolls,” It is reminiscent of Der Sturmer, The racism that is arising in Eu- the Gateway, Jan. 7. Thank you for Mr. Snuffelupagus: the paper published by the Nazis rope is now starting here and it is your letter Craig. Isee you’ve opted for the “good old fashioned witch to bring hatred on the Jews, the appalling thatitis this University’s Slavs, and all non-Aryans. student newspaper that is leading hunt.” Just for the record, Craig, Rest in Peace It is quite acceptable to criticise the way. (read: Fascist Meanie) we did call the station in early December. Scott Israel, but to portray the Jews as I suggest that careful consider- Remember when Sesame Street was educational? You learned did speak with a DJ. who did say Christ-killers, killers of the three ation be given to implications of something new everyday! It was bilingual, creative, humorous wise men and about to defile the allowing such actions to continue “Feel It” wouldn’t be played be- and best of all it seemed to last for hours! Virgin Mary, is not fair comment; it in the name of “free speech.” cause of its cover and in fact said But, you evolved. You grew taller—hated the opposite sex, is simply the purveyor of naked Michelle Pollock they would probably send it back hit puberty—loved the opposite sex. You realised that your life hatred. to us. This isn’t some fabrication, wasn’t surrounded by furry muppets and Mr. Snuffelupagus. One only needs to ponder the some fictional story, it wasn’t some Reality grabbed you by its steely claws. publication of a cartoon applaud- evil ploy manufactured in our Editor’s Note: Mr. Hussein is not Now you worry about exams, family, money, the Oilers, ing the rape of awoman, while she from Saudi Arabia. “little bitty imagination,” to gain money, your family, exams, cancer, AIDS, attention, this really happened. (If moneyviolencegangsrape...! How do you change the channel? we thought at the time it would be You can’t—so it’s time to start enjoying yourself and occa- important, we would have remem- sionally let the pressures of life pass you by. Not everyone can bered the D,J.’s name.) afford a vacation to paradise but there are some ways to relieve It wasn’t until after we added a Thursday January 28 stress that you can do right here in Edmonton! small line to our gig posters, ask- 8 pm ing people tocall and find out why 1) EXERCISE. Alsoa type of stress, but with beneficial results. 2)REST. Allow yourself adequate time to sleep. A 20 minute we were banned and after I sent Horowitz Theatre, SUB nap during the day canbe a power booster. 3) EAT PROPERLY. my letter to the Gateway, but before Sorry, butit’s true—we cannotlive onjunk food alone. 4)CHILL te. it was published, Ryan called and Studeni Y : a Tickets for this event are PFeeiunedeast i m | spoke with Christine who in- OUT! Don’t always be so serious. Make time for yourself, talk Building available at Ticketmaster Outlets Ft |( Charge-by-phone: 481-8000) formed us we were not banned but with friends, let your true feelings be known—write a letter to fants and Info Booths on campus had no idea why they wouldn't the Gateway and, most of all, don’t forget to have fun. (HUB, CAB, and SUB) For more information there are many organisations that can play it. Quite frankly Craig, that help: was the end (for us) of our “little TDMA SERVICES INC. 9/92/01 /07 Student Counselling Services 492-5205 non-issue.” Health Services 492-2612 But now that you’ve stooped so Distress Line 482-HELP low as to resort to name calling (I mean really Craig, speaking of “Se- Another PHARMACY Clip ’n’ save! And that’s Phar- New Year Special verely limited creative energies”) I macy, not Pharmacology, damnit! 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