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Alsboy M argarBeatr kanedr publisbhyeS dP CK: MargarBeatr ker TheO ldeTre stament THE GATE TheS urvivoafTl h emefsr omt he AncieRnoty aClu litn S ectarJiuadna ism OF HEAVEN andE arlCyh ristianity TheL osPtr ophet TheB ooko fE noch TheH istoarnyd S ymbolism andi tisn flueonncC eh ristianity oft he Templien J erusalem :\ .\ .1• � · TURPUIBNR ARY ·;. DalTlhaeso loSegmiicanla ry CONTENTS Acknowledgements ix Introduction 1 t TheH ouseo ft heL ord 5 A BrieHfi sto-ryA ncienTte mpleisn I sra-el KingD avi-d TheR oc-k ConstructtihneTg e mpl-e TheT emplaen di tCso ur-ts TheT emplIen ter-ior TheF urnishionfgt sh eT emplCeo ur-t Sacrif-ices TheP assov-erT heD ayo fA toneme-ntT heM usic oft heT empl-e TheE ndo ft heT emple 2 TheG arden 57 Timea ndP lac-e TheG reaSte a- TheT emplaes Eden- TheP lacoef J udgeme-ntT heK ingi n Eden- TheS ourcoefL if-e TheE ternCaolv ena-nt TheG ifotf R ai-n TheR iverosfP aradi-seT he Treeo fL if-e Odesa ndH ymns 3 TheV eil 104 BetweeHne aveann dE art-h TheH istoorfyt he Vei-l TheS ymbolisomft heV ei-l TheH igh Prie-stP hilo's -LogSoosm eG nostiTce xt-s TheE arlCyh ristWirain tin-gsB eyontdh eV eil CONTENTS 4 TheT hrone 133 TheP resenocfet heL ord- TheA rk- The Cherubi-m TheE nthroneme-nTth eG reat Ligh-t Visioonfst heT hron-e Visioonfst heT hrone ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS int heA pocalyps-eTsh eM ysticVsi's ioonfst he Thron-e TheF ierAyn gels 5 'BuIts raheald n oM ythology' 178 Bibliography 182 Indeoxf N amesa ndS ubjects 187 Ia m gratefausle ,v ert,ot hosweh om akem y writipnogs sibIl e. should ltiok teh ankt hes tafaft theU niversiLtiyb rary, Indeoxf P rimarSyo urces 191 Nottinghawmh,e reI do theg reatpearr to fm y work,a ndt he frienwdhso h elipn s om anyw aysD:r E rnstB ammela ndR obert MurraSyJ f orh ospitalaintdty h el oano fm ateriaflrso mt heir owns helveDsr,S ebastiBarno cfko ra llowimneg t ou ses omeo f hist ranslatoifoS nts E phrema,n d Dr GeorgeB ebawif rom whom I havel earnstom ucha boutth eC optiCch urchI.ti st o himt haIts houlldi kteo d edicatthei bso ok. MargarBeatr ker Whitsu1n,9 90 ix INTRODUCTION Foro vera thousanyde artsh erwea sa temploef t heL ordi n Jerusalwehmi chd ominatbeodt ht hec itayn di tpse oplEev.e n aftetrh eR omand estructiinAo Dn 7 0,i tc ontinuteodi nfluence thet ho\,lghatn dl iteraotfut rheeJ ewsC.h ristiawnaistb yo rna fewy earbse fotrhee d estructainodtn h,e f irJsetw isChh ristians, whow rotmeo sto ft heN ew Testamewnetr,es teepiendi twsa ys. TheF ourtGho spetlh,e L ettetrot heH ebrewasn dR evelation werea ldli recitnlsyp irbeydt hew orlodf t het empl.e .B utw hatw as thiwso rldI?t i se xtraordiyn dairfiflictuol t reconsttrhuect th eolotghyer, e asonitnhgem, y tholowghya,t ever itw asw hichg avem eanintgo t haptl acoef w orshiTph.e ries a reasonaabmloeu notf c ontemporeavriyd enfcoerw hati tl ooked likaen dw hath appenetdo i ta tv arioutsi mesI.n structions surviavbeo utth es acrifaincder si tuaalbso,u tth er ightdsu,t ies andr evenuoefst hep riesatbso,u tth ew orko fb uildianngd rebuildainndsg o f ortbhu,tt heriesv eryl itatbloeu tth em eaning oft hiwsh olgei gantsiycs teomfw orshiwph icwha st heh earotf pre-ChrisJtuidaani sm. Everwyrtihtitanebgn o utth em eaninog f thet emplhea st ob ed erivferdo ms econadn dt hirhda nda ndw e havet os iftth es urvivilnigt eratbuorteh,b iblicaanld n on­ biblicfaolra, n ythiwnhgi chm ighbte a na llusiooran m emory. Theraer ee normoupsr oblemfso ra nyonaet tempttionw gr ite aboutth et emplaen dI a m onlyt oow elalw areo ft hemT.h ere aref ewc ertainatnidem sa nyp ossibilities. I shalble giwni tha brieafc counotf t hee xternalosft he templteh:e s tructiutrsee hlofw,i tw asb uilatn dr ebuihlotw,i t wasf urnishheodw,t hes ervicweesr ec onductSeodm.e o ft his materiwaolu lbde f ounidn a nys tandatrrde atmeonftt h et emple buts omew ouldn ota ndI t houghitti mportatnhta atn a ccount oft het emplseh oulpdr eceadney r econstrucotfti hoenm sy this t 1 2 THEG ATEO F HEAVEN INTRODUCTIO3N expressTehdi.ss e ctiiosin n n ow ayc omprehensbiuvtie n tended templteh,e g reamta joriotfyt het extuss eda reo fJ ewisho r simplaysa f ramoef r eferetnocl ei nfke aturoefts h em ythtso t he Christoiraing iTnh.e ries a whole asopfet cetm ple swthuidcy h actuablu ildinTghse. t emplwea s a placweh eret heL ord seektso s ett hea ncietnetm plien t heb roadecro nteoxftt he appearead g,a rdesna nctuatrhyep, l acoeft hed ivitnher onteh,e ancieNneta r Eaassta wholeb,u tt hiiss a verys peculative greabtr onzsee at,h ef oundatrioocnak n dt hea ltars. Saicsr ifice busineasnsd o new hichc anl eatdo f oreiigdne abse inugs eda s mentionientd h eb roadeosutt lisniem plbye cauasney a ccouonft theb asis fors tudyitnhget emple, rtahtahnae sra ni nteresting thet emplweh icho mittetdh issi gnififceaanttu wroeu ld be sideliugphotni tI.h avet rietdoa voitdh idsa ngeorf i mposing distortIe mda.k en o attempttoi nterparneyto ft hes acrifices, ideaksn ownt ob ef oreiugpno nt extksn ownt ob eJ ewisho r exceptth osoef t heD ayo fA tonemensti,n cteh ihsa sb eend one Christian. inc ountlbeososk asl readNyo.rh aveI d ealwti tht hem anifold Allt heb ibliqcuaolt atiaornefrs o m theR SV,a versiwohni ch complicatoifot nhsel essoerrd erosft hep riesthsoiondc teh ese, hask epmtu cho ft het empltee rminolOongeyo .f t hep roblems tooh,a veb eena mplyc overeelds ewhere. withm anym odertnr anslatoifot nhseB ibliest hatth estee rms My mainc oncerinsw itha specotfst het emplmey thology haveb eenm odernizeodr e venw rittoeunt i nt hei ntereosft whicha rel eswse lkln owna ndI s halrle constrtuhcetml argely simplificaTthiuostn h.e t emple sehtatsib nege no bscureidn frome xtra-bibtleixctaasll, s ol eswse llk nown,t os howt he manyc aseasn dt her eadecru to fffr omt het heologciocnatle oxft extenttow hicha wide raonfgt eh emeasn di magerhya dt heir theo riginTahle.m eaninign s uchc asesf,a rf rom being made commonr ooitn t het empl'eF.i rtshte,r wei lble e videnfcoert he cleahra,s b eenl ost. templaes a placoef c reatiaonndr enewatlh;e steh emecse ntre upont heg ardeonf E den,w hicht het emplwea s builtto represeSnetc.o ntdh,e rwei lble e videnfcoert het emplaesa p lace ofm ediatiaonnda tonemetnhte,m eass sociawtietdht hev eiolf the temple swyhmibcohl itzheedb oundabreyt weetnh em aterial ands piritwuoarll dTsh.i rdt,h erwei lble e videnfcoetr het emple as thep lacweh eres omec ouldp assb eyondt hev eialn d experietnhceve i sioofnG od,s eeiinng ttoh ee ssenocfea ltlh ings pastp,r eseanntd f uturTeh.e swe eret hev isioonfst hed ivine thronweh icahr eb esktn ownf romt heR evelatoifoS ntJ ohn.I n eachc aseI shalgli voen eo rt woe xamplteoss howh ow these ideapsa ssefdi risntt eoa rlCyh ristian tahnodut ghhetin n ttoh e imageroyf m anyw ell-knohwynm ns.O neo ft hem oste xtra­ ordinary asopfe tcetmsp le mythoilsot ghya tf,o ra llt he remotenoesfis t osr igiintsp ,r ovetsob ev erfya miliar. A smalwlo rks ucha st hicsa nnobte c omprehensiinvdee;e d, anyd etailsetdu doyf t het emplweo uldr equisreev erlaalr ge volumeasn,d t hiissn ott hep urposIhe a di nm indw hen writing. Ih opeo nltyh atth ibso okm ighste rvaes a ni ntroducttoia onn importasnutb jebcyt revealitnhger ootosf m uch Christian imagerIy h.a vew orkeddi recfrtolmy ancietnetx twsh ichd eal witht het emplaen da lpla ssagaerseq uoteidnf ulsli ncIek now howd ifficiutcl atnb et of incdo pieosfs omeo ft hem. Sincmey conceirsnw itJhe wisahn dC hristaicaconu ntosft he ;1.: CHAPTERO NE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD A BrieHfi story Therhea veb eent hretee mploefst heL ordi nJ erusaltehmef; i rst wasb uilbty S olomoinn t hem iddloef t het entche nturBey ( 1 King5s- 82;C hron3.- 4)an dd estroybeytd h eB abyloniiann s 58B5e (2K ing2s 5.8-1t7h)es; e conwda sb uilbty thee xiles whent herye turnfreodm Babylo(nE zr3a. 8-1a3n)dd edicated in5 15Be (Ezr6a. 16-1T8h)e'. t hiwrads't het empleen larged andl argerleyb uiblytH erotdh eG reaitn 2 0B e.T hroughoiutts longh istotrhye t emplwea st hes cenoef v iolenacned c onflict becaustee mplweesr ea sm ucha statemeonfpt o litisctaalt auss they weervei denocfep iettyh;e p owero ft hen ationg'osda nd kinwga sr eflecitnte hde s plendooufhr i sc ulatn di nt hes uccess ofh isp eoplCeo.n versetlhyed, e feoafta peoplwea sa sigtnh at theg odh adb eend isgracaenddh iss anctuadreys ecrated. Thef irstte mplwea sa partof t hep alacceo mplebxu ilbty Solomoann df orf ourc enturitehse kiinngJ se rusalweemr e centrtaoli tcsu ltT.h ew ickedneosfts h ek ingwsa sb lamed for itdso wnfa(l lK2 i ng2s 4.-34 )o,rs oo neo ft heh istortieelsul ss. Suchs weepijnugd gemenotnst hek inghsa vec olourmeods to f thes urviving evfiodrte hnefic res tte mplaen dt hihsa sa lmost certaidnilsyt orttheedd e scriptniooton nsl oyf t hew orshiopft he templbeu te veno ft heb uildiintgs ealnfd i tfsu rnishisnignsc,e no parto f thea ncient tewmapsl teh eologicnaelultyr al. Everyth-inbgu ildinfgusr,n ishings, liturgies, sacrifices, vest­ mentsc,a lend-are verythiwnags integratbeudt,w hati t expressweed c ano nlgyu ess. Two kingosf J udahr eformaendd p urifitehdet emplbeu,t i n each ctasheem otivewse rep olitiHceazle.k i(ah7 15-6'8d7id) 5 1!. ,• . ·f� 6 THE GATE OF HEAVEN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD 7 whatw asr ighitn t hee yeso ft heL orda'n dr emovesdi gnosf increaesneodr moustlhyep owera ndi nflueonfct eh eJ erusalem pagawno rshitph:eh igphl acetsh,ep illaarnsdt heA sherathh,e templbeu,t i ta ngertehde p riesotfts h er uraslh rineEvse.r ything symboolf a goddesHse. a lsdoe stroyae bdr onzsee rpe'nfto r associawtietdh f oreign wowrasshd ieps troyed, intchleu ding untitlh osdea yst hep eoploefI sraheald b urneidn centsoei t('2 priesatnsd t emplpee rsonn(e2Kl i ng2s3 ). H orsedse dicatteod King1s8 .4W)e. a ren ott oltdh atth es erpewnats i nt het emple thes una ndr ooftaolpt awresr er emovefdr omt het empliet self, butt hiiss u sualalsys umeHdi.s r eformatwiaosnn ots implayn andt hew holper ocecsusl minaitenad g reaPta ssovfeera stth e acto fp ieteyv ent hougthh aits h ow iti sd epictIetdw .a st he likoefw hichha dn otb eens ee'ns intcheed ayso ft hej udgewsh o king'wsa y ofa sserthiinsgi ndependefnrcoem t he Assyrians judgeIds rae(l2K' i ng2s3 .22S)u.c ha loyasle rvaonftt heL ord (2K ing1s8 .7T)h.e p resenocfef oreicgunl otb jecwtass ,i nt he shoulhda vep rosperbeudtJ, o siadhi efdi ghtPihnagr aoNhe coa t anciewnotr lda, w ay ofa cknowledgainn ogv erloarndd,t he Megidd(o2 K ings2 3.29T)h.e f atoef J osiaphr omptemdu ch purificaotfti hoent emplwea sa na cto fr ebell(iAol no.n gearn d soul-searcwhhiynh ga;d s og reaatn dz ealoau rse formoefrt he muchm oree laborate aocfct ohuern etf ornmo,ta bovseu spicion templbee enc utd owna tt heh ando fa foreigner? ofh avinbge ene xaggeraitnoe rdd etro e mphasitzheeg lorayn d Thes agewsh o promulgattehdet eachinogfDs e uteronomy, puritofyt het emplies,f ounidn 2 Chron2.9 -30)T.h isr eform withi tsv eryp uritanwiacyaslh, a da veryc leavri ewo fw hat toopkl acient het imoef I saiawhh oh adp romistehda tth eL ord Israerle'lsi ghiaodnb eena nds houlbde .I ti sq uitlei ketlhya t wouldd efenhdi sc ity':F o.rIw ildle fentdh icsi ttyo s avei tf,o r theihre irtsh,e s o-calDleeudt eronomiwsetrser, e sponsifbolre my owns akaen df ort hes akeof m y servaDnatv id('I sa3.7 .35; thes uppressoifmo ann yo fI sraemly'tsh asn dt her oyaild eology cfI.s a1.0 .13-1194;. 24-7S)e.n nachertihbek, i nogf A ssyria, associawtietdht hemS.i ncteh ewyr otoen eo ft het wos urviving invadeJdu daha ndb egant od evastatthee r ebekli ngdom. accounotfst hem onarchayn dt het empl(e1a nd2 S amuealn d1 Hezekiarhe'sso lwvaev eread h,u geq uantiotfyg oladn ds ilver and2 Kingst,h eD euteronoHmiisct orwye)h avea lwaytsob ear wasp aidf romt het emplter easuarnyd g olwda se vens tripped theirre formiznegai ln m indw henr eaditnhge stee xtTsh.e yd id fromi tsd oorsT.h eA ssyriaarnm yr eachetdh ev eryw allosf notf latttheerk ingasn dt hewye rer eticaebnotu cte rtaaisnp ects Jerusalaenmdt he'n thaen geolf t heL ordw entf ortahn ds lewa oft het emplea,s we shalsle eT.h eivri ewh asc omet ob e hundreadn de ighftiyv teh ousainndt hec ampo ft heA ssyrians' acceptaesdt hev iewo fw hath appeneadn,dw hatt hecyh osneo t (2K ing1s 9.35T)h.ee nemyr eturnheodm e,a ndt hep eoploef tor ecoridst houghnte vetro h avee xisteBdu.tt heraer eo ther Jerusalweemr ec ontetnotb elietvhea tth ep resencteh eto efm ple sourcwehsi chg ivae significdainftfleyr veinetwo fS olomon's hads avetdh ema ndw ouldc ontintuoed o so.J eremi7a hi sa templaen di tcsu latn,d i ti st ot hesteh awte m ustt urinf w e are laterre spontsoet hiosv erconfidientn hcete e mplTeh.e p resence tocal l upt hea ncieknitn gTsh.e p ropheatnsd t hep salmasr e full oft het emplaen di tcsu lsta,i tdh ep rophewta,sn os ubstitfuotre ofc olourifmualg erwyh icmha yo nceh aveb eenm oret hanm ere real devtoott ihoeLn o rd. imagerMya.n y latetre xtasr et houghtto b e bizargrreo wths Theo ther refwoarsmJ eors ia(h6 40-60w9h)os ucceeded his upont hep uriotfyt heo ldr eligwihoenn i nf actth eayr em emories assassinfaattehdae nrd i nherittheecd o smopoliptraons peroift y oft heo ldewra ysa s theyr eallhya d been.M any oft he hisg randfather MaDnuarsisneMgha .n assehf'isf ty-yfeiavraess 'innovatoifoC nhsr'i stbiealni weefr ei nf acatn ciewnaty sw hich king( 687-64h2e)h adp ermittmeadn yt hingisnh isk ingdom hadt akeonn a news ignificwaintchte h el ifaen dd eatohf J esus. whicwhe rer egardaesdp aga(n 2K ing2s1 .1-9H)i.sg randson, TheD euteronomwiesrtefs e rvemnotn otheiwshtisc,hh a sl edu s influenwceea dr,e t oldb,yt her ediscoovfea rnya ncielnatw book tob elietvhea t all thTee stOalmde ndte scribae sst rictly (possiab plarty ofD euterono2m yK;i ng2s2 .8-13s)e,ta bout monotheirsetliicg iTohne.ya lssoa itdh aGto dc oulndo tb es een, implem�nttihnerg e quiremeonftt hsa lta wH.i sm ostf ar-reaching onlhye ardT.h erwee reh,o wevearn,c ietnrta ditiwohnisc sha id reforwma s thea bolitioofan l lp laceosf sacrifoiuctes ide .o therwiisnee a chc aset;h erwea s,a sw e shalsle ea, b eliienfa Jerusaleimn,a ccordanwciet hD eut1.2 .5-7T.h ec ulwta s seconddi vibneei nwgh oc oulhda vheu manf orma ndt hibse came centralainzdet dh erefore madteo c eoanstireTorhl i.ms u sth ave theb asiosf C hristianity. J:S. 8 THE GATE OF HEAVEN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD 9 Itw asf undamenttoat lh et eachionftg h eD euteronomtihsatts withitnh et emplaer eaT.h eraer em oreovewro nderfaunld puritoyfw orshiwpa sr ewardebdyt heL ordw itha lonlgi foef indescribcaibsltee runnsd ergrouansdt ,h eyp ointeodu tt o 8). prosperiintt yh ep romiselda nd( Deut. When Jerusalem me,a ta distanocfef ivfeu rlonaglsla rountdh es itoef t he wasa ttackaendd d efeatbeyd t heB abyloniiann 5s 9s7c ,t he templea,n de acho ft hemh asc ountlepsisp esso t hatt he questiobnesc amee venm oreu rgenItt.w asd ecidetdh atth e differsetnrte acmosn vertgoeg eth.e.r.T heyl edm e moret han destructoifto hne c itayn dt het emplwea sa punishmefnrto m foufru rlonogust sitdheec itayn db adem e peedro wnt oward (2 24.3-4), theL ordf ort hes inosf M anasseh Kings whose a certasipno ta ndl istteont hen oisteh awta sm adeb yt he wickednheassdb eens og reatth aetv etnh eg oodd eedosf J osiah meetinogft hew atersso,t hatth eg reasti zoef t her eservoirs coulndo tr emovteh eg uilTth.e B abyloniaarnm yr eturniend becammea nifetsotm e ash asa lreabdeye np ointoeudt . 586t;h et emplwea sd estroyaendda lilt tsr easuwreerset aketno (LettoefAr r iste8a3s8, 8- 91) Babyloanss poiolfsw ar.M anyo ft hep eoplwee nti nteox ile. In5 38 CByCr uso rderetdh atth ee xileJde wsb ea llowetdo The tempwlaes pillagbeyd t heS yrianssh ortalfyt etrh is; Heliodortuhsea, g enotf A ntiochEupsi phanweass s entto t ake returnf romB abylotna,k iwnigt ht hemt het emplvee ssewlhsi ch thet reasubruet,a sh ea ttemptteode ntetrh et reasuhreyw as Nebuchadnezhzaadtr a ketno B abyloann dp laceidnt het emple 17.-11.) strucdko wnb y a heavenhloyr sema'nF;o trh eraep pearteod ther(eE zra Theifri rasctt w ast or ebuitlhde a ltaorf thema magnificenctalpya risonheodr sew,i tha rideorf burnotf ferainndgt oc elebrtahteae u tumFne asotf T abernacles 3.2-6). frightenmiinegn ,an di tr ushed furiaotuH sellyi odoraunsd (Ezra Int hef ollowiynega rt hebye garne buildtihneg (2 3.25). 4.-15). strucakt h im withh isf ront hooveMsa'c e.· The templbeu,t w erefr ustratbeydl ocaolp posit(iEoznr a unfortunaagteen wta s lucktyo e scapwei thh isl ifaen,d t he Eventualtlhye irri ghtto b uilwda s confirmaendd t hek ing treasuwraes s affeo ra whileT.h eni n1 69B et hek ingh imself ordertehda tth ec osotf r ebuildbienm egt fr om ther oyarle venues (Ezr6a. -112)T.h e templwea s finalcloym pletiend5 1B5e visittehdet empleen,t ertehde sanctaunadtr oyo akw aya ltlh e 6.16-18). templter easurHees e.v ens tripptehdeg olfdr omt hef ronotft he (Ezra No descriptoifto hni tse mplseu rvivienst he (1 12.0-4). templeM ace. Twoy earlsa tehreo rdertehde t emple OldT estameenvte nt hougthh eraer el isotfsp riesltesv,i taensd 2.36-54), tob e desecraatneddm adei ntao temploef O lympiaZne us templsee rvanwthso r eturne(dE zra and recoorfd s (2 6.1-6). 7.-1210); Mace. Offeriinngt sh es anctuacreya seadn,d a pagan thep rovisiomnasd e fors acrifi(cEezsr a Neh. 10.32-9). altawra se rectoendt hea ltaorfb urnotf feriinngt sh et emple Iti sn otu ntitlh eb eginnionfgt hes econdc entury cour(t1 M ace1.5 .4)I.n1 64B C JudaMsa ccaberuesc aptutrheed Bet hatth eriesa nyr ecorodft het emplea'psp earanAcrei.s teas, (1 4.36-59). templaen di tw asr econsecratMeadc e. a visittooPr a lestfrionme Egyptl,e fat t ourisatc'cso unotfi ts Pompeyb esiegJeedr usalien6m 3B e anda ftetrh remeo nths marvels: het ootkh et emploen t heD ayo fA tonemenTth.ep riesctasr ried When we arriviendt hel ando ft heJ ewsw e sawt hec ity onw itht her iteevse na st heR omansb ursitn : situatientd h em iddloef t hew holoef J udaeoan t het opo fa Jusats i ft hec ithya db eenw rapitn p rofoupneda cet,h ed aily mountaionfc onsideraalbtliet uOdne t.h es ummitth et emple sacrifitcheees x,p iatiaonndsa llt hec eremonioefws o rship hadb eenb uilwti tha lli tssp lendoIutrw .a ss urroundbeyd weres crupuloupselryf ormteodt heh onouorf G od.A tt he threwea llmso ret hans evenctuyb ithsi gh. .T h.e t emple verhyo urw hent het emplwea st akenw,h ent hewye reb eing faceesa satn di tbsa cki st owardtsh ew estT.h ew holoef t he massacraebdo utt hea ltatrh,e yn evedre sistferdo mt he flooirsp avewdi ths toneasn,d s lopedso wnt ot hea ppointed religiroiutsef osr t hed ay(.J osephJuesw,i sWha r,1 1.48) placetsh,a wta temra yb ec onveyteodw asha wayt heb lood from thes acrififcoemrs a,n yt housanodfbs e astasr es acrificed Thev ictors etnhteenr tehde h olyo fh olie'sA:n dn otl ighwta s theroen t hef easdta ysA.n dt heriesa ni nexhaustsiubplpel y thes inc ommittaegda intshtes anctuary, bwehfiocrtheh atti me ofw aterb,e cauasena bundannta tursaplr inggu sheusp f rom hadn evebre ene nteroerds eenF.o rP ompeya ndn ota fewo fh is 10 THE GATE OF HEAVEN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD 11 menw enti ntiota nds aww hati tw asu nlawffuolra nyb utt he adaptesdoa st ob ep ortabalnedt hed escriptcani ontsh erefore highp riesttoss e e('J osephAunst, iquiXtIiV.e7 s1,- 2P)o.m pey beu sedt os upplemetnhto soef t het emple. didn ott akaen ythifnrgo mt het emplaen,d t hef ollowdianygh e Finaltlhye,r iest hel argeasntd m ostc ontroverosfai latllh e orderetdh att het emplbee cleansaendd t hes acrifirciitaels DeadS eaS croltlhseT, e mplSec rolTlh.i st exwta sw rittteonb e resumed. a sixtbho oko fM osesf,o rminag l ogicsaelq uetloD euteronomy Herodt heG reabte gaenn largainndgr ebuildtihnetg e mplien andd t;:scribhionwgt het emplwea st ob eb uilotn ceI sraheald 20B C;J osephduess cribiettd h us: reachtehde p romisleadn d. Despitthei wse altohfi nformatiitio snv ,e rdyi ffictuokl nto w Hep reparae tdh ousawnadg gontso c arrtyh es tonesse,l ected exactlwyh ata nyo f thesbeu ildinwgass likea,n d,m ore tent housaonfdt hem osts killweodr kmenp,u rchasperdi estly importaenxta,c twlhya tw ento ni nt hemT.h isi sb ecausneo ne robefso ra thousanpdr iesatnsd t rainseodm ea sm asons, oft hed escriptiisoa nnse n tiroebljye ctaicvceo unTth.e t emple otherassc arpentaenrdsb egatnh eco nstructoinolnay f tearl l was a causoef co ntroverfrsoym thev erys tarNta.t hant he thesper eparathiaodnb se enm adeb yh im.A fterre movitnhge prophewta sd ubiouasb ouhta vinag t emplaet a ll( 2S am.7 ). oldf oundatihoeln as iddo wno thearnsd u pont heshee e rected TheT hirIds aiaqhue stiotnheedv aluoefa nyt empl(eI sa6.6 .1). thet emplweh ichw asa hundrecdu bitisnl engt.h .a .n d Thew ritoefr1 E nocht hougthhta tth ec ulotf t hes econd temple twentmyo rei nh eighbtu,ti nt heco urseo ft imteh idsr opped wasi mpure':A ndt heyb egaang aitno b uilads b efor.e. .a nd ast hef oundatisounbss id.e.d. t het emplwea sb uilotfh ard thebye gatno p lacber eaodn a tablbee fotrhee t owerb,u ta ltlh e whitset oneesa cho fw hichw asa bouttw enty-fciuvbei tisn breaodn itw asp ollutaendd n otp ure('1 E noch8 9.7T3h)e. lengtehi,g hitnh eighatn dt welvienw idth. returneedx ilweesr ea lscoa ll'eadan p ostagteen erat(io1En n'o ch ...t hee ntrandcoeo rsw,h ichw itht heilri ntewlesr ee qual 90.9I)t.i sh ardlsyu rprisithnagt moosft t hes urviving inh eighttot het empliet sehlefa ,d ornewdi thm ulticoloured descriptrieofnlset chtt;:c ontroverisniw ehsi cht hew ritewra s hanginwgist hp urplceo louarnsd w ithi nwovedne signosf involvTehdu.s a,s w es halsle et,h ea ccouonftS olomont'esm ple pillaArbso.v et hese, utnhdece orr nice, sap groeladde n vine in1 Kingst,h ougthh em ostd etailheads,s everianlt eresting withg rape clusters frhoamni gtai nmga rveolf s izaen d silenwcheisc lhe aodn et os upposteh atth ea uthohra sl efsto me artisttora yl wlh os aww ithw hatc ostlinoefms ast eriiathl a d thingusn saiTdh.e a coounti n2 C hronicilnecsl udseisg nificant beenc onstrucAtnedd h.e s urroundtehdet emplwei thv ery detaniolti nt he1 K ingasc counTth.ea ccouinntE zekiiesil n t he largpeo rticoaelslo, f w hichh e madei np roporttioot nh e formo fa visioofnt her estorteedm plaen,d r aistehse q uestion: templaen,d h es urpassheidsp redecesisnos rpse ndimnogn ey 'WasE zekideels cribsionmge thihnegk new,o rs omethihneg sot haittw ast hougthhta nto o nee lshea da dornetdh et emple envisagfeodrt hef uturWea?s' ita na ctuaolra ni deatle mple? sos plendiTdhleyt .e mpliet sewlafs b uilbty t hep riesitnsa Thed escriptoifot nhsed esertta bernaicnlE ex oduasr ec learly yeaarn ds ixm onthasn da ltlh ep eoplwee ref illweidt jh oya nd meantto shtohwa tth et emplienJ erusalweams m odelloendt he offertehda nktsoG od. .A n.d i ti ss aitdh adtu rintgh et ime earlideers ersth rinbeu,t i ti sg eneraalglrye etdh atth ed esert whent het emplwea sb einbgu ilnto,r aifne ldlu rintgh ed ay tabernacwlaes an idealirzeetdr ojectoifot nh el atetre mple, buto nlya tn ights,ot hatth erwea sn o interrupotfit ohne designpeedr haptsol egitimtahtete e mplbey r ootiintig n I srael's work(.A ntiquXiVt.i3 e9s0,- 13;9 4-64;2 14;2 5) mosta nciepnats tT.h isi ni tseslufg gestthsa tth erwea sa need Ina ddititootn h esdee scriptoifot nhset emplteh,e raer et wo toj ustitfyh ef ormo ft het emplIef.w e couldd atteh em ateriianl passagiensE xodu(sc hapt2e5rs- 3a1n d3 6-40w)hi cdhe scribe Exodusw,e s houlbde a blteo k noww hicthe mplteh e' tabernacle' thed f;setratb ernaTchliees.l abortaetnewt a st hes hrinuese db y wasd escribiInfig tw. a st hef irst teimtcp oluel,bd e v aluable theI sraeliintt ehse idre serwatn derinTghse.f urnishiwnegrse , additioinnaflo rmattioos nu pplemetnhtea ccounitn1 Kings, ing eneraal m,i niatuvreer sioofnt hef urnishionftg hse t emple andh elfpo rmulastoem eq uestioanbso utth iasc counitfi; tw as 12 THE GATE OF HEAVEN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD 13 thes econtde mplseo,m ee qually interestinagr iqsTuehe.es tions fore verr,e vealtiont gh emt heh idden thiinwn hgisc ha lIls rael TempleS croliln,g ivinign structfioornb su ildian gt emple hadg one astHreau yn.f oldbeedf otrhe emh ish olsya bbaths and differfreonmt a nyo thekrn own temple, tihmapttlh ieee xsi sting hisg lorious f�ehaets etsst,i monoifhe issr ighteousannedst sh e templbee,c ausietw asi ncorreccotnlsyt rucwtaesdn ,o tc apable wayso fh ist rut(hC'D I IIT)h.e d etaiolfas l tlh esceo ntroversies off ulfililtissna gc rerdo le. arel oswte;c ano nlgyu esast t hes ignificoaftn hceae r chitecture, Constacnotn troveirnsdyi cattheastt h et emplwea si ffiportant; thep lacoeft hec alendaanrd t her oloef t hep riests. thed etaiolfts h osceo ntroversshioewws h att het emplmee antto Thet emplgee neratsetdro nfge elifnogrms a nyc enturies. From thosien volvientd h ed isputTehsu.sw es eet hatth ea ctusahla pe thet imoef t her estoraitnit ohnes ixtche ntuarcyt ot het imeo f oft het emplwea s vitaela;c ha specotf t heb uildianngd i ts StJohn'Rse velattihoent ,e mplienJ erusalweams c allae hda rlot decoratwiaosns ignificEaznetk.i evli'ssi o(nE zek4.0 -48a)n d byt hosweh oh adr easotnoq uarrweilt ht hep riesthoofot dh e theT emplSec roglilv dee tailsepde cificaftoirto hnebs u ildings. dayT.h eT hirIds aicaohn demnetdh osweh oco ulda ccepPte rsian Thep uriotfyt hep riesthwoaosdv itaZle;c harihaahda visioofn moneyf ort her ebuildoiftn hge t emplweh ilsetx cludisnogm eo.f theL ordp urifyintgh eh ighp riesfto rh isn ew dutieisn t he thei ndigenwoourss hippoefrt sh eL ordb ecautshee hya db ecome restored templ3e .1(-Ze1c0Gh)e.n. e alogwieerser ecordteod technicuanlcllye an: 'aU hpiognha ndl oftmyo untaiyno uh ave ensurteh at ftahmei llyi nwea sp ure( Neh1.2 .1-2N6e)g.l igent sety ourb eda,n dt hithyeoruw entu pt oo ffesra crif.i.c.fe o r, prieswtesr ec ondemne(dM al2.. 1-9T)h.o sweh ot olerattheed desertmien,gy ouh aveu ncoveryeodu rb edy,o uh aveg oneu pt o newG reewka ysi nt hes econcde ntuarcy w erec urse'.d .:.t here ity,o uh avem adei tw ide('I sa5.7 .-78 ). was sucha n extremoef H ellenisaatnido inn creaisnet he Similatrhlefy i rCshtr istikanneswa templweh ichha db ecome adoptioofnf oreiwgany sb ecausoeft hes urpasswiincgk edness a markeptl acaen dw heret hep rieshtasd b eenp uppetosft he ofJ asownh o wasu ngodlayn dn oH ighP ries(t2M' a ce.4 .13). Romansh,a dc rucifiJeeds uasn dc ausetdh ed eatohf m anyo f Thev illaoiftn h eD eadS eaS crolwlass t he' WickePdr iestth'e, hisf ollowe'rCso:m Iew ill syhoouwt hej udgemeonftt heg reat 'SpoutoefrL iesw'h o' becamper ouda,n dh ef orsoGookd a nd harlwohto i ss eateudp onm anyw ater.s. .d runwki tht heb lood betraytehdep recepftosrt hes akeo fr ich.e s. a n.d h el iveidn oft hes aintansd w itht heb looodf t hem artyrosfJ esus('R ev. thew ayso fa bominatiaomnisd setv eruyn cleadne filement' 17.1,6 ). (CommentaornyH abakkuQkp,H abV IIIT)h.e c alendwahri ch Despistuec hi nvecttihveet ,e mplwea sc entrtaotl h eh opeosf determintehded ateosf t heg reafte stivwaalssi mportaan t; eveni tfsi erccersitt iTchsi.ps o weorf t het emplmeu sth aveb een festipvearlf ormoendt hew rongd ayw asn otv aliad r,i tunaolt rooteidn i tsr emotepsats ti,n t het imeb eforietb ecamet he effectAi vseu.b stantsieaclt ioofnt heB ooko fE nochd escribes subjeocfts uchb ittceorn troveWrhsayt.g ripptehd em indsa nd howt hea ngeUlr ierle vealtehdet ruoer derionftg h eh eaventso heartosfa lsli deisnt hesdei sputweass n ott hea ctutaelm plien theS eerT.h osew hoh adi ntroduac ende wc alendhaard a cted Jerusalbeumt,t hei deatlh,e m emoryo fa temple whwiacsh contratroyt hed ivinoer deirn c reatiTohne.s easonwso uldg o centrtaotl h eh eritaogfIe s raeIlti. st hiisd eatlh,i vsi siaotnt he astraayn dt hec rops wonuoltdg row: 'Ainntd h ed ayso ft he hearotf t hea nciecnutl wth ichh asb eenl osHto.w sucha thing sinnetrhsey earssh albles hortenaenddt hem oons halall tehre r coulhda veh appeneids i,n i tsealnf i,m portaqnute stiTohn.e ordearn dn ota ppeaarth ert ime('1E noch8 0.42),T. h eB ooko f shadowosf t het emplfea lalc rostsh ew ritinogfst hep rophets Jubileae rse,w riting of inGt ehnese esciosnc de ntuarcy,w arned andt hep salmsa,n df romt heswee havet og uestsh eb eliefs ofa timwe henI sraweolu ldc ommiat g reasti n':A ndt hewyi ll whichi nspirietdsr ituaalnsd theh eavenwloyr ldw hichi t go astraays t on ew moonsa nds abbathasn df estivaanlds represenTtheedw .r itinogfts h ev isionaarnidet sh el atmeyrs tics jubilaenedso rdinanc(eJsu'b1 .. 14). area lssoe ti nt hiwso rlodf t hea ncietnetm plTeo.r econstruct TheD amascuRsu lef romQ umrana lseom phasiztehden eed thiwso rlwde mustc asotu rn etw idetrh anj ustth oswer itings fort hec orreccatl end'aBru:wt i tht her emnanwth ichh elfda st whicdhe scritbheet emplwee;m ustl ooakl saot t hosweh icahr e tot hec ommandmenotfsG odh em adeh isc ovenawnitt hI srael setw ithiintt ,h osienw hicthh eg oldecnh eruboinmt hew allosf

In this book, first published in 1991, the prolific and innovative British biblical scholar Margaret Barker sets out to explore the origins and the afterlife of traditions about the Temple in Judaism. Using evidence from the deutero-canonical and pseudepigraphic texts, Qumran and rabbinic material,
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