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Preview The Ganga gallery : science exhibition on a socio-cultural theme

Propagation A oer of Sree Comma 27 ‘The Ganga Gallery: VOLUM (NOI, JANUARY, 2013 Science Exhibition on a Socio-Cultural Theme Hackgoumnd The Garg pve Sr, a Ppl rt 208 a ari or msi ape at rr ef ei Sess a eres. he Shen 2rd of nc’ aya abo, kr hing, fois ad et ee at ese wowds and sensimenss expressed by Pandit Jewataral Neha he hue Prone liniser of Ie, his soule "Te Discovery of Tae! uy refi the posiios of ee vee Ganga ia te Ladiaa socin-cu ra, aay Pt ace ts es ges faye stosr of the svt from her source 1 te hesionyoInla'seuturedeciiizaionof therseand Fall gree empire ad pod ees ad sdventss, Ko other aver ia ce worlds poss 10 iewels eral with aeeunry andi cu Gangas for Ina. Tes the lie-ine,a yenbol of posi ane tue for milios of pope isi, on ts back and tthe laa eng thong, ee tig ai ths, ocionncomeimie rutureane tochaparieneermeniens Tom tims immmsensl, people of al Ses ase reso trie river forging thi sd Soh foe quzccing he tees end he a the ep pradscng toi, fur aeforming very mang gto: sucks, for wunsparuticn, apd vale tor cee Smosh: Rincon af HR Revercg Changs Bhs stn deity, ececcing generetians have ele) ep sot wtaake Wale ta by pin slau hte Eerie hc ester aire ft finer eve of Ine ‘scene fm the eed says that the ever as acctultof the lng al funn prgens of Rinne Bhagat Sorte salt {Moksta} of hiséecessed ances. Sid, now the west hfe gir nvr tel, slong wt fhe unique ccosjstem: she murtced vee the eatse ler gpl Toe survival ith etc, politedasdacas “hie sory of the Ganges, fom es lovin digs 9 the siovere ames, resided toe ink! ones :p2ia in arderto se casphusine hor inne foi el sentir Samarendra Kumar people tomar tang appeepeisce Fes ley eps ter seve ot Project Initiation (Wink Bis i wy the Nasional Academy of Sec Indis {SASI, the oldest Science Actkmy af the fue Alltalad deci 2010 a6 ily tn Cari nt Allah Hen we see by Prot MGK enon, Pros MSSwamieachan and 1Ds(Qves) Manju Shstma Past Prescents af NASD fo senting awineress arene the mses for the preservation ne conservasion ct Ganga. DG NCSM elegance Page NAST iniille approteledl Regal Selene Cy LLoskaave and Natnel Science Centre, Deli Case ot INGSM for sestng up this gallery a Alaa and in ap 2010 am MOL ss sme hetseen NCS ard NADI for setusy, wp the galer: Alter bnakaang the i pn ina etic eomaghatrte wit NAM tose ove eight mocks oF sigarowe work for oanplsing Cie project. ‘The galley was finaly inaugeraal gu Apel 133s 2011 by eh shen Coon Scisnce and echnology Misiser, San Psa Kemer Bae he peoect was eoonnas br Reyna Seionce Cie Tucks! a tke Natina Coume 1 i Seiewe Museu, Concepinal and Design Challenges ‘The making of the gallery on the five Garwes with ts Pro pagati on A lum of Sens Conmnion ad ccemoesi= significance was a ccrllengiy propeniton. ‘While tere and it 335 ecevaty to weaves 389, Peery in ited opal bolts wndsensitvios portcavaof wulstuoe pai, dhe gre tes survival ada. Alon it wn ee hcely noesestry oo teh tie sioey ining agpnoprace madi stable foal neyo visas including tbe experts, trols nana he fh Ee co che llr, e inital conexpe plan was same > sl covering 3 total exibiion aes oF atour 3500 99 Fic Mhawatier sevens en's Fair a reviee folowed before he inal sot exam alety plan se ah ‘The dexpa ot the galas nal to be appognate wo sus the spe calral Sibvie a" he stone. The fncadueton was done by depicting Gangs a che nace and Higher ty mllions of peste using an weber exert del lana es galery sored ener hey eats he ents fexibition hid to be very cxetily hid owe Te ses sleened to divide he exhibition info boo pas, ‘chitin spite we the fi Hur was use si exhbits on aytholors. ladserpe, socio-celtoal spec a Garg, bi yseiy te gang has amd “onomicinflene of teriver BD cha AV oa ee The +: am the second Hr was deve o posteay the cara satcof aftr the seer from seem viewpoing, which inckde the princial sures of pala on 1 chaly Garg poet ie sss tse sppurs isaes rela ey imate eget innpleations fee ela of the sve and che rare cother aan ater Cag, Ty she ein fost thar are needed to save the iver sndabout hats bolay eure denein sun Useof Techs oy eens seal ere ad wien with sebum sense sence rash win ppengane ely fpeaing ard ecientelle comet, while tho sar the ling vty user Sty This gud ian rate ie OF torhonlagy Sar: enn“ op infostcaionanincerpretadon aves Txt isos oueh secon avakiimedia, KID. supported inmeratity with eahibie iets ad ‘aiperts abe mhei, sechnslogy based resematioa ecliiqes ive Leen aed athe alley <9 feohe ty walesctnggionparae ase aseneaigl ‘The Gallery On ecterng the gallery, Genga Kyun welcomes the sien an eta he tno the sven The mss eosnetel vit ever ne facsavsd i sppenpaarely designed ciovastas ad Sunyplomentea 3p muikinesixpresenatins The hes Ganga fas eld Todas heart capave end) des lunesunse ahiins n er hans since the caren af Fists The bees wed the esate wise er fe presented is the form of 3 mslemeda co help erpective J ra memorable expesients Propagation A orm oF Sssuee Comnisan 29 “The sousce af theviver Gangs isa wpe of exec’ a inet A setae sees hee suet el he fuors nF the sea'en of che sooice 19 the lors History, sowed aucapes were made wo size Ube theannrec if the ve: Pars 10checatury, esupéan Esograahess and. caroaragiers tied fe of the Rive, Gaugn ott dit sap Je es nove Geng lads th bl ‘Marsaromis ia eens [Tih eras and argh bes ths legend hari as Phe sores af Ganga. Chines Coro tote ewer ne bet ok the sn sons ln 1753, ecsived oficial reenpnitin aftr i fens aaa es pe oa ou wih escetiy de P Leopire de te chine ard Lace Jones Keane “Mesto at Map ot Hindustan 17M b> 1s, nt Tels Company sent Capa Webb ro sure he Ganges fim Hands: ro Gangoer {Gaur 0: ch Cinema They gar taal rela toetst cn the sce of nverie mone senete car Ex place eed GGangoti, ames Balke Veaseras he frst aopenn 1 satay react Gorgon 15, fll ee Catn f A. lodpasoa vo veers later who contived hie iousne swrreeu€ Gang ‘pin Gaumabh anal cel liseovere he ‘Theopeniey fre Ganges in cht mona gg azthe oor oe linalaas ia Hardt sao nossa 28 Gangaalars Gang he Cages dems Ore of thelomeet laren, Gangoti slvr’ enca desea steps down 7158 dete foun the acme slopes of Cuba ‘esl Bhagpath, ae the riborren oF the Gang rigaates lion the Gaus snout of angel ghee, wheres the Aluhnanda, the other sain Teliisey emerges From the Bhegihi Ahk ard Sitopeat glakers emt of Chaokhiubhe pala, Alice even tyes dicen fee the roping sous at Deopravss, snd heneetovth tellctvcy yt ange “Aninterasene dorama tke: be vstorsonajou Ne orign nf the Ganges pwiling scene ‘ntareston on the uel ie eat Rees Roe ver are ASsoeiace seuss. A specially designe ieemaking trie srr opering ete sk toch al ete Fepresenstse once ut dhe mer says, os frton awa i sf he Unbutader of Ganga “he ineaetive exibicon Trbmoniea? Congres che visitors explore the vatioustltarst nf the river she Trae pas and ents, Te items Dots in the FLimalavan rezion before i fnles te plains at Horalyar ail ut wns befor: i sonftsnee sie ee Ba of Bergh ‘The limoorast wibacates nd ru-tnbatares° Canea 3 Yarra Rann, raha nC, Rosi, Kali Sharda, Chambal, Sindh, Bea, Kea, loos, Sone, Punpua, Damenlar 8 Kangsbatl Hal Aewotingn Td shoe Shere were abv Hrs foc riaiines of Ganga, same o® ich emceibletoe cob ‘The Voyage of Ganga {he Vonage af Gangy san extroatinaryaorner Foo dle outtaits vo dav cea. Cnigiaing teorn de zuma inthe Tlimalayny oc: rr Fees Phe che Silk hills and cavers tie pie at avila. Hoon Hy seas tacaetiygu several leveled howe iy te leeks Gare pi UssePedest, Rar ané We Beepa beto-e alsimatele ioining tne Bay of Berga, Ganga nal path sabe ident la 2225 km long and ite bese spread aver appeesimatey 8, 61,44 sqgare hin cea, whih dros aso ewes ute ebantey. biog anges 30 Pr: pagati on A lure of Sins Countian inertia onl a staal orker oxtidegy eae eer Sache eit iwi he ner of river Gang er dene! a i having sr8tine Fropetes. ln Lind saa Sanslacis" the Gaga is very impovtane Tor Ceample te Man sonskary gcmag el shoves leas with Gangs beeatze the ates was Tilenet ia Te spre iter tne a washing thea ster ung the zor, was ene uh 9 Ys foatthe germs ‘Ginger fom pst fret Scinte nesoning iret basen pte riley Fe has see fad te tke Gangs is ‘Scanning sl pacing sites because of hip rut oF sale cage (DC), exons het hie oF erin, lang DOsreeatinn shi ie, ae ssimilaion othe pace onpave mae, passe sulphur & radvmctve ace, rately exter ef medicnal herbs, low tenperture gree fe tse orgin, ph flux dacsny & Mh, jesence of Fenian ister pop date, aslo Tratory Gm besides he long deraiase sieuine doug. he Cangede seyion he alsa lad te pact (lecto-mugeti rations) on micrikil popslation Poses heesnee oF those proper, Conga hid init value in Mira Sunda foc ge Ganga “The poopie of tlc revere ana wershippal Ganga doe toits purty and esta selEposifirg properties aad there feared praninenty in indian esse re. Ths of Cag Fen eta 6 truth hasheen glo Theaste Many polarmnoissin Lada revaly ated ‘arc Fes ani poplar ti singer rats Vadlanact ane Shaping the Socio-economic & Cultural Landeape he Gangs Iain wan sone Hose pple ing Df etops ane wih cecly Haves ey ured wet ale us Chango aelait be Gridll these became the mck thee nals eng, shape is sag eclevaions,pujas parva and fest ‘inn ahay ee eval The mabe eles above wel eos Gat. an Kumba Mela, Sewoa Nel, Magha Mela, Ki Poon, Ganga Bushes, Chia Pua and Carga Sagar deh “The ary ices omy he rues Gang grow tt trade costes a ravigation won the Gang ste the min fourceol tranapeniaon in anc Inia giving exe inverse ancl sion of diferentes snd lores such a5 Varuna, Pasa &Thanda, Machshan, Ar Murshid Psi complexes alony the ver Gangs also pave nse Usivetliation tel eane ad mae de ih a fic agin popu Some of these re Shh Akharis aad Gange Ars, Ihe fasion of rade, else sel ecmexcs ae he 3 feeupusicn that fluvished iz severl other reksions prneios: and making ta pat af ou gress ton (Gang Alina pera til pretirmerl ray pares fe the banks of Gangs or speril asians i hich (Gousands of peoph partdpate fos wusLippiag die rmosher Gangaytser Wine te The evilot of seer cl Fly a anys Propagation Autre of Sse Sonnsisain 31 A can of he 2a for Be gales ‘An aeubetieay desged TY studio sevupy i ke llr lls yay en bccn part dae Cig "ec celebrations werent places tl ls0 9 the 4 lldina of is panel sry abating vas the Gamakh, Tatshinun Jha, Venrasi ‘lesbed Santa. Tati one oF th tis egal pac im iy cull lgisencce, the cre Ganga ie the source of iyelies! ver mre. shan 450 lien Feopls lining imity bese so ate rset oni lepers en he eet The hee al ks touaee have suppored divers: aceaparinn fare people m ‘uess si as agsculture, power generation, Tere, Trurspor de tous, polity & Ive apes latring, ores sacd-mining,eee&ecrat sever smal medium sndlaspeseae industaes ‘Fooriem, he cultural importance of Ganga bat slit led «2 levee a th aura industry aeons cheng { Eewrth oF the sur, Relivo heringe cruising ‘life causes fanvang, with aceess to aezmber a ath, whit wate fing, Gang als, Floning restnsiots ete ae some oF ee wx aevivices Hata epalary conduct nal atous he rive Cogs Toland Water Transport Tacenn ses a Ganges some of istribones ecall in the east, Were inspocan: eassporttin rons, Acnonling 9 the ancien Gockel Moguthonss the boi navigates fn Hor Ath centr BC. tthe 144 Hil Canaishing, By the 1th cru, pation ein terization cok formed she tate artriee oF the syater wansport sian Theadeoet of paddles tlie inland taspeorsane thereby simulated the geonrh oF fad Benes Regular snamee sirioes ut fous Kollata up ee agra th \lahabal and farina ar Agee die Yasnatand ys the Balun Rive, 0 presen 43 Se Considering eh adorngges of Ine wrens Fe sSoverment of bals eagos ‘ite coal coment £5 ash, feat gains sal feilicrs the 620 kan sto (Goya server Asti & seis bes been deca, aeNasonal Warensay tne galley hes ¢ RUD sonsewrbares est tha et the impart ‘ceptions ciety, cunnectes with tae Ganges Ta tudition specially sade <deo flms shor at loca. Tike fababac Kaur, Pate, Horie iis he imporance of the Gang in Ines seiowulural and ean la caps “A tie of be Gangs art stn ae ge. Beosystems Tae Ganges weusytem stn a divete Ea which at ny help aainaia the price pasts ster bur ase sins escent fiver at pesent cuares over L4l Bch species, 0 sayphan apes anal five avin ts 32 Pr pagation A Joel of Sees Connie home foe Whe eedanpers) Ganges colphia, a cae Fruttnser sPark sary his wanes ein hes sever species of muerooryanisms rare. hr Gatien a ant ihe lof thes Forte soreal dura ace angen m9 FExled disutomovs ike eacieation of ict Bows, change runianrand eciment Rass wae pli from utbasization bomical frcisees and peste fr mingin the tver cordon agains, ‘meeps of oh retoness apd porcine. af dighins Hee of aud shea, Viettslile Gaagetic Dolphie Sanctuary VGDS) sign procace vehi kn stich of Cae rer Ganga Iter betwee Sulsogan seal Kasalyaon is Dil fy Ge only protesed tea Spseealy enter fo sage this eh doipsicese los, igo ver Die 9 Sonos ‘The scary oF dhe Gangetic badivemity would be jncosplete without the mention of tse Sunder ans. a ppesine mangrove avant the anther leege of West Bengal eoveting 102 sands in the eel sstutine waters chetelbucaies af the Ganga end he Boy of Brngpl Th Enel he Bem Riyal Beng gets one A the larga clei econpaten in fe woe, inportanee of Stdeebuns is wdeesiaue by the face tii che Hat oF Wile Naar Tesinp> ‘ice 1955 ancl als sa iogpere Reese ale Tse special derinud oma on dou Sadat seth an anmated Royal Bengal ger. A reson hace Foilaing device couples wih a lyse system) ae teen ured forming the Tiget mode era Ble Science of 'Gangajal ‘he second Aor of ee valleys devoted mo siete spect 0° the vr anges aris wate For sample fin plyset-sherica and Hulogea piiperien of water sich 2g Diese Cigen {DQ}, Blase ‘Gsygon Demind (BOD), Cucsnica! Oxygen Dead (COD), aL emperatare, acing alain, rahi Iesalnete and colitaem cout hes osen expla eing, tar interatve lined, Ox eam ue Tear ub the Teen ‘which sec sgplath monitozed by ise const an! tc Folltion ener bose ls Kir fer each one of them parameter; The “anja whic is su severe mong apes esse fet st nigue pecperies, Wate tlesig sheough the Himalgan egion ever siferone ypes of -veks, a omar of eens sane geese fm the (Ganga titer, Dating unt frm its eaciment ace, ‘ee? water cari rainy medicinal plans fr susdaedie tas sepin which elk ed oth Gages water shes pure eve tern petins of sea uttiaclis even ko aps oles sell chemi bsanees oo i wit “The uniqueness of the Canges wanes eapaiel the inmignacon oF eaple tere east, ceigion ad geogriphical hourtleves. Historeal faces and mremdutes Fave: beat esited bu ealane ie fpectt inthe aller: Meshal emperor Akba?® [eles Lay he water of iemewtaly ase Carga fr drinking onl cocking 's descrhed stems i the AoieAbhar by Abu el. in Faphlug incheyeaealor 1927 earl the Canypol Grae x forty cay long jutney for ti ove perscal use when he =sublhed fe new capital ay De Sullnine an Dalaba Trish physic, OF, Kel obser hr Gan takes From Hooghly shine remering m lng tine fee & ste Grout Uae vege Ue Seorepnetd thar Rll, ayemsc of Gea near ebiiate acrobe becca. i toved in Canea ‘ater ‘ehh ll species renpucsible. for ferasiporing He argane mires presen are te UEsoest Hankin, # Beis bectriclors, seporta in 1808 ta the proces of airtel unebacrel pais holes acd Dillerelle called sc ‘aplasia way Gaeweule owes the scvey of baetetonhnges tothe Gangs warn: 1896, the Ps pagati ‘on Auer of Sree Sonn isan 33 eh plyscian IE Harbury enki, reported inthe Freel jul Jomuiey de Temas Pactear Uo cholera racrbee died within theo beara in Gong (A Breil sckatia, Manicst Hote, wat ‘uml find hat arample of hesivec ves dew From oni 9 Zw fect bok» esting de body of a pecan whe Ind dal uf apentery axl chon Santon gery t Ode Thicas ‘The watershed of he svee Gangz soeeads over een Uhteraetal, Car Pealess, Stes of Talia anh sh Ruastan Hajana, Madhza Pradesh fomerine 262 poroent anc oF “is teal gern hil asa. However, during the pase fw decades, aero the ter hae sare Ishi iig ages arm ara ‘ane toxic instil ef ‘Thensier mje easins fer she rvers dere cremation of dead bodies. apres uno solar Iho medial wanestsesal anal hathing, ashe thes, capa uf tepl ita wastes, vtec uf tease through canal, Geforestaton in water # ‘eoretraciam of dams nthe Himaligam regen ted lage seit upbasizaen along the aver. A. tum suppor with a video Rin make the ‘snr purer eer he mj thers Ho cian meg ci Trem Po cod the supports aiuldiuadis ate the sadn Cie encee of sewage reamentand hie cin bel gaol out et ond 8 ‘The tevinjemently scoutive Tide Gaagesie pica (AGP! is ann weerely rctened hy elimare chim The major coneeins ate Cactstions io precipitation eres ual seca pe ngaters Mandaeand smnengeree ot hee dusis inelcing gheisl ave ourburse ood (GLOL, ineveas in vver ise menaton, sal wes invesken in seine tration of sive flow deing “ine ‘Gat int dhe dns ong, aloeg xh as mbuanss ar stb supp a massive neswork of irgaton canals a tarber fhuchueleerre projets, The fonttructna oF lsge dame hea lt te asc flow af the vor allbeiag esay sepect of £¥e seony-ten aneluding water quality sediment sorepor fn dope taht Th snestinawheter the Rig Dames While Gee ate si primey aves faced Ly che ld, AF water, dens Se nensmieiny, vase ion, fshiminians riparian ans Aoexpain hry open ap the oxeary fori press species. clinase change, over fchiry encpellsion, che anger sit eaffs moa cvee wil iver tes and rump poston And Boek oF these ans civee consoyseness OF anthropogenic pressures ‘he Honma sic may meh prises rv ses ancsscredre Seve als of NALS tng wt thoi A olkecive ate firenal esakehalles Phe pple Sd the stare Iv one tev iog are ita ge lors A secioe of the gle has been espceal Aleve to varius prvetnimentiitve He vetting, the Gangs Astin Plan (GAP) anc cet stshing she Naskoul Gangs tice Wii Avior (NGRBS) ever ‘he yer ner to remre their: The NGRBA ina planing, nencing, monitoring ed for cteetiosumuterice of pollation and servation ‘Gaya. in heaping se dcarcble Aevelepmienn needs ina ins bod sine llr els dhe eit Gg Mle wee vishoes wnere vistors caniapur thei p ge for puring, Ica ib Feedoack tne galesy since ite opening in 211 been well cele ystems, slits, shane ne eomnenc 34 Propagation A lorena ofSenes unas poopie: Regslar surveys ave conducted ap NASI on ge eum albick oo the ley, Toe yey finds Pliceiase tourist map of lsh thera proton fF the Ganga exh om pla atthe secon fcuncladed Kimble for sewing by silioms oF Folpzims a ceseawony tha the Ganga paler hes ee aks a cach pub icy and agin. Digi in 2 ae Pai sar, ‘Conetusion lanling caval sited theme as senses the River Ganga, tesenge-rom a scene viewpoint and makingaa ailition galery Wasa chatene ng ne bal so be estet ction ot onl sont ei scien tact as gates Eu alo se deli soa the acie-culual se eligjous senskiviy ‘wth the sheme asthe intended tinge veo were [peope oan all stats of the soit design of sx tel estar el wren entntiurtenn ra ae Of dctellectual and calkurl poole. Ease of sexine ‘peti, iietetic ad inenpretation «wanted foiefil choice oF tecnolagy and inavstive dia technique, EAE Aicrames, headeoa imervtve cahourtal Mhstetions?sisinly, animasions dial inerfazes,mukimedi srgrarss and ‘ilo bated presenation# mae hegallery anesioyahle rel leaningesperies aremeost Acknowlesgesient lush ie yoiefel wo Pack MGIC Men, Prof Mis ‘Marj. sharia, Peal. MS. Siyaminavan, Prat Ase Dates, Pra Shar snd cher seior Fallows am alldseletened members of the NASI-Coatclof NASI, of Te is abo thal to Pro? Keishnit tal Secretary THQ), NASI, De. Neer Kurnir, Foe, Ser, NASH & ober offciy of NASI, Prof, A Tripathi of BHU, Prof Vinal Tate HT, [Kanpur who nave given him She valabendview and "agulaesupjort Fi special hank are dew Shi GS Batch DG, NCSA and che seam of re-esionale at NSC, Delhi and RSC ‘seat saan make th Selected Readings 1, Agarwal Runa, enka protean ition nia th Gane. MED. Dublitons Pe Lad, 195, iesera,Sendesp K. Fosse Wie Prgrnony, AWE Te 3. Comming. Dad Toe Theses Leming, 1, 4. Dain, Stover G. Te Gower ean Mosla Banarsidass Publ, 2001, Fak, Din, MoasoneC Fs Racked Kee Pral-Loadoa, 1983. Holik, Juan (anda Garg sod Press, 27 Tashie, MCL. Te hari 1 Giger ot Co of signal atl prhia fade Ine ast 1.311, 189% pe epetacin raga /cboat hid 9. hteps/ /anrfor-niccingendule ini NCRIBA ides ct Mee Ui hepeéfmrosenea 12. Jin, §.K, pared, TK. aid Sigh, V2. Ahead and Wate Remon of Ts, Springer, The NetPevand aur 13, Kine, Kata. Te Hay Gong, Rupa & Ga 2008, 1s Med, R. Kushna, The Gage 2 swat Neen Ben Cann, 11 15. Raya C3. Sa aan of Ae aps Dee and 6 Pop eee A Jour Deen the fo Torn, Ro fics pavftery eurworin gf Gage Voy ANian Ag History 14.08, 1, ana, BK 19 Ga te Scien’ ian, Vole 2 TP. Pasig BK. Tie Gorges War Ue obo dni Sadana Springer, 2008 18. Repure mutton oF sae ees ati ouge Gange secon plan in sites under Gap, Snr pmeparc lor Ht Supreme Cut hy Member ser escores), Planning com nisin, Er-vitonrseoe & forests ivision ars Ware “eruees cision, Planing cores, GO, iy 28, Propagation Auer Sse Sonn sn 35 (2, Rave i pai kre ne ave Bat, Koa Repory Maine Resvuseer Assonenene Group Lh Oyerseas Development Admieaton, 19 20, Saal HLS, Cae Chane ns ate Lap ote Jade Ger Plain 1GP)-= bora! Fah Sere Tdi, Nol {Uljihups/feeneanthsisoeeindininfor 2 Staiuon, Dhatat Re Autusiage Upal Ay Ska Alu, lvls Cgc iver Praia: Sunury uation Soa, 208, 22.Shaiactara VK. Comma i att Deyn fn te Gongs Baia, Concept Pobissing Comme 9) Tea, 19, 25, Sanus Sway oetencn Panis in args Pasi Photesten by Gente Polaron Conteo! Board, Nes Dath nps penis M1 Seuss Popers ree Chins, Noe sinned nd Waren Novional River Conscevatinn Dceteest “Mit of Bivicrument aed Forests Govern of Ted, Age, 20, 25, Way ds Gages at be wa STM, 19 July 2010. 26, Working. pero Wat, Clinats Odes atl Leap Tm oe Ganges Ri Day 24 Nics ale yolished ia Testes fir Ranieri Posey Sols, Pe Lefer ingest, 27. Nhing ih coms o eneeve th ever dolphin ant the ecosystem Species Tree sys ntacngy pein WO jean Worle's tap 10 rivers ar risk xt swag reahwats Tresawares Feet, Samanta Kamar, Disney NCSM, Kalla id was Pa. Conlin a agua Sc Ci ackuow when stg op af te Gang Cary NAS, baba

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