TheG ambler B'..: FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY WithP olinSau slovDai'asr y Createrde luctanutnldye,rp ressuirnel ,e ss thana monthi n1 866T,h eG amblisem orr e directaluyt obiograpthhiacnaa ln yo theorf Dostoevskwyo'rsk sX.o wheree lsien h isfi ction aret hep ersonpaals sioonfgs a mblinagn dl ove usedw iths ol ittalret isdtiisct ancianngd, nowhereel sdeo we gets ucha direcrte flection oft het hreweo menh el o\"eidn h isl ifIrie. t his editi\o"ni ctToerr rasn'esw t ranslatiiso n supplementbeyd E dward\ Vasiolek's Intro ductioann ds everkaely w orktsh aitl luminate TheG ambalnedrt hep erioodfD ostoevsky's lifoen w hichi ti sb ased. In 186D6o stoevswkays b usyfi nishianngd publishCinrgi amnedP unishHmiestn utr.b ulent andd estructaiffvaeiw ri thP olinSau slova hadr uni tcso ursaen,d h ew ase xhaustbeyd workp,o orh ealtahn,d fi nancidails tress. Attemptitnogc omet og ripwsi tht hec omplex interconnecbteitownese hni sg amblinagn d hisl ovinhge,d ictatTehd eG ambltoet rh e womanw ho wouldb ecomeh iss econwdi fe. Int hen ovelA,l eksceoim est ou nderstand everythibnugtw hatm ovesh im-hisl ovef or Polinaan dh isp assifoonr gambling. Daring tor ishki sl asgtu ldeonn t hei rrational turn oft her ouletwthee egli vehsi mw hatp osition, moneya,n dl ovdeo n ot-af eelionfgr evolt againtshte fi xitioefsl ifaen dr eason. PolinSau slovaD'isa ryp,u blishheedr ei n Englisfho rt hefi rstti mei,sa pricelsss window ont hec haractoefar w omanD ostoevsky loveddu rinhgi sm ostd estructainvdce r eative {Contionnbu aecjldka jJ) perioAdl.s oa ppeariinngE nglisfho rt hefi rst timei sh ers horstt or"yT,h eS trangaenrd HerL over,a" fi ctionaaclc ounotfD ostoevsky's lovfeo rh erT.o gethewri ths electleedt ters ofD ostoevsaknyd P olinSau slovtah,e sweo rks deepetnh ec onteoxftT heG amblaendrc ,o mple mentM r.T errasa'ust horitattriavnes lation ina wayt hasth oulrde vivien teriensa tn importabnutt r elativneelgyl ectneodv el. VICTOR TERRAS isp rofesosfoS rl avic languagaensd chairmaonf t heD epartment ofS laviLca nguageastB rownu niversity. He hasa lstoa ughatt t he(; niversiotfiI elsl inois andW isconsiAnm.o ngh ism anyp ublications areT heJ 'ouDnogs tsokeyavn,d t ranslatoifo ns Dostoevsky's �oftoerbT ohoePk so sseasnsd ed A RawY outh. EDWARD WASIOLEK isc hairmaonft he Committeoen C omparative Stiund ies Literatucrhea,i rmaonft heD epartmeonft SlaviLca nguageasn dL iteratuarned,A valon FoundatiPorno fesosfoS rl aviacn dC omparative Literatautrt eh eU niversoiftC yh icago. He editeadn dt ranslaDtoesdt oevsk�yo'tse books forC riamnePd u nishamndeT nhteB rothers Karamaaznodev d,i tetdh eN oteboofkosr TheI diTohte,P osseasnsdeA dR,a wY outh. He ist hea uthoorf D ostoye:Tv hseMk ajor Fictciooanut,h oofrX inSeo vPioertt raanid ts, authoorr e ditoorfn umerouost hewro rks. ISBN: 0-226-15970-1 PrintienUd . S.A. The Garfihler EditbeydE dwarWda siolek Fyodor DOstoevsky witPho liSnuas loDviaa'rsy TranslabtyeV di ctorTerras THE UNIVERSIOTFY C HICAGOP RESS ChicaagnodL ondon TheU niversiotfyC hicagoP ress,C hicago606 !17 The UniversiotfyC hicagoP ress,L td.L,o ndon © 197b2y T he UniversiotfyC hicago Allr ights reserved. Publis1h9ed7 2 Printiedn th e UnitedS tates Aomfe rica InternatiolnS atandarBod ok Number: �22�1597�1 Libnryo fCo ngressCa talog Card Number:7 2-80227 Cnotents Itnroduction Vll THEG AMBLEFR,y odDoors toevsky 199 PolSiunsavl 'aDosai ry 303 THES TRANAGNED RH ELRO VER, PolSiunsal ova 335 SeleLcettetde rs Inotdriunoc t ostoenvvesekwrya ntteowd r tie TheG ambleHre.w asf orcteod D wriittbey t hteh roefafi tna ncial ruiann,hd e w rootrde ,ia ctteidit,nl s ets haamn o nttho ay ousntge nogwrhaop hiwenaarm s a ttoefmr o nths to becohmsise e cownifde\ .V hea vteo tShtalenvolks kayn, unscruepduoilrfto,ou rs thheaspyeep vtewnDoto ev skhya ,dw itchh aracctaereresielsssntssiin,cgde cao ntract in18 6w5 ihtS toevlslwkiyt hc otnihidteot nh atd eihlvee r an ewn ovteol hi1m N ovbeym b1e8r66 I.ft e hn ovel wasn oitn lSvotseklhya'nsbd yst hatti mSet,e slklyo v woulhda ver itghfheont ri nyee atrops u ibslahn hyitng Dostoehvdaws rkiyt wtietnhp oauytiD nogs toeavnsyky thgi.Sn tevlslkhoya dt aken taadgovefDa onstoye'vss k straicticerunmesdet saa nncdi mrpudetnetme prament, anhder efuDsoesdt oesvussbekuqye'nasttt e mpttaos n nul thceo ntbryap canytgi af i1nD eo.stoewvaissnnk yoc on dittiouo nnd eratnaoktemh aejro r w1o8r6kh6 .ew aIsn buspyu bliasnhdfini nsigh iCnrgi maen dP unsihmnet, anhde p uotff d oianngy tahbiontught ne o vperlo mised toS tevlslkaoysl noga sp osbsliBey.1 Octo1b8e6rh6 e I.Se e( int hivso lumel)e tt9er,t o A .V .Ko rvin-Krukovskaanidal ,e t· tcr1 0,t oP olinSau slova, in awrchc iocnht ainDeods toevskdyc'ssc rip· tioonf t hef inancsitarla its letdhh aitm toc oncludteh ec ontrawcitt h Stcllovasnkdyt hed ifficulttiheesc ontract entailed. vii