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Preview The GALEX/S4G UV-IR color-color diagram: Catching spiral galaxies away from the Blue Sequence

Draft version January 28, 2015 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE GALEX/S4G UV-IR COLOR-COLOR DIAGRAM: CATCHING SPIRAL GALAXIES AWAY FROM THE BLUE SEQUENCE Alexandre Y. K. Bouquin1, Armando Gil de Paz1, Samuel Boissier2,3, Juan-Carlos Mun˜oz-Mateos4, Kartik Sheth5, Dennis Zaritsky6, Jarkko Laine7, Jesu´s Gallego1, Reynier F. Peletier8, Benjamin R. Ro¨ck9,10, Johan H. Knapen9,10 1DepartamentodeAstrof´ısicayCC.delaAtm´osfera,UniversidadComplutensedeMadrid,E-28040Madrid,Spain 2AixMarseilleUniversit´e,CNGRS,LAM(Laboratoired’AstrophysiquedeMarseille)UMR7326,13388,Marseille,France 3I.N.A.F.,OsservatorioAstronomicodiBologna,viaRanzani1I-40127Bologna,Italy 4EuropeanSouthernObservatory,Casilla19001,Santiago19,Chile 5 5NationalRadioAstronomyObservatory/NAASC,520EdgemontRoad,Charlottesville,VA22903,USA 1 6StewardObservatory,UniversityofArizona,933NorthCherryAvenue,Tucson,AZ85721,USA 0 7AstronomyDivision,DepartmentofPhysics,FIN-90014UniversityofOulu,P.O.Box3000,Oulu,Finland 8KapteynAstronomicalInstitute,Postbus800,9700AVGroningen,theNetherlands 2 9InstitutodeAstrof´ısicadeCanarias,V´ıaL´actea,S/N,38205LaLaguna,Spainand n 10DepartamentodeAstrof´ısica,UniversidaddeLaLaguna,E-38205LaLaguna,Tenerife,Spain a Draft version January 28, 2015 J ABSTRACT 6 2 We obtained GALEX FUV, NUV, and Spitzer/IRAC 3.6µm photometry for >2000 galaxies, avail- able for 90% of the S4G sample. We find a very tight “GALEX Blue Sequence (GBS)” in the ] (FUV NUV) versus (NUV [3.6]) color-color diagram which is populated by irregular and spiral A galaxie−s, and is mainly drive−n by changes in the formation timescale (τ) and a degeneracy between G τ and dust reddening. The tightness of the GBS provides an unprecedented way of identifying star- . forming galaxies and objects that are just evolving to (or from) what we call the “GALEX Green h Valley (GGV)”. At the red end of the GBS, at (NUV [3.6])>5, we find a wider “GALEX Red p − Sequence (GRS)” mostly populated by E/S0 galaxies that has a perpendicular slope to that of the - o GBS and of the optical red sequence. We find no such dichotomy in terms of stellar mass (measured r byM[3.6]),sincebothmassive(M(cid:63)>1011M(cid:12))blueandredsequencegalaxiesareidentified. Thetype t s that is proportionally more often found in the GGV are the S0-Sa’s and most of these are located in a high-density environments. We discuss evolutionary models of galaxies that show a rapid transition [ from the blue to the red sequence on timescale of 108years. 1 Subject headings: galaxies: evolution — galaxies: photometry v 8 8 1. INTRODUCTION vey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G; Sheth et al. 5 Color-magnitude and color-color diagrams are proven 2010). In this study, we gather the publicly available 6 galaxy evolution diagnostic tools. Recent studies mak- GALEX data (from data release GR6/7) for these S4G 0 ing use of GALEX and SDSS data, such as Wyder et al. galaxies,andmeasureNUVandFUVsurfaceandasymp- 1. (2007),haveclearlyshowntheexistenceofabimodaldis- toticphotometryforover2000galaxies(∼90%oftheS4G 0 tribution of galaxies in (NUV r) vs r color-magnitude galaxies). We then combine this with consistent surface 5 diagrams (CMDs), where the r−edder and brighter region and asymptotic 3.6µm photometry from S4G. We adopt 1 is populated mainly by early-type galaxies in a “red se- a value of H0=75kms−1Mpc−1 for galaxies lacking a : quence”, and where the bluer and fainter part of the redshift-independent distance measurement (as in Sheth v diagram is populated mainly by late-type galaxies in a et al. 2010). i X “blue sequence”. We construct a color-magnitude and a color-color di- r a agram using far-ultraviolet (FUV; effective wavelength 151.6nm),near-ultraviolet(NUV;226.7nm)imagesfrom the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX; Martin et al. 2. SAMPLE 2005), and 3.6micron images from the images released TheS4Gisavolume-limited(d<40Mpc),magnitude- by the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies limited (m <15.5mag, corrected for inclination, Bcorr (S4G, Sheth et al. 2010). The near-infrared (NIR) band galactic extinction, and K-correction), and size-limited is sensitive mainly to old stars, and the UV bands to (D >1(cid:48)) survey avoiding the Galactic equatorial 25 young stars (<1Gyr). As we show below, a combination plane(b >30◦) of 2,352 galaxies, consisting of 3.6µm of UV and NIR bands allows us to separate star-forming and 4.|5|µm IRAC-band images. Galaxies covered by frompassively-evolvinggalaxies,whiletheuseofthetwo this survey account for the majority of the significantly- GALEX UV bands makes this analysis very sensitive to sized galaxies in our extragalactic neighborhood, includ- transitional galaxies and to the transition timescale, as ing galaxies of all Hubble types and masses, in various theFUVbandismostsensitivetothepresenceofyoung environments from field to clusters of galaxies (includ- (OB-type)stars. OursampleisbasedontheSpitzerSur- ing 187 Virgo galaxies). The HI 21cm-redshift selec- tion, however, biases the sample against very massive 2 Bouquin et al. log(Mass )(M ) 7 8 9 ∗ (cid:12)10 11 3.5 3.0 E 3.0 2.5 E-S0 S0 2.5 2.0 S S0-a B G Sa V 2.0 fit 1.5 U - Sb -N 1.5 UV) 1.0 Sc V N U Sd F 1.0 V- 0.5 Sm U 0.5 (F 0.0 Irr 0.0 0.5 − 0.5 1.0 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 − 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 − NUV-[3.6] − − − M[3−.6] − − − Fig. 1.—Left: (FUV−NUV)versus(NUV−[3.6])color-colordiagram. Morphologicaltypesarerepresentedbycolor(seelegend). We define the blue and red sequence by dividing the plot into two regions and fitting a least-squares 1-D polynomial (a line) to each region. The solid blue line is the weighted-by-error linear fit for the lower-left region, and the solid red line is the weighted-by-error linear fit for theupper-rightregion. Thedashedlinesareparalleltotheirsolidcounterpart,buttranslatedinthe(FUV−NUV)directionby±2sigma fortheGBS(blueshadedregion),andtranslatedinthe(NUV−[3.6])directionby±1sigmafortheGRS(redshadedregion). TheGGV is also shown (green shaded region). The black arrow indicates the reddening vector for an attenuation of AV =0.5mag. The black dots are measurements for the Cappellari et al. (2013) sample (section 3.2; not included in the statistics) obtained by Zaritsky et al. (2015) (we adopted here (I−[3.6])=0.5mag). We use a 3.6µm stellar mass-to-light ratio Υ3.6=0.6 or log(Υ3.6)=-0.22 (IMF: Chabrier; Meidt etal.2014). Right: Color-magnitudediagramusingthedifferencebetween(FUV−NUV)colorandthefittotheGBSinthecolor-color diagramversusM . Samecolor-codingasintheleftpanel. [3.6] ETGs (Early-Type Galaxies)1 (Lagos et al. 2014). We (GRS hereafter). The distribution of the GRS is per- compiled a subsample of corresponding GALEX (data pendicular to that seen in optical color-color diagrams release GR6/7) tiles using GALEXView2, in both FUV (e.g., Strateva et al. 2001) likely due to the mass and and NUV for over 2,100 galaxies. metallicity dependence of the UV upturn (Boselli et al. FUV and NUV asymptotic magnitudes were obtained 2005). The more massive and metal-rich a galaxy is, the usingthesamemethodasinGildePazetal.(2007),cor- more important the contribution from the UV upturn rected for the Milky Way foreground attenuation, mea- to the UV emission and bluer the (FUV NUV) color. − suredfor2053galaxies. Afterexcludingshallowobserva- Alternative use of this color are still being explored tions with magnitude errors larger than unity, and bad (e.g., Hern´andez-P´erez & Bruzual 2014; Zaritsky, Gil de photometry due to contamination from bright stars, we Paz, & Bouquin 2014, 2015). are left with 1931 galaxies. The S4G 3.6µm photome- try has been obtained using an identical procedure but To quantify the GBS and the GRS, we split the color- adapted to the specifics of IRAC (Mun˜oz-Mateos et al. color plane by choosing a line that passes through co- 2015inprep.). Allmagnitudesthroughoutthispaperare ordinates (2,3) and (5,1) (left panel of Fig.1). We fit givenintheABsystem. Numericalmorphologicaltypes, thebluer-halfwithasimpleerror-weightedlinearregres- absolute B-band magnitudes and optical colors were ob- sion (the subsample size here is 1,787 galaxies), giving tained from HyperLeda (Paturel et al. 2003). The total us a slope of 0.12 0.01 and a y-intercept at 0.16 0.01. ± ± UV coverage of our parent S4G sample is 90%, with The standard deviation of the sample over this range is a rather uniform fraction across all properti∼es including rmsGBS=0.20whileaGaussianfittotheresidualsyields absoluteB-bandmagnitude,distance,andmorphological an even smaller value of σGBS=0.10. types, andthereforerepresentsandinheritstheselection We also fit the redder-half (144 galaxies) with a sim- criteria of S4G. pleerror-weightedlinearregression(inthe(NUV [3.6]) − direction), giving us a slope of 4.21 1.62, and a 3. RESULTSANDANALYSIS rmsGRS=0.45. The location of g−alaxie±s in this dia- gram is strongly correlated with the Hubble type (see 3.1. UV-IR Color-Color Diagram also Fig.4). There are only two true ellipticals in the Using the asymptotic photometry described above, GBS, ESO548-023 and NGC 855. Some of the ellipti- we construct the (FUV NUV) versus (NUV [3.6]) cals found in the GBS are actually blue compact dwarfs − − color-color diagram (Fig.1). We find a clear bimodal (BCDs) morphologically misclassified as ellipticals. The pattern: a very tight blue sequence, which we call the latter plus the 31 later-typed ETGs (E-S0,S0) located “GALEX Blue Sequence” (GBS hereafter), and a less in the GBS could be either in the tail of star formation tight red sequence we call the “GALEX Red sequence” (Bresolin 2013) or could be rejuvenated systems (Kan- nappan et al. 2009; Thilker et al. 2010). Finally, early- 1 An extension of the S4G sample, aimed to correct for the HI type spiral galaxies (S0-a, Sa, Sab) are populating the selectioneffect,iscurrentlyinprogress. GBS,theGRSandtheregioninbetween(whichwename 2 http://galex.stsci.edu/GalexView/ The GALEX/S4G UV-IR color-color diagram 3 2.0 1.2 GRSfitin(U-V) GRSfitin(B-V) Stott2009 1.0 1.5 d) d) 0.8 e e ct 1.0 ct e e corr corr 0.6 al al (tot 0.5 (tot V V 0.4 U- B- 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 − 14 16 18 20 22 24 14 16 18 20 22 24 − − − MV − − − − − − MV − − − Fig. 2.— GBS (blue squares), GGV (green points), and GRS (red triangles) galaxies are shown, with a linear fit to the GRS galaxies (solidlines)andthermsGRS=2(dashedlines). Left: OpticalCMD(U−V)versusV-bandabsolutemagnitudeofoursample. Thesolid bluelineistheredsequencefitfromStottetal.(2009)withtheinterceptvalueadjustedforcomparison. Right: (B−V)versusV-band absolutemagnitude. GALEX Green Valley; GGV hereafter) which is consis- that the GGV galaxies are found preferentially in dense tentwithascenariowherethesegalaxiesaretransitional environments where such a process may be more diffi- objects. cult than in the outskirts of a cluster or a lower-density environment (Section 4.3). 3.2. UV-IR Color-Magnitude Diagram By using the classification of interacting systems within S4G given by Knapen et al. (2014) we do not Fig.1(Right)showstheresidualsoftheUVcolortothe findacleardifferencebetweenthefractionofcloseinter- GBSlinearfitobtainedinourUV-IRcolor-colordiagram (Left), (FUV NUV) (FUV NUV) , as a fraction actions in the three regions of our color-color diagram. GBS of the absolut−e magni−tude at−3.6µm, M and stellar When splitting the sample by level of interaction and [3.6] morphologicaltype,lownumberstatisticshamperdeter- mass measured assuming a Υ of 0.6M /L (Meidt 3.6 (cid:12) (cid:12) mining, for example, whether or not E/S0 in the GGV et al. 2014; R¨ock et al. 2015 in prep.). Stellar mass is are mergers or post-starbursts. not the driver for the evolution of these systems in or out the GBS. The distribution of our samples of ETGs (our data and those from Zaritsky et al. 2015) is similar, 4. DISCUSSION meaning that the bias against HI-poor ETGs in S4G is 4.1. Modeling color evolution not driving our results. InFig.3(left), weshowsinglestellarpopulation(SSP) models (initial mass function (IMF): Chabrier) of Char- 3.3. Optical Color-Magnitude Diagram lot and Bruzual (2007) for different metallicities and In Fig.2 we show the optical CMD, commonly used to ages. Forallcases,the(FUV NUV)colorbecomesred- − studygalaxyevolution(e.g.,Faberetal.2007). Weshow der until it reaches a peak (at about 1Gyr in the case the position of our GBS, GRS, and GGV galaxies using ofSolarmetallicity),andthenbecomesblueragain(UV- blue, red, and green points, respectively (Fig.1). upturn) as the models age. For these SSP models, the Despite the low number of GGV galaxies overall, they color transition from GBS to GRS takes less than a few falleitherontheopticalredsequence(RS)oronthe(ill- 108years. defined) optical green valley (GV), with only a very few Tobetterunderstandwhatdrivesthepositionofgalax- being optically blue galaxies. This result indicate that ies in the color-color diagram, we use a grid of disk GGV galaxies are evolving off the GBS much slower in galaxy models from Boissier & Prantzos (2000) with (NUV [3.6]) than in (FUV NUV), while the optical various circular velocities V and spin parameters λ c − − colors are reddened by more than [0.4mag] 0.2mag in (Fig.3, right panel). These models span the entire GBS [(U B)](B V).Alternatively,theGGVgalaxiesareop- due to their variation in star formation timescale with tica−lly red s−ystems that are growing a disk (towards the V and λ. Besides, the reddening arrow points along c GBS), in which case the optical reddening is less than the GBS, so internal extinction contributes little to its [0.3mag] 0.2mag in [(U B)] (B V). spread, since star formation timescale and dust atten- − − It is interesting to note that the majority of the galax- uation are nearly degenerate in these colors (Section ies in the optical GV belong to the GBS, i.e., they are 4.2). The tightness of the GBS is also due to the fact star-formingsystemstobeclassifiedassuchatUVwave- that the effects of an episodic SFH in the FUV-NUV lengths. Thesamecanbesaidaboutthebluedotsfound color (compared to the NUV-[3.6]) are only expected at inFig.2neartheopticalRS.Thismeansthateitherthey very low masses (typically rather blue NUV-[3.6] col- areinthetailendofstarformationortheyareregrowing ors). Nice examples in this regard are PGC065367 a disk. In particular, a disk regrowth is unlikely, given or ESO245-007. To produce more realistic galaxy col- 4 Bouquin et al. 2.5 Z=0.004 RPS 1.8 4 Z=0.008 disk+bulge Z=0.02 2.0 1.6 3 Zfit=t0o.0o5ldpop. 1.5 −200−M3y00rMyr 1.4nsity -NUV2 -NUV 1.0 t−=1000Myr 11..02mberde FUV FUV 0%30%50% 0.8ofnu 1 0.5 0.6g10 λ=0.04,Vc=270 lo 0.4 0.0 0 λ=0.08,Vc=40 λ=0.09,Vc=360 λ=0.02,Vc=360 0.2 0.5 0.0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 − NUV-[3.6] NUV-[3.6] Fig. 3.— Number density of galaxies in the (FUV−NUV) versus (NUV−[3.6]) color-color diagram, in grayscale-coded 2D bins on a logarithmicscale(seecolorbar). Eachbinis0.2×0.2maginsize. Left: singlestellarpopulation(SSP)models(CB07,ChabrierIMF)for variousmetallicitiesareover-plottedonthenumberdensitydistribution. Theopen squares arevariousagetimestepsforthemodelwith Solarmetallicity(Z=0.02),color-codedaccordingtothefollowinglog(age)ranges: magenta 5.0–8.0,green 8.0–9.0,blue 9.0–10.0,and red 10.0 – 10.3. The age increases from left to right, from log(age)= 5.0 to 10.3, for all models. Evolved model points (log(age)≥ 10.0) areplottedinred forallmodels. Alinearfittothesepoints(dash-dottedline)istracedforvisualcomparisonwiththeslopeoftheGRS. Theblackrectangleoutlinestheregionoftherightpanel. Right: Theredtriangles at(NUV−[3.6])>4aremodelclustergalaxiesunder theeffectofram-pressurestripping(RPS;seeBosellietal.2006)wheretheannotationsindicatewhentheRPSstarted(witht=0being the present). The model indicate that the transition timescale of galaxies from the GBS to the GRS is very short, on the order of a few 108years. We also show three examples, as orange, green, and red dotted lines, of BP00+BC03 “disk+bulge” models for various B/T ratios,whereeachnodecorrespondstoavalueoftheB/Tratio,namely0.0(i.e.,BP00diskonly,open circles),0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,and0.5, progressively givingbluer toredder results. Thepositionof themaximum B/T=0.3estimatedbyLaurikainenet al.(2007) fora sample of S0-a galaxies is shown with white dots. An offset of 0.3 magnitude was added to the (FUV−NUV) colors for all model galaxies (see text). BothBP00diskmodelsandRPSmodelsarebasedontheKroupa93IMF. ors, we add a bulge to the Boissier & Prantzos (2000) the disk models and the peak RPS models are shifted disks using SSP predictions with ages between 109 and redward by 0.3mag in (FUV NUV) to match the ob- 1010.3Gyr and different formation timescale τ. We served color-color distribution−. The need for an offset adopt a bulge model with (NUV [3.6])=5.3mag, and has been discussed in Mun˜oz-Mateos et al. (2011) and (FUV NUV)color=2.4mag. − is believed to be due to uncertainties in the calibration Thre−eofthese“disk+bulge”modelsareshowninFig.3 of the stellar atmospheres used in the spectral synthesis. (right) for various bulge-to-total mass ratios B/T. Each ThislatterRPSdiskmodelfitstheobserveddistribution colored line represents the colors of the resulting galaxy well, especially with a moderate bulge. The transition model for B/T from 0.0 to 0.5 in steps of 0.1. Adding timescale derived from the GBS to the GRS in this case a BC03 SSP-based bulge to any of our disk models does would again be of the order of a few 108years. not reproduce the reddening in (FUV NUV) observed in numerous early-type spirals unless w−e assume a very 4.2. Internal dust reddening high B/T (typical observed B/T of S0 and S0-a galaxies Toanalyzetheeffectsofinternaldust,weshowthered- are below 30%; Laurikainen et al. 2007). This shows dening in both colors in Fig.1 (left), for A =0.5mag, V that the position of transitional early-type spirals is not assuming the attenuation law of Calzetti et al. (1994). only due to their (red) massive bulges but also to their This law reproduces well the relation between IR excess disks being red compared to the disks of galaxies in the and UV color (Gil de Paz et al. 2007). Interestingly, the GBS. This result explains the red (FUV NUV) colors reddening arrow indicates an almost complete degener- − of some (transitional) disk galaxies. Whether those disk acy in these colors between reddening and a change in galaxiescouldevolveintosystemswithpropertiessimilar the star formation timescale (as illustrated by the mod- tothoseofcurrent-dayETGscannotbedeterminedfrom els of Boissier & Prantzos 2000). We find no change these data alone. in the distribution of offsets from the GBS as a function To analyze the transformation timescale of these disks of the galaxies’ axial ratio (not shown), so the (small) under a more realistic scenario, we use a model that in- spread of the GBS is unlikely to be due to inclination cludes ram-pressure stripping of the gas (RPS hereafter) effects. asapotentialmechanism,albeitnottheonly(potential) one,toreddenagalaxydisk. ThisRPSmodelstartsfrom 4.3. Environmental effects an unperturbed disk with V =270kms−1 and λ=0.04 c In Fig.4 we show, superposed on the number density but with additional ram-pressure to fit the properties of color-color diagram, the distribution of galaxies that are the Virgo galaxy NGC 4569 (Boselli et al. 2006). The in Virgo or in high-density regions (Laine et al. 2014). points represent the epochs when the peak of RPS oc- The relative abundance of transitional galaxies in the curred, with t=0 corresponding to the present. Both Virgo cluster is higher for the majority of morphological The GALEX/S4G UV-IR color-color diagram 5 types,suggestingthatanenvironmentaleffectispresent. mass, but also by the color evolutionary state of their Therearesomeindicationsthatenvironmentplaysarole disk. Both SSP and realistic disk+bulge models with indeterminingwhethergalaxieslieintheGBS,GGV,or RPS indicate that the timescale for the color-transition GRS. For example, 43% (12 of 28) of Sa galaxies clas- couldbeasfastasafew108years. Wecannotdetermine sified as either GRS or GGV are in the Virgo cluster, based solely on the integrated UV, optical and IR colors while only 12% (16 of 137) of those classified as GBS ofthesesystemswhethertheyareevolvingoffortowards are in Virgo. The relative preference of GGV and GRS the GBS. galaxiesfortheVirgoenvironmentisfoundforeachmor- The fact that transitioning galaxies are more common phological class separately (Table 1), although in some in clusters and in high-density regions in general sug- cases the results are not statistically significant. Finally, gests that environment plays a role and is likely to dim although the presence of early-type spirals in the GGV theirdisks. Environment-relatedmechanismsotherthan might be related to environment, this might not be sim- RPS, such as gas starvation (which can start happening plyduetoRPS,theremightbeother,morefundamental ingroups;Kawata&Mulchaey2008),galaxyharassment drivers (that also depend on environment) which deter- or processes related to the degree of uniformity of accre- mine the position of galaxies in this color-color diagram tion are all viable. There could be galaxies in the field and in the optical CMDs. One possibility might be the evolvingbackwards,i.e.,fromtheGRStowardstheGBS, degree of uniformity of the angular momentum of ac- including a large number of optical GV galaxies that we creted material, which would segregate galaxies by mor- findintheGBS.Afuturespatially-resolvedanalysismay phologicaltype,massandcolorindifferentenvironments providecluestodiscriminatebetweenthesemechanisms, (less uniform accretion having likely occurred in denser sincetheradialcolorgradientsmaybedifferentfromone environments). process to another. For example, RPS should lead to strong color gradients as the low density gas in the out- skirtsofgalaxieswouldsuffertheRPSeffectsfirst,while 5. CONCLUDINGREMARKS star formation in the inner parts should be unaffected. Weshowthatstar-forminggalaxiesformatight“Blue Sequence” in FUV-to-near-infrared color-color diagrams The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a fa- (the “GALEX Blue Sequence”, or simply GBS). One cility of the National Science Foundation operated un- could even define a star-forming galaxy (SFG) as an ob- der cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, ject residing in that sequence. This is a clear advantage Inc. We acknowledge financial support to the DAGAL overtheopticaloroptical-IRcolor-magnitudeandcolor- network from the People Programme (Marie Curie Ac- color diagrams where star-forming galaxies are mixed tions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Pro- withothertypesofsources,suchaspost-starburstsor,in gramme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement general,galaxiesintheGALEXGreenValley(GGV).Sb, number PITN-GA-2011-289313. JHK acknowledges fi- Sa,andS0galaxiesarefoundallacrossthepathbetween nancial support from the Spanish MINECO under grant theGBSandtheGRS,throughtheGGV.Theirposition number AYA2013-41243-P. AGdP and JG acknowledge is not only driven by their stellar mass or their bulge financial support under grant number AYA2012-30717. 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TABLE 1 Counts and ratios of Virgo galaxies per morphological type bin per region GBS GGV GRS Othersa ALL Typeb Virgoc alld ratioe Virgo all ratio Virgo all ratio Virgo all ratio Virgo all ratio E 2 7 0.29 2 4 0.50 4 13 0.31 — — — 8 24 0.33 E-S0 2 11 0.18 — 4 — — 8 — — — — 2 23 0.09 S0 1 20 0.05 3 9 0.33 1 15 0.07 2 7 0.33 7 51 0.14 S0-a 11 61 0.18 3 12 0.25 6 24 0.25 2 6 0.22 22 103 0.21 Sa 16 137 0.12 9 14 0.64 3 14 0.21 — 10 — 28 175 0.16 Sb 21 331 0.06 1 5 0.20 — 4 — — — — 22 340 0.06 Sc 51 656 0.08 2 11 0.18 — 1 — — 1 — 53 669 0.08 Sd 4 162 0.02 — 3 — — — — — 3 — 4 168 0.02 Sm 5 189 0.03 — 2 — — — — — 1 — 5 192 0.03 Irr 11 179 0.06 — 6 — — — — — 1 — 11 186 0.06 ALLtypes 124 1753 0.07 20 70 0.29 14 79 0.18 4 29 0.14 162 1931 0.08 aGalaxieswhere(FUV−NUV)<2σ oftheGBSfitand(NUV−[3.6])>1σ oftheGRSfit. bBasedonHubblet-typefromRC2 cFromtheGOLDMinedatabase(Gavazzietal.2003) dincludingVirgogalaxies eratio=Virgo/all The GALEX/S4G UV-IR color-color diagram 7 3.5 E GRS E-S0 S0 3.0 2.5 GGV 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 GBS 0.0 -0.5 S0-a Sa, Sab Sb, Sbc 3.0 V 2.5 U 2.0 N 1.5 - V 1.0 U F 0.5 0.0 -0.5 Sc, Scd Sd, Sm I 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NUV - [3.6] Fig. 4.— (FUV−NUV) versus (NUV−[3.6]) separated into nine panels by morphological type. Black circles are galaxies with no environmentaldataassociated. OpencirclesaregalaxiesintheVirgocluster. Opensquaresaregalaxiesinhigh-densityregionsasdefined byLaineetal.(2014). TheGRS,GGV,andGBSareshowninpanelE.

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