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FocusArticle The Galápagos archipelago: a natural laboratory to examine sharp hydroclimatic, geologic and anthropogenic gradients Madelyn S. Percy,1† Sarah R. Schmitt,2† Diego A. Riveros-Iregui2* and Benjamin B. Mirus3 Poor understanding of the water cycle in tropical ecosystems has the potential to exacerbate water shortages and water crises in the region. We suggest that the Galápagos Islands provide an excellent proxy to regions across the tropics as a resultofsharphydroclimatic,anthropogenic,andpedohydrologicgradientsacross the archipelago. Hydroclimatic and pedohydrologic gradients are found across different elevations on single islands, as well as across the archipelago, whereas anthropogenic gradients reflect land use and land cover change across islands as population and growth in tourism have affected individual islands differently. Thisarticlehighlightsspecificopportunitiestofurtherexamineourunderstanding of the interactions between water and critical zone processes in tropical ecosys- tems, making connections between the Galápagos archipelago and much of the understudied tropics. The Galápagos archipelago offers a natural laboratory through which we can examine current threats to freshwater security as well as the dynamics of coupled natural and human systems. ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Howtocitethisarticle: WIREsWater 2016.doi: 10.1002/wat2.1145 INTRODUCTION little research into tropical water cycling is carried out because of a limited research infrastructure Inthepast50 years,globalfreshwaterusehasmore coupled with lack of access to historical data, with than tripled.1 Currently, the lack of potable water the notable exception of Hawaii.3–5 Projected popu- resources affects about half of the population in the lation growth in the tropics combined with climate tropics, and the proportion of people with access to change and the lack of conservation efforts in many safe drinking water is lower in the tropics than in tropical countries is a growing concern amongst pol- anyother region oftheworld.2 Despite current water icymakers, economists, and defense analysts alike. shortages facing tropical and subtropical latitudes, However, sites like the Galápagos archipelago pro- vide an opportunity for researchers to understand tropical water cycling across a set of inter- and intra- †Theseauthorscontributedequallytothiswork. island gradients that cover microclimatic zones repre- *Correspondenceto:[email protected] sentative of many zones of the tropics. Furthermore, 1DepartmentofGeologicalSciences,UniversityofNorthCarolina the well-described chronosequence,6 climosequence,7 atChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA and basaltic bedrock of Galápagos can lend further 2Department of Geography, University of North Carolina at insight into prior hydrologic studies conducted at ChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA 3U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards Science Center, other tropical sites. Compared to Hawaii, for exam- Golden,CO,USA ple, Galápagos has a much more complex eruption history, it is located right at the equator, it has a Conflictofinterest:Theauthorshavedeclarednoconflictsofinter- estforthisarticle. much narrower range of mean annual precipitation ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. FocusArticle wires.wiley.com/water than does Hawaii.8 Further, its population density is Many environmental challenges in Galápagos two orders of magnitude lower than Hawaii,9,10 are also present throughout the tropics, as growing leading to limited urban and agricultural develop- populations and increasing tourism industries lead to mentinsomeoftheGalapagosIslands. water crises, or inadequate access to or management Here, we focus on three gradients across the of freshwater resources.13 This type of water crisis Galápagosarchipelagothatcouldserveasidealprox- has been observed in numerous tropical systems, ies for tropical systems around the globe (Figure 1). including agricultural zones,14–17 mountainous Two of those are natural gradients that affect water areas,18,19coastalzonesandislands.20–23Thesecrises cycling on theislands: ahydroclimatic gradient and a may be exacerbated by increasing tourism rates, pedohydrologic gradient. The hydroclimatic gradient which cause issues ranging from soil erosion and is elevation-dependent and results in microclimate invasionbynon-nativebiota24–26topoorwaterqual- zonation across the islands. A stark windward– ity and high demands on groundwater systems.27,28 leeward contrast across each island provides for an Weidentify threeparticularchallengesfacingtropical additional opportunity to compare vertical ground- hydrology that can be explored on the Galápagos: water systems in wetter and drier environments. The the importance of fog inputs into tropical systems, second natural gradient is a pedohydrologic gradient, the effects of land use change on soil development here defined as changing soil–water interactions and evolution, and the role of pedogenesis on across a chronosequence (islands of different age) hydraulic and hydrochemical fluxes through the soil and climosequence (temperature and precipitation column. We suggest that the identified gradients in variations with elevation). The third gradient is an Galápagos, coupled with the increasing human pres- inter-island, anthropogenic gradient driven by vary- sures, make the archipelago an ideal proxy for not ing land use and land cover change. Although some just tropical and subtropical ocean islands, but for islands are well-preserved and do not even allow the continental tropics as well. The Galápagos as a tourist entry, over 70% of the landscape of San Cris- natural laboratory for earth surface processes has tóbal and almost 50% of Santa Cruz, the two most been discussed previously29 but the existing opportu- populated islands, have been dramatically altered by nities to understand the feedbacks between humans, landusechangeandinvasivespeciessince1987.12 the critical zone, and the water cycle place the (a) (b) (c) Windward slope Windward slope Windward slope 800 800 800 ation above amsl (m) 640000 Importance obf ufdogg etto water vTHeraruynm shiitudiom tnoid 640000 Inctrreaanssifnorg immerp ascpt eocifes treasfnMfpeseacfoctjosirem rosefr 640000 cDoencdruecatisivintsygo ilah ynmddr oiiasntucliurrceeasing UmhLniogokihwns to suKwor,einl v e El 200 200 200 High K, rapid infiltration, Negligible to small impact of Very arid to arid low soil moisture transformer species Sea level Sea level Sea level FIGURE 1 | Conceptualdiagramsillustratingourhypothesesregardingelevation-controlledgradientsacrosstheGalápagos.(a)Withan increaseinelevation,theimportanceoffog-waterinputintothewaterbudgetwillincrease,withalargeproportionofannualwaterinputinthe highlandscomingfromoccultprecipitation.Atthedrycoastalelevationswhichreceivewaterfromconvectiverainfall,theimportanceoffogwater asaninputintothegroundwatersystemdecreasestozero.(b)Asaresultoflandusechangeonthearchipelago,wesuggestthatinvasive(i.e., ‘transformer’)speciesintheGalápagoshaveaffectedthehighlandareasmorethantheyhavethelowlands,largelyduetogreaterwater availabilitywithhigherelevations.11(c)Theincreaseintheamountofwaterinputstothesystemresultsinsoilswithalowerhydraulic conductivityandhighersoil-moistureretentionduetohighconcentrationsofhydratedclaysathighelevations,andhighhydraulicconductivityand lowsoil-moistureretentionatlowelevationsduetothelimitedamountofwaterreceivedalongthecoast,thenatureoftheprecipitationatlow elevations,andthestructuraldifferencesinthesoil. ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREsWater Anaturallaboratorytoexaminesharphydroclimatic,geologicandanthropogenicgradients Galápagos in a unique position beyond its historical islands, the impact of climate on the hydroclimatic importance. gradientscanbeconstrained. The effect of the precipitation–elevation gradi- ent on island-wide recharge and discharge zones in PHYSICAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC the Galápagos has been hypothesized, although suc- VARIABILITY cess in the identification of these zones is varied. A recent review article comparing the hydrology of Hydroclimatic Gradients San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz proposed groundwater Hydroclimatic gradients are significant because they systems that include perched aquifers, impounded affect the spatial and temporal distribution of fresh- dike aquifers, and a low-gradient basal aquifer3 water cycling. The Galápagos Islands, for example, (Figure 3). A helicopter-borne time-domain electro- experience strong gradients in temperature and pre- magnetic sounding equipment (SkyTEM) survey car- cipitation by elevation, and different behavior of pre- ried out on San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz identified cipitation, runoff, and groundwater–surface water units comparable to those in other basaltic systems, interactions in each unique microclimatic zone shown in Figure 3.33,34 Additional evidence for the (Figure 2). In addition to the presence of microcli- hydrogeological units comes from surface water flow mates, the oscillation of the intertropical convergence patterns35,36 and geochemical studies of the ground- zone (ITCZ) results in annually different seasons in water.37 This type of work in the Galápagos may be the archipelago,31 similar to other tropical sites that used as the basis for comparison in other tropical are also influenced by decadal-scale climate anoma- systems with highly fractured bedrock and high pre- lies.32 Because of the small spatial extent of the cipitationrates,includingtheHawaiianislands.3 Same scale 91°W Isla pinta 90°W © Australian National University Isla Base map CAP 12-009 culpepper Very humid zone 1°30'N Isla Isla marchena Humid zone wenman 92°W Transition zone Pacific Ocean Dry zone 0° Arid zone Isla santiago Galapagos Islands Isla santa cruz Isla fernandina Isla Isla santa cruz Isla san Pinzon christobal Puerto Isla santa fe ayora Puerto villamil Puerto Baquerizo 1°S Isla isabela Moreno Main road Isla santa maria 0 50 Isla espanola Kilometers FIGURE 2 | MapofclimatezonesonGalápagos(afterHuttel30)illustratinghowclimatezonesaredistributedbasedonelevationabovesea levelandwinddirection.NotethatseveralvolcanoesonIsabelaandtheprimaryventonFernandinaarecalderas,andthus,havedifferent climatesbecauseofanorographiceffect,wherethehighwallsofthecalderashieldtheinsideofthecaldera.Olderislandswithweathered topographynolongerhavedistinctivecalderas,sotheorographiceffectisfeltacrosstheentireisland. ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. FocusArticle wires.wiley.com/water 800 Santa cruz 800 Windward San cristóbal Windward side of the side of the island island m] 400 m] 400 Elevation [ Well nPoe srcuhrfeadc ea qeuxpifererss swioitnhs Elevation [ Pewrcihthe dsp arqinugifsers Unkonwn extent 0 Fresh water surface ? 0 of freshwaer lens Sea level (0 m) ? Salt water surface Unknown extent of saline intrusion 0 5 10 15 0 5 Distance from coastline [km] Distance from coastline [km] FIGURE 3 | ConceptualmodelsofthehydrogeologyofSantaCruzandSanCristóbal,themosthighlypopulatedislands,basedonSkyTEM surveys,3,31,32geochemicalvalidation,33andourinterpretationofworkbyVioletteetal.29 In addition, because of its location in the cen- larger groundwater–surface water systems through- tral Pacific, changes in the strength and frequency out the tropics. of El Niño events, and the effects that extreme El Niño events can have on areas around the tropical Pacific, can be readily studied in the Galápagos. Anthropogenic Gradients Recent investigations suggest that global climate Land-based tourism destinations such as the Galápa- change will result in higher convective precipitation gos, and many other sites in the tropics, rely on a rates on the islands than that has been observed in healthy natural ecosystem to attract tourists. How- the past,38 whereas other studies argue that climate ever, strong pressures on native species as increasing change is already causing more distinct seasons on demands by the growing native population and tour- the archipelago.39 Climate data from the Galápagos ists can overburden tropical ecosystems. Although will complement previous work on the El Niño globally tourism does not directly use more than 1% Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle completed of global water resources,43 the residual effects of throughout the tropics,31,40 with the added advan- tourism in ecologically sensitive areas, including lar- tage of providing insight into the manifestation of ger native populations to support the tourism indus- the ITCZ.41,42 try44 necessitates the importation of food, potable This information highlights several themes to water, and supplies45 to sustain human demand. be studied in the Galápagos and applied across the Such indirect effects of increased tourism in tropical tropics. First, understanding inputs into the tropical systems can be studied in a spatially constrained sys- water cycle is key to understanding how climate tem like the Galápagos, and the implications can be change may affect surface water and groundwater appliedtoregionsacrossthetropics. storage and volume, and how precipitation regimes PermanenthumancolonizationoftheGalápagos may change in the future. As a first step, we com- Islands first took place in the 1800s.46 Between 1985 piled rainfall isotope data (Figure 4) collected on and 2005, the native population of the islands almost Santa Cruz Island that show a clear seasonal differ- tripled and tourism to the islands exhibited a sixfold ence associated with convective rainfall (January– increase.47 Both increases haveplacedpressure on the June) and fog (June–December). However, these natural systems and infrastructure of the islands, as data highlight our knowledge gaps, as we do not thearchipelagohasbecomeanecotourismhotspotfor yet understand the effects of ENSO or the spatial itsbiologicalsignificance,30naturalbeauty,andundis- variability of precipitation inputs across the archi- turbed nature. Because of the population growth on pelago. In addition, the different microclimates the archipelago, the land use/land cover change is across the Galápagos provide an opportunity to evolving at higher rates than ever before in the Galá- investigate how climate influences the partitioning of pagos, as it has in the rest of the tropics.48 There is surface and shallow subsurface water fluxes into much local concern for the fragile island ecosystem groundwater systems, thus offering proxies for thatisbeingimpactedinbothdirectandindirectways ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREsWater Anaturallaboratorytoexaminesharphydroclimatic,geologicandanthropogenicgradients 0 ‰) –2 O ( 18! –4 d e ht g ei –6 W –8 January February March April May June July August September October November December FIGURE 4 | Thirteen-year(1995-2008)averagedmonthlymeansforδ18Oinprecipitation.Datainthisoriginalfigurearederivedfromthe GlobalNetworkofIsotopesinPrecipitationdatasetatasinglecoastalstationlocated~200M.A.S.L.,SantaCruzIsland,Galápagos.Aseasonal shiftintheδ18Oishypothesizedtorepresentthedifferenttypesofprecipitationcontributingtotheecosystem.BetweenDecemberandMayof non-ElNiñoyears,theislandsaredominatedbyconvectiverainfallevents;betweenJuneandNovember,thelowlandsareextremelydryandthe highlandsexperienceanearlyconstantfog.Notethattherangesofδ18Ovaluesintheprecipitationaresmallerforfoginputsthanforthe convectiverainfallinputs. by the growing permanent and tourist populations, anthropogenicgradientsinmanyways(e.g.,mapping describedas‘themaindriverofchange’ontheislands distinct vegetative zones across the human-inhabited in recent decades.49 Recent work indicates that stake- islands,53 visualizing the spread of the invasive guava holders across different sectors of the economy recog- plantontheinhabited islands viatheuseofhighspa- nize that growing population and increasing tourism tial resolution imagery54). These disturbances all are driving increasing negative pressures on the envi- have direct and indirect impacts on hydrological pro- ronment.50 Because Hawaii and other tropical islands cesses and the partitioning of precipitation into evap- have faced similar challenges,8 the Galápagos can otranspiration,runoff,andgroundwaterrecharge. serve as a testing ground for best practices applied in Research into human impacts on the Galápagos othertropicalislandsystems. has implications for other sites across the tropics Numerous changes to the islands as a result of experiencingincreasesintourismandgrowingperma- humanpopulationgrowthhavebeenstudiedthrough nent populations. The propagation of invasive species on-island surveys of land use change and via remote andthespatialpatternsofanthropogenic degradation sensing.51 One of the current threats to the environ- observed on these islands may reveal patterns that ment identified by surveys include the expansion of provide insight into land use and land cover change built area and infrastructure on the inhabited islands acrossthetropics,aswellashowconservation efforts to accommodate the increase in tourism (Figure 5). mayreversetheeffectsofoveruseofnaturalresources. Theextension ofbuilt area hasnot only ledto degra- Forexample,severalstudieshaveshowntheeffectsof dation of the landscape from construction and from remediationeffortsintheGalápagos,53whereasothers encroachment on native plant habitat but has also haveshownthevalueinactivecontrolofinvasivespe- led to an increase in the energy and fresh water cies.54 Management practices developed in the Galá- demands of the islands. As a result of land use pagos may become models for other ecologically changes, the Galápagos archipelago is severely fragile systems across the globe, especially because affected by invasive species that threaten native flora entire islands remain off-limits to tourists, rather than and fauna.52 Because of the growing human popula- tropical systems like Hawaii or continental land- tion, the importation of food, oil, and water has pro- masses, where humans have left large environmental vided a means for the introduction of these invasive footprints. species. Nearly 1500 new species are known to have been introduced to the Galápagos in the past 40 years, many of which are a direct result of the Pedohydrologic Gradients increased reliance on imported goods.47 Remote sen- Similar to the Hawaiian islands, the Galápagos sing studies have quantified degradation along archipelago formed on a hotspot, resulting in a ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. FocusArticle wires.wiley.com/water 0°35´0˝S 0°35´0˝S 2002 Red = 2014 2014 Green = 2002 Green gaps: revegetated 0°40´0˝S 0°40´0˝S areas between 2014 and 2002 0°45´0˝S 0°45´0˝S Beach erosion 0°50´0˝S 0°50´0˝S Airport 0°55´0˝S 0°55´0˝S Puerto Puerto chino baquerizo Hotel development moreno 1°0´0˝S 1°0´0˝S 89°40´0˝W 89°35´0˝W 89°30´0˝W 89°25´0˝W 89°20´0˝W 89°15´0˝W 89°35´0˝W 89°30´0˝W 89°25´0˝W 89°20´0˝W 89°15´0˝W FIGURE 5 | Preliminarycalculationofthenormalizeddifferencebuilt-upindex(NDBI)fromLandsatimagerycapturedin2002and2014on SanCristóbalIsland.Redindicatesbuilt-up/barrenareasin2002and2014,respectively,andgreeninthe2014imageindicatesrevegetatedareas inthe12-yearspan.NotethatcinderconesandyoungerlavaflowsexistintheNWportionoftheislandthathasanotablebarrenappearancein bothimages.Circlesindicateprincipalareasofchangeofbarren/built-uplandareaovertheintervening12years—suchchangesinNDBIarea resultofincreasedinfrastructuredevelopmentandbeacherosion. chronosequence55,56 in which different islands have site in the tropics of spatially intensive soil moisture well-constrained and different ages over the same observations (e.g., those carried out at the Tarra- bedrock type. Earth scientists have the opportunity warra catchment in Australia61,62 or across the to isolate the influence of soil development (pedogen- Appalachians and Piedmont in the United esis) across different aged bedrock with similar land States63,64). In addition to understanding soil mois- use histories,57 providing an ideal experimental set- ture distribution, the Galápagos provides a proving ting with findings pertinent to many parts of the tro- ground for understanding different island aquifer pics where land use histories are more complex. structures as a result of different eruption and struc- Several notable studies have already shed light on turalhistories.3,65 ‘pedohydrologic’, or soil–water interaction,58 gradi- The limited research on the vadose zone in the ents across different elevations, which can be typified Galápagos leaves many questions still to be resolved, and then used to describe systems beyond the Galá- including how changes in the hydraulic properties of pagosarchipelago. soils across different microclimates affect soil mois- On windward slopes of San Cristóbal (oldest) ture distribution, and whether the variables affecting and Santa Cruz (younger), similar distributions of soil moisture change with elevation. Findings could clays were observed throughout the soil column.59 revealconnectionsbetweenplanttypes,soilmoisture, However, because of the microclimates present and aquifer recharge, as well as providing tropical across different elevations, clays at high elevations hydrologists with the opportunity to test pedotrans- are generally exposed to more meteoric water as a fer functions developed in more temperate cli- result of the fog, which results in swelling of the mates.66,67 On a theoretical level, the Galápagos inter-sheet layers and lower hydraulic conductivity provides an opportunity to study pedogenesis across than soils at lower altitudes.59 On other tropical theaforementionedhydroclimaticgradientsonnearly islands, like Bali,60 researchers found that the overly- homogeneous bedrock. Understanding soil formation ing soil type was an excellent predictor of groundwa- processes, especially with regards to sources of soil ter behavior. The difference in the soil water content material (e.g., atmospheric deposition, chemical across elevations on Galápagos not only has implica- weathering of bedrock) could aid in better under- tions for agricultural practices on the islands but also standing bedrock weathering rates and element provides an excellent opportunity for an analogous depletionacrossarangeofclimates.11,68 ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREsWater Anaturallaboratorytoexaminesharphydroclimatic,geologicandanthropogenicgradients CURRENT CHALLENGES AND variable flow paths within the bedrock. Such studies OPPORTUNITIES have proven useful on Easter Island,87 Tahiti-Nui,88 La Reúnion,65 Gran Canaria,89 and Hawaii.5 Along The Galápagos archipelago provides a unique envi- with implications for understanding groundwater ronment for studying interactions between hydrocli- flow, non-rainfall atmospheric water inputs are a matic, anthropogenic, and geologic gradients within major source of water for plants throughout the tro- a limited spatial extent (Figures 1, 2, and 5). Despite pics and into the mid-latitudes.90–92 There have been the islands’ biological significance, research into the a variety of studies that have used different collectors critical zone between the groundwater and the to understand the amount of water entering a system atmosphere is needed to enhance our understanding as a result of fog,93 which is recognized as a signifi- of how a variety of natural and anthropogenic stres- cant precipitation input into ecosystems in both ses may impact the islands. The following montane forests81,94–98 and arid climates.82,99–101 section outlines several knowledge gaps in Galápagos The Galápagos archipelago offers potential for that, when filled, could provide perspective to issues understanding systems across the tropics for which faced not only in these islands but throughout much fog is an input into the water budget. In addition, oftheunderstudiedtropics.69 the small area of the islands and the well-defined microclimatic zones allows for the design of experi- ments that include high-frequency sampling of Fog as an Input into the Hydrologic precipitation. System Fog is a principal water source in many tropical and subtropical ecosystems,70,71 especially those in high Rooting Depth and Soil Development in topographic positions where soil moisture is low. Stands of Native versus Invasive Species Studying fog and its relationship with the terrestrial Land use and land cover change in the Galápagos is system is paramount to understanding overall water mostly driven by the ever-increasing rate of invasion availability under current conditions, and under by non-native plant species. On San Cristóbal, 71% future conditions of climate change.72 Understanding of the total agricultural area in 1987 was invaded by the importance of fog as an input into the water invasive species by 2006; on Santa Cruz, over 50% budget of the Galápagos will provide insight into not ofagriculturallandhasbeeninvadedbyinvasivespe- only sources of water in the local groundwater sys- cies when no significant patches of invasive plant tem but also to understand the behavior of inputs stands were even recorded in 1987.12 The humid into hydrologic systems across the tropics. The uplands of the Galápagos Islands (>400 m) are par- advantageofworkingwithfogasaninputintoasys- ticularly impacted by invasive plants.53 The most tem’s water budget is that fog is often isotopically threatening of these non-native species are the trees enriched in 2H and 18O compared to rain as a result Psidium guajava (guava) and Cinchona succirubra offractionationprocesses.73–75 (quinine), the shrub Lantana camara, and the grass Despite the importance of fog in the Galápa- Pennisetumun purpureum.102 Guava in particular gos, few studies have sought to understand the input exemplifies characteristics of a ‘transformer species, of fog into the water budget of the islands. One an invasive species that changes character, condition, study compared water inputs at humid high altitudes form or nature of ecosystems over substantial areas and arid low altitudes,76 and the other used isotopes relative to the extent of that ecosystem’103 because it to trace sources of groundwater by elevation.37 The is both drought- and flood-tolerant, grows well in a use of stable isotopes of water as a tracer has been range of soil types and light availability regimes, and successful in tracing sources of groundwater77–79 produces numerous seeds that are dispersed by a and sources of water for ecosystems.80–82 In Hawaii, numberofanimalspecies.54 for example, evidence for highland fog contributing Despite the knowledge of the extent of invasive to perched aquifers that discharge into high elevation plantspeciesinGalápagos12,46,50,53,104,105andacross streams was determined through the use of stable the tropics, the impact of invasive species on rooting isotopes.4 Similar studies have been carried out in depth, soil development, and unsaturated zone fluxes Puerto Rico73,83 and mainland South America.84,85 has not been investigated in many places beyond Because of the complex drainage and perched aqui- recent studies on the island of Maui, Hawaii.106,107 fers in fractured basaltic systems,86 stable isotopic The hydrologic and pedologic implications of inva- analyses of spring water leaving the groundwater sive species remain poorly characterized across many system at varying elevations may provide evidence of tropical and subtropical regions, severely impairing ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. FocusArticle wires.wiley.com/water remediation efforts. Studies of rooting depth in the well-defined precipitation and temperature gradi- southern Florida demonstrated that Melaleuca quin- ents with elevation, and land-cover changes include quenervia, an invasive tree, was more competitive patches of diverse native and invasive species. than the native species due to its ability to develop Because of the stability of three of the five variables rootsinthesoilsurfaceduringsoil-drying periods,its affecting soil formation, the Galápagos provides a capacity to develop a deep root system at an early natural laboratory in which watersheds can be used age, and its effectiveness as a rooter in wet and dry as ‘controls’ and single pedogenetic variables (cli- soils subject to a fluctuating water table.108 Another mate, biota) can be studied at greater depth than in study in the semiarid California coastal shrub previous work. revealed similar competitive capacities of invasive There are very few studies of the Galápagos’ shrubs,astheremovaloftheinvasivespecies resulted soils, but numerous sites across the tropics and in more efficient water utilization by the native humid subtropics have been the focus of previous stands.109Theabilityofinvasiveunderstoryplantsto research. The Hawaiian islands, with the well- change soil functions has been investigated in other constrained chronosequence as one moves from the systems, and soils beneath the exotic plants were southeast (young) to the northwest (old), have been found to have higher pH and higher nitrification studied to understand how geologic age affects nutri- rates than soils below native plants.110 A recent ent cycling and clay development56,68,72 and how meta-analysis suggests that in terrestrial systems sub- precipitation and temperature gradients in the sub- ject to plant invasions, litter decomposition rates are tropics affect soil carbon cycling, nutrient use, and ~117% higher in the exotic species than in co- the success of plant growth.32,55,121 In Australia, the occurring native species, thus having a notable bedrock and climate variables were held ‘constant’ impact on soil nutrient cycling and development.111 and nutrient cycling and isotopic fractionation as a Furthermore, global climate models often lack infor- result of changing biota were described.122,123 In the mation regarding rooting depth and root Amazon, studies of soil change and differences in functioning,112 as do regional primary productivity pedogenesis as a result of human disturbance have models in the tropics which lack spatially distributed been extensively studied, while climate, bedrock, and data.113 A better understanding of plant rooting age of the soils are held constant.124,125 Additional depth in tropical systems and root responses to soil studiesintonutrientcyclingintheAmazonhavebeen water availability could better inform ecohydrologic successful because three of Jenny’s factors of soil for- models of the redistribution of soil water by rooting mation have been held constant.126–128 The Luquillo systems andmakethem morerepresentative ofactual Critical Zone Observatory in Puerto Rico has yielded water balance parameters.114 Measuring rooting many studies on rates of weathering and erosion in a depth across hydroclimatic and land use gradients climatic setting comparable to the highlands of the would be informative of native and invasive vegeta- Galápagos, although the bedrock is less tion dynamics across a range of climatic conditions, uniform.129–132TheworkdoneatLuquillohasimpli- many of which are comparable to other areas in the cations for hypothesized weathering rates and modes tropics. of weathering in the Galápagos, and we suggest that many of the phenomena observed at Luquillo will be seen on the archipelago; we can test this hypothesis Soil Development across Precipitation using a mass balance approach133 to soil elements. Gradients Additional studies on soil gradients in which some of Hans Jenny’s classical work115 on pedogenesis intro- the factors of soil formation are held constant have duced the concept of five soil-formation factors: the been completed in areas undergoing land use change climate, the underlying parent material, the depth of in China134,135 and Hawaii,136 where changes in time over which a soil has developed, the biological nutrient concentrations in soils have long-term effects activity through and above the soil, and the topog- on the success of future generations of native species. raphy upon which a soil develops. Although the Dust inputs as additional parent material for soils Galápagos has not been a site of long-term soils have been studied in California,137 the Atlantic coast research, it is an ideal place to understand how of the Americas,138 and through surveys across the tropical soils develop across the same geologic globe.139–141 The Galápagos archipelago exhibits an setting,116–118 with stable topography on shield ideal combination of stages of soil development and volcanoes,119 and well-constrained bedrock ages,120 precipitation rates across which many gaps in our but under strong hydroclimatic and land-cover gra- understanding of pedogenesis in tropical regions can dients. Climate varies greatly across the islands with befilled. ©2016Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREsWater Anaturallaboratorytoexaminesharphydroclimatic,geologicandanthropogenicgradients CONCLUSION increases.143 Changes in precipitation volume and type can also impact soils by affecting weathering Coupling individual, spatially explicit processes with and erosion rates, influencing the hydration of clay the knowledge of hydrologic processes throughout minerals, and ultimately changing the hydraulic con- the understudied tropics is paramount in advancing ductivity of soils. With changing hydraulic proper- knowledge of tropical hydrology and datasets that ties, current water budget inputs of runoff, can be used as to constrain hydrologic models. There infiltration, and baseflow could change, resulting in are several biome-wide mechanisms known to influ- more variable water resources and greater suscepti- ence water availability in the tropics. Vegetation, for bility to landslides and flooding. Because of the spa- example, is known to moderate climate in the tropics tial variability of climates, biota, and soils on the by cooling the earth’s surface through enhanced Galápagos, we suggest that the islands can serve a latent heat fluxes.142 Furthermore, it is established useful site in concert with Hawaii to investigate the that the hydrology of nonimpacted (near-natural) influence of hydrologic gradients in the tropics, and tropical montane forests is characterized by high can provide valuable insight into how changing cli- rainfall, potential water input by cloud interception mates and growing populations may affect water by plants, low transpiration rates, high streamflow resourcesaroundtheworld. and high rainfall interception rates, all of which could be lowered as forest use intensity by humans ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (awards to M.P. and S.S.), the NSF-sponsored SAVI International CZO Grant (awards to M.P. and S.S.) and the Geological Society of America, 2015 Student Research Grant Program (awards to M.P. and S.S.). 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