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Preview The Gaia-ESO Survey: membership and Initial Mass Function of the Gamma Velorum cluster

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.prisinzano (cid:13)c ESO2016 January26,2016 The Gaia-ESO Survey: membership and Initial Mass Function of the γ Velorum cluster⋆ L.Prisinzano1,F.Damiani1,G.Micela1,R.D.Jeffries2,E.Franciosini3,G.G.Sacco3,A.Frasca4,A.Klutsch4,A. Lanzafame4,5,E.J.Alfaro6,K.Biazzo4,R.Bonito7,A.Bragaglia8,M.Caramazza1,A.Vallenari9,G.Carraro10,M.T. Costado6,E.Flaccomio1,P.Jofre´11,C.Lardo12,L.Monaco13,L.Morbidelli3,N.Mowlavi14,E.Pancino8,S.Randich3, andS.Zaggia9 6 1 INAF-OsservatorioAstronomicodiPalermo,PiazzadelParlamento1,90134,Palermo,Italy 1 e-mail:[email protected] 0 2 AstrophysicsGroup,KeeleUniversity,Keele,StaffordshireST55BG,UnitedKingdom 2 3 INAF-OsservatorioAstrofisicodiArcetri,LargoE.Fermi5,50125,Florence,ItalyFlorence,Italy n 4 INAF-OsservatorioAstrofisicodiCatania,viaS.Sofia78,95123,Catania,Italy a 5 DipartimentodiFisicaeAstronomia,Universita`diCatania,viaS.Sofia78,95123,Catania,Italy J 6 InstitutodeAstrof´ısicadeAndaluc´ıa-CSIC,Apdo.3004,18080Granada,Spain 5 7 Dip.diFisicaeChimica,Universita`diPalermo,P.zzadelParlamento1,I-90134Palermo,Italy 2 8 INAF-OsservatorioAstronomicodiBologna,viaRanzani1,40127,Bologna,Italy 9 INAF-PadovaObservatory,Vicolodell’Osservatorio5,35122Padova,Italy ] 10 EuropeanSouthernObservatory,AlonsodeCordova3107Vitacura,SantiagodeChile,Chile R 11 InstituteofAstronomy,UniversityofCambridge,MadingleyRoad,CambridgeCB30HA,UnitedKingdom S 12 AstrophysicsResearchInstitute,LiverpoolJohnMooresUniversity,146BrownlowHill,LiverpoolL35RF,UnitedKingdom 13 DepartamentodeCienciasFisicas,UniversidadAndresBello,Republica220,Santiago,Chile . h 14 DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofGeneva,51chemindesMaillettes,1290,Versoix,Switzerland p - Received/Accepted o r ABSTRACT t s a Context.Understandingthepropertiesofyoungopenclusters,suchastheInitialMassFunction(IMF),starformationhistoryand [ dynamicevolution,iscrucialtoobtainreliabletheoreticalpredictionsofthemechanismsinvolvedinthestarformationprocess. 1 Aims.Wewanttoobtainalist,ascompleteaspossible,ofconfirmedmembersoftheyoungopenclusterγVelorum,withtheaimof v derivinggeneralclusterpropertiessuchastheIMF. 3 Methods.Weused all availablespectroscopic membership indicators withintheGaia-ESOpublic archive together withliterature 1 photometry andX-raydataand, foreachmethod, wederivedthemostcompletelistofcandidateclustermembers. Then,wecon- 5 sideredphotometry,gravityandradialvelocitiesasnecessaryconditionstoselectasubsampleofcandidateswhosemembershipwas 6 confirmedbyusingthelithiumandHαlinesandX-raysasyouthindicators. Results.Wefound242confirmedand4possibleclustermembersforwhichwederivedmassesusingveryrecentstellarevolutionary 0 models. Thecluster IMFinthemassrangeinvestigated inthisstudyshows aslopeof α = 2.6 0.5for 0.5 < M/M < 1.3and . 1 α=1.1 0.4for0.16<M/M <0.5andisconsistentwithastandardIMF. ± ⊙ 0 Conclus±ions.The similarity⊙of the IMF of the young population around γ2Vel to that inother star forming regions and the field 6 suggestsitmayhaveformedthroughverysimilarprocesses. 1 : Key words.stars:pre-mainsequence –(Galaxy:) open clustersand associations: individual: γ Velorum, stars:formation –stars: v luminosityfunction,massfunction–techniques:radialvelocities–techniques:spectroscopic i X r a 1. Introduction (WC8)componentof 9 2M andanOIIIstarof30 2M (DeMarco&Schmutz∼, 19±99) w⊙hose initial masses wer±e 35⊙ The γ Velorumcluster hosts a populationof 5-10Myr old pre- and31M ,respectively(Eldridge,2009). ∼ mainsequence(PMS)stars,locatedat356 11pc(Jeffriesetal., ⊙ 2009). Due to itsrelativelysmall distance±,itappearsquite dis- DiscoveredinX-raysbyPozzoetal.(2000),theclusterwas persed on the sky. It does not show evidence of ongoing star established thanks to its relatively high spatial stellar density formation and thus it is an ideal target for studies of young aroundγ2 Velorum,withinaregionofaboutonesquaredegree starsinwhichtheaccretionphenomenaalreadyhavealmosten- on the sky. A deep photometricsurveyof this cluster has been tirelyceased(Herna´ndezetal., 2008).Themostmassivemem- obtained by Jeffriesetal. (2009), who also used spectroscopic ber is γ2 Velorum, a binary system formed by a Wolf-Rayet andX-raydatatoidentifythephotometricclustersequence. The γ Velorum cluster was the first observed in the Gaia- ⋆ Based on observations made with the ESO/VLT, at Paranal ESO survey (GES) (Gilmoreetal., 2012), which is a high- Observatory, under program 188.B-3002 (The Gaia-ESO Public resolutionspectroscopicsurveyusingtheFLAMESinstruments SpectroscopicSurvey) (both GIRAFFE and UVES) of the ESO-VLT (Pasquinietal., 1 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster 2002), which aims to obtain a homogeneous overview of the (2014). For our analysis we use only GIRAFFE data while we kinematicandchemicalabundancedistributionsofseveralcom- do not consider UVES data since the sample of stars observed ponents of our Galaxy, including a census of 100 open clus- with UVES is not complete, as required for our analysis. Data ∼ ters (OCs). In particular, the GES observation strategy for the reduction of the GIRAFFE spectra analyzed in this work has OCsistoobservewithGIRAFFEallcandidatemembersfalling beenperformedusing the pipelinedevelopedat theCambridge spatially in the cluster area and within the cluster locus of the Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU) in collaboration with the color-magnitudediagrams(CMD),downtoV=19mag.Theaim KeeleUniversity,aswillbedescribedinLewisetal.(inprepa- of this strategy is to observe an unbiased and inclusive sam- ration). ple of candidate cluster members. This observation strategy is Therewere1242targetsobservedwithGIRAFFEinthefield adoptedtoachievetheGESmaingoalsthataretokinematically of γ Vel, selected on the basis of their positions in the optical characterize the entire populations, and, at the same time, ho- CMDs,butcoveringaverywiderangearoundtheCMDcluster mogeneouslyderivetheirchemicalabundances.Forexample,a locus. Since some targets were observed more than once, the slightlysubsolarmetallicitywasfoundbySpinaetal.(2014)for datasetincludes1802spectra. the γ Velorum cluster. GES data allow also to perform further The stellar parameters used in this work were taken from investigations, for example to derive fundamentalstellar astro- the last data release (gesiDR2iDR3) of the GES official physical parameters and then cluster fundamental parameters, archive at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit (WFAU) of the suchasreddening,age,distanceandmass.Theselatterarecru- Edinburgh University1. In particular we used the RVs from cial to constraincluster formationtheory (star burst events, se- the RecommendedAstroAnalysis table for the 1122 targets for quentialstarformationandagespread),stellarevolutionmodels which the RVs are given and the RVs from the Spectrum ta- andtoderivetheInitialMassFunction(IMF). ble for the 99 targets for which the RVs are not given in the The first goal of this paper is to establish the membership RecommendedAstroAnalysistable.TheRVsfromtheSpectrum of the γ Velorum cluster. Starting from an inclusive sample of tablewereshiftedby-0.13km/stohavetheRVsinthesameref- candidateclustermembers,membershipwillbeconfirmedorre- erencesystem. Intotalwe havea RV valuefor1221objectsof jectedbyusingradialvelocities(RV)andstellarproperties(e.g., theentiresample.TheerrorsontheRVwerecomputedbyusing surface gravity, effective temperature, Li abundance, accretion the RV precisionrecipe givenin Jacksonetal. (2015). In addi- rates,chromosphericactivity,rotation)thatcanbederivedfrom tion, we used the projected rotationalvelocities vsini from the spectralfeaturesfallingintheλλ6440 6815Åspectralrange, Spectrum table, while the equivalent width of the lithium line covered by the GIRAFFE HR15N set-−up. The sample of con- EW(Li), the full width at 10% of the Hα peak (Hα10%), the firmedmembersisusedtoderivetheIMF. chromosphericequivalentwidth of the Hα line and the gravity In a study dedicatedto the dynamicalanalysis of this clus- indexγ (definedinDamianietal.(2014)),weretakenfromthe ter,usingtheverypreciseRVsderivedwithGES,Jeffriesetal. WgRecommendedAstroAnalysistable(Lanzafameetal.,2015). (2014) foundthatthe cluster consists of two distinct kinematic We also used the αc index of chromospheric activity based on populations,referredtoasAandB,withagesofabout10Myr, GES data from Damianietal. (2014). Finally, we used the op- ofwhichpopulationBis,onthebasisofLidepletion,judgedto tical literature photometry and the EPIC-XMM-Newton X-ray be1-2MyrolderthanpopulationA.Sincetheclusterislocated datafromJeffriesetal.(2009). intheregionoftheVelaOB2association(deZeeuw,1999),the Double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2) were identified authors conclude that population A is the remnant of an ini- by examiningthe shape of the cross-correlationfunctionwhile tiallymuchdensercluster,formedinadenserregionoftheVela SB1 were classified on the base of their RV in case of mul- OB2 association, while populationB is more extendedand su- tiple observations (Lanzafameetal., 2015). In particular, the pervirial. WgRecommendedAstroAnalysistableoftheγVelorumfieldin- This scenario is coherent with that found by Saccoetal. cludes23SB1and21SB2stars,respectively. (2015) who studied the RV distribution from GES data of the clusterNGC2547,inthesamedirectionasVelaOB2,andfound 3. Membershipcriteria anadditionalpopulation,kinematicallydistinctfromNGC2547, butconsistentwithpopulationBofγVel(seealsoMapellietal., Wedescribeherealltheadoptedcriteriausedtoselectcandidate 2015). members of the young cluster γ Velorum. The conditions that IncaseoftheγVelorumcluster,itisverylikelythatpopula- we applied are all inclusive to select the maximum number of tionsAandBbelongtothesameparentnebula,and,evenifthe possible members for each method. This implies the inclusion twopopulationsarekinematicallydistinct,theyarealmostindis- ofa significantfractionofcontaminants,but,aswedescribein tinguishableintheCMDandthisimpliestheyhaveverysimilar Sect.4, the final membership is based on the necessary condi- distance and ages. In addition, they share very similar spectro- tions from photometry, gravity, RV, and an age criterium. The scopicproperties,asalreadyshowninJeffriesetal.(2014).For age criterium is based on either Li abundance, stellar activity, the aims of this work, we thus consider the two populationsA or X-ray emission, one of those criteria being sufficient. This andBasasingleyoungpopulation. strategyensurestheselectionofthemaximumnumberofcluster members. 2. Targetsandastrophysicalparameters 3.1. Photometricmembership TheGEStargetsobservedintheγVelorumclusterregionwere selectedasdescribedinJeffriesetal.(2014),followingtheGES As described before, the survey strategy is to select targets in observationalstrategy(Bragagliaetal.,inpreparation). a photometricregionof the CMD larger than that expected for CandidateclustermemberswereobservedwithFLAMESat the cluster age. Then in the following analysis we consider as the VLT using both the GIRAFFE intermediate-resolutionand high-probability photometric cluster members the 579 objects theUVEShigh-resolutionspectrographs.DetailsoftheGESob- servationsoftheγVelorumclusterarereportedinJeffriesetal. 1 http://ges.roe.ac.uk/index.html 2 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster the clusterand field RV distributionsto derivethe RV rangeof clustermembers. A scrupulous analysis to model the RV cluster distribution has been presented in Jeffriesetal. (2014) who considered an unbiasedsampleof208γVelorummembersandcomputed,for each member, the likelihood of having the observed RV. This likelihoodhasbeencomputedbyconvolvinganintrinsicRVdis- tributionwiththemeasurementuncertaintiesandthedistribution ofvelocitiesexpectedforagivenfractionofbinaries.Byusing amaximumlikelihoodfit,ithasbeenshownthattheclusterRV distributionis betterrepresentedif theintrinsicRV distribution ismodeledwithatwo-Gaussianfit,highlightingthepresenceof thetwokinematicpopulationsAandBinthedirectionoftheγ Velorumcluster. Weusedtheclusterprobabilitydensityfunction(PDF)com- puted by Jeffriesetal. (2014)3 to derive the RV range where we can find cluster members. In particular, by computing the PDF area within a given RV range, we fixed the RV limits for the cluster to the values for which the probability to find clus- ter members is smaller than 0.003 (equivalentto 3σ level) for objects with RV outside this range. These limits correspondto [RV ,RV ]=[1.8,36.5]km/s.Thenumberofclustermembers inf sup with RVs within this range is 541 while that with RVs outside thisrangeisexpectedtobe0.3,sothisisthebestcompromiseto Fig.1.Colormagnitudediagramofallthe1242targetsobserved notmissclustermemberseventhoughthisimpliestheinclusion intheγVelorumfield(dots).Emptyredsquaresarethe579pho- ofasignificantfractionofcontaminants.Wearenotconsidering tometric candidate members and black filled circles are X-ray here the possibility/probabilitythat there is a population of bi- detectedobjects.Solidlinesare0.5and20Myrisochronesfrom narysystemswithabroaderRVdistributionandsosomemem- Baraffeetal.(2015).Typicalphotometricerrorbarsarealsoin- berbinariesmaybemissedonthebasisoftheirRV. dicated. In addition, for several aims of this work, we defined also a more conservative cluster RV range corresponding to thatintheVvs.V-Idiagramfallbetweenthe0.5and20Myrthe- a 2σ confidence level. With these conservative RV limits oreticalisochronesfromBaraffeetal.(2015),reddenedbyE(V- [RVi′nf,RVs′up]=[12.3,23.5]km/s we select a less complete (we I)=0.055andA =0.131,atanintrinsicdistancemodulusof7.76 expect to miss about 5 cluster members with RV outside these V (Jeffriesetal.,2009),asshowninFig.1.Tofixtheseagelimits, limits) but less contaminated sample of cluster members that, wewereguidedbythepositionoftheX-raydetectedobjectsin combined with other conditions, allow us to select a fiducial theCMD,sincemostofthemareexpectedtobeclustermembers sampleofalmostcertainclustermembers. (seeSection3.6)andthustracetheclustersequence.Withthese To compute the contaminant fraction, we fitted the field limitsweareconfidentofincludingallpossibleclustermembers RV distribution by using the entire RV data set but discard- butwe areaware ofincludinga largefractionofcontaminants. ing the objects with RVs within the more conservative cluster However,sinceweconsiderothermembershipcriteria,mostof RVrange[RV ,RV ].WemodeledthisfieldRVdistribution i′nf s′up thecontaminantsarediscardedinthefinalselection. with a Gaussian function by using maximum likelihood fitting Veryyoungstarswithcircumstellardiskand/oraccretioncan and we found that the RV mean of the field RV distribution is also be photometrically selected by considering the IR J-H vs. 54.7 1.3km/swithaσ=40.2 0.9km/s. H-KdiagramwheretheylieinthewellknownclassicalTTauri F±igure2showstheRVde±nsitydistributionoftheentiredata star(CTTS)locus,thatisaregionwithIRexcesseswelloutside set comparedto the total PDF obtained by adding the numeric fromthelocusofthemainsequence(MS)orgiantstars.Thisisa Jeffriesetal.(2014)clustermodeltothefieldPDFderivedbyus. wayofincludingadditionalmembers,identifiedbythepresence Thetwodistributionswerenormalizedtothefractionofobjects ofdiscs/accretion.We verifiedthatinthiscluster,only3ofthe usedtoderivethetwodistributions. selected GES targetsfall in the CTTS locus2 and so we do not By using this model, we computed the probability to find considertheIRcolor-colordiagramasausefulmethodtoselect field stars within the cluster [RV ,RV ] range and then the inf sup youngstarsinthiscluster. number of contaminants expected in the cluster region that amounts to 268 objects. We note that the adopted field model doesnotaccuratelydescribeourdataat 0km/sand 30km/s, 3.2. Radialvelocities ∼ ∼ where there is an excess of stars in the observed distribution. The radial velocity membership criterion is based on the as- This excess could be due to some additional structures in the sumptionthatinagivencluster,memberssharesimilarRVsand RV distribution that we do not include in our fit. For example, have a narrowRV distribution.Since our sample of targetshas largeuncertaintiesin the RV measurementsof fastrotatorscan been selected photometrically, we expect to find a fraction of introduceadditionalstructuresintheobserveddistribution.This contaminantfieldstars,havingamuchbroaderRVdistribution, suggestsusthatthenumberofcontaminantscouldbelargerand overlapping with that of the cluster. Our aim is then to model soweconsiderourestimatealowerlimittothetruecontamina- 2 theseobjectsareselectedasclustermemberswiththeothermeth- 3 weappliedashiftof -0.13km/stotheRVsofthemodel tomove odsadoptedinthiswork thevaluestothereferencesystemoftheRVsofourdata 3 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster tion.Basedontheexcessofourdatawith respectto themodel we estimatethatthe numberofmissed contaminatsamountsto about10%. In conclusion, we consider candidate members for RV all the541starswithRVbetween1.8and36.5km/s.Inthissample weincludealso thebinariessincetheRV ofthecentreofmass is supposed to share the cluster RV distribution. Nevertheless, sincethemethodusedtoderiveofficialGESreleasedRVsdoes not ensure that the RV of the binaries is that of the centre of mass, we are aware that some binary members may be missed on the basis of their RV. The same is true for fast rotators for whichtheRVuncertaintiesaretypicallyverylarge.Forthisrea- son,binariesandfastrotatorsareconsideredasaspecialsample in the final cluster memberselection in the sense thatfor them RV membershipis not considered a necessary condition, as is, instead,requiredforsinglestars. 3.3. Lithiumline Inthissection,weassignclustermembershiponthebasisofthe strengthoftheLiI6708Åline,thatisawell-knownageindica- torforyoungstars,suchasthoseexpectedtobefoundintheγ Velorumcluster. As discussedin Jeffriesetal. (2014), theoreti- calisochronesareveryuncertaininpredictingthelithiumdeple- tionpatternandforthisreasonweadoptanempiricalapproach aimed at highlighting the cluster locus in the EW(Li) vs. V-I diagram to fix the most appropriate EW(Li) thresholds for the clustermemberselection.Withthisaimweusedaninitialsam- pleofcandidateclustermembersbasedoncriteriathatarefree fromanybiasduetothelithiumline.Inparticularwedefineda clustermemberfiducialsampleincludingthe235objectsbeing bothphotometricclustermembers(asdefinedinSection3.1)and with RV within the conservative cluster range ([RV ,RV ]) i′nf s′up defined in the previous section. We note that this sample does notincludeonlygenuineclustermemberssincewithinthepho- tometricclusterlocusafractionofcontaminantswithRVwithin the[RV ,RV ]rangeisexpected.Neverthelessthesampleis i′nf s′up stronglydominatedbyclustermembersandcanbeusedtotrace their lithium properties.This sample will be used, as reference for the cluster, also for other membership criteria described in thefollowingsections. Figure3showsEW(Li)vs.V-Icolorwheretheclustermem- ber fiducial sample, selected using only the RVs and the posi- tionontheCMD,ishighlightedinred.Sincethisclusterisnot affected by strong reddening, the V-I colors, at least for clus- termembers,canbeconsideredasagoodproxyforthespectral type (Jeffriesetal., 2009; Damianietal., 2014). We note that, Fig.2. The RV histogram for the entire data set of γ Velorum ingeneral,mostofthecandidateclustermembershaveEW(Li) cluster showing the entire RV range (upper panel) and a zoom largerthan200mÅ,withatrenddependingonthespectraltype, oftheclusterrange(bottompanel)comparedwiththetotalPDF asexpectedfromtheyoungagesoftheseobjects.Nevertheless, (solid line) obtained by adding the Jeffriesetal. (2014) cluster candidateclustermemberswithcolorsintherange2.5.V-I.3, model to the field PDF performed by us (thick dashed line). correspondingtostarsofspectraltypeM3andM4,couldhavea Vertical dotted lines delimits the [RV ,RV ] range used to inf sup muchweakerlineandappeartohavebeguntodepletetheirLi. selectRVclustermembercandidates. Weusetheclustermemberfiducialsampletoempiricallyde- finetheclusterlocusinthisdiagramandtodistinguishtheclus- ter populationfrom the field stars. Since the EW(Li) of cluster we assume that the EW(Li) of the candidate cluster members membersshowsapatternthatdependsoncolor,wedefinefour aredrawnfromanintrinsicGaussiandistributionthatisbroad- V-Iranges([1.0-1.5],[1.5-2.0],[2.0-2.5]and[3.0-3.5])wherethe enedbyuncertaintiesonthe EW(Li).Foreach colorrange,the EW(Li)distributionofcandidateclustermembersis wellsepa- clustermemberfiducialsampleincludesfewcontaminantswith rated from that of the field stars. This is not the case for the weaklithiumthatlikelybelongtothefieldpopulation,soactu- bin 2.5<V-I<3.0,whichis treated separatelysince in this color allywearedealingwithtwopopulations.Thereforewemodeled range, the EW(Li) of cluster members cannot easily be distin- the EW(Li) distribution of the cluster member fiducial sample guishedfromthoseoffieldstars.Foreachofthesecolorranges, withtwoGaussiancomponents,oneforthecluster(L )andone C 4 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster Table1.ParametersderivedwiththemaximumlikelihoodfittingfortheEW(Li)PDFs.Column1indicatesthecolorrange,cols.2 and3indicatethemeanandsigmaoftheclusterPDF,cols.4and5givethemeanandsigmaofthefieldPDFwhilecol.6givesthe fractionoffieldstarswithrespecttothetotalsample.Finally,col.7givestheadoptedEW(Li)threshold. V-I <EW(Li)Cl > σ <EW(Li)F > σ NF EW(Li) EW(Li)Cl EW(Li)Cl NTot min [mÅ] [mÅ] [mÅ] [mÅ] [mÅ] 1.0<V-I<1.5 422.0 38.1 27.9 18.2 0.9 100.7 1.5<V-I<2.0 487.7 45.1 32.0 19.7 0.9 110.9 2.0<V-I<2.5 451.4 58.8 45.0 31.7 0.7 171.7 3.0<V-I<3.5 555.8 68.1 53.3 27.3 0.2 162.3 Fig.3.TheEW(Li)asafunctionofthecolorV-Iforalltargets Fig.4.ComparisonbetweentheEW(Li)distributionsofallob- observed in the γ Velorum region. Red empty squares are the served targetsfalling in the selected V-I rangesand the best fit fiducial candidate cluster members selected from their RV and modelsderivedas describedin the text.Dashed verticalline in thepositionontheCMD. each panel indicates the threshold that has been used to select clustermembers. for the field (L ) to take account of the small fraction of con- F taminants,andfittedthe distributionforeachcolorrangeusing wecomputedtheprobabilitytofindcontaminantswithEW(Li) a maximum likelihood technique. In this step, we are only in- largerthanthesethresholds(givenincolumn7ofTable1),and terested in the parameters of the cluster (L ), that are given in then the number of contaminants that is < 0.01. Accordingly, C columns2and3ofTable1. withthesethresholds,allpossibleclustermembersareexpected tobeincluded. Next, we considered all the targets of the entire dataset for which an EW(Li) value has been released and falling in these A different approach has been adopted to derive the mem- colorranges.Withthemaximumlikelihoodtechnique,wefitted bership from the lithium line in the color range V-I=[2.5-3.0]. again the sum of the two PDFs, but in this step, we fixed the Figure3clearlyshowsthat,thefractionofLi-poorfiducialclus- GaussianparametersoftheclusterL tothevaluesderivedinthe ter members (EW(Li).100mÅ) with respect to the number of C firststep.ThecentersandthewidthsoftheEW(Li)distribution all observed Li-poor targets (21/50=0.42) in this color range, offieldstarsforeachcolorrange,andthefractionofobjectsthat is relatively large. It is significantly higher than the same frac- belong to the field population, derived in this second step, are tions in the other color ranges, where we find 13/325=0.04, givenincolumn4,5and6ofTable1. 3/313=0.01and4/83=0.05,intheV-Iranges[1.0-1.5],[1.5-2.0] Figure4shows,foreachcolorrange,thecomparisonofthe and[2.0-2.5],respectively. observedEW(Li)distributionsfromthe entiredataset,with the This suggests that a large fraction of the candidate cluster best fit models derived as described previously. We used these members with very weak lithium and 2.5<V-I<3.0 are actu- modelsto derivethe best thresholdof the EW(Li) to select the allyclustermembers.Onlyasmallfractionofcandidatecluster maximum number of cluster members whilst minimising the members,accordingtotheirRV,belongtothefieldstarpopula- numberof contaminants.For each color range,we define clus- tion. termembersasthosewithEW(Li)>4σfromthemeanEW(Li) Toestimatethenumberofexpectedclustermembersamong of the field PDF L (EW(Li) ). By using the field PDF L , the21Li-poorcandidatesselectedfortheirRV,weneedtoesti- F min F 5 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster matethenumberofexpectedcontaminants.Wehypothesizethat outsidetherange2.5<V-I<3,alltheLi-poorstarsareunassoci- atedwiththecluster.Wefurtherassumethattheseobjectshave a similar RV distribution to any contaminating field star with 2.5 <V-I< 3.We findthatthenumberofLi-poorstars(consid- ered as contaminants) with 1.0 <V-I< 2.5 selected within the clustermemberfiducialsampleis20(13+3+4)andthenumber of all observed Li-poor targets in the same color range is 721 (325+313+83).ThenthenumberofLi-poortargetsnotincluded in the clustermemberfiducialsample is 721-20=701.Thusthe ratio between the contaminants in the cluster member fiducial sampleandthoseoutsidetheclustermemberfiducialsampleis 20/701=0.028. If we assume the same ratio in the 2.5<V-I<3 range,thenthe numberofexpectedcontaminantsinthecluster member fiducial sample is 0.028*(50-21)=0.83 1. Therefore, ≃ thenumberofexpectedLi-poorclustermembersis21-1=20.For thisreason,wecannotruleoutthatLi-poortargetsinthiscolor rangeareclustermembers.Sincewecannotindividuallyassign theirmembershipbasedontheLiline,weconsiderthemasun- definedaccordingtoLi,leavingthemthechancetobeselected asclustermemberswithothermembershipcriteria. Finally,forV-I<1,wheremostofG-typestarsareexpected to be found, the strength of the lithium line is not a sensitive ageindicatoranymoresincethesestarsdodepletelithiumonthe Fig.5.TheEW(Li)asafunctionofthecolorV-Iforalltargets ZeroAgeMainSequence(Sestitoetal.,2003).Forthisreason, observedintheγVelorumregion.Redemptycirclesarecandi- in this color range, we consider as undefined according to the dateclustermembersselectedfortheLilinecriterion,whereas Li the 14 objects with EW(Li)> 100mÅ, while the remaining bluecrossesarethe64objectswhichareleftundefinedaccord- 154areconsiderednonmembers.Wedonotconsiderthe4stars ingtotheLitest. with3.5<V-I<5andEW(Li)<200mÅasclustermembers,since inthiscolorrangetheyareexpectedtohaveEW(Li)>200mÅ. Afterthisselectionwehave225objectswithEW(Li)larger thanthethresholdchosenineachcolorrange,thatareconsidered from the gas motion that implies a strong enhancement of the clustermembersaccordingtotheLitest,897nonmembersand gas temperature due to the shock produced when the circum- 120objectsthatareundefinedaccordingtoLi.Thelastsample stellar material, driven by the magnetic field lines, impacts on includesthe56objectsforwhichtheEW(Li)hasnotbeenmea- the stellar surface. In some case, also a depression is observed sured, the 50 objects with EW(Li)<100mÅ and 2.5<V-I<3.0, intheredwardwing,thatisasignatureofaninfallingenvelope andthe14starswithV-I<1andEW(Li)>100mÅ. (Bertoutetal.,1996). Figure5 showstheEW(Li) distributionasa functionofthe A detailed study of the properties of the Hα emission pro- V-I colors, where the sample of candidate cluster members se- files for the spectra observed within the Gaia-ESO survey has lectedwiththeLilineishighlighted. beenpresentedinTravenetal.(2015).Theiranalysishighlights For binary stars it is sufficient that one of the two compo- severalmorphologictypesoftheHαemissionincludingthein- nents has an EW(Li) larger than the adopted threshold to con- trinsicemissionandthenebularcontribution. sider it as a young star. However, in the case of candidate bi- Withanageof5-10Myr(Jeffriesetal.,2009),theγVelorum naries, both SB1 and SB2, it is not possible to disentangle the clustercouldhostyoungstarswithaccretion,outflowsorchro- continuumofthetwocomponents.Inaddition,inthecaseofun- mosphericactivity.TheHαemissionpropertiesfromGESspec- resolvedSB2binariesnoteventhetwolinescanbedisentangled. tra for a sample of selected members of the γ Velorum cluster ThisimpliesthatthemeasuredEW(Li)canbeoverestimatedor havebeenextensivelystudiedbyFrascaetal.(2015)whoclassi- underestimated.Nevertheless,weconsideredthebinarystarsas fiedaccretorstarsbyusingthefullwidthat10%oftheHαpeak singlestars,withtheriskofmissingclustermembersand/orin- (Hα10%). In addition, they studied chromospheric activity by cluding some contaminants, This is consistent with our choice using the net Hα equivalentwidth derived with a spectral sub- tobeinclusiveintheselectionofcandidatememberswitheach traction method (Frasca&Catalano, 1994). This measurement criteriontakenseparately. is based on the removal of the photospheric flux to obtain the chromospheric emission of the line core. Their analysis is re- stricted to the sample of 137 γ Velorum members selected as 3.4. Hαline inJeffriesetal.(2014)withGESspectrahavingsignaltonoise Spectra of young stars can show the Hα line in emission for ratio(S/N)>20. severalphysicalreasons, such as chromosphericactivity or ac- Based on the previously mentioned properties, the Hα line cretionofcircumstellarmaterialtowardsthestar.Thislastpro- shape can be used as a membershipcriterionsince it allows us cess can also be associated with outflowsfrom the centralstar. to distinguish accretorsand youngactive stars from non-active However, while chromospheric activity affects the core of the olderstars. line by filling it and possibly emerging as a narrow Hα emis- Inthefollowingsectionswedescribe,startingfromtheentire sion line, accretionand outflow processesaffectthe line wings GES data set in the γ Velorum field, how we selected spectra causingasignificantbroadening.TheHαlinebroadeningarises with verybroadenedHαlines, typicalof accretors,andspectra 6 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster with narrow Hα emission line, characteristic of chromospheric activity. 3.4.1. Accretorselection Young stars with accretion are usually selected as objects with a Hα10% width > 270km/s (Muzerolleetal., 2000; White&Basri,2003;Frascaetal.,2015).Byapplyingthiscon- ditiontotheentiresetofGESdataintheγVelorumcluster,we select26objects.However,sincemostofthetargetsobservedin theγVelorumfieldareM-typestarsandalargefractionofthem arealsofastrotators,wecheckedifthebroadeningobservedin theHαlineoccursalsointheotherspectrallines,ratherthanin theHαlineonly,asexpectedincaseofaccretion. To this aim, we estimated the line spectral broadeningdue torotationfromtheFWHMofarotational(notlimb-darkened) lineprofile,i.e. √3vsiniλ ∆λ =2 0 (1) Rot × 2 c where λ is the rest wavelength and vsin i is the projected 0 rotationalvelocity. Fig.6.FWHMofthelinespectralbroadeningduetorotationas Figure6 shows the ∆λ as a function of the Hα10%. It afunctionoftheHα10%.Emptysquaresindicateobjectsclas- Rot is evident that for a subsample of stars with large Hα10% sified hereasaccretors,whilecrossesindicatethe accretorsse- (>200km/s),∆λ iscorrelatedtotheHα10%andsoforthese lectedbyFrascaetal.(2015). Rot objects the observed broadening of the Hα line is likely due to the fast rotationratherthan to accretion.These objectswere Table 2. Revised candidate accretor list in Gamma Velorum not considered accretors. On the contrary, the stars with high Column 1 is the CNAME; column 2 is the FW at 10% of the Hα10%butlow∆λ areconsideredherecertainaccretors. Rot Hαpeak,column3istheresultobtainedinthiswork,column4 In conclusion, we selected as accretors those with Hα10% istheresultobtainedbyFrascaetal.2015(FBL15). largerthan270km/sand∆λ smallerthanthelimit(arbitrary Rot chosen)tracedbythedashedline(∆λ <0.22 Hα10% 10). Rot Star FW10% accr.flag result × − Withtheseconditions,weselected8youngstars. km/s thiswork FBL15 WecomparedourresultswiththoseobtainedbyFrascaetal. 08065672-4712133 404.8 20.2 Yes No ± (2015)andwefoundthat4ofthe8starsclassifiedhereasaccre- 08075546-4707460 308.4 5.9 Yes-PCyg No ± torswere also classified by Frascaetal. (2015). The remaining 08082236-4710596 510.1 10.7 Yes No ± 08083838-4728187 377.0 10.1 No Yes 4accretorswerenotclassifiedbyFrascaetal.(2015)since3of ± 08085661-4730350 420.4 10.6 Yes No themwerenotincludedin theirsampleandinanothercase the ± 08094046-4728324 469.9 12.3 No Yes iDR1Hα10%-10valueusedbyFrascaetal.(2015)was196.5, ± 08100280-4736372 369.9 7.7 Yes Yes i.e.smallerthanthelimitadoptedtoselectaccretors. ± 08103074-4726219 268.5 8.2 Yes Yes ± Finally,thereare4accretors(CNAME=08083838-4728187, 08104649-4742216 334.8 9.5 Yes Yes ± 08094046-4728324, 08104993-4707477 and 08085661- 08104993-4707477 351.4 6.6 No Yes ± 4730350)classifiedbyFrascaetal.(2015)thatwerediscarded 08105600-4740069 385.0 7.9 Yes Yes ± by us, since their Hα10% values are strongly correlated with 08110328-4716357 409.7 8.3 No Yes ± theexpectedrotationalbroadeningandwesuspectthatforthese objects the Hα line broadening is more related to fast rotation ratherthanaccretion. 3.4.2. Activestarselection Sincespectracanbevariable,especiallyincaseofaccretion, forstarsobservedmorethanonce,wevisuallyinspectedtheHα Evenwithoutaccretionactivity,youngstarswithouterconvec- line morphologyusing the single acquiredspectra foreach tar- tion zones would usually be expected to show narrow Hα as a get. resultofmagnetically-inducedchromosphericactivitythatisul- We found that both spectra of the star J08075546-4707460 timatelyduetotheirrelativelyfastrotation.Angularmomentum show a P-Cygni profile, with variable intensity in both emis- loss and spin-down then lead to the fading of chromospheric sion and absorption components. In addition, the two compo- activity with age, but on a mass-dependent timescale - whilst nentsarecorrelatedinthesensethatwhentheemissionintensity solar-typestars willcease to displayHαemission ontimescale decreases,alsotheabsorptiondecreases. of 100Myr,therecanbeHαemissioninlowermassM-dwarfs ∼ Inconclusion,wehave8starsclassifiedasaccretors,includ- evenatagesof1Gyrandbeyond(Bochanskietal.,2007).Thus ingonestarwithaPCygniHαprofile.Thesetargetsarelistedin narrowHαemissionlinescanbeusedasamass-dependentindi- Table2, where the objects classified by Frascaetal. (2015) are catorofayouthfulstatusandthusasaconditiontoassigncluster alsoindicated. membershipincombinationwithothercriteria. 7 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster As in Frascaetal. (2015), to define active stars we consid- ered the net Hα equivalent width (EWHaChr) values from the GES recommended parameters, available for 205 of the entire sampleofobservedstars. Inaddition,weusedtheα indexde- c rived by Damianietal. (2014) that measures the Hα core (2 Å fromthelinecenter)bothincasesofemissionandabsorption.It hasbeenmeasuredfor1153starsofoursample. Figure7 shows the chromospheric EW(Hα) as a function of the α index (upper panel) and the α index as a func- c c tion of the V-I color (lower panel). It is evident that, for Log (EW(Hα )) >-0.5, the chromospheric EW(Hα) is well cor- Chr related to the α index (upper panel). In addition, most of the c cluster membersshow a characteristic trend for high α values c as a function of V-I (lower panel), that describes the chromo- spheric emission dependence on spectral type (Damianietal., 2014). Objectswith Hαabsorptionline havelow α valuesac- c cordingtotheα indexdefinition. c Since the α values are given for almost the entire sample c ofGESobservedtargets,weusedthisindextoselectstarswith chromosphericactivity. In particular,by following the trend of theα indexoftheRVcandidateclustermembers,wedefineas c activestarsthe242objectswithV-I>0.8andLogα >0.13(V c − I) 0.25(dashedline)selectedfromspectrawithS/N>15. − The selected stars correspond to objects with Log EW(Hα ) >-0.5 that can also be considered as a threshold Chr to select confirmed active stars. We discard objects with Log EW(Hα ) <-0.5 since they show very small chromospheric Chr activityandtheEW(Hα )isaffectedbylargeerrors. Chr We added to the sample of selected active members the 4 objects with Log (EW(Hα )) >-0.5 that were not selected in Chr thepreviousstepsincetheirα indexisslightlysmallerthanthe c threshold we adopted. In total we selected 246 candidate clus- ter membersonthe basisof theirchromosphericactivity,10of whichwerealreadyselectedasaccretors. 3.5. Candidatemembersfromgravity The γ index, defined using strongly gravity-sensitive lines (Damianietal., 2014), is an efficient gravity indicator and al- lows a clear separation between the low gravity giants and the higher gravity MS and PMS stars, starting from early G-type stars. Even if with a lower confidence level, this index allows alsotodistinguishMSfromPMSstars.Fig.8showstheγindex asafunctionoftheV-Icolorforthe1043objectsforwhichthe index has been released with the GESiDR2iDR3. Objects with γ & 1 are giant stars, while those in the bottom region of the plotare MS and PMS stars. By using the cluster member fidu- Fig.7. Upper panel shows the EW(Hα) as a function of the Chr cialsampleweseethatmostofthem,expectedtobePMSstars, α index while lower panel shows the Log α index as a func- c c haveγindexvaluesintheupperenvelopeoftheregionofhigh tionoftheV-Icolor(dots).Emptysquaresaretheobjectsfrom gravityobjects(γ . 1),while MSstarslie in thelowerpartof the cluster members fiducial sample and triangles indicate the thesameenvelope. objectsselectedasaccretors.Filledcirclesaretheactivecandi- We note that this sample does not include the fast rotator datemembersselectedonthebasisoftheα index,whileasterix c stars(vsini>30km/s)forwhichtheγindexvaluecanbealtered symbolsarethoseselectedonthebasisoftheEW(Hα) .The Chr bythelargelinewidths(Damianietal.,2014). dashedlineindicatesthelowerlimitusedfortheselectionwith Based on the γ index, we consider high-probabilitycluster theα index. c non membersthe candidategiants, i.e. all the 592 objects with γ > 1.0 and V-I>1.2, as indicated by the dashed lines in the Figure. These objects correspond to stars with logg. 3.2 and Teff . 5600K.ByusingtheSiessetal.(2000)models,wefind Weareawarethatbyadoptingthearbitrarylimitγ=1.0,we that PMS stars with T< 5200K, older than 1Myr have logg areincludinga smallfractionof candidategiantswith γ . 1.0 alwaysgreaterthan 3.2,andthereforeweareconfidentthatthe in our sample of candidate cluster members. This choise is in ∼ objectswearediscardingarenotPMSstars.Weconsiderallthe agreement with our strategy of being inclusive of all possible remaining648objectsaspotentialcandidateclustermembers. candidateclustermembers. 8 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster Unfortunately,theXMM-Newtonobservationscoverafield of view of about30 arcminin diameter,whereonly 307of the GEStargetsfall.Ofthem,only106haveanX-raycounterpartin theJeffriesetal.(2009)catalog.Tothese106sourcesweadded a further4 targets(CNAME: J08092860-4720178,J08093332- 4718502, J08093364-4722285, J08093920-4721387) not in- cludedintheJeffriesetal.(2009)X-raycatalog,despitehaving aclearX-raycounterpartfromvisualinspectionoftheavailable publicEPIC-XMMobservationsofthisfield. In addition, there are 5 X-ray undetected optical sources (CNAME: J08092576-4730559, J08093321-4722596, J08094171-4726420, J08094519-4719061, J08103074- 4726219) in the Jeffriesetal. (2009) catalog which have anambiguousX-rayidentification,beingclosetointenseX-ray sources or located in region with very high background.As in theJeffriesetal.(2009)catalog,weleavetheseobjectsasX-ray undetectedandthenwedonotconsiderthemasX-raycandidate members. Figure9 shows the spatial distribution and the CMD of the 307 targets observed with GES falling in the EPIC XMM- Newtonfieldofview(FOV)andthe110X-raydetections.The CMDshowsthatmostoftheX-raydetectedGEStargetsfollow the cluster region between the 1 and 10Myr isochrones, while theX-rayundetectedtargetsareoutsidetheclusterregion. Fig.8. Gravity index γ as a function of the V-I color (dots). Emptysquaresarethecandidateclustermembersselectedfrom theirRVandthepositionontheCMDandfilledcirclesareob- 4. Finallist ofmembers jects selected as candidate members from gravity. The dashed Themembershipmethodsweconsideredinthisworkarebased lineindicatesthelimitusedrejectinggiants. on the spectroscopy obtained with the GES data, i.e. the RVs, the Li and Hα lines, and the gravity index, and on photometry from the literature, i.e. the position of candidates in the CMD Thislastsampleincludesthe451starsthatareMSorPMS andtheX-raydetections.Inthisworkwedonotconsiderproper stars and the 199 objects for which the gravity index is unde- motions since available data are limited to bright stars and do fined and for which membership can be assigned by using the not help our analysis. In addition, we note that the S/N limits other methods. We note that with a low confidence level, MS adopted to define the membershipcriteria are not the same for couldbedistinguishedbyPMSstarsbutweadopttheinclusive allthemethods. approachtoincludeinoursampleofcandidateclustermembers Asdiscussed previously,the activity indexαc is derivedby evenobjectsthatareMSstars. measuringtheHαlinecore,whileaccretorsaredefinedbymea- suringthelineHα10%.Thisimpliesthatingeneralthesample ofactivestarsincludestheaccretors,atleastwhentheα index c 3.6. X-raydetection isdefined,andthuswedid notconsiderheretheaccretionas a further membership criterion. We are left with at most 6 inde- X-rayemissionisafurtherusefulcriteriontoselectclustermem- pendentcriteria. bers in a young cluster. Stellar objects younger than 108 yrs, We consideredthe gravity index and the photometriccrite- such as those expected to belong to the γ Velorum cluster, are rion as necessary conditionsfor cluster membership.A further characterizedbyX-rayfluxessignificantlylargerthanthoseob- necessaryrequirementforclustermembershipisthedynamical served in older stars of the same spectral type. In particular,in conditionbasedontheRVs,exceptforstarsidentifiedasbinaries the 0.5-8.0keV range,the X-rayluminosityfunctionspansthe andfastrotators(vsini> 50km/s).Indeed,theRVsoftheseob- range between 28 < logL [erg/s] < 32, while old solar like X jectscanbeaffectedbythepresenceofdoublelineseries(SB2) stars show values 26 < logL [erg/s] < 27 (Favata&Micela, X orbytheRVofoneofthetwostellarcomponents(SB1).Inthe 2003;Feigelsonetal., 2007).Thispropertyallowsustodistin- case of late type fast rotators, the RVs are strongly affectedby guish in a very efficient way, members in young clusters from thesimultaneouspresenceofmolecularbandsandbroadeningof fieldstarsexpectedtobetypicallyolderandfainterintheX-ray thespectrallinesduetotherotation.Thus,eveninthesecases, band.TheX-raydatacanbeusedhereasamembershipcriterion theRVscanbeaffectedbyverylargeerrorsandcannotbeused independentfromthespectroscopicmethodsdiscussedbefore. asanecessaryconditiontoselectclustermembers. We used here the X-ray catalog compiled in Jeffriesetal. The other criteria, i.e. the EW(Li), the activity index from (2009) obtained by using two EPIC-XMM-Newton observa- the H line and the X-ray emission are age indicators and are α tionsperformedin2001.Ofthe276individualsourcesdetected usedheretoconfirmthemembership4. consideringthe two observations,260(255plusadditionalfive In summary,to define confirmedmembers we requiredthat sourceswithopticalcounterpartswithflaggedphotometry)have allthefollowingconditionsmustbefulfilled:(a)theyaremem- been found in Jeffriesetal. (2009) to have an optical counter- bers based on their gravity and photometry;(b) they are mem- partwithin6arcsec,withaverylowfractionofexpectedspuri- ousmatchesinthe PMSregionoftheCMD wheremostofthe 4 This choice automatically excludes any unidentified short period clustermembersareexpectedtobefound. binarieswithRVsoutsidetheclusterRVrange. 9 L.Prisinzanoetal.:GES:MembershipandIMFoftheγVelorumcluster Table 3. Number of objects for which we have a member- ship indication and number of candidate cluster members for each method (G=Gravity, P=Photometry, RV=radial velocities, Li=Lithium,A=chromosphericactivity,X=X-ray). Method #info #candidates G 1043 451 P 1242 579 RV 1221 541 Li 1122 225 A 1176 261 Xa 307 110 Notes. (a)onlyintheEPIC-XMMFOV window in V-I where Li-depleted M-dwarfs are found), but is lesseffectiveforG-typestars.Ontheotherhand,therapidspin- downofG-typestarsmeansthatX-rayactivityisamoreeffec- tiveyouthindicatorinG-andK-typestars,butlesseffectivefor M-typestarswiththeirlongerspin-downandactivitytimescales (e.g.seediscussioninJeffries,2014). We also note that the three age indicators have a different sensitivity to the stellar ages. In fact, depending on the stel- lar mass, the lithium depletion starts within few million years, and then very high EW(Li) values allow us to distinguish very youngstars.TheX-rayemissionandthechromosphericactivity arealsodecreasingasafunctionofstellaragesbutwithlonger timescaleandareveryefficienttoselectlowmassstarsyounger thanafew100Myr,whiletheEW(Li)methodismoreefficient inselectingstarswithagessmallerthan 10Myr. ∼ We stress that condition (c) ensure us to include also Li- depletedmemberswiththeveryunlikeyrisktoincludeuniden- tifiedfieldshortperiodbinariesatthesameclusterdistanceand withRVconsistentwiththatofthecluster. We note that we have optical photometric membership in- formation for the entire data set of 1242 stars, while the other criteria can be applied only to subsamples. Table3 shows the number of objects for which each method can be applied and the corresponding number of members by that method. In the caseofX-raydetections,thenumberofstarsforwhichwehave a membershipindication is the total number of opticalsources fallingintheEPIC-XMMFOV. We started the selection by considering only the sample of the 312 candidates for which both the photometry and gravity suggest membership5. Among these we considered confirmed Fig.9. Spatial distribution (panel a) and CMD (panel b) of all members the 227 objects with RV compatible with the cluster GEStargets(dots).Filledlargecirclesareallthetargetswithin andatleastoneofthethreeageindicatorsconsistentwithyoung theEPICXMM-NewtonFOV,whileXsymbolsaretheGEStar- stars.Totheseweadded15starsclassifiedasbinariesforwhich getswithanX-raycounterpart.Solidlinesarethe1and10Myr theRVhasnotbeenconsideredbutthataremembersbyatleast isochronesbyBaraffeetal.(2015). for one of the three age indicators. In total we have 242 con- firmedmembers.Thissampleincludes28fastrotatorswithRV compatiblewiththatofthecluster.Inaddition,wedefinedpos- bersforRV;thisconditionisnotappliedtobinariesand/orfast siblemembersthe4fastrotators(vsini>50km/s)thataremem- rotators;(c)theyareyoungi.e.theyaremembersbasedontheir bersaccordingtoLiorH orX-rays,butforwhichtheRVisout α Li or Hα index or X-ray emission. The conditions (a) and (b) of the cluster RV range. As already stressed, for these objects are inclusive of all possible candidates but have the disadvan- the RVs can be unreliable due to the simultaneous presence of tageofalsoincludingafractionofcontaminants.Howeverwith molecularbandsandlinerotationalbroadening.Alltheremain- the condition(c) we are confidentof cuttingthe contamination ingobjectsareconsiderednonmembers. very significantly. The three youth indicators are sensitive in a Table4 summarizes,forthe sample ofconfirmedmembers, differentwaytothespectraltypesand,insomesense,arecom- thesixcriteriausedandthenumberofcasesthatwefindforeach plementary,andthentheyareusedindependentlytoensurethe combination. coverageoftheentirespectraltyperange,especiallywherethe contamination is worst. In fact, the Li indicator is most sensi- 5 ForspectrawithS/N<15weconsideredonlythephotometriccon- tivetoageintheK-andM-typeobjects(apartfromthenarrow dition,sincethegravityindexinthesecasesispoorlydefined. 10

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