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U.S$.2 6.95 Canad$a4 0.50 distingupirsohfeedso sfo r thUen ivetyr osfSi outhern CalifoMranrisah'asl l TheF utuorfLe e ardsehpirpe senntisn eteen SchoooflB usineissts h,e origicnhaalp tefrrso ma stelglarro uopf authoofnr i netbeoeonk s, scholaarnsd e xperts-inclBuedninnigs inclutdhibene gs t-selling himself-rwehpor estehnlete aditnhgi nkers Leade(wrisBt uhr Nta nus) inm anagemetnotd aaysw, e lalss omeo ft he andO nB ecomiaLn ega der. newesutp -and-colmeiandgeT rhsis.se minal workr eveatlhse icro llecwtiisvdeo amn d candsipde culaatbioounttsh feu tuorfle e ad­ isa ssistparnotf essor at ershainpdt hnee we conomNyo.o thebro ok theU niverosfi ty availaobnlt eh et opiocf fetrhsec aliboefr SoutheCranl ifornia's contribuatnodr s trhaen geof t hinking MarshSaclhlo oofl includheedr eL.e adersehxippe rstusc ha s Busineasnsda f aculty CharlHeasn dTyo,m P eterEsd,w arLda wlr,e � affiloifba otteth h e JimK ouzeasn,d B arrPyo snears,w elals ( CentfeorEr f fective younSgi licVoanl leenyt reprenperuersse,n t , · Organizaatnidtoh n se theivra luabilnes igihnttsto h ec hallenges LeadersIhnispt itute. leadearrsel iketlofy a caes t hen ewm illen­ niuumn folTdhse.ey x amiannea rraoyft ime­ lyq uestiaobnosul te aderssuhciahps W:h y ist hceh aiorft he dow e tolerbaatdle e adeWrhsy?i sl eader­ Departmoefn t shiepv eryonbeu'ssi neHsosw?w ilelt hics ManagemeanntdO rgan­ plaiyn tnoe wl eadersAhnidhp o?w d oetsh e izataitot nh eU niversity newe conomiyn fluelnecaed ership? ofS outheCranl ifornia ande xecutdiivree cotfo r Whethienrt hep rivaotrpe u blsiecc tboort,h theL eadersIhnispt itute. newa nds easoneexde cutiavnedas d minis­ Hei sa ssocieadtieto ofr tratwoirlsfl i ntdh isst imulabtoiontkgo b ea theJ ournaolfO rganizatBieohnaavli or. provocaatnidiv nes ighrtfeualdo ,n ev aluable fotrh eoiwrn u nderstaannddip nrgo fessional development. Reasnedaa rccahdeermsi cs whos tudoyr ganizaatnidlo enasd erwsihlilp uset heb ooaks a ricsho urcoefi ssufeosr futuirneq uiarnyda confirmaotrci ohna l­ lengteo t heoiwrn s peculataiboonutsth e futuorfle e adership. Th Future ofL eadership TodaTyo'pLs e aderTshhiinpk ers SpeatkoT omorroLwe'asd ers WarrBeenn nis GretcMh.Se pnr eitzer ThomGa.sC ummings Editors Publisbhye d ·1J·O SSEY-BASS A WileCyo mpany • • 350S ansomSet . SanF ranciCsAc 9o4,1 04 ThJeo ssey-Bass Iww w.josseybaIss .com Busi&n Measnsa geSmeernite s Copyrig2h0t0©b1 yJ ohWni le&y S onIsn,c . Jesseyi-asBr aesgsi stered otJfro ahdWnei mlae&ryS k o nIsn,c . Nop arotft hpiusb licmaatyib oern e produscteodri,ena d r etrievalor ts ryasntsemmii,nta tnefydo rm orb ya nmye anesl,e ctromneicch,a nipchaolt,o copryeicnogr,ds icnagn,n oirno gt,h enveixsceea,ps t permitutneddeS re cti1o0n7os r1 08o ft h1e9 7U6n itSetda tCeosp yriAgchtwt,i thoeuitth tehrpe r ior written peorftm hiPesu sbiloinos rha eurt horitzhartoiuopgnah y meonftt h aep proprpieart-ecf oepey tot hCeo pyriCglheta raCnecnet 2e2r2R, o sewoDordi vDea,n veMAr s0,1 92(39,7 785)0 -8400, fa(x9 7785)0 -4R7e4q4u.e tsott hsPe u blifsohpree rr missshioounbl eda ddrestsote hdPe e rmissions DepartmJeonhtWn,i le&y S onIsn,c 6.0,T5 h irAdv enuNee,wY orNYk, 1 0158-0(0211282,5) 0 -6011, fa(x2 1825)0 -6e0-0m8a,pi elr:m [email protected]. JeaLni pman-Blruemteanci onpsy roingh hetrc hapt(eCrh ap1t1e)r. TomP eterrest acionpsy roingh hitcs h apt(eCrh ap1t4e)r. Jesseyb-oBoakassns dp roduacrtaesv ailtahbrloeum gohs bto okstToorc eosn.t actJossey-Bass direcctall(yl8, 8 387)8 -2f5a3tx7o ,( 80600)5 -2o6r6v 5i,so iutwr e bsaittw ew wjosseybass.com. Substadnitsicaolou nnb tuslq ku antiotfiJeoss sebyo-oBkaassr asev ailtaocb olrep orations, professaisosnoacli aatnidoo tnhsoe,rr g anizaFtoirdo entsaa.in ldds i scoiunnfto rmation, conttahcsetp ecsiaallde esp artmaetnJto ssey-Bass. Wea tJossesyt-rBtiaovus ess te h meo setn vironmesnetnaslipltayip vesert ocakvsa iltaoub slO.eu r publicaatripeor nisn otnea dc id-rferceyecs lteodwc hke nevpeors siabnldoe u,rp apearl wamyese ts ore xceemdisn imuGmP Oa ndE PAr equirements. LibraorfCy o ngrCeasst aloging-iDna-tPuab lication BennWiasr,r eGn. Thef utuorfle e ader:st hoidpat yo'lpse adertshhiinpk ers speatkot omorrloewa'dsIe b rysW arreBne nnGirse,t cMh.en SpreitaznedTr h,o maGs.C ummings. p.cm. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceaanlnc die nsd ex. ISB0N- 7879-5(5a6lp7ka-.p1 e r) 1.L eaders2h.Oi rpg.a nizaetfifoencatli v3e.n ess. Organizacthiaonnga4el.M. a nagemeInS.tp .r eitGzreert,cM h.en JIC.u mminTghso,m aGs.I ITIi.t le. HD57..7B 4527070 1 658.4'092-dc21 2001000575 FIRSTE DITION HBP rign ti1n09 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Preface xi ThomaGs.C ummingGsr,e tchMe.Sn p reitzer Part OneS:e ttitnhgeS tagfoer t heF uture 1 TheF uturHea sN o ShelLiffe 3 WarreBne nnis 2 TheE rao fH uman CapiHtaaslF inalAlryr ived 14 EdwarEd.L awlIeIrI Part 1\vo:T heO rganizaotfti hoFenu ture 3 A Worldo fF leaansd Elephants 29 CharlHeasn dy 4 KnowledgWeo rka ndth e Futuroef M anagement 41 ThomaHs.D avepnort 5 Boundayrless 59 StevKeenr r 6 TrustM e On ThisO:r ganizationSaulp port forT rusti na W orlWd ithouHti erarchies 67 ThomaAs.S tewart Part ThreTeh:e L eadeorft heF uture 7 BringiLnega dershLieps sonfrso m theP ast inttoh eF uture 81 JameMs. K ouzeBsa,r rZ.yP osner 8 Leadershaisthp e LegitimatioonfD oubt 91 KarEl.W eick ix X CONTENTS 9 LeadinYgo urself 103 PhilSilpa ter 10 TheC ontexotfC reativity 116 MihaClsyi ksmziehnatlyi 11 Why Do We ToleraBtaed L eaderMsa?gnifi cent Preafce UncertitudAen,x ietya,n dM eaning 125 JeaLni pman-Blumen 12 TheE volviRnogl eo fE xecutivLee adership 193 CathLy.G reenrbge-aWlAtl,a stGa.Ri orb ertson Thibso oikts h ree soufl tea xnt raoredviencnaetrl ye brtahtei ng 13 WhenL eadershIisap n O rganizatioTnraailt 185 distsihnegludii afned caorfWe arerreB ne nnCiasl.la Je eds tfts,c hri aG ermtaenr fmo arv oluomfee s yssca ornitbubtyce odl leaasg ues JameOs' oTole at ribtuoat s ec hlaotrh,ei vse wnaths o stbeytd h Dee partmoefn t Part FourH:o w LeaderOsn T Sotpao yfT heiGra me ManagemaenndOt r ganizaattt hiMeoa nr shSaclhloo ofBl u siness att hUen iveorfSs oiutty hCearlonir fnTihaef.se tsrcithfoto pkl ace 14 JusSta yY es! 177 inM ay2 00a0n d stwairtthde adyao - nlcgo nefrenactet enbdye d Tom Peters over htuwnod roefBde nnfiirse'nsad nscd o lleaigctuo ensc;l uded 15 HeroiLce adershiGpr'esa teBsatt tle: witahb anqwuiethta lmotsiwtct eh antu mbaetrt enTdhiecn ogn.­ TheD efeaotf D isappointmeVnetr sus freenhcoen orBeedn nmiasn'cyso rnitbiuotntsot hmea nagement the DisappointmeonfDt e feat 198 fieladn d allosooka ehde atdoa ddrheiscssu rrpeansts ion about JeffrSeoyn ennefld thfeu tuorfle e adership. Ino rganitzhcieonn gfe rnecew,ea skBeedn ntiors e vetahle Part Five: InfrsoimghY tosu nLge aders imporqtuaenstt tihoakntes e hpi ma wakaetn ightc haanldl enge 16 Whereth e LeaderAsr eT:h eP romise hiisn tealnlcdeu crti yoH.s eri etsponwidteahsd e roifte hso ught­ ofY outhL eadership 211 provoiksisntugh eatsto morrloewa'dwsei rnlsel etdou nderstand anrde soiltfvh ee y are tToh esasurepce rc eeseedin.nCt headp ter TaraC hurch OneW.e u setdh ese quteofs rtaimtoehn ceso nefrenacnedt o 17 Seekinag N ewerW orld 226 choopsree seerwnsht oc ould pkreoiyvn isdiseg hfftourt ulraeed ­ EdwarWd.H eadington erMsa.n yt hopefr eseanrtBeee rnsn liosn'gst ciomlel eesao;gth uers armeo rree cefinretn Tdosg.e t,ht ehrefyo rmr eam arkgarboluep Part SixS:o meC losiTnhgo ughts ofs chrosla andp ractitiinocnleurmdsai nnoygf t hlee ading 18 TheL eadershCihpa llenogefths e NextG eneration2 41 thinkienmr asn agemteonydta a nds omoef the cnreoowpfe st GretchMe.Sn p reitTzheorm,aG s.C ummings younlge adWeer sa.s tkheedtm oa ddrpeasrst iicsusliuanter sh eir PostludAne :I ntellecMteumaoli r 254 preseinotnwasete; n cuoragtehde tmop usthh een velaonpdteo WarreBne nnis addrtehsresae lilmyp orcthaanltl efnotrgo emso rrloewa'dse rs. Thec haptientr hsvi osl urmeep retsheecniotrl ilveweci tsdaonmd Noteasn dR eferences 281 keesnpc eulationtsh ea bfuotulutre ea doefr ship. Index 293 TheA uthors 305 xi xiiP REFACE PREFAxCiEi i Hed escrtihbceeh sa ractoefsr uiecsstcsiflfceusoal r ganiioznast, Audience the koifln eda dertshheriye pq uainrhdeo ,w tshkoiscleal bnse Thibso opkr esveanaltbusli en siagbhottusht ce h allelnegaedse rs deevloped. arlei kteofl ayc aest hnee wm illenunnifuomIl dtisd .e ntifies the ChapFtoeurbr y,T homsHa .D avenpsourgtg,te hstatsto mor­ emergeinnivgr onmaelan ntdo rganiiozlnac atondittihoants rowo'rsg anizwaitilinloc nrsel aybs epi onpgulwaittekhdn owledge tomorrloewa'daser rlesi kteofl ayc aen,sd h ows what ttoh ey need workwehrosr equaid rieef rfeknitno dfo rganizaantdli eoa­nd er dot os uccienet dho ssuieat itonEsx.e ciuvtaens dad ministrators, shifrpo mw hawto rfkostr r iatdional wionrdkueIsrottsu r.ti lailn es whethientr h peu bloirpc r ivsaetocertw ,h ethneerw eoxrp ie­r thceh aractoefkr nioswtliecwdsog raekn dsh ohwosw l eadership encewdi,fil ln dt hbios oskt imulaantduis negf utlh efoiowrrn winlele tdoc hantgose u ppaonrddte veiltTo.hp i isn clbuudielsd ­ understaannddd eivnoegpl meTnhte. baoloskoe riosmff portant inkgn owledgceo-mwmournki atnidse usp piovrcetu ltwuhreerse knowleadngided efoarsh umarne souprrocefesss ioonraglasn,i ­ knolwedwgoer kertsh rcaianvned grow. zaticoonnaslu latnadn tosr,g andeivzoeapltmieopnnrt a ctitioners InC hapFtie,vr e StKeevrearnr gutehsao tr ganizoaft itohnes whos eetkou nderstthafenu dt uarned hleelapda edrastp oti t. futuwrieil nl csrielnayfg cae proobfld eiemfrfse inattaimoonn g Academaincdrse searwchhose trusod ryg anizaantdi oln­esa der theeimrp loyceuesst,o mers,a npdr ocdouimctptieesvnt,ev iron­ shiwpia lllfis on dt hbeo oakr icsho urocfie s sfuoefrsu tuirneq uiry mentHsed. e scrhiobwbe osu nrdlyaeosrsg anizcaathnie oltnpos andac ofinrmatoirco hna llteotn hgeeoi wrns pceulataiboonust organizdeiv etbrhysim isot vyim nogne yp,e opalned, information thfeu tuorfle e adership. acriosnestr nla and extbeorunnadlaH reiu esseh.si s eoxwprnei ­ encienG enreaEll ercittcoi llushtorwba otudena rlyeosrsg a­niza tiownosra kn dth ceh allengperso vftiohdlreee y a dership. Overvoifte hCweon tents ChapStiebxry, T homsAa .S tewsaurgtg,e stfsut utorhreag ta­ ParOtn eo ft hbios oks t shesett afgoetr h feu turel etahdaaertre s nizatiwoibnleslm ore nleitwkoert khsal ni hkiee rhaireTcsh.ew yi ll likteole yn cotuenIrn.C haptOenreW ,a rrBeenn npirso viad es rellyeo snsf ormmaelc hanfioscrmo so rdindaitrieocnat,ni do n, geneirnatlr odutcott hifeou nt uorfle e aderHsehi idpei.nfi tes conrotaln dm oroen t ruasmto nmge mbe.Ir tssh owtsh ante­ t twelcvhea lleinsgsitunhegals te adweirnlsel e tdou ndersatnadn d workoerdg aniznaeteisdop nescs iufipcp otroct rse ater eainnd­ leahronwt or esvoel tihfea yr es utcoc ienet dom orroorwg'asn i­ fortcreu asntdp,r esetnototslh sal te adcearns atpofap cliyal tiet zatniso. ChTawop,bty eE rd waEr.Ld a welrI IiId,e ntkiefiye st ech­ truasmto nmge mbers. nologpiocilatlia,cn aedlc ,o nocmhiacn tgheahsta vceo mbitnoe d ParTth redee scrtihbleee sa doeftr h feu utreI.st h owwhsa t makheu macna piatc arli taincdua nli vlelraysc aknloewdgeelde ­ leadweirnlsel e tdo kannoddwo if theayrt eos ucciente hdoe r ga­ menitnt heef efctivoefnm eossostr ganiioznIastt. shhoowws nizatainoden nsrv oinmsec nhtaraiczteiednPr arOtnsea nTdw o humacna pictaabnle a s ourocfce o mpietitvaedv angteaa,n wdh at oft hbioso k. leadceardns o t op romottheae c quisdieteviloonp,m, ea nndt InC hapSteevre n,M J.Ka oumzeesasn Bda rZr.Py o snmeark e retenotfhi uomna cna pital. a strotnhga tc acsleeer atdaeilrnes shsifpor notsmh pea wsitcl oln ­ ParTtwo d escrtihboeer sg anizoaft tfihuotenu trheat to mor­ tintuoge u isduec scsefluela dientr hsfe u utreT.h epyr esfeonutr rowl'esa dweirplsrl oabbliyn haIbniC th.a ptTehrre e,C harles endurpirnign coifpl leeassd heirapn d appltyo l etahdemi ng Handcyh aracttehroiirszg easn izlaatnidosnacascal op nes iosft ing tomorroorwg'asni ioznast. laregfifec,i yed-nrcivfiernm( sc alelplehedas n)at nds mailnlnv,ao ­ Chapter bEyKi agrhltW ,eEi .c akr,g utehsab tec autshee tisvtea urptas-n dp reosfsifiornma(slc alflleea.sdH ) ea rgutehsa t futuwribel elm ore uncptraeabdnliuden knowtahbalne p tahset , floear ganizwaitplirlloo infse rate ianin mdp ognrrctoetaw;h ey senmsaekirnahgte trh adne cimsaikoinwn igbl elc otmhece e rnatl wiplrol vindeewc hallefnolrgae edse rsahtai llple viensl so cyi.e t issfouret wetnyr-s-fitceunrltye adIestrh so.hw osw l eadcearhnse lp xivP REFACE PREFAXVC E orgiaznatmieomnb emrask see nosueot f thweoilrrdT .h ipsr ovides what kheiemfrp ess mho,it vadt,ae ndcu riIoitud se.in fiteans u m­ membewrista hc ommosne nosfde i recatnidho enl tphse smt ay beorf p ersotnraaalin tds tmiovtehsad tr ihviemf orwaarndd int ouwciht ahc onstcahnatnlgyai nndegv onlgvc ioenxtt. accofuonhrti r se marksaatbiylnpego weirnt hlee daersfiheilpd . In ChaNpitnPeehr,i Slliapst uegrg tehsaittnst omorrfolwa'ts­ InC haptFiefret nJe,efr feyS onennfealrdg utehsat ths eu s­ temro,r fleu iodr ganiioznlaset,a dweirnlsel etdof ucntimoonr e tainpionwgeo rfl eadersb esm heoauslubdryh e odw t herye spond flexiabnlddye mcoractailTlhyiw.si rlelq uaid reeek pn olwedogfe toa dverasnidt ysn iomtyp b lyh owt hehya ndsluec cHeesd se.­ sealnfda n a biltiomt ayn aognee p'esr sonsaotl hiaittdty o enso t scrihboewls e adcearbnse r esiilnit ehfneat co efa dveyr-shiotw unwitttihnwgaelrfyctf t eilveea debrsehhviaipo r. they catnr atygui erndntt or iumapnhdg roawn dde vefrloomp ChapTteenr,b yM ihaClsyi kszelny,tsi muighgaetshtafostra n sucehx pieernces. organiiotznoas turviinavc eo mptieteinvveni mreontth arte quires ParFtiv per oviidnessia gbhottusht fe u tuorfle e adefrrsohmi p constaajdnumtse tnttosc hangcionngd itlieoandmseu,rs cstr eate younlge adwehrows i blel onuerxg te neraotfti ooepnx ecutives. a conftocerxr tei avtiTthyed.yo n onte cersihslaayv teob ec reiavte ChapStiexrt beyeT nar,aC hurcrhe,c ommetnhdatsthb ee swaty themselbvute s mcuhsotot shbeee pseto pplreo,v tihdbeee sintfo r­ tos ecuahr eea lftuhtyufo rre oruarp icdhlayn gbiunsgi npeoslsi,t ­ maitoann,rd e cogannidsz uep ptohrbete sitd eas. icaaln,ds ociinaislutt tiointsso e ngaygoeu dthi rleyic ntt hdei a­ InC hapEtleerv JeenaL,ni pman-Balrugmuteehnsai tna n age logaunedp racotfil ceea derIstdh riapow.nsh eerx periienn ce ofu nceariynta tndc hanogreg,a nizmaetmiboeanrr see s pcieally creatthiTenre ge M usketteose hroshw o wt os uppyoorutnc go ­m vulneratbobl aeld e adwehrops r ovtihdeeam f alsseen osfse ce u­ muniatcyt iavnidis,tn s t,u ertmnopo wetrh eamsl eadesrosic aolf rtiyS.h de escrhiobwme esm becrasn fbreef erdo m etxhtiesr nal ande nvirotnacmlhe annge. dependbeynd cies covtehreiminorgr he e rosiecl vtehlsee, a der InC haptSeerv eenetnE,dw arWd. H eadinagrtgounte hsa t wihtinth,u psr oivdimnogr lee adetrlasehtnihtpr ougthhooeur tg a­ leadershbiecp o nmsuisdtfe rroaemg d e naetriopnearls ipve.ec t nization. He shhoowwGs e naetriXoenra sr dee velopsienrgvm aonadt eo lf ChapTtweerl ,vb eyC atLh.yG reerngb-eaWlatn Adl asGt.a ir leadertshhaitp empihnavvsoeilmzeeansnt cd h angteh ceao tm ­ Robesrotns,u mmartihzweeo sr okft hEex eciuvLtee adership munilteyv el. ReseaTreacmha tt hAec ceunrIten isttufotreS tratCehgaincg e. ParStip xr essec nltostihnogu gohnlt sed aershCihpa.p ter Thet eaml'osng -stteurodmfy tevhoel rvoinlogefl eadesrhsohwisp Eigehtnbe,yG rtechMe.nS preiatnzTdeh ro mGa.sC ummings, thafutt urlee adweirnlsle etdos halreea derwsithohit ph etros , examitnheceso rnitbiuotnisnt hbioso akn dth iem plicoaft ions leaadc rodsiefsrf egnetn eraotfei mopnylseeo sa,n d mteoet th e theiinrsh itfgso trh feu tuorfle e aderIsnth hiep .c lPoossitnlgu de, demanodfsg al obeanlv ironment. WarreBne nnpirse saep netrss omneamloo ifhr i csa rereerc,o­ unt InC hapTtheirer etJna,m eOs'o Tolseu ggetshtalste adership intgh eex peritehnascthe asp heildsi afnefd u elheipdsa ssfioorn cabne a ni nsutititolnc aapa,nc iostyto laenli ynv diidutartlaB. ia sed understaanndd ipnrga lcetaidceirnsgh ip. ona m ulticnoysm utpdayo fl easdheirapn do rganizeafctf­ieon tievnehsess ,h ohwoswo rganizcaatbniu oilnlesda detrasshkisp and Ackwnloedgments responsiibnittlohi estiyitrsee smp sr,a iccteasn,dc ultuTrheiss. graetelxy panldesa dercsahpiapb iilnti htoeir egsa nizaantdi on Wew oulldi ktoee xproeusars p precifaoatrli oloft n h owsheo makeilst e dsesp endoenan s ti nggrleela eta .d er madteh bioso pko ssiAbrivlneBd;h ambJruid,iBtlhu menthal, and ParFto uard drehsoswle esa dsetroasnyt opt hoefgi arm heo;w LarGrrye ihneelrp uesid nd esigtnhiceno gne frenpcaero tf the thecyo inntuteor enw,ee nergainzdde e,v etlhoepm seClhvaeps­. fsethsrciafntid n r ecrutihtreie nmga rkparbelseeer nst wchoons­e teFro uretnbe,yT omP eteprrsod,ve iash ighpleyr sloa ncacooufn t tribuatpipoeniasntr h bios oLka.u rBart ioswM,a riCeh ristian, �� ��------------ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111..1111.11•1 .. .... ............................. .. XVi PREFACE KimbeHrolpyk iPnesr ttaunlLdau ,m inVioitnae spcruodv eiedx cel­ leandtm irnaitssituvpep foorrt ftsehtesr cihwfhti,Bl aer bMayrear s guidoeudfr u ndraainsdi nJKgai mu assdim inistthpeerr eodc ess ofe ditinbgo otWkhe.ia srp ea irctaurllgyr atetfot uhlsea t faft Jo sysB-easess,p elclCiyea drCirco cakneSdru sWainll iawmh,op ro­ ThFeu tuorfLe e adership vidgeedn erfionuasn csiuaplpf oortrth es tfsefctah nrhdie lpuesd toc onicveaen bdr itnhgbi oso tkol i.f e ThomGas.C ummings LoAsn geleCsa,lo irnfia GretcMh.e nS preitzer Marc2h0 01 --- -- ----J ----------------- -- ----- --- �------ I PartOne SetttihneSg t age fotrh eF uture

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