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The Future of Fuel Technology. Proceedings of a Conference Held by the Institute of Fuel at the Invitation of, and in Collaboration with, the Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, May 1963 PDF

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Preview The Future of Fuel Technology. Proceedings of a Conference Held by the Institute of Fuel at the Invitation of, and in Collaboration with, the Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, May 1963

THE FUTURE of FUEL TECHNOLOGY Proceedings of a Conference held by the Institute of Fuel at the Invitation of and in Collaboration with, The Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, May 1963 Edited by G. N. CRITCHLEY SYMPOSIUM PUBLICATIONS DIVISION PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK PARTS · FRANKFURT 1964 PERGAMON PRESS LTD. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 and 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l PERGAMON PRESS (SCOTLAND) LTD. 2 and 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 PERGAMON PRESS INC. 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N.Y. GAUTHIER-VILLARS ED. 55 Quai des Grands-Augustins, Paris 6e PERGAMON PRESS G.m.b.H. Kaiserstrasse 75, Frankfurt am Main Distributed in the Western Hemisphere by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY· NEW YORK pursuant to a special arrangement with Pergamon Press Limited Copyright © 1964 PERGAMON PRESS LTD. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 64-21298 Printed in the Netherlands by A. W. Sythoif - Leyden ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Organizing Committee for the Institute of Fuel Conference on the Future of Fuel Technology. G. N. Critchley: Chairman L. Clegg H. E. Crossley R. F. Hayman E. H. Hubbard W. Idris Jones M. W. Thring F. A. Williams R. W. Reynolds-Davies: Secretary of the Institute G. T. Carter: Secretary of the Committee FOREWORD RICHARD WOOD Minister of Power IT was with great pleasure that I accepted Professor Thring's invitation to write a foreword to this publication of the Proceedings of the Conference on "The Future of Fuel Technology" held in Amsterdam in the summer. Efficiency and technical progress in the production and use of energy play a large part in increasing prosperity and will continue to do so. The importance of the subject matter of this Conference therefore needs little emphasis from me. We have for a long time owed a debt to the fuel industries for the effort they have made to develop their own products and technologies. Now there emerges more and more clearly, in this field and in many others, the need for the fullest collaboration and exchange of views between the scientists and technologists of the different industries and of different countries. I therefore particularly welcome the holding of this International Confer­ ence of Fuel Technologists. Its part in encouraging progress will be evident to those who read this book. The Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs and the Institute of Fuel showed great initiative in organizing the Conference and I offer them my warmest congratulations on its success. 9 INTRODUCTION G. A. TUYL SCHUITEMAKER LADIES and gentlemen, as Vice-President of the Council of the Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands, I have pleasure in welcoming you, members of The Institute of Fuel, with your ladies and guests. We consider it a great honour that, when you decided to hold your summer meeting abroad for the first time since your Institute was founded, you selected our country for this event. As a matter of fact the 15th Anniversary of the International Flame Research Foundation offered an excellent motive and in this connexion you will certainly permit me to mention the names of the promoters of this Conference, Professor Thring and Mr. Van Stein Callenfels. At an early stage it was decided that the Royal Institution of Engineers would be of assistance in the organization of the Conference. This Institution comprises most of the Dutch engineers with a University qualification, totalling about 12,000 members. It covers the entire field of engineering occupations in the Netherlands and consists of 14 divisions, each representing a branch of technical science. Some of these divisions have one or more sections occupying themselves with more specialized subjects. In the total field of Fuel Technology here in the Netherlands we do not have a group like your Institute, which was founded specially for "the general advancement of the various branches of Fuel Technology", promoting research in, and the teaching of, Fuel Technology. Several aspects of this field are, however, dealt with in the Divisions for Chemical, Mechanical, Mining and Petroleum Engineering, and in the Section for Heat Transfer. It is understandable that, especially during these last decades, the interest in everything connected with energy has increased enormously, and this last winter made it clear how much our "welfare" community in all its structural elements depends on a sufficient supply of energy! For centuries the supply of fuel for domestic purposes did not present any problem. Wood and peat were available in sufficient quantities, and new sources of supply were more than adequate to cover the increasing needs. In the nineteenth century, when industrialization started, we began to draw on the fossil fuels, regardless of the resources available, and of the magnitude of which we had not the slightest idea. The fantastic increase in energy requirements which is resulting from increasing industrial growth is causing our resources of fossil fuels to be exhausted at an ever increasing speed. 11 12 INTRODUCTION In the Netherlands the total yearly energy consumption is equivalent to about 33 million tons of coal. In the south of the country we have collieries producing some 12 million tons of coal per year. In the north and west there are some oilfields producing about 2 million tons of oil, corresponding to 3 million tons of coal equivalent, per year. In the north of the country con­ siderable sources of natural gas were recently discovered. A conservative estimate of the reserves found indicates a quantity of some 300 to 400 milliard m3. This means that for the time being the Netherlands seem to have at their disposal Western Europe's most important source of natural gas, a fact which is of the utmost importance to a country which does not possess many natural riches. It is not difficult to prophesy that in our country the Fuel Technology in respect to gas utilization will get much attention in the years to come. Nevertheless, the quantity of natural gas available is limited and will be exhausted in some 40 years. Concerning, as another example, the world crude oil position, reserves already found amount to about 40 milliard tons. At the present rate of production this would mean that resources would be consumed in, again, about 40 years. This picture is not a true one, firstly because the estimated reserve is very conservative, but mainly because the estimated reserve relates to fields now in production. Each deeper layer found in an existing field and each newly discovered field will increase the calculated reserve. Statistics show that the calculated reserves increase from year to year. As a guess it may be said that there is enough crude oil and gas in the world to meet energy requirements for 40 years, allowing for the yearly increase in demand, and that after 100 years oil will still be being produced. In these circumstances it is quite evident that mankind will have to look for alternatives to orthodox fuels. I have in mind, in particular, nuclear energy. Again, it is evident that we should make every endeavour to economize in the use of our resources of fossil fuels. Work done in the field of Fuel Technology will thus have to contribute to a more rational and more efficient use of fuels in general, and of fossil fuels in particular. Somewhere and some time you may feel that you are working for the benefit of mankind. The American writer Arnold B. Barash gives in his very interesting book 1975 and the changes to come glimpes of things that will be commonplace in our lives when we are a decade or so older. There will be, at that time, con­ siderably more people who can be living under far easier conditions than today. Conferences like the one now to be held create the mental and spiritual conditions which enable us to reach in joint consultation a solution to the many, many problems lying ahead. Wishing you all, ladies and gentlemen, pleasant and fruitful days in our beautiful country, I declare the Conference on "The Future of Fuel Tech­ nology" opened. THE BROAD STRATEGY OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN INDUSTRIAL FUEL UTILIZATION M. W. THRING* 1. THE TWO ASPECTS OF A FUEL POLICY The first stage in formulating a national or world fuel policy is to survey the available fuels, and to estimate the economic cost of delivering the unit of heat at a given spot from these different fuels. In the past, there has been a tendency among economists and politicians to say that the whole of a fuel policy is then to consider the use of tariffs or economic incentives to encourage one fuel in preference to another, usually for political reasons such as the abundance of a particular fuel in a particular country. The user of the fuel is, however, primarily concerned in obtaining his required result, whether it is a metallurgical process, the generation of electricity or domestic heating with the lowest overall cost, and, of course, a levy on a particular imported fuel or a subsidy on a national fuel both have the ultimate effect of raising his overall fuel costs, the latter because the subsidy must be provided out of taxation, which in the long run is paid by industry. This is essentially why the technological aspect of a fuel policy is at least as important as the economic aspect. By the technological aspect of the fuel policy, I mean execution of research and development of new ways of using a fuel to take account of the need to provide the manufacturer with the cheapest overall fuel processing result. Thus, the technological aspect of a fuel policy consists essentially of making a detailed study of an existing industrial process and then trying to find ways of doing it more cheaply overall from the fuel point of view. In many cases this means, for example, that a fuel which can in fact be delivered more cheaply at the spot would only be the cheapest overall fuel if its dis­ advantages of expensive handling or replacement of refractories or steelwork could be overcome. The successful execution of a given item in this second aspect of a fuel policy thus consists of three essential steps : (1) A very careful definition of the problem, both in terms of the best possible product, and in terms of the cheapest possible way of achieving this product. Thermal efficiency is an essential part of this cheapest possible way, but capital and maintenance costs, and running costs other than fuel, all come into it also. * Professor of Fuel Technology and Chemical Engineering, University of Sheffield. 15 16 M. W. THRING (2) A decision as to whether the existing method of carrying out the process could be modified to use a cheaper fuel, or an existing fuel with less fuel consumption, or whether it is necessary to abandon the present process and go to a better one. (3) The stages of development of a better process. 2. THE PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW PROCESS In a recent paper in the Journal of the Institute, I described the river of ignorance and prejudice flowing between the left bank where the pure physical chemist works on combustion reactions, and the right bank where the practical engineer designs his boilers and furnaces. I indicated that there are three main piers in the bridge across from the one bank to the other, which we have been constructing, for example, with the International Flame Research Foundation work, and with work in University Applied Science Departments such as my own. The reason I refer to this diagram here (see Fig. 1) is that it M.H.D. GENERATOR. QUITE NEW BOILER OR DIFFERENT WORKING LAMINAR FLAME. FLUID. e.g. H g. SINGLE DROPLET. C.M.H. FLAME. SINGLE PARTICLE HOMOGENEOUS COMBUSTOR. 'LAME TUNNEL^ - IMPROVED BURNER. FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE 1 2 3 (PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY) EXISTING BOILER. INDUSTRIAL PLANT. FIG. 1. The river of ignorance and prejudice. also illustrates another important principle if we regard the right bank of the river as broken up by a number of channels at right angles to the river separat­ ing different types of equipment. The point then is that the further the engineer is able to build the bridge across towards the pure scientist, the more it is possible to come back on to a different place on the right bank and the more radical the change which can be produced in the type of equipment which he is designing. As long as he stays on the right bank the engineer can only envisage, for example, a small change in the detail of a burner or an air register or a brick wall in the furnace, but if he goes towards the type of flame study used at IJmuiden, he can envisage a different flame. If he goes half way across to the central pier of the river, he can invent an entirely new type of INDUSTRIAL FUEL UTILIZATION 17 flame by controlling the recirculation or mixing flow pattern and the com­ bustion characteristics to obtain exactly what he wants. Going still further across, to the pier nearest to the pure science bank, that of single particle and laminar flame work, he hopes ultimately to be able to produce differential equations which will enable him to design a new piece of equipment from first principles. A diagram which is even more descriptive of the situation which occurs when one tries to develop a new way of using fuels is that shown in Fig. 2 where the practical systems are now at the top of the diagram, and the fundamental differential equations of applied science are at the base. This diagram illustrates that you can go from existing equipment to a small change EXISTING [ k SMALL QUITE NEW PROCESS. EMPIRICAL IMPROVEMENT. PROCESS. CHANGE. (J ) \ ' /® \s / 1(D& / w HOT MODEL LARGE OR FLAME TUNNEL i PILOT PLANT. ' SIMPIIFYING __Λ / / EMPIRICAL 1 F / CREATIVE ASSUMPTIONS. NUMERICAL i k<D PHYSICAL DESIGN SIMILARITY. UNDERSTAND­ THEORY. ING. L· ' ACCURACY. v COLD \ SMALL i MODEL. PILOT PLANT. ♦ 4® DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. FIG. 2. The process of development. The anatomy of applied research. by quite simple processes of small improvements represented by the path No. 1. Even for a small change one can go in a more fundamental way by the controlled mixing history flame and the aerodynamic models (path No. 2) or by complete reference back to basic principles (path No. 3), but these more fundamental ways also allow one to go to a quite new process. The development of a quite new process must always be based on the small and large pilot plant stages as well as a satisfactory physical understanding, but it also has 3 approaches, path [No. 1 is the purely empirical, 2 and 3 require more theory. The four stages of development can be illustrated by the development of 18 M. W. THRING ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE. INDUSTRIAL 4. NUCLEAR POWER STATION. PLANT; SUPERFICIAL. "NATURAL EMPIRICAL. HISTORY" LARGE PILOT 1 PLANT. 3. PILE REQUIRING COOLING. E C O N O M I C S. z* o SMALL PILOT 2. SMALLEST CRITICAL PILE. PLANT. FUNDAMENTAL. EXPERIMENTUM M THEORETICAL. CRUCIS z \ BENCH SCALE EVALUATION | > OF COEFFICIENTS MEASUREMENT OF NUCLEAR z NEUTRON CROSS SECTIONS. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. PURE. ' APPLIED. FIG. 3. Pure and applied research. electricity from nuclear fission by means of the diagram of Fig. 3. The first stage is completely indistinguishable from fundamental pure research, both being laboratory experiments on single parts of the process, the only difference is one of aim; they are separated by the line of invention. In the case of nuclear fission this was the invention of the possibility of a chain reaction, and the character of the work did not change, but it became necessary to measure nuclear fission cross-sections. The second stage of development, the small pilot plant, costs about ten times as much as the first stage, and is the one in which the key parts of the process are put together to demonstrate that the process could work. We then cross the double horizontal line on the right-hand side of Fig. 3, which is the introduction of economics into the development, so that stage 3, the large pilot plant does not itself have to be economic, but it does have to give the figures on which the economy of the resulting process can be calculated. This stage itself is, in general, not econom­ ic, both because it is not yet as large as the final plant, and because it has to be built much more expensively to allow for alterations and factors of safety. In the case of nuclear fission this stage was the first reactors producing a few kilowatts of power while the smaller pilot plant would be the original piles which first went critical. Stage 4, of course, is the commercial unit, which is the first stage where some of the expenditure is recovered, that is, the first stage that actually produces a return for the development work. There is one other very important point about these four stages, apart from the different questions which they have to answer and the steadily rising costs of the successive stages, and this is the question of the probability of success. When the original invention is made, the probability of success is usually of the order of one in a hundred, never better than one in ten. The work will not go to the small pilot plant stage unless it improves to a probabil-

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