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THE FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Volume I G. M. FIKHTENGOL'TS Translation edited by IAN N. SNEDDON SIMSON PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK · TORONTO · SYDNEY · PARIS · FRANKFURT U.K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon of Canada, Suite 104,150 Consumers Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FRANCE Pergamon Press SARL, 24 rue des Ecoles, 75240 Paris, Cedex 05, France FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, 6242 Kronberg-Taunus, OF GERMANY Pferdstrasse 1, Federal Republic of Germany Copyright © 1965 Pergamon Press Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition 1965 Reprinted 1979 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 63-22750 This is a translation from the original Russian OcHoebi MameMamunecKozo auanu3a (Osnovy matematicheskogo analiza), published in 1960 by Fizmatgiz, Moscow Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd., Exet ISBN 0 08 013473 4 FOREWORD THIS book is planned as a textbook of analysis for first and second year mathematics students at Russian universities and consequently is divided into two volumes. In compiling the book I have made extensive use of my three-volume Course of Differential and Integral Calculus, revising and abridging it in order to adapt it to the official mathematical analysis programme and to make it meet the require- ments of a lecture course. The tasks I set myself and the points by which I was guided are as follows: 1. First and foremost to provide a systematic and, as far as pos- sible, rigorous treatment of the fundamentals of mathematical analysis. I consider it obligatory for the contents of a textbook to be presented in a logical sequence, in order to achieve a clearly defined and systematic presentation of the facts. This does not, however, prevent the lecturer from deviating from a strict systematic approach, but, perhaps, even helps him in this respect. In my own lecture courses, for example, I usually put aside for a while such difficult tasks for beginners as the theory of real numbers, the principle of convergence or the properties of con- tinuous functions. 2. To uphold my own opinion that a course of mathematical analysis should not appear to students to be merely a long chain of "definitions" and "theorems", but that it should also serve as a guide to action. Students must be taught to apply the theorems in practice in order to assist them in mastering the computational apparatus of analysis. Although this can be achieved largely with the help of exercises, I have also included some examples in my treatment of the theoretical material. The total number of these examples is, out of necessity, small, but they have been selected in such a way as to prepare students for conscientious work on the exercises. [xxiii] xxiv FOREWORD 3. It is well known that mathematical analysis has diverse and remarkable applications both in mathematics itself and in related scientific fields. Whilst students will realize this more and more as time passes, it is essential that they should learn and get used to the relationship of mathematical analysis with other mathematical sciences and with the requirements of practical work whilst study- ing the fundamentals of analysis. For this very reason I have pro- vided, wherever possible, examples of the application of analysis not only to geometry, but also to mechanics, physics and engi- neering. 4. The problem of completing analytic work up to numerical results is of both theoretical and practical importance. Since an "exact" or "closed form" solution of a problem in analysis is possible in the simplest cases only, it is important to acquaint students with the use of approximate methods. Some attention has been given to this within the pages of this book. 5. By way of a brief explanation of my treatment of the subject matter, I have first of all considered the concept of a limit which plays the principal role among the fundamental concepts of analysis and which crops up in diverse forms literally throughout the entire course. Hence arises the problem of establishing a unified form of all variations of the limit. This is not only important from the viewpoint of principles but also vital from a practical standpoint, to obviate the necessity of having to construct the theory of limits anew each time it arises. There are two ways of achieving this aim: we can either immediately give the general definition of the limit of "directed variable" (following, for example, Shatunovskii and Moore, or Smith), or we can reduce every limit to the simplest case of the limit of a variable ranging over an enumerated sequence of values. The first alternative is'difficult for beginners, and I have, therefore, chosen the second method of approaching the problem. The definition of each new limit is given first by means of the limit of a sequence and only later on "in ε-δ language". 6. To indicate a second feature of my treatment of the subject matter I have in Volume II, when speaking of curvilinear and surface integrals, emphasized the difference between the curvilinear and surface "integrals of first kind" (the exact counterparts of the FOREWORD XXV ordinary and double integral over unoriented domains) and similar "integrals of second kind" (where the analogy partly vanishes). Experience has convinced me that this distinction not only leads to a better understanding of the material, but is also convenient in applications. 7. As a short appendix to the book I have included a brief account of elliptic integrals and in several cases I have presented problems with solutions involving elliptic integrals. This may help to destroy the harmful illusion, acquired by merely solving simple problems, that the results of analytic calculations must necessarily be "elemen- tary". 8. In various places throughout the book the reader will come across remarks of an historical nature. Moreover, Volume I ends with a chapter entitled, "Historical survey of the development of the fundamental concepts of mathematical analysis" and Volume II concludes with "An outline of further developments in mathema- tical analysis". However, neither of these two "surveys" has been introduced to serve as a substitute for a complete history of mathe- matical analysis, which students meet with later in general courses on "the history of mathematics". The first survey touches upon the origin of the concepts, whilst the final chapter in Volume II aims at providing the reader with at least a general idea of the chrono- logy of the most important events in the history of analysis. At this point, and in connection with the preceding paragraph, I should like to give a warning to potential readers of this book. The sequence in which I have treated various topics is closely con- nected with modern demands for strict mathematical rigour—demands which have become more and more acute over the years. Historically speaking, therefore, the development of mathematical analysis has not been followed as closely as it might have been. Thus, Chapter 1 is devoted to "real numbers", Chapter 3 to the "theory of limits", and it is not until Chapter 5 that I have commenced to give a systematic account of the differential and integral calculus. The historical sequence of events was, of course, the complete reverse. The differential and integral calculus were founded in the seventeenth century and developed in the eighteenth century, being applied to numerous important problems; the theory xxvi FOREWORD of limits became the foundation-stone of mathematical analysis at the beginning of the nineteenth century and only in the second half of the nineteenth century did a clearly defined concept of real numbers come into being, which justified the most refined propositions of the theory of limits. This book summarizes many years of experience in lecturing on mathematical analysis in Leningrad University. G. M. FIKHTENGOL'TS CHAPTER 1 REAL NUMBERS § 1. The set of real numbers and its ordering 1. Introductory remarks. The reader is familiar, from school courses of mathematics, with the rational numbers and their prop- erties. However, already the demands of elementary mathematics result in a need for the extension of this number domain. In fact, among the rational numbers there frequently do not exist the roots of positive integers, for instance γ2, i.e. there is no rational fraction p/q where p and q are positive integers, the square of which is equal to 2. To prove this assertion assume the converse: let there exist a frac- tion p/q such that (p/q)2 = 2. We may regard this fraction as irre- ducible, i.e. p and q have no common factors. Since p = 2q2, p is an even number, p = 2r (r is an integer) and, consequently, q is odd, Substituting for p its expression we find that q2 — 2r2 which implies that q is an even number. This contradiction proves our assertion. Moreover, if we remain in the domain of rational numbers only, it is clear that in geometry not all segments may be provided with lengths. In fact, consider a square with side equal to the unit of length. Its diagonal cannot have a rational length p/q, since if this were the case, according to the Pythagoras theorem the square of its length would be 2, which we know to be impossible. In the present chapter we intend to extend the domain of rational numbers by connecting with them numbers of a new kind—the irrational numbers. The irrational numbers appear in mathematics—in the form of expressions containing roots—in medieval papers, but they were not regarded as genuine numbers. In the seventeenth century the coordinate method created by Descartest t René Descartes (1596-1650)—a celebrated French philosopher and scientist. 1 [1] 2 1. REAL NUMBERS again raised the problem of the numerical description of geometric quantities. This induced a gradual growth of the concept of the common nature of irrational and rational numbers ; it was finally formulated in the definition of a (positive) number given by Newtont in his General Arithmetic (1707): "By a number we understand not so much the set of unities as an abstract ratio of a quantity to another quantity of the same kind assumed to be unity.'* The integers and fractions express numbers commensurable with unity while the irrational numbers express those incommensurable with unity. The mathematical analysis created in the seventeenth century and extensively developed throughout the whole of the eighteenth century was for a long time satisfied with this definition although it was alien to arithmetic and kept in the background the most important property of the extended number domain—its continuity (see Sec. 5 below). The critical trend in mathematics which arose at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century advanced the demand for a precise definition of the fundamental concepts of analysis and an exact proof of its basic statements. This in turn soon made it necessary to construct a logically sound theory of irrational numbers on the basis of a purely arithmetical definition. In the seventies of the nineteenth century a number of such theories were developed, superficially different in form but essentially equivalent. All these theories define an irrational number by connecting it with some infinite set of rational numbers. 2. Definition of irrational number. We shall give the theory of irrational numbers in the form due to Dedekind*. This theory is based on the concept of a cut in the domain of rational numbers We consider the division of the set of all rational numbers into two non-empty (i.e. containing at least one number) sets A, A'; in other words we assume that (1) every rational number bolongs to one and only one set A or Ä. We call such a division a cut if one more condition is satisfied, namely: (2) every number a of the set A is smaller than every number a' of the set A'. Set A is called the lower class, and set A' the upper class. The cut will be denoted by A\A'. The definition implies that any rational number smaller than a number a of the lower class also belongs to this class. Similarly, any rational number greater than a number a' of the upper class belongs to the upper class. t Isaac Newton (1642-1727)—great English physicist and mathematician. t Richard Dedekind (1831-1916)—a German mathematician. § 1. SET OF REAL NUMBERS 3 Examples. (1) Define A as the set of all rational numbers a satis- fying the inequality a<l, while set A' contains all numbers a' such that a' > 1. It can easily be verified that we have in fact obtained a cut. The number unity belongs to class A' and obviously it is the smallest number of this set. On the other hand there is no greatest number in class A, since for any number a from A we can always indicate a rational number a located between a and unity and, consequently, x greater than a and also belonging to class A. (2) The lower class A contains all rational numbers a smaller or equal to unity, a < 1, while the upper class contains all rational numbers a' greater than unity, a' > 1. This is also a cut, and now the upper class has no smallest number whereas the lower does have the greatest (namely—unity). (3) Class A contains all positive rational numbers a for which a2 < 2, the number zero and all negative rational numbers, while class A' contains all positive rational numbers a' such that a' 2>2. It is easily seen that we again have a cut. Now class A has no greatest number and class A' no smallest number. Let us, for instance, prove the first assertion (the second can be proved in an analogous way). Let a be an arbitrary positive number of class A; hence a2 < 2. We prove that we can select a positive integer n such that KÏ <2, so that the number a + (IIn) also belongs to class A. This inequality is equivalent to the following two : n nz n ηΔ The last inequality is certainly satisfied if« is such that (2a + l)/n < 2 —a2 for which it is sufficient to take 2a+l n >-= =-. 4 1. REAL NUMBERS Thus, regardless of the value of the positive number a of class A, in the same class A there is always a greater number; since, for the numbers a < 0 this assertion is obvious, no number of class A is the greatest a in A. Clearly, there cannot exist a cut such that there is simultaneously a greatest number a in the lower, class and a smallest number a' 0 0 in the upper class.. In fact, assume that such a cut does exist. Then we take an arbitrary rational number c which lies between a and 0 a' a <^c<aQ. The number c cannot belong to class A, since then 0i 0 a would not be the smallest number in this class; for an analogous 0 reason c cannot belong to class A' and this contradicts the property (1) of the cut, the latter property being a part of the definition of this concept. Thus, cuts can be of three kinds illustrated in turn by Examples (1), (2) and (3), either: (1) in the lower class A there is no greatest number and the upper class Ä contains a smallest number r, or (2) there is a greatest number r in the lower class A while the upper class A' has no smallest number, or, finally (3) neither the lower class has a greatest number, nor the upper class a smallest number. It is said in the first two cases that the cut is made by the rational number r (which is the boundary number between classes A and A') or that this cut defines the rational number r. In Examples (1) and (2) the number r was unity. In the third case a boundary number does not exist and the cut does not define any rational number. We now introduce new elements—the irrational numbers, by stating that every cut of the form (3) defines an irrational number a. This number a replaces the lacking boundary number; it seems to be introduced between all numbers a of class A and all numbers a! of class A'. In Example (3) this newly created number is evidently γ2. Without introducing any unified notation* for irrational numbers we shall always connect the irrational number a with the cut A\A' in the domain of rational numbers, which defines it. t We mean finite notation; the reader will become acquainted with a kind of infinite notation in §1.4. Irrational numbers are usually denoted by forms depending on their origin and role, e.g. \/2, log 5, sin 10°, etc.

The Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis, Volume 1 is a textbook that provides a systematic and rigorous treatment of the fundamentals of mathematical analysis. Emphasis is placed on the concept of limit which plays a principal role in mathematical analysis. Examples of the application of mathemati
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