H'EJNEDASHEIN'EAH,S (DEI ESE,AFE SHAIKIIUt-I5LAM MUI{AMMADB INS ULAIMANA I-TAMIMI _) l6 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAM SHAIKHUL.ISLAM MUHAMMAD BIN SULAIMAN AT-TAMIMI Transleted by: Muhammad bin Ridha Murad (C) TANGGAPAT.IGK @PEMTIBA NG BATHA PARA SA PAMWAGAN AT PAMAT/NTNUBAY1' 995 HARINO FAFIDA |(-ATANG PAMBAT'ISAT AL/AAi| NG PAGLILIMBAG PHILIPS,BIIJL'(ABUA MEENA) ANG TUNAY 1{A RELIHIYOMSINALIMBAGN G rscAc. 'P.'ctn ISBN: 996G798'O97 l-lslam 2- Anlin sa lsbm A'ISCAG(|SIMLIMBAG) B' pamagat2 14,27D v 190215 O€Posltong togal Big: 19en5 lSBt{ : 906G798'0}7 COOPEBf,TIVOEF FICE FOBC RLLR NDE UIDBNCE INf ,L- BRTHR UNDERT HE SUPERVISIOON F MIMSTRYO F ISI..AMIC^ FFNIS' ENDOWMENTSP, ROPAGATIONA ND CUIDAT{CE PO. BOX:20824R IYADH.I 1465 1- a030il5l F 1q3451? 00966-l- i 4qjl5t7 l- ltrlotlz FAx r- {0593t? Ircnuc hall. Tcl + Fax:00966- l'40E34O5 @ el lgtrrs rcsc""cd fr $c Officc No orrr of [L bool nry bc ueedf u prblicrdal-litbut th' *riaa s' mirnn of rfrco pyriSlu holda' rppliqrm rd *hich rhould bc d&cgcd b thr of6e We seekt he help of Allah, and ask Him to blessa nd praiseo ur ProphetM uhammadh, is householda, ndc ompanions. Q- What are the Fundamentalst hat everv Muslim must learn? 1: t] Knowledge,r hari s, knowing Allah, His Propher,a nd the retigiono f Islam with its textualp roofs. 2) Applicationo f thisk nowledge.l I t, tr.v eryi mportanror understanrhde m eaninogf "applicarion"i n this conrexr,p articularlyr iittr regardsto knowingA llah. It meansf,i rst,t hai Allah alone is worthy.of being_loveda nd worshipped. Second,H e is the only Creatoru pon Whom all creaturesd ependf or their meanso f subsistence. Third, the Divine Atrributesa nd beautifunl ameso f Allah can never be applied to His crearures. Applicationa lsom eanst hatA llah,t heE xaltedi,s far removedf rom everyi mperfectiona, nd therei s none 3) Preachingk nowledge 4) Enduring with patiencew hatevers uch applicationa ndp reachingm ay entail.2 is the textual proof of the above Q-What fundamentals? A- The wordso f Allah: €ilr -I ttJ.tt5rf 4i-lt lt.rj / Ol-'yl Ol .rr.J!, ) G- I ).J..,J| iup G-ttr V$ }LU.VW like Him. "Applicationo f knowingtheM csscngcor f Allah means-lbvinga ndr cveringh im morc thana ny other humanb eing,a nd observingh is Sunnah,a nd making sure that-it takesp receiienceo ver mcn's opinionsin all casest.M .M.l 2-Onemuset ndurew ith patiencee verythingw, hile observinga ll the actso f worship,r efrainf rom all actso f disobediencea, ndr esistw himsa nd pervenedd esiresC. alamitiesa ndm isfortunesm ust ilso be facedw ith patience[M .M-l (I swear)B y the time.l Surely,m an is in (a stateo f) loss,E xceptt hosew ho believea nd do good deeds,a nd exhort one anothert o acceptt he truth, and who exhorto ne another to endure (the consequencetsh ereof with) patience.2 a- What were Imam ash-Shafi'ee's commentso n this surah? I This is an oathm adeb y Allah stressingth ato nly thosew ho believea ndd o goodd eedsw ill prosperI.t also constitutesp roof of the four fundamentals stateda bove: l) His words "thosew ho believe" refer to knowledge; "do good deeds" refers to applicationa, nd "...exhorot nea nothert o acceptt he truth" refers to preaching.A nd "endure with patience"r eferst o consequenceosf preachinga nd qroclaimintgh et ruth.t M.M.J z Surah# 103. A- He said:" Weret histo be the only surah Allah had sentd own to His slaves,i t would haveb eene noughf or them."3 applicationp recedek nowledge, Q-should or vicev ersa?4 A- Knowledge must Precede both applicationa nd deedsa, s signifiedb y the wordso f Allah: ( .rUrilb.li,,jJlr €t,:J j)E-,ltalll )! dN .,1..trU ) 3 Ibn Katheerc ited a similar quotationb y ash- Shafieei n his commento n the above surah." lf peoplec onsidert he meaningo f this s-urahi,t would be enoughf or them."I bn Katheere xplainedo n Ash- Shafiee'is tatemenbt y saying: "becauseit contains thec entrael lementos f virtue."t M.M.l 4 This means that one must acquire religious knowledgef irst beforem aking statementso, r even before ferforming any religious function. For instance,o ne must know how to pray before he prays. So knowledgem ust come befored eedsa nd utterancestM. .M.l And know therei s no God but Allah, and seekf orgivenessfo r your sins,a nd for the believers.l lmam al-Bukharic ommentedo n the above verses, aying: Thus Allah opened the verse with the command of acquiring knowledge and followed it with the command of application.2 I Surah# 47.19 2 To give an example, on cannot pray before learning how to pray. There are many Muslim countriesi n which Allah's laws are not applied. SomeI slamicp arties,h owever,b elievet hat if the existingg overnmenits toppledb y a coupd 'dtat,o r the heado f statei s assassinatetdh,e laws of Allah can be appliedo vernight.T his is provent o be sheer wishful thinking. In ordert o establisha rrueI slamic state,t he subjectso f ther espectiveg overnmenmt ust first be preparedt o accepr the Islamic state, internallya sw ell ase xternallyT. he beste xamplew e havei s the Messengeorf Allah, peaceb e uponh im. Q-What are the three factst hat must be learneda nd observed? A- Allahh asc reatedu s ands uppliedu s with our meanso f subsistencea,n d He hasn ot neglectedu s. He sent us a Messenger. Whoevero beyst he Messengerp,e aceb e uponh im, shallb e admittedto Jannaha, nd whoevedr isobeyhs im shalle nterH ell-Fire. Q- What is the proof of the above? A- Thew ordso f Allah: He did not establisht he lslamic polity before he himself immigratedt o Madinah.H e first mades ure the grass-rootsw ere saturatedw ith the correct aqeedah.O nly then he moved on to Madinah.T he arrival of the Messengero f Allagh to Madinah marks the birth of the Islamic polity. This fact may be realizedb y observingt hat the versesr evealedi n Makkahd eal with the creedsa, nd tenetso f tawheed, or monotheismw, hereast he Madinanv ersesd eal with acts of worship and transaction, i.e., applicationl.M .M.l 6 sln .),1-);tyt, Lu-J F.<.ui.ur- ir, #!'r-J $) ( y*, ii*t .;.i;b Jr-rtr ir.p; We surelyh aves enty ou a Messengewr ho is a witnesso ver you as We had sentF ir'awn (Pharaoh) a Messenger.l But, Fir'awn disobeyedth e Messengers,o We punished him severely.2 Allah does not permit anYone to be worshippedb esidesH im, neithera n angel neart o Him, nor a commissionePdr ophet. Q-What is the textualp roof of the above? A- The wordso f Allah: (lr--l dJrg p.u )u dJ. r+tJt.ri.r) I Musaw ast heM essengewrhorn Allah sent to Fir'awnt.M .M.l 2 Surah# 74.1 5,16