THE FUNDAMENTAL ∞-GROUPOID OF A PARAMETRIZED FAMILY KARTHIKYEGNESH 7 Abstract. Given an ∞-category C, one can naturally construct an ∞-category Fam(C) of families of objects in C in- dexed by ∞-groupoids. An ordinary categorical version of this construction was used by Borceux and Janelidze in the 1 study of generalizedcoveringmaps in categoricalGalois theory. In this paper, we develop the homotopy theory of such 0 “parametrizedfamilies”as generalizationof the classical homotopy theory of spaces. In particular, we study homotopy- 2 theoreticalconstructionsthat arisefrom thefundamental ∞-groupoidsof familiesinan ∞-category. Inthesame spirit, we show that Fam(C) admitsa Grothendiecktopology which generalizesCarchedi’scanonical/epimorphismtopology on b certain∞-topoi. e F 1. Introduction 6 1.1. Motivation. Intheirgeneralization of classical Galois theoryin [2], Borceux andJanelidze drawconnections between 2 the coproduct completion of categories and the theory of locally connected topological spaces. The coproduct completion ] Fam(C)ofacategoryCisthecategorywhoseobjectsarefamiliesofobjectsinCparameterizedbysetsandwhosemorphisms T are maps between membersof thefamilies in question inducedby functions on theindexingsets. Asdescribed in [2], every A categoryoftheformFam(C)isequippedwitha“familyfibration”functorπ :Fam(C)→Set,whichsendseachfamilytoits 0 indexingset. Geometrically, π isageneralization oftheusualconnectedcomponentsfunctorfortopological spaces, sincea . 0 h family of objects in Ccan beviewed as a“disjoint union”of its members-themembersbeing the“connected components” at ofsomesortofgeneralizedspace. WhenCisinsteada(2,1)-category,itsFam(C)isthesameasthe1-categoricalcaseexcept m thatthefamiliesareparametrizedbygroupoidsinsteadofsets(andisacolimitcompletionwithrespecttogroupoid-indexed diagrams). Thus, the family fibration functor is Grpd-valued and can be viewed as an analog of the fundamental groupoid [ ofatopological space. Thistrendcontinuesfor(n,1)-categoriesasn→∞,soitisnaturaltoexpectthatonecandefinethe 5 “fundamental ∞-groupoid” of parametrized families in an ∞-category. This would providean ∞-categorical generalization v oftheanalogybetweenfamiliesofobjectsincategoriesandlocallyconnectedspacesstudiedbyBorceuxandJanelidze-and 0 thuslead to a non-trivial homotopy theory of parametrized families in ∞-categories. 5 2 2 1.2. GoalandOutline. Thegoalofthispaperistodevelopthehomotopytheoryoffamiliesin∞-categoriesasanextension 0 of thehomotopy theory of topological spaces. In §2, we will recall some background information about extensivecategories . 1 and Grothendieck topologies on an ∞-category. In §3, we will introduce the ∞-category Fam(C) of parametrized families 0 in an ∞-category and provegeneral categorical results about Fam(C) that we need in subsequent sections. In §4, we define 7 and study the fundamental ∞-groupoids and fundamental groups of objects in Fam(C). In §5, we use the construction of 1 §4 to construct a Grothendieck topology on Fam(C) which generalizes Carchedi’s “canonical” topology on the ∞-topos of : v ∞-groupoids. In §6, we describe Joyal’s notion of a(n) (∞-)locus and how our results relate to it. We also state some i tangential results of ours there. In thefinal section, we describe some avenuesfor futureinvestigation. X r 1.3. Conventions. We will assume an understanding of basic topos theory and higher category theory. By an n-category, a we mean an (n,1)-category. In particular, an ∞-category is a category enriched over ∞-groupoids/Kan complexes, i.e an (∞,1)-category. Cat (resp. Grpd ) denotes the (∞,2)-category of ∞-categories (resp. ∞-category of ∞-groupoids). A ∞ ∞ topos always means a Grothendieck/sheaf topos. 2. Background 2.1. Extensive ∞-categories. We define extensive ∞-categories as a slightly weakened version of Barwick’s disjunctive ∞-categoriesdefinedinSection4of[1]. Theyareidenticalexceptthatwedon’trequirethemtobeclosedunderfinitelimits. Definition 2.1. LetCbean∞-category. Cisextensive if, foranarbitrary collection {X } ofobjectsinC,thecanonical i i∈I coproduct functor : C →C is a categorical equivalence. i∈I /Xi / i∈IXi Example2.2. An`y∞Q-topos(e.gGrpd∞`,[Xop,Grpd∞]forasmallcategoryX,Shv∞(S)foran∞-siteS,etc.) isextensive. Definition 2.3. Let C be an ∞-category. An object X ∈ C is connected if HomC(X,−) : C → Grpd∞ preserves all coproducts. MethactonHighSchool 1005KriebelMillRd,Eagleville,PA19403 [email protected] 1 2 KARTHIKYEGNESH Remark 2.4. There is a simpler description of connected objects in extensive ∞-categories. Namely, if C is an extensive ∞-category,thenanobjectX isconnectedifandonlyifforanycoproductdecomposition X =X X ,exactlyoneofthe 1 2 X is not initial. i ` Example 2.5. A topological space/∞-groupoid is connected (categorically) precisely if it connected in theusual sense. In the 1-truncated case, an object in Set is connected if and only if it is a singleton. Additionally, a scheme is a connected object in thecategory of schemes if and only if it is a connected scheme, i.e its underlyingtopological space is connected. 2.2. Grothendieck Topologies. Let C be an ∞-category. A Grothendieck topology on C allows us to treat objects of C like open sets of a topological space. In this subsection, we will briefly review some key ideas relevant to Grothendieck topologies. Definition 2.6. Acovering ofan object X ∈Cisaset ofmaps{f :X →X} with acommon codomain X thatsatisfy i i i∈I thefollowing conditions: • IfX′ −≃→X is an equivalence, then thesingleton set {X′ −≃→X} is a covering. • If {f : X → X} is a covering and g : Y → X is a map in C, then the pullbacks X × Y → Y exist for each i i i∈I i X i∈I and {X × Y →Y} is a covering of Y. i X i∈I • If{f :X →X} isa coveringand each X isequippedwith acovering{f :X →X } , thenthecomposite i i i∈I i ij ij i j∈J family {f ◦f :X →X} covers X. i ij ij ij Definition 2.7. A Grothendieck topology τ on an ∞-category C is an assignment of coverings {f : X → X} to each i i i∈I object X ∈ C. An ∞-category equipped with a Grothendieck topology is a (Grothendieck) ∞-site. We will suppress the “∞−” when it is clear that we are in the∞-categorical context. If τ is a topology on C, then we denote theassociated site by (C,τ) unless thecontext is clear. Remark 2.8. Note that the above definition is often called a Grothendieck pretopology - this acts as a “basis” for a Grothendieck topology on an ∞-category. Example 2.9. LetCartSpdenotethecategoryofsmoothmanifoldsoftheform Rn forn∈Nandsmoothfunctions. There is a natural topology on CartSp whose covering families are theusual open covers. Example 2.10. LetHbea1-topos. ThereisaGrothendiecktopology,namelythecanonical topology,onHwhosecovering familiesarefamilies{f :X →X} thatarejointlyepimorphic(theinducedmap X →Xisanepimorphism). There i i i∈I i∈I i isan∞-toposicrefinementofthisnotion,describedin[3,Definition2.2.5]. Namely,thereisaGrothendiecktopologyonany ∞-toposHwhosecoveringfamilies are(generated by)setsofmaps{X →X} suc`hthattheinducedmap X →X is i i i∈I i an effective epimorphism (see Definitions2.11 and 2.12 and Example 2.13). This is known as theepimorphism topology. ` Definition 2.11. Let C be an ∞-category with pullbacks. The Cˇech nerve of a map f : X′ → X is the simplicial object Cˇ(f) :∆op→C sending [k] tothe k-fold fiberproduct X′× X′× ...× X′ of X′ with itself. • X X X Definition2.12. Letf :X →Y beamapinan∞-categoryCsuchthatCˇ(f) exists(Cbeingclosedunderpullbacksensures • this). Let ∆ denote the augmented simplex category. We can construct an augmented simplicial object Cˇ(f)♯ :∆op →C α • α outofCˇ(f) byattachingY toCˇ(f) viaf,i.ebysettingd−1 =f andCˇ(f)′ =Y. f isaneffective epimorphism ifCˇ(f)♯ • • [−1] • exhibitsY as thecolimit of Cˇ(f) . • Example 2.13 (6,Corollary Let f :X →Y beamap of∞-groupoids. f isan effectiveepimorphism precisely if theinduced function π (f):π (X)→π (Y) is surjective. 0 0 0 The following lemma is immediate from definitions. Lemma 2.14. Let C and D be ∞-categories with pullbacks and let ϕ:X →Y be an effective epimorphism in C. Suppose that F :C→D is a cocontinuous functor. Then F(ϕ) is an effective epimorphism in D. 3. Parametrized Objects in ∞-categories Inthissection, wedescribethemain object ofstudyin thispaper: the∞-category ofparametrized families ofobjects in an ∞-category. Wealso develop some general categorical results that we usein subsequent sections. Definition 3.1. Let C be an ∞-category. Define another ∞-category Fam(C) as follows. The objects of Fam(C) are pairs (X,F), where X is a small ∞-groupoid and F : X → C is a functor. A map (X ,F ) → (X ,F ) is a pair (ϕ,ϕ ), where 1 1 2 2 ⋆ F1 ϕ:X1 →X2 is a functor and ϕ⋆ is a natural transformation X ✤✤(cid:11)(cid:19)✤✤ ϕ⋆ 77''C. F2◦ϕ Onecan thinkof an object of Fam(C) as a set of objects in C “parametrized” bysome ∞-groupoid/homotopy typeX. Example 3.2. Let ∗ denote the terminal ∞-groupoid. There is an equivalence of categories Fam(∗) ≃ Grpd . This is ∞ because we can identify Fam(∗) with theslice category (Grpd ) , which is equivalent to Grpd . ∞ /∗ ∞ THE FUNDAMENTAL ∞-GROUPOID OF A PARAMETRIZED FAMILY 3 Example 3.2 indicates that our constructions in this paper degenerate to classical notions when considering families of “points”indexedby∞-groupoids-thedataofwhichessentiallyconstitutestopologicalspaces. Inparticular,ourconstruction ofthefundamentalgroupofaparametrizedfamily(Definition4.7)isequivalenttotheusualfundamentalgroupconstruction when considering objects in Fam(∗). Example 3.3. If X happens to be a groupoid of the form BG for a group G, then any object (X,F)∈Fam(C) is just an object of Cequipped with a G-action. Remark 3.4. Forany ∞-category C, Fam(C) is an extensive∞-category. Terminology 3.5. For (X,F)∈Fam(C),we will refer to X as theshape of (X,F) and F as the arrow of (X,F). Remark 3.6. There is a fully faithful, left-exact embeddingσ :C֒→Fam(C) sending µ to thefamily (∗,γ), where γ :∗→C is the functorthat picksout X ∈C. Remark 3.7. TheFam(−) construction extendsto an (∞,2)-endofunctor Fam(−):Cat →Cat . ∞ ∞ Proposition 3.8. Fam(C) is the universal colimit completion of C with respect to diagrams indexed by ∞-groupoids. More precisely: • Any functor D:K →Fam(C) where K is an ∞-groupoid has a colimit in Fam(C). • LetDbean∞-categorywithallGrpd -indexedcolimitsanddenoteby[Fam(C),D] thefullsubcategoryof[Fam(C),D] ∞ ⋆ spanned by functors which preserve Grpd -indexed colimits. Then there is an equivalence of categories: ∞ (1) [C,D]−≃→[Fam(C),D] ⋆ Remark 3.9. Generally,if Cisann-category,thenFam(C)istheuniversalcolimit completion ofCwithrespect todiagrams indexed by (n−1)-groupoids. The construction is exactly the same except Fam(C) has objects (X,F) in which X is an (n−1)-groupoid and F : X → C is a functor. For example if C is an ordinary category, then Fam(C) is its coproduct completion. The following proposition reflects a general principle of colimit completions in (∞-)categories: to form the universal completion of a category C under colimits of a certain shape, one takes something resembling the closure of representable (∞-)presheaveson C undercolimits of that shape. Proposition 3.10. Let [Cop,Grpd ] denote the full subcategory of [Cop,Grpd ] spanned by colimits of representable ∞- ∞ ♯ ∞ prestacks indexed by ∞-groupoids and let y:C֒→[Cop,Grpd ] denote the Yoneda embedding. Then the functor ∞ (2) Fam(C)→[Cop,Grpd ] ∞ ♯ that sends (X,F)7→lim(y◦F) induces an equivalence of categories. −−→ Wenowgivean explicit construction of(co)limits inFam(C). Inthisconstruction andin Lemmae3.12 and 3.15,we will use some notation introduced in §4, in particular Π . ∞ Construction of (co)limits in Fam(C). Fixan∞-categoryKandletD:K →Fam(C)beadiagram. TheshapeΠ (lim(D)) ∞ −−→ of lim(D) (when it exists) is given by: −−→ (3) Π (lim(D))=lim(K −D→Fam(C)−Π−∞→Grpd ) ∞ −−→ −−→ ∞ By definition, each x ∈ Π ◦D(K) is equipped with a map Π (D(β)) → C which commutes with the required triangles. ∞ ∞ Thus thereis induced a functor: (4) lim(K −D→Fam(C)−Π−∞→Grpd )→C −−→ ∞ This is precisely thearrow of lim(D). Now we describe limits1. As before, let D:K →Fam(C) be a diagram. the shape −−→ Π (lim(D)) of lim(D) is given by thelimit: ∞ ←−− ←−− (5) Π (lim(D))=lim(K −D→Fam(C)−Π−∞→Grpd ) ∞ ←−− ←−− ∞ For each x ∈ K, there is a canonical projection p : lim(Π ◦D) → Π ◦D(x). But by definition, for such x we have x ←−− ∞ ∞ functorsγ :x→C,so wecan defineanaturalfunctorζ :K →[lim(Π ◦D),C]byζ(x)=γ ◦p :lim(Π ◦D)→C. The arrow of lixm(D) is given bylim(ζ). ←−− ∞ x x ←−− ∞ (cid:3) ←−− ←−− Remark 3.11. Actually,thecolimit in (3) mustbetakenin Cat in orderfor thedesired universalpropertytokickin (Cis ∞ not necessarily an ∞-groupoid), but this does not affect anything. Lemma 3.12. Fixan ∞-category Cand a small ∞-category λ. Suppose limitsindexed by λ exist inC. Then limitsindexed by λ exist in Fam(C). Proof. This follows from the fact that the limit of a functor D : λ → Fam(C) is computed as a combination of λ-indexed limits of ∞-groupoids (which are guaranteed to exist) and λ-indexed limits in the functor category [lim(Π ◦D),C]. The claim holds since limits in [lim(Π ◦D),C] are computed point-wise as limits in C. ←−− ∞ (cid:3) ←−− ∞ 1ThankstoMathOverflowuserKyleFerendofordescribingthistous. 4 KARTHIKYEGNESH Definition 3.13. Let H be an ∞-category. Recall that an object X ∈ H is n-truncated if the mapping ∞-groupoids HomH(Y,X) are n-groupoids for all Y ∈ H. The n-truncation functor τ≤n : H → τ≤nH is left adjoint to the full inclusion τ H֒→H of n-truncated objects in H. ≤n Proposition 3.14. Let C be an ∞-category. An object (X,F) ∈ Fam(C) is 0-truncated if and only if X is a discrete ∞-groupoid/set. Lemma 3.15. LetCbean∞-category. Anobject(X,F)∈Fam(C)isconnected ifandonlyifX isaconnected ∞-groupoid. Proof. SinceFam(C)isextensive,thisreducestoshowingthatinanycoproductdecomposition(X,F)≃(X ,F ) (X ,F ), 1 1 2 2 exactly one of the (X ,F ) is not initial if and only if X is connected as an ∞-groupoid. But this is immediate since i i Π ((X ,F ) (X ,F ))=X X . ` (cid:3) ∞ 1 1 2 2 1 2 This impli`es that anyobject`in Fam(C) can be written (essentially uniquely)as a coproduct of connected objects. Thus, we may regard Fam(C) for C an ∞-category in much the same way as we treat the 1-categorical case (since Fam(C) for C a 1-category is a coproduct completion, every object can bewritten as a coproduct of connected objects). This property of everyobjectadmittingcoproductdecompositionintoconnectedobjectsisofcoursesharedbythecategoryTopoftopological spaces and continuousmaps. 4. The Fundamental ∞-groupoid of a parametrized family In this section, we study phenomena pertaining to the homotopy theory of parametrized families in ∞-categories. In particular, we definethefundamental (∞-)group(oid)sof objects in Fam(C). Definition 4.1. Let C be an ∞-category and consider Fam(C). The fundamental ∞-groupoid functor Π : Fam(C) → ∞ Grpd is the functor sending (X,F) 7→ X. Equivalently, it is the Grothendieck construction Π ≃ [−,C] of the repre- ∞ ∞ sentable prestack [−,C]:Grpdop→Cat that sends X 7→[X,C]. ∞ ∞ R Remark 4.2. Letτ Fam(C)denotethefullsubcategory ofFam(C)spannedby0-truncatedobjects,i.efamilies (X,F)such ≤0 that X is a set. The inclusion i:τ Fam(C)⊂Fam(C) inducesa commutative squareof ∞-categories: ≤0 Fam(C) Π∞ //Grpd OO OO ∞ i i τ F(cid:31)a? m(C)Π∞|τ≤0Fam(C) //S(cid:31)?et ≤0 The bottom horizontal restriction map is theclassical family fibration [2, Chapter 6.1]. Proposition 4.3. Let C be an ∞-category with terminal object ∗. Define the functor ∆ : Set → Fam(C) by ∆ : I 7→ i∈Iσ(∗), where σ :C֒→Fam(C) is the singleton embedding. Then the canonical restriction Π∞|τ≤0Fam(C) :τ≤0Fam(C)→ Set of Π to the full subcategory of 0-truncated objects in Fam(C) fits into an adjunction: ∞ ` ∆ (Π∞|τ≤0Fam(C) ⊣∆) : τ≤0Fam(C)−Π←→∞−Set. Proof. Fix (X,F)∈Fam(C) and I ∈Set and denote by (X ,F ) the canonical coproduct decomposition of (X,F) j∈π0X j j into connected objects (which exists byvirtueof Lemma 3.15). Applyingdefinitions, we have: ` (6) Homτ≤0Fam(C)((X,F),∆I)≃Homτ≤0Fam(C)( (Xj,Fj), σ(∗)) j∈aπ0X ai∈I Since each (X ,F ) is connected and representables send colimits to limits in their first argument: i i (7) Homτ≤0Fam(C)( (Xj,Fj), σ(∗))≃ Homτ≤0Fam(C)((Xj,Fj), σ(∗)) j∈aπ0X ai∈I j∈Yπ0X ai∈I (8) ≃ Homτ≤0Fam(C)((Xj,Fj),σ(∗)) j∈Yπ0Xai∈I Since σ is left-exact, σ(∗) is terminal in τ Fam(C). So we have: ≤0 (9) Homτ≤0Fam(C)((Xj,Fj),σ(∗))≃ ∗ j∈Yπ0Xai∈I j∈Yπ0Xai∈I (10) ≃ Hom (∗,I) Set j∈Yπ0X THE FUNDAMENTAL ∞-GROUPOID OF A PARAMETRIZED FAMILY 5 (11) ≃Hom ( ∗,I) Set j∈aπ0X (12) ≃HomSet(Π∞|τ≤0Fam(C)(X,F),I) (cid:3) Weobserve that Proposition 4.3 implies thefollowing statement. Corollary 4.4. Let C be an ∞-category such that Fam(C) is an ∞-topos (e.g C=Grpd∗/,Sp). Then the full subcategory τ Fam(C) of Fam(C) on 0-truncated objects is a locally connected 1-topos. ≤0 Let X be a topological space. Recall that its fundamental group π (X,x) at basepoint x ∈ X can be obtained by the 1 automorphism group Aut (x) of x in its fundamental groupoid Π (X), where x is regarded as an object of Π (X). In Π1(X) 1 1 the rest of this section, we will describe a natural construction of the fundamental groups of parametrized families in an ∞-category based on this perspective. Definition 4.5. LetCbean∞-category. Definethefundamental groupoid functorΠ :Fam(C)→Grpdbyπ =τ ◦Π . 1 1 ≤1 ∞ Proposition 4.6. Let Cbean∞-category. Byabuse of notation, denote by ∗both the terminal object of Candthe terminal (∞-)groupoid. Then Π induces a functor 1 (13) Π+:Fam(C)∗/→Grpd∗/ 1 on categories of pointed objects, i.e Π takes pointed families in C to pointed groupoids. Furthermore, Π+ preserves small 1 1 colimits. Proof. Fixapointedobject∗−→x (X,F)inFam(C). ThatΠ inducesafunctoroncategoriesofpointedobjectsisimmediate 1 fromtheobservationthatbothΠ andτ preserveterminalobjects,henceΠ =τ ◦Π inducesamap∗−Π−1−(−x→) Π (X,F). ∞ ≤1 1 ≤1 ∞ 1 FromtheconstructionofcolimitsinFam(C),itisclearthatΠ preservesthem. Sinceτ isaleftadjoint,italsopreserves ∞ ≤1 colimits. Bydefinition,forK asmall∞-categoryandD:K →Fam(C)∗/ adiagram,wehavelim(D)=lim(U◦D) ∗←∗, −−→ −−→ where U :Fam(C)∗/ →Fam(C) is the canonical projection. But since the composite Π =τ ◦Π preserves colimits and 1 ≤1 ∞ ` terminal objects, we have: (14) Π (lim(D))=Π (lim(U◦D) ∗←∗) 1 −−→ 1 −−→ a (15) ≃Π (lim(U◦D)) ∗←∗ 1 −−→ a (16) ≃lim(U◦Π ◦D) ∗←∗ 1 −−→ Coupling thefact that Π evidently commutes with U with thedeafinition of colimits in Fam(C)∗/, we get: 1 (17) ((lim(U ◦Π ◦D) ∗←∗)≃lim(Π ◦D) −−→ 1 −−→ 1 Thus theproposition follows. a (cid:3) Definition 4.7. The fundamental group π ((X,F),x) at x ∈ (X,F) of a pointed family ∗ −→x (X,F) ∈ Fam(C)∗/ is the 1 automorphism group π ((X,F),x)=Aut (x). This extendsto a functor π :Fam(C)∗/ →Grp. Equivalently, it 1 τ≤1(Π∞(X,F)) 1 isthebasedfundamentalgroupofthepointed∞-groupoid(Π (X,F),x)regardedasapointedtopological spaceunderthe ∞ homotopy hypothesis. Remark 4.8. π ((X,F),x) can also be computed as the first based simplicial homotopy group π (N(Π (X,F)),x) of the 1 1 1 pointed Kan complex N(Π (X,F))) at x∈N(Π (X,F)) . 1 1 0 Remark 4.9. ViatheequivalenceFam(∗)≃Grpd , theπ construction of Definition4.7 recoverstheclassical fundamental ∞ 1 group of a topological space. Proposition 4.10. Let C be an ∞-category and fix a connected object (X,F)∈Fam(C). Let (x ,φ ),(x ,φ ):∗→(X,F) 0 0 1 1 be two basepoints in (X,F). Then there is a canonical isomorphism of groups π ((X,F),x )−≃→π ((X,F),x ). 1 0 1 1 Proof. By Lemma 3.15, X (and hence τ (X)) is a connected ∞-groupoid. Since τ (X) is connected, there are canonical ≤1 ≤1 equivalences of groupoids (18) BAut (x (∗))−≃→τ (X)←≃−BAut (x (∗)) τ≤1(X) 0 ≤1 τ≤1(X) 1 . SinceBAut (x (∗))andBAut (x (∗))areequivalentandhaveoneobjecteach,theymustbeisomorphic. The proposition follτo≤w1(sXf)rom0 the fact that Bτ≤1is(Xfu)lly1faithful and hence reflects isomorphisms. (cid:3) 6 KARTHIKYEGNESH 5. A Grothendieck Topology on Families in an ∞-category Givenan∞-categoryC,wecantreatobjectsinFam(C)as“spaces”insideofC. Thus,itisnaturaltoaskforanappropriate notion of an open covering of a family (X,F)∈Fam(C). This can be accomplished by defining a Grothendieck topology on Fam(C). In this section, we endow Fam(C) the structure of a site based on Carchedi’s epimorphism topology on ∞-topoi (Example 2.10). Westart with a definition. Definition 5.1. LetI beasetandletHbean∞-topos. Afamilyofmapsof{X −f→i X} inHisaneffective epimorphic i i∈I family if theinduced map f : X →X is an effectiveepimorphism. i∈I i i∈I i The following theorem`asserts th`at a form of the epimorphism topology (See Example 2.10) on Grpd holds in the ∞ context of families in an ∞-category. Theorem 5.2. Let C be an ∞-category with pullbacks and let (X,F) be an object of Fam(C). Define a family of maps {(X ,F )−(−fi−,ϕ−i→) (X,F)} with codomain (X,F) to be a covering family if the induced family i i i∈I (19) {Π (X ,F )−Π−∞−−(f−i−,ϕ−i→) Π (X,F)} ∞ i i ∞ i∈I (20) ={X −f→i X} i i∈I is an effective epimorphic family of ∞-groupoids. These covering families define a Grothendieck topology on Fam(C). Proof. Clearly, any equivalence {(γ,γ ) : (X′,F′) −≃→ (X,F)} is a covering since it must hold that the underlying map of ⋆ ∞-groupoids {γ :X′ →X} is also an equivalence. Coupling Lemma 3.12 with theassumption that Chas pullbacksimplies that for any covering family {(X ,F ) −(−fi−,ϕ−i→) (X,F)} and a map (g,φ) : (X′,F′) → (X,F), there exists a pullback i i i∈I square: ( (X ,F ))× (X′,F′) //(X′,F′) i∈I i i (X✤ ,F) ❴ ` (g,φ) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (X ,F ) //(X,F) i∈I i i i∈I(fi,ϕi) ` in Fam(C) for each i∈I. We claim that {(X ,F )× (X′`,F′)→(X′,F′)} is a covering family, i.e that the induced i i (X,F) i∈I map (X × X′)→X′ is an effective epimorphism. Π evidently preserves small (co)limits, so applying Π induces i∈I i X ∞ ∞ a pullback square of the underlying∞-groupoids: ` ( X )× X′ //X′ i∈I i ✤ X ❴ ` g (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) X //X i∈I i i∈ifi ` for each i∈I. Byassumption, thebottom horizontal map is a`n effectiveepimorphism, so thetop horizontal map is also an effectiveepimorphismby[6,Proposition]. Theclaim thenfollows fromthefactthatcoproductsof∞-groupoidsare universal,sothat( X )× X′ ≃ (X × X′ →X′)isan effectiveepimorphism. That coveringfamilies arestable i∈I i X i∈I i X undercomposition are stable undercomposition is clear from [6, Corollary], so we are done. (cid:3) ` ` We will refer to the Grothendieck topology of Theorem 5.2 as the effective topology and denote the associated ∞-site as (Fam(C),E). Denote the epimorphism topology [3, Definition 2.2.5] on Grpd by (Grpd ,Epi). By construction, Π ∞ ∞ ∞ yields a morphism of sites: (21) Π :(Fam(C),E)→(Grpd ,Epi) ∞ ∞ Remark 5.3. Theeffective topology on Fam(∗)≃Grpd is precisely theepimorphism topology. ∞ Proposition 5.4. Let C be an ∞-category with pullbacks such that Fam(C) is an ∞-topos (e.g C=Sp). Then the effective topology on Fam(C) contains the epimorphism topology, i.e every covering family in the epimorphism topology is also an effective covering. Proof. We need to show that if {(f ,ϕ ):(X ,F )→(X,F)} is an effective epimorphic family, then the induced family i i i i i∈I of maps of ∞-groupoids {f :X →X} under Π is also effective epimorphic. This follows from coupling Lemma 2.14 i i i∈I ∞ with thefact that Π preserves small colimits. (cid:3) ∞ THE FUNDAMENTAL ∞-GROUPOID OF A PARAMETRIZED FAMILY 7 6. Appendix A: (Higher) Loci and Miscellaneous Results Thefundamentalgroupofaparametrized family(definition4.7)inmanywayslookslikethegeometrichomotopygroups of objects an ∞-topos. In fact, there are cases of ∞-categories C such that Fam(C) is a topos. The restriction of our definition of the fundamental ∞-groupoids/groups of parametrized families to families of objects in such categories thus behaves similarly to notions of homotopical invariants of objects in higher topoi. In this section, we discuss such categories in both theordinary and higher categorical case and state some of our results relevant to the topic. Definition 6.1 (Joyal2). A locus is a locally presentable category C such that Fam(C) is a topos. In [5], Joyal notes thefollowing: Observation 6.2. The category Set∗/ of pointed sets is a locus. Notation 6.3. For convenience, we will write a family in Cindexed over a set I as hX i , where each X ∈C. i i∈I i Proof of Observation 6.2. ItisclearthatSet∗/islocallypresentable,sinceco-slicecategoriesoflocallypresentablecategories are themselves locally presentable. It remains to show that Fam(Set∗/) is a topos. s )) Let∆[1]denotethe“walking-arrow-equipped-with-a-section,”i.ethefreecategoryonthedirectedgraph [0]ii [1]subject r to thde condition r◦s=id . We claim that there is an equivalence of categories Fam(Set∗/)≃[∆[1],Set]. We construct a [0] functor3 F : [∆[1],Set]→ Fam(Set∗/) as follows. Fix an object X ∈ [∆[1],Set]. For every p ∈X[0], the fiber X[r]−1(p) is canonically pointedbyX[s](p)(thisisguaranteedtolandinX[r]−1(p)becauseoftheconditionXd(r)◦X(s)=id ). Now X[0] we define: d d (22) F :X 7→h(X[r]−1(p),X[s](p))i p∈X[0] We now construct a pseudo-inverse G : Fam(Set∗/) → [∆[1],Set]. Let U : Set∗/ → Set denote the canonical projection and fixhX i ∈Fam(Set∗/). Definethefunction γ : U(X )→I that sendsall x∈X toi∈I. There is a canonical i i∈I 1 i∈I i i function γ2:I → i∈IU(Xi) that sends i∈I to theb`asepodint of Xi. Clearly, γ1◦γ2 =idI, so we can definethefunctor ` G(hXiii∈I)[s]=γ2 ** G:hX i 7→ G(hX i )[0]=I G(hX i )[1]= U(X ) i i∈I i i∈I jj i i∈I i∈I i " # G(hXiii∈I)[r]=γ1 ` Itisstraightforward toverifythatG◦F (resp. F◦G)isnaturallyisomorphictoid (resp. id ),sotheclaim [∆[1],Set] Fam(Set∗/) is proven. SinceFam(Set∗/) is equivalent to a category of diagrams in Set, it is a topos. (cid:3) c Corollary 6.4. [∆[1],Set] isa locallyconnected topos. Furthermore, forany precosheaf X ∈[∆[1],Set], there isan isomor- phism (23) d π (X)≃X[0] d 0 Remark 6.5. Asimilar argumentcan beusedtoshowthatthecoproduct completion ofthecategory ofpointedobjectsin a toposEisitselfatopos. Thisisclearoncewenotethattheconditionr◦s=id impliesthatforeveryobjectX ∈[∆[1],E] [0] and any global element p:∗→X[0], we get a commutative diagram in E: d ∗ id '' X[1]× ∗ ((//∗ X[0] X[s]◦p p %% (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) X[1] X[r] //X[0] inwhichthesquareisapullbackandtheglobalelement∗→X[1]× ∗isinducedbyuniversalproperty,i.ethefibered X[0] product X[1]×X[0] ∗ is canonically pointed. By repeating this construction for each p ∈ HomE(∗,X[0]), we can build a family of pointed objects in E by taking fibers. This assignment is functorial and yields an equivalenceof categories (24) [∆[1],E]−≃→Fam(E∗/) 2Joyalalsorequireslocitobepointed,i.etohaveazerodobject. 3Thispartoftheequivalenceisconstructedin[5]. 8 KARTHIKYEGNESH Dueto thisequivalence, we can slightly generalize Corollary 6.4 to obtain thefollowing: Corollary 6.6. Let E be a topos with terminal object ∗. Then [∆[1],E] is a locally connected topos. Additionally for any object X ∈[∆[1],E], one has an isomorphism: d (25) π0(X)≃HomE(∗,X[0]) d Corollary 6.6 indicates that the family construction may be of use in computations involving connected components of objects in locally connected topoi. The next proposition gives a relationship between thecoproduct and colimit completions of loci. Proposition 6.7. Let C be a locus. Then the Yoneda extension (−)⊗Cσ :[Cop,Set]→Fam(C) of the singleton embedding σ:C֒→Fam(C) is the inverse image component of a canonical geometric morphism Fam(C)→[Cop,Set]. Proof. By classical results, we can explicitly construct the right adjoint component N by N(ζ) = HomFam(C)(σ(−),ζ) : Cop → Set for ζ ∈ Fam(C). By [6, VII.9.1], In order to show that (−)⊗Cσ is left-exact, it suffices to show that σ is flat in the internal logic of C. But by our assumptions C is locally presentable (and hence finitely complete) and Fam(C) is a topos, so σ is internally flat if it is representably flat. Again bythefinitecompleteness assumption on C, σ is representably flat precisely if it preserves finite limits, which holds by [2, Corollary 6.2.7]. Thus (−)⊗Cσ is left-exact, so we obtain the desired geometric morphism (−)⊗Cσ⊣N :Fam(C)→[Cop,Set]. (cid:3) Definition 6.8 (Joyal). An ∞-locus is a locally presentable ∞-category C such that Fam(C) is an ∞-topos. Example 6.9. Important examples include the ∞-category Grpd∗/ of pointed homotopy types and the ∞-category Sp ∞ of spectra. In analogy to the 1-categorical case, Fam(Grpd∗/) is an ∞-topos due to the equivalence [∆[1],Grpd ] ≃ ∞ ∞ Fam(Grpd∗/). ∞ d The following was conjectured by Joyal in [5] and proven by Hoyois in [4]. The proof in loc cit. relies on the “stable” Giraud Theorem. Theorem 6.10. Any locally presentable stable ∞-category is an ∞-locus. 7. Future Work Inthispaper,wehaveshownthatthe∞-categoryFam(C)hasanaturalhomotopytheorywhichgeneralizesthehomotopy theory of topological spaces. The following are some directions/questions for futurework on this topic: • Generally, if C is an (∞,n)-category for some n ≥ 1, then the objects of Fam(C) are pairs (X,F), where X is an (∞,n−1) category and F : X → C is a functor. This implies that an analog of Π for parametrized families in ∞ arbitrary(∞,n)-categorieswouldoutputadirectedspaceinsteadofahomotopytype(the“fundamental(∞,n−1)- category” instead of fundamental ∞-groupoid). There should be analogs of the contents of this paper in directed homotopy theory. However, there is a general lack of literature on the notions of (∞,n)-topoi, etc., so this may be more difficult. • Cantheanalogybetweenthefundamental∞-groupoidofaparametrizedfamilyand(forinstance)thefundamental ∞-groupoids of objects in a locally ∞-connected higher topos be made more precise? More specifically, if Fam(C) is an ∞-topos, then does Π fit into an adjoint triple resembling an essential geometric morphism? ∞ 7.1. Acknowledgements. We’dliketothankNicholas Scovilleforgeneral discussionsaboutthisproject andMarcHoyois for clarifying ourunderstandingabout parametrized families in ∞-categories. References [1] C.Barwick.SpectralMackeyfunctors andequivariantalgebraicK-theory(I).arXiv:1404.0108,2014. [2] F.Borceux,G.Janelidze.GaloisTheories.CambridgeStudiesinAdvancedMathematics,CambridgeUniversityPress,2001. [3] D.Carchedi.HigherOrbifolds andDeligne-MumfordStacksasStructuredInfinity-Topoi. arXiv:1312.2204. [4] M.Hoyois.Topoiofparametrizedobjects.arXiv:1611.02267,2016. 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