Aus der Klinik für Herz-, Thorax-, Transplantations- und Gefäßchirurgie der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover The Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique for Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Medizin in der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover vorgelegt von Hassina Baraki aus Kabul Hannover, November 2007 Angenommen vom Senat der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover am 26.02.2008. Gedruckt mit Genehmigung der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover Präsident: Prof. Dr. Dieter Bitter-Suermann Betreuer: PD Dr. med. Christian Hagl Referent: PD Dr. med. Gerd Peter Meyer Korreferent: PD Dr. med. Thomas Becker Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 26.02.2008 Promotionsausschussmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klempnauer Prof. Dr. Benno Ure Prof. Dr. Oliver Rühmann Meiner Mutter gewidmet Inhaltsverzeichnis I 1. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Inhaltsverzeichnis....................................................................................................................I 2. Publikation..............................................................................................................................II 3. Zusammenfassung...................................................................................................................3 3.1. Einleitung..........................................................................................................................3 3.2. Diskussion.........................................................................................................................6 3.3. Zusammenfassung............................................................................................................9 3.4. Literaturverzeichnis........................................................................................................10 4. Lebenslauf..............................................................................................................................14 5. Erklärung nach § 2 Abs. 2 Nr. 5 und 6 Promotionsordnung............................................15 6. Danksagung...........................................................................................................................16 2. Publikation “The Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique for Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms” Baraki H, Hagl C, Khaladj N, Kallenbach K, Weidemann J, Haverich A, Karck M. Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 Feb;83(2):S819-23; discussion S824-31. Presented at Aortic Surgery Symposium X, New York, NY, April 27–28, 2006. The Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique for Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms Hassina Baraki, MD, Christian Hagl, MD, PhD, Narwid Khaladj, MD, Klaus Kallenbach, MD, PhD, Jürgen Weidemann, MD, Axel Haverich, MD, and Matthias Karck, MD DepartmentsofThoracicandCardiovascularSurgeryandRadiology,HannoverMedicalSchool,Hannover,Germany Background. The frozen elephant trunk technique al- completely in 2. In 1 patient, the descending aorta was lowsforsingle-stagerepairofcombinedaorticarchand perforated owing to misplacement of the stented end of descending aortic aneurysms using a hybrid prosthesis the hybrid prosthesis. In 23 of 25 patients with postop- with a stented and a nonstented end. This report sum- erativecomputedtomographyimaging(>6monthspost- marizes the operative and follow-up data (mean follow- operatively), complete thrombus formation around the up:20months)withthisnewtreatment. frozenelephanttrunkwasobserved. Methods.BetweenSeptember2001andMarch2006,39 Conclusions. This procedure is performed through a patients (15 women; mean age, 62 years) were operated median sternotomy and combines the concepts of the onafterapprovalbythelocalInstitutionalReviewBoard. elephant trunk principle and endovascular stenting of Indications for operation were aneurysms in 18 patients descending aortic aneurysms. Favorable intraoperative and aortic dissections in 21. The stented end of the and postoperative results in the follow-up with throm- hybrid prosthesis was placed through the opened aortic busformationaroundthestenteddescendingaorticseg- archunderfluoroscopiccontrolusinghypothermiccircu- ment has encouraged us to evaluate all patients with latoryarrestandselectiveantegradecerebralperfusion. thoracicaneurysmsextendingproximalanddistalofthe Results. All patients survived the procedure. Five pa- leftsubclavianarteryforthistreatment. tients(12.8%)diedearlypostoperatively,withtwodeaths directly related to the procedure. Symptoms of neuro- (AnnThoracSurg2007;83:S819–23) logic dysfunction developed in 5 patients and resolved ©2007byTheSocietyofThoracicSurgeons Patientswithextensiveaorticaneurysmsinvolvingthe during the time interval between the procedures, or ascending aorta, aortic arch, and the descending comorbidities preclude another procedure through a aorta are still considered to be a challenge for many lateral thoracotomy [3, 4]. cardiovascularsurgeons[1].Inthiscontext,majorconcerns To complete the surgical treatment during a single include the adequate protection of the heart, the man- operation through a median sternotomy, we introduced agement of the aortic valve, the protection of the brain, the “frozen elephant trunk” procedure [5]. A prototype, the avoidance of respiratory compromise, and the mini- hybrid prosthesis stent graft (Chavan-Haverich en- mization of spinal cord injury and organ failure caused dograft,CurativeMedicalDevicesGmbH,Dresden,Ger- byprolongedcirculatoryarresttimes. many) is placed into the descending aorta in an ante- In 1983, Borst and colleagues [2] introduced the ele- grade fashion though the opened aortic arch, and the phanttrunkproceduretofacilitatestagedsurgeryforthe ascendingaortaandtheaorticarcharereplacedconven- aorticarchandthedistalaorticsegments.Theprocedure tionally [5]. In this article we briefly report our surgical involves the prosthetic replacement of the ascending experience with this novel combined surgical and inter- NT aorta and the aortic arch with an elephant trunk exten- E ventionalapproach. M sionofthearchgraftintothedescendingaortathrougha E L median sternotomy. In a second-stage operation, the P P elephant trunk can be extended to the desired level Material and Methods U S through a lateral thoracotomy; however, the cumulative Patients riskforearlymortalityaddsupto15%afterastage-two Thefrozenelephanttrunkprocedurewasapprovedbythe repair. Furthermore, many patients fail to return for Institutional Review Board of Hannover Medical School. the second operation; they die owing to aortic rupture BetweenSeptember2001andMarch2006,39patientswith combinedpathologiesoftheaorticarchandthedescending PresentedatAorticSurgerySymposiumX,NewYork,NY,April27–28, 2006. aorta were operated on using the hybrid prosthesis. In- formed consent was required in each case. Mean patient AddresscorrespondencetoDrBaraki,HannoverMedicalSchool,Depart- age was 62 years (range, 37 to 78 years), and 11 patients mentofThoracicandCardiovascularSurgery,Carl-Neuberg-Strasse1, 30625 Hannover,Germany;e-mail:[email protected]. wereolderthan70years;15(38.5%)werewomen. ©2007byTheSocietyofThoracicSurgeons 0003-4975/07/$32.00 PublishedbyElsevierInc doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2006.10.083 S820 AORTICSURGERYSYMPOSIUMX BARAKIETAL AnnThoracSurg FROZENELEPHANTTRUNK 2007;83:S819–23 Table1. AssociatedPreoperativeDisorders releasedbypullingbackboththesheathssimultaneously whilethepusherisheldsteady. Disorder No.Patients(%) In each patient, spiral computed tomography angiog- Hypertension 31(79.5) raphyofthethoracicaortawasperformedpreoperatively Chronicpulmonarydisease 8(20.5) toassesstheextentoftheaneurysmordissectionandto Historyofstroke 2(5.1) determinetheappropriatesizeoftheendograft. Peripheralvasculardisease 2(5.1) Surgery Coronaryarterydisease 11(28.2) Oldmyocardialinfarction 4(10.3) Cardiopulmonary bypass was used in all patients. Cen- tral cannulation of the ascending aorta and the right Chronicatrialfibrillation 2(5.1) atrium was preferred. In 4 patients (10.3%) who under- Diabetes 3(7.7) went resternotomy, the groin vessels were cannulated Renalinsufficiency 8(20.5) before because the ascending aortic aneurysm en- Marfansyndrome 2(5.1) croached upon the sternum. Core cooling was accom- Malignancy 2(5.1) plishedto26(cid:1)2°Crectaltemperature.Afterinductionof Redocases 12(30.8) cardioplegiccardiacarrest,cardiopulmonarybypasswas discontinued. Theaorticarchwasthenopenedlongitudinally.Selec- Most patients presented with aortic dissection: 4 tive antegrade cerebral perfusion with cold blood at a (10.3%)withanacutetypeAaorticdissection,11(28.2%) temperatureof15°Candavolumeof250to450mL/min with a chronic type A dissection, 3 (7.7%) had an acute wasinitiatedafterostialcannulationoftheleftcommon typeBaorticdissection,and3(7.7%)hadachronictype carotidarteryandthebrachiocephalictrunk.Afterwards, B aortic dissection. The indication for intervention in the stented portion of the hybrid prosthesis was de- patientswithchronicdissectionswasaorticdilatationof ployedinthedescendingaorta.Inthefirst5patients,the 70 (cid:1) 18 mm (range, 50 to 113 mm) in chronic type A implantation was over an antegrade-placed superstiff dissectionand60(cid:1)5mm(range,55to65mm)inchronic guidewire. Prompted by perforation of the aortic wall typeBdissection. with the introducer system in a patient with a tortuous The second most frequent pathology, present in 18 descending aorta, a through-and-through transfemoral (46.2%), was an aortic aneurysm proximal and distal to guidewiretechniquewasusedinallsubsequentpatients. theleftsubclavianartery.Themaximalaorticdiameterin Thedistalendingsiteofthestentgraftwasatorabove these patients was 59 (cid:1) 8 mm (range, 47 to 73 mm). the tenth thoracic vertebra in all patients. After deploy- Additional cardiac pathology included severe coronary ment, the stented portion of the prosthesis was modu- artery disease in 11 patients (28.2%) and aortic valve lated onto the aortic wall with the help of an appropri- disease in 11 (28.2%). Comorbidities are summarized in ately sized balloon catheter (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Table1. MN).ThenonstentedDacrongraftsegmentwassutured circumferentially to the aorta distal to the origin of the Endograft Design left subclavian artery. The supraaortic branches were The endograft consists of a woven vascular prosthesis then reimplanted en bloc into an appropriately sized withstainlesssteelstentsaffixedtotheinneraspectsatits window of the graft. A proximal graft-to-aortic anasto- distalend.Thediametersofthestentswithinthehybrid mosis at any desired level of the ascending aorta com- prosthesiswere30to46mm,andeachstentwas22mm pletedtherepair. long. The proximal portion of the hybrid prosthesis was In 23 patients (59%), the entire aortic arch and the nonstented and consisted of a Dacron sleeve (DuPont, proximalsegmentofthedescendingaortawerereplaced, Wilmington,DE)forconventionalsurgicalhandling(Fig1). andin11(28.2%),theascendingaortawasalsoreplaced. The delivery system consists of a flexible 39F outer In 5 (12.8%) other patients whose aneurysms were lim- S sheath, a 34F inner sheath, and a central pusher. With- ited to the proximal descending aorta, implantation of U P drawaloftheoutersheathwhileholdingtheinnersheath the hybrid prosthesis into the descending aorta was P LE andthepushersteadyreleasesthestentedportionofthe enabledbyalimited,3-cmto4-cmlongitudinalT-shaped M hybrid prosthesis. The proximal Dacron tube is then incision of the aortic arch. The nonstented endograft E N T Fig1. Thehybridprosthesis(Chavan-Haver- ichendograft,CurativeGmbH,Dresden, Germany)madeofawovenvascularprosthe- siswithstainlessstentsaffixedtotheinner aspectsatthedistalend.Theproximalend consistsofaDacronsleeve(DuPont,Wil- mington,DE)readyforconventionalsurgical handling.(L(cid:2)length.) AnnThoracSurg AORTICSURGERYSYMPOSIUMX BARAKIETAL S821 2007;83:S819–23 FROZENELEPHANTTRUNK Table2. ConcomitantOperativeProcedures Procedure No.Patients(%) Coronaryarterybypassgraft 12(30.8) Aorticvalverepair(Davidprocedure) 7(17.9) Aorticvalvereplacement(composite) 4(10.3) segmentwassuturedcircumferentiallydistaltothelevel of the left subclavian artery before closure of the aorto- tomy.Twoofthe5patientsrequiredadditionalcomplete myocardial revascularization. In 21 patients, additional procedures were required, including aortic valve recon- structionwithDavidprocedurein7(17.9%),aorticvalve replacementasacompositein4(10.3%),andmyocardial revascularizationin12(30.8%)(Table2). Fig3. Themaximaldiameterofthedescendingthoracicaortaatthe Results levelofthetrachealbifurcationbefore(clearbars)andafter(striped Operative Outcome bars)theimplantationofthehybridprosthesis.(AADA(cid:2)acuteaor- ticdissectiontypeA;CADA(cid:2)chronicaorticdissectiontypeA; No intraoperative deaths occurred, but there were five CADB(cid:2)chronicaorticdissectiontypeB.) cases (12.8%) of early death. The implantation of the prosthesiswassuccessfulinallbut1patient.Thispatient hadmarkedkinkingofthedescendingaortadistaltothe that exsanguination resulted from a reopening of the aneurysmaticsegmenttobeexcluded.Theimplantation repairedsegment. wastriedoveranantegrade-placedguidewire,butthetip A 72-year-old patient who sustained a medial artery of the introducer system could not be advanced beyond cerebral infarction died of hemorrhage during elective the kinked segment. At this point, the aortic wall was tracheotomy on postoperative day 7. A further patient perforated,whichrequiredsurgicalrepairandadditional died of multiorgan failure after cerebral infarction, and transfemoral stent graft implantation to bridge the per- another from retroperitoneal hemorrhage after perfora- foratedandaneurysmaticsegments. tion of the iliac artery. The final patient died of respira- InonepatientwithchronicaorticdissectiontypeA,the tory failure on postoperative day 31. Among the five aorticwallofthefalselumendirectlydistaltotheorigin deaths, 2 patients had an aortic aneurysm and 3 had of the left subclavian artery was accidentally injured chronic type A aortic dissection. Three of the five were duringsurgicalpreparation.Eventhoughthislaceration redo cases, and 3 patients needed additional coronary wassuturedandthefurthercourseoftheoperationwas arterybypassgraftsowingtocoronaryarterydisease. uneventful, the patient died from hemorrhage into the Cardiopulmonary bypass time was 222 (cid:1) 67 minutes, lefthemithorax2dayspostoperatively.Autopsyrevealed aorticcross-clamptimewas133(cid:1)49minutes,circulatory arrest time was 69 (cid:1) 19 minutes, and time of selective antegrade brain perfusion during circulatory arrest was 56 (cid:1) 15 minutes. Vocal cord paralysis occurred in 5 patients(12.8%),3ofwhomwereredocases.Fivepatients (12.8%) showed central neurologic dysfunction, and in twothesymptomsresolvedcompletelybeforedischarge. Two of the 5 patients had a history of stroke, with correlates in the preoperative CT scan of the brain. T N Reexploration for bleeding was necessary in 5 patients E M (12.8%). E L P Follow-Up P U Median follow-up was 22 (cid:1) 17 months, with an overall S survivalof87%(Fig2).Twopatientswerelosttofollow- up.PostoperativeCTscanswereobtainedin25(73.5%)of 34 patients, and in 23 (92%), complete thrombus forma- tion was observed in the perigraft space around the stented segment of the hybrid prosthesis. The average diameter of the stented descending thoracic aorta de- Fig2. Actuarialsurvivalinmonthsafterimplantationofhybrid creasedovertimefrom63(cid:1)14mm(range,47to113mm) prosthesis.Numbersinparenthesisshowthepatientsremainingat to54(cid:1)11mm(range,39to74mm;Fig3). riskateachrelevanttimepoint. One patient with chronic aortic dissection exhibited a S822 AORTICSURGERYSYMPOSIUMX BARAKIETAL AnnThoracSurg FROZENELEPHANTTRUNK 2007;83:S819–23 small endoleak into the false lumen at the origin of the diastinalapproachwiththehybridprosthesisforpatients left subclavian artery; otherwise, the false lumen was withascending,arch,anddescendinganeurysms[5]. thrombosed.Thepatientrefusedareintervention,sothe Intheconventionalelephanttrunkoperation,theperi- exactetiologyoftheendoleakremainsunclear. graftspacearoundtheelephanttrunkremainsperfused, Intheotherpatientwithchronicaorticdissectiontype therebypromotingfurtheraneurysmaticdilatationofthe A,thestentedsegmentofthegraftcouldnotbeanchored aortic segment [3, 10]. In contrast, the hybrid prosthesis successfullyinapreviouslyimplantedthoracoabdominal technique allows for progressive thrombus formation in aortic stent graft. The stent slipped proximally during theperigraftspaceinthedescendingaortauptothelevel and after release, giving rise to a distal endoleak. This of the stent. Widening of the descending aorta has not was treated 2 weeks later by placing a commercially beenobservedinourpatients,regardlessofcompleteor available endograft (Talent, Medtronic Inc) transfemor- incompletethrombusformation.Thisphenomenonsug- ally,thusextendingthehybridendograftdistallyintothe gests that the stents within the distal segment of the thoracoabdominal graft. A type III endoleak, which was hybrid prosthesis are effective in preventing retrograde reduced to a tiny contrast extravasation, was found at 6 flowintotheaneurysm. monthfollow-up.Initiallythepatientwastreatedconser- To mount the hybrid prosthesis into an adequately vatively, but his thoracoabdominal aneurysm was pro- flexible and thin delivery system, we used thin Dacron gressive,causingconventionalopenrepairafteraninter- (0.36 mm in width), which is thinner than the Dacron valof3.85years. usedinconventionalaorticsurgery.Thehybridprosthe- Another patient with chronic aortic dissection type A, sisispretreatedwithcollagenduringfabrication.Insome who was 55 years old, needed a reoperation after an instances,extrasealingwithfibringluewasnecessaryto interval of 2.8 years. He underwent an aortic valve renderthegraftcompletelyhemostatic. replacement and replacement of the ascending aorta The initial learning curve and the high incidence of withacompositegraft.Elevenyearslater,hisaorticarch concomitant procedures (Table 2) may explain the peri- and his descending aorta were replaced with a hybrid operative mortality rate of 12.8% [7, 11, 12]. However, prosthesis. Follow-up CT imaging showed an anasto- groups describing one-stage surgical replacement of motic aneurysm up to 58 mm, causing a re-replacement the thoracic aorta have also reported mortality rates of of the ascending aorta and proximal aortic arch. The between 14% and 16% [11, 13]. A major technical im- patientdidwellandwasdischargedhomeonpostoper- provementovertimewastheintroductionofaguidewire ativeday9. throughthefemoralarterythathelpstodiscriminatethe trueandthefalselumen. The 12.8% incidence of stroke remains a concern be- Comment causeitishigherthanexpected[12].In2ofthe5patients, The development of the elephant trunk procedure for however, symptoms resolved completely before dis- aneurysm of the ascending, arch, and descending tho- charge, and 2 were at higher risk owing to previous racic aorta has improved the repair of complex aortic cerebrovascular incidents. Three of the 5 patients who lesions by facilitating the proximal anastomosis at the developedrecurrentnerveparalysiswereredocases. timeofthesecond-stagedescendinganeurysmrepair[2, Thepositionofthedistalanastomosisisquitecloseto 6, 7]. Sometimes complications with the first operation the recurrent nerve. Special attention should be paid to render the completion of the second operation unfeasi- the preparation of the aortic arch to save the nerve. ble. The second intervention carries the cumulative risk Recurrentnerveparalysisnotonlyreducesthepatient’s oftwomajorprocedures,anadditionalriskformortality quality of life but also survival by leading to disorders upto5%[8],andaspinalcordinjuryriskof3%to10%[9]. including aspiration pneumonia. Rehabilitation should Accordingly,wehavedevelopedasingle-stagetransme- thereforebeperformedconsistentlyandatanearlystage. S Fig4. Contrastcomputedtomographyrefor- U P mationofapatientwithaorticaneurysmafter P L implantationofahybridprosthesis26months E M postoperatively.Perigraftspacearoundthe EN stentedsegmentofthehybridprosthesisis T completelythrombosed. AnnThoracSurg AORTICSURGERYSYMPOSIUMX BARAKIETAL S823 2007;83:S819–23 FROZENELEPHANTTRUNK Noparaplegiacausedbyspinalcordinjurydeveloped 2. Borst HG, Walterbusch G, Schaps D. Extensive aortic re- inpatientsinourseries.Thisrateisquitelowcompared placement using “elephant trunk” prosthesis. 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