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The French Defence. Vol 2 PDF

306 Pages·23.01 MB·english
by  Berg E.
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GrandmRaepesrtte1or5i re TueF reDnecfhe nce 2 By EmanluB eer g QualCihteys s .u qat lyic choue.ks s. www Fisretd it2i03o1b nyQ uailytC hsesUK L td Coypri©g 2h0t13Em anBueegrl GranRdemp1ae-5srTtFtheroeDrei e nrf2cee h n ce Alrli sg hsrteeerd.v Npoat r tohfpi usb atliimocanyb er peorduedcs,t eodr ina trerevilsa ytseomr ta rnstmetdii na nfyro mo r abnymy e anesl,eo cnitcr, eleoctstartmiacg,ni tecta ppeh,oo ctonp,gyr iercidongo htoerr wwiisotetuh,p rior perismsioofnt hpeu ibsl.h er PaperIbSaBc9Nk7 81--907982-42-2 HadrocvreI SB9N7 81--097928-43-9 Alsla loeres n qrusisi ehoubeld dri ecttoQe uda iyltC hsesUK L t,d Suei2 t474-82C,e tnarClh amebr1s1,B otehlSwrlte Ge2t6 LYU,K Pho+n4e414!2 024073 emaiinlof@:q uiaytlchse.sco.uk webiestw:w w.quitayelcs.ohscu.k DitsbrtuieidNn o rAtmhe raib cyG loPbeeuq oPters s, IO�.B o4x8 02,4G 6o osLea nGeu,li fodr, 064378-0U0,S4 www.lgboeqpueore.rc om DsitrtiebidunR etso ft hWeo rdlb yQ uaiyltC hsesU KL ttdho rugh SurinsHea ncdriauftlsS.,ko rmn3a, 20L-u7ib0nlP4,ol and TypesbeyJt ao cbA agadar PrforoeianbdgyC oilnMc NabJ ohSnh aw Edietd Abnyde rwG &r eet Covedrse ibgynB arArdya m;sC oonvrpe hobtyco a ptu5r.oecm3 6 Prnietdi nEs ntiobayT alliRnamnaaaut rtitkkiojLaL C Preface Int hPer efaocfte h fier svto luImt eak leda buotm yb ackogurnidnb otthh Feer ncDhefe nce antdh geam eo fc hsesi ng eneHreaerl .wI i alvlio dr eapteitnhgse a me ysa tnoidr nesatfodc us ont hseu bjaethc atn Tdh.es tarptosiintgfoi rot nh peer scev noulmeo ccuarftsec rh oep einng movelse.:4e 62 .4dd S3 .ctlJ3ib 44 .ceSS5 .3ia xc63b.tx ctlJ3e 77 .\!NWgh4ti el'asms oev e itnorduecst hmeo sctri ictbaallt etogurnodft hWei nwae,ra nidn edetdh eetn ieF rerncDhefe nce. Blaccakrn se ponidnm andyi effrcew naycsh,ce h oidceepd einnogno n'epse srnoapler efrences asw elalss iuattifaocntraossl u cahsm arcohrt ourneacnmt acst,pi lcusc ooufrt shieeed nyto ift on'eosp ponAeftnetdr.si csuisntgho ep tiwointtshh Q eu alyiC thsesra emw,e d eicdecdhb ee st apoparcwho uldc ocb oev teherre m ajosry stienams sni glsepc,ei iazlevdo lufomreB lcak. Parot f bcohoeik ds e diecdta ott hneo torPioiosuosnP eadwV nar iiaotwnh,i cIhp recfoee rn cer vitalh 7e cxd4m oveo rd,re artthheartn h meo erc ommon7 . V!f.c.7. i11ss1y stmeamyl eacdo .•. masesc iomvpilcatwihoinicswsh,h yc hsicest icoanku epms o ert hahna olfft h teto aplga ec oucn. Strealneygn outghhve,a artiicohtnca urresantntdlasytt h cecu ciendeggo ft heohrasyst oinllly beetne sitnaes dm lanlu mboefor v etrh-e-dbg oamaesr s-eCeh atpes1r 11-3for a f luls cdsuiison. Ther eaminipantrgo ft hbeo oikds e idceadt cthome o ers oild7. 0.-.0A ft.e crh ues uaild 38 . (otmhoevrea esrc oveirnCe hda epr1t 4,I) h vaec ovetwroes dsy te8ms ..: a n8d. tlJ.b.c 6. . 8. f.Sh. a tsh aed vcaganeo fg aingis nomsep aocnet hkeni gsidOen.t fS ho et hhearn adft,e trh e stand9d ea.xrfg6xf 6t hoep eingno ft hcee cnrmea yfa vuorW htieb'iss hpoapi rt hlieon nr gnu . Inedecd,hm ea itnh eeotricconatlia ntuisoenBe slc ake xpieerncuinnlpageas cnp ostiiopneraslrs eu, as shoCwhna pi1tn.e7 r r:r to hriessa oni,nC hap1te8Ihr a vrece ommendael dti l-teknobwunr pormisisneugcp -fo rB lawchk,i wcahsr esbeeyMd a gnCuasr lisn2e n01 2a nhdsa s nicbee en vaildeadit nan ubmeorfc orsrpeondege amnecsa,sw ella si nm yo wna nlasyis. 8. tlJ.b.c i6st hsebu jeocftt h fien afilv ec haeprtWsi.t thh aims btiisom uovBel aacvkio ds weakeinnhgi psa wcnh iana ncdh alelshe inosgp ponteopn ortd umceea nnigfltu rl1ccaso nt he knigsidGee.en ratlhleey5 -pawwibnle ll euftn hcalleendga,n idn m anlyi nBelsaw cikbl llo tchke cnetecr omplteewliyt .hc.4 i. n d ue coucrhseeen .s upIionnts gii obnosts,dhi e msu sdti lsaphygi h levoefl sase ttgcriu ndsetraingnd,a wraneseso ft pyiaclpe icmea noeeusav nrdt actailceasrlst .n e Herteo oIw, a dsi ssfiaetwd iistBhal c'kcs hacneisnt hmea in thevoarreitai·tcnii1aosflon rsc.e d met ot akafre e hsl ooaktt hpeos itainodna mp laesetdos ayw aasb ltoefi nadp ormisnienwg diertciotnhar meta ivnisr tuucnaeltsleayd[tt htei moefw rtii[-n sge Cch aepr2t 3fo rd erlasi. Witthrh eceo cnarcsnigh,gi hq-uayls isytteamvsia lasbolmere,e admearycs h oocsose p eicziiean l thseni glseyt semt habets stus it thres iytlweh,i oltehs ew riwlils choi nocrpaotmreo ert haonn e int hrer ipeerrte.oWs ihaetveyrou rp erefre,n chIeo pyeo wui nlolot n layc hviese cucewsihstt he rpeerietr,bo cua lbseoi nsepdbi yrt hrei ccohcen nocf t hWei anwe,w rhetihnte hrwe i ltda ctical comipclatoifto hnPesoi sonPeadwo nrc hdee eppos tiiomnaanlo eruivonfgc h7e . 0. -s0y tsem.s . EmauneBle gr Arviak,No vmebe2r01 3 Contents Preface 3 Keyt oS ymboulsse d Bibliography 6 & PoisonPeadw n 7. .c.x d4 7 2 8.id3!? 15 3 8.®xg7 25 4 31 10.iidl 5 1I .lt:Jfd3x c132 .lt:Jg5 45 6 10.lt:Je2 64 7 11.f4 86 8 12.®dd34 ! 95 9 3.lt:Jxd4 115 l 1 15.�gl 125 0 11 12.h4! 147 2 12. .b.6 !? 152 1 13 12. d.4.! 168 7 0-0 ... 14 8.h4 a8.llnldf3 183 8 fS ... 15 Move9 and1 0S idelines 188 16 l1 .ttJfa3n d 1.'Wh4 200 l 17 l .'Wh5g 6- Introduction 210 l 18 12.'Wd'Wla 5! 223 8 ctJbc6 ... 19 Move9 Sidelines 243 20 9.'Wh5 258 21 1 o.fll3l 264 22 l.�ec34 275 l 23 13.'Wgb45 !! 282 VariatIinodne x 299 Ketyso y mbols used Whiet silshi tgbleyt ter witahna ttack -t � Blaicsskil ghbteltyt er witahni ntiiaet iv + Whiet biest ter t aw eamkov e ±+ Blcaki bse tter ??a b lduenr Whieth aasd eicisvaedv atnage ag oomdov e +- Blahcakasd eciesa idvvaagnet !!a ne xcleelmnotv e -+ equiyat l !?a m ovew orhct onsnigd eri withc opmentsiaon ?! moveo fd oubutlvfal ue a a; witchou nteryp la # mate �CD unclear N novetly Bibliography KhiamlfanO:p eningW.hfiotArec cordtioAn nga nBdo ok ChesSstr as2 006 MosaklenJkhoeW o:1 1deW1ij1i1talwN eerw,i nC hes2s0IV 0 I I, Paskhhiesn:cDh e fence Batrsd2fo 004 Viutgiofvl:1F er enDcefeh3n N cceR3B e bl4oa,dC ehed,sS st sa2 r012 WatosnP:l atyh Fer en3c1hdE ditiEoveny,r man sCs2h 0e03 Watsno:Pl atyh Fer enchE ditiEovnre,y amnC hses2 012 WillmisAa:t taclC�hie4nstThgshe : F rencEhv,ye mraCnh e2s0s1 1 Periodicals SeectrosfO peinnSgup rreiss TheW eckI nC hess Electronicr/eIsnotuerrcneest ChessBMaasagezn ie ChcPsusibslinhg.com ·ni1bsi bglaripohsmyip llsyit tsh meo ssti gfincaisnotue rsIc.nv iwe oft hsehe ern umbeorfb oo,k s perdiciaolDsV,D sa nwde biestsc oevrnigt hteh eyo rotfhF er enDcehfec net,h aeb voels itdo cs noitcn uldeev esroyu rIcc ones iedd.e r Somoeft haeb osvoecu erbse lonmgy p ernsacolol lec,tw ihiolnoet hse rwecrheee cdk mbyy to ediotru isntgh Qeu aiyltC heslsbi rya.Ir nt htee xhtva er efecreeodnt rha eutshw ohreer fIle itt I warse letvoda ons tow ,hi laep pnlgsy oimceom mons eent soa viodb eocmionbgss iseev. PiosoPnaewdn a h c d c f g h 7 cxd4 ... VariatIinodne x le.4e 62 .4dd S3 .ct2J3� b44 .ecS55 .3a� xc36tb. xcl2J3e7 7 .gW4 7. c.x.d 4 A)8 .ftiJ3!? 8 B)8 c.xdW4c 7 9 BI9). �2 a 9 B29) .@dl 11 B39)�. d2 13 norcro ... A)a ft1er0 .ltidl BIa)fo.:r 1 .7V:Y h3 B2) 9 h5! a b c<l ef g h a b c d l'c g h a h c d fc g h I O IO ... ... .. liJgG!N 171;\! !fG!N .b 6!N PooinsdeP anw 8 le.4e 62 .4d dS3 l2'i.c3. W,4b.4ec SS5 .3a 8.\k .d 3i st he suobftj henece tx cth atpe,r .W,x6cb.3xtcl2'i 3e 77. '.Wg4 bengnigi non 1p5a.g e ll1mea imno vieos f c our8s.e'.W x,cg vo7reage ofw hibcehng sii nC hap3t.e r A)8 .l2'if3!? 'li1sm1 ovei spa rcitclayul nnkwont ot horey, atlhouigtwh a sm ennteidbo yW arsno in PTF.4 8 1.WaSN .•. 8. '.W.c.7 1 sa lo spossilbew,i tah l ikely transsinpt ioaofte9r.b E!: 1( o9r. d'it>I '.W xc3 IO .E!:Ib)9 . '.W.x.c N3 '1!O 't'.tI?.dH oweveirt, a b c d e f g h 7. c.x.d 4 somewh feoelcso rtrt eobc geinp lbcayi nthge queeonn t hmeo era ceta i-5vsuqaer. 'lilsi1s m yp reefedrr uroett ot hPeos inoed PawVnar ia.t i.'.Wo7.c n.7i sa moer popular 9.lEl'.W bxct31 .0ctfld movew,h icuhus alalryer sia vtt hse ame '1Iilpsos tiiooccnur reidnt hgea mJeu eenrg postiioanft e8r. '.WxE!:gg78 9 '.W.xh7c dx4. -LidelA,u sita2r 00 ,w hicahr erdih veerv ia Howevveitrah, m iosv eo dreBrl amcuskta lo s th8e. '.W .c.79 .dctflI'.W xc130. Ellbm oveo dre.r ber eyafo drt hceh alnlge nlsgiiei dnWe8,3 c?.!L . HeerB alkc'bse csoti nntautii:os n cxd(4.8c . 4i. ss o ,lb iudnto rtae lilntyh sep irit oft hPeoi sonPewadn )9 .el2'i2w heWnh iet i:"..tm�m �� sarciefishc sic etnrbeu,gt e ttsod evehlsio p kisnigpdiece ebse foetr kainongg 7. :8 J�J!iP�.t.'�� T • ., Byt kainognd 4i mmdeaiteBllcyak m akes 7 , th8e.\k .d 3o ptilsoesna papleifonrgW hite. (Wew ilselie n ntehxec tha pttehra tth e movei sstl pill yabalbeu,dt oe sn octa rtrhye m mwm smaeb tiea agnistth 7e. c.x.d m4ov eo dre.r) 4 - 'lli1aset rrea- do,effa s itmhmede itaec aupret on adl4wl sWo hiett haed idtioopntailoo f n 31W� �8I]': �• luJMn repcutarionngd 4b,u atsw e w islolos ne teh,i s2 1 mM�@mJLmM inso atat l dla enorguTso.s umarmiazlew,lin og thpeo ssibiolf7i. cty.x .d 84c. xdi4sa s mall preit co pfoaray v oitdhimeno gerv eonmous a b c d e f g h 7. Vfl.c.78 . � d.,3 ln ie. 1.0lli. g6.! N Isntetahdge ma es awI0 . 0.-.0 .\k.d 3 Aftetrh abtr ieexfp lanwaeat erir oednay t o wheWnh ieth da daa nergoiunisi atetlo intJv h e cosnidWehrit ep'ossb slrieep sonsIens . thkniisgsdi e. chaeprwt e wcionlsli de8r. l2'if3a!n?d B)8 .xcd4. A) II h.4h S1 .2'.WgS \Wes ChaptIe r7 . cxd4 9 - .. 1.2Vfi. c.? i sg ivbeynW astonw,h oo ffers1 4V!i xgIS. S. �\t>xxf7f7t1 .6lligxS\t>te 8 .•. thfoel wlionlgie n:l3 �.d3lli c61 .4X/.xfxggG6 1.7Elhlli3c6 1 .sllif3 b6I .9El3g© f7 1.5VfixgG"i"l6 Vfi.xf7"�!x"f7 I7 .i/,Ei:bf82 Blaicaskt l etae squal. l8 i/.,x�dVfig48f 7l9 Jk5c E\4f 20.d�Gb 6+T his idneeldo ofakvsuo rafobrlB el ack. B)8c .xdVfi4c 7 Howevre,W hiet canp osmeor ep orblems wiht 13lli.xd4w!h ehne h as loatcstt iyvo,Thif r eaitgent nhce2 -paawswn el alst hceur cial altghhoB ulaschko ubleod ka yh eert ooH.ee r checokn Nowi ti sw ortahn asligyn iosn ietn eesrtgil nien:1 .3V!i. x.e 15.4 ,i/5b1·.·� .dB7I 9). EldBa2.2, 9} . Wlad nBd 39)il dl2. . , 9.2Jel2i sh amrlesasft er. lli.b9.c 6w,h ei l 9. 0.-.0 !s?eeNm pso rmistionog. 1.3�dVfi3e 7 %"'% � � %" / Thimso vdee nfdesa agintshtqe u eeinclse �6it�f��-�t,Trheabtutsi' rs�a trph aeiseijvs. � 9. lli.fS.1 .0llillif3c 6 l�l.d 3 mgB'iwt{iiB 1W : Il .\l .l2 ,?b!h sa beenp leady,b ura fter Il ..V!i.a5!""l2 .3c b6+B alckw asb eetrti n Petorv-aW eetiTakg,na ro2g01 .3W htier'oso k � m.�..m. �tZJ m % % L.% anbdi shloopor ki dliocuousnt hqeue ensicle. �m LSm �LSm 3 2 mM�@m mM ll .� .d 2h?a!bs e etnr ibeyd Hjratarson anAdp eilclbau,t rneeocntGt. MBl sly aacckihv ees ane xcleelgnatm aesf o lolw:s 1.1.V!i.bG1!.2 8'.1a V!ib21 .3Ellcl 2Jcxd4 a b c d e f g h 1.4�. x g6 Whieth anso tighnb ettetrh asni mip1�ling, 1.4g1W3lli c6 favBolua.rc sk as

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