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The Fox and Dragon Warrior by HaremLover0147 Category: Kung Fu Panda, Naruto Genre: Adventure, Humor Language: English Characters: Naruto U., Tigress Status: In-Progress Published: 2015-12-25 15:27:06 Updated: 2016-01-01 15:12:06 Packaged: 2016-04-27 11:42:41 Rating: M Chapters: 2 Words: 5,364 Publisher: www.fanfiction.net Summary: A new character has revealed himself in the Kung Fu Panda universe, follow the adventures of the Furious Five and Dragon Warrior as a young fox is inserted in the middle of all the fun and awesomeness! 1. Chapter 1 **The Fox and Dragon Warrior, a Naruto and Kung Fu Panda Crossover** **Author's Notes: I am going to attempt to write a decent Kung Fu Panda Crossover, but I have also decided to open a second account on Adult Fanfiction see my page for the link. The difference is that if I decide to write any lemons I am going to put them on AFF instead of deal with the trouble of trying to post them on (even though it is my preferred site). ** **So, after the prologue, where Naruto is introduced to the Furious Five, I am going to move into the first movie to be the main story. Then I will move into the Legends of Awesomeness, and finally into the second movie and MAYBE a couple of oneshot type deals.** **So anyway on with the story** **Disclaimer: I do not own either Naruto or Kung Fu Panda** **Chapter 1 The Fox Finds the Five** Our story begins at the small port town of Basin Ridge, the only town on Basin River and the only known location that travels from China to Japan. And exiting the last boat that just arrived is our the star of our story, and his name is Naruto. He is an anthro fox that has burnt orange fur, with black tipped feet, hands, ears and a line of black around his mouth. His tail was the same color as the rest of him except that the tip of his tail has a white tip. He also had white fur that started at the base of his nose and traveled down his extended stout to his cheeks where it broke into three white furred whiskers. He wears a pair of black combat pants with the very bottom of each leg torn and one could see the bandages that were wrapped around the lower leg. His chest was covered by a combination of bandages and an open vest; his abdominal muscles were wrapped by bandages and he wore an open black vest. The vest looked as if at one time it may have been a dress shirt that had the sleeves removed and was tailored to not show the ripped threads. As he raised his head to look at the height and position of the sun, we see the bright amber eyes that he has and the three white stripes of fur on each cheek. His overall body size was slim and flexible, anyone who looked at him could tell that he was a fighter, although not all people would know just how able he was in a fight. "So where are these legendary warriors at? Where is the Furious Five?" "The Furious Five, why do you ask?" Turning around to see a female goat staring at him, Naruto was instantly repulsed by the woman, it's not that he is vein or anything, but the mole on the goat's nose was freaking green! Not only that but goat women were not the best looking bunch, add in to the fact that this goat had to have been more than sixty years old. "Uh…(Cough) Yes ma'am I am hoping to find the Furious Five, I have heard that they are one of the most well-known and talented martial artist in all of China." "True that may be, but you did not answer me. Why are you wanting to find the Furious Five?" "I am a martial artist myself and I have travelled all the way from Japan to-" "If you have come here with the thought that you can join them, then you can head home right now." "No I wish to challenge them to a sparring match, so that I can test myself against other martial artist and different styles." "You want to challenge the Furious Five to a fight?" She gave him a strange piercing look, one that made him feel like she was looking into his soul and read through his most private thoughts. "That is not smart, these are not the type of fighters that you would want to challenge with a weak resolve." "If that is all the problem is, then don't worry, my resolve is strong and I have faith in my skills. And do not forget that I simply wish to challenge them to a spar not an actual fight." "What is the difference in a spar and a fight?" "A spar has certain rules and a limit to how far one can go before the referee calls the spar to an end. A fight differs because instead of the ref it is up to the two warriors to decide how far that they take the fight." "Well if that is all then I see no problem with telling you. The Furious Five can be found in the Valley of Peace about two days travel from here." As she said this the old goat woman pointed her hooved hand in the direction that she was indicating was east. Naruto thanked the goat woman and as he turned to begin the journey to the Valley of Peace he could have sworn that he heard the elderly woman say something along the lines of 'Poor boy doesn't know what he is getting himself into'. Not letting that discourage him he continued on his way hoping to hurry and meet the five famous warriors that were called some of the best martial artist in all of China. **Timeskip 1 Day and a Few Hours Later** Naruto was closing in on his destination at the moment he was walking through a bamboo forest which, according to the last person he talked to a nice pig walking on the road, was the last obstacle between him and the Valley of Peace. "Hey you, Halt!" Turning around Naruto was looking, face to chest, of a tall ox man who was over two heads taller than himself. Well that pig at the intersection did not count on this when he said that bit about the last obstacle, but Naruto was not going to fault him for that. "Yeah what do you want?" Naruto may not have wanted to fight this person, ox man, but that did not mean that he was going to cower down in front of him. If this guy wanted to fight then they were going to fight, and Naruto was not going to lose. "You better watch your mouth pipsqueak. You must be new to the area because if you weren't then you would know that we are the residential tax collectors in this area of the forest. And you would also know what happens to those who refuse to pay us." "If you expect for me to be scared, then you apparently don't know who you are dealing with. My name is Naruto and I am going to be the BEST MARTIAL ARTIST IN THE WORLD!" The ox, who was still looking at Naruto with the same blank look that he had been wearing since Naruto began to mouth off to him, suddenly began to laugh. After a moment of being laughed at, Naruto began to get angry and was about to ask what was so funny, when he heard something. Looking around Naruto saw what the ox thought was so funny; coming out of the thickets of bamboo was a group of oxen all of them with weapons drawn. Turning back to the ox that he had been talking to, and Naruto saw that he too had drawn his weapon. He was now wielding a blade similar to those that he was used to seeing in Japan except that this one had more curve to it and a thicker blade, he believed that it was referred to as a 'dao'. "Now as I was saying, those that refuse to pay us are given the 'bull pin' treatment, and you don't want that, do you?" "Well that really depends on whether or not you have got reinforcements hidden in the trees or if these are all that you have got to back you up." The group of oxen in the clearing all looked at one another before breaking out into an uproar of laughter. Naruto did not see what was so funny and decided to shut them up by showing off some of his skills. Naruto grabbed the hand of the first ox that spoke to him and with a quick and smooth motion, he moved one of his feet in front of the ox's hooved feet and Naruto flipped the ox over his head and slammed him into the ground. After seeing the display of skill that the unknown warrior just showed the rest of the oxen became more focused on Naruto and were not willing to give him the chance to get them like he did their friend. Not that their friend was out cold or anything, but the suddenly being flipped by a fox that is less than half your size did stun him for a moment. "So are you going to let me pass or not?" Naruto was simply standing there waiting for one of them to make a move against him, or for them to move out of his way so that he could pass by and continue on his way to the Jade Palace. The rest of the ox may have let him pass but the one that Naruto flipped was not going to let his reputation be ruined by a pint sized fox. "How dare you try to make a fool of me. Ahhhhh!" Naruto turned his head slightly to see the ox, _'Now known as Ox1'_, charging at him, with his dao in one and raised and ready to strike. Naruto stayed calm and waited for Ox1 to get closer, and right as the blade was coming down Naruto… took a step forward? Instead of trying to avoid the blade, Naruto stepped forward, with his left paw raised and turned a quarter turn clockwise, he caught the hoof holding the sword. Now having a grip on the weapon, Naruto turned his paw a half turn counterclockwise, thus forcing the blade to the side and causing Ox1's arm to be bent at a painful angle. "Ahhhh-Oof!" Ox1's scream of pain was cut off when Naruto, still only using his left paw, forced the hilt of the sword up and into the ox's chest, knocking the air out of him. Naruto then grabbed the sword with his right paw, letting go with his left, spun around and back handed the ox in the face. The force of the blow knocked Ox1 back to the ground and made him lose his grip on the sword that Naruto was now holding. With Ox1 now back on the ground the other oxen were very wary **(Haha a fun rhyme) **of this small and yet dangerous fox. They began to back away from him, wanting to make a run for it before he turned his fierce paws on them. However before any of them were able to leave the clearing and hide in the bamboo, Ox1 had stood back up and attacked Naruto from behind. Naruto turned to face Ox1 head on, and seeing the punch coming at him, he blocked it with a cross arm guard; Ox1 then threw a second punch which Naruto deflected with one arm. As his opponent became angry, he also became sloppy and the fact that he was stopping Naruto from getting to his goal, which was so close, irritated him. When the next punch came, Naruto once more deflected it, but this time he used the same arm that he deflected the attack with to grab Ox1's wrist. Naruto's other hand came up to grab the upper part of Ox1's arm, and with a fast spin and a fair deal of effort Naruto flipped Ox1 again. Not wanting to have to deal with the oversized opponent again Naruto kicked the ox in the face knocking him out. Seeing their leader put on the ground three times in a row, caused the rest of the oxen to lose what little nerve they had left, and they began to flee into the forest. Naruto looked down at the blade still in his hand, it would not be a wise choice to leave this thug with a sword, right? Rolling Ox1 over onto his stomach, Naruto removed the sheathe from the ox's back and attached it to his own, and now that the distractions were out of the way, it was time to get back on the road to the Valley of Peace. **Timeskip Two Hours Later** Naruto had just passed over another hill when he saw it, down at the base of the hill; there was the Valley of Peace. In just a little while he will meet the Furious Five and, hopefully, have a match against them. With his new sword strapped to his back and his head held high, in a determined way, he began his descent towards the valley. **END** **Author's Note: And a Merry Christmas to all of my readers, sorry for the wait, so I hope that this makes up for it a little.** **I am planning on having a few more new stories come out within the following month, but I am going to try to also have my 'Captain of the Fox and Vixens' story updated as well. Stories that you can be looking forward to reading are Naruto Crossovers with:** **Dragonball Z (had to restart this one, did not like the way that it sounded on first attempt) >Princess Ressurection<br>How to Train Your Dragon** **And some stories that I have been debating whether or not I want to attempt:** **Yugioh >Harry Potter<br>Justice League(More accurately a combination of a bunch of different superhero show into one)** **So that is what is new and upcoming and as always, after you read leave me a review so that I can improve.** 2. Chapter 2 **The Fox and Dragon Warrior, a Naruto and Kung Fu Panda Crossover** **Author's Note: Hey Guys and Girls, I hope that you like my New Years Day Surprise. I worked hard to finish up some of the stories that I have been working on, and as you see I have posted a few new stories once again. Now I will say that I only have a couple more new story ideas at the moment, so I will stop posting new stories and just post more chapters. Also I will probably post a chapter in my Captain of the Fox and Vixens story next, so keep an eye out for that.** **So this chapter is before the Kung Fu Panda movie time, just so we do not have both Naruto and Po coming to the Jade Palace at the same time. Also this allows the Furious Five to get use to Naruto and to connect with him more.** **Also be on the lookout for my other account on where I will be posting a lemon filled parody of this story, do NOT be confuse they are two different stories and in no way go together. The closest that they are to being the same, is that my lemon story is actually a fanfic of my fanfic. I am going to try to start a new fanfic term, any lemon filled story that I write will be called a fanfuc, with your help we can make this word internet famous.** **Enough chatter let's get on with the story:** **Disclaimer: I do not own either Naruto or Kung Fu Panda** **Chapter 2 Meeting the Furious Five** Naruto was very excited, he was at this moment walking into the Valley of Peace and soon he would be in front of the Jade Palace, the home of some of the greatest masters of kung fu in China. He could not wait for this anymore, this IS the very reason that he came to China, and there was nothing, I repeat nothing that was going to stop him from meeting the Furious Five. **Growl** …Right after he gets something to eat, maybe he will get lucking and find a ramen stand around here. Walking down the street looking for ramen, his favorite dish in his home, he saw that the majority of the town was pigs, geese, goats and rabbits. Not the sort of citizens that would live in the same town as the best martial artist around, but it does make sense in a way, the strong protect the weak and all that. He had been walking for ten minutes looking for something that resembled ramen; he had given up on actual ramen after the first five people he ask told him that they had never heard of ramen. He heard from Ms. Ying the goat that there was supposed to be a great noodle shop around here, but so far he could not find it. "Noodles, get your fresh hot noodles here, get them while there hot!" Well that is convenient, guess that old saying is true ask and you shall receive, although this did not look like the making of a great noodle shop. But who was he to judge, he did not look like a great martial artist but he was. **Growl** Right settle the growling in his stomach and then he can try to get philosophical about a noodle shop and then head to the Jade Palace and challenge the Furious Five. Or he could forget the part about overthinking the size and appearance of a noodle shop and just go to the Jade Palace. Stepping into the noodle shop that he had heard about, he saw that there were many customers and most of them seemed to be irritated at the poor service that they were receiving. He saw that there was a goose at the counter and a panda out serving the tables. Looking around he did not see any empty tables so he approached the counter itself and figured that he could stand while he ate. If the goose did not care about the bowl he could eat on his way to the Jade Palace. "Excuse me, I was wondering do you have a bowl that I could take with me, or do I need to eat here?" He saw that the goose was eyeing him and appeared to be hesitant of answering him, more than likely because he was a stranger. "I have a set number of cheap bowls that I sell to the customers, but if I may ask why do you not want to eat at the shop?" "Well I am actually on my way to the Jade Palace, and I only stopped by because I just realized how hungry I was. However I am really eager to meet with the Furious Five and challenge them to a spar." There was a small crash from behind him and Naruto turned to find the Panda from before standing there with a broken bowl on the ground and his foot standing in the remains of the noodles. He tried to take a step forward but slid on the noodles and slammed face first into one of the tables, rattling the bowls on impact. He slowly got up while rubbing his nose, more like his whole face, and once more approached Naruto and the goose. "Are you really planning on fighting the Furious Five? What kung fu do you know? Who taught you? Is that a niuweidao sword? Are you planning on challenging Shifu or Oogway also? Wha-" "Po, calm down please, you are wrecking the shop!" And it was true, while asking his questions Po had been jumping with excitement and was even doing what Naruto had to assume was what he called kung fu. Because of his size and erratic moves he was bumping into tables and shaking the ground with his jumping. "Um…it's Po right? I do not use kung fu, I use taijutsu." "Taijutsu? I have never heard of that." "I am not surprised, I was born in Japan, I only recently came to China to gain more experience in fighting different types of martial artist." "Woah, so you're a foreigner. Well what do you think of China so far?" "Well so far, I've only been travelling for two days, oh but earlier today I did run into some bandits in the bamboo forest. Actually that is where I got this sword from, and I don't know what kind of sword it is." Po seemed to be beside himself with excitement, at least the 'That is awesome' that he said made it clear that he was enjoying Naruto's company. Naruto also like Po, his over excited demeanor reminded him of himself, before he had matured; also the panda had some kind of _feel_ about him that Naruto could not place. But as much as he liked the panda, he really wanted to get moving and make it to the Jade Palace today. Turning back to the goose at the counter, Naruto was ready to place his order. "So can I get a bowl of noodles and one of those take out bowls? Oh and I don't have any money at the moment, but if you let me I can pay you back later." "Sorry but the Ping company motto states that no purchases can be made without the money to purchase them and that loans are not to be filed without a two year long loyal customer deal. And further more-" "Aw come on dad, he came all the way from Japan to fight the Furious Five. Why don't I vouch for him and if he doesn't pay you back within a week then I will earn the money to pay the bill?" Naruto was surprised by the faith that the panda put in him, especially considering that they had literally only met a minute ago. Smiling at the show of caring that the panda was showing to him, Naruto decided to help him out with whatever he wanted, and after seeing how he acted when talking about kung fu, he already knew what he was going to do. "Thank you for the offer Po, but I don't want to ask that of you, I will remember the gesture though and I will find a way to pay you back. And Mr. Ping the next time that I come here I will have money and buy a big bowl, actually I am going to buy a bowl for me and Po." With his piece being said Naruto turned to leave and get back on his journey to the Jade Palace, but before he got too far away he yelled out to Po, "When I return I will tell you how the fight with the Furious Five went." As he was leaving he saw that all the people were watching him, apparently seeing someone going to challenge the Furious Five was not something that they were used to. Oh well not his problem, what was his problem though, was all these stairs that he was going to have to climb. Timeskip 10 Minutes Later "Well that was a decent workout. Now where are those Furious Five, I have been very patient at least for me." Looking before him, he saw a large doorway with closed doors. It is common sense to knock or announce your presence in some way when you approach someone else's home, especially when the door is closed. But please remember 3 things: 1) who you are talking about, Naruto has never been a patient person. 2) Literally his whole reason for traveling to China was behind the door, that was ten feet away. 3) Finally, he never got his ramen or noodles, his thinking tank was running on empty. All that being said, are you really surprised when you hear that Naruto did not knock but instead leapt over the door, and began wandering around the Jade Palace's Grounds? He was still wandering around when he felt an attack coming from behind him; jumping up a tan figure passed underneath him. Before Naruto hit the ground, the tan blur turned and sped toward Naruto; Naruto's reflexes kicked in before he could think of who could be the one attacking him. Naruto lifted a leg and delivered a kick toward his attacker, but it was easily avoided by the use of a tail. The attacker, who Naruto could now identify as a monkey, used its tail to grab Naruto's leg and swung himself around Naruto and tried to attack his back. Naruto had training in fighting against faster or more flexible opponents, and using that experience, he grabbed the monkey's tail and jerked him back in front of him. Not letting up, Naruto sent two quick jabs at the monkey's face, and when he was blocked as expected, Naruto sent a kick to the stomach of the monkey. His last attack connected and sent the monkey crashing to the ground, or it would have if not for the crane that swooped down and grabbed the monkey before he hit. Naruto landed on the ground in a crouch, and watched as the crane and monkey, who had recovered from the kick, also landed. Taking a careful look around Naruto saw that there was another opponent to the side of him, a snake of some kind. Not sure if there was a hidden opponent still out there, he started to run up to the buildings hoping to force any one hidden to reveal them while chasing after him. While running he saw that the three were chasing him, but no one else was there. At least not until he topped the next hill, where he was standing in the middle of a fight between a tiger and a praying mantis, which was being refereed by a red panda. "Hello," not sure of what else to say Naruto turned and started to run in another direction. Over his shoulder he heard someone, 'Crane who is that?', but he did not stop to hear the response. But he did learn one of the names of his attackers, yet that did him no good when he was suddenly surrounded by all six of the warriors. Six? "Five of you wouldn't happen to be the Furious Five would you?" He could see that they were being very cautious of him, even with him being out numbered. Truthfully he was actually kind of honored that they saw him as that much of a threat. When the next person spoke, Naruto had to turn his body to see who it was, the red panda was the one who spoke. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" His demeanor told Naruto that this was not someone that he wanted to cross. He always hated those stuck up people, but this one was worse than what he was used to. "My name is Naruto and I have come from Japan to ask to fight against the Furious Five. I have heard the stories of how the Furious Five are some of the best martial artist in all of China, and I would be honored if-" **Growl** Naruto felt his face heat up a bit, that was not how he wanted to make his first impression, but truthfully, his first impression was him fighting against the monkey and then starting a wild goose chase around the Jade Palace. *Cough* "As I was saying I would be honored if you would forget what just happened…" From the looks on their faces, they would not. "I would be honored if you would allow me to fight against the famous Furious Five." As he said that he bowed, lowering his head to where he was leaving himself vulnerable. "No, I am sorry but we do not have time to train another student at the moment." The red panda was once more the one speaking, which led Naruto to believe that he was the master or at least the senior of the others. "I mean no disrespect, but I feel that you may have misheard my request. I merely am asking to have a practice match against the Furious Five, I was not trying to become a student of the temple." The six of them were a little more than shocked to hear this, someone had traveled from Japan to China just to have a spar with someone. If he was not going to stay here then what was the point of him coming here. "Young man, if you were not planning on staying here then what is the point of traveling all the way here just to challenge my students to a fight?" So that man was the master of the others, which meant that they are probably the Furious Five that he was looking for. "I was just hoping to fight against the Five so that I could see how strong I was, and if I won then I would move on to another area and fight someone else. But if I lost I was going to stick around the area, and after more training I was going to come back and challenge you again." The Five looked towards there master and watched him as he was in deep thought, but as he raised his head, he was looking towards Naruto not them. "You have come here merely to test your strength, that is not the sort of action that I condone. Who is your master, and what have they been teaching you?" "I never had a master, I have trained myself." That was something that none of them were expecting to hear, a warrior who was able to hold off some off the Furious Five in a fight was one thing, but one that had no formal training was incredible. Shifu once more thought over what the young fox had said before he

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