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325 Pages·1984·17.54 MB·English
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"With this book Adolf Grnbaum has established himself as the most important philosophical critic of the hermeneutic conception not only of psychoanalysis but also of the social sciences, most especially sociology and anthropology. His criticism of the logical and methodological foun- dations of this style of research and theorizing is masterful and, in my view, definitive."—Melford Spiro "Grünbaum's book is a tour de force. The depth and breadth of his knowledge of psychoanalytic literature in general, and of Freud's works in particular, are most impressive." —Judd Marmor, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences "Adolf Grünbaum, in an indisputable philosophical tour de force, has swept away the Popperian and hermeneutic mythologies about Freudian theory and has substituted a methodological critique of his own that caps the revisionist assessment of Freud."—Frank ]. Sulloway, Free Inquiry "Grünbaum's contribution in ... psychoanalytic epistemology... is un- paralleled on . . .[two] counts. Not only does he bring to bear a very great sophistication in the philosophy of science but, in addition, he has done his psychoanalytic homework."—Barbara von Eckardt, Beyond Freud "An absolutely essential critique of psychoanalysis. . . .It goes to the roots of psychoanalysis in a manner which other philosophers. . .have tried to do, but have conspicuously failed to achieve. . . . A brilliant book . . . the most important discussion of the topic to be found in the literature." —HansJ. Eysenck, Behaviour Research & Therapy "His book spells the end of some psychoanalytic pretensions and, at the same time represents a constructive opportunity.... Grünbaum's devastating critique of hermeneutic conceptions and formulations... alone represents a major contribution of his book." —Morris Eagle, Philosophy of Science "Monumental. . .epoch-making."—Frederick Crews, New Republic "No one will be able to write again on the subject without referring to Grünbaum—nor will they want to."—Michael Ruse, Free Inquiry "As a serious psychoanalyst I must say "Thanks! I needed that.". . .it's good to know that we have at least one friendly critic—to paraphrase the familiar saying, we won't then need an enemy." —Morton F. Reiser, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences Pittsburgh Series in Philosophy and History of Science Series Editors: Adolf Grünbaum Larry Laudan Nicholas Rescher Wesley C. Salmon THE FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS A Philosophical Critique Adolf Grünbaum Andrew Mellon Professor of Philosophy and Research Professor of Psychiatry University of Pittsburgh UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley Los Angeles London Permission has been granted for the use of the following copyrighted material: K. R. Eissler, M.D. "Irreverent remarks about the present and the future of psychoanalysis," International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 50:461-471. S. Freud. Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. James Strachey, General Editor, Vols. III, XX, and XXIII. London: Hogarth Press. S. Freud. Interpretation of Dreams and Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. London: George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd. S. Freud. "An Autobiographical Study," Vol. XX; "Introductory Lectures," Vol. XV; "Introductory Lectures," Vol. XVI. In Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, by Sigmund Freud. Translated by James Strachey. Copyright © 1966 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Copyright © 1976,1964,1963 by James Strachey. Copyright 1920,1935 by Edward L. Bery Bernays J. Habermas. Knowledge and Human Interests. Translated by Jeremy J. Shapiro. Copyright © 1971 by Beacon Press. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press. University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of California Press, Ltd. London, England Copyright © 1984 by the Regents of the University of California First Paperback Printing 1985 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Grünbaum, Adolf. The foundations of psychoanalysis. Bibliography: p. 287 Includes index. 1. Psychoanalysis. 2. Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. 3. Philosophy. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Psychoanalytic theory. WM 460 G888f] BF173.G76 1984 150.19'52 83-9264 ISBN 0-520-05017-7 Printed in the United States of America This book is a print-on-demand volume. It is manufactured using toner in place of ink. Type and images may be less sharp than the same material seen in traditionally printed University of California Press editions. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum Requirements of ANS1/NISO Z39.48-1992(R 1997) (Permanence of Paper) TO Morris Eagle Stanley Rachman Benjamin Rubinstein Rosemarie Sand who generously eased my path when I first entered the field of this book. This page intentionally left blank Contents Acknowledgments Introduction: Critique of the Hermeneutic Conception of Psychoanalytic Theory and Therapy 1 \. The Exegetical Legend of "Scientistic Self-Misunderstanding" 2 2. Critique of Habermas's Philosophy of Psychoanalysis 9 A. Does the Dynamics of Psychoanalytic Therapy Exhibit the "Causality of Fate"? 9 B. Are Nomological Explanations in the Natural Sciences Generically Non-Historical, While Causal Accounts in Psychoanalysis are Historically-Contextual? 15 C. Does the Patient Have Privileged Cognitive Access to the Validation or Discreditation of Psychoanalytic Hypotheses? 21 3. Critique of Ricoeur's Philosophy of Psychoanalysis 43 A. Ricoeur's Truncation of the Purview of Freudian Theory 43 B. Are Natural Science Modes of Explanation and Validation Gainsaid in Psychoanalysis By the Pathogenicity of Seduction Fantasies, Or By the Explanatory Role of "Meaning"? 49 C. Does the Theory of Repression Furnish a "Semantics of Desire"? 61 vii viii Contents D. Ricoeur's Disposal of "The Question of Proof in Freud's Theory" 67 4. Are Repressed Motives Reasons But Not Causes of Human Thought and Conduct? 69 5. Critique of George S. Klein's Version of Hermeneutic Psychoanalysis 83 6. The Collapse of the Scientophobic Reconstruction of Freud's Theory 93 Part I. The Clinical Method of Psychoanalytic Investigation: Pathfinder or Pitfall? 95 95 Chapter 1. Is Freud's Theory Empirically Testable? 97 A. Clinical versus Experimental Testability: Statement of the Controversy 97 B. The Purported Untestability of the Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality 104 Chapter 2. Did Freud Vindicate His Method of Clinical Investigation? 127 A. Are Clinical Confirmations an Artifact of the Patient's Positive "Transference" Feelings Toward the Analyst? 130 B. Freud's Reliance on the Hypothesized Dynamics of Therapy as a Vindication of his Theory of Unconscious Motivation 135 C. Was Freud's Attempted Therapeutic Vindication of the Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Successful? 159 Part II. The Cornerstone of the Psychoanalytic Edifice: Is the Freudian Theory of Repression Well Founded? 173 Chapter 3. Appraisal of Freud's Arguments for the Repression Etiology of the Psychoneuroses 177 Chapter 4. Examination of the Psychoanalytic Theory of Slips—of Memory, the Tongue, Ear, and Pen 190 Chapter 5. Repressed Infantile Wishes as Instigators of All Dreams: Critical Scrutiny of the Compromise Model of Manifest Dream Content 216 Contents ix Chapter 6. Appraisal of Freud's Further Arguments for the Emergence of Unadulterated Repressions Under "Free" Association 240 Chapter 7. Remarks on Post-Freudian Defenses of the Fundamental Tenets of Psychoanalysis 246 Chapter 8. Can the Repression Etiology of Psychoneurosis Be Tested Retrospectively? 251 Part III. Epilogue 267 Chapter 9. The Method of Free Association and the Future Appraisal of Psychoanalysis 269 Chapter 10. Critique of Freud's Final Defense of the Probative Value of Data from the Couch: The Pseudo- Convergence of Clinical Findings 273 Chapter 11. Coda on Exegetical Myth-Making in Karl Popper's Indictment of the Clinical Validation of Psychoanalysis 279 Bibliography 287 Indexes 297 Name Index 299 Subject Index 303

This study is a philosophical critique of the foundations of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. As such, it also takes cognizance of his claim that psychoanalysis has the credentials of a natural science. It shows that the reasoning on which Freud rested the major hypotheses of his edifice was fundamen
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