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THE FOUCAULT EFFECT STUDIIENS GOVERNM EN1l\LITY WITH MO LECTUREBSY AN D AN INTERVIEW WITH MICHEL FOUCAULT Editbeyd GrahaBmu rcheCloll,iG no rdon andP eteMri ller THEU NIVERSOIFCT HYI CAPGROE SS TheU niverosfiC thyi caPgroe sCsh,i ca6g0o6 37 © 199E1d itoarnsdC ontributors Allr ighrtess ervPeubdl.i s1h9e9d1 Printientd h eU niteSdt atoefAs m erica 14 13 12 II1 0 09 08 07 6 7 8 9 ISBN0:- 226-080(4p5a-p5e rback) LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation TheF oucauelftf e:cs ttudiineg so vernmen:t awliittthwy o lectubryea sn da ni nterviewM iwcihteFlho ucauIl t editbeydG rahaBmu rcheCloll,iG no rdoann,dP eter Miller. p. cm. Inclubdiesb liograrpehfiecraealnn cdie nsd ex. ISBN0 -226-080(4c4l-o7t- hI)S.B N0 -226-08045-5 (pkb.) I.R easoonfs tate2..W elfasrtea tle..F oucault, MichelI.I B.u rcheGlrla,h am.I IIG.o rdoCno,l in. IV.M illPeert,e r, Ph.D. ]CI3I.F6139 91 320'.0I'I-dc20 91-10456 CIP e Thep apeurs eidn t hipsu blicamteieottnsh em inimum requiremoeftn htAesm ericNaant ioSntaaln dard for InformaStciioenn ces-PermaonfPe anpcefero Prr inted LibraMrayt eriAaNlSsI,Z 39.48-1992. Contents Ackngoewmleendts Vll Pfrcaee IX 1 GovernmReanttiaolnA naI lnittryo:d uction ColGiodnro n 2 Poliatnidc Sstut hdoeyf D iscourse 53 MicFhoeulc ault 3 QuestoifMo entsh od 73 MicFhoeulc ault 4 Governmentality 87 MicFhoeulc ault 5 TheatProulmi tTihcGeue mn:e alCoagpyi -tPoaofll ice and StathtoeefP rosperity 105 PasqPuaaslqeu ino 6 PecuIlnietasertCr isv:Si olc iaenGtdoy v er'nTihSneyg s tem ofN atuLriable rty' 191 GraBhaucmrh ell 7 SocEicaoln oamntydh Geo vernomfe nPto verty1 51 GiovParnoncaa cci 8 ThMeo biliozfSa otciioent y 196 JacDqounezse lot 9 How shWoeuD lotd h Hei stoofSra tyt istics? 181 IaHna cking 10 InsuraannRdci es k 197 FranE�wiasl d 11 'oPpuLliaefra' n Idn surTaencchen ology 211 DanDifeeerlt v Contents 12 CriminTohlBeoi gryotf:ahS pecKinaolw ledge 235 PasqPuaaslqeu ino 13 PleaisnWu orrek 251 JacDqounezse lot 14 FroDma ngerotuos nReisssk 281 RobCearstt el Index 299 VI Acknowledgements Chap2to erri gianpaplelianytr heFedr ejnocuhr Ensatpnl,ro i3.7 (1M ay 196p8p)8. 5 0-A8n7E 4n.g ltirsahn sfilraastptip oenia nrt ehjdeuo rnal Saglumnando2i.0,( u Smmer-1F9a7pl2pl2).,2 5-A4 r8e.v ised translation byC olGionr doorni gianpapleliaynrI edde oalnCodog nys cinoo3u. s ness, (pSirn1g9,87 )T.h per esveenrtsh iabosen ef nru theern seixrvetevliys ed. Chap3to erri gianpaplelaiyrnM eidc hePlelrere od,tL. ,i'p mossible priRseocnh:se urIrcse hy espsti etnmeiena tuXi IaXsreie e(ecdliedt uiS oenusi l, Par1i9s8,T0 h)et. r ansblyaC toiloinn Groerpdroonhd,eu rcee d with mincoorr rectionasp,p eoiarnrIi e&gdCni ,on8 .a,P l olwayen Drde sire: Diraagomfts h Seo c(ipSaril1n 89g)1 . Chap4ti easlr e ctguirvaeettn h Ceo lldeeFg rea nFceeb,r 1u79a8r.y Thfier psutb liwcaaistna i nIot na ltiraann sblyPa atsiqoPunaa slqeu ino, in jtohuerA nua.tl .a u.nto ,1. 6 7(-eSp8t em-bDeerc em1b9e7rA8 n) . Engltirsahn sblyRa otsiio n Borraiigdioantpatpliel iaynrI e&dCn ,o6 . (uAtum1n9 7A9 ).F revnecrhs rieo-nt,r afnorsmlt ahtIeet da lian, appeianrA ecdtN eos5.4 ( e1t9e8 p6p7).- 5 1T.h per esveenrtsw iaosn revibsyCe odlG ionr don. Chap5tw eargs i veanp aaptseo rs eam ionragra naittz hCeeod l lege deF ranbcyMe i chFeolu cian1u 9l7tA8 t.r ansblyCa otliGioonnr don oriingaalplpye iaInr deedoa lnCodog nys cinoo4u.( sAnuet1us79ms)8n,T. h e presternatn shlaabste ieeontxn e nsrievveilsye d. Chap7to erri gianpapleliaynAr eu.dt .au.nto ,1.7 6 -(8eS ptember­ Decem1b79e)8r.A transflraottmih oIent albiyJa enn nSitfoern e origianpapleilanIyr d eedoa lnCodog nys cinoo4u.( suAnteu1ms79ns8 ,T) h.e presenth abvsee erenstx ienosnri evveiblsyyCe odlG ionr don. Chap8tw earws r itftroe cnao enrfeonncn ee o-sdoecmioachlre alcdy in18 92T.h ter ansblyCa otliGioonnr daopnp earfsro htfiehrerts eit m e. Chap9to erri gianpapleilaInyr & enCdo .(p Sr8i 1n89g1T )h.te e axntd notfeotsrh viesr shiaovne rbeeveibnsyt e hadeu thor. Chap1t2we arw sr itftoears n e minar otrhgCeao nlilzdeeeg de at Franicn1e 9 7b9yM ichFeolu ctaT.uh let ransblyaC otliGioonnr don, reprohdeuwrcieet mdhi nmoord ificoartiigoiannpsap leilaInyr& enCdo . 7,T encoohgloiftes hH eu mSacni e(nAucte1usm9 n8T 0h)pe.r esveenrts ion habse efnru threerv ised. Vll Acknowledgements Chap1t3eo rri gianpapleliaynrJ eedaC na rpentieCra,s teRolb,e rt JacqDuoensz ,eJ elaoMnta rLiaec roAsnsnLeeo, v ealndGl i ovanna ProcaRcseciis,ta afnac emside etdc euimplnclteaii tdiuco onpn tdc ees ante (C.O.R.oDm.mEi.sSGa.erlnieCadrtuPa lla Pna,r1 i9s8 0)t.r aTnhsel a­ tionC oblGyio nr doorni gianpapleliaynIr &enCdo 9.L, if Lea,b aonudr Inse(cWuirn1it9te8y1r1 9 -8.2 ) Chap1t6,e1,r 0s1 ,1a n 1d4 a rpeu blishfreo d tfihhreets ritem e. Vlll Preface An effecotft hkiisn is db y mneoa annsa ppeaorraan niclel uIstisi ao n. products pwrheoiarcdd his s tietnsdoesvl eafrs urfiatic sse t;r iccot­ly presteoan,ntc d o -extweintishti,sv ceoa wuansn edd,e tertmhicinaseu asss e ani mmanceanutis nes,e pfarroaimbte fslfe ec tpsur,ne io hrxi, olu tsoiftd hee effecttsh emseSluvceehfes fc.t osrs, u cah p rodhuacvtue s uableleyn desigbnyaa p treodpo ersr i ngulaAr p rnoanpmaeemrc.e a bnec onsidered flulaysas iognnlt yot heex ttehniatrtt e fteor esafe nfco tft his( Gkiilndl.e s DeleTuzhLeeo, go ifSc e ,np s.7e 0) MichFeoluu clacto'nst emapnofdrir aerGnydi lDleelseg ulzoes sae s here pracitni csec nioemnetnicfitlcha neta umrioenfc,g e rstpaeipcnhi yasli cal phenomseuncaahst, hK ee levfifenco trt hCeo mptefofencH te.i asl so hintsionmge thiinngd iavbiotduhutiaa ttflsl ui ltaeycs:ht i ferovme dc an embotdhsyea mkei nodfi mperssionngaulal tsah rdaietts yi gbnyta htee d phystisnc'ai mfseo arn ' feefctO'u.rt iftrolt eh is colslteucdtiieosn of invotkheiisdsa e .T he'o Fucaeufelfctdt o'c umehnetriees-d b riefly sta-ttehmdea kivnigs itbhlreoap,u ag hr ticulairtn h pee rhsipsetcotriyv e oft hper esoeftn htde,i e frfewnatyi snw hiacnha ctiovrai rtty called governhmabese nemtna dteh inkaanpbdrl aec ticable. Outri atlliseno t jeunsdttsol yc ownhvaety, pcoenrnseoacnstaiildo en, ouaru thhoarvisenc ommon, somedtiehfrfiefnnorgtm m reamtbehre­r shiofpa s chooros lu bscrtioap m taineoisonft.W hatth esyh airase partiecxupllaorpr aastsoaisr otynr i,tv oi ncgaa pntdu raen alyze, across a ranogfie t mso de'rmnae ntsiafti(eoranssoo fsn t aptoel,li icbee,r alism, secusroicteiyca,ol n oimnys,u rsliaodnmcaeriew,s,e lfrairmseak,n agement and oatd hiemresn)os fhi iosnt oerxiicsawtleh niMcciehc hFeolu cta,u l perhdaipds ,tm oio ssotal naddte es cribe. Wet hitnhkei rsseo metihnti hnigs w whoiicrsshkt nielwwl,h ihcahs nobte edni geosrst teadbl yte hdie n teltlreecontftdu hsape la d setc ade, anwdh iccahhn e ulps utnod ertsotr aensdpt,ooa n ndpd e rheavpetsno loboeky oonupdrr esent.w roFiton1eu 9 c7ta6hui alnptt o liatniaclayls is weh avset nioltl ocfft uhtke i nhge'a-sdm e antihntaght o uagbhotu t poliitsti rcasp bpyet dh aen titohfde essepso atnidls emg itimation, repreasnsrdii ognIh ntB sr.i tcariintp,io claicltu ilctnauolrwe e s pouses thaei mosfaw ritctoenns taintaduB tioilfoRl ni g Chterst.aF ionulcya ult IX Preface did mneoattnh tahte wseerf etu ioljbece tiBvuegtso .v erninmsoe jtnu ts t ap owneere dtiobn etg a moerad na uthnoereidttiyobn e lg e gitIitmi zed. iasna ctiavnaidtna y rw th ich coanncwdeh rintcsoh u acelhalecA shn .d iti sa n art prwehsiucpthp hoosueTgshh ets .e nasnedo j becotf governamcedtnonst o aftlla f lr otmhs ek oyre merrgeeaf droym efdor m socpiraalc ticaert.eh iTwnhhgeisyc hh ahtdaob v e-ea nwdh ihcahv e bee-ni nvenFtoeudco.ab uslettr hvtaehtde irasep arocfte hlo uignh t evenc rtahseas nemdso tso tb tpuasreo tfss o crieaallw ihtiyicw,shh y critciacbnie as r me al fprooc whearnd geep,r isvoimpnerg a cotfi ces thesie-rle fvideetxnecnedt,ih bneog u nodfts ht eh inktaob lpee rmit the invenotfoi tohneT rhse'. F oucefafeuclmtta' y o,rs ucho uhiros p e, contrtioabr uetneeo wfta hlep soew eorfcs r itique. x CHAPTER ONE Govemmentraalt ionaalnii ntyt:r oduction ColiGno rdon Betwee1n97 a0n d1 98M4i,c hFeolu cdaeullitv tehrierdat neneuna l courosfle esc tautr Cetoshl eld eeFg rea inncP ea rFiosuu.cl adtu'tsai te s thceo llaespg reo,f eisnass opre cially icnr eHtaihtseet odof r Cyh air SystoefTm hso ugwhetrn,eo ttot eaacs hy llbaubtur set pooo nrt th e resouflh tiossw nr eseaSrecvheoerfsta .hle l seec tsuerrFeio eusc,a ult's owno fficsiuamlm aorfwi heishc ahvb ee en repausavb olliusbmhyee d l thCeo lldeeFg rea nacrepee,r limienxaprlyo roaftt hieomness taken up inv arioofu sFu olutlc'aastb eoro Bkust. octohnetrraisisc neh a omfs matewrhiiahclenh e ver chhatodis mteeow oorruk pi nafi nawlr itten fromP.e rhtahptesw mo o srte maraknanbculaoelu rosfwe hsi tchhii ss true twheoorsf1ee9 7a8n1 d9 7e9n,t irtelsceptdie 'veeScluyr ity, territory anpdo pulaatn'idT ohbnei' r,ot fbh i opoOlnioe t fti h1ce9s 7l'8e. c tures wapsu bli(lsathheodnu ogithn F renicnFh o)u cta'luseil tmfiea,n ids repriinnt thveiodsl u(mCeh a4p)tA.e p rr oviinsF ioouuncl awti'hlsal s beeinn terbpyrh eitlsteei rda erxye cuatspo rresc lpuodtsihnugm ous publiocfta htceio omnp lleecttseue rrbeiu ettsh e;ex cteipoinnatleo rfe st th1e9 7a8n1 d9 7c9o urhsabeses er ne cogbnyti hzreee dc peunbtl ication onc assteatpotfete h ien ilteicatlou ftr hetesw soe rainedsc ,oa m plete taepdei toifto htnew soe riicseu sr ruenndtceloryn sidCeormaptlieotne. recorodfti hneglssee c taurareve asi tloar belsee air.nct hFheoeru sc ault archaittv hBeei bliodtuSh aeuqlucienhP oairri s. Int helseec tFuoruecsda eufilntae nded x plaof reresddh o maoifn reseianrwtchoha h tec al'lgeordvn emernattaalil oinotryi,'nh , io sw n neolo'ggiosmvmee,nr ltni'atT.yh iwso rwka sn octa rroiuestdi ngle­ handeAdg lryoo.uff ple lorwe seasrecvheoerfwr ahslo,a m r e among the contritbotu hvtiooslr ,ust m oeopkai rnst e mihneaalrdtts h Ceo lldeeg e Franwchei cpha ralalnedcl oemdp lemtehnpetr eomdgm reao ft he lectIuntr hesesu .b selqeucetcnuotru eri snPe asrF iosu,c sahutilehftdi s atteanwtaifyoor nmt hese governmtehdneit raeloc fttt ihhoeen m es in topoifhc isfis n avlo luomfte hsHe i sotSfo erxyu Baulhtiec t oyn.t itnou ed teaacnhd orrgeasrnceishaze em ionnqa uress otfig oonvse rnomnhe inst ferquveinstti ott hsUe n itSetdap taerst,i actuB learrkleAyl n euym.b er ofl ecteusrseaasny,ds intpeurbvliiienstw hhsee d d UuSrAti hnegls aet er yeaprrso vviadleu daobcluem enotfta htaiirsooe nfaF oucault's work. ColGionr don Int hper esee-�nsIsta h yaa ltlt eabm rpitoe uft loift nhmeee anoiftn hge theomf'e g overn'm eFinontuu acllawtio'trsyak n d stthuewd hiiehcseh anodt hcearrsr oiueutdn dtehri s hceoanudscittnrigacn ,og mposite pictouftr hkeei nodfpso liatnipdch aill osaonlpayhwsihicisac lh s ttyhlies ofw orkipnrgo duicnte hshe a nodfsa numboefrd ifefreanntd indepernedseenatIr ncs hoemwreas y.s iastp hriosb leamneadv teain c foolhaurnddye rtAa kcionngds.ey nnsceardce,ct oimucan yrt i gslko ssing oveirm pordtieafrnfetn ocfpe esr cstpibeveet wdeieefnrf einntd ividual contriObnueit dsie osncsr.ai bzioonfnrg ee senaoratcf hlu,lf yro med prod(uahclottu hgahp piiitlns yo ,wp osstiorb eelfrte om ajosru bsequent 2 publicbaymt ainooyfnt shv iosl u'amsue otrhsT)h.ien acceasnsdi bility thieno frmoarlsa tlr uocftt hulere ec tmuarteem raikaselussm marization aton caeni ndispaennadsn a bulnoecr otmatfbalsIcek a .on n lhyo pteh at threi chonfte hsmesa teirtiswaeillel fnl c outrharege eat doet ro lerate thepsree steinootnbaaslt aanctdlh eeasit rt enidrarnitt ations. Asw elalss ummarIis zhiaanltglt, et mocp otn naenctdtoc ontextual­ .izWee.a roen lgyr adubaelcloyma iwnagor fea, n d satrfiealf rlor m haviflnulgdy o cumeanctcetedost ,sh a es tournadniognfFeg o uuclat's intelelnetcetruepasrlpi esceiisnta ,hll eal tyye eraf rorsm1 97t6o1 984. Thgeo verntmheenhmtaeaasf lc o apll aicnFe o ucalualtpteh'ris l osophy; ane ffornte etdobs e m adteol octahtieas c causr aaspt oeslsyTi ob le. understand witdhreeer s toh,nes amonemc'eestn heientdgobs e s aid abotuhtie n terabcettiwaoer neesns eaagrecnahdn aadc ontemporary poliwtoircTlaodhl .e tlop siittdsiu sattievn acl-tuaienvo dneg rouonfd s good siewtni slaeld vb-iets oar ebsldieos ctt roivnearisrteoa ftth eimse nt worku'nsi qaunedu nprececdheanrtaeacdnt die nrs,tt eota rdty o estalbilniescsho momfu niwciattthwi eonnt ietehn-qcueiinnrttiuoer sy allaireeodafp s o lipthiiclaoalsn odp hhtiyhs eto ofpr oyl iitdieScauascl.h poionfftu rsiu tclfo nneacrtaeiGs,or na hBaumr cihlelluls( thCraaptteesr 6)e,n couranguimrneosguF.li yn aalnltdya ,k diunaegc cooufwn itd e­ spreadd iesxctuoasfnFs toi uocnal ualtpteu'rbs l ishseodm ewtohrikn,g ougthobt e s aaibdo ute tthhiaecn pado ll ictoincsaild e(riaafnt yi)o ns impliintc hiwitas oy fw orkainntdgh inking. Whadti Fdo uchaauviletnm inbdyt hteo p'igco vernrmaetnitoanl­ al'iF?to yucuanurdlsett tohotede r'mg ovetri'nnb m oetanwh i de a and narrsoewn Hseep .r opoads eefidn iotfti hotene r'mg ovetri'nn m en genearsma ela n'ihtnecg o ndoufcc otn d'ut:ch tia tsto s a,y faro mo f activitys haaigpmueii,ond rage f e ftctoth e consdoumpceet r osorof n pers'oTnhgseo. v ernomfoe nnet' asn dso etolhffwe arFsso 'u ctsa't uiltle froh ilsa tswtyo e alresc't aunrfdero s p,ar j oectuendp,ub lbiosohke.d Governamsae nan ctt icvoiuctloydn ctehrrene labteitownse eealnnf d se,lp frivianttee rpreerlsaoitnniavolon lssvo imfnerog m o fc ontorro l guidarneclea,tw iiotnhssion c iinaslt itaundtc ioomnnmisut aineds, 2

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