Accepted forpublicationinApJLetters PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.04/03/99 THE FORMATION OF THE FIRST GLOBULAR CLUSTERS IN DWARF GALAXIES BEFORE THE EPOCH OF REIONIZATION Volker Bromm1 and Cathie J. Clarke InstituteofAstronomy,UniversityofCambridge,MadingleyRoad,CambridgeCB30HA,UK; [email protected],[email protected] Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters ABSTRACT Weexploreamechanismfortheformationofthefirstglobularclusters,operatingduringtheassembly of dwarf galaxies at high redshifts, z ∼>10. The substructure in the dark matter and the corresponding 02 potential wells are responsible for setting the cluster scale of ∼ 105M⊙. The second mass scale in the 0 formation problem, the stellar scale of ∼1M⊙, is determined in turn by the processes that cool the gas. 2 Weaddresstheoriginofthefirst,clustermassscalebymeansofthree-dimensionalnumericalsimulations of the collapsing dark matter and gaseous components. We find that the gas falls into the deepest dark n subhalos, resulting in a system of ∼ 5 proto-globular clouds. The incipient globular clusters lose their a individual dark halos in the process of violent relaxation, leading to the build-up of the general dark J halo around the dwarf galaxy. 5 Subject headings: cosmology: theory — early universe — galaxies: formation — clusters: globular — 1 stars: formation — hydrodynamics v 6 6 1. INTRODUCTION dwarf galaxies of mass ∼108M⊙ are expected to collapse 0 atz ∼>10. FormingGCsinthesedwarfsystemsmightpro- 1 The origin of globular clusters (GCs) is a longstand- vide an answerto the oldpuzzle of how to simultaneously 0 ing challenge in astrophysics, ever since Peebles & Dicke account for the two characteristic mass scales involved in 2 (1968)have triedto link their formationto the conditions 0 inthe earlyuniverse,brieflyafterthe epochofrecombina- theproblem: theclusterscaleof∼105M⊙,andthestellar h/ tion (at redshift z ∼1000). Despite considerable progress scaleof∼1M⊙,respectively. Inthe contextofourmodel, the cluster scale is set by the substructure in the dark p in our theoretical understanding (e.g., Fall & Rees 1985; matter (DM) component, providing the potential wells in - Ashman 1990; Kang et al. 1990; Murray & Lin 1992; o which the proto-globular clouds are assembled. The sec- McLaughlin & Pudritz 1996; Padoan, Jimenez, & Jones r ond, stellar, mass scale is then determined by the cooling t 1997; Nakasato, Mori, & Nomoto 2000; Ashman & Zepf s physics of the star forming gas. We here address the ori- 2001; Cen 2001), the fundamental question of why it is :a thatatearlycosmologicaltimesboundaggregatesof∼105 ginofthe clustermassscalebyperformingnumericalsim- v ulations of the collapsing DM and gas components. The stars were able to form, remains unsolved. Two recent i emergence of the stellar mass scale will be investigated in X developments, however, have significantly improved the subsequent, higher-resolutionwork. prospects for real progress. r ThepossibleconnectionbetweenGCformationandDM a Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope have re- subhaloshaspreviouslybeenexploredsemi-analyticallyby vealed several merging or recently merged systems which Peebles (1984), Rosenblatt, Faber, & Blumenthal (1988), containextremelyluminousyoungstellaraggregates(e.g., and Cˆot´e, West, & Marzke (2001). Following the demon- Whitmore & Schweizer 1995). These systems have esti- stration that GCs do not have individual dark halos mated sizes and masses close to those of Galactic GCs. (Moore 1996), this scenario had lost much of its initial Therefore, in extreme environments like starburst galax- appeal. ConsideringGCformationduringtheearlystages ies, GCs might still be able to form in the present-day oftheCDMbottom-uphierarchy,however,mightalsopro- universe where we can directly probe the formation pro- vide a way out of this problem. Due to the flatness of the cess. The second recent development is the increase in CDM spectrum on the smallest scales, there is a strong computationalpowerwhichenablesustoaddressthecom- ‘cross-talk’behavior,i.e.,theroughlysimultaneouscollapse plex physics of collapsing and fragmenting gas with high of all scales (e.g., Blumenthal et al. 1984). The incipi- resolutionandthe additionofthe importantphysicalpro- ent GCs, provided they have condensed sufficiently, could cesses. Therefore, the renewed investigation of globular therefore lose their individual dark halo in the process of cluster formation is very timely, and holds the promise of violent relaxation without being disrupted themselves. understanding star formation on its grandest scale. It is likely that there are many avenues leading to the formationofGCs(e.g.,Ashman&Zepf1998). InthisLet- ter, we explore one of them and ask: Could the first glob- 2. THECOSMOLOGICALCONTEXT ular clusters have formed during the initial stages in the Wefirstoutlinethebasicphysicalreasonwhysmallpro- hierarchical build-up of cosmic structure? Within popular togalactic systems of mass ∼ 108M⊙, collapsing before variants of the ‘cold dark matter’ (CDM) model, the first the epoch of reionization at redshifts z ∼> 7 (e.g., Gnedin 1Presentaddress: Harvard-SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,60GardenStreet,Cambridge,MA02138 1 2 2000), provide intriguing sites for the formation of the are the suspected seeds for GC formation. first globular clusters. Throughout this paper, we assume Recently, Weil & Pudritz (2001) have investigated how thatstructureformationisdescribedbytheΛCDMmodel, the protogalactic systems studied in this Letter would with a density parameterin matter (both DM andgas)of merge to form larger systems. They do not, however, ad- Ω = 1−Ω = 0.3, and in baryons of Ω = 0.045. The dress what happens on scales smaller than ∼1 kpc, the m Λ B Hubbleconstantish=H /(100kms−1 Mpc−1)=0.7,and resolution limit of their simulation. Our work is comple- 0 the power-spectrumnormalizationis givenby σ =0.9on mentary to this largerscale study, as we focus on the star 8 the 8h−1Mpc scale. formationprocessintheindividualhalosonsub-kpcscales. Within a hierarchical cosmogony, the first dwarf galax- ies, of mass ∼ 108M⊙, are expected to form out of ∼ 3σ peaks in the random field of primordial density fluctua- tions. One can estimate the redshift of collapse (or viri- alization) to be z ≃ 15. For such a system, the gas coll acquires a temperature close to the virial temperature of the DM host halo: Tvir ≃ 2000Kh2/3(M/108M⊙)2/3(1+ z ) ≃ 104K . Since structure formation is a bottom- coll up process, at z > z less massive DM subhalos with coll T <104Kwillcollapsefirst,mergingtoeventuallybuild vir up the dwarf galaxy. The 3σ peaks considered here are verylikelyto beincorporatedintolargersystemslateron. The fate of dwarf galaxies deriving from lower σ peaks, however, is less certain. Whereas 2σ peaks are still ex- pectedto collapsebeforereionization,the moretypical1σ peaks would collapse at lower redshift and would there- fore not form GCs according to our model. The 2σ peaks couldsurviveasindividualentitiesandthuscorrespondto LocalGroupdwarfslike FornaxandSagittariuswhichare observed to have a system of GCs. A convenient way to quantify the merging history of a galaxyisgivenbytheextendedPress-Schechter(EPS)for- Fig. 1.—Buildingupthedwarfgalaxy. Average number ofpro- malism(Lacey&Cole1993). TheEPSprescriptionallows genitor halos vs. baryonic mass (in M⊙), formedat z=30, 25, 20, and 18 that, by the later time z0 ≃ 15, will have merged into the onetocomputetheaveragenumberofprogenitorsubhalos dwarfgalaxyhalooftotalmassM0=2×108M⊙. Dashedline: Ob- at redshift z in a unit rangeof lnM thatwill have merged served mass function of old globular clusters. It can be seen that, at a later time z = 15 into a more massive halo of mass after the redshiftofturnaround zta ≃24, the mass function ofthe 0 M0 =2×108M⊙: DMsubhalosisverysimilartotheobservedGCone. 3. THESIMULATIONS dN 2 D D2 dσ (M) dlnM =rπM0σ0(M)S3/2exp(cid:18)−2S(cid:19)(cid:12) d0M (cid:12) , 3.1. Numerical Methodology (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (1) Theevolutionofthedarkmatterandgascomponentsis where D = δ (D(z)−1 − D(z )−1) and S(cid:12) = σ2(M(cid:12) ) − calculatedwithaversionofTREESPH(Hernquist&Katz c 0 0 σ2(M ). Here, σ2(M) is the variance of the linear power 1989), combining the smoothed particle hydrodynamics 0 0 0 spectrum at z = 0 smoothed with a “top-hat” filter of (SPH) method with a tree gravity solver. To follow the mass M, δ = 1.69 is the usual threshold overdensity for thermal evolution of low metallicity gas, we have imple- c spherical collapse, and D(z) is the growthfactor (Carroll, mented radiative cooling due to a trace amount of metals Press, & Turner 1992). In Figure 1, we show the number at temperatures below ∼104K, and due to atomic hydro- of subhalos at different redshifts z that end up as part of genandheliumatT ∼>104K(Brommetal. 2001b). Prior an M system at z . In comparing the mass functions of to reionization there are almost no ionizing photons, and 0 0 the DM subhalos after turnaround,z ≃24,with the ob- we consequently ignore heating due to photo-ionization. ta servedoneforoldglobularclusters(e.g.,Harris&Pudritz We have devised an algorithm to merge SPH particles 1994), one can see that the respective power-law slopes, in high-density regions in order to overcome the other- dN/dM ∝M−1.8, agree quite well in the two cases. This wise prohibitive time-step limitation, as enforced by the fact suggests that the DM subhalos assemble the requi- Courant stability criterion. To follow the simulation for a site high-density gas that might subsequently fragmentto fewdynamicaltimes,weallowSPHparticlestomergeinto form the first globular clusters. moremassiveones, providedthey exceeda predetermined The gas can only fall into the DM subhalos if it is al- density threshold, n ≃ 103 cm−3. More details of the th lowed to reach temperatures below ∼104K. This require- code are given in Bromm, Coppi, & Larson (2001a). ment explains the importance of the dwarf galaxy form- Our simulation is initialized at z = 100, by perform- i ing before the epoch of reionization. After reionization, ing the following steps. The collisionless DM particles are the intergalactic medium (IGM) is pervaded by a general placedonacubicalCartesiangrid,andarethenperturbed UV backgroundthat photoionizes the gas, and heats it to by applying the Zeldovich approximation (see Bromm et temperatures ∼> 104K (e.g., Barkana & Loeb 2001). Con- al. 2001a). The power-law index is set to n=−2.5 which sequently, the gas in collapsing dwarf systems would not approximatelydescribesthespectralbehavioronthescale ‘feel’ the presence of the shallow DM potential wells that of dwarf galaxies. Particles within a (proper) radius of 3 R = 950pc are selectedforthe simulation. The resulting In Figure 2, the situation towards the end of the virial- i number of DM particles is here N = 17074. Finally, ization process is shown. DM the particles are set into rigid rotation and are endowed with a uniform Hubble expansion. Fig. 3.—Surroundingsofthefirsthigh-densityclumpat z≃24. (a)Enclosedmass(inM⊙)vs. radialdistance(inpc)fromtheden- Fig. 2.— Morphologyatz≃15. Top row: TheDMcomponent. sitymaximum. Dashed line: Massprofileofthedarkmatter. Solid Bottom row: Distributionofclumpswithdotsizeindicatingclump line: Mass profileof the baryons. Diamond-shaped symbols: Bary- mass. Left panels: Face-onview. Right panels: Edge-onview. The onic mass profile scaled from the DM profile with the primordial boxsizeis1.3kpc. TheDMhasundergoneviolentrelaxationwith ratio of gas to DM mass (∼0.18). (b) Gas temperature (in K) vs. the concurrent smoothing out of the substructure. A small system radialdistance. Itcanbeseenthat thedropingastemperature at ofhigh-densityclumpsisleftbehind. R≃ 20 pc approximately coincides with the baryonic mass profile beginningtodeviatefromtheprimordialscaling(see(a)). Angular momentum is added by assuming a spin- parameter λ = 0.05. The collisional SPH particles Thecollapsehasresultedintheformationof6highden- (NSPH = 32768) are randomly placed to approximate a sity clumps, with masses (in units of 105M⊙): 0.4, 0.5, 2, uniform initial density, and are endowed with the same 3, 13, and 220. The central clump is untypically massive Hubble expansion and rigid rotation as the DM ones. for a GC. This most massive clump, however,differs from Weassumethatthegasispre-enrichedtoalevelofZ = the other ones in that it has been assembled over a long 10−2Z⊙ as the result of previous star formation activity. period of time (∆t ∼108yr), and is therefore expected to We have also carried out simulations with Z = 10−3Z⊙ be chemically inhomogeneousand possibly subject to vig- and Z =0, but with the same DM realization, to investi- orous negative feedback due to multiple episodes of star gate the effect of varying the cooling physics. formation. Thelowermasslimit,M ,issetbytheres- lower 3.2. Results olutionlimit ofthe simulation,Mres ∼5×104M⊙. There is, however,also a physicalreasonfor a lowermass cutoff. At first, the halo is still expanding, to break away from During the collapse of the halo the Jeans mass obeys the the Hubble flow and to turn around at zta ≃ 24. At this relation: MJ ∼>105M⊙ (see Fig. 4), and gas pressure will point, the DM has already developed a marked substruc- thereforepreventthebaryonsfromfallingintothesmallest ture in response to the initially imprinted density fluctu- DM subhalos. ations. The baryons have begun to fall into the deepest Thegaseousclumpsappeartohavelosttheirindividual DM potential wells. For this to happen, the gas has to DM halos and are embedded in a general, rather smooth be able to cool below ∼104K. Therefore, an efficient low- DMdistribution. ThisalmostcompleteerasureoftheDM temperature coolant has to be present: either metals at a substructure might be due to insufficient numerical res- level of Z ∼> 10−3Z⊙ (see Bromm et al. 2001b) or molec- olution, as has been recently demonstrated on the scale ular hydrogen. We have verified that the DM induced of large (Milky-Way size) galaxies, as well as of clusters assembly of gas into the subhalos leads to the same re- of galaxies (e.g., Moore et al. 1999). The small-scale sult, irrespective of whether the low-temperature cooling regime explored here, however, might be special in that is provided by metals, present at a level 10−3 or 10−2Z⊙, the slope of the mass variance becomes almost flat. All orbyH . Theassemblyprocess,however,doesnotworkif scales collapse virtually at the same time, and the indi- 2 cooling is only due to lines of atomic hydrogen. Once the vidualDMsubhalosconsequentlyexperienceexceptionally gas cools and contracts to densities in excess of n =103 strongtidalfields. Onlyinthesmallestgalaxies,therefore, th cm−3,asink particleiscreated. Initially,the sink particle might the dissipatively condensed gas clumps lose the as- has a mass close to the resolution limit of the simulation, sociationwiththeDMhalosthathadgivenbirthtothem. Mres ∼4×104M⊙. Subsequently,a sinkparticlegrowsin Futurehighresolutionsimulationswilltestwhetherthisis massbyaccretingsurrounding,diffusegas,andbymerging indeed the case. Our model could provide an explanation with other sink particles. for the existence of co-moving groups of GCs in the halos 4 of large galaxies, as claimed by Ashman & Bird (1993) in simulations which we plan to carry out in future work. the case of M31. InFigure4,weestimate the massrangeofthe resulting In Figure 3, we show the properties of the gas in the clumps. We compute the Jeans mass for each gas particle vicinity of the first high-density clump. At r ∼ 20 pc, using the total (DM + baryonic) density at a redshift of the gas mass profile begins to deviate fromthe primordial 24. Wealsoshow(horizontallines)the baryonicmassofa behavior, M (r)=0.18M (r). 3σ peakatredshift24(turnaround)and15(virialization). B DM At first the highest density gas collapses into a ∼ 105M⊙ halo (see Fig. 3). Subsequently, more massive clumps form,upto thecollapseofthe dwarfgalaxyitself. Forgas with T ∼> 104K, characteristic of photoionization-heated gas, the Jeans mass would be MJ ∼> 107M⊙, hence mak- ing it impossible to form any high density clumps in the smallDMsubhalos. Again,thisshowsthattheGCforma- tion mechanism proposed in this Letter can only operate at redshifts beyond reionization. 4. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS Thecollapseandvirializationofthedwarfgalaxyresults in the formation of six high density clumps, with masses 105 ∼<M ∼<107M⊙,andtypicalradii∼10pc. Theresult- ing clump masses are determined by the mass spectrum of the DM substructure, provided the gas can cool suffi- ciently to fall into the shallow DM potential wells. This is the case in the presence of an efficient coolant that is able to operate at T ∼< 104K, but is prohibited after the universe underwent reionization. In our simulations, the Fig. 4.— The bottom-up assembly of gas in a collapsing dwarf highlycondensedgascloudshavelosttheirindividualDM galaxy. Gasmass(inM⊙)vs. hydrogennumberdensity(incm−3). subhalos,whichwetentativelyascribetotheexceptionally Smalldots: JeansmassevaluatedforeverySPHparticleatthemo- strong tidal forces acting during the relaxation of a dwarf ment of turnaround, zta ≃ 24. Dotted lines: Baryonic mass of a galaxy at high redshift. halocorrespondingtoa3σ peakatredshiftsz=24,and15. Verti- The expectedmetallicitydistributionofclustersformed cal dashed line: Conditionthatthefree-falltimeequalstheHubble timeatz=15. Onlytheparticlestotherightofthisline,compris- in this way needs further investigation. We note that the ing∼70% ofthe total gas mass,have achance to beincorporated time between turnaround and virialization, which marks intoahigh-densityclump. the interval over which GCs are assembled in our model, Closerin,atr ∼10pc,thegasbecomesself-gravitating. is around 108yr, and thus in principle there is time for TheDMdensityinthevirializedsubhaloisρ ∼10−21g thenucleosyntheticproductsfromoneclustertoreachthe DM cm−3, corresponding to a gas density of n ∼ 102cm−3. gas destined to form another cluster. It is currently un- Since sink particles are created at n = 103cm−3, the clear whether this could explain the significant spread in th metallicityobservedamongthe clustersinthe Fornaxand high-density clumps physically represent self-gravitating Sagittariusdwarfs(e.g.,Buonannoetal. 1998),orwhether clouds. These clouds are the possible progenitors of glob- thesedatarequirethatsomeoftheclustersformatsignif- ular clusters. Notice the importance of the gas being able tocoolbelow∼104K,inordertofallintotheDMpotential icantly later epochs. well (Fig. 3b). A radius of ∼ 10 pc constitutes an upper limittothetruesizeofaGC.Thefinalclusterisexpected WewouldliketothankRichardLarson,LarsHernquist, to be more compact than the simulated clumps. GCs are and the anonymous referee for helpful comments. We are observed to show a lack of correlation between mass and indebted to Lars Hernquist for making available to us a radius(e.g.,Ashman& Zepf2001). Any mass-radiusrela- versionofTREESPH,andtoAndreaFerraraforproviding tioninoursimulationwouldbeanumericalartefact,since us with his low-metallicity cooling functions. This work sink particles (clumps) are created at a fixed density. 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