The Formation of Massive Star Systems by Accretion 9 0 Mark R. Krumholz,1 Richard I. Klein,2,3 Christopher F. McKee,2,4 0 ∗ 4 3 2 Stella S. R. Offner, and Andrew J. Cunningham n a J 1DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia, SantaCruz 0 2 201 InterdisciplinarySciences Building,Santa Cruz, CA 95064,USA ] 2DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley R 601Campbell Hall,Berkeley,CA 94720-3411,USA S h. 3LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory,AX Division p 7000 EastAvenue,Livermore,CA 94550,USA - o 4DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley r t s 366LeConteHall, Berkeley,CA 94720-7300,USA a [ ∗To whomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 v 7 5 Massive stars produce so much light that the radiation pressure they exert on 1 the gas and dust around them is stronger than their gravitational attraction, 3 a condition that has long been expected to prevent them from growing by ac- . 1 cretion. We present three-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations 0 of the collapse of a massive prestellar core and find that radiation pressure 9 does not halt accretion. Instead, gravitational and Rayleigh-Taylor instabil- 0 : ities channel gas onto the star system through non-axisymmetric disks and v filaments that self-shield against radiation, while allowing radiation to escape i X through optically-thin bubbles. Gravitational instabilities cause the disk to r fragment and form a massivecompanion to the primary star. Radiation pres- a sure does not limit stellar masses, but the instabilities that allow accretion to continue leadto smallmultiplesystems. Starscanformwithmassesuptoatleast120timesthatoftheSun(1,2),butthemechanism by which the most massive stars form is a longstanding mystery. Stars with masses greater than 20 M have Kelvin times (the time required for a star to radiate away its gravitational ⊙ ∼ binding energy) that are shorter than their formation times, and as a result they attain their full luminosities while still accreting from their natal clouds. As the radiation from such an embedded, massive star diffuses outward through the dusty gas in the protostellar envelope, it exerts a force that opposes gravity. Spherically averaged, the ratio of the radiativeand gravita- tional forces is 7.7 10−5κ (L/M) , where κ is the specific opacity of the gas in cm2/g and 0 0 0 (L/M) is the stell×ar light-to-mass ratio in units of L /M . Because the dusty envelopes of 0 ⊙ ⊙ 1 massive protostars have κ 5, the ratio of radiative to gravitational force exceeds unity for 0 all stars with (L/M) 25∼00. Main sequence stars reach this value of light-to-mass ratio at 0 ≥ masses 20 M . Therefore, radiation is expected to halt spherically symmetric infall (3,4) ⊙ ∼ nearthismass. Two-dimensionalsimulationsofmassivestarformation,whichincluderotation and thus an accretion disk that partially shields the gas from radiation (5,6) find that radiation completely halts accretion once stars reach 40 M (7), inconsistent with the highest known ⊙ ∼ stellarmasses. Herewereportathree-dimensionalsimulationoftheformationofstarswithmassesgreater than 20 M that includes the effects of radiation pressure. Three-dimensionality is important ⊙ becauseinstabilitiesthatdeterminetheinteractionofgasandradiation,suchasRayleigh-Taylor instabilities,showfastergrowthrates and highersaturationamplitudesin threedimensions(8). Additionally, instabilities in accretion disks (9,10), and the resulting formation of compan- ion stars (11), can only be simulated when the disk is represented non-axisymmetrically. It is important to consider these effects because most massive stars are members of multiple sys- tems(12,13). Our initial conditions consisted of a gas cloud with mass = 100 M , radius = 0.1 pc, and ⊙ density profile ρ r−1.5, consistent with models (14,15) and observations (16) of the initial ∝ statesofmassiveprestellarcores. Itsinitialtemperaturewas20Kanditwasinslow,solid-body rotation at a rate such that the ratio of rotational kinetic energy to gravitational binding energy was 0.02, which is consistent with the rotation rates seen in lower-mass cores (17). Previous two-dimensional simulations suggest that varying these parameters within the observed range of massive core properties would not alter the qualitative behavior (7). Even though observed massive cores have large turbulent velocities (16), we did not include turbulence in our initial conditions in order to focus on the effects of radiation pressure. Simulations that include the effects ofturbulence(10)do notappear toproducequalitativelydifferentresults. We evolved this initial state using our adaptive mesh refinement code ORION (18,19,20, 21,22),whichsolvestheequationsofgravito-radiation-hydrodynamicsinthegray,flux-limited diffusion approximation. The code dynamically increases resolution as needed down to a min- imum cell size of 10 AU; regions that collapse to densities above the Jeans density at the max- imum resolution become star particles, each of which produces a luminosity determined by a protostellarevolutionmodel(seeSOM fordetails). Thesimulationpassedthroughseveraldistinctphases(Fig.1,S1–S3,andMovieS1),form- ing multiple stars (Fig. 2). The cloud began to collapse immediately and a central protostar formed 3.6 kyrafterward. Fornext next17 kyr, theprotostaraccreted smoothlyviaan axisym- metricdisk(Fig. 1A).During thisphasethemassofthestargrewto 11M , anditsluminosity ⊙ stayed below 104 L . Because (L/M) < 1000, radiation pressure produced no noticeable ⊙ 0 effects. After∼ 20 kyr the disk became gravitationally unstable and developed a pronounced ∼ two-armedspiralthattransportedangularmomentumefficiently. (Fig.1B)(23). Accretiononto theprotostarcontinuedsmoothly. Accretion, unimpeded by radiation pressure, continued until 25 26 kyr, when the star − reachedamassofroughly17M andachievedasustainedlighttomassratio(L/M) 2500, ⊙ 0 driven by Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction. This was luminous enough for its radiation p≈ressure forcetoexceed thegravitationalforce, andthestarbegantodrivegasoutwardaroundthepolar axis, inflating radiation-filled bubbles both above and below the accretion disk (Fig. 1C). The density inside the bubbles was very low, and within them the radiation pressure exceeded the gas pressure by orders of magnitude. Almost all gas falling onto the protostar struck the walls ofthebubbles,whereitwas shockedand swept upintothebubblewalls. However,thisdidnot slow accretion in our simulation, because the gas that struck the bubble walls eventually trav- eled along the margin until it reached the disk, at which point it continued to accrete onto the 2 star. During this phase, radiation forces acting on material accreting onto the disk and gravita- tionalforces acting onmaterial inthediskcaused ittobecomeincreasinglynon-axisymmetric. A series of small secondary stars formed in the disk, most of which advected inward due to dynamicalfrictionwiththegasandcollidedwiththecentralprotostar. Asaresulttheaccretion rateonto thecentral starbecamevariable,but itsmeanvalueremained roughlyunchanged. Around 35 kyr a series of disk-borne stars collided and became massive enough to resist being dragged inward (Fig. 1D). The secondary star was initially smaller than the primary and orbited it, intercepting and accreting much of theinflowing gas (24). As a result the secondary star acquired its own disk and grew faster at first than the primary, and the system reached a mass ratio > 0.5. Thereafter, the disk continued to fragment but at a much-diminished rate, andaccretionbecamealmostevenlydividedbetweenthetwomassivestars. Athirdsmalldisk- borne star was ejected into a wide orbit in our simulation, but eventually fell back and was capturedandaccreted. Thetotalaccretionrateontothebinarysystemvariedperiodicallyasthe starsorbitedoneanother,butitstime-averagedvalueremainedaboutthesameasbeforebinary formation. Fromthispointonwardthebubblesshowedinstability,andconstantlychangedshape whileundergoingslowoverallexpansion. Accretion ontothesystemcontinueduninterrupted. We halted the simulation at 57 kyr, after a 20 kyr period when there was no further qualitativechange in the evolution(Fig. 1E). At t∼his point the system was a binary with a total mass of 70.7 M and a time-averaged total luminosityof approximately 5 105 L . The two ⊙ ⊙ × stars had masses of 41.5 M and 29.2 M and were 1590 AU apart. Neglecting the effects ⊙ ⊙ of the gas the semi-major axis of the orbit was 1280 AU (eccentricity 0.25), but because this neglects the gas, it may be an overestimate. Orbits like this are typical of young O stars, at least 40% of which are visual binaries with separations 1000 AU (12). These are not the final system parameters, because the envelope and the dis∼k still contained 28.3 M of gas and ⊙ the accretion rate had not diminished. However the qualitative nature of the final system was well-established. We compared our result to two-dimensional simulations. The largest star that formed in any two-dimensional simulation with gray radiative transfer had a mass of 22.9 M . If the ⊙ simulationincludeda multi-frequencytreatment of the radiation, which we omittedbecause of its computational cost (see the SOM for details), the maximum mass of the star that formed was 42.9 M (7). In these two-dimensional simulations the initial phases of collapse, disk ⊙ formation, and growth of a polar bubble were quite similar to ours, although the disk lacked non-axisymmetric structure. In both cases there was a “flashlight effect” (25,7) in which the disk beamed radiation preferentially into the polar direction. In two dimensions, however, as the star’s mass grew, radiation halted accretion over an ever larger fraction of the solid angle around the star. This eventually stopped infall onto the disk. Some of the gas remaining in the diskcontinuedtoaccreteontothestar,butatadiminishingrate,andeventuallythediskdensity becamelowenoughfor stellarradiationtoblowitaway. This never happened in our simulation. Instead, when the luminositybecame large enough that our bubbles no longer delivered mass to the disk efficiently, they became asymmetric and clumpy. In someplaces radiationblewout sectionsofthebubblewall, whereas inothers dense filamentsofgasfelltowardthestars(Fig.3). Thestructureofdensefingersofheavy,downward- movingfluid alternatingwith chimneysofoutgoingradiation is analogousto that of aclassical Rayleigh-Taylor instability, with radiation taking the place of the light fluid. Radiation forces away from the star are stronger than gravity when averaged over 4π sr, producing velocities and net forces that have an outward direction over most of the solid angle. Much of the mass is concentrated into the dense fingers, and because radiation flows around rather than through thesestructures, withinthem thevelocityand thenet force havean inward direction. However, thisdidnotremovetheangularmomentumofthegas,soitcontinuedtofallontothediskrather 3 than directly onto the stars. The growth of clumps in the disk that form secondary stars is a naturalside-effectofthisprocess,butradiationmaybejustacceleratingaprocessthatiscaused by gravity. At least 40% of the accreting gas reached the disk through this Rayleigh-Taylor mechanism; gas falling onto the outer disk directly accounted for 25% of the accretion, and gas reaching the disk by traveling along the bubbles’ outer wall∼s contributed the remaining 35%(seeSOM fordetails). ∼ Continued disk feeding is what made the three-dimensional results different from earlier two-dimensional ones. At 34.0 and 41.7 kyr (Fig. 1C, 1D), bracketing the onset of instability, the total stellar mass was 32.4 M and 46.9 M , and the disk mass was 4.0 5.7 M and ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ 4.5 9.1 M , respectively. (The range reflects using density cutoffs of 10−14 −10−16 g cm−3 ⊙ − − to separate disk from non-disk material.) If accretion of gas onto the disk had halted, then the evolutionwouldlikelyhavebeenthesameasinthetwo-dimensionalsimulations. Theremnant disk wouldstillhave accreted, but itslow mass means thestars would havegainedless than 10 M fromit. In ourthree-dimensionalsimulationtheyinstead accreted 25 40 M , and didso ⊙ ⊙ − at a constant rather than a declining accretion rate. Accretion of stars rather than gas did not contribute significantly to this. The star with a final mass of 40 M gained only 1.8 M via ⊙ ⊙ collisions,whilethe 30M stargained1.2M ,excluding∼theinitialcollisionthatcreatedit. ⊙ ⊙ ∼ Thefinalstarformationefficiencyforoursimulatedcorewasatleast70%,andamajorityof themassaccretedwithininonemean-densityfree-falltimeoftheinitialcore,52.5kyr. Because infall was continuing at a roughly constant rate and no further qualitativechanges were occur- ring at the time we halted the simulation, it is likely that much of the remaining mass would accreteontothestarsystem. Inreality,protostellaroutflows,whichwehavenotincludedinour simulation, would limit the star formation efficiency to 50% (26,27). Our result indicates ∼ that, whencompared to outflows,radiationpressuredoes notaffect starformationefficiency or timescales. The cavities generated by outflows would reduce the effects of radiation pressure even further (28), and would modify the geometry of the radiation pressure bubbles or would prevent their formation altogether. Photon bubble instabilities, which can occur if the gas is sufficientlymagnetized(29), mightalsoreducetheeffectsofradiationpressureand modifythe bubble geometry. Our simulation shows that, even if these effects are omitted, radiation pres- suredoes notpresenta barriertomassivestarformation. Supporting OnlineMaterial Supportingonlinetext Figs. S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 MovieS1 4 Fig.1. Snapshotsof thesimulationat 17.5, 25.0, 34.0, 41.7, and 55.9 kyr(A–E). In each panel the left side image shows column density perpendicular to the rotation axis in a (3000AU)2 region. Theright sideshowsvolumedensityin a (3000AU)2 slicealong therotationaxis. The color scales are logarithmic, and run from 100 102.5 g cm−2 on the left and 10−18 10−14 g cm−3 on the right. Plus signs indicate the pro−jected positions of stars. See Fig. S1−–S3 and MovieS1 foradditionalimages. 5 Fig. 2. (A) Stellar mass, (B) stellar luminosity, and (C) accretion rate as a function of time. Black lines show values summed over all stars, blue lines show values for the most massive star, and red lines show values for second most massive star. (A) Asterisks mark the onset of deuterium burning and diamonds mark hydrogen burning. (B) Solid lines show luminosities from all sources (accretion, Kelvin-Helmholtzcontraction, and nuclear burning), while dashed linesshowaccretionluminosityonly. Luminositiesandaccretionratesare100yrrunningaver- ages. 6 Fig. 3. Snapshot of a (6000AU)2 slice along the rotation axis at 51.1 kyr. Color indicates density from 10−20 10−14 g cm−3 on a logarithmic scale. Plus signs show projected stellar − positions. (A) Arrows show gas velocity. (B) Arrow directions indicatethe direction of the net (radiation plus gravitational) force, while lengths are proportional to the magnitude of the net force divided by the magnitude of the gravitational force. Thus an inward arrow of length 1 represents negligibleradiationforce. 7 Supporting Online Material In this supporting text we describe our physical model, numerical method, and simulation analysisin moredetail. 1 Evolution Equations For clarity, in this section we write scalars in italics (e.g. a), vectors in bold (e.g. a), tensor contractionsoversingleindicesasdots(e.g.a b = aibi),andtensorproductsofvectorswithout · any operatorsymbol(e.g. (ab)ij = aibj). Wewritequantitiesevaluatedintherest frameofthe computationalgridwithoutsubscripts,andquantitiesevaluatedintheframecomovingwiththe gaswithsubscriptzero. Ourprotostellarcore is governedby the equationsof gravito-radiationhydrodynamics. For the radiative part of the evolution, since the structures we form are extremely optically thick (τ 100 through the disk), we adopt the flux-limited diffusion approximation (see 6 for ∼ § more details). With this approximation the state of the gas at every position is specified by a vector of quantities (ρ,ρv,ρe,E), where ρ is the gas density, v is the gas velocity, e is the gas specific energy including thermal and kinetic, but not gravitational, components, and E is the radiationenergydensityintherestframeofthecomputationalgrid. Thecomputationaldomain alsoincludesanumberofstarparticles(19,10),each ofwhichisapointmasscharacterized by amass M, apositionx, amomentump, and aluminosityL. We write the evolution equations for the gas quantities in the conservative, mixed-frame form, retaining terms to order v/c. We use the form of the equations appropriate to the static diffusionlimit,sinceforourproblemv/cissmallcomparedtooneovertheopticaldepthofthe system(21): ∂ ρ = (ρv) M˙ W(x x ) (1) i i ∂t −∇· − − i X ∂ (ρv) = (ρvv) P ρ φ λ E p˙ W(x x ) (2) i i ∂t −∇· −∇ − ∇ − ∇ − − i X ∂ (ρe) = [(ρe+P)v] ρv φ κ ρ(4πB cE) 0P ∂t −∇· − ·∇ − − κ +λ 2 0P 1 v E ˙ W(x x ) (3) i i κ − ·∇ − E − (cid:18) 0R (cid:19) i X ∂ cλ κ E = E +κ ρ(4πB cE) λ 2 0P 1 v E 0P ∂t ∇· κ0Rρ∇ ! − − (cid:18) κ0R − (cid:19) ·∇ 3 R − 2vE + L W(x x ). (4) i i −∇· 2 − (cid:18) (cid:19) i X Equations(1),(2),(3),and(4)aretheequationsofmassconservation,momentumconservation, andgasandradiationenergyconservation,respectively. Thecorrespondingevolutionequations forthepointmassesare d M = M˙ (5) i i dt 8 d p x = i (6) i dt M i d p = M φ+p˙ . (7) i i i dt − ∇ In these equations M˙ , p˙ , and ˙ represent the rates at which gas mass, momentum, and me- i i i E chanical(thermalpluskinetic)energyaretransferredfromthegasontotheithpointmass,L is i the luminosity of that point mass, W(x) is a dimensionless weighting function whose integral is unity that defines the spatial region over which transfer between the point particles and the gasoccurs, and thesummationsin equations(1)–(4) andall subsequentequationsrun overall pointmasses. Equations(5)–(7)describepointparticlesmovingundertheinfluenceofgravity, whileaccreting massandmomentumfrom thegas. Thegravitationalpotentialφis givenbythePoissonequation 2φ = 4πG ρ+ M δ(x x ) , (8) i i ∇ " − # i X and thegaspressureP isgivenby ρk T 1 P = B g = (γ 1)ρ e v2 , (9) µ − − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) whereT isthegastemperature, µisthemean particlemass,and γ istheratioofspecificheats g of the gas. We adopt µ = 2.33m , appropriate for a gas of molecular hydrogen and helium H mixedinthestandardcosmicabundance. Sinceovermostofthecomputationaldomainthegas istoocooltoexcitetherotationallevelsofhydrogen,weapproximateγ = 5/3. Inpracticethis choicemakeslittledifference, becausethegastemperatureand thusthepressureare controlled almostcompletelyby radiativeratherthanmechanical effects. The quantities κ and κ represent the comoving-frame specific Planck- and Rosseland- 0P 0R mean opacities of the gas, which we determine from our dust grain model as described below. The quantity B is the Planck function, B = ca T4/(4π). Finally, the quantities λ and R are R g 2 the flux limiter and the Eddington factor, respectively. We adopt the Levermore & Pomraning form forthesequantities(30): 1 1 λ = cothR (10) R − R (cid:18) (cid:19) E R = |∇ | (11) κ ρE 0R R = λ+λ2R2. (12) 2 2 Models for Dust and Protostars Theprimarysourceofopacityinourcalculationisdustsuspendedinthegas. WeadoptPlanck- andRosseland-meanopacitiesfromasix-speciesdustmodelfordenseinterstellarenvironments in the Milky Way (31). The opacities in the model depend on the grain temperature, since 9 differentspeciessublimeatdifferenttemperatures. Wetakethegrainandradiationtemperatures to be equal, and the radiation temperature is given by T = (E/a )1/4. For convenience we fit r R thetabulatedopacitieswithsimplepiecewise-linearanalyticformulae(10). Ourfit is 0.3+7.0(T /375), T 375 r r ≤ 7.3+0.7(T 375)/200, 375 < T 575 r r − ≤ κ0P = 32..08++00..13((TTrr −−567755))//120805,, 567755 << TTrr ≤≤ 697650 (13) 3.1 3.0(T 960)/140, 960 < T 1100 r r − − ≤ 00..11,+4.4Tr/350, TrT>r 1130500 ≤ 3.9, 350 < T 600 r ≤ κ0R = 00..72,5, 670000 << TTrr ≤≤ 790500 . (14) 0.25 0.15(T 950)/50, 950 < T 1000 r r − − ≤ For brevity we have omitted0u.1n,its from these equations; in themTrT>is10in00units of K and κ r 0P and κ are in units ofcm2 g−1. At hightemperatures where thedust has sublimed,our choice 0R to set κ = κ = 0.1 cm2 g−1 is purely a numerical convenience we use to represent a 0P 0R “small” opacity. The true opacity depends in detail on the radiation spectrum and the physical state of the gas (molecular, atomic, or ionized); if the gas were fully ionized it would have the Thompsonopacityκ = κ = 0.4cm2 g−1,buttherearefewplacesinoursimulationdomain 0P 0R that are likely to be stronglyionized. At our high accretion rates theionized bubblearound the star will be confined to scales much smaller than our grid cells (32). There may be significant ionization inside the radiation bubbles, where radiation-driven shocks can heat the gas to high temperatures, but the densities inside the bubbles are so low that the gas is transparent and its pressure is negligible regardless of its opacity. In the rest of the flow, gas above 1000 K is at high density and is therefore likely to be mostly neutral. As a result it will have an opacity dominated by the lines of molecules and metal ions. These sources produce opacities that are certainly much smaller than the opacity due to dust grains. However, sharp opacity gradients make it difficult for our radiation iterativesolver to converge, so the choice of 0.1 cm2 g−1 is a compromisebetweenphysicalrealism andnumericalefficiency. Ifanything,thischoicecauses us tooverestimateradiativeforces inparts oftheflow thatare above 1000K butneutral. ∼ The final ingredient to our physical model is a method for determining the accretion rates and luminosities of protostars. We compute the mass accretion rate using an Eulerian sink particle algorithm (19) in which we fit the flow in the vicinity of each protostar to a Bondi accretion flow, and use the accretion rate M˙ correspondingto thebest fit. Once we havefound theaccretionrate,wesetthemomentumandenergyaccretionratesp˙ and ˙ sothat,intheframe E comovingwiththeaccretingparticle,theaccretionprocessleavestheradialvelocity,tangential momentum,and mechanical energy of thegas unchanged. We also choose theweight function W(x)viaourBondiflow fit,withtherequirementthatW(x) = 0for x largerthanfourtimes | | the cell size on the finest grid. Particles can also accrete by merging with one another; this happens ifoneparticleenters another’scomputationally-definedaccretion radius. Giventheaccretionhistoryforeachparticle,wemustdetermineitsluminosity. Whenasink particle first forms its mass is generally very small. Since objects smaller than 0.05 M do ⊙ ∼ 10