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Roy F. Melugin The Formation of Isaiah 40—55 Roy F. Melugin The Formation of Isaiah 40-55 W DE G Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York 1976 Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentlidie Wissenschaft Herausgegeben von Georg Fohrer 141 Library oj Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Melugin, Roy F The formation of Isaiah 40—55. (Beihefte zur Zeitsdirift für die alttestamentlidie Wissenschaft ; 141) Bibliography: p. 1. Bible. O.T. Isaiah XL-LV~Criticism, Interpretation, etc. I. Title. II. Series: Zeitschrift für die alttestamentlidie Wissensdiaft. Beihefte ; 141. BS401.Z5 vol. 141 [BS1520] 224'. 1'06 76-13519 ISBN 3-11-005820-0 CIP-Kurzutelaitfnähme der Deutschen Bibliothek Melugin , Roy F. The formation of Isaiah 40—55 [forty to fiftyfive]. — 1. Aufl. — Berlin, New York : de Gruyter, 1976. (Zeitsdirift für die alttestamentlidie Wissensdiaft : Beih. ; 141) ISBN 3-11-005820-0 © 1976 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., vormals G. J. Gösdien'sdie Verlagshandlung — J. Guttentag, Verlagsbudihandlung — Georg Reimer — Karl J. Trübner — Veit & Comp., Berlin 30 Alle Redite des Nadidrudcs, der photomedianisdien Wiedergabe, der Übersetzung, der Herstellung von Mikrofilmen und Photokopien, audi auszugsweise, vorbehalten. Printed in Germany Satz und Drude: Saladrudt, Berlin 36 Bindearbeiten: Lüderitz & Bauer, Berlin 61 To Sylvia and our daughters, Annella and Cynthia Preface Ulis work grew out of a suggestion several years ago by Brevard Childs that the natura of the literature contained in Isaiah 40—55 needed re-examination. I am indebted to him for his insight and guidance which led to a dissertation presented to the faculty of Yale University. Since the dissertation was completed in 1968 my approach to the problem has changed significantly, so that this work differs markedly from its predecessor. I am indebted also to W. Eugene March and Prescott Williams of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and to my colleague, Peter Lucchesi of the Department of English at Austin College, for a lively dialogue which led to major changes in my thinking on the subject. I am grateful also to John Van Seters of the University of Toronto for his insights at various points along the way, and to J. William Whedbee of Pomona College, who contributed to my thinking at the outset of my work on this topic and who read the danuscript before it was submitted for publication. I wish to thank Professor D. Dr. Georg Fohrer, who accepted the monograph for the Beihefte series, for his encouragement and patience. I am grateful also to Sue Glenn and Margaret Grigg for preparation of the manuscript. For financial support I would express my gratitude to Austin College and to the Sid W. Richardson Foundation. Finally, I am deeply indebted to my wife, who helped proofread the manuscript and gave much-needed moral support, and to my parents, who taught me the importance of studying the scriptures. Contents Chapter One: Introduction 1 I. The Problem 1 II. The Question of Method 7 PART ONE: THE ANALYSIS OF GENRES Chapter Two: Salvation Speedies 13 1. The "Priestly Salvation Oracle" 13 II. Other Forms of Salvation Speech 22 III. Conclusion 26 Chapter Three: Disputation Speeches 28 1. The Problem In Historical Perspective 28 II. Form Critical Analysls 31 III. Conclusion 44 Chapter Four: Trial Speeches 45 I. The Trial Between Yahweh and Israel 45 A. The Problem in Historical Perspective 45 B. Exegesis of Individual Texts 48 II. The Trial Between Yahweh and the Nations 53 A. The Problem in Historical Perspective 53 B. Form Critical Analysis 57 III. Conclusion 63 Chapter Five: The "Servant Songs" 64 I. Isaiah 42,1—4.5—9 64 II. Isaiah 49,1—6 69 III. Isaiah 50,4—11 71 IV. Isaiah 52,13—53,12 73 PART TWO: THE ARRANGEMENT OF GENRE UNITS Chapter Six: The Problem of a Suitable Method 77 I. The Background of the Problem 77 IL The Basic Structure of Isaiah 40—55 82 A. The Form of the Prologue and the Structure of the "Book" 82 B. The Epilogue in the Context of Chapters 40—55 86 III. The Juxtapositlon of Individual Genre Units 87 Chapter Seven: Isaiah 40,12—44,23 90 I. Isaiah 40,12—31 90 II. Isaiah 41,1—42,13 93 A. 41,1—7.8—13.14—16.17—20 93 B. 41,21—29; 42,1—4.5—9.10—13 98 X Contents III. Isaiah 42,14—44,23 102 A. 42,14—17.18—25; 43,1—7 102 B. 43,8—13.14—15.16—21 110 C. 43,22—28; 44, 1—5 115 D. 44, 6—8.9—20 118 E. 44,21—22.23 121 ChapterEIght: Isaiah 44,24—49,13 123 1. Isaiah 44,24—48,21 123 A. 44,24—28; 45,1—7(8).9—13 123 B. 45, 14—17.18—21.22—25 126 C. 46,1—4.5—11.12—13 131 D. Chapter 47 135 E. 48,1—11.12—15.16.17—19.20—21.22 137 II. Isaiah49,l—6.7.8—12.13 142 Chapter Nine: Isaiah 49,14—55,13 148 I. Isaiah 49,14—52,12 148 A. 49,14—21.22—23.24—26 148 B. 50,1—3.4—11 152 C. 51,1—3.4—5.6.7—8 156 D. 51,9—11.12—16.17—23; 52,1—2.3—6.7—10.11—12 159 II. Isaiah 52,13—55,13 167 A. 52,13—53, 12 167 B. Chapters 54 and 55 169 III. Conclusion 175

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