4 nu- i>- signatory of the demand ment his doctors n ~The~ letters. pg are providing him with. Selidaflty To Andrew Bartle, ' O We believe that you would be gravely mistaken to pur- We are writing to you re- sue further action against a 1 I garding account number man who is seriously ill and - A FREE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FOR RESIDENTS BY RESIDENTS / JUNE 2012 - 94884193. As you know this who had nothing to do with vs is a debt purchased from Mar- the account to begin with. East moments for the situation to shall Ward and their com- So, shocked were a number We are members of Mr.Coll’s quickly get out of hand, with lleht pany Shop Direct. At present community, and will be sup- of the residents by the be- one cop screaming “When you are sending Mr. Coll let- haviour of the police towards porting him throughout this Plihfis I ask you a fucking ques- ters threatening litigation due the family that they arranged process. If this matter is not Bolleetion tion why can’t you answer it.” to an outstanding balance of to speak to Nottingham East dropped we will take further Leslie witnesses Within ten minutes their were £1541 .27. We ask you to desist Member of parliament Chris action. We hope that this let- two riot vans and four police with these threats immediate- Leslie to express their con- ter finds open ears and sensi- cars. One local resident came ly. Mr.Coll has been in touch cerns. These residents say ble minds. a Police Bnnality A few weeks ago Notting- to his door to see what all the with you via Aid Uk, who that Mr. Leslie stated that he ham Solidarity Network were noise was for, and was greet- informed you that the origi- and his assistant Josie had Sincerely James Coll and Not- contacted by James Coll. and doesn't do a ed with the sight of a dozen been in the riot vans driv- nal Shop Direct account was tingham Solidarity Network He informed us that he had armed police running down ing around Forest Fields that not opened up by Mr. Coll, been receiving demand let- the street. “They seemed so night. He then encouraged but a third party. We believe Nottingham Solidarity Net- thing. ters from the Lowell Group, a happy to be getting their guns the residents to hand over that you know of this third work are a collective of indi- debt recovery company based out.” the resident tells us, “I’ve their statements so he could party, and that you have been viduals who aim to support in Leeds. They had bought a been here since the mid 90’s “take snippets from them”. in contact with them, but as others in their fights against debt from Shop Direct and hris Leslie M.P for Notting- and never seen anything like Whether Leslie was in the riot they were unable to work out bailiffs, landlords and bosses. were now intent on collecting ham East witnessed a racially it.”. Another residents ex- van as part of regular exercise a payment plan you have con- [email protected] l the money from Mr.Coll. The motivated attack by the cops plains that “this incident has or because it was also a night tinued to direct your focus on nottinghamsolidarity.no- account had not been opened on a Forest Fields family, and left me feeling uneasy now where the T.V series Coppers Mr.Coll. Mr. Coll was in hos- blogs.org up or used by Mr. Coll, he did nothing to intervene. The when it gets dark, and that was being filmed is unclear. pital at the time undergoing 07423631681 ~ had not signed for anything, attack which happened last I’ve lost faith in the police.” treatment for cancer, treat- and was both unwilling and August left two teenagers and This not the first nor the last ment which is still ongoing. Street Play ‘P unable” to pay the debt. The their father with bruised bod- One local who came out ofhis case of attacks by police of- The account was not opened Lowell Group are now threat- ies, swollen faces, burns from house early on says “The dad ficers on Afro-Caribbean or with his blessing nor knowl- ening litigation in order to continue en c.s gas and cuts to the arms. who had come out to speak Asian teenagers. Earlier this edge. He did not sign for the collect the debt. Nottingham up for his kids was grabbed year national newspapers account nor knew about it Solidarity Network and James The attack began after mid- and pushed up against a car highlighting police racism until the letters that you have Betlar Road Coll ask you to email the night, when a three uniformed by one police, at the same with two cases in particular. sent to him. Furthermore, Mr. Lowell Group the letter draft- cops stopped three teenagers time he was calling out for Fireman Edric Kennedy Mac- Coll does not have the means ed below their email is post@ yards from their doorstep. everyone to calm down.“ Res- foy who was abused, assault- nor the inclination to pay for lowellgroup.co.uk or write a Every Thursday from 5pm un- One eye witness tells us that idents consistently describe ed and shot with a stun gun, a debt built by a third party, letter to them at PO Box 172, til 7pm. Football, face paint- “the lighter skinned boy was the police as constantly an- whilst another 21 year old and believes that you are un- Leeds, LS11 9WS. The letter ing, and lots of other fun and allowed to leave, whilst the tagonistic towards the family, man was strangled by a po- fairly targeting him at a time is addressed to Mr. Andrew games. Everyone is welcome, two darker lads were stop and and the family as co-opera- lice officer who was recorded in his life where he needs to Bartle the company director under 5's need to be with an searched“. Another witness tive throughout the incident. saying “you’ll always be a n-- be focusing all his energies on of the Lowell Group and the adult. states that it took only a few --”. Of the latter case Estelle dealing with the cancer treat- 4 du Boulay, director of the Ne- What do llrgos three of us and we were doing directly by the jobcentre who living wage are being handed profit via tax payers subsidies wham Monitoring Project, 10 hours extra a week more was doing it for six weeks. millions in taxpayer sub- to the tune of billions. Help said: “Sadly, the shocking than any member of staff at My advisor at Seetec was very sidy at the cost of the unem- us expose the companies and and the Jubilee treatment of this young man our level so they’re obviously patronising over the phone ployed. L organisations that really are F doing it so they don’t have to and I could tell she thought I at the hands of police offic- getting something for noth- ers - both the physical brutal- have in “give overtime to their current was a ‘jobseeking scrounger’ So, the names we have been ing. Remember fighting them ity he describes and the racial members of staff. p - as you must well know peo- told we need” to add to the together makes us stronger. abuse he claims he suffered ple in my position experience hall of shame are: common? - are by no means unusual; it It was only when I phoned up when it comes to signing on. The Works, B&Q, Sue Ryder, compares to other reports we Seetec and complained about Haven House Children’s Hos- Food ls have received. I/Vhat makes the amount of hoursiextra Since Ajrgos found out that if pice, Marriot Hotels. we were doing compared to they get people from Seetec this case different is the victim had the foresight and cour- everyone else that they cut us they only get us 16 hours a Even recruitment agencies 0 for fare age to turn on a recording down to 16 hours, it makes week, they’ve moved to other are at it! Blue Arrow are device on his mobile phone.” you wonder how many other work providers as they will advertising 8 weeks unpaid people who are too “scared to give people over for 30 hours as an office admin and Tate donations I There have been various com- A group of long-term un- speak out against it are doing a week. So they’ve got two s Recruitment are offering 8 plaints of police harassment employed jobseekers were huge amounts of hours for-no more people starting next weeks doing recruitment by people of all backgrounds bussed into London to work week to cover the lack of admin. Yet more evidence of PaY~ S living in Forest Fields and the as unpaid stewards during hours from the current work paid work being replaced by Some NG7 residents are set- rest of NG7. And a number the diamond jubilee celebra- Seetec failed to contact“me experience people. Really workfare. i ting up a food bank for the of formal complaints are cur- tions and told to sleep under about the placement at Ar- shows they’re going out of area. It's for anyone who rently on going. What these London Bridge before work- gos until 20 minutes before I their way so they don’t have Like Argos, Superdrug sus- needs it. If someone or their situations tell us is that we ing on the river pageant. Up actually had to be there (my to pay people to work there. pended their involvement family is running low on food must look out for one anoth- to 30 jobseekers and another Seetec advisor’s excuse for in February but are now for the week they can collect a er, According to one resident 50 people on apprentice ~ not letting me know sooner As the list of companies sign- back at it again. And one parcel of food from the food “the cops just pick on those wages were taken to London was that she was in Barcelona up for workfare grows, we should have mentioned bank. As well as a free meal at who might not fight back, by coach from Bristol, Bath on holiday, must be nice for I it is becoming clear that it is sooner... Hilton Hotels. They one o'clock. those who’ll give them an and Plymouth as part of the some)! ' now taking place on a mas- are proud enough of their easy time, so they can make govermnenfs Work Pro- sive scale: no surprise since involvement to feature in a H 1 I Starting on the 27th of July at an example of them.” its up to gramme. I was sent by Seetec to do i the government intends DWP press release. The need . 245 Gladstone street. Ifyou've other residents to ensure this work experience, they told 250,000 placements on the to stop workfare now couldn’t got any non-perishable items doesn’t happen. To make sure Earlier this year, Argos ad- me there was a job at the end Work Experience scheme be clearer. If you want to especially tins. Then bring that no other resident has to mitted it was using forced of it and that I could quit alone. . get involved in the week them along to 245 Gladstone deal with police harassment unpaid work to cover its at any time ifI wanted, but of action against workfare street on Monday evenings. and brutality alone. If you “busiest time of year” Then I have received nothing in No figures have yet been July 7th-14th then email at have a report of stop and under pressure from the writing about the placement published on how many of [email protected] or text us at 077558867265 If searches, police harassment public and media, Argos said and was threatened with loss the 850,000 people expected contact newsdesk@gvmedia. it would suspend its involve- of benefits ifI quit it. As soon to be sent on the Work Pro- you are on workfare scheme co.uk or [email protected] or ment in workfare. Here’s one as I turned up at Argos they gramme by the end of the or know someone who has ‘ join C.R.A.P a Nottingham persons story of being forced said there were no vacancies year are being made to work I been sent on one then let us Campaign to reduce abu- to work for Argos; at the moment. I without pay. Added to the know. The more we know, the sive policing Facebook group tens of thousands on Manda- more we can do to challenge http://crappost.weebly.com/ I’m currently being forced to I’m doing it for four weeks tory Work Activity and the the idea that people should do mandatory work experi- but when I started there was other schemes, organisations be forced to work for no ence at Argos. They have a person that was referred . which should be paying a . wages, while big businesses . 0