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The Fly's Eye Camera System -- an instrument design for large \'etendue time-domain survey PDF

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Preview The Fly's Eye Camera System -- an instrument design for large \'etendue time-domain survey

**VolumeTitle** ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.**VolumeNumber** **Author** (cid:13)c**CopyrightYear**AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific The Fly’s EyeCamera System – aninstrument designforlarge e´tendue time-domainsurvey 4 1 GergelyCse´pa´ny1,∗;Andra´sPa´l1,2,∗∗;Krisztia´nVida1;ZsoltRega´ly1;La´szlo´ 0 Me´sza´ros1,2;KatalinOla´h1;CsabaKiss1;La´szlo´ Do¨brentei1;AttilaJasko´1; 2 Gyo¨rgyMezo˝1 andErno˝ Farkas1 n a 1MTAResearchCentreforAstronomyandEarthSciences, KonkolyThege J Miklo´su´t15-17,Budapest, H-1121,Hungary; 9 2DepartmentofAstronomy,Lora´ndEo¨tvo¨sUniversity, Pa´zma´nyPe´terse´ta´ny 1/A,BudapestH-1117,Hungary ] M E-mailaddresses: ∗gcsepany@flyseye.net, ∗∗apal@flyseye.net I . h Abstract. Inthispaperwe brieflysummarizethedesignconceptsoftheFly’sEye p CameraSystem,aproposedhighresolutionall-skymonitoringdevicewhichintendsto - performhighcadencetimedomainastronomyinmultipleopticalpassbandswhilestill o accomplish a high e´tendue. Fundings have already been accepted by the Hungarian r t AcademyofSciencesinordertodesignandbuildaFly’sEyedeviceunit. Beyondthe s a technicaldetailsandtheactualscientificgoals,thispaperalsodiscussesthepossibilities [ andyieldsofa networkoperationinvolving∼ 10sites distributedgeographicallyina nearly homogeneousmanner. Currently, we expect to finalize the mount assembly – 1 thatperformsthesiderealtrackingduringtheexposures–untiltheendof2012andto v haveaworkingprototypewith a reducednumberofindividualcamerassometimesin 4 thespringorsummerof2013. 0 0 2 . 1 0 1. Introduction 4 1 The key to learn more about the Universe and unveil the physical processes beyond : v various astronomical phenomena istomonitor the alterations ofobservable quantities, i X such as fluxes in several spectral regimes of the sky. Although some of the astrophys- ical processes have their own characteristic timescales, most of the complex systems r a exhibit variations on a broader, currently unexplored temporal spectrum. Hence, con- tinuous monitoring of the whole sky will reveal currently unknown phenomena and quantify properties ofphysical events ongoing in stellar and planetary systems aswell as in their neighborhood. We aim to design, build and operate the core of the Fly’s Eye Network: a network of geographically distributed large e´tendue and high resolu- tion all-sky monitoring devices, extending the currently developed single-station op- eration. This network provides a homogeneous and truly full sky investigation of the timedomain ofastrophysical events thatcovers∼ 6magnitudes fromthedataacquisi- tion cadence of some minutes up to the range of the expected operations, i.e. several years. The novel hexapod-based arrangement of the camera platform of the Fly’s Eye device allows us to install and maintain a setup independently of the geographical lo- cation and without the need of polar adjustment in an enclosed dome from which the detectors watchtheskythrough optical windows. Moreover, theconstruction ishighly 1 2 Pa´l,A.etal. 102 HST+WFC3 10 Pszk/RCC INT+WCFFCHT/MegaCam Resolution (pixel/arcsec)100.-112 (Herschel/PACS)PszkHC/SAocrTho/mtWiAdtSP PanF-lSy’TsKA EeRypReleSrLFSES NTet 10-3 (human eye) Pszk/allsky 10-4 10-3 10-2 0.1 1 10 102 103 Etendue (deg2m2) Figure1. Leftpanel:asimpleon-scalevisualizationofthecameramountandop- tics. Thepayloadplatformwiththe19camera–lenspairshasaneffectivediameter of nearly 1m. Right panel: the optical light-collecting phase volume, or e´tendue and effective resolution for various known, mostly optical telescope systems. The proposeddesign of a single Fly’sEye Camera unit yieldsa value that is compara- bletotheavailableinstrumentswhichhavethelargeste´tendue: asingleunitofthe Pan-STARRStelescope(s)andthe Kepler space telescope. A networkofnineFly’s Eyedevices(seelabelledasFENet)yieldsane´tenduecomparabletotheproposed designofLSST. fault tolerant and lacks unique components. All of these enable an easily sustainable instrumentationeveninharshenvironments. Duetoitsdesignparameters,theresulting network will yield an e´tendue that is comparable to that of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST, Ivezic´ etal. 2008). Moreover, our concept provides an innovative instrument that is fully complementary to the latter, since the Fly’s Eye faint limit is roughly the same as the expected saturation brightness of the LSSTand the employed spectralpassbands alsomatch. 2. Designconcepts Although “normal” all-sky cameras are assembled with fixed optics and detectors, the expectedper-imageexposuretimesandtherequiredresolution1 requiressiderealtrack- ingoftheFly’sEyeoptical mount. Inordertoprovide asolution forsidereal tracking, we employ a hexapod-based design2 for supporting the cameras and optics. These hexapod mounts allow us to perform spatial rotations in all of the three rotational de- grees of freedom without any parametric singularity (e.g. gimbal lock). Hence, this design yields not only a device that is exactly the same independently from the actual geographical locationbutalsomakestheotherwisecomplicatedprocedure ofpolarad- justment unnecessary. Moreover, hexapods are fault-tolerant mechanisms in this type ofapplication sincethedegreesoffreedomsassociated tothespatialdisplacements are 1Theresolution isnonetheless smallerthantheaverageimagingoptical telescopesbut definitelyhigher thanoftheusualall-skycameras. 2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_platform TheFly’sEyeCameraSystem 3 not exploited. In other words, even 3 out of the 6 legs can be broken but the device is stillcapable totrackandcompensate theapparent rotationofEarth. Thecamera platform itself consists of 19 wide-field cameras, where each camera lens-systemisbuiltfrom4k×4kdetectorswithapixelsizeof9×9µmwhiletheoptics are 85mm/f1.2 lenses. This setup yields an effective resolution of 22′′/pixel and an e´tendue of 40m2deg2 and covers the half of the visible sky. The visualization of the camera assembly, the hexapod mount and the resulted field-of-view are displayed in the left panel of Figure 1. Due to the arrangement and the large number of individual camera-lensunits,thewholedesignresemblesthecompoundeyesofinsects,hencethe nameoftheproject. Theexpected dataflowrateincontinuous operation isabout100TB/year. Taking into account a yearly duty cycle of 0.40 (for Hungary), the data flow reduces to 40– 50 TB/year without compression. By employing data compression (eg. FPACK) we except to have about 30 TB data to store each year. Since the most affordable hard disk size nowadays isthe 2TBdisk, having 19 disks (one for each camera, totaling in 19×2= 38TB)canroughlyholduptooneyear’sdata. Tosecurethedataandprovide redundancy, the data can be distributed on 24 disks, by adding 5 extra disks to the 19. The 24 disks can be grouped as 6× 4 disks or 4× 6 disks, therefore the data can be recoveredevenifafullunitbreaks(intheformersetup)orifonediskdiesineachunit (in the latter setup). The full redundancy is achieved by using Galois field arithmetics overGF(28)orGF(232)andVandermonde transformation. 3. Scientificapplications The main goals of the proposed Fly’s Eye Camera System and the further Network cover several topics in astrophysics. In the following, without attempting to be com- prehensive, welistsomeofthesesub-fieldsofastrophysics. 3.1. SolarSystem Evenwithitsmoderateresolution,theFly’sEyedeviceiscapabletodetectmeteorsand map these tracks with an effective resolution of ∼ 10m/pixel. Hence, and due to the largelightcollecting powerofthedevice,amoreaccurate distribution ofSolarSystem dust can be derived. In addition, for the bright-end of the main-belt asteroid family members, an unbiased sample will be available for their rotation and shape properties (seealsoDˇurechetal.2010). ThesedataareessentialtounderstandtheaspectofSolar Systemdynamics and,moreimportantly, itsevolution. Moreover,nearbyflybysofsmallbodiesthatarepotentiallyhazardoustotheEarth canbetraced (seee.g. thecases of2005YU and2012BX ). Duetothecontinuous 55 34 sampling, suchinformation isalsorecoverable inanaposteriori manner, i.e. ifdeeper surveysdiscoversuchanobjectanddynamicalcalculations confirmaformerapproach inthefieldofviewofoneormoreFly’sEyedevice. 3.2. Stellarandplanetarysystems Youngstellar objectsarecomplexastrophysical systemsandshowsignsofbothquasi- periodic and sudden transient, eruptive processes. By monitoring their intrinsic vari- ability, one is able to obtain several constraints regarding to the ongoing processes (Hartmann&Kenyon 1996;A´braha´metal. 2009). Persistent monitoring ofnumerous 4 Pa´l,A.etal. youngstellarobjectsorcandidatesforyoungstellarobjectswillrevealthenatureofthe currentlyunexploreddomainsofstellarbirth. Sinceobservingcampaignsareorganized mostlyondailyoryearlybasis,thebehaviorofsuchsystemsispracticallyunknownon othertimescales. Starswithmagneticactivityshowphotometric variability onallthetime-domains ofthe planned instrument, from minutes through hours toyears, just like theSundoes (Strassmeier 2009). Continuous monitoring of the sky opens up a new research area foractivestars: theproposeddeviceallowsustoobtaingoodflarestatisticssinceflares occur on minutes-hours timescale, and to monitor starspot evolution, differential rota- tionandactivitycyclesofthesamestar(seee.g.Hartmanetal.2011;Walkowiczetal. 2011;Ola´hetal.2009). Observations of eclipsing binaries provide direct measurements of stellar masses and radii that are essential to understand their evolution and even the basic physical processes ongoing in the stellar cores (Lathametal. 2009). Similarly to eclipsing bi- naries, transiting extrasolar planets arealsoexpected tobediscovered bytheFly’sEye Network, since instruments with nearly similar types of optics are found to be rather efficient(Pollaccoetal.2006;Bakosetal.2004;Pepperetal.2007). 3.3. Intheextragalactic environment Continuous monitoring of brighter supernovae in nearby galaxies yield valuable data thatcanbeexploitedbycombiningotherkindofmeasurements. TheFly’sEyecamera iscapable toobserve thebrightest supernovae directly evenuptoamonthduring their peak brightness (see e.g. Vinko´ etal. 2012)and by combining images, itis possible to goevendeeperinbrightnessusingmoresophisticated waysofphotometrictechniques. Acknowledgments. TheFly’sEyeprojectissupportedbytheHungarianAcademy of Sciences via the “Lendu¨let” grant LP2012-31/2012. Additional support is also re- ceivedviatheESAgrantPECS98073. References A´braha´m,P.,etal.2009,Nature,459,224 Bakos,G.A.,etal.2004,PASP,116,26 Dˇurech,J.,Sidorin,V.,&Kaasalainen,M.2010,A&A,513,46 Hartman,J.D.,etal.2011,AJ,141,166 Hartmann,L.,&Kenyon,S.J.1996,ARA&A,34,207 Ivezic´,Zˇ.,etal.2008.arXiv:0805.2366,URLhttp://lsst.org/lsst/overview/ Latham,D.W.,etal.2009,ApJ,704,1107 Ola´h,K.,etal.2009,A&A,501,703 Pepper,J.,etal.2007,PASP,119,923 Pollacco,D.,etal.2006,Ap&SS,304,253 Strassmeier,K.G.2009,A&ARv,17,251 Vinko´,J.,etal.2012,A&A,546,12 Walkowicz,L.M.,etal.2011,AJ,141,50

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