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The flux-tube phase transition and bound states at high temperatures G.A. Kozlov Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie st. 6, Dubna, 141980 Moscow Region, Russia WeconsiderthephasetransitioninthedualYang-MillstheoryatfinitetemperatureT. Thephase transitionisassociated withachange(breaking)ofsymmetry. Theeffectivemassofthedualgauge fieldisderivedasafunctionofT-dependentgaugecouplingconstant. Weinvestigatetheanalytical criterion constraining the existence of a quark-antiquark bound state at temperatures higher than the temperatureof deconfinement. 8 0 I. INTRODUCTION 0 2 Mostexpositionsofdualmodelfocusonitspossibleuseasaframeworkforquarkconfinementinnature n [1]. Rather than the confinement of color charges, we will here describe what one might call the phase a transition in the dual Yang-Mills (Y-M) theory at finite temperature T. It is believed that the energy J required grows linearly with the distance between the color charge and anticharge due to the formation 4 of a color electric flux tube. The idea is that a charge or anticharge is a source or sink, respectively, of 1 color electric flux, which is the analog of ordinary electric flux for the strong interactions. But unlike ] ordinary electric flux, the color electric flux is expelled from the vacuum and is trapped in a thin flux h tube connecting the color charge and anticharge. This is very similar to the way that a superconductor p expels magnetic flux and traps it in thin tubes called Abrikosov-Gorkovvortex lines. - p There is a general statement that the color confinement is supported by the idea that the vacuum of e quantum Y-M theory is realized by a condensate of monopole-antimonopole pairs [2]. In such a vacuum h the interacting field between two colored sources located in ~x and ~x is squeezed into a tube whose [ 1 2 energy E ~x ~x . This is a complete dual analogy to the magnetic monopole confinement in the tube ∼| 1− 2| 1 Type II superconductor. Since there is no monopoles as classical solutions with finite energy in a pure v Y-M theory, it has been suggested by ’t Hooft [3] to go into the Abelian projection where the gauge 4 groupSU(2) is brokenby a suitable gauge condition to its (may be maximal) Abelian subgroupU(1). It 7 is proposed that the interplay between a quark and antiquark is analogous to the interaction between a 0 2 monopole and antimonopole in a superconductor. . Itisknownthatthe topologyofY-MSU(N)manifoldandthatofits Abeliansubgroup[U(1)]N−1 are 1 different, andsince anysuchgaugeissingular,one mightintroducethe stringby performingthe singular 0 gauge transformation with an Abelian gauge field A [4] 8 µ 0 g : A (x) A (x)+ ∂ Ω(x) , (1) v µ → µ 4π µ i X where Ω(x) is the angle subtended by the closed space-like curve described by the string at any point r x = (x0,x1), and g = 2π/e is responsible for the magnetic flux inside the string, e being the Y-M a couplingconstant. Here,asinglestringinthetwo-dimensionalworldsheety (τ,σ),isshown,forexample. x Obviously, the Abelian field-strength tensor FA =∂ A ∂ A transforms as µν µ ν − ν µ FA(x) FA(x)+G˜ (x) , µν → µν µν where a new term (the Dirac strength string tensor) g G˜ (x)= [∂ ,∂ ]Ω(x) , µν µ ν 4π 2 is valid on the world sheet only [5] g ∂(yα,yβ) G˜ (x)= ǫ dσdτ δ4[x y(σ,τ)] . µν µναβ 2 ∂(σ,τ) − Z Z Actually, a gauge group element, which transforms a generic SU(N) connection onto the gauge fixing surface in the space of connections, is not regular everywhere in space-time. The projected (or trans- formed) connections contain topological singularities (or defects). Such a singular transformation (1) may formthe worldline(s) of magnetic monopoles. Hence, this singularityleads to the monopole current Jmon. This is a naturalwayofthe transformationfromthe Y-Mtheoryto a modeldealing withAbelian µ fields. A dual string is nothing other but a formalidealizationofa magnetic flux tube in the equilibrium against the pressure of surrounding superfluid (the scalar Higgs-like field) which it displaces [6,7]. The lattice results,e.g.,[8]givethe promisedpicturethatthe monopoledegreesoffreedomcanindeed form a condensate responsible for the confinement. By lattice simulations in quantum chromodynamics (QCD),itisobservedthatlargemonopoleclusteringcoverstheentirephysicalvacuumintheconfinement phase, which is identified as a signal of monopole condensation being responsible for confinement. The expression for the static heavy quark potential, using an effective dual Ginzburg-Landau model [9], has been presentedin [10]. In the paper [11],ananalyticapproximationto the dualfield propagatorwithout sources and in the presence of quark sources, and an expression for the static quark-antiquark potential were established. The aim of this paper is to consider the phase transition in the four-dimensional model based on the dual description of a long-distance Y-M theory which shows some kind of confinement. We study the model of Lagrangianwhere the fundamental variables are an octet of dual potentials coupled minimally to three octets of monopole (Higgs-like) fields [12]. In the scheme presented in this work, the flux distribution in the tubes formed between two heavy color charges is understood via the following statement: the Abelian Higgs-like monopoles are excluded from the string region while the Abelian electric flux is squeezed into the string region. Itisstronglybelievedtothepossibilityforaquark-antiquarkpairtoformaboundstateattemperatures higherthatthe criticalone,T ,i.e., inthe deconfinementstate (see,e.g.,[13]andthe referencestherein). c Oneofthe aimofthis articleistofindtheanalyticalcriteriumconstrainingtheexistenceofboundstates at T >T . c In the model there are the dual gauge field Cˆa(x) and the scalar field Bˆa(x) (i = 1,...,N (N 1)/2; µ i c c− a=1,...,8 is a color index) which are relevant modes for infrared behaviour. The local coupling of the Bˆ -field to the Cˆ -field provides the mass of the dual field and, hence, a dual Meissner effect. Although i µ Cˆµ(x) is invariant under the local transformation of U(1)Nc−1 SU(Nc), Cˆµ = C~µ H~ is an SU(Nc)- ⊂ · gauge dependent object and does not appear in the real world alone (N is the number of colors and H~ c standsfortheCartansuperalgebra). Thescopeofcommutationrelations,two-pointWightmanfunctions andGreen’sfunctionsaswell-defineddistributionsinthespaceS( d)ofcomplexSchwartztestfunctions on d, the monopole- and dual gauge-field propagations, the asyℜmptotic transverse behaviour of both ℜ the dual gauge field and the color-electric field, the analytic expression for the static potential can be found in [12]. II. THE STRING-LIKE FLUX TUBE PHASE TRANSITION Phase transitions in dual models are associated with a change in symmetry or more correctly these transitionsarerelatedwiththe breakingofsymmetry. Asastartingpointweassume,forsimplicity,that themodelischaracterizedbythescalarorder-parameter Bˆ (x) =Bˆ forthescalarfieldBˆ (x)identified i 0 i h i 3 in the dual model as the Higgs-like field. The classical partition function looks like β Z = DBˆ exp dτ d3~xL(τ,~x) . (2) cl i Z (−Z0 Z ) In (2) the sum is taken over fields periodic in Euclidean time τ with period β in thermal (heatbath) equilibrium in space-time at temperature T = β−1. The dual description of the Y-M theory is simply understood by switching onthe dual gauge field Cˆ (x) (non-Abelian magnetic gauge potentials) andthe µ three scalar fields Bˆ (x) (necessary to give the mass to the gauge field Ca and carrying color magnetic i µ charge) in the Lagrangiandensity (LD) L [14] 1 1 2 L=Tr FˆµνFˆ + D Bˆ W Bˆ , (3) µν µ i i −4 2 − (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) (cid:16) (cid:17) where Fˆ =∂ Cˆ ∂ Cˆ ig[Cˆ ,Cˆ ] , µν µ ν ν µ µ ν − − D Bˆ =∂ Bˆ ig[Cˆ ,Bˆ ] . µ i µ i µ i − TheHiggs-likefieldsdeveloptheirvacuumexpectationvalues(v.e.v.) Bˆ andtheHiggspotentialW(Bˆ ) 0i i has aminimum atBˆ ofthe orderO (100MeV) definedby the stringtension. Inthe confinementphase 0i the magnetic gauge symmetry is broken due to dual Higgs-like mechanism. All the particles become massive. The v.e.v. Bˆ produce a color monopole generating current confining the electric color flux 0i [12]: 2 Jmon(x)= ∂νG (x), µ 3 µν where G =∂ C ∂ C +G˜ , (4) µν µ ν ν µ µν − Cˆ = λ8C (λa is the generator of SU(3)), G˜ is the Dirac string tensor. The interaction of the dual µ µ µν gauge field with other fields (scalar nonobservable fields) is due to monopole current Jmon(x) in the µ Higgs-like condensate (χ+B ) in terms of the dual gauge coupling g up to divergence of the local phase 0 of the Higgs-like field, ∂ f(x): µ Jmon(x) µ gC (x)= +∂ f(x). µ 4g(χ+B )2 µ 0 As a result, we obtained [12] that the dual gauge field is defined by the divergence of G˜ shifted by µν the divergence of the scalar Higgs-like field. For large enough~x, the monopole field is going to its v.e.v., while C (~x ) 0 and Jmon(~x ) 8m2C with m being the mass of C field. The Higgs-like µ →∞ → µ →∞ → µ µ fields areassociatedwith not individual particlesbut the subsidiary objects in the massivegaugetheory. These fields cannot be experimentally observed as individual particles. ItisbelievedthatLD(3)cangenerateclassicalequationsofmotioncarryingaunitofthez fluxconfined 3 in a narrow tube along the z-axis (corresponding to quark sources at z = ). This is a dual analogy ±∞ to the Abrikosov [15] magnetic vortex solution. The question is what happens with the flux tube in excited matter at nonzero temperature T. At T =0 6 the oscillationsofthe fluxtube becomevisible uptothe energyofexcitatione =s/β atcertainentropy β 4 density s. In Eq. (2) the sum is taken overfields Bˆ periodic in Euclideantime τ with the period β, and i the thermal equilibrium in a flat space-time at temperature T is considered. The scalar Higgs-like field is only part of the dual picture, however it is the only field that is visible in the path integral (2). The Fourier expanding of Bˆ(τ,~x) in the form Bˆ(τ,~x)=Bˆ(~x)+ Bˆ (~x)exp(2πinτ/β) (5) n n=1 X canallowonetoreflectthe periodicityofBˆ(τ,~x)inimaginarytime. Note,thatthefirsttermin(5)gives the zero-temperature mode while the other ones count the ”heavy” high-temperature modes. We now move to a simple physical pattern: let us define the ”large”and ”small” systems. It is known that in classical mechanics, the stochastic processes in a dynamic ”small” system are under the weak actionof a ”large”system. ”Small” and ”large”systems are understood to mean that the number of the states of freedom of the former is less than that of the later. The ”large” system is supposed to be in the equilibrium state (thermostat with the temperature T). We do not exclude the interplay between two systems. The role of the ”small” system is played by the restricted region of confined charges, the fluxtube. Thestationarystochasticprocessesinthedeconfinedstatearedistortedbythe randomsource G˜ (x) in the dual field tensor G (x) (4), and under the weak action of a ”large” system described by µν µν the scalar field φ in the Lagrangiandensity term (∂ igC )φ2. µ µ | − | As a result, in the dual Higgs model [12] the finite energy of the peace of the isolating string-like flux tube of the length R keeps growing as R Q~2 E(R) α m2R(12.4 6lnµ˜R), (6) ≃ 16π − where Q~ =e~ρ is the Abelian color electric charge, while ρ~ is the weight vector of the SU(3) algebra; α α α µ˜ is the infrared mass parameter. It is more and more attractive view of existence of (colorless) hadronic excitations even in the high- temperature phase contrary to the standard pattern of it. Certainly, it is commonly believed that the high-Tphaseiscomposedoffreeorweaklyinteractingquarksandgluons(deconfinementphase). Itwas already shown that in the deconfinement phase, the color-Coulomb string tension does not vanish even for temperatures whichexceed the criticalone (see the review by D. Zwanzigerin [13]and the references therein). Let us introduce the canonical partition function Z = exp[ βE(R)]D(~x,β;M)= N(R)exp[ βE(R)]D(~x,β;M)(7) c − | | − | | flux tube configurations β R β X X XX for ensembles of systems with a single static flux tube, where N(R) is the number of configurations of the flux tube of length R. Here, D(~x,β;M) defines the screening mass M(β) from the large dis- | | tance exponential fall-off of correlators of gauge-invariant time-reflection odd operators O [16] at higher temperatures a O(τ,~x)O(τ,0) const ~x D(~x,β;M) as ~x , (8) h i∼ | | | | | |→∞ where D(~x,β;M)=exp[ M(β) ~x θ(T T )] (9) c | | − | | − and a is a constant depending on the choice for the operator O(τ,~x). ¿From the physical point of view, ~x canbereplacedbythecharacteristicscaleLofthethermostat(the”large”system)andθ in(9)isthe | | standard step function. Actually, D = 1 as T < T . The examples of the choice for the operator O can c 5 be found in [16, 17] where the main strategy is a non-perturbative determination of the screening mass at high temperature limit, T >T . In the deconfined state it is evident an existence of non-perturbative c effectsandevenhadronicmodes(asquasiparticles)havingstrongcouplings. Inthiscasethesum(7)does not divergentif T >T . The number ofconfigurationsN(R) can be consideredin the discrete space of a c scalarHiggs-likecondensateandonerequiresthefluxtubestoliealongthelinksofa3-dimensionalcubic lattice of volume V with the lattice size l µ−1 =(√2λBˆ )−1, where µ is the mass of the scalar Higgs- 0 ∼ like field and λ is its coupling constant. In the rest of physics, for l <<R the number of configurations N(R) is interpreted in terms of the entropy density s of the flux tube by a fundamental formula N˜(R)=es˜, (10) where N˜(R) = N(R)cl3/V, s˜= sR/l, c is the positive constant of the order O(1) (see also [18]). The relation(10)countsthe fluxtubes thatdonotintersectthe volumeboundary(boundstate). Theycalled ”short” flux tubes. If the entropy density s, which was inferred from classical reasoning, is like every other entropy density that we have met, then a flux tube has a very large number of configurations, roughly N(R) exp[s(R/l)]. Can one by some sort of calculation count the number of configurations of ∼ flux tube and reproduce the formula (10) for the entropy density? For this, we need a quantum theory of confinement, so, at present at least, dual Y-M theory is the only candidate. Even in this theory, the question was out of reach for last three decades. Inserting (10) into Eq. (7) one gets V Z = exp[ βσ (β)R], (11) c l3 − eff R X where σ (β)=σ˜ (β)+σ (β). (12) eff eff D In Eq. (12) s σ˜ (β)=σ˜ (13) eff 0 − lβ is the order parameter of the phase transition and 1 µ˜2 3 3 π σ˜ =σ 1 ln , σ = α(Q)m2 = m2 (14) 0 0 − 4 m2 0 4 4g2 (cid:18) R(cid:19) with α(Q) being the running coupling constant. Here, R in the logarithmic function in (6) has been replaced by the characteristic length R 1/m which determines the transverse dimension of the dual c R ∼ field concentration, while µ˜ is associated with the inverse ”coherent length” and the dual field mass m defines the ”penetration depth” in the Type II superconductor where m < µ. The second term in Eq. (12) σ (β)=b M(β)T, as T >T . (15) D th c is the important component of deconfined matter above the phase transition that gives the contribution tothephysicalpropertiesofthestronglyinteractingmatter. Informula(15),b =L/Risthethermostat th criterion factor; M(β) in SU(N) for N quark flavors is defined perturbatively [17,16] with the leading f order screening mass MLO(β) as MLO(β) N N MLO(β)+NαT ln , MLO(β)= 4πα + f T, 4παT s 3 6 (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 andwithinthe non-perturbativeregimeas4παc T+higherorder corrections, c =2.46 0.15[16]. N N=3 Therefore, the result σ (β) αT2 can be shown explicitly at T >T with the non-perturbat±ive regime. D c ∼ Formula(15)givestheevidenceofmagneticcomponentofthedeconfinementphasestatewhichisrelated to thermal abelian monopoles evaporating from the magnetic condensate which is present at low T. The spatialWilson loop L has area law behavior below and aboveT . For largeenough L Wilson c Wilson the spatial string tensor is determined by the effective action of the dual (magnetic) theory at T >T c S (L ,T) L2 σ (β), as L . eff Wilson → Wilson D Wilson →∞ Hence, the thermostat characteristic scale L is given by S (L ,T) 1 eff Wilson L= lim R, M(β) O(αT). LWilson→∞(cid:18) L2Wilson M(β)T(cid:19) ∼ At zero temperature we got σ 0.18 GeV2 [12] for the mass of the dual C -field m=0.85 GeV and 0 µ α = e2/(4π)=0.37 obtained from≃fitting the heavy quark-antiquark pair spectrum [19]. The value σ 0 above mentioned is close to a phenomenological one (e.g., coming from the Regge slope of the hadrons). Makingthe formalcomparisonofthe resultobtainedinthe analyticform,we recallthe expressionofthe energy per unit length of the vortex in the Type II superconductor [20,10] φ 2m2 m 2 ǫ = 0 A ln φ , (16) 1 32π2 m (cid:18) A(cid:19) where φ is the magnetic flux of the vortex, m and m are penetration depth mass and the inverse 0 A φ coherent length, respectively. On the other hand, the string tension in Nambu’s paper (see the first ref. in [2]) is given by g2 m2 m 2 ǫ = m v ln 1+ s , (17) 2 8π m 2 (cid:18) v (cid:19) withm andm being themassesofscalarandvectorfieldsandg is amagnetic-typecharge. Itisclear s v m that for a sufficiently long string R>>m−1 the R-behaviourof the static potential is dominant; for a short string R << m−1 the singular interaction∼provided by the second term in (6) becomes important if the average size of the monopole is even smaller. The model presented here is characterized by a limiting temperature T , and it is evident that c 31 m2 1 µ˜2 T = α(Q) 1 ln (18) c 4s µ − 4 m2 (cid:18) R(cid:19) forwhichσ˜ (T )=0. ThevacuumexpectationvalueB isthethresholdenergytoexcitethemonopole eff c 0 (Higgs-like field) in the vacuum. It correspondsto the Bogolyubovparticle in the ordinarysuperconduc- tor. In case if such excitations exist, the phase transition is expected to occur at T 200 MeV. The c ∼ value B 276 MeV is regarded as the ultraviolet cutoff of the theory. At sufficiently high temperature 0 ≃ QCD definitely loses confinement and the flux tube definitely disappears. It is evident that at T T c → the flux tube becomes arbitrary long. As a result, the temperature-dependent mass m(β) of the dual gauge field Cˆ is derived as follows µ 4σ (β) m2(β)= eff . (19) 3α(Q,β) Obviously, m(β) m as β , and m(β) 0 as 1/β T . The latter limit means that c → →∞ → → ∂νG˜ (m2C +4m∂ ¯b) 0 (20) µν µ µ ∼ → 7 as T T (here, ¯b is the Higgs-like field). On the other hand, the divergence of G˜ is just the current c µν → carried by a charge g moving along the path Γ: ∂νG˜ (x)= g dz δ4(x z). (21) µν µ − − ZΓ Hence,∂νG˜ (x) 0asg 0. Actually,formula(19)relatestheconfinementtothespontaneousbreak- µν → → ing of a magnetic symmetry induced by monopole condensation. The magnetic condensate disappears at the deconfining phase transition. And the final remark concerning the zeroth value of m(β): recall that m2(β) g2(β)δ2(0), where δ2(0) is the inverse cross section of the flux tube. This cross section is ∼ infinitely largeif m 0. Actually, σ (β) is the effective measure of the phase transition when the flux eff tube isproduced. T→hefactthatσ˜ (β =T−1)=0meansthespecialphasewheretwocolorchargesare eff c c separatedfromeachotherbyinfinite distance. AtT =T the entropyandthe totalenergyarerelatedto c eachother by s=E/T . The leveldensity of a systemis es, therefore s=E/T implies anexponentially c c rising mass spectrum if one identifies E with the mass of a quark-antiquarkbound state. It is assumed that the flux tube starts in a thermal exciting phase, a phase in which the flux tube is quasi-static and in thermal equilibrium at temperatures close to T or even higher than T . We assume c c thatthestringcouplingissufficientlysmallandthelocalspace-timegeometryisclosetotheflatoverthe length scale of the finite size box-block of volume v = r3. In each block j the flux tube is homogeneous andisotropicwiththeenergyE . Itwasshown[21]thatapplyingthestringthermodynamicstoavolume j v =r3 in the string gas cosmology one can get the mean square mass fluctuation in a region of radius r evaluated at the temperature close to T :. c r2 1 (δµ)2 = ,β >β . (22) h i R3β β c c − At high temperatures T > T , the mass m disappears and the main object is the screening mass 0 c M(β). Actually, in deconfined state the scale R of the real hadron at low temperature is replaced by the thermostat (heat bath) scale L. The spectrum of physical ”quark-antiquark” bound states at T in 0 SU(3) can be expanded as 4π N 1 N E(T ) αLT2 1+ f +3ln 1+ f +4πc +... , (23) 0 ∼ 0 "s α (cid:18) 6 (cid:19) s4πα(cid:18) 6 (cid:19) 3 # where one sees the saving of the α=α(Q,T )-dependence in both perturbative (two first terms in (23)) 0 and non-perturbative regimes. III. COUPLING CONSTANT In gauge theories at T =0 thermal fluctuations of the gluon act to screenthe electric field component 6 ofthegluon,throughthedevelopmentoftemperature-dependentelectricmassm gT. Recentstudies el ∼ show remarkable facts that instantons are related to monopoles in the Abelian gauge although these topological objects belong to different homotopy group. It is known that both analytical and lattice studies canshowa strongcorrelationbetweeninstantonsandmonopolesin the Abelian projectedtheory of QCD. It can be postulated that at finite T the running coupling would be replaced by the static screened charge 1 1 Π00(q0 =0,~q 0;β) α(Q) 11N Q~2 = 1 → + N ln (24) α(Q,T) α(Q)((cid:20) − Q~2 (cid:21) 6π (cid:18) 2 − f(cid:19) M2) 8 for gaugegroupSU(N), where M is the renormalizationenergy scale andthe inverse screening length is given by the gluon self-energy Πµν(q) at the lowest order of g2 in hot theory containing the quark fields with the mass m (see, e.g., [22]) q N N Π00(q0 =0,~q 0;β)=g2T2 + F I (β,µ¯,m ) =m2(β), (25) − → 3 π2T2 F q el (cid:20) (cid:21) where ∞ dxx2 I = [n (x2)+n¯ (x2)], (26) F F F Z0 x2+m2q q 1 1 n (x2)= , n¯ (x2)= , (27) F F exp[( x2+m2 µ¯)β]+1 exp[( x2+m2+µ¯)β]+1 q − q q q N is the number of quarks, the chemical potential µ¯ is defined by the baryon density ρ in the formula F d3x ρ [n (x2) n¯ (x2)]. (28) ∼ (2π)3 F − F Z The first termin (25) refers to pureSU(N) gauge theory. Hence, α−1(Q,T)has the following expansion over Q~2/M2 and T2/Q~2: 1 1 1 11N Q~2 T2 N N F = + N ln +4π + I (β,µ¯,m ) , (29) α(Q,T) α(Q) 6π 2 − f M2 Q~2 3 π2T2 F q (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) where α(Q,T) 0 as T . → →∞ Becausequarkconfinementis consideredhereasthe dualversionofthe confinementofmagneticpoint charges in Type-II superconductor (magnetic Abrikosov vortexes), the upper limit for T is given by the c requirement (m/µ)<1, i.e., 3 1 µ˜2 T < α(Q)m 1 ln . (30) c 4 − 4 m2 (cid:18) R(cid:19) Numerical estimation leads to T < 222 MeV at B 276 MeV, α = 0.37 and m = 0.85 GeV [12] for c 0 ≃ m µ˜ and s O(1). R ∼ ∼ IV. COULOMB POTENTIAL IN DECONFINEMENT It is known that the confinement of quarks is explained within the instantaneous part of the potential V defined by the ”time-time” component of gluon propagatorD (x=(~x, t)) (see, e.g., the paper by D. 00 Zwanziger in [13]) 4παD (x)=V(~x)δ(t)+non instantaneous vacuum polarization term. (31) 00 | | − At the Gribov horizon [23] V(R = ~x) is caused by the long-range forces having confining properties | | V(R ) = . One of the aims of this article is also to understand the origin of the presence of → ∞ ∞ 9 some-rangeforces that confines ”quarks”in deconfined phase. To proceedfor this one should restorethe following expression for Coulomb-like potential V (R,T) at finite temperature in the form: c V (R,T)= 2 d3~q α(q2,T)e−q~R~, (32) c −3π2 q2 Z where ~q is the difference between momenta of a particle and an antiparticle confined by forces we are exploring here; α(q2,T) is given by (29). At zero temperature, or even for low T, the integral in (32) divergesatthe upperlimit ~q . AtlargeT,this integralcanbenaturallyregularizedbyintroducing the temperature-dependent|s|o→ft r∞egularization function Υ(q2,T)= 1/ 1+q2/M2(β) (see also [24, 25]) which has the properties: Υ(q2,T) 1 as T and Υ(q2,T) Υ (q2) as T 0. At low tempera- tures, α(q2,T) is rather slowly vary→ing with q→2 co∞mpared to sin(q→R)/(cid:2)0(qR) functi→on(cid:3)in one-dimensional representation of the integral in (32) (the integrating over the angles is already done). On the other hand, at high T > ~q the main contribution will be done by T-dependent term in α(q2,T) expansion | | (29). Thus, from the mathematical point of view, the problem with divergence of the integral at the upper limit would be solved if α(q2,T) is replaced by α(T). We get (α¯ =(4/3)α): ∞ 8α(T) sinqR α¯(T) V (R,T)= dq Υ(q2,T) = e−M(β)R 1 . (33) c − 3π qR R − Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) At short distances one gets that the Coulomb potential is consistent with a linear increase with R: V (R,T)=σ (T)R α(T)M(β), (34) c c − wheretheCoulombstringtensionσ (T)=0.5α¯(T)M2(β) forstronglyinteractingparticlesindeconfine- c ment is 2 σ (T)= 2[4πα(T)T]2 a + α(T)b ln aN,Nf + α(T)c +... , (35) c 3 " N,Nf N α(T)! N # p p p where 1 N N f a = N + , b = . N,Nf s12π 2 N 4π (cid:18) (cid:19) We found that V (R,T) has the linear rising, σ (T) > 0 at T > T , where the physical (giving by the c c c Wilsonloop)stringtensionσ˜ (T >T )=0. ThefactthattheCoulombstringtensionindeconfinement eff c increases with α2T2 is consistent with magnetic mass having the behaviour as αT within the non- ∼ perturbative regime. V. FLUX TUBE SOLUTIONS The temperature-dependent flux-tube solution for the dual gauge filed along the z-axis (within the cylindrical symmetry) has the following asymptotic transverse behaviour (for details see [12] at T=0) 4n πm(β)r 3 C˜(r,β) e−κm(β)r 1+ , (36) ≃ 7g(β) − 2κ 8κm(β)r r (cid:20) (cid:21) where r is the radial coordinate (the distance from the center of the flux-tube), n is the integer number associated with the topological charge [26], κ=√21. 10 The color-electric field E inside the quark-antiquark bound state is given by the rotation of the dual gauge field 1dC˜(r) E~ = ~ C~ = ~e E (r) ~e , (37) z z z ∇× r dr ≃ · where~e is a unit vector along the z-axis, and the T-dependent E (r,β) looks like [12] z z πm(β) 1 E (r,β)= e−κm(β)r κm(β) . (38) z 2κr − 2r r (cid:20) (cid:21) Thelowerboundonr=r canbe estimatedfromthe relationr >[2κm(β)]−1 whichleadstor >0.03 0 0 0 fm at T =0. Obviously, r as m(β) 0 at T T (deconfinement). 0 0 →∞ → → InFig. 1,weshowthedependenceofmasafunctionofthetemperatureT atdifferentscaleparameters M. No dependence found on quark current masses (we used m = 7, 10 and 135 MeV). No essential q dependence found for different N and N . f F V V 1 e e G G ) , 0.8 Nmqf= =N 7F M=e3V ) , Nmqf= =N 7F M=e6V bm( bm( 0.6 0.5 0.4 M = 0.5 GeV M = 0.5 GeV 0.2 M = 1.0 GeV M = 1.0 GeV M = 2.0 GeV M = 2.0 GeV 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 T , MeV T , MeV FIG. 1: The dual gauge boson mass m(β) shown as a function of T at different renormalization energy scale M and fixed valuemq =7 MeV with a) Nf =NF =3 b) Nf =NF =6 InFig. 2andFig. 3,weshownumericalsolutionsofthefluxtube,namely,theprofilesofthetransverse behaviour of C˜(r,β) and the color electric field E (r,β), respectively, as functions of radial variable r at z different temperatures. We found rather sharp increasing of C˜(r,β) at small values of r. No essential dependence of r emerges in the region r > 0.1 fm. The field E(r,β) disappears when the temperature close to T . c VI. SUMMARY We were based on the dual gauge model of the long-distance Yang-Mills theory in terms of two-point Wightman functions. Among the physicists dealing with the models of interplay of a scalar (Higgs-like) field with a dual vector (gauge) boson field, where the vacuum state of the quantum Y-M theory is realized by a condensate of the monopole-antimonopole pairs, there is a strong belief that the flux-tube solution explains the scenariosof color confinement. Based on the flux-tube scheme approachof Abelian

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