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The Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du Mal) PDF

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ane slated by Aaron Poochigian aa The 4 ‘ qk >t “Charles Baudelaire by Daniel Handler PPP A landmark translation, of the book that launched modern poetry. SSS Piece ce _ barges) _ eeepc aoa "ay bemlorvagmeasion Spates aie emery rst published in 1857, che book that collected these poems together, es Fleurs du mal was an Instant sensation—earning Baudelaire plaudits ‘and, simultaneously, dsepute Only a year after ‘Gustave aber hd endured his own publ il for published indecency (or Madame Bovery). Prec cour delred Les Fer mal an offense against public morals and six poems within were immediatly suppressed a ruling eat would not be reversed uni 1949, nearly a century after ‘Baudelaire untimely death Subsequent editions popaieh oa vn ions esacing te BONS that have since been recognized as Baudelare's masterpieces producing body of work thar stands asthe most consequential controversial, nd ini ential book of poetry from the nineteenth century. ‘claimed transitor and poet Aaron Poochigian tackles this evolusonary text with an ea tuned ‘to Baudelaire cal innorations—renderng hem Jn “an assertive blend of fll and slant rhymes “38 The Flowers oR sacs * | of Evil | CHARLES a BAUDELAIRE copies hyn aon De tomes by Dl Made ‘eethaen Ps ic ah thr che an ee ‘an eer tn eer rere ech (enn ht Dn seo anh oan Dn served Dec de ponte Nor oF Urban opera Dsl Sete Stk hy tT at CONTENTS Introduction by Dana Gia ‘ANNateonthe Translation by Aaron Poochigian ‘The Flowers of Evil ‘TotheReader SPLEEN AND THEIDEAL 1 Benediction 2 Thealbateoss 3 Elevation 4 Corretpondences 5 Tloverecllingthoseantgue, made times. © TheBescons 8 ° ‘Thesick Muse ‘TheMusefor Sle ‘The Bad Monk 10 TheFlend ua BadLuck 12 ThePastLife 33 Traveling Gypsies 14 Manandthesea 3 DonJuanin Hell 26 Punishment for Pride 17 Beaty a8 Theldeal ‘TheGiantess ThEMase Hymnto Beauty Thetewels BxotiFerfume Her Hair ove yous ove nocturnal skies ‘Adulterated woman, you would sere the whale Sed non ati When shea billow ofbejewsled thing Serpent Dancing Deprfundscamaot ‘TheVampire Lethe ‘Once, sleeping withahorridJewisherone. Postmortem Remorse Thecar Dade ‘The aleony ‘ThePossersed ‘APhantom [dedicate thi poem to you sothat. Sempercadem AllTogether ‘What illyou sty tonight TheLiTorch ‘To One Wha le Too Cheerful Reversblsy CContessian “The Spiritual Dawn The Harmony of Evening ‘ThePectume Bottle Poison Cloudy Sky sesees ‘Thecat ‘The Beautiful ship ‘The Invitation othe Voyage ‘The ereparable ‘Atami Song ToaMadonna Songofthe Afternoon Sisina Fronccameaeendet ‘ToaGreoleLady Most erabunds ‘TheRevenant ‘Autumn Sonnet The Sorrows ofthe Moin ‘The cats ‘TheOwls ‘ThePipe ‘The Burial AFantatial Engraving The Happy Corpse ‘Thecaskottiate TheCracked Bell, spleen) Spleen a) Spleen IH) Spleen (V) Obsession “TheTastefor Nothingness ‘The Alchesiy of Grief Reflected Horror Heaontimoroumenst ‘Thetrremedtable ‘TheClock 212 The Two Good Sisters » PARISIAN SCENES 1S TheFountainof Blood 7 6 Landscapes 89 m4 Allegory a 87 TheSun % Ls The Beatrice as 88 ToaRed Haired Beggar itl 99 aS ‘TheMetamorphoses ofthe Vampire 36 89 Theswan os 116 AVoyagetocythera 7 90 TheSevenOld Men 9 217 Loveand the Skull 9 2 TheLitle OldLadies 9% 2 TheBlind ey 98 ToaWoman Passing 160 REVOLT 94 Skeleton Laborers eo 18 SalntPeter's Denial 1 95 light yen 19 Abelandcatn us 96 Gambling ey 20 TheLitantesof Satan us 97 Danse Macabre 04 98 TheLoveotLying or 99 Istillrcal the ite whitewashed lodging where 208 DEATH 109 Thinkofmy kind old nurse you once were fealous of 108 am TheLovers Death a ot Misteand Raine 109 122 TheDeathofthe Foor a ea ParislanDrear 109 123 TheDeathof Artists a2 103 Morning Twilight ma 124 TheEndofthe Day 12 125 TheDreamofanOdéMan 1» 126 Voyaging 154 WINE 104 TheSoulot Wine ns 105 The Ragpckers' Wine ne Les Fleurs du mal 106 The Murderers Wine . oo ‘Avlectear us eo? TheLoners Wine my 108 Thelovers Wine ne SPLEEN ET IDEAL a énédteton 19 PLOWERS OF EVIL 2 UAlbatros ™ 109 Destruéton 2 3 Elevation m no AMartyr 2 4 Correspondances cA ox Lesbos 126 5 Timele souvenir decesépoquesmuce cA ‘ox The Damned Women: Delphine and Hippy 18 6 LesPhases ca uma TheDaraned Wornen ey 7 LaMusemslade m6 LaMusevénale LeMauvaieMoine Bnnemi LeGuignen LaViesntéleure Bobémlens envoyage UHommeetla Mer Don Juanauxenters ChitimentdeYorgvell LaBeaute veal LaGtante LeMasgue Hymne labeaué LesBijoux Pasfumexotique Lachevelute _Jetadore nega ‘Tumettras renivers ene dans tavelle. Sednonsatista ‘Avec ses vetements ondoyants etna LeSerpent quidanse Une Charogne Deprfenieclamset LeVampire Leathe ‘Une nuit queftalspets dune affreuse Juve. Remordsposthume Lechat Dad LeBaleon LePosstde UUnFantoie Jetedonnecesversafin que st mon nom Semper cade ‘Toutentieee Quediras-tacesoie LeFlambean vivant Acellequesttop gale Reveesibilé Confession Aubespirtulle Harmonie dusole LeFiacon LePoison oelbrouille LeChat LeBean Nave tnvtation voyage treéparable CCauserie Chant datomne Aunemadone ‘Chanson @aprés- idl Sisina France melanie Aunedamecrtole ‘Moctaeterabunda LeRevenant Sonnetdastomne ‘Teistesses delalone LesChats LesHiboux LaPipe LaMusigue Sépoltare Une Gravurefantastique LeMortjoyeux LeTonneaa delahaine Laclochestlee Spleen(t) Spleen(tt) Spleen qu Spleen (tv Obsceson LeGoatdunéant Alchimiedela doulens Horreursympsthique Hartontimoroumense erémédiable eorloge ‘TABLEAUX PARISIENS. Paysage LeSolet Aunemendlante russe Lecygne Les Sept Villas LesPetites Ville Lesaveuges Axnepassante : LeSqueletelaboureur LeCrépusculedusoie Leleu Danse macabre ‘Amour du mensonge Jenfatpasoublivtsine de avi “Laservante au grand coeur dont vous ier jslouse Brumes et uies Revepaisien LeCrépuseule do matin LEVIN LAmedavin Le Vindes chiffonniere LeVindelasiassin eo? LeVindasolitaie 108 LeVindesamante FLEURS DU MAL 109 LaDestruction no Une Martyre ox Lesbos 1noxx Femmes damnées (Delphine et Hippolyte) mi Femmes damnéet 12 LesDewx Bonnes Sure ma Lafontaine desang na Allégore 15 LaBéatice sx Les Metamorphoses du vampire 116 UnVoyageaCythére ny LAmouretleCrtne » REVOLTE 228 LeReniementdesaint Perre 29 Abeletcain 129 Leslitaniesde Satan LA MORT 1A LaMortdesamants a LaMortdespauvees 125 LaMortdesartstes, may LaFindelajournée 225 LeRAveduncurieux ab LeVoyage -Ajteraordby Daniel Handler over Indes INTRODUCTION 1 ‘Charles Baudelaire was the first modern poet. In both style'and con- tent his provocative alluring, and shockingly original work shaped and cnlargedthe imagination of later poets, not only in his ative France bat across Europe and the Ameria. is work gulded the Symbol ‘movement, which became the dominant school of Modernist poetry, and inspired the Decadént and Acrthetie movements. Half a century later his presence stil haunted Surzealim. Nor was Buudelalre'simpact restrctedtoiterature. His deus onthe antonomy of art, thealienation of theartist, the irrationality of human behavior, the itelleetuallzation of poetry thecultofbeast (andthe beauty of evil andthe frank depetion of sexuality became central to Modernist aesthetics. He also popular ized less exalted cultural trends such a Satanism, sexual degradation, and the use of drugs for artistic inaptration. Notall of these ideas orig nated with Baudelaire buthis distinctive articulation ofthese principles bbeeamethe lingua france of international Modernism, ‘Baudelaire’s outsize impact s notable because his public career had such limited success during his shor life, Lil read yet much misun: derstood, he survived, just barely on the margins of the literary wold. He never commanded a large audience, though he achieved unwanted notoriety from an obscenity tral By the time of his death in 1867, how- ever, he had attracted a coterie of admirers who would guide the course of late ineteenth-cgatury French poetry-most notably Pal Verlane, tur Rimbaud, and Stéphane Mallarmé. This devoted cult soon spread Baudelaire’s porthumous reputation beyond the poet's own sad

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