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The First Shots: The Epic Rivalries and Heroic Science Behind the Race to the Coronavirus Vaccine PDF

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6.125 × 9.25 SPINE: 1.0625 FLAPS: 3.5 $28.00 / HIGHER IN CANADA THE FIRST SHOTS PRAISE FOR The EPIC RIVALRIES “For decades we’ll be studying where our country succeeded and how it faltered in T he full inside story of the high- its fight against the worst pandemic in one hundred years. In his vivid account of the tumultuous journey toward developing a coronavirus vaccine, Brendan Borrell offers and HEROIC SCIENCE stakes, global race for the lifesaving immediate and hugely valuable insights. Beyond the chaotic politics, clashing egos, vaccine to end the pandemic and erratic logistics were unprecedented scientific achievements. Those audacious BEHIND the efforts, and the people behind them, come fully to life in Borrell’s absorbing narrative.” Heroic science. Chaotic politics. Billion- —MARTY BARON, EXECUTIVE EDITOR (RETIRED) OF THE WASHINGTON POST RACE to the aire entrepreneurs. Award-winning journalist “In The First Shots, Brendan Borrell delivers a riveting, sometimes startling, sometimes Brendan Borrell brings the defi ning story of chilling page-turner of a book. But this tale of the COVID-19 pandemic and the race to CORONAVIRUS our times alive through absorbing, fi rst-time find vaccines to stop it is more than a good read. It’s also a remarkable illumination of reporting on the players leading the fi ght the politics, the personalities, and the human drama underlying a desperate scientific against a vicious virus. The First Shots draws VACCINE fight against an invisible enemy.” on exclusive, high-level access to take us inside the intense competition among bril- — DEBORAH BLUM, PULITZER PRIZE–WINNING AUTHOR OF THE POISON SQUAD: ONE CHEM- liant, hard-driving scientists and the epic IST’S SINGLE-MINDED CRUSADE FOR FOOD SAFETY AT THE TURN OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY rivalries among Washington power players BRENDAN BORRELL is an Outside that shaped eighteen months of fear, re- “Just like the COVID vaccine that went into your arm and mine, this book is an aston- magazine correspondent and has written ishingly powerful synthesis of intelligence, exertion, and speed. Brendan Borrell has solve, and triumph. on health, science, and business for the written a compelling, up-to-the-minute chronicle of a pivotal moment in the history of From infectious disease expert Michael Atlantic, Bloomberg Businessweek, Na- science. You will learn something new on every page of The First Shots.” Callahan, an American doctor secretly on tional Geographic, Wired, and the New the ground in Wuhan in January 2020 to — DAN FAGIN, AUTHOR OF THE PULITZER PRIZE–WINNING TOMS RIVER: A STORY OF SCIENCE York Times. Borrell lives in Los Angeles, gauge the terrifying ravages of disease X; AND SALVATION and The First Shots is his first book. to Robert (Dr. Bob) Kadlec, one of Oper- ation Warp Speed’s architects, whose au- “Brendan Borrell has delivered the definitive account of the race to develop and man- dacious plans for the American people run ufacture the vaccines needed to combat COVID-19. The book does a masterful job of straight into the buzz saw of the Trump explaining the science behind the vaccines while unfurling a vivid story full of excep- White House factions; to Stéphane Bancel tional characters locked in a thrilling competition to do nothing less than try and save the world. It’s a gripping tale of what happens when unlikely heroes battle through of upstart Moderna Therapeutics going toe extraordinary circumstances.” to toe with pharma behemoth Pfizer, The First Shots lays bare the full, stunning story — ASHLEE VANCE, AUTHOR OF ELON MUSK: TESLA, SPACEX, AND THE QUEST FOR A FAN- behind the medical science “moonshot” of Available as an e-book and an audiobook TASTIC FUTURE Jacket design by Kerry Rubenstein our lifetimes. Jacket illustration © Ben Wiseman Author photograph © Ashley Barker $28.00 HIGHER IN CANADA BREN DAN BORRELL ISBN 978-0-358-56984-8 MARINER BOOKS An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers marinerbooks.com 1809542 1021 BBoorrrreellll__TTHHEEFFIIRRSSTTSSHHOOTTSS__jjaacckkeett..iinndddd 11 77//2266//2211 99::2211 AAMM 6.125 × 9.25 SPINE: 1.0625 FLAPS: 3.5 $28.00 / HIGHER IN CANADA THE FIRST SHOTS PRAISE FOR The EPIC RIVALRIES “For decades we’ll be studying where our country succeeded and how it faltered in T he full inside story of the high- its fight against the worst pandemic in one hundred years. In his vivid account of the tumultuous journey toward developing a coronavirus vaccine, Brendan Borrell offers and HEROIC SCIENCE stakes, global race for the lifesaving immediate and hugely valuable insights. Beyond the chaotic politics, clashing egos, vaccine to end the pandemic and erratic logistics were unprecedented scientific achievements. Those audacious BEHIND the efforts, and the people behind them, come fully to life in Borrell’s absorbing narrative.” Heroic science. Chaotic politics. Billion- —MARTY BARON, EXECUTIVE EDITOR (RETIRED) OF THE WASHINGTON POST RACE to the aire entrepreneurs. Award-winning journalist “In The First Shots, Brendan Borrell delivers a riveting, sometimes startling, sometimes Brendan Borrell brings the defi ning story of chilling page-turner of a book. But this tale of the COVID-19 pandemic and the race to CORONAVIRUS our times alive through absorbing, fi rst-time find vaccines to stop it is more than a good read. It’s also a remarkable illumination of reporting on the players leading the fi ght the politics, the personalities, and the human drama underlying a desperate scientific against a vicious virus. The First Shots draws VACCINE fight against an invisible enemy.” on exclusive, high-level access to take us inside the intense competition among bril- — DEBORAH BLUM, PULITZER PRIZE–WINNING AUTHOR OF THE POISON SQUAD: ONE CHEM- liant, hard-driving scientists and the epic IST’S SINGLE-MINDED CRUSADE FOR FOOD SAFETY AT THE TURN OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY rivalries among Washington power players BRENDAN BORRELL is an Outside that shaped eighteen months of fear, re- “Just like the COVID vaccine that went into your arm and mine, this book is an aston- magazine correspondent and has written ishingly powerful synthesis of intelligence, exertion, and speed. Brendan Borrell has solve, and triumph. on health, science, and business for the written a compelling, up-to-the-minute chronicle of a pivotal moment in the history of From infectious disease expert Michael Atlantic, Bloomberg Businessweek, Na- science. You will learn something new on every page of The First Shots.” Callahan, an American doctor secretly on tional Geographic, Wired, and the New the ground in Wuhan in January 2020 to — DAN FAGIN, AUTHOR OF THE PULITZER PRIZE–WINNING TOMS RIVER: A STORY OF SCIENCE York Times. Borrell lives in Los Angeles, gauge the terrifying ravages of disease X; AND SALVATION and The First Shots is his first book. to Robert (Dr. Bob) Kadlec, one of Oper- ation Warp Speed’s architects, whose au- “Brendan Borrell has delivered the definitive account of the race to develop and man- dacious plans for the American people run ufacture the vaccines needed to combat COVID-19. The book does a masterful job of straight into the buzz saw of the Trump explaining the science behind the vaccines while unfurling a vivid story full of excep- White House factions; to Stéphane Bancel tional characters locked in a thrilling competition to do nothing less than try and save the world. It’s a gripping tale of what happens when unlikely heroes battle through of upstart Moderna Therapeutics going toe extraordinary circumstances.” to toe with pharma behemoth Pfizer, The First Shots lays bare the full, stunning story — ASHLEE VANCE, AUTHOR OF ELON MUSK: TESLA, SPACEX, AND THE QUEST FOR A FAN- behind the medical science “moonshot” of Available as an e-book and an audiobook TASTIC FUTURE Jacket design by Kerry Rubenstein our lifetimes. Jacket illustration © Ben Wiseman Author photograph © Ashley Barker $28.00 HIGHER IN CANADA BREN DAN BORRELL ISBN 978-0-358-56984-8 MARINER BOOKS An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers marinerbooks.com 1809542 1021 BBoorrrreellll__TTHHEEFFIIRRSSTTSSHHOOTTSS__jjaacckkeett..iinndddd 11 77//2266//2211 99::2211 AAMM THE FIRST SHOTS BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 11 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 22 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM The Epic Rivalries and Heroic Science Behind the Race to the THE Coronavirus Vaccine FIRST SHOTS Brendan Borrell MARINER BOOKS An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers Boston New York BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 33 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM Copyright © 2021 by Brendan Borrell All rights reserved No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address HarperCollins Publishers, 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007. marinerbooks.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for. ISBN 978-0-358-56984-8 (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-358-56618-2 (ebook) Book design by Chrissy Kurpeski Printed in the United States of America ScoutAutomatedPrintCode $ScoutAutomatedPO BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 44 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actu- ally in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again . . . who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devo- tions . . . who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. — Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910, A version of which is on the wall of Barney Graham’s office at the Vaccine Research Center of the National Institutes of Health BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 55 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 66 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM CONTENTS Cast of Characters ix Prologue xiii PArT 1: EMErGENCE January 2020–March 2020 1. Sounds Like It Could Be Fun 3 2. Courage and Doubt 13 3. Not Sanctioned, Not Authorized 24 4. Our Bugs and Gas Guy 31 5. Stabilizing the Spike 42 6. Old School, New School 52 7. Oceanic Outbreak 64 8. Very Much Under Control 73 9. The President’s Powwow 80 10. This Ain’t Over 86 PArT 2: LOCKDOWN March 2020–May 2020 11. A Company Is Born 99 12. running on Empty 110 13. Masks for Everyone 116 14. The Moonshot 123 15. return to Power 140 BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 77 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM viii | Contents PArT 3: TESTING May 2020–October 2020 16. Horse race 151 17. Battle rhythm 163 18. Masters of the Protocol 173 19. Three Hundred Million Doses 183 20. Plasma Drive 194 21. Trials 204 22. Tribulations 212 PArT 4: rOLLOUT October 2020–January 2021 23. How Do You Know? 223 24. Winter Wave 232 25. Seniors First 242 26. The N-Hour 248 27. The Brave Endure 257 Afterword 269 Acknowledgments 272 Notes 275 Index 287 BBoorrrreellll__FFIIRRSSTT--SSHHOOTTSS__iinntteerriioorr__ffiinnaall..iinndddd 88 88//44//2211 88::4488 AAMM

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