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The First Recordings of Calls of the Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus Bitorquatus (Blyth), Family Glareolidae PDF

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Preview The First Recordings of Calls of the Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus Bitorquatus (Blyth), Family Glareolidae

Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 101 (1), Jan.-Apr. 2004 26-28 THE FIRSTRECORDINGS OF CALLS OFTHEJERDON’S COURSER RHINOPTILUSBITORQUATUS(BLYTH), FAMILYGLAREOLIDAE1 Panchapak.esan Jeganathan2 and Simon R. Wotton’ 'Accepted December, 2002 2BombayNatural History Society, Hornbill House, S.B. Singh Road, Mumbai 400 023, Maharashtra, India. Email:[email protected] 3Royal SocietyfortheProtection ofBirds,TheLodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SGI9 2DL, UK. Email: [email protected] The call ofthe Critically Endangered Jerdon’s Courser(Rhinoptilus bitorquatus) was unknown until now. The short disyllabic call attributed to the Jerdon’s Courser was recorded and identified within the SriLankamaleswaraWildlifeSanctuaryduringdawnanddusk. Detailsofthecallingperiod,durationofthe call and spectrogramare given. Key words: Jerdon’sCourser, Rhinoptilusbitorquatus callrecording,calldescription, spectrogram , INTRODUCTION METHODS Jerdon’s Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus Since the Jerdon’s Courser is nocturnal, efforts (Charadriiformes: Glareolidae) isanocturnal cursorial were made to listen for, and record, its calls during birdthathasbeen categorizedasCriticallyEndangered dawn and dusk in the places where it was known onthe IUCN Red List(Hilton-Taylor2000), because it tooccurinthe Sri LankamaleswaraWildlifeSanctuary, is believedto have a small and decliningpopulation. It near Reddipalle, Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, was thoughtto be extinct for more than 80 years until India (Jeganathan et al. 2002). Calls were monitored its rediscovery in 1986 (Bhushan 1986). Since then, it from about sunset to about 80 minutes after sunset, has been seen in only a few restricted areas of the and from about 80 minutes before sunrise up to scrub jungle in Andhra Pradesh, India (BirdLife sunrise. International 2001). Jerdon’s Coursers are difficult to To discriminate the Jerdon’s Courser calls from see because of their nocturnal habits, and this has those of the other birds in the Sanctuary, it was hampered efforts to survey the population size and necessary to eliminate the calls of other species. distribution ofthe species. Many areas in and around Other crepuscular and nocturnal species that are the Sri Lankamaleswara Wildlife Sanctuary have now known to occur within the Sri Lankamaleswara habitats that are superficially similar to places where Wildlife Sanctuary are Red-wattled Lapwing Vanellus Jerdon’s Coursers are known to occur. A new method indicus. Stone-curlew, Eurasian Eagle-owl Bubobubo , has been developed for detecting their presence by Collared Scops-owl Otus bakkamoena. Spotted Owlet placingtrackingstrips upon which the birds leavetheir Athene brama, Indian Jungle Nightjar Caprimulgus distinctivefootprints(Jeganathan etal. 2002). Surveys indicus Jerdon’s Nightjar Caprimulgus atripennis, , usingthis method have recently detectedthe species in Common Indian Nightjar Caprimulgus asiaticus and some new areas, but more rapid surveys might be Franklin’s Nightjar Caprimulgus affinis. Since the possible ifthebird’scallscouldberecognized. Theonly beginning of the study, the calls of these species published reports on the calls ofthe Jerdon’s Courser have been recorded andcataloguedalongwiththecalls are “a plaintive cry” (Ali and Ripley 1983), “very sad; of other species occurring in the Sanctuary, which a single note andvery soft”(Bhushan 1990), “notvery could possibly be confused with that ofthe Jerdon’s vocal; plaintivecry: he-he-he-he-he”(Kazmierczakand Courser. van Perlo 2000) and “kwick- kweek- kwick- kweek- The recording equipment used was a Marantz kweek- kweek- kweek”, as described by some bird PMD222 tape recorder with an Audio Technica trappers (Samant and Elangovan 1997). The latter AT815 unidirectional microphone, with no sound description, however,wasthoughttobemore likelythat filters. Searches, listening and recording were carried of the Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus (Samant out mainly during clear still nights. Recordings of and Elangovan 1997).Thispaperdescribesasuccessful calls were analyzed using the Canary 1.2.4 sound effortat identifyingand recordingcallsoftheJerdon’s analysis package (Charif et al. 1993) on a Power Courser. Macintosh. FIRST RECORDINGS OF CALLS OFTHE JERDON'S COURSER RESULTS majorityofthe energywithin theJerdon’s Coursercall occursbetween and4 kHz,withthesyllablesshowing 1 A call ofthe type that was later attributed to the threedistinctbandsthroughoutthe frequencyrange. In Jerdon’s Courser was heard (by PJ) on February 17, effect, there are three notes at three different 2001,withinthecoreareaforJerdon’sCoursersightings frequencies (1 kHz, 2 kHz, 3.5 kHz), which make up in the Sri Lankamaleswara Wildlife Sanctuary. A each syllable. The calls are repeated in a series with Jerdon’sCourserwas sighted in thedirection ofthecall gaps ofabout 500 mS between the end ofone call and a few seconds after it was heard. Unfortunately, it was the beginningofthe next(Fig. 2). notpossibletogetarecordingofthiscall. Identical calls were heard again on June 19, October 22 and October DISCUSSION 25,2001 butnobirdswere seenand norecordingswere , obtained. Thecall recorded by usdoesnot resembleclosely The first recording ofthe call was obtained on anyofthe previousverbal descriptions.Thesemayrefer November 12, 2001 at 1812 hrs local timeand again on to calls not detected by us so far, or the previous November 13, 2001, at 1820 hrs, although the calling identificationsmayhave been mistaken. The identified bird was not seen on either occasion. On November call ofthe Jerdon’s Coursermay beofvalue as itcould 14, 2001 the call was heard again twice, at 1816 hrs andaJerdon’sCourserwas seen briefly(bySW)where the call was heard from. The bird flew off when illuminatedbyaspotlightandcalledtwice inflight.Final confirmation that the call was made by a Jerdon’s Courserwasobtained on May 17, 2002 at 1818 hrs (by PJ), when a Jerdon’s Courser was observed while it wascalling, beforedusk inamplesunlight. Thedistance between the observer and the bird was not more than m 50 in all ofthese instances. Description ofthe call: The shortdisyllabic call consists of a high-pitched first syllable, and rapidly descending second syllable, which can be rendered as either “kwik-koo ... kwik-koo ... kwik-koo ... kwik- koo...” or “yak-wak yak-wak yak-wak yak- ... ... ... wak...”. We refer to each pair of syllables as a call. Birds have been heard to give between 2 and 16 calls in a sequence at a rate of about one call per second. Ononeoccasion,thefirstsyllableofthesinglecallwas heard several times and then the bird spontaneously called, “kwik...kwik...kwik...kwik...kwik...kwik- koo...kwik-koo...”. The calling period is quite brief, starting 45-50 minutes after sunset and continuing for a few minutes toabout20 minutes. Callswere often heard from more thanone place. Atthemost,theywere heard fromthree differentplaces uptoabout200mapartwithin aperiod ofafewminutes.Thepossibilityofthesamebirdmoving and calling in such a case was unlikely, because ofthe pattern of calling in some instances. It has been estimated that the call can be heard from a distance of 200 to 250 m. It appears that the birds call mainly at dusk, but the frequency ofcalling is likely to depend upon the time ofyear and the weather. Figure 1 showsaspectrogramofasingleJerdon’s CFiogu.r1s:eSrpecacltlrsohgorawmin(gti2mesvy.lflraebqlueesncsye)paorfaatecdompbyleatneJienrtedrovna'ls. Coursercall, consistingoftworepeated syllables,each The spectrogram was produced by Canary 1.2.4, grid separated by an interval of60 milliseconds (mS). The resolutions 5.8 ms, 10.77 Hz. [Y-axis=kHz, X-axis=S], J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (1), Jan.-Apr. 2004 27 . FIRST RECORDINGS OF CALLS OF THE JERDON'S COURSER 65- 60- 5.5- 50- 4.5- Fig 2: Spectrogram of a series of six Jerdon’s Courser calls. The spectrogram was produced by Canary 1.2.4, grid resolutions 5.8 ms, 10.77 Hz. [Y-axis=kHz, X-axis=S], help to find the bird in new areas and estimate its ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS population size. It appears that Jerdon’s Coursers call mainly at dusk and it may be possible to survey their The research project was funded by the Darwin distribution by listening for the calls. However, initial InitiativeandcarriedoutbytheBombayNaturalHistory observations indicatethattheshortperiodduringwhich Society, Royal Society forthe Protection ofBirds and the birds call and the variation among evenings in University ofReading. We are grateful to the Andhra whethertheycall atall would make itdifficulttosurvey Pradesh Forest Department for giving permission to large areas. workintheSri LankamaleswaraWildlifeSanctuary. We Experiments are in progress using standard thank N. Rahim for help with the fieldwork. Nigel playback methods (e.g. Mosher et al. 1990; Haug and Butcher and Gillian Gilbert provided advice and Diduik 1993)todeterminewhethertape playbackcould comments. Chris Bowden, Rhys Green, Ken Norris, be usedtoelicitcallsovera longerperiod. It is hopedto Debbie Pain and Asad R. Rahmani arefellowmembers determine the effects oftime ofthe year, time ofday of the Jerdon’s Courser project team, and provided and weather on the bird’s response to playback. advice and comments. REFERENCES Ali S. & S.D. Ripley (1983): Handbook ofthe Birds ofIndiaand Hilton-Taylor, C. (compiler) (2000): IUCN Red List of Pakistan together with those ofBangladesh. Nepal, Bhutan Threatened Species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and and Sri Lanka. Oxford University Press, Bombay. 737 pp. Cambridge,UK. Bhushan,B.(1986):RediscoveryoftheJerdon’sCourserCursorius Jeganathan,P.,R.E. Green,C.G.R. Bowden,K.Norris, D. Pain& bitorquatus.J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc. 83: 1-14. A.R. Rahmani (2002): Use oftrackingstrips and automatic Bhushan, B. (1990): Jerdon’sCourserrediscovery and survey. In: camerasfordetectingcriticallyendangeredJerdon’sCoursers Status and Ecology of the Lesser and Bengal Floricans, Rhinoptilusbitorquatus in scrub jungle in Andhra Pradesh. ChapterXII,pp. 127-134. ENDSPProject. BombayNatural Oryx36(2) 182-188. : History Society, Bombay. Kazmierczak, K. &B. vanPerlo(2000): AFieldGuidetoBirdsof Birdlife International (2001): Threatened Birds of Asia: The theIndianSubcontinent. OmBookService,NewDelhi. BirdLifeInternationalRedDataBook. BirdLifeInternational, Mosher, J.A., M.R. Fuller & M. Kopeny (1990): Surveying Cambridge, UK. pp. 1454-1457. woodland raptorsbybroadcastofconspecificvocalizations. Charif, R.A., S. Mitchell & C.W. Clark (1993): Canary User’s J. FieldOrnithol. 61(4):453-461 Manual. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Ithaca, N.Y. Samant,J.S. &V. Elangovan(1997):AvifaunaoftheEasternGhats pp. 229. with special reference to the Jerdon’s Courser Cursorius Haug, E.A. & A.B. Didiuk(1993): Useofrecorded callsto detect bitorquatus. Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay. burrowingowls.J. FieldOrnithol. 64(2): 188-194. Unpublished report. 2 8 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (1), Jan.-Apr. 2004

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