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The First Record of Pyrgus Malvoides (Elwes & Edwards, 1897) in the Czech Republic (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae): An Accidental Introduction? PDF

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Preview The First Record of Pyrgus Malvoides (Elwes & Edwards, 1897) in the Czech Republic (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae): An Accidental Introduction?

4 NotaLepi.37(1)2014:3-8 DOI 10.3897/nl.37.7936 | & The first record ofPyrgus malvoides (Elwes Edwards, 1897) in the Czech Republic (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae): an accidental introduction? Vladimir Hula^ Jana Niedobovà^'^ 1 DepartmentofZoology,FacultyofAgronomy, MendelUniversity, ZemèdélskàI, CZ-61300, Brno, Czech Republic;Hula@mendelu.cz 2 DepartmentofForestBotany,DendrologyandGeobiocoenology, FacultyofForestryandWoodTechnology, Zemèdélskà3, CZ-61300, Brno, CzechRepublic http://zoobank.org/A10070BE-B52B-4B2E-AD78-3777910CDF97 Received7August2013;accepted 14October2013;published: 15June201 SubjectEditor:ZdenekF. Fric Abstract.TheMediterranean skipper,Pyrgusmalvoides(Elwes& Edwards 1897), isnewlyrecordedfor theCzechRepublic, some400km awayfrom itsnearestknownpopulation. The specimenwascollected inJune 1993 in Hejnâ, Bohemia andwas discovered in the collection ofOldfichJakes during arevision ofotherPyrgusspecies.Thepresenceofthisspecieselsewhereintheregioncouldnotbeestablishedand thebestcurrentexplanationforthisrecordisthatitwas anaccidentalintroduction. Introduction In recent decades, only a few new butterfly species have been recorded in the fauna ofthe Czech Republic. Forexample, inthe lasttenyearsPyrgus trebevicensis (Warren, 1926) (Benes etal. 2001; Hanc 2011) andSpialiaorbifer(Hübner, 1823) (Sumpich 2011) (both Hesperiidae) wererecordedforthefirsttime intheCzechRepublic, andjusttwoadditional speciesweredis- covered during the last 20 years: Leptidea reali Reissinger, 1989 (Pieridae) and Hyponephele lupinus (Costa, 1836) (Nymphalidae); thefirstoneveryabundantandthe latteralreadyextinct, discovered as amuseum specimen (Kralicek and Povolny 1992; Lastuvka et al. 1995). During a revision of skippers belonging to the genus Pyrgus (Hübner, 1819), an unusual specimenwas found in the collection ofOldfichJakes with the collectingdata: CZ-Bohemia, Hejnâ, 1.vi.1993,Jakes, O. Igt. (seeFig. 1). This locality is inthe foothills ofSumavaMts. near thetown ofSusice (49°17'13"N, 13°40'18"E); it is covered by supramontane xeric vegetation on limestone, and is part ofthe PucankaNature Reserve. It was immediately noticed that this male specimen was unusually large and had different colouration fromthe commonPyrgus malvae(Linnaeus, 1758), which isknownto occurin the region. Thewingspan ofthis specimen is 16 mm, which is aboutthree millimetres greaterthan mm the 11-13 wingspan described by Slamka (2004) forP. malvae, and it has a light brown colour (Figs 2, 3), which is atypical forP. malvae in the Czech Republic. Afterthis discovery, thefirst authordecidedto examine more material from across the Czech Republic. The results 4 Hula&Niedobovà:ThefirstrecordofPyrgusmalvoides(Elwes&Edwards, 1897).. ofthis investigation, presentedbelow, ledusto concludethatthis unusual specimen is actually P. malvoides (Elwes & Edwards 1897). Methods The examined collections are listed below. All material is from the Czech Republic. The first authorfocusedonthedeterminationofdifferentspecimensofP. malvaefromtheregion,study- ing 13 specimens from 6 localities near the foothills ofSumava Mts, and then the first author examined more material from other localities in the Czech Republic to attemptto find another specimen ofP. malvoides. In addition to the examination ofexternal characters, all genitalia were dissected and determined bythe first author(det. V. Hula). Abbreviations Collections AP AloisPavHcko,privatecollection,inPrachatice,CzechRepublic MM MiroslavMikât,privatecollection,inHradecKrâlové,CzechRepublic MZMB MoravianmuseumBrno,inBrno,CzechRepublic OJ OldfichJakes,privatecollection,inBrno,CzechRepublic PS PavelSkala,privatecollection,inPraha,CzechRepublic RMM RegionalmuseumMikulov,inMikulov,CzechRepublic VCMHK East-bohemianmuseumHradecKrâlové,inHradecKrâlové,CzechRepublic VCMP East-bohemianmuseumPardubice,inPardubice,CzechRepubhc VH VladimirHula,privatecollection,inBrno,CzechRepublic ZCMP West-bohemianmuseumPilsen,inPilsen,CzechRepublic ZFF ZdenekFaltynekFric,InstituteofEntomology,inCeskéBudëjovice,CzechRepublic ZN ZdenekNavrâtil,privatecollection,inBrno,CzechRepublic Otherabbreviations NPR Nationalnaturereserve PP Naturemonument PR Naturereserve Material examined. Bohemia: Rakovnik- Papima, 4.vi.l991 (1 ex), leg., det. et coll. VH. PRNivau Zdirce nad Doubravou,28.V.2003(2ex),leg.,det.etcoll.VH.Brazec,7.vi.2002(1 ex),leg.,det.etcoll.VH.Kramolin-Podhora, 20.vi.2003(1 ex),leg.,det.etcoll.VH.Plzen,28.iv.1957(2ex),9.V.1946(1 ex.),25.iv.1966(1 ex),27.iv.1966(1 ex.), leg. VI. Skala, coll. ZCMP; 23.iv.1960 (1 ex), leg. Fraj, coll. ZCMP; Dub. vrch, 9.V.1955 (1 ex), 14.iv.l946 (2 ex), leg. VI. Skala, coll. ZCMR Dobfany, Bfez. vrch, 20.V.1956(1 ex), leg. VI. Skala, coll. ZCMP; 28.V.1956(1 ex), leg. VI. Skala, coll. ZCMR Chlfstov, 6.vi.l954 (1 ex), leg. VI. Skala, coll. ZCMP; Jarov, 22.V.1925 (1 ex), coll. ZCMP; Vladaf, 1908(1 ex),coll.ZCMP;NPRVysenskékopce,20.vi.2001 (1 ex), leg.etcoll.ZFF;Hfedle,27.V.1995(1 ex), leg. etcoll. ZFF; Hlinky, 19.vi.l994(1 ex), leg. J. Franz, coll. VH; Police nadMetuji, 9.iv.l944(1 ex), leg. G. Petr, coll. VCMHK; Srbsko, 21.V.1961 (1 ex), 9.V.1962 (1 ex) coll. VCMHK; Cihanâ, 22.V.1971 (1 ex), 9.vi.l972 (1 ex), leg.J.Franz,coll.VH;NovéKounice,30.V.1992(1 ex),leg.J.Franz,coll.VH;Rybnicna,28.iv.1996(1 ex),29.V.1991 (1 ex), 31.V.1991 (1 ex), leg. J. Franz, coll. VH;Javomâ, 3.vi.l972 (1 ex), leg. J. Franz,coll. VH; Pila,27.vi.1991 (1 ex),leg.etcoll.VH;HomiTasovice,31.V.1972(1 ex),leg.FranzJ.,coll.VH;Teplicka, 14.V.1992(1 ex),leg.FranzJ., coll. VH;NémeckyChloumek,9.vi.l972(1 ex),leg. FranzJ.,coll.VH;CeskaTfebovâ,20.V.1964(1 ex),leg. Siroky L.,coll.VCMHK; PPBân,Hradcany, l.v.2001 (1 ex), leg.etcoll. MM; PPNaPlachtë, HradecKrâlové, 15.V.2001 (1 ex),25.V.2002(1 ex),leg.etcoll. MM;Vysokâand Labem,8.V.1976(1 ex),leg.etcoll. MM;Slezia,Tesin, 18.V.1930 (1 ex),coll.VCMHK;Oblfk,2.v.1987(1 ex), leg. Pad,coll.VCMHK; Prachatice, 18.v.1982(1 ex),27.V.1978(1 ex), 20.vi.1978(1 ex),26.iv.1981 (1 ex),29.iii.l980(1 ex), 10.vii.l977(1 ex),leg.etcoll.AP;Setun,Prachatice,24.V.1985 NotaLepi.37(1)2014:3-8 5 12° 13" 14^ 16"* 16" 1 1 19" 5510 3839404142434445464748/4950<f'P\5i3f545556\57y•5859606162636465666768697071 72737475767778795510^'' 52 52 r i 53 Ki 53 r 54 54 5556 « / 1 ' <V \ V. 5556 57 Sr 1 57 ; 58 ,/ 58 V V 5°60 L.. \ a 60^" 61 j \ \ 61 62 < \ 62 63 63 64 64 } 65 65 66 66 67 67 68 68 49°^?- 6,9490 70 70 71 71 72 k 72 73 ï 73 383940414243444546474849505V^2535455P^575859606162636465666768697071 7273747576777879 1 i ' Figures 1-5. 1. Grid square map ofthe Czech RepubUcwithmarked square ofrecordofPyrgus malvo- ides (Elwes & Edwards, 1897). 2-3. The collected specimen Pyrgus malvoides, CZ - Bohemia, Hejnâ, 1.vi.1993,Jakes,O. Igt. etcoll., Hula,V. det. 4.Malegenitalia(valva, lateralview)ofcollectedspecimen P. malvoides. 5. Generalview fromthecollecting localityoflimestone quarry. (1 ex),leg.etcoll.AP; IrùDvûr,Prachatice,9.V.1986(1 ex), leg. etcoll.AP; Li'pa, Prachatice, 10.vii.l977(1 ex), leg. etcoll.AP;Kunëtickâhora-Râby,9.V.1994(1 ex), leg.J. Macourek,coll.VCMP; Stnzovickyvrch, UstinadLabem, 8.V.2002 (2ex), leg. etcoll. VH; PRPucanka, Hejnâ, l.iv.l993 (1 ex), leg. OJ, coll. VH; Khcava, (1 ex), leg. Dr. VI. Vala, coll. RMM. Moravia: Filipovské ùdoli, 5.vi.l951 (1 ex), leg. Dr. VI. Vala, coll. RMM; Lidefovice, 11.v.1950 6 Hula&Niedobovà:ThefirstrecordofPyrgusmalvoides(Elwes&Edwards, 1897)., (2 ex), leg. Dr. VI. Vala, coll. RMM; Luhacovice, 20.V.1946 (1 ex), 13.V.1951 (lex), leg. Dr. VI. Vala, coll. RMM; UherskéHradistë,9.V.1949(1 ex),leg.Dr.VI.Vala,coll.RMM;Kfiscanovice, 13.V.1947(1 ex),leg.Dr.VI.Vala,coll. RMM; Bfeclav, 13.viii.l979 (1 ex), leg. E. Sandtner, coll. RMM;Valtice,28.iv.1968 (1 ex), lO.v.1975 (1 ex), leg. E. Sandtner,coll. RMM;Milovice, 18.vii.l962(1 ex), leg. Minank,coll. RMM;NPRMalhotky,25.vi.2004(1 ex),leg., det. etcoll. VH; Moravsky Krumlov, 3.vi.l944 (1 ex), coll. MZMB; Senorady, 29.V.1935 (1 ex), leg. Lemberk, coll. MZMB; Habrùvka,26.V.1982 (1 ex), leg. Kotlan andVepfek, coll. MZMB; Hâdy, 1962-1982 (1 ex), leg. Kotlanand Vepfek, coll. MZMB; Macosska Straft, 4.vi.l994 (1 ex), leg. etcoll. PS; Brno - Medlanky, 30.iv.l994 (1 ex), leg. J. Macourek,coll.VCMP; 15.V.1983(1 ex),leg.R.Cech,coll.ZN.MacosskaStraft,20.vi.l995(1 ex),leg.J.Macourek, coll.VCMP;Zelesice,30.V.1991 (1 ex),leg.J.Macourek,coll.VCMP;Pema,CHKOPalava,9.vi.2006(1 ex),leg.et coll.OJ;Mohelno,29.V.1977(1 ex),leg.etcoll.ZN;Kamennyvrch,Brno,6.V.1979(3ex),leg.etcoll.ZN;Sobesice, 1I.V.1977(1 ex),leg.etcoll.ZN;Radëjov,25.iv.1948(4ex),26.vi.1954(1 ex),leg.Dr.VI.Vala,coll.RMM. Results and discussion Twelve collections from 58 sites in the Czech Republic were studied. This included 88 speci- mens ofP. malvae from a wide range ofterritories in the Czech Republic, and even one spec- imen ofP. malvae from the same locality as the P. malvoides was found. A thorough search uncovered no other specimens ofP. malvoides. Pyrgus malvoides is a typical west-Mediterranean species with its distribution ending in Slovenia, Italy, westernmost Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and France (Kaufmann 1955;Aistleiner 1996; LepidopterologenArbeitsgruppe 1997; Karsholt&Nieukerken2011). Some authors considerthe taxonP. malvoides only as a subspecies ofP. malvae (see Tolman & Lewington 1997; Kudrna et al. 2011). These taxa are able to hybridize on the border of their distribution (Guillaumin 1962, 1971) and the hybrids show characters ofboth species (Albeti 1956). De Jong (1972, 1987) studied the whole complex ofspecies in the P. malvae group and summarised the distribution ofall species, specific characters and morphological phylogeny ofthe group. In this work clear morphological differences in male and female genitalia can be found. The specimen ofP. malvoides thatwe discovered in the collection of Oldfich Jakes has no marks ofhybridisation (Fig. 4). The origin ofthe specimen is unclear. All available material ofP. malvae from the region (the foothills ofSumava Mts., the mainly limestone regions and some other places across the wholeCzech Republic)wasinvestigated. Itisveryunlikelythatundiscoveredpopulationsexist because the butterfly fauna ofthe Czech Republic has been very well investigated (Benes and Konvicka 2002). It is also unlikely thatP. malvoides had flown in from the nearestpopulation, which is about400 kilometres distant. It is likely that this specimen ofP. malvoides was accidentally introduced into the locality. There are several possibilities, but the most probable seems to be the introduction by mining techniques, as the locality is in the vicinity ofa very large limestone quarry (Fig. 5) owned by the French company Lafarge. Nevertheless, it is an interesting record ofthis species in Central Europe, and iflustrates the importance ofpaying close attention even to species as common as Pyrgus malvae. NotaLepi.37(1)2014:3-8 7 Acknowledgements We are grateful to Oldfich Jakes forproviding the material ofP. malvae andP. malvoides and all infor- mationaboutcollecting.WearegratefultoallwhosharedtheirPyrguscollections.Thankstoanonymous referees for their comments. Many thanks to Marina Isaac for proofreading. This study was funded by the Internal GrantAgency ofAgronomical Faculty (IGA TP6/2013 and TP 7/2014) and the Faculty of ForestryandWoodTechnology(73/2013) ofMendel University. 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