AMAZONIANA XV (3/4): 239 - 267 Kiel, Dezember 1999 The first penicillate millipedes from the vicinity of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda: Polyxenida) by K. Ishii, M. Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin & B. Condé Dr. Kiyoshi Ishii, Department of Biology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochi gi, 321-02 Japat. Dr. Monique Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Laboratoire de Zoologie/Arthropodes, 6l rue Buffon, F-75231 Paris, France. Prof. Dr. Bruno Condé, Musée de Zoologie, 34 rue Sainte-Catherine, F-54000 Nancy, France. (Accepted for publication: November, 1999). Abstract Two new and an undetermined/unnamed species in the penicillate diplopod genera Lophoturus BROLEMANN, 1931 and Macroxenodes SILVESTRI, 1948 are described from the vicinity of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil: L. adisi n.sp., M. amazonicus n.sp., and M. sp.. L. adisi n.sp. is characteristic in having the molar plate with a swollen dorsal molar plate shoulder of the mandible , while M. amazonicus n.sp. in having three thick bacilliform dorsal sensilla separated from a second group of posterior ventral sensilla on antennal segment VI, the gnathochilarium wìth 2l to 23 palpal sensilla and the femoral and tibial setaewithanoval basefurnishedwith3or"llongspines. Also,L.adisin.sp.,whichisthedominant species at the locality, has been investigated as to its postembryonic stadia and rnandibular structure. On the other hand, M. sp. is characteristic in having more numerous sensilla located in one or two ro'ws in the dorso-distal part ofantennal segment VI, in the tergal trichomes grouped in two separated oval areas, and in22or23 palpalsensilla. Plesioproctus CONDÉ, lg64isshowntobeajuniorsynonym of Ancistroxenus SCHUBART, 1947, n. syn. The synonymy results from a revision of type material of the Brazilian Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947. Plesioproctus comans (LOOMIS 1934), flrom Trinidad, is forrnally transferred to Anci.stoxenu.s, resulting in A. comans (LOOMIS 1934), n. comb., a species which is also a subjective senior synonym of Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, I 947, n. syn.. A. comans has been recorded from the study region for the first time, and its posternbryonic stadia are fully redescribed. A key to the genera of the family Lophoproctidae is given. Keywords: Diplopoda, Penicillata, new species, taxonomy, key, Manaus, Amazonia ISSN 0065-6755/199912391 O MPI für Limnologie, AG Tropencikologie, Plön; INPA, Manaus 239 Introduction Paratypes: I adult female (INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, environs of Manaus, Lago Janauarí (03"20'S, 60'17'w), mixedwater inundarion forest, K30, 10.10.1987, J. ADIs et al. leg.; I adult female (lNpA), The penicillate Diplopoda is a group possessing characteristic tufts of trichomes on K2l, 14.03.1987;2 adulr males (INPA), Kl9, 14.03.19s8; I adulr male (tNpA), Kz4, 14.03,t998; I adult the body. Penicillates are widely distributed from the tropics to the Arctic zone, with male, I adult female (INPA), K3l, 14.03.1988; I adult female (INpA), Kt2, 14.03.1988;5 adult mates about 100 species so far described. (INPA),3 adult females (usP), Kl8, 14.03.1988;3 adulr males,2 adult females (tNpA), K30, 14.03.1988; To date, eight species of penicillate diplopods have been reported from Brazil: 2 adult males,9 adult females (INPA), 14 adult males (uSp), KlO, 12.04.198g;2 adult males,6 adulr PMoElyLxLeOnu-sL EsuITpÄerObu, s1 S92IL5V; MESonToRgIr,a 1p9h0i3s; tPam. loeypoaegnesi isM SECLHLOU-BLAERITTÃ, O19, 39t9: ZM5a; cpro. xseennuesx ff3ee mmadaaulleeltss fe((IImNNaPPleAAs)) ,,( IKKN 2IP 88A,, )11,2 2K..00245.2. 1,19 9188288.;0 ; 565. 1aa9dd8uu8lltt; mmI aaalleedssu ,l( tI 3Nm aPadlAeu,)lr , 3 fI e aIm daaudlletu slft e (fmteNmalpeaAsle )s(, tN(Kup2s2Ap,)) ,,1K 2K2.30704,, . tt91282.08.05; 5.51. 19a98d88u8l;t ; 62m aaaddleuusll,tt caingangensis SCHUBART, 1944:, Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947; phrysso- males (cA), BE50A, 14.07.1987 2 adult males, I adult female (cA), Kl5, 14.03.1988; I adult male,3 notus sp.; and Macroxenodes sp. (CONDÉ l97l). adult females (cA), K26, 12.04. 1988; 3 adult males, 4 adutt females (cA), K30, 12.04. 1988; 2 adult males, J. ADIS and his colleagues investigated the abundance, phenology and natural 6 adult females (cA), K26, 12.05.1988; I adult female (MHNP), Kl8, 12.05.1988; I adult mate, I adult history of the terricolous and arboricolous arthropods in a mixedwater inundation forest female (MHNP),K27,12.04.1988; I adult male,3 adult females (MHNp), K27, 12.05.1988. (cf. AMARAL et al. 1997) at Lago Janauarí near Manaus (03"20'5, 60"17W'), Central Amazonia, Brazil from July 1987 to June 1988. Recently, about 1,800 penicillate Other material examined. diplopod specimens collected by soil extraction (K), ground photo-eclectors (emergence At the same locality as for holotype: 2 adult males: 88504,01.07.1987, J. ADIS et al. leg.; I female traps; El0-13) and arboreal photo-eclectors (trunk traps) for trunk ascents (8E49) and of larva stadium VI, I female of stadium VII, I adult male, 2 adult females: BE50A, 3L07.1987; I female descents (8850) from the above forest were provided to us by him for taxonomic study of stadium VII: BE50B, 31.0'l .1987; I adult female: 8850C,31.07.1987;3 adult males, 6 adult females: (for methodology and study site see ADIS 1987, 1988; ADIS er al. 1996; MORAIS er BE50c, 14.08.1987;4 adult males, T adult females: BE50D, 14.08. 1987; I adult female: BE50B, al. 1997 a, b; VOHLAND & ADIS 1999). 01.09.1987; I stadium It: Kl6, 14.09.1987;2 stadium III: Kl8, 14.09.1987; I stadium il: Kl9, 14.09.1987; In the present paper, two new species, Lophoturus adisi n. sp. and Mqcroxenodes 7 stadium II: K23, 14.09.1987;2 stadium II: K25, t4.09.1981-; I stadium I, I stadium III,3 sradium IV, 2stadiumV, I maleof stadiumVl, I femaleof stadiumVl,2malesof stadiumVll,2femalesof stadium amazonicus n. sp., are described, and another, yet unnamed species of the genus Mqcro- VII, I adult female: 812,30.09.1987; I sradium I, I stadium lI:K22,13.10.1987; I sradium IV,2 stadium xenodes SILVESTRI, 1948, which is only based on a single adult specimen, is recorded. V: K23, 13.10. 1987; I stadium Y:K24,13.10.1987; ladult femate: K26, 13.10.1987; I stadium v, I male Furthermore, L. adisi n. sp., a dominant species at this locality, is studied as to its of stadium vl, I lemale of stadium VI: K30, 13.10.1987; I sradium II, I stadium V: K3 l, 13.10.19g7; I postembryonic stadia. In addition, based on a revision of type material of Ancistroxenus stadium v: K32, 13.10. 1987; I female of stadium VI: K33, 13.10.1987; I female of stadium vl: Kl0, tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947, kept in the Museu de Zoologia, universidade de São l0.l1.1987; I stadium IV: Kll, 10. I 1.1987; I stadium V: Kl2, 10. I1.1987; I female of stadium VI: Kl3, Paulo, its synonymy with Plesioproctus comans (LooMIS 1934) is established (n. l0.l1.1987; I male oflstadium VII: Kl4, l0.l L1987; I stadium lV,2 stadium V, I male of sradium vll, syn.). These two species are thus treated as a single species, Ancistroxenus comans, rr. I adult male: Kl6, 10.11.1987; I male of stadium VI: Kl8, 10.11.1987; 2 stadium III: Kl9, 10.11.1987; comb., which is fully redescribed, with notes given on its postembryonic stadia. A key I stadium III,2 stadium V,2 adult females: K20, l0.l itl9B7;2 sradium II, I stadium v: K2g, l0.l l.l9g7; to the genera of the family Lophoproctidae is provided. 2 stadium Y: K29, 10.11.1987; I adulr female: K30, 10. ll.l987; I sradium V, I adult female: K3 l, Type material of both new species described herein has been shared between the 10.11.1987;2 stadium II,2 females olstadium Vll,2 adult females: Kl0, 15.12.1987; I stadium II, I collections of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus (INPA), stadium III, I stadium IV,2 females of stadium Vl, I adult female: Kll,15.l2.l9g7; I stadium III: Kl2, collection J. ADIS, Plön (cA), the collection of the Museu de Zoologia, São paulo 15.12.1987;2 stadium II,2 stadiur¡ III,2 adult males, I adult female: Kl3, 15.12.19g7; I stadium t,2 (bUelSowP:) haonldo tMypues, éaullmof ynpaet ioannad l adb'oHuits t5o0ir %e n(3a5tu mrealllees, Paanrdi s3, lF freamncaele s(M) oHf NaPll )t,h ea sp agrivaetyn- 4s1t 5as.dt1aiu2dm.i1u 9mV8 ,7I :[I ,Im I asslteata dodiufi umsmt a IdIIiV,u m,I Is VfteaIImd,i uaI mlefe moVfa ,ls eIt a odmfi uasmltea dVoiufIm ,2s t VaadIdIiu,u mllta dmVuaIlIlte, ms2:a Klaed,l 5u2,l t a 1fde5um.l1t a2fle.e1ms9:a8 l7Ke;s3l:' ]K,s tIa14c5l,.i11u2m5 .1lI92I:8, 7lK9.,l2ï672,: p%e s( 6in iInNdPi. Ain, eeaacchh 2 s0e %x) (i1n4 M mNaHlePs .a nTdh e1 4a flel mnoanle-sty) ppeasr aatyrepe dse pino scitAed a innd IuNsppA, .a nSdo ml0e astdaudltiu mma Ile, :l 9K ls8ta, d1iu5m.1 2I.[i,9 8l27 ; st3a8d isutmad IiuIlm,3 1 s,2ta sdtiaudmiu Vm, III ,m2a slet aodfi usmta dIIiuI,m I VadIIu,l t I mfearn1aelelK ol9f ,s r1a5d.1iu2m. 1 9V8I7I,: II materials used for SEM has been kept in the Collection K. ISHII, Japan (CI). stadium I,5 stadium II,3 stadium III, I female of stadium VI, I adult female: K20, f S)Z.f lSl: I stadiurn II, I stadium III: K2l, 15.12.1987; I stadium 1,4 stadium II, I adult male: K26, 15.12.1987;10 stadium ll: K27,15.12.1987; I male olsradium VII: K3 l, 15.t2.t987; I stadium II: K32, t5.12.t987:4 sradium Taxonomic part II, I stadium lll, I adult male, I adult flemale: K33, 15.12.1987; l3 stadium I,2l stadium ll, l5 sradium III, 4 stadium IV, 9 stadium V, 3 males of stadium VI, 5 females of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII, Lop hoturas ødr'sí n.sp. 2 adult females: Kl0, 13.01.1988;3 stadium I,2 stadium II,7 stadium III,4 stadiurn IV,3 stadium v,2 females of stadium VI, I adult female: Kll, 13.01.1988; l3 stadium I, I stadium tll,8 stadium IV,5 Types stadium V,5 males of stadium VI,2 females of stadium VI : Kl2, 13.01.1988;3 stadium III,5 sradium Holotype, adult male (INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, environs of Manaus, Lago Janauarí (03'20'S, IV, I female of stadium vl: Kl3, 13.01.1988; ll stadium lll, I stadium tv, 4 stadium V, I male of 60"17'w), mixedwater inundation forest, K26, 12.04.1988, J. ADIS et al. leg., allotype, adult lemale stadium VI, 2 females of stadium Vl, I female of stadium Vll, 2 adult males, 2 adult females: Kl4, (INPA), same data as holotype. Paratypes: adult lmale,3 females (INPA), same data as holotype. 13.01.1988; I stadium IV: Kl5, 13.01.1988; I stadium III, I stadium IV, I male of stadium Vt,4 females of stadium VI, I adult female: Kl6, 13.01.1988;2 stadium IV,2 females of stadium VI, I adult female: 240 24r Kl7, 13.01.1988; 2 stadium IIl,2 stadium lV, I stadium V, I adult male: Kl8, 13.01.1988; I stadium IV: IV, I female of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII: K27, 14.03.1988; I stadium I, 4 stadium II, 2 Kl9, 13.01.1988; I stadiurn I, l0 stadium ll,9 stadium IIl,7 stadium IV,2 males of stadium VI,3 females stadium III,2 stadium IV,2 stadium V, I male of stadium VII: K30, 14.03.1988; I stadium II,2 stadium of stadium VI, I male of stadium VII, I female of stadium VII, I adult female: K22, 13.01.1988; 7 Ill, I stadium V,2 males of stadium VI: K3l, 14.03.1988; I stadium II, I stadium V: El0, 15.03.1988; I stadium ll, I stadium III, I stadium IV, 2 stadium V, I adult female: K23, 13.01.1988; 2 stadium II, 6 female of stadium VI: El I, 15.03.1988; I male of stadium VII: El3, 15.03.1988; I stadium I: El0, stadiumlll,5stadiumlY:K24,13.01.1988;2stadiumll,3stadiumlll,3stadiumlV, IstadiumV, Imale 30.03.1988; I stadium III: Ell,30.03.1988; I male of stadium VII: E12,30.03.1988; I adult male: El3, of stadium VI, 2 females of stadium, 2 adult females: K25, 13.01.1988; I stadium III: K26, 13.01.1988; 30.03.1988;6 stadium I,4 stadium II,4 stadium lll,6 stadium IV,6 stadium V,2 males of stadium VI, 19 stadium I, l0 stadium II,6 stadium III,8 stadium IV,2 females of stadium VI, I adult female: K30, 3 femalesof stadiumVl, l0malesof stadiumVII, l2femalesof stadiumVll: Kl0, 12.04. 1988;5 stadium 13.01.1988;lstadiuml,2stadiumll,3stadiumlll,lstadiumlV,lstadiumV,2adultmales,ladult ll,3 stadium III,2 females of stadium VII: Kll, 12.04.1988;2 stadium V, I male of stadium Vl: Kl2, female: K3l, 13.01.1988; I stadium I,4 stadium Il,7 stadium III,6 stadium IV, I adult female: K33, 12.04.1988; l4 stadium Il, 8 stadium III,4 stadium IV, 8 stadium V, 2 males of stadium VI,4 females of 13.01.1988; I stadium I, I stadium III, I stadium V, I female of stadium VII: El2, 14.01.1988; I female stadium VI, I male olstadium VII: Kl4, 12.04.1988;2 stadium Il,4 stadium Iì1,2 stadium IV,4 stadium of stadium Vl: ElO,01.02.1988; I stadium [,4 stadium II, I stadium III, I stadium IV,4 stadium V, I V, I female of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII: Kl5, 12.04.1988; I stadium III, I stadium V: Kl6, f,emale of stadium Vll: El l,01.02.1988;7 stadium I,4 stadium ll, I stadium lll,4 stadium IV, I male of 12.04.1988; I stadium III: Kl7, 12.04.1988; 2 stadium I, I stadium Il, 8 stadium III, 9 stadium IV, 5 stadium Vl, I female of stadium VI: E12,01.02.1988; I adult female: EI3,01.02.1988;2 stadium II, I stadium V,2 females of stadium VI,3 males of stadium VIl,2 females of stadium VII: Kl8, 12.04.1988; stadium V: El0, 12.02. 1988; I stadium III: El2, 12.02.1988; I stadium V, I male of stadium VII: El3, 2 stadium lll,2 stadium lV, I stadium V, I male of stadium VI, I male of stadium VII,2 adult males, I 12.02.1988; I stadium IV, 3 stadium V, 2 males of stadium VII, I adult female: Kl0, 14.02.1988:2 adult female: Kl9, 12.04.1988; I stadium III, I female of stadium Vl: K20, 12.04.1988; I stadium III: stadium Il, I stadium Ill,4 stadium IV, I female of stadium VI, I male of stadium VII: Kl I, 14.02.1988; Kzl,12.04.1988; I stadium I,2 stadium II, I stadium lll,6 stadium V, I male of stadium Vl,3 females I stadium II,3 stadium III, I stadium IV: Kl2, 14.02.1988; I stadium V: Kl3, 14.02.1988;5 stadium II, ofstadiumVl,3malesof stadiumVll,2femalesof stadiumYll:K22, 12.04.1988;2stadiumll, I stadium 2 stadium IV, I stadium V, I adult female: Kl4, 14.02.1988; I lemale of stadium VI: Kl6, 14.02.1988; III,2 stadium lV, 3 stadium V,2 males of stadium VI: K23, 12.04.1988;2 stadium III, I adult male: K24, I stadium 1,5 stadium III,4 stadium [V,7 stadiurn V,2 females of stadium VI,6 males of stadium VII, 12.04.1988; 2 stadium II, I stadium Ill, I male of stadium VI, 3 females of stadium VI, I female of I female of stadiur¡ VII, I adult male,2 adult females: Kl8, 14.02.1988;5 stadium II,3 stadium III,2 stadium VII: K26, 12.04.1988; 5 stadium I, I stadium V, I male of stadium YI K2'1,12.04.1988; l8 stadium IV,4 stadium V, 2 lemales of stadium VI, 2 adult females: Klg, 14.02.1988; 2 stadium ll, 2 stadium I, 4 stadium ll, 4 stadium Ill, 4 stadium IV, 5 stadium V, 2 males of stadium VI, 2 females of stadium III, I stadium V, I male of stadium VI: K20, 14.02. 1988;3 stadium II,3 stadium III, I stadium stadium VI,2 males of stadium VIl,2 females of stadium VII: K30, 12.04.1988; I male of stadium VII, V, 7 females of stadium VI,3 males of stadium VIl, I adult male, 3 adult females: K22, 14.02.1988; I I female of stadium VII: K3 I, 12.04.1988; I stâdium IV: K32, 12.04.1988; I female of stadium VII: Ell, stadium II,3 stadium III, I stadium lV, I male of stadium VI, I female of stadium VI: K23, 14.02.1988; 14.04.1988; I stadium IV: El2, 14.04.1988; I male of stadium VI: 88494,29.04.1988;7 stadium I, I I stadium IIl, I stadium IV, I male of stadium Vl, I lemale of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII: K24, stadium II,4 stadium lll,3 stadium IV,3 stadium V,2 males of stadium VII,4 females of stadium VII: 14.02.1988; 3 stadium II,2 stadium III,4 stadium IV, I stadium V,4 males of stadium VI,4 females of Kl0, 12.05.1988;5 stadium 1,3 stadium IV, I stadium V,2 males of stadium VI: Kll, 12.05.1988; I stadium VI, 5 females of stadium Vll, 5 adult females: K26, 14.02.1988; 2 stadium III, I stadium IV, 2 stadium lll: Kl2, 12.05.1988; I stadium I, I stadium Il,4 stadium IV,2 females of stadium VI,4 females stadium V, I male olstadium VII: K27, 14.02.1988;2 stadium II,5 stadium III, I stadium lV, I female of stadium Vll,2 adult males,5 adult females: Kl4, 12.05.1988; I stadium III, I stadium IV,2 stadium of stadium Vl,2 females of stadium Vll: K28, 14.02.1988; I stadium V, I male of stadium Vll: K29, V, I male of stadium VI, I female of stadium VI, I adult female: Kl5, 12.05.1988; I adult female: Kl6, 14.02.1988;21 stadiurn I, l6 stadium II,5 stadium III,4 stadium IV,2 stadium V,5 females of stadium 12.05.1988; I adult female: Kl7, 12.05.1988; I stadium II,2 stadium lll,3 stadium IV, I stadium V,2 VI,4 males of stadium VII,3 females of stadium VIt,2 adult males,2 adult females: K30, 14.02.1988; I males of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII: Kl8, 12.05.1988; I stadium III, I stadium V, I female of stadium II,3 stadium lll, I stadium IV, I stadium V, I female of stadium VII: K3l, 14.02.1988; I stadium stadium VI: K20, 12.05.1988;3 stadium II,3 stadium III,5 stadium IV,2 stadium V, I male of stadium V: K32, 14.02.1988; I adult male: E,10,01.02.1988; I stadium I, I stadium Il,2 stadium lll, I stadium IV, VI,3 females of stadium VI, I male of stadium VII: K26, 12.05.1988; 5 stadium IV,2 adult females: K23, I stadium V, I male of stadium VI, 3 females of stadium VI, I adult male, 3 adult females: Ell, 12.05.1988; I stadium IV: K25, 12.05.1988; I stadium I, I stadium II, 3 stadium lll, 3 stadium IV, l2 01.02.1988; I stadium I, I stadium II, I stadium IV:812,01.02.1988; l0 stadium II,4 stadium III,4 stadium V,3 males of stadium VI,2 fer¡ales of stadium VI,2 males of stadium VII, I female of stadium stadium IV, 9 stadium V, 2 males of stadium VI, 7 females of stadium VI, I male of stadium VIl, I female VII: K26, 12.05.1988;2 stadium II,2 stadium III,4 stadium lV,3 stadium V, I male of stadium Vl,3 of stadium Vll,2 adult males,2 adult females: Kl0, 14.03.1988;2 females olstadium Vll, I adult male: females of stadium VI, I male of,stadium VII,3 females of stadium VII: K27, 12.05.1988; I stadium V, Kll, 14.03.1988; I stadium III, I male of stadium VI: Kl2, 14.03.1988; l4 stadium [, I male of stadium 2 males of stadium VII: K28, 12.05.1988; I stadium IV, I male of stadium VII, I adult female: K29, VII: Kl3, 14.03.1988; I stadium II, I stadium lll, I stadium IV,6 stadiurn V,2 males of stadium VI,5 12.05.1988; I stadium II,3 stadium IIl,5 stadium IV,6 stadi\ V,2 males of stadium VI,4 females of females of stadium VI, 5 females of stadium VII, 5 adult males, 5 adult females: Kl4, 14.03.1988; I stadium, 4 males of stadium VIl, 2 females ol stadium VII: K30, 12.05.1988; 4 stadium lll, 3 stadium IV, stadium I,2 stadium IV, I male of stadium VI, I female of stadium VI,2 males of stadium VII: Kl5, 2 stadium V, I male of stadium Vll,2 females of stadium VIl, I adult male: K3l, 12.05.1988; I stadium 14.03.1988; I stadium l: Kl6, 14.03.1988; I female of stadium VII: Kl7, 14.03.1988; l4 stadium I,2 lV, I male of stadium VI: K33, 12.05.1988; 2 males of stadium VII, I female of stadium Vll: BE49A, stadium Il, 2 stadium lll, I stadium IV, I stadium V, I male of stadium VI, I female of stadium V[, 4 16.05.1988; 3 sradium V, I male of stadium VI, I female of stadium VI, I adult female: BE49B, females of stadium VII: Kl8, I4.03.1988;2 stadium II, I stadium IV, I stadium V, I male of stadium VII, 16.05.1988; I male of stadium Vl: BE49D, 16.05.1988; I stadium V, I adult male, I adult female: El0, 2 females of stadium VII: Kl9, 14.03.1988; I stadium V, I female olstadium VI: K20, 14.03.1988; 20 16.05.1988; I stadium IV, I female of stadium VI, I adult female: Ell, 16.05.1988; I stadium III, I stadium I, 2 stadium II, 8 stadium lll, 3 stadium IV, 2 stadium V, 4 males of stadium Vl, 2 females of stadium V: El2, 16.05.1988; I stadium l, I female of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII, I adult male, stadium VI, 6 males of stadium VII, 8 females of stadium Vll, l0 adult males, 2 adult females: K22, I adult female: BE49A,31.05.1988; I male of stadium VII: BE49B,31.05.1988;2 males of stadium VI: 14.03.1988; I stadium II,2 stadium III,3 stadium V, I male of stadium Vl,4 females of stadium Vl, I BE49C, 3 I .05. 1988; I male of stadium VII: BE49D, 3 I .05. 1988. male of stadium VII, 4 adult males, 4 adult females: K23, 14.03.1988; 2 stadium II, 2 stadium III, I stadium IV,3 stadium V,2 females of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII: K24, 14.03.1988; I stadium Description. Adult male. Il, 2 stadium lll, 2 stadium V, I male of stadium VI, I female of stadium Yl: K26, 14.03.1988; I stadium Measurements: Material examined 20 individuals. Body length 2.20-2."10 mm. Head width 490.560 242 243 pm. Second tarsal length of l3th leg 160-168 ¡rm. three, setae; trochanter I with two setae; II with three setae; III to XIII with one seta; prefemora I and II Head. Anophthalmia. with one or two setae; III and IV with two setae; V to XIII with one seta. Antenna 8-segmented (Fig. 7). Antennâl segment VI with three thick bacilliform sensilla (anterior c, Zelson. Number oftrichome a ofdorso-ornamental trichome ofcaudal penicil; 5 (4i+le), 6 (5i+2e) and intermediate i, and posterior p), one coelo-conical sensillum (c) behind p and no setiform sensillum (s). 8 (6i+2e). Sensillum ¿ shorter than I and p. Segment VII with two thick bacilliform sensilla of a and p, a small .ç Remarks:This new species resembles Lophoturus okinawaiNGIJYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN & CONDÉ, betweenaandp,andcbehindp.Bothsensillasandclyingatmidlengthofføandp(Figs.8and9). 1982. ISHII (1988) pointed out that the mandible is a useful diagnostic character in the taxonomy of Three trichobothria arranged in a triangle; two posterior ones with cylindrical funiculi and anterior one penicillate diplopods. ISHII (1990) also described exactly the mandible of L. okinøwai collected from degenerated to a short dilated funiculus (Figs. l0 and I l). Placentae of trichobothria of same size. Taiwan. The general features of the mandible in this new species are similar to those of L. okinawai. Nippleless palpi of gnathochilarium with 78 bacilliform sensilla (Figs. 2 and 3). However, the molar plate in l. adisí n.sp. has a swollen dorsal molar plate shoulder (Figs. 23 and 24) with Labrum covered with indistinct large granules on surface and armed with monolamellar teeth at a rather small number of coarse granules restricted to the invaginated portion, while l. okinawai has a flat anterior margin; medial portion deeply indented, posterior portion with a line of minute setae (Fig. l). dorsal molar plate shoulder subdivided into two lobes by a distinct suture, of which the posterior lobe is Clypeo-labrum with 6+6 setae. covered almost entirely with a large number of smaller granules (Figs. 25 and 26). Consequently, the Comb-lobe of mandible with a row of l7 branched comb teeth separated in five or six lobes and with difference in molar plate structure is enough to separate the present species from L. okinawai. seven rows of simple comb teeth. Intermediate lobe of intermediate plate without sensilla. Fimbriate In general, secondary sexual characters in Penicillata are known to become distinct starting from larval lamellae incised into a few processes. Molar plate consisting of l9 serrate limbs and one smooth limb, a stadiumVl. Inthisstudy,thetotal numberofstadiaVl,Vllandadultsof¿. adisin.sp.collectedwas5ll, narrow granulated zone between serrate limbs, two small salivary ostioles, nine molar combs with regularly among which the numbers of males and females in each stadium were as follows, respectively: 68 and 94 arranged teeth, nine broad molar processes and a swollen molar plate shoulder with rather a small number for stadium VI, 102 and 73 for Vll, 86 and 88 for adult. Consequently, the sex ratio was l:l as based on ofcoarse granules restricted to invaginated portion, which are situated in front offirst serrate limb (Figs. the total number of the stadia combined. 5 and 6). Molar tuft absent. Name: The present species is gladly dedicated to Dr. Joachim ADIS, who kindly Trichomes with numerous acute spines (Fig. l7). delivered to us his valuable material for study. Posterior vertical tufts consisting of I 8 to 23 trichomes; I4 to l'l trichomes in anterior row (ar) and 4 or 5 lrichomes in posterior row (pr) (Fig. l2). Stadium VII (with 12 pairs of legs). Trunk.Eleven-segmented. Collum with one pair oftufts consisting of43 and 44 trichomes in holotype Measurements. Male: Material examined l0 individuals. Body length 2.60 mm, head width 448 ¡rm, and 44 to 47 in paratypes (Fig. l3). Lateral protuberance of collum with 5 and 6 trichomes in holotype second tarsal length of l2th leg 156 ¡rm. Female: Material examined l0 individuals. Body length 2.30-2.86 and 7 and 8 in paratypes. Tergite II with one pair oftufts consisting of26 and 27 trichomes in holotype mm, head width 404-440 pm, second tarsal length of l2th leg 148-160 ¡rm. and 26 to 30 in paratypes, paired tufts of each tergite connected with 32 straight trichomes arranged in a Heød. Nippleless palpi ol gnathochilarium with 48 and 52 bacilliform sensilla in male and with l8 line along posterior margin and subdivided in the middle (Fig. l4). bacilliform sensilla in female (Figs.29 and 30). Clypeo-labrum with 5+5 and 5+l+5 setae in both sexes Legs. 13 pairs. Each leg article except for tibia and first tarsus (cf. BROLEMANN 1935: 6l) bearing (Fig. 27). Comb-lobe of mandible with a row of 15 branched comb teeth. Molar plate with I 8 serlate limbs pubescent oval setae (Fig. l8). Femoral seta very small compared with those on other leg articles. and eight broad molar processes (Fig. 28). Number oftrichomes ofposterior vertical tufts: l8 to 20 (14 or Chaetotaxy as lollows: coxae I to III with three setae; IV to XIII usually with three or four, rarely four or 15 ar+4 or 5 pr) in male, 16 to 18 (13 or 14 ar+3 or 4 pr) in female. five, setae; trochanters I to V usually with two, rarely two or three, setae; VI to XIII with one seta; Trunk. l1-segmented. Collum with one pair of tufts consisting of 39 to 4l trichomes in male and 32 prefemora I to XII usually with two, rarely two or three, setae; XIII with one seta; femora I to IX with one to 35 trichomes in female. LateraÌ protuberance of collum with 6 or 7 tricho¡eÈ-in male and five trichomes seta, but X to XIII rarely with one seta. Second tarsus anterolaterally with a spine subequal in length to in female. Number of trichomes of anterior row in posterior vertical tufts: male; l4 or 15, female; l3 or telotarsus (Figs. l9 and 2l). A simple telotarsus with a ventral process; each pair ofdenticles situated t4. dorsoventrally (Fig.20). Sexual organ with short penes (Fig. l5). Glandular invaginations absent. Zeg.s.Chaetotaxyasfollows: coxalwith2or3setae, IltolVwith3or4setae; VtoVlllwith2or Telson. Bundle ofcaudal penicil unseparated. Dorso-ornamental trichomes ofcaudal penicil consisting 3 setae, IX and X with one or two setae, Xl and XII without setae; trochanters I to V with one or two of lrichomes ct'3 andT or 8 trichomes a: Trichome a separated into two trichome-groups of 5 or 6 internal setae, VI to XII with one seta; prefemora I to IV with two setae, V to VIII with one or two setae, IX to trichomes (i) and two external one (e) (Fig. 22). Telsonic trichomes with four fish hook-like barbed hooks XII with one setâ; femora I and II with one small seta, but III to Xtl without setae. (Fig. l6). Ielson. Number of dorso-ornamental trichomes a of caudal penicil: male, 8 (6i+2e); female, I I (8i+3e). Adult female. Measurements'. Material examined 20 individuals. Body length 2.42-2.80 mm. Head width 450-480 Stadium VI (with 10 pairs of legs). ¡rm. Second tarsal length of l3th leg 130-160 pm. Measurements'. Male: Material examined l0 individuals. Body length 1.80-1.90 mm, head width Heød. Nippleless palpi of gnathochilarium with l7-19 bacilliform sensilla (Fig. 4). 388-448 ¡.rm, second tarsal length of lOth leg 132-152 ¡rm. Female: Material examined l0 individuals. Comb-lobe ofmandible with a row ol l2 branched comb teeth separated into four or five lobes. Posterior Body length 1.70-2.10 mm, head width 456 ¡rm, second tarsal length of lOth leg 152 pm. vertical tufts consisting of 13 to 20 (10 to 16 ar + 3 or 4pr) trichomes. ( Head.Nippleless palpi of gnathochilarium with 26 bacilliform sensilla in male (Fig. 3l). Clypeo-- Trunk. Col|um with one pair of tufts composed of 35 to 38 trichomes. Tergite Il wlth one pair of tufts labrum with 4+l+4 setae in both sexes (Fig. 32). Comb-lobe of mandible with a row of 14 or l5 branched consisting of l5 or l6 trichomes, paired tufts ofeach tergite connected by 25 straight'trichomes arranged comb teeth. Molar plate with l6 or l7 senate limbs. Number of trichomes in posterior vertical tufts: l5 to in a line along posterior margin. 17 (12 or 13 ar+3 or 4 pr) in male, 14 or 15 (l I ar+3 or 4 pr) in female. Legs. 13 pairs. Each leg article except for femur, tibia and first tarsus bearing pubescent oval setae. ?"ruz&. Nine-segmented. Collum with one pair of tufts consisting of 25 to 27 trichomes in male and 32 Chaetotaxy as follows: coxa I with one seta; II to X with three setae; XI to XIII with two, rarely two or to 34 in female. Lateral protuberance of collum with 4 or 5 trichomes in both sexes. 244 245 ¿¿gs.Chaetotaxyasfollows: coxalwithlto3setae, IIwith3setae, IIItoVwith2or3setae;VI Head. Antenna 5-segmented (Fig. 39). Antennal segment III with three thick bacilliform sensilla of a, to VIII with I or 2 setae, IX and X without setae; trochanters I to IV with one or two setae, V to X with i and p, c behind p and s; segment IV with t\ryo thick bacillilorm sensilla of a and p, a small s between a one seta; prefemora I to V with two setae, VI to X with one setae; femur I with one small seta, II to X andp, and c behindp. CombJobe of mandible with a row olsix'tranched comb teeth separated in three without setae. and four lobes. Molar plate with six molar combs and seven molar processes (Fig. 36). Middle part of Telson. Female with l0 (7i+3e,8i+2e) dorso-ornamental trichomes ø of caudal penicil. labrum bearing thin tiny cuticular setae arranged in two line (Fig. 37). Posterior vertical tufts consisting of eight (7 ar+l pr) trichomes. Stadium V (with 8 pairs of legs). Trunk.S-segmented. Collum with one pair oftufts consisting of l2 or l3 trichomes. Measurements: Material examined l0 individuals. Body length I .50-2.00 mm, head width 344-396 ¡m, Lateral protuberance of collum with two trichomes. second tarsal length of 8th leg 128-132 pm. Ieg^s. Chaetotaxy as follows: coxae I to III with one seta, IV without setae; trochanters and prefemora l1ead. Nippleless palpi of gnathochilarium with l8 bacilliform sensilla. Clypeolabrum with 4+4 or I to lV with one seta. 4+l+4 setae in both sexes. Comb-lobe of mandible with a row of l3 branched comb teeth. Molar plate Telson. 4 (3i+le) or 5 (4i+le) dorso-ornamental trichomes a of caudal penicil. with l5 serrate limbs and eight molar combs. Posterior vertioal tufts consisting of l4 or l5 (l I or l2 ar+3 pr) trichomes. Stadium I (with 3 pairs of legs). Trunk. 8-segmented. Collum with one pair of tufts consisting of 23 to 26 trichomes. Lateral protube- Measurementsi Material examined I0 individuals. Body length 0.70-0.80 mm, head width224-256 pm, rance of collum with 4 trichomes. second tarsal length of 3rd leg 92-96 prn. Vonlell loewrg i.2tsh .s eoCtnhaeae e,s tVeottIaaI; x aypn redaf seV mfIoIolIl orwaw itIsh :to ocu oIt IxIsa ew Ita iwteh;i tthIr o otcwrh oa2 n ssteeertta aeIe, ,w IIIiV tht o t ooIn VVe wIsIeIi tthaw ,i 2tIh It oao nn3de s Iesltéla2tea,;\ oVfe nmweuitrh Io2 rw s2iet htsa eeot,an Vee, I s IVwm iatthlol ocof mi bH( Feteiaged.t h.4 . AlM)n.f oeClnaonr mapl blas-etloegb mwee itnohtf fImiIvIea w nmditihobl laetwr woco ittmhhib cask , rabo awmc oiolllaiff ro firpvmlea tesb ersanhnsociulhlaled dei ra cnaodnm dpb ,n ctine ebee thshe ianrrdna dtpe f ,i lviamen bdrs o. çw (aFsni gtoesr.f o 4sla2imt eaprnaledl seta but Il to VIII without setae. 43). Mid-posterior part oflabrum clothed with tiny cuticular setae (Fig. 40). Three trichobothria consisting Telson. 7 (5i+2e), 8 (6i+2e) or 9 (7i+2e) dorso-ornamental trichomes a of caudal penicil. of a flame-shaped anterior trichobothrium and two setiform posterior ones without cylindrical funiculi (Figs. 44 and 45). Posterior vertical tufts consisting of six (5 ar+l pr) trichomes. Stadium IV (with 6 pairs of legs). Trunk. 5-segmented. Collum with one pair of tults consisting of eight trichomes. Lateral protuberance Measurements: Material examined l0 individuals. Body length I .50- l .60 mm, head width 360-384 pm, of collum with one trichome. second tarsal length of 6thleg 120-124 pm. Legs.Chaelolaxy as follows: coxae I and II with one seta, III without setae; trochanters and prefemora Head Antenna 8-segmented (Fig. 34). Antennal segment V with three thick bacilliform sensilla of a, I to lll with one seta. i and' p, c behind p and s; segment VI with two thick bacilliform sensilla of a and p, a small s between a Telson.4 (3i+le) dorso-ornamental trichomes a ofcaudal penicil (Fig.46). andp, and c behindp. Clypeo-labrum with 4+4 setae (Fig.33). Comb-lobe of mandible with a row of l2 branched comb teeth. Molar plate with l4 serrate limbs and seven molar combs (Fig. 35). Posterior vertical tufts consisting of I I (9 ar+2 pr) trichomes. Genus Ancistroxenus SCHUBART, 1947 Trunk.T-segmented. Collum with one pair oftufts consisting of20 trichomes. Lateral protuberance of collum with three trichomes. Iegs. Chaetotaxy as follows: coxa I with 2 setae, Il and III with 2 or 3 setae, IV with two setae; V The monotypic genus Ancistroxen¡¡s SCHUBART, 1947 (the type species: A. tupien.sis SCHUBART, sweittahe ;o fneem suert aI, wVitIh w oitnheo sumt asellt asee;t at.rochanters and prefemora I to III with I or 2 selae, IV to VI without i1n9c4lu7d) ew aits inon hlyis dkeesyc ritboe dth es ugcecnienrcat lyo (fc fP. eSnCicHillUatBa.A TRhTe 1s9in4g7l)e. SuIsLeVluEl SyTetR iIn (s1u9f5fi0ci)e wnta sc hthaerarcetfeorr em uennatibolnee tdo Telson. 7 (5i+2e),8 (6i+2e) dorso-ornamental trichomes a of caudal penicil. was the elongated antennal segment Vl, as depicted in the original description (SCHUBART 1947: Fig. 40). However, no sensilla of segment V[ were not figured. Based on the elongation and sensilla ol this StadÍum III (with 5 pairs of tegs). segment, CONDÉ (1964) created the new genus Plesioproctus for Lophoturus comans LOOMIS 1934, lrom Trinidad. secoMnde atsaursreaml leenntsg:t hM oaf te5rthia ll eegx a1m0i8n-e1d1 8l 0¡ rmin.dividuals. Body length I . l0- I .30 mm, head width 320-336 pm, We have recently re-examined several syntypes of Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947, among MolaHTr reupanladkt'.e 6C -wsoemitghbm 'llo2ebn setee dno.a f tcemo allilmnudmbisb .lw eP itwohsi ttohenr ieao rpr ovaewirr tooicffat unl fitntusef t scb orcanonsncisshtiesindtig n cgoo fmo flb 79 t aeoner dthl 0 lag (n 7tdr io csrhi xo8 m raoers+w.2 opfr )c otrmichbo tmeeetsh.. CwwhOitihcNh Dl 2wÉ e,p ah1ia9rsv6 e4o sifs el leeag cjstue,n da ioraer lersecydtnoeotsyncpyremib fe eodm fb aAelenl.oc rioWsx, eetn ouhg.aeçvt heSe crC owHniUcthluB sAtwivRoeT lyp, a1froa9u4len1cd t( ontth.y apstey ntfhe.)em. aTglehenusu ssa, nPPdll eeossniioeo ppfreroomccattuuless ¿egs. Chaetotaxy as follows: coxae I and II with I or 2 setae, Ill with two setae, IV with one seta; V comans becomes Ancistroxenus comans n. comb. In addition, A. tupiensis appears to represent but a without setae; trochanters I to V with one seta; prefemora I to III with I or 2 setae, IV and V with one subjective junior synonym on A. comans, n. syn. (see below). seta. Telson. T (5i+2e) dorso-ornamental trichomes ø of caudal penicil. Stadium II (with 4 pairs of legs). Measurements: Material examined l0 individuals. Body length 0.80-1.10 mm, head width 284 pm, second rarsal lengrh of 4th leg 92-104 pm. 246 24',7 Ancistroxenus comøns (LOOMIS, 1934), n.comb. Two females with l0 pairs of legs (stadium VI). Measurementr. Body length (without caudal penicil) 2S0 or 3.20 mm, second tarsal length of lOth leg Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947, n.syn. 179 or 189 ¡rm. Head. Posterior tufts of vertex consisting of 9 or l0 trichomes in anterior row and of two posterior MaterÍal examined. trichomes. Antennal segment Vl more than twice as long as broad; 14 to 17 bacilliform sensilla on I adult female (without antennae) (INPA), I larva stadium VI (INPA), I stadium IV (INPA), I stadium segment VI. Labrum with four posterior rows ofcuticular setae. Clypeo-labrum with nine setae. Gnathoch- III (MHNP), 4 stadium II (each 2 individuals for INPA and MHNP), Brazil. Amazonas, environs of ilarium with l8+18 sensilla. Manaus, Reserva Florestal A. Ducke (2'55'S,59"59'W), terra firme: Kl0. RD8, 12.04.1983; I female with Trunk.Collum with a tuft of 23 to 29 trichomes; lateral protuberance of collum with 5 to 6 trichomes. l2 pairs of legs (MHNP), I stadium V (INPA): K28. RD2, 13.10.1982; I stadium VI (INPA): Kl8. RD6, Each oval cluster of tergites II to VIII with I I to l6 trichomes; posterior row of tergites Il to VII compo- 12.02.1983;3 stadium V (l ind. lor INPA and 2 ind. for MHNP), I stadium IV (MHNP),rZ1iàdium III sed of l4 to 23 trichomes, distance between both clusters much greater than length ofeach cluster. (INPA): K14. RD8, 12.04.1983;5 stadium II (INPA): Kl4. RD6, t2.02.1983, all J. ADIS ät al. leg. Legs. Coxae I to VIII bearing2 to 4 setae, IX and X without setae; trochanters I to X with one setâ; prefemora I to VIll with 2 to 3 setae, rarely four, IX and X with one seta; femora I to Vlll with one seta, Description. Adult female. IX and X without setae. Claw of telotarsus without ventral denticle. Measurements'. Body length (without caudal penicil) 5.10 mm, second tarsal length of l3th leg 262 ?nelson. Nine (5i+4e or 6i+3e) to l0 (6i+4e) trichomes a. Fm. Four larvae wÍth I paÍrs of legs (stadium V). Head. Poslerior part of vertex with one pair of tufts arranged in two rows: anterior row slightty shorter than distance between rows and consisting of l5 trichomes, posterior row with four trichomes. Palpi of Measurements'. Body length (without caudal penicil) 2.30 to 2.70 mm, second tarsal length ol 8th leg gnathochilarium with 22 and 23 sensilla. Trichobothria similar to those ofthe holotype as redescribed by 158 to 164 pm. CONDÉ ( 1964). Labrum with four posterior rows of cuticular setae (2 to 3 in the hototype). Clypeo-labrum Head. On vertex, each anterior row composed of eight or ten trichomes, and each posterior row of 2 with 6+6 setae (Fig. 52). or 3 (one larva) trichomes. Antennal segment VI läore than twice as long as broad; l 5 bacilliform sensilla Trunk,Trichomes ofeach tergite grouped in two separate oval clusters with an additional posterior row on segment VI ofeach left antenna (Fig. a7) in twojuveniles (right antenna missing); l2 bacilliform subdivided in its middle, except on collum; distance between both clusters much greater than length of sensilla on each regenerated antenna ofanotherjuvenile; fourth larva without antennae. Labrum with four each cluster. Collum with left tuft of 44 and right tuft of 47 trichomes; lateral protuberance of collum with or five posterior rows of cuticular setae. Clypeo-labrum with 9 or l0 setae. Gnathochilarium with l7+17, six trichomes. Each oval cluster on tergites II to lX with 20 to 24 trichomes and posterior row with 25 to l8+18, 20+20 or 2l+21 sensilla. 35. Trunk. Collum with a tuft of 20 to 24 trichomes; lateral protuberance of collum with three trichomes. Legs. Coxae I to XIII bearing 3 to 6 setae, trochanters with one seta, prefemora with 2 to 4 setae; Each oval cluster of tergites II to VII with I 0 to I 6 trichomes; posterior row of tergites II to V composed femura with one seta, except for first and fìfth left legs and second and fourth right legs bearing two setae of l4 to 2l trichomes. each. Spine of tarsus II longer than telotarsus. Telotarsus without ventral process. Claw without ventral legs. Coxae I to V bearing 2 to 3 setae, VII and VIII without setae; trochanters I to VIII with one denticle. seta; prefemora I to Vlll with I to 3 setae; femora I to V with one seta, VI with one seta in one case, and I¿lson. Nine trichomes a of which six (6i) placed on internal side and three (3e) on external side in VII and VIII without setae. a group oftrichomes å, cr and c3. Two types oftrichome ofcaudal penicil, one with about four hooks and Telson. 7 to I I trichomes a (4i+3e,5i+2e, 5i+4e, 5i+5e, 6i+4e and 7i+4e). the others with 7 to l0 smaller hooks arranged in a line. Two larvae with 6 pairs of legs (stadium IV). Female \ilith 12 pairs of legs (stadium VII). Measurements'. Body length (without caudal penicil) 2. I 0 mm, second tarsal length of 6th leg 140 and Measurements'. Body length (without caudal penicil) 4.30 mm, second tarsal length of l}th leg 220 145 pm, pm. Head. On vertex, anterior row composed of 7 or 8, and posterior row of 2 or I (in one case), tricho- Head. On vertex, each anterior row composed of ll, and each posterior row of two, trichomes. mes. Antennal segment V twice as long as broad; l0 to l3 bacilliform sensilla on segment V. In a larva Antennal segment VI more than twice as long as broad (Fig. 5 I ); I I and I 6 bacilliform sensilla on left and preparing for molting, two additional, new sensilla visible under cuticle of left antennal segment V ( I 2 new right segment VI, respectively, among which two thick bacilliform sensilla I andp situated one behind the sensilla instead of l0). Labrum with four or five posterior rows ofcuticular setae. Clypeo'labrum with nine other (Fig. 49). Segment VII with one thin anterior bacilliform sensillum, one thick posterior baciltiform setae. Gnathochilarium with l8+18 sensilla. sensillum, and one posterior coelo-conic sensillum (Fig. 50). Labrum with four posterior rows ofcuticular Trunk. Collum with a tuft of 20 to 28 trichomes; lateral protuberance of collum with two trichomes. setae. Clypeo-labrum with nine setae. Each palpus of gnathochilarium with 20 sensilla. Each oval cluster of tergites II to VI with 8 to I I trichomes, posterior row of tergites II to IV composed Trunk.Collum with left tuft of 33, and right tuft of 30, trichomes; lateral protuberance of collum with of l3 to ló trichomes, V and Vt ol 4 to 8 trichomes. six trichomes. Each oval cluster oftergites II to IX with 20 to 24 trichomes; posterior row oftergites II to Legs. Coxae I to V bearing I or 2 (3 in one case) setae, VI without setae; trochanters I to Vl with one VIII composed of l5 to 27 trichomes, distance between both clusters much greater than length of each seta; prefemora I to Vl with I or 2 setae; femora I to V without setae, except for a single seta in one case. cluster proper. Telson. 7 or I trichomes a (4i+3e,4i+4e, 5i+2e and 5i+3e). Legs. Coxae I to Xll bearing I to 4 setae, trochanters with one seta, prefemora with 2 to 4 setae; femora with one seta each. Six larvae with 5 pairs of legs (stadium III). Telson. 14 trichomes ¿: nine internal and five external to group of trichomes b, ct and c3. Measurements: Body length (without caudal penicil) 1.40 to l.?0 mm, second tarsal length of 5th leg 120 and 133 ¡rm. 248 249 Head. Posterior tufts of vertex consisting of 6 or 7 trichomes in anterior row and one posterior setae. trichome. Antennal segment lll more than twice as long as broad; 8 to l0 bacilliform sensilla on segment Trunk. Trichomes of each tergite grouped into t\ryo separate oval clusters with an additional, divided IIL Labrum with five posterior rows of cuticular setae. Clypeo-labrum with 8 to 9 setae. Gnathochilaiium posterior row, except on collum; distance between clusters much greater than length of each cluster. with l8+lS sensilla. - -'/ Collum of female lectotype with a left tuft of about 70 trichomes; left lateral protuberance of collum with Trunk.Collum with a tuft of l4 or [5 trichomes; Iateral protuberance of collum with two trichomes. nine trichomes, right with eight; each oval cluster of tergites II to IX with 2l to 32 trichomes and posterior Each oval cluster of tergites II to VI with 7 to l0 trichomes, posterior row of tergites II to IV composed row with 34 to 38. In female No. 3, number of trichomes on tergites fewer: l5 to 23 in lateral clusters of of 8 to l4 trichomes, V of 4 trichomes. tergites II to IX. Legs. Coxae I to IV bearing I or 2 setae, V without setae; trochanters I to V with one seta; prefemora Legs. Coxae I to XIII bearing 2 to 5 setae in lectotype and 3 to 5 in female No. 2; trochanters with one I to V with I or 2 setae; femora I to V without setae, except for one seta in two cases. seta, prefemora with I to 3 setae in lectotype and 3 to 4 setae in female No. 2; femora with one seta. Spine Telson.5 to 7 trichomes a (3i+2e,3i+3e,4i+2e,4i+3e and 5i+2e). of tarsus II longer than telotarsus (Fig. 57). Telotarsus without ventral process. Claw without ventral denticle. Preanal stemite with 3+3 setae, being similar to those of legs in lectotype. Four larvae with 4 pairs of legs (stadium II). Telson.9 to l0 trichomes a, of which 6 to 8 are placed on internal side and 2 to 3 on external side of Measurements: Body length (without caudal penicil) l.l0 to 1.30 mm, second târsal length of 4th leg group oftrichomes ó, cr and c3. Caudal trichomes with final hooks oftwo types: one with about four hooks I 18 and 126 pm. and the other with about seven smaller hooks (SCHUBART 1947: Fig.4l). Head. Posterior tufts of vertex consisting of six trichomes in anterior row and one posterior trichome. Antennal segment III twice as long as broad; 8 to l0 bacilliform sensilla on segment III (Fig.48). Labrum with five posterior rows of cuticular setae. Clypeo-labrum with 8 to 9 setae. Gnathochilarium with 18+18 DÍscussion and Synonymy sensilla. Trunk. Collum with a tuft of l0 or l2 trichomes; lateral protubcrance olcollum with two trichomes. The Brazilian specimens of Ancistroxenus comans do not correspond exactly to the Each oval cluster oftergites ll and IV with 5 to 7 trichomes, posterior row oftergites II and III composed redescription (CONDÉ 1964) of the holotype collected in Trinidad (Maracas Valley), of 6 to 8 trichomes, IV of 3 to 4 trichomes. but the small variations observed fall within those found in other populations of L Legs. One seta on coxa, trochanter and prefemur, except on subcoxae of leg IV. comans from Jamaica (TERVER & CONDÉ l9ó5), Costa Rica, Colombia and Vene- Telson, 5 to 7 trichomes a (3i+2e,3i+3e, 4i+2e and 4i+3e). zuela (TERVER et al. 1968). In comparison with the holotype, the difference are as follows: (a) the antennae are shorter than in the holotype, the length to width ratio of Redescription of Ancístroxenus tup¡ensis SCHUBART, 1947 antennal segment VI in the female with 12 pairs of legs being abott 2.25 (3 in the holotype), similar to the female of the same stadium from Jamaica (2.2); (b) the extemal Material re-examined. structure of the labrum is slightly different: there are four rows of cuticular setae along Three tubes (ref. MZUSP 830) containing the syntypes of Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947 the latero-posterior border, instead of 2-3 rows in the holotype (1 row in specimens and labelled "Hypogexenus tupie.nsi.s SCHUBART, Aurá, Estado do Pará, col. A. L. de cavalho, IV 1940, from Venezuela and Colombia); the pavement-like omamentation is also reduced, as in det. O. SCHUBART, lV 42",were loaned from the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo. The the adult female from Colombia (see TERVER et al. 1968: Fig. 48, p. 196). The following type designations have been made: the lectotype female in tube l; a paralectotype female in tube juveniles described from Amazonia are similar to those from Jamaica (Mona, St Andrew 2; a paralectotype female in tube 3 (among 6 adult females, pâralectotypes and I female paralectotype with Parish) (TERVER & CONDÉ, 1965); on antennal segment VI or its equivalent in l2 pairs of legs). juveniles, the two thick bacilliform sensilla - intermediate (i) and posterior (p) - are always situated behind each the other; the thin bacilliform sensillum (A) is anterior and Description. Adult females. often slightly more proximal than i (see holotype: Fig. lB, C). The previously unknown Measurements: Body length (without caudal penicil) 4.30 to 4.40 mm, caudal penicil about I mm long, larval stadium V is described here for the first time. second tarsal length of l3th leg: lectotype = 265 pm,lemale No. 2 = 300 ¡rm, and female No. 3 = 240 pm. Ancistroxenus tupiensis is very similar to the holotype of A. comqrls: its antennae are Head.Yertex with one pair of posterior tufts arranged in two rows: anterior row equal to or slightly long; the length to width ratio of antennal segment VI is the same (3), the external longer than distance between the tufts and consisting of l5 to l8 trichomes, posterior row with 3 to 5 structure of the labrum is the same, etc. Bacilliform sensillum p and i are evident; A is trichomes. Antennal segment VI three times longer than broad (Figs. 54 and 56); l9 bacilliform sensilla not evident, but its position seems variable in this genus and is not a reliable character on left segment VI and 25 on right segment in female No. 3 (Fig. 56); one coelo-conic sensillum on right segment VI of female lectotype (Fig. 54); coelo-conic sensillum absent from antennal segment VI of for identification. A. tupiensis falls within the range of variation of A. comans and is a female No. 3, on two regenerated antennae of female No. 2, and on left regenerated antenna of female synonym of comans. lectotype. Segment VII with one thick posterior bacilliform sensillum, one thin anterior bacilliform Both Lophoturus qdisi n.sp. and Ancistroxenus comans belong to the family Lopho- sensillum and one posterior coelo-conic sensillum (Fig. 55); each segment VII of No. 3 regenerated proctidae, hence, considering the above new generic synonymy, a key to the known antennae with two coelo-conic sensilla. Palpi of gnathochilarium of lectotype with 24 and 25 sensilla. lophoproctids seems warranted (see below). Trichobothria (Fig. 53) similar to those of holotype oî Ancistoxenus comans, as redescribed by CONDÉ Only 1,. adisi n.sp. has been collected in an inundation woodland, while A. comqns (l 964). Labrum with two posterior rows of cuticular setae, second row interrupted by a space (Fig. 58), has only been found on the floor of a non-inundated forest. pavement-like ornamentation similar to that of holotype of Ancistroxenus comans. Clypeo-labrum with 6+6 250 25t Key to the genera of the family Lophoproctidae 'l wide granulated zone, 14 salivary ostioles arranged in two rows, eight broad molar processes, six submolar processes and a molar plate shoulder with a process, latter situated in front offirst serrate limbs (Figs. 73, l. - Linguiformprocesses alongentire anterioredge oflabrum . ..... 2 74 and 76). Molar tuft absent. -. - 0 to 4pairsoflinguiformprocesses on each side ofmedian opening oflabrum ...... 3 Posterior part of vertex with one pair of tufts of trichomes, arranged in two rows, anterior row with I 2 2. - Antennal segment VI with 4 thick sensilla . . . . Lophoproc¡ø.s POCOCK, 1894 or l7 trichomes and posterior row with 6 to 9 (Fig. 59). Each row is slightly more than twice as long as -. - Antennal segment VI with 3 thick sensilla Lophoproctinas SILVESTRI, 1948 distance between rows. 3. - Antennal segment Vl with 3 thick sensilla . . Lophoturus BROLEMANN, l93l Trunk.Tergites with paired trichomic tufts. Except on tergites IX to XI, each tuft consisting ofthree -. -AntennalsegmentVl with2thicksensillaand3 to29thinsensilla ....... 4 trichomic rows and a lateral trichomic group. Each paired tuft connected by a posterior trichomic row 4. - Antennal segment VI with 3 to l0 thin sensilla (in adult) . arranged along posterior margin oftergite (Figs. 60-62). Total number oftrichomes ofeach tuft on tergites Alloproctoides MARQUET & CONDÉ, 1950 as follows: I (collum),26to39 (Fig.60); II to IV,30 to 44 (Figs.6l,62 and 90), and V to VII,3l to 52. -. - Antennal segment VI with 24 to 29 thin sensilla (in adults) . Lateral protuberance of tergite I with four trichomes (three in one case) in a row. . . Ancistroxenus SCHUBART, 1947 Legs. 13 pairs. Each article of legs bearing sensory setae except for femora V to XIII, tibiae Xll and Xlll, and first tarsus. Each coxa, trochanter and prefemur bearing a seta with an oval base fumished with low acute processes at apex (Fig. 77). Prefemora II to XII with I to 3 small aligned setae. Small femoral Macroxeno des ømszonicus n.sp. and tibial setae with an oval base lurnished with 3 or 4 long spines (Figs. 78 and 80). Second tarsus antero-laterally with a small oval seta (Fig.79). Chaetotaxy as follows: coxa I with one seta, II to XII (XIII in holotype) with two setae; trochanters and tibiae I to XIt (XIII in holotype) with one seta; femora Types. Holotype: Adult female (INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Solimões, Ilha de Marchantaria (59'58'W, I to IV with one seta. Telotarsus antero-laterally bearing an anterior process with a spinal projection, an 3"15'S), várzea,BE47C/MA,22.01 .1982, J. ADIS et al. leg. Paratypes: I adult female (INPA), as same anterior setiform process, a thin posterior process and a posterior lamellar process (Figs.8l. and 82). locality as for holotype, BE47B/M4,20.03.1991, J. ADIS et al. leg.; I adult female (USP), Brazil, Anterior valve ofsexual organ with six oval setae and posterior valves, latter divided into two sub-valves by a transverse groove with five setae (Fig 75). Amazonas, environs of Manaus, Lago Janauarí (03'20'S,60"17'W), mixedwater inundation forest, K26, Telson. Bundle of caudal penicil non-separated. Dorso-ornamental trichomes of caudal penicil 12.04. 1988, J. ADIS et al. leg. consisting of I I trichomes a (l I and 14 in holotype), one trichome å and 16 or 18 trichomes c (14 and 15 in holotype) (Fie. 86). Trichome ¿ thick and broad at apex (Fig. 83). Bundle of telsonic trichomes Other matrial examÍned. separated into nidamental trichomes with three fish hook-like barbed hooks arranged in a line and straight I adult male (CI), as same locality as for holotype, BE49A, 30.09.1987, J. ADIS et al. leg. (for SEM); I adult female (Cl), Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Taruma Mirím, Igapó, (03'02'5,60"17'W), blackwater normal trichomes without broading at apex (Figs. 84 and 85). Remarks: This new species closely resembles Macroxenodes bartschí (CHAMBERLIN, 1922) as inundation forest, 478/TM,8.12.1976, J. ADIS et al. leg. (for SEM)./ redescribed by NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN & CONDÉ (1984), but differs in having three thick bacilliform dorsal sensilla separated from a second group of postero-ventral sensilla on antennâl segment Description. VI, the outer palpus of the gnathochilarium with 2l to 23 bacilliform sensilla, the granules on the labrum Measurements: Body length (without caudal penicil), 3.90 (holotype) to 4.40 mm. Head width 0.62 arranged anteriorly in two rows, and the femoral and tibial seta with an oval base furnished with 3 or 4 mm. Second tarsal length of l3th leg 0,16 to 0.19 mm. long spines. Head. Eight ocelli on each side (Fig. 63). Name'. The species emphasizes Amazonia, the terra typica. Antenna 8-segmented (Figs. 64 and 89). Antennal segment Vl with two groups ofdorsal and postero-- ventral sensilla: sensilla of dorsal group composed of three thick bacillilorm sensilla (anterior ø, inter- mediate i, and posterior p), one coelo-conic sensillum (c) before p, and one setiform sensillum (s) with Macroxenodes sp. some spines between ø and i; postero-ventral group composed of 4 Ío 7 short, thick bacilliform sensilla and one s with three spines (Figs. 66, 61 and 87). Segment VII dorsally with two thick bacillilorm sensilla ¿ and p, one s between a and p, and one c behind p, and no ventral sensilla (Figs. 65 and 88). Material examined. Three trichobothria with cylindrical funiculi arranged in a triangle (Fig. 68). Placentae oftrichobothria One adult female (INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, environs of Manaus, Rio Solimões, llha de Marchantaria of same size. (59"58'W, 3"15'S), v*zea,47A/MA, l7.l l.l98l, J. ADIS et al. leg. lVe have not given this species a Outer palpus of gnathochilarium with 2l to 23 bacilliform sensilla segmented at apex, while middle formal denomination because of the poor state of preservation of the specimen. palpus with 20 to 22 sensilla composed of long, segmented sensilla and short, non-segmented sensilla (Figs.70 and 7l). Description. Labrum clothed with numerous small cuticular setae on surface and granules arranged anteriorly in two Measurements. Body length (without caudal penicil) 5.20 mm, second tarsal length of l3th leg 204 rows, and armed with 5+l+5 lamellar teeth at anterior margin (Fig. 69). Clypeo-labrum with 9 to I I setae pm. along posterior margin. Head. Eight ocelli in each side. Comb-lobe of mandible with a row of I I branched comb teeth separated in five and six lobes, and Nineteen or 20 bacilliform sensilla located along dorso-distal part of antennal segment VI and with eight rows of simple comb teeth (Fig. 72). Intermediate plate with an intermediate lobe, some thick irregularly divided into two rows; one setiform sensillum (s), with some spines between second and third intermediate sensilla and fimbriate lamellae arranged in four distinct longitudinal rows deeply incised into anterior thick bacilliform sensilla (Fig. 9l); one coelo-conic sensillum (c) not clearly observed due to bad long pointed processes. Molar plate consisting of nine broad senate limbs and two broad smooth limbs, a preservation of antennae. Segment Vll with dorsal sensilla of two thick bacilliform sensilla ø and p, .s 252 253 between a and p, and one posterior c (Fig. 92). Acknowledgments Three trichobothria of same size, with cylindrical funiculi. Outer palpus of gnathochilarium with 22 and 23 bacilliform sensilla, segmented at apex, and middle We thank Priv.-Doz, Dr. Joachim ADIS, Arbeitsgruppe Tropenökologie, Max-Planck-lnstitut für palpus with 22 sensilla, with short non-segmented sensilla among these. Limnologie, Plön, Germany, lor his kind supply of a large number of Amazonian penicillate diplopod Labrum clothed with numerous small cuticular setae on surface, with granuies arranged anteriorly in specimens for the present study, Dr. Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha, Curator, Museu de Zoologia, Universidade two rows, and armed with lamellar teeth at anterior margin. Clypeo-labrum with l2 setae. de São Paulo, Brazil for his generous help in lending the syntypes of A. tupiensis, and Dr. Hiroshi Tamura, Paired posterior tufts on vertex consisting of l4 or l5 trichomes in anterior row and of five trichomes Professor Emeritus of Ibaraki University, Japan, forhis comments at the first stages of the manuscript. Dr. in posteriorrow, respectively (Fig. 93). Length ofrows slightly shorter than distance between them. These S.l. Golovatch, of the Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, rows of trichomes distinctly separated from other trichomes on vertex. Moscow, provided constructive criticism of an advanced draft of the manuscript. Trunk. On each tergite, trichomes grouped in two separated oval areas. Total number oftrichomes of each tuft on tergites as follows: 1,26 to 39; II to IV, 30 to 44 and V to VII, 3 I to 52 (Figs. 94-96). Lateral protuberance of tergite I with four trichomes in a row. References Zegs. Coxae II to XII bearing two setae, coxa I one seta and XIII no setae, trochanters with one seta, prefemora I to Xll with one seta, each seta having an oval base furnished with low acute processes at apex. ADIS, J. (1987): Extraction of arthropods from Neotropical soils with a modified Kempson apparatuss. - Tibiae I to XII, right prefemora II to X and left prefemora Il to Vlll bearing small setae with some long Journ. Trop. Ecol.3(2): l3l-138. spines. Second tarsus with a small oval seta. ADIS, J. (1988): On the abundance and density ofterrestrial arthropods in Central Amazonian dryland Telson. With I I trichomes ø, one trichome b and 12trichomes c. forests. - Journ. Trop. Ecol.4(l): l9-24. Remarks: Macroxenodes sp. differs from Macroxenodes amazonícus n.sp. by the more numerous ADIS, J., MORAIS, J.W. DE & U. SCHELLER (1996): On abundance, phenology and natureal history of sensilla arranged in one to two rows in the dorso-distal part of antennal segment VI and by the area of Symphyla from a mixedwater inundation forest in Central Amazonia,Brazi\. - In: GEOFFROY, J.-J., trichomes on tergites. This species rather resembles Macroxenodes bartschi (CHAMBERLIN, 1922) in MAURIÉS, J.-P. & M. NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN (eds.): Acta Myriapodologica. number and arrangement ofsensilla ofantennal segments VI and VII, but differs by the outer palpus with AMARAL, I.L. DO, ADIS, J. & G.T. PRANCE, (1997): On the vegetation of a seasonal mixedwater 22 and 23 sensilla (13 in M. bartschi) and by the arrangement of trichomes of the tergites (NGUYEN inundation forest near Manaus, Brazilian Amazonia. - Amazoniana 14(314): 335-347. DUY-JACQUEMIN & CONDÉ 1984: Figs. 1,2, p.721). BROLEMANN, H.-W. (1931): Myriapodes recueillis par Madame Pruvot en Nouvelle-Calédonie et aux Loyalty. - Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gén. 72(2):2'75-316. BROLEMANN, H.-W. (1935): Myriapodes Diplopodes (Chilognathes l) in: Faune de France 29: l-368. Resumo CHAMBERLIN, R.-V. (1922): A new Milliped of the genus Polyxenus from the Florida Keys. - Ent. News, Philadelphia 33: 165. São descritas duas novas espécies e uma espécie ainda não identificada/nominada de diplópodos CONDÉ, B. (1964): Lophoproctus comønsLOOMIS, type d'un remarquable genre inédit de Pénicillates penicilados do gênero Lophoturus BROLEMAN, l93l (Lophoproctidae) e Macroxenodes SILVESTRI, (Diplopodes). - Rev. fr. Entomol. 31(l): 6l-66. 1948 (Polyxenidae), oriundas dasproximidades de Manaus, Amazônia Central, Brazil L. adisi n.sp., M. CONDÉ, B. (1971): Diplopodes Pénicillates des nids brésiliens de Camponotus ruJìpes. - Rev. Ecol. Biol. amazonicus n.sp., e M. sp.. L. adisi n.sp., se caracteriza por ter a placa molar com o ombro da placa molar Sol.8(4): 631-634. dorsal da mandíbula intumescido, enquanto M. amazonicus n.sp. tem três sensilas dorsais espessas e de ISHII, K. (1988): On the significance of the mandible as a diagnostic character in the taxonomy of forma baciliforme, separadas de um segundo grupo posterior ventral de sensilas no segmento antenal VI, penicillate diplopods (Diplopoda: Polyxenidae). - Can. Ent. 120:955-963. o gnatochilarium com 2l a 23 sensilas palpais e as setas femorais e tibianas com a base oval, tendo três ISHII, K. (1990): Penicillate Diplopods (Diplopoda: Polyxenida) from Taiwan. - Edaphologia 42 l-20. ou quatro longos espinhos. Da mesma forma, l. adisí n.sp., que é a espécie dominante da localidade, tem LOOMIS, H.F. (1934): Millipeds of the West Indies and Guiana collected by the Allison v. Armour sido investigada com relação aos seus estágios pós-embrionários e estrutura mandibular. Por outro lado, Expedition in 1932. - Smithson. Misc. Coll.89(14): l-69. M. sp. é caracterizado por ter um maior número de sensilas localizadas na primeira ou segunda fileira da MARQUET, M.-L. & CONDÉ, B. (1950): Contribution a la connaissance des Diplopodes Penicillates parte dorso-distal do segmento antenal VI, tendo os tricomas tergais agrupados em duas áreas ovais d'Afrique et de la Region madecasse. - Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, ser. A, 4: I l3-134. separadas, e22ou23 sensilaspalpais.Plesioproctus CONDÉ, lg64mostrouserumsinônimo juniorde MELLO-LEITAO, C. (1925): Polyxenidas do Brasil. - Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 2:51-62. Ancístroxenus SCHUBART, 1941 , t. syn. A sinonimia resulta de uma revisão do material de tipos de MORAIS, J.W. DE, ADIS, J., MAHNERT, V. & E. BERTI-FILHO, (1997a): Abundance and phenology Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947, do Brasil. Plesioproctus comans (LOOMIS, 1934), de ofPseudscorpiones (Arachnida) from a mixedwater inundation forest in Central Amazonia, Brazil. - Trinidad, é formalmente transferido para Ancistoxerus, resultando em A. comans (LOOMIS, 1934), n. Revue Suisse Zool. 104(3): 475-483. comb., uma espécie a qual é também o Sinônimo senior subjetivo de Ancistroxenus tupíensis SCHUBART, MORAIS, J.W. DE, ADIS, J., BERTI-FILHO, E., PEREIRA, L.A., MINELLI, A. & F. BARBIERI, 1947,n. syn.. A. comans foi documentado da região de estudo pela primeira vez, e seus estágios pós- (1997b): On abundance, phenology and natureal history of Geophilomorpha from a rnixedwater embrionários estão inteiramente descritos. Uma chave a nível de gênero é apresentada para a família inundation forest in Central Amazonia (Chilopoda). - In: ENGHOFF, H. (ed.): Many-legged animals. - Lophoproctidae. A collection of papers on lr4yriapoda and Onychophora. - Ent. Scand. Suppl. 5l: I l5-l 19 329 pp. NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN, M. & B. CONDÉ, (1982): Lophoproctidés insulaires de I'océan Pacifique (Diplopodes Pénicillates). - Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Pâris, 4e Sér., 4, sect. A (l/2): 95-l 18. 254 255 NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN, M. & CONDÉ, B. (1984): Nouvelle description et statut de Polyxenus bartschi CHAMBERLIN (Diplopodes Pénicillates). - Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris,4e Sér., ó, sect. 'l A (3):721-728. POCOCK, R.l. (1894): Contributions to our Knowledge of the Arthropod Fauna of the West Indies. Part III. Diplopoda and Malacopoda. - Joum. Linn. Soc., Zoology, London 24: 473-526. SCHUBART, O. (1939): Sobre uma nova espécie de Pselaphognatha do Brasil. - Bol. Biol. (Nova série), 2 4(t):23-26. SCHUBART, O. (1944): Os Diplopodos de Pirassununga. - Acta Zool. Lilloana 2:321-332. SCHUBART, O. (1947): Os Diplopoda da viagem do naturalista antenor Leitão de Carvalho aos Rios Araguaia e Amazonas em 1939 E 1940. - Bol. Mus. Nac. Zool. 82:40-42. SILVESTRI, F. (1903): Note Diplopodologiche. IV. Pselaphognatha dell'America meridionale. - Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. l8: l4-21. SILVESTRI, F. (1948): Tavola sinottica dei generi dei Diplopoda Penicillata. - Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici 8:214-220. TERVER, D. & B. CONDÉ (1965): Développement postembryonnaire du Lophoproctidê Plesioproctus TERcVoEmRan, sM L.,O TOEMRIVSE. -R R, eDv.. &d' EBc.o Cl. OetN BDioÉl .( 1d9u6 S8)o: l.R 2e(plr)é:s 1e0n'1ta-1n2ts1 ,continentaux du genre Plesioproctus (rJ'ç) u6 Q/^l tU-\ (Diplopodes Pénicillates, Lophoproctides). - Entomol. Meddelelser 36: I9I-2I L 3 VOHLAND, K. & J. ADIS (1999): Life history of Pycnotropistida (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Aphelidesmi- 4 dae) from seasonally inundated forests in Amazonia (Brazil and Peru). - Pedobiologia 43: 231-244. 7 6 ò c S p a 9 c a 5 B p Figs. l-9: Lophotutus adisi nsp., holotype, adult male. I : Labrùm; 2: Sensillum on gnathochilarium; 3: Nippleless palpi of gnathochilarium of male; 4: Nippleless palpi of gnathochilarium of female; 5: Left molar plate; 6: Serrate limbs, granulated zone and bill-like protuberance with large granules;7: Antenna (right);8: Antennal sensilla on segment VI: a, anterior thick bacilliform; l, intermediate thick bacilliform; p, posterior thick bacilliform; c, coelo-conical; 9: Antennal sensilla on segment VII: s, setiform. 256 257