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LAW OFFICES STORINO, RAMELLO & DURKIN 9501 WEST DEVON AVENUE ROSEMONT, ILLINOIS 6OOI8 DONALD J. STORINO MICHAEL R. DURKIN (847) 318-9500 MICHAEL K. DURKIN THOMAS J. HALLERAN RICHARD J. RAMELLO ERIN C. MORIARTY FACSIMILE (847) 318-9509 NICHOLAS S. PEPPERS THOMAS M. BASTIAN JOSEPH G. KUSPER ANGELO F. DEL MARTO September20,2012 MARK R. STEPHENS JAMES E. MACHOLL BRYAN J. BERRY BRIAN W. BAUGH ANN M. WILLIAMS ANTHONY J. CASALE LEONARD P. DIORIO ANDREWY. ACKER RICHARD F. PELLEGRINO PETER A. PACIONE DONALD J. STORINO II MELISSA A. MIROBALLI OF COUNSEL MATTHEW G. HOLMES KATHLEEN M. REIFSNYDER IN REPLY REFERTO FILE NO. S-l Ms. Karen Sheley RogerBaldwin Foundation ofACLU, Inc. 180North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2300 Chicago, Illinois 60601-1287 Re: FOIA RequestRegarding VillageofStreamwoodPolice Department DeploymentofAutomatic LicensePlateReader (ALPR) Technology Dear Ms. Sheley: The Village ofStreamwood is in receipt ofyour Freedom ofInformation Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.) ("FOIA") request. Records responsive to your request are enclosed herewith. As we have discussed in our recent telephone conference, the Village of Streamwood has not purchased ALPR Technology for installation in police assigned vehicles. The ALPR Technology or option is included in the Gatso USA, Inc. Automated Red-light Enforcement Program. The Village utilizes one automated red-light enforcement camera which is located at the intersection ofRoute 19and Route 59 in the VillageofStreamwood. As you will discern fromtheenclosedinformation,ALPRTechnologyisnotutilizedbythe Villagetorandomlyscan motorvehiclelicenseplates. ALPRTechnologyhasbeenutilizedby the VillageofStreamwood Police Department in two (2) instances since the inception of automated traffic enforcement. Thefirstincident was an AmberAlertandthe second wasa responseto a robbery suspectthat escaped fromtheCountySheriffs custodywhile beingtransportedfora courthearing. Theenclosedmaterials indicatethe procedurefor inputtingthe license plate ofthe motorvehicle in question and request ofGatso by the policedepartment to switch the camera from red-light enforcementto "Amber Alert". The request to switch to ALPR Technology includes a time period for the use ofALPR Technology after which the camera will revert to automated traffic 332283.1 - 11155 - STOKINO, RAMELLO & DUKKIN Ms. Karen Sheley September20,2012 Page 2of2 enforcement. The Streamwood Police Department's procedure for switching from automated red-light enforcement to video request or Amber Alert is set forth in Articles III and IV ofthe enclosed Streamwood Police Department General Order. Upon diligent search, the enclosed constitutes all documents in the possession ofthe Village of Streamwood relevant to your request. Should you have any questions or concerns in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Very truly yours, STORINO, RAMELLO& DURKIN Attorneysforthe/VillageofStreamwood By: Thomas M. Bastian TMB/dcs Ends. cc: AssistantChiefJames Gremo (w/encls.) Kittie Kopitke (w/encls.) 332283.1 - 11156 - <4& RESOLUTION NO. 2008 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE, AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ATTEST TO A CERTAIN AGREEMENT WITH GATSO USA, INC. BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Streamwood, Cook County, Illinois that the Village President is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Village, and the Village Clerk is authorized to attest to, an agreement with GATSO USA, INC. to provide a red-light photo- enforcement program, in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A." A ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES NAYS n. ABSTENTIONS <Q_ ABSENT _£l is /_]_ day of SsJyU I). ADOPTED AND APPROVED thi , 2008 Village President ATTESj c Village\QlepKT - 11157 - <§at!o) Technology & Business Services Agreement Thisagreement ismade onthe 17th dayofJuly,2008, between GATSO USA, Inc., a Delawarecorporationwith a principal business address at 900 CummingsCenter, Suite 410-T, Beverly, Massachusetts 01915("GATSO") and the Village ofStreamwood, Illinois, a municipality/villageofthe State ofIllinoiswith a principal business address of 301 E. IrvingPark Road, Streamwood, Illinois 60107. WITNESSETH: WhereastheVillagewishes to retainthe technology and business services ofGATSO USAtosupplythe Villagewith a red-lightphoto-enforcementprogramforthe monitoring of red-lightviolations and associated trafficoffenses. 1. DURATION ANDTERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 1.1 This agreement and theservices provided underthis agreement shall commence three yearsfrom the time of IDOTpermit approvalfor IDOTcontrolled intersectionsfor a period ofthree years, withtwo (2) optional one (1) year extensions. 1.2 One yearextensions shall be renewed each yearon the anniversary of the start date unlesstheVillage notifies GATSO inwritingof theirintentionto terminate theagreement, at least30days priorto theanniversarydate. 1.3: Termination ofthe agreementcan be made atthe mutual agreement of both GATSO and the Village. 1.4 Either partymay terminate this agreementfor cause if: (i)theotherparty has breached its obligations underthis agreement; (ii)the state legislation is amended to prohibitthe operation ofautomated trafficlaw enforcementsystems; or(iii)anycourthavingjurisdiction overtheVillage's rules, orstate orfederal statutedeclares, the resultsfrom the automated traffic law enforcementsystem is inadmissible inevidence or otherwiseoverturnsthe state legislation. The terminating party mustprovide 30 days advance noticeto theotherpartyofits intenttoterminate, which noticeshall includethe reasonsforthe termination and, inthecaseofa breach, shall providethe otherparty withan opportunityto cure the breach withinthe30 day periodfollowingnoticefrom theterminating party. - 11158 - 1.5 TheVillage isentitled totemninatethisagreement for convenience, provided that theVillage provides60days advancenoticetoGATSOofitsintenttoterminate. In theeventthatthe Village exercises itsoptiontoterminatefor convenience withintheinitialthree yearterm, theVillage will be requiredto paytoGATSOa penalty fee for suchtermination intheamountof$1,000 perapproach for each monthremaining inthe initial threeyeartermofthisagreement.The penalty fee will notbetriggered until aftertheexpiration ofthe60 daynoticeperiod, being the "closedate," andthe penalty feewill be duetoGATSO30days aftersuch close date. Nopenaltyfee will applyto atermination forconvenience bythe Village duringany renewal term ofthis agreement. 1.6 Atthe close date forthisagreement, eitherthroughcontractdurationorthrough termination forcause, convenience or mutual agreement; image capture activitiesshallcease immediately howeverbothGATSO and theVillage accept thatall photo-enforcementviolations still inprocessorcapturedpriortothe close date shall beconcluded to theirfinal state, inthesame mannerand underthe sameconditions ofcompensation. 1.7 Uponthe termination ofthis agreement, GATSO shall promptly remove all associated hardwareand equipment, which removalshallbeno laterthan 45 days aftertermination. Upon removal ofthe hardware and equipment, GATSO shallrestore the intersectionsto substantially the samecondition asexisted prior tothis agreementand repair anydamage resulting from the installation or removal of GATSO's hardware orequipment. 2. COMPENSATION 2.1 GATSOUSA proposes a compensation scheme based on a service fee per transaction basis, correspondingwith State of Illinois supporting legislation ILCS 5/11-208. 2.2 Transactions comprise of: Image capture $5.00 Initial review $5.00 DMVinquiry $5.00 Second review $5.00 Police Dept review preparation $5.00 Citationissuance &mailing $5.00 Maximum compensation perissued citationiscapped at $30.00 Inadditionto these fees, theVillagewill pay acharge of $15 per camera for each hourthatthe camera is activated forAmberAlert, exceptthatthere is nocharge . for the first 30 minutesofAmberAlertActivation for each camera forthe first five activations inanyone month. - 11159 - 2.3 All installedequipment underthiscontract shall remain the property ofGATSO forthe duration ofthe agreementand anycosts associated withthe supply, installation, commissioning, operation andmaintenance oftheoriginal configured system shallbe atthe cost ofGATSO. 2.4 GATSOcontractsthat there shall be no additional charges for project start up fees, program implementation, monthlyrental/lease fee percamera orper approach andorpercentage ofrevenuescollected. All compensation paid to GATSOshall bethat stated in 2.1 2.5 GATSOshall invoiceVillage for service feesonthe30th day ofeach month and shall bepaid byVillage on orbeforethe30th day ofthefollowing month. Late paymentfees of1.5%ofoutstanding balances asofthe30thday ofthedue monthshall beaddedtothe invoice ofthe nextmonth. 3. SCOPE OFWORK 3.1 GATSO shallinstall, operate and maintainthe GATSOMETER red-light photo enforcement system inaccordancewith standard installation practices at locations agreedto between GATSO and theVillage. The systemsthat will be installed,operated, and maintained by GATSO is described more fully inExhibitA and will be installed atthe intersections designated in ExhibitA. GATSO and theVillagewill mutuallyagree onthe identificationofenforcedintersections based on communitysafetyandtraffic needs as warranted. GATSO agreesthat installation, operation, and maintenanceof the systemwill bein accordancewiththe provisions of City/Village Municipal Code orCity/Village Ordinance, aswell as Section 11- 208.6ofthe IllinoisVehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/11-208.6 3.2 A system shall remain atits initial locationforthe duration ofthe agreement periodorfora minimum of one year before being movedto a newlocation and only afterthewritten consentby both parties. 3.3 Each system shall operate on a continual 24 hour basis forthe duration ofthe agreementand shall only be non-operational for periods ofmaintenance. 3.4 GATSOshall upload encrypted violation imagesand embedded violation data to a secureGATSO serverin a timely mannerthat ensuresthe camera system remains inoperation at alltimes. Images and data shall be correlatedto DMV records and an electronicviolation package assembled. 3.5 GATSOshall processtheviolation imagesand data through a web-based program and providethe Police Departmentwith limited accesstothat program to enable Police Department review and approval/rejection ofviolations, priorto a citation being issued. 3.6 GATSO shall issue mailed citationsthrough thisweb-based program and allow forthe review ofviolationimages and data. Cited registered owners ofviolation vehiclesare ableto view images and offensevideothough the web-portal by - 11160 - using unique identifiercodesissued oneach citation issued. Additionally, there shall bea 1-800 helpdesknumbertoeitherdiscussthecitation inmoredetail or acceptthe payment 3.7 GATSOshall provide necessarytraining andtraining documentation toVillage employees, as designated. 3.8 GATSO shall storecaptured violation dataandimagesfor a period ofone year from the violation date. The Village shallhave accesstothis data forthe duration ofthe stored period. 3.9 GATSO shall provide paymentfacilities inthe form of'paybyweb','payby phone' and 'pay bymail' for thepaymentofcitations issuedwithin thered-light photoenforcement program. Payment facilities will alsoincludealock-box. 3.10 GATSOshallprovide monthlyreports tothe Village comprising ofstatistics relatingtotheentire program, including butnotlimited to; the numberofcaptured violations, the numberofviolations sent for police departmentapproval, number of citations sentandthe numberof citations paid. 3.11 GATSO contracts to ensuretheGATSOMETER systems installed forthis program shall be subjecttosoftware upgradeswhen available, without chargeto theVillage. 3.12 GATSO contractsthat installationofequipment shall commencewithin 10 standardworkingdays afterall necessary state, county and villagepermitshave been received. 3.13 GATSOshallprovide standardGATSOsignagetothe local approachroadsto an enforced intersection at no costto the Village. Non-standard signage specified bytheVillage shall be suppliedtotheVillage atcost andincludedwithin the first invoice issuedto theVillage againstthis agreement. 3.14 GATSO shallprovideassistanceto supportthe Villageefforts inpubliceducation and awareness programs,including but not limitedto;violationstatistics and violation statisticimprovements. 3.15 TheVillage may from timetotimerequestchangesto the services requiredto be performedorthe addition of productsorservicesto those requiredpursuantto the terms ofthis Agreement by providing writtennoticethereofto GATSO. Upon GATSO's receipt ofthe requested change, GATSO shall deliver a written statementdescribingthe effect, ifany, the proposed changeswould have on the pricing ofthis Agreement. Following theVillage'sreceiptofthe new pricing, the Partiesshall negotiateto implementthe proposed changes, thetime, manner and amountofpayment or priceincreasesordecreases, asthe case may be, andany othermatters relatingtothe proposedchanges. Ifthe Villageand GATSO fail to reach an agreementwithrespectto anyofthe proposed changes itshall not be deemed to be a breach ofthis Agreement. - 11161 - 4. VILLAGE RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 TheVillage shall designate aVillageofficialwith theauthority toexercise theCity responsibilitiesunderthisagreement. TheVillage shall cooperatewith GATSOduring the planning, installation, 4.2 implementation and operation phasesofthe program. 4.3 TheVillage at nocost,shall provide permits orassist in the provision ofthose permitstoGATSOfortheinstallation ofequipment necessaryfortheprogram. 4.4 ThePolice Departmentshallprovide authorized representativestocarefully review uploaded violations sent by GATSO anddeterminewhethersaid violationsaretobeapproved andsubsequentlymailed as citations, orrejected and subsequentlyreported onwith the reasons ofrejection. 5. GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.1 Indemnification and Liability. A. The Village hereby agrees to defend and indemnify and hold harmless GATSO and its affiliates, shareholders orotherinterest holders, managers, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and successors, permitted assignees and all persons acting by, through, under or inconcert with them (including but not limited tothe supplies of equipment and installers), or any of them against, and to protect, save and keep harmless the from, and to pay on behalf ofor reimburse the as and when incurred for, any and all Losses which may be imposed on or incurred byanyGATSO orequipmentprovided and/orinstallerarisingout of orin anyway related to: i. any material representation, inaccuracy or breach of any covenant, warranty or representation of the Village contained inthisAgreement; ii. the willful misconduct of the Village, its employees contractors or agents which result in bodily injury to any natural person (including third parties) or any damage to any real or tangible personal property (including the personal property of third parties), except to the extent caused by the willful misconductofanyGATSO Party; iii. any claim, action or demand not caused by GATSO's failure to perform its obligations underthisAgreement; or iv. any claim, action or demand challenging the Village's use of the Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System or any portion thereof, the validityof the results oftheVillage's use of the Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System or any portion thereof; validityof the Citations issued, prosecuted - 11162 - and collected as a result of the Village's use of the Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System provided by GATSO. B. GATSO hereby agrees to defend and indemnify and hold harmless the Village manager, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and successors, permitted assignees and each of their affiliates, and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with them, or any of them against, andto protect, save and keep harmless the Village Parties from, and to pay on behalf of or reimburse the Village Parties as and when incurred for, any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, demands, claims, actions, suits, judgments, settlements, costs, expenses and disbursements (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs) ofwhatever kind and nature, which may be imposedon orincurred byanyVillage Party arising out ofor relatedto: i. any material misrepresentation, inaccuracy or breach ofan covenant, warranty or representation of GATSO contained inthis Agreement; ii. the willful misconduct of GATSO, its employees or agents which result indeath or bodily injuryto any natural person (including third parties) or any damage to any real or tangible personal property (includingthe personal property of third parties), except to the extent caused by the willful misconductof any Village oranyof itsagents; or iii. any claim, action or demand not caused by the Village's failure to performitsobligations underthis Agreement. C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liableto the other, by reason of any representation or express or implied warranty, condition or other term or any duty at common or civil law, for any lost profits; indirect, incidental, or consequentialdamages, howevercaused. D. Inthe event any claim, action or demand in respect of which any Party hereto seeks indemnification from the other, the Party seeking indemnification shall give the Party from whom indemnification is being sought written notice of such Claim promptly after the Indemnified Party first becomes aware. The Party from whom indemnifications is being sought shall have the right to choose counsel to defend such Claim (subject to approval of such counsel by the other Party, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), and to control, and settle such Claim. The Party from whom indemnifications is being sought shall have the rightto participate in the defense at its sole expense; provided. 5.2 Relationshipbetween GATSO andthe Village. Nothinginthis Agreement shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership, joint venture or the relationship of principal and agent or employer and employee between the - 11163 - parties. The relationship between the Parties shall be that of independent contractors, and nothing contained inthis Agreement shall permit either Party to incur any debts orliabilities orobligations on behalfofthe other Party (except as specifically provided herein). 5.3 Assignment Neither Party may assign all or any portion of this Agreementwithout the priorwritten consent of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonablywithheld ordelayed. 5.4 Applicable Law.This Agreementshall begoverned by and construed in allrespects solelyinaccordancewiththe laws ofthe State ofIllinois. 5.5 Jurisdiction and Venue. Anydispute arising out of or in connectionwith this Agreement shallbe submittedto theexclusive jurisdictionand venueof the State Courts ofthe State of Illinois located intheCountytheVillage resides, and both Partiesspecificallyagreeto be bound by thejurisdictionand venuethereof. Inwitnessthereof, GATSO USA andtheVillage ofStreamwood haveexecuted this agreementasofthe date stated above. For and on behalfofGATSO USA Forand on behalfofVillage ofStreamwood, Illinois •/£± By: signature signatun ....'//fie M*/tjr?f nameandtitle r«ae_>t ^<a«&g'=a">g3 name andtitle V). ik ~+ £-.k«i Oil*) 1^5^ ,„»»"""""""<*„ \ oA*-—-" o / - 11164 -

Department Deployment ofAutomatic License Plate Reader . 208.6 ofthe Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/11-208.6. 3.2. A system shall remain at its
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