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The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans PDF

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Preview The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans

� ..... ,. ......0 d "F" oppre< II11oofn' Mpc>M< ..... lor",�...d ",,, .... "" CompoIti"l-·--Ncrfu" of" "",on _IonOIIMtnCtion.. THE FIR ST IDE A • • • • • HOW SYMBOLS, LANGUAGE, AND INTELLIGENCE • • • • EVOLVED FAOM OUA PIUMATE ANCESTOAS • • • • • TO MODEI\N HUMANS • • • • • STANLEYI .G REENSPAN.M .D. • • • • • STUART G. SHANKER. O. PHIL. - THE FIRSTI DEA HowS ymboLlasn,g uaagned, IntellEivgoelnvcFeerd o mO urP rimate AncesttooM rosd erHnu mans � StanlIe.Gy r eenspMa.nD,. StuaGr.tS hankDe.rP ,h il. I A MERLOYD LAWRENCE BOOK DA CAPO PRESS A Memboefthr e P ersBoeoksu sG roup :':". ��� Manyo ft hed esignautsieobdny sm anufactaunrdes resl lteodr iss tingtuhiesihr produacrtcesl aimaestd r ademaWrhkesr.te h osdee signaatpipoeniasnr t hibso ok Deidceadtt oou farm iiles, andw herDea C apoP rewsass a waroefa t rademcalraki tmh,de e signahtaivoen s whhoa avned cwohnott iionpn uisuers e. beepnr intienid n itciaapli lteatlt ers. Copyri©g h2t0 04b yS tanlIe.Gy r eenspMa.nD,.a ,n dS tuaGr.tS hankerP,h iDl.. Alrli ghrtess erNvoep da.r otft hipsu blicamtaiybo enr eproduscteodr,ie nd ar etriseyvsatleo mrt, r ansmiitnta endyf, o romr b ya nym eanesl,e ctronic, mechanical, photocopyoiron tgh,e rrwewicisoterh,do tiuhntpeg r ,i worri tten permissoifto hnpe u blisPhreirn.ti entd h Uen iteSdt atoefAs m erica. DesignbeyTd r iWsihl kinson Seitn 1 2-poAidnotb Gea ramonbdyt hPee rseBuoso kGsr oup LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation GreenspSatna,n lIe.y Thefi rsitd e:ah ows ymbollasn,g uaagnedi, n telliegveonlcvfeer do omu r primaatnec esttoomr osd erhnu man/sS tanlIe.Gy r eenspSatnu,aG r.tS hanker.- 1sDta C apoP reesds. p. cm. "AM erloLyadw renbcoeo k." Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraealnn cdie nsd ex. ISBN0 -7382-06(8a0l-pk6a. p er) 1.E volutiopnsayrcyh o.l Io.Sg hyankSetru,a rItIT..i tle. BF698.95.2G07034 153.7-dc22 2004010658 FirDsatC apoP reesdsi ti2o0n0 4 PublisbhyeD da C apoP ress A Membeorf t hPee rseBuoso kGsr oup httpww:w//.dacapopress.com DaC apoP rebsoso kasr aev ailaatbs lpee cdiiaslc oufnotbrsu lpku rchaisnte hse U.S. by corpionrsattiitounatsni,doo nthse,or r ganizaFtoirmo onrsei. n formation, pleacsoen tatchteS pecMiaalr keDtesp artmaetnt th Pee rseBuoso kGsr oup, 11C ambridCgeen teCra,m bridMgAe ,0 2142o,rc al(l8 002)5 5-15o1r4 (6172)5 2-5298e,- moasrip le [email protected]. v Acknwoledgments Contents Firwsetw antto t hanoku rw iveNsa,n cayn dG inn,fy otrh eoinrg oing suppoarntdl ivitnhgie d eianst hibso owki tuhs a,sw elalsh elpiunstg o elaboornat thee mW.e want etxop rsepsesc tihaaln tkosS ereWniae der fohre mra nyy eaorfsw onderafnudil n sighctofulll aboriant thideoe n­ velopmoefnm ta nyo ft hei deoansi nfaanntdc hildhfuonocdt ioning 1 Introduction andt het reatmoefan utt itshma atr ee mbodiiendt hiwso rkS.p ecial thanakrsae l sdou et oH arrWya chfso hri tsh oughrtefaudli onftg h e PARIT: manuscrainpdht i hse lipnd escricbriintgdi ecvaell opmpernotcaels ses, ORIGIANN DD EVELOPMEONFTS YMBOLS andt oB arbaKrian gw,h osweo rokn p atterinnetde racatnidwo hnoss e carerfeuald ionfPg a rItIw asi nstrumienno tuartl h inkaibnogup tr ima­ Chapt1e r OrigoifnS ymbols 17 toloagnyd e volutitohneaor.Wry ey arael sgor atetfoRu ali nBeorr n, JeromBer uneJre,ffC oultAelra,Fn o geRlo,b eLritc kl,Di atneirMecl­ Chapt2e r IntellGercotwutaahln dTr ansformaotfi ons SheaRaf,fi ,P edrRoe ygadSauseS, a vage-RumbaanudTg alhb,oT tay lor EmotioDnusr intghC eo urosfeL ife 41 fotrh eaidrv iacneds uppoorrtf ,o trh ehierl pfucolm menotnse arlier draftosft hbeo ok. aWlesw oa ntto t hanJka Tnu nnefyo hre trh oughtful PARITI : worokn t hmea nuscrSiaprtaM;hi llfeorhr e ard ministarnadct liivnei cal A NEWD IRECTIFOONRE VOLUTIONTAHREYO RY suppoWret e.s peciwaalnlttyo t hanMke rloLyadw renocuere, d i,t or whon oto nlrya isceodu ntliemspso rtqaunets tibountws o rkewdi tuhs INTRODUCTION 97 tof insdo lutiHoenrgs i.f tiends igihntttsoh mea teriilallu mimnuacthe oft hiwso rkS.. I.wGo.u lldi kteoe xprheistssh antkost hIen terdiscipli­Chapetr3 TheE arSltya goefEs m otioRneaglu lation, narCyo uncoifLl e arnainndgD evelopmeDnitsaolr daenrdts h Fel oor­ EngagemeanntdS, i gnalNionngh:u man timFeo undatSi.oGn..wS o.u lldi kteoe xprheistssh antkosh icso llege, Primaatnedts h Eea rliHeosmti nids 103 Atkinsaonndh, i cso lleaigntu hepesh ilosoapndhp ys ycholdoegpya rt­ Chatpe4r Problem-SCoollvlianbgo raCthiiomnpsa:n zees mentfso,mr a kinigtp ossitbodl eev ostoem ucht imteo t hew ritoifng andE arHluym ans 132 this bIonao dkd.i tSi.oGn.,wS o.u ld tloei xkper heisgssr atiftoutrdh ee Chatpe5r SymboWlosr,d sa,n dI deaAsr:c hHaomioc suppohrert e ceifvreodtm h Tee mpletFoonu ndatainodtn h Uen icorn spaieanndEs a rMloyd erns 147 Foundatwihoinc,mh a dei tp ossifbolre htiorm e ceiinvvea luaasbslies ­ tancfer otmh ef ollowgirnagd usattued einntt sh pes ycholaongdp yh i­ Chatpe6r Represenatnadtt ihoBene ginnoifLn ogg ic: Homosp aiespnaise ns 167 losopphryo graamtYs o rUkn iversLiitsByaa: y ramMia,r iBao tero, MatthCerwi ppMeant,Pt e terasnedL, j iljRaandae novic. The EngoifEn veo lution 181 vi .... 1 Contse nt viii PARITI I: THED EVELOPMEONFTL ANGUAGAEN DI NTELLIGENCE INTRODUCTION 158 Chapt8e r TheO rigionfLs a nguage 178 Chapt9e r TheR oloefE motioinnLs a nguaDgeev elopme2n0t8 Chapt1e0r Emotioannsdt hDee velopmoefIn ntt ellige2n3c2e Introtdiuocn Chapt1er1 HowE motioSniagln alLiinngkE sm otiaonnd Cognitainodtn h Ber aiSnu'bss ymbaonldi c SymbolCiocr tiScyaslt ems: Impfloirc ations NeurosciaenndPc iea gCeotg'nsi tPisvyec holo2g5y 0 Chapt1e2r EmotioDneavle lopmDeenrta iPlaedt:h wtaoy s 'VTHATW AST HE FIRSiTd eWaa?s i tf ormbeyda ne arhluym an-like andf roAmu tism 295 . W figurpeo,i sweidt sht onienh andc,a lculhaotwit nofg e hlilps r ey? Certaiannli yn,t rigquuiensgt ibountt, h eirsea ne vemno rei mportant oneH.o wa ndw hend idt hcea pactioct rye aatnie d ecao mea bouitnt he PARITV T:H ED EVELOPMEONFTS OCIAGLR OUPS firsptl acTeh?iq su esthiaopsne rpleaxnecdi aenndtm oderpnh ilosophers, INTRODUCTION 319 scienitnit shftesi eolfdh su madne velopamnedne tv olutainodmn o,s otf three sotf us.d oHh ouwm abn eindgesv eltohpeh iirgh emsetn taalb ili­ Chapt1e3r TheD evelopmeLnetvaeollfG s r oupSso,c ieties, tietsh,ae b ilittosi yemsb olainzdte h ink? Anddi tdhh oewds ies tihnuc­tly andC ultu(rWeist Ehl izabGertehe nspan) 321 mana biliatriidesuser itnhgec ourosfee volutIinos nh?o rhto,wd idw e Chapt1e4r A NewH istoorfHy i tsory 375 becomheu mabne inagnsdh owd ow em aintoauirhn u manness? We havdee veloapn eedwh ypothteosa idsd ress theseT hqeu estions. Chapt1e5r FutuErveo lutTioowna:ra dP sychoolfo gy keyt ot hee volutihoynpaortyh weesw iislp lr eseinntt h ibso okc omes GlobIanlt erdependency 424 froomu ro bservaotfbi aobnisae tts h bee ginnoiftn hge dierv elopmental Noets 457 jouerynW.e havfeo untdh atth cea pactioct rye astyem boalnsdt ot hink References stemfsr owmh awta so ftetnh ougohfbt y p hilosoapsth he"ere sn emoy"f 471 Index 489 reans aondl ogiocu:rp assioorne sm otioWnhsi.l teh eriesm ounting AbotuhAteu h tosr 504 evindceet haetm otions itnhfcelo unetneocnfeot u rt houg(hsteCseh ap­ te1r) 1w,e h avdei scovaef raemrdo riem portraonlfteo oru re motions. We wilslh ohwo we motiaocntsu aglilvbyei rttoho urv erayb iltioct rye ­ atsey moblasn dt ot hink. Howevearv ,e rsyp eccihaalr actoefro iusret mioct iopnasv etsh pea th tos ymboTlhsi.s charaicsrt eelraitsidtviieeffcrl eyni tnh umanb eings thainn o thaenri mals. Woeb sheartvvheea dit ti st hcea pactiott rya ns­ forbma seimco tionsa s ienrtiooefs s u ccessmiovreecl oym plienxt erac- tiveem otiosniagln Wael sw.i lslh owh owe motiosniagln aelnianbgla e s 2 Itnrodnu ctio Itnruocdtion 3 chitlods eparpaetrec eptfiroonfmsi xperde dictaacbtlieoa nnsdi ,n s o butw erpea ssdeodw na ndt hulse arnaende bwy e acghe neraitnit ohne doing,u pft rheeeps ee rcepttioao cnqsu iermeo tiomneaaln ianngd b e­ evolutihoinsatrooyfrh yu manash :i sttohrayet x tenfdabsra cbke yond comes ymboSlosm.e thaisnp gr ofouansmd a stertihnwego r"dm omm,y" thaep pearaonfac nea tomimcoadlelryhn u mantso,t hee arhluym ans, ors omethaisbn ags aisct hweo r"da ppolret "h neu mbe"r4 c,o"m eisn to thAeu stralopitahnedec vienbnee sy,o nTdh.e sceu ltuprraalc taircee s beintgh rousgihix n itlieavleo lfes m otional inatnedsr iagcntailoinn g necessfaoerray cghe nerattomi aosnt tehrse t agoefes m otiosniagln aling int hee aryleya orfsl ifSee.n soarnyds ubjecetxipveer iesneceemsi,n gly thatl eatdos ymboflo rmatainodrn e flectthiivnek iTnhge,.yt herefore, thee nemoyf r easaonnd lotghirco,u pgrho grestsriavnes formationsc,o sntuittea ne ssenetlieamle inntt h eg rowtohft heh umanm inda nd therefaocrteu,ab lelcyo mteh bea sfiosbr o tchr eatainvdle o girceaflle c­ humans oci,ea tnydi,n deeidnt, h eo ngoidnegv elopmoefhn utm an tivteh ought. mindasn dh umasno cieties. These unihquumealnay b iliatrineeo sth ardwiirnetdoo u rb rains. Evesri ntchepe i oneewroirnokgf R obeBroty da ndP etReirc herson, Theym usbte d evelotpherdo ulgeha rniinntge racHtuimoannsis.n ten­ evotliuontahreyo rhiasvtbese comien creasiinntgelryei sntt heredo loef sifyt hestey peosfc ritliecaarln pirnogc esisnte hses ecohnadl offt he culatular nds ocifaalc tionhr usm aenv olution.lt heIhrnaedbs ee eedan, firysetao rfl iafned d urimnogs otf t hsee coyneda arn dt hecno ntiintu e growiinngt erienrs etc eyneta irnst hseo -caBlalleddw Eiffne c2ta ,ccord­ throughtohueltii rf etTihmeessle.e arniinntge racatrineoo ntis n struc­ ingt ow hiclhe arnbeedh avioopresr aitnme u cht hesa mwea ya se nvi­ tionwahle,r aen a dullte ctusrheosw,os r,o therwdiisree cttelayc hae s ronmencthaall leinngc elsa sseivcoallu titohneao,rir yny soafsat rh ose chilTdh.e ya rnea tuirnatle ractthiaroten ssui lnnt e wl earnsiuncgah,s indiviwdhuoaf lasv tohra lte arnbeedh avairosere lec(teeidtt hherro ugh playbfualc k-and-sfmoirloterhsv ocalizbaettiwoenaesnn i nfaanntd mutatioorbn yst appiinngtp or e-exicsatpiancgi Btuitei nst )h.it sh eo,r y caregfirvoewmrh icthh ei nfalneta ranbso urte latainndig n teracting.t hel earnbeedh aviisou rl timaptaeslsyoe ndt hroutghheg enenso,t Whenw eu set hte er"ml ear"nw ienw gi,lbleu sinigti nt hiwsa ye,v en throungehwl earniinen agc ghe neration. thouagtht imetsh itsy poefl earnwiinlagll sion voilnvtee racwthieornes Int hem ajoroiftc ya swehse rteh eorhiasvtbese gusne riotuose lxy­ ac hiilmdi taotrce osp iesa dtuholerta nothcehri ld. plorteh er oloefc ultuarneds ociientt yh ee volutoifto hneh uman Throuoguhrs tudoifen so nhumparni measat nda r evioeftw h feo ssil mindt,h ereftohrepe r,i maocfyt h eg enetpiecr specpteirvsei Fsotrs .3 recorwdew, i lall sdoe monsttrhaatwteh atta kea sh umanb abtyw o thesaer gumernetmsa in wetdowd headSt u san Oydaemsac raisba e s yeatrosl eatrono oku r huamnacne smtiolrlsi oofyn esa rRse.m akralby, doctrtihnaaets sumtehsat th eeff ectosft hceu ltuarnadsl o cieanlv iron­ howevweerc ,a nt ratchese a mset eipnsb oth. menta rpea ssoendt od escendtahnrtosut ghheg enesttircu ctTuhree .4 Baseodnt hessteu diweehs a,v feo rmulaah tyepdo thaebsoiutsth eev o­ baspirci ncitphlurese maitnhsa htu man bedienvgesl opedd-ea­nd lutioofsn y mbols, rtehfliencktaiinnvgdle, a ngusakgietl hlasct h allenges velop-tchaep acittori eeass osnp,e aske,oe n ea nothaesir n tentional thper evaitlhieno.Tgr h yep revaitlhienoagrs ys etrhtasdt u,r itnhgce o urse agenltisvi,e nc omplreuxl e-governeda nsdso ooc ni,be etciaeusss,pe e ­ ofev oluticohna,n ogcec urprreedd omintahtreoluycg hha ngiengs e netic cifigce nefsoe ra cohft heasbei liwteirneeas t ursaellleyc ted. structure-thtrhoepu rgohc eosfsn east usrealle ctgieonne,mt uitca tion, Thes trongcehsatl letnotg hei dse termifnoirsomtf r easonhiansg andr andogme netdirciA ftl.t houmgohd erne volutyit ohneaorrwiisltls comef robme havisocriaeln wthiost tesnt do t akien taoc couannet n tire strtehsasn hpirso coefsg se necthiacn wgaesr ulbeydc hanacnedc ontin­ dynamiscy streamt htehra tno i solsaitnegf laec toBresc.a utsheme ulti­ gencdyu et ou npredictable eenvveinrttohsneb,m a esnnitocat li poenr ­ pleen vironmtehnagttes n eisn terwaicththa veen dldeesgsr eoefvs a ria­ sistthsa etv olutiocnhaarnyge camep raebdooumti natnhtrloyu gh tiotnh,de e velopmoeunttcaolom fet raoirtb se havicoarnbs ei nfluenced changienos u rg eneTsh.e g enetcihca ngtehsaw te raes sociwaittehd ina n eairn finniutmeb eorfw aysA)c cordtiont gh iwsa yo ft hinking, greaatdearp tatteinodnte odp ersist. evloutioncahrayn ginev olcvheasn gients h ed evelopmseynsttaelm .6 We wilslh o,wh owevtehra,tt h ep revaitlhienogir syi ncorrect. TheT herefoartet,e mtpota st tritbhuiotsret hapte rceonfit n fluetnogc ee­ origoifns sy mbolic tahnidsn pkeiankgdi enpge nd hoenat vhiselo yc ial netoirce nvironmfeancttawolhr esnl ookiantig n telliogrde inffceer ent ;�����()n .',, _ of7ulturalp ractitcehsa wterneo tge�. etically determined typeso ft emperamaernneto to nlfyr uittlheesysi',nr aec cuNraattuer.e ,!t�:;s���t;,<,;:'1�:,�:'i ;:ri�,< :.; ,'�.'t::". ->"" <7f> :,f-�,: .'.,':,r,'�x' .. "'" 4 Itnruocdtion Itnrodnu ctio 5 andn urtuarrece o nstainntflluye ncoinneag n other, mFurcehAd s l­ike Thesien clutdheae b iltioat tyt einndt,e rwaictotht heernsg,a ignee mo­ taiarnedG ingReorg edrusr ionngeo ft hemierm oradbalnec es. tionaanlds ocisailg nalcionngs,t rcuocmtp lpeaxt teorrngsa,n iinzfeo r­ Understatnhddeia nngc bee tweneant uarnedn urtu(rgee naensde n­ matni soymboalli,lac yndu ses ymbotlots h inTkh.e s"et ooelnsa"b ulse vironmernetq)u imroerset haans seratnidov ni vmiedt aphhoorw,e ver tod evelop knowledagned,e mwpiayst.dTh ohme,ya rael stoh mee ans compellIitrn egq.u iarc easr eafunla lyosfhi oswe acpha rtancetru ailnl­y fore ffecptriovtee csteicounr,ai ntdsy o,c iaanldp olitoircgaaln izations. terawcittsoh r i nfluentcheeos t ehrF.o re xamplGei,l beGrott tlieb We weraeb lteos earfcohtr h osset ablleea rnpirnogc etshsaehtsa ve showetdh at wdouocdk licnogusl d only claeloalfrts nh estiphree c iife s beepna ssoendt hroughhouumta ne volutbiymo ank inagc ritdiicsa­l thehye artdh em from theoirsr i bplaiarnsehg nastt sc hlbienfgotsrh ee y tinctbieotnw etewnot ypoefsc ultuarnadll e arnpirnogc esTsheesra:er e werhea tcheNdo.b?ep lr iwzien ninnegu rosciEerniKtcai nsdtse hlo wed thosteh aotr iginated omfyi elalarisgo oan nsd h avbee epna ssoend howl earneixnpge rieinncfelsu ernecgeu lagteonrewysh ,i cihnt urinn,­ throulgeha rnfirnogom n eg enerattoit ohnne e xt tohveeev ro lutionary fluenbcieo logpircoacle sisnevso livnet dh ef ormatoifon ne urpaalt h­ timpee riaondda rteh ereqfuoirpteee r manaenndtn e aurn iveirnsh aul­ waytsh amta kel ong-tmeermmo rpyo ssible.8 mang rou(pis. teh.ce,a pacittoai tetse rnedl,a stieg,nw ailt ehm otions, Howd oeesn vironmental ivnatreirwaaibctitghl e inteyvt airci ability etc.T. h)eraer ael stoh otshea atr dee termibnyve adr iatiineo ancsih n di- int hdee velopomfea nr ta ngoef humcaanp aciFtoirse osm?ce a pacities,. v iduaanldt impee ritohda,it st ,h eeyx prtehsnes e airn finivtaer iations thgee nesttircu cmtauyrs ee tth ceo nstraanidne tnsv ironmeexnptearli ­ ofh umang rou(pis. teh.es, p eciwfiacy asp ersaotnt enrdesl,a atneds , encemsa yo peramtoer lei kaes witch-tuornno iron ffgc ert"arieng u­ signwailtseh m otiofnoser,x ampslieg,n apllienags buurtne o,t a nger). latogre"n ewsh,i cihnt urinn,fl uegnecneee x presasnidbo enh avFioorr . Thef ormienrv oblavseli eca rnpirnogc easnsdet sh lea tetmebrr aicned i­ othecra pacihtoiweesv,ee nrv,i ronmveanrtiaalb ainldli etayr nmianyg viducaoln teanntdb ehavsitoerm mifnrgo tmh epsreo cesses. plaayf amro rceo mplreoxl bee,f amro rien fluentthiaatnlh ougahntd, Oncew ec oulidd enttihfye psreo ceisnso eusrr eseaornct hh dee vel­ bea n ecesscaornyd itfiootrnh ecsaep acittodi eevse lWoep b.e litehvies opmenotf humiannf aanntdns o nhumparni maatnedts h feo srseiclo rd, ise specitarlufleoy or u rh ighelsetvh eulm anc apacistuiceahss s, y m­ wew eraeb lteos eheo wt hec ritliecaarln sitneglp esa ditnosg y mbolic bolic thFionrke ixnagm.p wleeh ,a vweo rked iwniftahwn htosw ere thinkwienrgee m beddiendo urc ultulreaalr npirnogc esasnedns o ti n borwni tmho toarn ds ensodrieyffr encseusc,ah s l owm usctloen aen d thset rucotfuo ruerg ene(sai sm portaastn hte wseer aen da raes t hnee c­ underreacttoti ovuictahyn ds ounWdi.t ho net ypoef e nvironment, essafroyu ndatfioolrne sa rniInntg h)e.c hapttehrasft o llwoeww ill thehya vaeh igphr obaboiflb ietcyo misnegl f-abasnodre bveidd encing identainfydd escrtihbceer itaincdac lu lturally medipartoe­d learning sevelraen guasgoec,ia anldc, o gnidteifviec Wiittsah.n othteyrpo efe n­ cesstehsah ta vmea deu sh umaann dh avteh peo tenttoic aoln tionuure vironmeonntet, h aitsg earteodt hepiarr ticpuhlyasrit craal(i it.swe e. , mentgarlo wth. constra"u kcetty o"fi ta ndo petnh e"ilro c,k"w )eh avbee eanb lteoh elp We wilslh ow thatth etohcriaysna nswethre t hrefeu ndamental manyo ft hemm asttehrse t agoefes m otional saingdbn eacloimneg en­ questiaobnosut th ee volutoifho unm abne intghsa cth allecnugrer ent gageidn,t eracatnidsv yem,b olwiicth,hi glhe veolfss o cial, rvee­rbal,e votliuontahreyo ry: flectainvdee m,p athceatpiacc ities.9 Asi ndicaitnte hdi,ms o debla,s biico logciacpaalc iatriaee" sn eces­ 1.Wh at arteh fea cttohraspt r omottehdge r owtohft hheu manm ind? sarby"u tn ota" sufficiceonntd itfiooarnn "i ndivildeuaarlnt iocn ogn ­ 2.W hati s rtehlea tionshitph befesaetc wteaoenrndst hper ocesthsaeetsn ­ struscytm boalnsdt ot hinTkh.a its o,u rb iologpioctaelf notilrea alr ning ablaec hitlodd eveltohphe igher-levelc arpeafclitethciatcetihs va era c­ froemx periwehnicceih,n cluoduerrs u dimenctaaprayc ittopi eersc eive, teriozuers pecies? organainzder ,e spoinstd h,ce r itsiucbaslt froatrth ece a pactiolt eya rn. 3.H owd ot hese facttoort sh eor reilgoaiftnh esu mans ociety? Thes ufficiceonntd ithioowne,v ienrv,o lavs eesr oifel se arnsitnegtp hsa t arteh bea sfiossr y mbotlhiicn kinIgnh. u mabne inhgso,w eveevre,tn h e To bep reciwseew ,i lslh owt hatth es amep roceswsede ess cribe in ..�..·. o£.learningm�t be4mn.ed a&,d;!��!genlute�rantewio n. Chapt1ea rnsd2 thalte atdoc reatainvdre e flectthiivneki inncg h ildren �j,J.:���);tf:'�,;;,>'\:';�;"./:���<' :·,t" f.::t ,:'Y�'��'.',,:,';�. '''ff:r�: �'::1,��;L;r:'�/&::�:'�+'';;/J�',t:{�\,1;y�:::t�,"/\· � ::�J 6 Itnroidounc t Itnrodnu ctio 7 weraet w orokv emri llioofyn esa drusr ihnugm aann de vepnr ehuman dencseu ggestthiandtgu ritnhgi tsi mteh ev ersyt rucotfut rheeh uman evolutIinfo anc.wt e,w ilslh otwh atth ceu ltudriauffls ioonft hepsreo ­ brahiansc hangFeodrt. o t hdee grtehean te wg enerathiaodan csc etsos cessoefes m otioinnatle ractthiroonu ghoouuret v olutihoinsatroyr y culturmaeldliya teeadr ilnyt eractthiawoten rsme o re" enricthheadn" constittuhtepe rdi maernyg ifnoetr h ed evelopmoefon utrh ighest thosoe fp revigoeunse rattihoenwrsee,r oep portunfiottrih eebsr aitno mentcaalp acities. develnoepwp athwaFyoser. x ampolneb ,r aiimna ging smtuusdiiceisa ns Inp articiunwl haarft,o llwoeww si lslh ohwo w haveb eesnh owtno h avmeo ren eurocnoanln ectiinto hneas r eoaft he braitnh arte gultahtheea sn mdo vemenitnsv olivnet dh emiurs icpaelr ­ • certain cultuarraaelb sporlaucntteeiclceyes ssf aotrrhy ed evelopmoefn t formanIcneC .h apt1e0rw ,e w ilplr esetnhtem ountienvgi defnocare higher-slyemvbeolla incdr eflecstkiivlaeln sdt, h awti thotuhte sper ac­ relatiobnesthwiepee xnp erienclee-abransiienndcg l,u dtihnrego loefe n­ ticheusm ancsa nnodte veltohpes pecies-stkyiplitlchsaad lti stinguish virontmaelnsleyn sirteigvuel gaetnoetrsh attu rno thegre neosna ndo ff, ours peCIes; andt heg rowtohfn europnaatlh waiynts h eb raiTnh.e seen richoerd , • thecsuel tuprraalc taircaeen se cessfaarcyti ontr h eev olutoifso ynm bolic improvfeodr,m atlievaer niinntge racltiikoelnlesytd o n ewn euronal andr eflectthiivnek ing; pathwaIynCs .h apte1ra sn d2 ,w ew ildli schuoswso urh ighelsetv el • thec ultuprraalc tiwceae rsed iscusdsaitnbega ctko p rehisttoirmiecs _.emntcaalp acistuicaehssr ,e fletchtiinvkeoi nnlgdy,e velfuolplw yh eni n­ andw erlei keslhya raetdt heo utsweitt thh en onhumasnp ecitehsa t fantasn dc hildarreeenn gagiendc erttayipne osfn urturlienagr ning preceded us; interacCthiiolndswr.he ona re deporfci rvietdi cal earlleya rnnu­rturing • certainp rbaacstiaicrc aeel ss o prienns oennhtu mapnr imates; inign teractteintodonh sa vaev arioefpt ryo blienmt sh dee velopomfe nt • thesceu ltuprraalc taircene ost s elf-susntoarii nnihnegr ibtuetpd a ssed thesiorc ilaaln,g uaagnedt, h inkcianpga ciBtuitae,ssi .n dicatthepedr ,e ­ ono nltyh rousgohc ilaela rniinen agc nhe wg eneration; dominawnatyt hepsaet hwtahyasrt e qulieraer nainnddg e velopamreen t • thicsr itsioccailla ela rnpirnogg reisnsa es dp ecimfaincn efrr oomn eg en­ transfferroromen deg enerattoia onno thiestr h routghhce ontinuation eratitootn h en exotv emri llioofny se atrhsr oudgihff ersepnetc uinetsi l of cultmuerdailaltlyee dar niinntge ractions. eacohf t hes tagoefes m otioannadli ntelledcetvueallo pm(etnbote d e­ We wilall ssoh owt haatc urrevniteo wf t hew ayi nw hicthh ebr ain scribienCd h apt2e)rw a sm asteraendd; organiezmeost ioandsv,o cabtyen de urosciesnutcihas sJt oss eph • thef ossreiclo radsw, e lalsa ne xaminaotfit ohneb ehavainodri nterac­ leDouixs,i ncorrTehcivtsi. e ,ww hich esmeoetsi oans.s s taotfme isn d tiopna tteorfnn osn humapnr imatweislb,le s howtno s uppotrhtin se w thaatr seo mewhsaetp arfartoeam n dc ompewtiet ohr i nfluelnocgei cal theory. thinkiinsng o,tc onsiswtietnohtu rc linoibcsaelr vaotfig ornosw iinng­ fantasn dc hildIrnef na.cw te,w ilslh otwh atth ivsi eiwsb aseodnc onfu­ Thitsy poefc ulturtarlalnys miltetaerdnm ianyhg a vbee eens pecially sioonv etrh ed ifferbeentcwee peant holoagnidch aela ltehmyo tional importfaontrth eev olutoiffo lne xpirbolbel seoml vtihnagut s ecso mplex developmIenpn att.h olodgeivceallo pmtehnest y,s tetmhsao tr ganize communicaatnidsv yem boplriocc ebsesceasut sheep sreo censeseedste od emotiaonnsdl ogitchailn kmianygr emasienp arIanth ee.a ltdheyv elop­ bes ensitive to changainndgt, h eenrveifcrooorunelnm,doe tbn ets st ruc­ mentt,h essyes tebmesc omfeu lilnyt egraantdce adt astrophic emotions, tureidn tfoi xbeido logpiactahlw aasyc so ulsdi mplpeart terns. sucahs r agbee,c omter ansfoErmmoetdi.o sniagln awliilnblges eetno Manye volutiposnyacrhyo lboegliisnetovstoe n ltyh ahtu mainn telli­ provitdhmee i ssilnignb ke twetehnle e voeftl h ber atihna itn volbvaessi c genceev olvtehdr ouggehn ecthiacn gbeustt hatth ber aionfms o dernh u­ emotnioacli rcu(isturbys ymsbyosltiecsm usc,ah st haem ygdaalnadi) t s mans hraevmea intehdes ames incteh et immeo derhnu manfisr st hgihsetc ortiscyamlb oclaipca cities. appearOetdh.e bresl itehvaet hubmraanih nasv ree maintehdsea mfeo r Simillayrw,e wi ll showc,o ntrtaort yhve iewosfC homskya ndP inker atl eatshtle a 3st0 ,0t0o5 00 ,0y0ea0(r ssi ntchete i mcea vder awianngds onth eg eneotriicg oiflnasn gutahgaelt,a nguaangdce o gnitaireoemn b ed­ newt ooelmse rgeCdo)n.t ratort yh iass sumptwieow ni,lc lo nsiedveir- dedi nt heem otiopnraolc etshsaeitsno, u rh ypothleestdio sys m,b ols. 8 Itnruocdtion Itrnodcutni o 9 We wilall ssoh ow that whainldhe i fsPo ilalgoemwtae dresp ioneer­ Anothpearro tft heev olutipounzazrilyshe o we arhluym anlse arned ingc ontribuitnfi oornmsu latthiewn agya c hialcdt osn h iwso rltdo tol ieva ndw orikn f amilainedgs r ouapnsd b uilcdo mplceuxl tuarneds leatront hintkh,ew ye rneo ta blteof iguoruett hmee chanitshmr ough soiceetsiT.h ec onceopfnt a tusrealle catnidso unr viovfta hlfie t tehsats whicshy mboflo rmatainodtn h inkoicncgu rPsi.a gdeets crisbteadg es tendteode mphasciozmep etiatmioonnig n divifdoutrah lsesu rviovfa l involivnet dh inkainndgd iscusesmeodt ionmaelalnyi ngbfeuhla viors, thegiern eUsn.f orteulnysa,it nHcoeb beist,b' ese wni dealcyc epttheadt sucahsi maginaptli.aHv yoew evehrev, i eweemdo tiaosnms o roef a s ec­ thbea soifss ociaanldp olitdiicsaclo uarnsdoe r ganiziaslt ainognu age, ondaprhye nomenuosne,ff uolmr o tivaatnidoa,ntt imes, gbuyai ded whicihsa ssumfeodtr,h meo spta rtto,b eg enetimceadlilayt ed. chilrde'ass onaibnigl iHteia ensdh. i fso llowheorwse,v deirdn, o tr ealize Inc ontrwaesw ti,ls lh otwh atth ger owotfhc omplceuxl tuarnedss o ­ thaetm otioannsdt hetirra nsforimnattvoia orni loeuvse olfes m otional cietainedhs u masnu rviivtasdlee lpfe nodnst hcea paciftoiirne tsi ym,a c signaalnidnmg e ntarelp resenwteartaei c orni tmieccahla niisntm h e empahtyr,e fletchtiinvkeai nndga ,s harseedn osfeh umaniatnydr ea.l ity developmoeft nhti nkainndgt haatte aclhe voeflt hinkienmgo,t ions Theesa rde erivferdo mt hes amfeo rmateimvoet iopnraolc estsheast leatdh ew ayt oh ighleerv eolfts h inkiFnogre. x ampalnei ,n falneta rns leatdos ymbfoolr matTihoenye.n abhluem abne intgows ortko gether causatlhirtoyu hgihes x perioefnh ciess m illeesa ditnohg i csa regivers' inl argaenrdl arggerro upIsr.o nliyce,av lesnu ccescsofumlp etibtei-on, smilmeosn thbse fohreel eartnops u lals tritnorg i nagb el(lw hiPcih­ _. yontdh eb rutfeo rlceev edle,p enodnsc ooperagtriovufepu nctioning agebte liewvaestd h bee ginnoifcn agu stahli nking). witahh igdhe groefme u tueamlp atahnydt rust. Ourw orwki tchh ildwrietnah u ti(sdmi scuisnCs headp t1e1ra) n d We wiltlr atchege r owotfht hessoec icaalp acitiesn otnhhruomuagnh othedrev elopmeanntdae lm otional challenges provides psruipmpaoatrnetdesi a vrehl uyme avcniu ­ltuTrheesnw. e w ilslh otwh autn derstand­ dencfeo oru rd evelopmental, meovdoeloluf ht oiwos nyamrbyoa lrse ingth te ypoefse arelmyo tiopnraolc etshsaeltse atdos ymboclasnc on­ formeIdng. e nerwaelo ,b serpvreo blewmhse nc riteimcoatli oinnatle r­ tribtuotu en derstanddienvge ltohpem leenvteoalflds i effrecnutl tural actiaornneso ta vailabbelcea,uo sfee i thbeiro logoirec navli ronmental ands ocial gTrhoiuusnp dse.r stapnrdoivnigad n eesw " lentsoo" b serve challeTnhgieissss . e einna uti(sbmi ologoirdc eaplr)i vaotfni uornt ur­ botthh en ear-incfiunlittuvera arli atainodtn hser emarkasbtlaybp laet ­ ingc arieno rphanaagnedms u ltiprofbalmeiml ainedis n,e xperiments tertnhsa hta vceh aractseorciizgaerldo uspisn tchee iinrc eptTihoean f.­ witnho nhumpanr ima(teensv ironmwehnetratelh )e,ar reoe ft esne vere fectpirvoec estsheaostr chestirnadtiev iidnutaell licgoennncetech te limitaitnie omnost iodneavle lopmaenndit,n, h umanisn,t hce apacity indivitdotu haselo cgiralo uapn dc haracttehwreia zyie nw hicthh ger oup fosry mbotlhiicn kIinnc gh.i ldwrietnah u tisbmi,o logfiaccatlwo hrisc,h functioTnhsel. e voelffus n ctionoiftn hgse o cigarlo utph,e refwoirlbele, variynp attaenrdnd egrfereo cmh itlodc hiludn,d ermtihneeci arp acity seetnob ea ne xtensoifto hnie n telliogfie nndciev iadnudaa lc so ntinua­ tom asttehrse t agoefes m otiosniagln atlhianwtge b eliaervieem portant tinoo ft heev olutoifio nnt elligence. fosry mboflo rmatIifoo nu.rt heoirsyc orrect, shoemleop fti hnegs e Although mosto fhs utmuadbne enhtasv nioowrf ocuosnt hien ter­ childfrienandn othpeart hwtaoym asttehrse t agoefes m otiosniagln al­ acotnib etweneant uarned n urtunroen,e thealsei snsd,i caetaeredlr i, insgh ouelnda btlhee tmo c reastyem boalnsdt hinWke. h avfeo untdh at theirsea no veremphoants hireso loefg eneasn da nu nderempohna sis as ubgroouftp h ecshei ld(rwehne trheeb i ologliicmailt aatffioorndse d threo loefc ulture a(sem xacdeepp ots sibbylg ee neisnt) h ef ormation morfel exibvielriitfityeh)dip sr edicItnif oanct.th ,e siyrm botlhiicn king ofh igh-ltehvienlk ainndsg o cicaalp aciPteirehsat.ph se irsec omfoirnt capaciwteirepesr oporttioot nhaedl e grteoew hicthh emya stetrheed assumitnhgab ti ol,or gaythtehra fna milcioemsm,u nitainedcs u,l ture, dieffresntta goefes m otiosniagln alAsi wnegw .i lslh o,wc hildirnte hni s isr esponfsoiarbn ldpe r oteocutrhs i ghmeesntt aabli liDtoiw eess .o me­ subgroduevpe loptehdce a pactioet nyg agree,a adn,d r espotnoad ff ect howf eetlh abti olocgaynp reseoruvrhe u manibteyt ttehra lne arned, signaelmsp,a thwiizteth h fee elionfog tsh efrosr,sm y mboalnsd,t hink culturmaeldliya tperdo cesPseersh?as posI! f w eb eliienv" efi xebdi ol­ reflecttiova e dleyg rfeoer metrhloyu guhnta ttaiinnac bhliel dwrietnh ogy"o ve"re xperiewnecc aen,f "a lsbeellyi ethvaet onlys evtehrees e autisspteicct driusmo rders. mentialll newshsiecsah,r ceh aractebrybi izoeldo gaibcearlr attihoants " "J

In the childhood of every human being and at the dawn of human history there is an amazing and, until now, unexplained leap from simple genetically programmed behavior to language, symbolic thinking, and culture. In The First Idea, Stanley Greenspan and Stuart Shanker explore this missing link and o
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