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The first Holcopasites from western California, H. ruthae n. sp., and H. linsleyi, a new species from southwestern Arizona (Hymenoptera, Nomadinae) PDF

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Preview The first Holcopasites from western California, H. ruthae n. sp., and H. linsleyi, a new species from southwestern Arizona (Hymenoptera, Nomadinae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 95(1), 1993, pp. 113-125 THE FIRST HOLCOPASITES FROM WESTERN CALIFORNIA, H. RUTHAE N. SP., AND H. LINSLEYI, A NEW SPECIES FROM SOUTHWESTERN ARIZONA (HYMENOPTERA, NOMADINAE) Kenneth W. Cooper Department ofBiology, University ofCalifornia, Riverside, California 92521. Abstract.—T)ts,cnhQ(l are Holcopasites ruthae n. sp. from coastal sage scrub, the first species known from western California, and H. linsleyin. sp. from southwestern Arizona, with notes on separation of both from similar species. Setose eyes are an attribute of species ofHolcopasites, and at least the male ofSchmiedeknechtia gussakovskyi Popov. Wamcke's synonymization ofthe Nearctic Holcopasites with the Palearctic Schmiedek- nechtia is briefly discussed, and for the present rejected. Key Words: Holcopasites, new species, habitat, Schmiedeknechtia, synonymy From the end of April through May of the first record of a member of the genus 1991, 1 found a striking new speciesofHol- Holcopasites from western California. copasites in moderate numbers on campus The exact type locality, where all but two land ofthe University ofCalifornia at Riv- specimensofthenewspecieswerecaptured, erside. That occurrence is astonishing, for is currently undeveloped. It is a small ele- the general area had been intensively col- vation offlatland, or "mesa," with a gentle lectedthroughouttheyear, andnearlyevery downslopetothewest(altitude340m, slope year for 40 ormore, by that paragon ofcol- ca. 0.1°, where the bee was found). It re- lectors and authority on wild bees, P. N. mains a shrinking enclave of coastal sage Timberlake. Neither he, nor any other of scrub, from time to time reduced by uni- the noted collectors ofCalifornia bees have versity usages. It is now surrounded by de- been fortunate enough to come upon this veloped areas, none more than 0.3 km dis- species, nor had I previously over a period tance: to the north and below a huge (674 of23 years. vehicles), paved parking lot on level land But two species ofHolcopasites had ear- formerlycoveredwithscrubcontinuouswith lier been found in California, in marked that on the mesa; adjacent and to the west, contrast to thetwelve known from Arizona: experimentalgroves; to the south, more ag- a single specimen ofH. stevensi Crawford, ricultural land and the U.C.R. Botanic Gar- of unknown provenance, very old and la- den; and to the west its downslope ending belled simply "Cal.," and fourspecimens of atapavedroadandextensionoftheparking H. bohartorum Hurd and Linsley from lot (64 vehicles) to the north. Amid the re- southeastern California: 18 miles west of maining scrub are scattered clumps ofEn- Blythe (Wiley's Well).' The new species is celia farinosa Gray & Torr. at which the Holcopasites were exclusively taken. kin'dOlfytghievefnoumrespbeyciimtesncso,lloecnteorn.otDre.arlEireircrMe.coFridsehderwaosf Nearly all of the bees were captured on theCaliforniaDepartmentofAgriculture(dateofcap- the flat land ofthe mesa, within an area of ture: 8-IV-1972). less than 0.2 hectare. Apparently the Hoi- . 114 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON copasites shunned the downslope, even at a magnification of ca. llOx. Neverthe- though flowering Encelia were equally less, with attention to lighting, even the abundant to each side ofa dirt service road smallest ocular setae (but not their distri- cut through the sloping land. Almost cer- bution) and labral papillae are detectable tainly that preference owed to the fact that with a stereoscopicbinocularmicroscope at the probable hosts ofthe bee are panurgine magnifications of 50x bees that nest on bare, level patches of Description.—Items preceded by an as- ground, as is the case for known host bees terisk (*) are chief among those by which ofotherspeciesofHolcopasites. Onthe flat- the first new species regularly or ordinarily land of the mesa both Holcopasites' prob- differs from the described attributes of H. able host, and the preferred flower ofeach stevensi observed by Hurd and Linsley was present. (1972) in a large sample of 162 females, 30 An absence ofsuitable level nestingareas males, and the 5 females and 5 males at on the adjoining terrain, including the Bo- hand. Characterizations within quotation tanic Garden, accounts for the scarcity of marks are from Kurd's and Linsley's de- Holcopasites despite suitable stands ofEn- scription ofH. stevensi. celia. Regrettably, notknowingthelife span Apart from the terminal metasomal seg- ofthe adult Holcopasites, I was too late in ments, and a tendency for dark areas ofthe the season to find areas in which the likely metasoma to be darkerin males, males and host, Calliopsis pugionis Cockerell, was females ofH. ruthae are externally similar. nesting. Identically numbered attributes (in paren- theses) in the descriptions ofboth sexes de- Methods notethosebywhich manyorall malesdiffer The distance from the costal sclerite to from females to a significant degree, easing the fenestra between the pre- and pterostig- cross-referenceandconstitutingapartiallist ma is a useful relative measure oflength. It of secondary sexual attributes that are in is ordinarily easily made, with good preci- additiontodifferencesintheterminal meta- sion, and makesit possibleto match related somal segments and tarsal claws (Linsley beesofcomparable body sizes, regardlessof and Michener, 1939). flexion ofhead and metasoma and differing degrees of distention or contraction of the Holcopasites ruthae Cooper, New Species latter. Statistical summaries of measured attri- (Figs. 1, la, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10) butes and ratios include the median value Recognition.—Both sexes of//, ruthae, a onlywhenmeanand mediandiffer. Because banded species, are set apart from otherde- estimatesofthecoefficient ofvariability(V) scribed species by a small, median tubercle from small samplestendtobetoo low. Hal- at the base of the labrum from which a — dane's (1955) V* = ( 1 + 4n )•V is given as asrtirsoensg;, tluobnegrictluedianbaolutlabarsalhicgahrinaas gdrieraetcetslty a"nearlyunbiasedestimate." Ifnon isstat- heightofcarina(Figs. 1,1a, 3). Italsodiffers ed in a summary, the sample size is 16 for from H. stevensi Crawford, the only species females, or 30 for males, namely all in the with which it is likely to be confused, by its collection ofthe given sex. vernal flight period; H. stevensi flies from Where certainty concerning the presence JulytoSeptember,temporallyisolatedfrom and distribution ofvery small ocular setae, //. ruthae. or a very small, low labral papilla (= ves- Female (16 specimens).—Length, ob- tigial tubercle?)wasrequired, a Leitz Ultro- served range = 5.1-6.6 mm, m = 5.8 mm, paklenswithanannularcondenserwasused median = 5.7 mm, V* = 8.2; of forewing VOLUME NUMBER 95, 1 115 a Figs. 1-10. Scale = 1.0 mm. All figures drawn from camera lucida outlines, hence somewhat asymmetric and semidiagrammatic. Figs. 1-3, 8, 10, Holcopasites ruthae n. sp.: 1. Labrum, anterior surface with medial, basaltubercleandcarina; la,transversesectionoflabrumatlevelofbasaltubercle.2,Terga-5and-6offemale— gradulus and "pseudopygidium" (= medial ridge) of t-5; pygidum of t-6. 3, Labrum, left lateral aspect. 8, Mesepistemum, furrow from subalar pit to scrobe, and outline (dotted) ofinner margin ofopen ring ofwhite plumose setae. 10, Tergum-7 ofmale, gradulus, posterior ventral margin, and pygidium. Fig. 4, H. stevensi Crawford: Labrum, anterior surface with small papilla (not formed in all specimens) and medial carina. Figs. 5. 6, H. linsleyin. sp.: 5. Tergum-5 offemale, showinggradulusand largepseudopygidium. 6, Labrum,anterior surfacewithshort,mediancarina. Figs. 7,9,SchmiedeknechtiagussakovskyiPopov: 7. Mesepistemum:contrast proportions with that o{Holcopasites(Fig. 8). 9, Short carinaless labrum, anterioraspect. 116 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON from apex ofcostal sclerite to fenestra be- scattered squamiform setae; patch or scat- tween pre- and pterostigma: obs. r. = 1.8- tering along axillae, scutal-scutellar suture, 2.1 mm, m = 1.9 mm, V* = 5.6. and scutellarrear margin; a small scattering Integumentary coloration.—Head and above mesocoxa; dense coverings on lateral mesosoma black to very dark piceous; an- wings and projecting lateral angles ofmeta- tennae black, dark brownish toward apex; notum; scattering ofsmall squamiform se- mandibles exemally banded, tips dark to tae along upper lateral margin ofpropodeal reddish brown, medially reddish, basally triangle, below hindwing and above spira- black and piceous, inner surface reddish; cle; scatterings ventrally along margins and anterior smooth margin ofclypeus black to distally on both meso- and metastema. dark brown; (1) labrum black, piceous to On legs: On coxae anteriorly above, suc- reddishbrownlaterallyandapically;tegulae cessively larger on meso- and metacoxae, brown,margintranslucent,atransverseclear halfto one-third ofventral margins offem- band divides discal brown area; forewing ora-2, -3; (5)a loosebandalongdorsal mar- iridescent, lightly infumate, slightly darker gin oftibia-3. apically, *(2) a sooty area within apex of On metasoma: A small postero-lateral marginalcell, darkerfromapexofcellalong spotandbroadpatchonanteriorouterthirds wing margin, ending before wing tip; hind- oftergum-1 oneach side, lappingovermar- wing membrane similar but less infumate; gin onto anterior face; terga-2, -3, -4 with legs black to dark piceous, tibia-3 deep red- small elongate postero-lateral spot and nar- dishbrowninsome;tibialspurs: malarspine row anterior band on each side of middle; brown,spursoftibiae-2,-3darkbrown,red- (6) none tooneormoresmall, disconnected dishbrowninsome;*metasoma:red,terga-2 patches in subapical depression ofposterior to -5 increasingly darkened medially from margin of tergum-4; tergum-5 without brownish red or brown to piceous, black in squamiform setae; (7) slender, more or less some; tergum-6 testaceous. squamiform white setae on sternum-1, White markings.—Conspicuous white, forming transverse basal bands on stema-2 appressed, squamiform, plumose setaedec- to -5; bands ofshort, inconspicuous, white oratethecontrastingintegumentswithspots, hair along apical margins ofstema-2 to -4. bands, and scattered arrays as follows: Other vestiture.—Clypeus with slender, Onhead:Surroundingantennalbasesand yellowish plumose hairs sparsely distrib- over the median facial carina to (or nearly uted along anterior margin; *labrum with to) median ocellus; 1-5 setae within ocellar narrow, subbasal transverse fringe of long triangle; (3) a scattering or patch on upper (greater than an ocellar diameter), nearly genae, usually less in length than maximum erect,slender,yellowishplumosehairs.Wing width ofeye; clypeus (exceptatfronto-clyp- membranes with minute hairs, more dense eal suture) without squamiform setae. beyondapical venation; ridgealongventro- On mesosoma: A band on upper margin lateral face of hind tibia with row of long ofpronotum and along margins ofpronotal setae, tips bent ventrally; median ridge of lobes;anarrow,posteriorlyconvergentpatch tergum-5 widened anteriorly and posteri- on anterior third (or less) of mesoscutum orly, bareabove, fine silveryhairsoverpos- dividedlengthwiseby medial scutal furrow; terior two-thirds; tergum-6 with fine, alateraledgingofmesoscutumreachingteg- lengthwise, subparallel silvery hairs on py- ulae,aloosepatchbehindtegulae;(4)aband gidium. — forming a ring on upper mesepisternum, Structural features. 0/"/7^(2(i.- Flattened coveringsubalarpitandlowerhalf(ormore) ventrally and posteriorly; width to length, ofscrobe, anteriorto scrobe the ring is gen- observed range = 1.13-1.19, m = 1.16, V* erally open (Fig. 8), or weakly closed by = 1.5; head width to mesonotal width, obs. 11 VOLUME NUMBER 95, 1 117 r. = 1.11-1.21, m = 1.18, V* = 2.4; (8) below subalar lobe, near subalarpit, ending clypeal width to length, obs. r. = 2.78-3.06, in scrobe (Fig. 8); scutellum simple, poste- m - 2.92, med = 2.94, V* = 2.8 (N.B., riormargin subtruncate,atmostveryslight- fronto-clypeal suture overlain by squami- ly indented postero-medially; ratio internal form setae); (9) labral length to width, obs. length ofmarginal cell to distance from its r. = 1.31-1.46, m = 1.38, med = 1.40, V* apex to wing tip: obs. r. = 1.08-1.16, m = = 3.3; *eyes with short setae over entire 1.13, V* = 6.0, n = 13; metanotum angu- surface except above the darkened rim; se- larly produced to each side; a well-defined tae 12-15 ixm long, visible at 50x; face triangular region on upper metapostnotum coarsely punctate, puncta largest between of strong microsculpture, medially closed upper margin ofeye and ocelli, interspaces meshes, laterally and posteriorly appearing shining; *antennae with flagellar article- as though tracts offine carinulae, triangular subequal to articles-(2 + 3), obs. r. = 0.92- area about a third as long as wide. 1.08, m = 1.01, V* = 5.6, n = 15; distance Ofappendages: Second submarginal cell from lateral to anterior ocelli subequal to three-fourths or more length of first along distance between lateral ocelli from 0.23 to posterior sides; calcar ofmid-tibia ca. one- 0.31 mm (m ~ 0.26 mm); width ofmedian half length of basitarsus; anterior, dorsal ocellus; *(10) least ocellorbital distance to apical ends ofmid and hind basitarsi pro- lateralinterocellardistancefrom 1.12to 1.3 jecting, spinelike. (m = 1.19, V* = 3.8); posteriorarticulation Of metasoma: Tergum-5 with bare, ofmandible slightly posterior to midpoint coarsely punctate, piceous or black raised oflower margin ofeye; (11) acetabular ca- areaat base oftergum interruptinggradulus rina low at base; (12) clypeus with lateral medially, withalowlengthwisemesal ridge, extremities rounded, lateral carina (above widened below, forming a weak pseudo- clypeogenal suture) weak; *labrum with pygidealarea (Fig. 2); apex oftergum nearly small, basal tubercle (use 50x), little more truncate, slightly insinuate; pygidial plate of thanownbasaldiameterfromanteriormar- tergum-6 with sidesslightlyconvergentapi- gin of labrum, from which a well-defined cally, rounded apico-laterally, strongly carina (lower immediately behind tubercle) punctate, puncta strongest proximally (Fig. extendslengthoflabrum,ornearlyso, height 2); stemum-5 shallowlyimpressed medially oftubercle about same as greatest height of in apical half, apex subtruncate, projecting carina (Figs. 1, la, 3); *labrum punctate, beyondtergum-5; laterallobesofstemum-6 densestbasally(nobasal, mesal, impunctate nearly 0.6x as long as distance between strip); punctation extending onto sides of them; each lobe at apex with 4 to 6 stout, carina, punctal size decreases laterally and curved, blunt setae below (m = 5.06, V* = distally, interspacespolished(at 50x); post- 10.5, n = 16; no cases in which both lobes gena uniformly, closely, coarsely punctate had 4 or 6 such setae), 10-12 additional to hypostomal carina, interspaces less wide lesser setae apically, slender hairs extemo- than punctal diameter; mouth parts short, laterally and ventrally on lobes, very long reaching very slightly beyond proboscidial hairs, especially on sides, in the horizontal fossa. plane within (above a close fringe of very Of mesosoma: Mesoscutum closely, short hairsalonginnerrim ofsternum), tips coarsely punctate; tegulae with a strong, of those in basal half nearly meeting me- concentricmicrosculpture(at 50x), fewdis- dially. cal puncta, mesepisternal puncta not "near- Male (30 specimens): Similar in colora- ly rugosely punctate," interspaces ca. one- tion and habitus to female. Length, ob- third of punctal diameters; a weakly im- served range = 5.1-6.6 mm, m = 5.6 mm, pressed sulcus on mesepistemum, arising V* = 5.8; of forewing from apex of costal 118 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON sclerite to fenestra between pre- and ptero- lyreflexed; (7)setalandhairbandsonsterna stigma, obs. r. = 1.7-2.3 mm, m = 1.9 mm, as in female, but much stronger; stemum-5 med = 1.8 mm, V* = 6.7; for all but the with both bands, apical band weak, often last ofthe following, a random selection of incomplete medially; (11) acetabularcarina measuredindividuals: headwidthtolength, of mandible raised to a broad, triangular obs. r. = 1.12-1.19, m = 1.15, V* = 1.4, n "tooth" atbase, apex oftriangle translucent r=. =16;1.h1e5a-1d.2w8i,dtmh=to1m.e2s1,onVo*ta=l2w.i2d,tnh,=ob1s6.; astmrboenrg;ly(a1n2g)ucllaytep,eulsatweirtalhclaartiernaalveexrtyresmtirtoineg.s (8) clypeal width to length, obs. r. = 2.45- Etymology.—The species name ruthae is 3.00, m = 2.79, V* = 4.8, n = 16; (9) labral in grateful recognition ofmy biologist wife. length to width, obs. r. = 1.27-1.40, m = Dr. Ruth S. Cooper, who has been my con- 1.34, med = 1.32, V* = 3.6, n - 16; length stant field companion and scientific help- flagellar-1 to flagellar-(2 + 3), obs. r. = 0.91- mate for more than halfa century. 1.11, in = 1.02, med = 1.00, V* = 7.3, n = Holotype: Female; California, Riverside 15; ratio length ofmarginal cell to distance County, Riverside (UniversityofCalifornia from apex to wing tip: obs. r. = 1.06-1.28, Campus), from flowers ofEnceliafahnosa, m = 1.12, V* = 6.0, med = 1.11, n = 25; 18V 1991; allotype: samelocalityand flow- (10) least ocellorbital distance to inter-lat- er, but 9 V 1991. Both have been deposited eral ocellardistance, obs. r. = 1.16-1.40, m in the U.S. National Museum of Natural = 1.25, V* = 5.6, n = 30. History. Secondary sexual differences, including Paratypes: All from same general locality (8), (9) and (10) above: (1) in 19 specimens and year as holotype and allotype. Dates of labrum wholly black; (2) spot at apex of capture: females-3 (4 V), 1 (8 V), 1 (9 V), forewing marginal cell paler, smaller; (3) 2(11 V), 2(12 V), 4(13 V), 1 (15 V), 1 (17 white patch on upper genae broader, gen- V); males- 1 (29 IV), 2 (30 IV), 6 (4 V), 4 erally longer than maximum width ofeye; (8 V), 3 (9 V), 1 (1 1 V), 3(12 V), 3(13 V), (4) white ring on the mesepistemum gen- 1 (15 V), 2 (18 V), 1 (20 V); the following erallyclosedventrally; (5)white, dorsallon- from Encelia palmeri Vasey & Rose in ad- gitudinalbandofhindtibiastrong;(6)meta- joiningU.C.R. BotanicGarden,bothmales: somal tergite-4 has no apical white band, a namely 1 (collected by David Hawks, 4 V), white spot at each postero-lateral angle; 1(15 V).- The last individual seen was on tergum-5 has a strong basal white band on June 1. each side, andanearlycompletewhiteband Distribution: Paratypes will be deposited in subapical sulcus; tergum-6 has a nearly in the collections ofthe American Museum complete apical white band, anterior to of Natural History, the British Museum which a weak subapical bisinuation, pro- (N.H.), theCaliforniaAcademyofSciences; ducingadistinct median lobe in some, mar- The University of California (at Berkeley, gin more or less crenulated; from above, Davis, and Riverside), the Snow Museum tergum-7 has rounded postero-lateral an- oftheUniversityofKansas,theSystematics gles, posteriorventral marginnearlyat right Laboratory ofthe California Department of angles to pygidial plate axis; pygidial plate Agriculture, and the Bee Biology and Sys- parallel-sided (Fig. 10), *length to basal tematics Laboratory, Utah State Universi- width, observed range = 1.64-2.00, m = ty. 1.88, med = 1.89, V* = 7.4, n = 18; max- Possible host: Calliopsis pugionis Cock- imum width between lateral lobes of erell was common at the same flowers of t=er2g.u3m6--36.0t6o,wmidt=h 2o.f72p,ygVid*ia=l 7l.o6b,e,no=bs.29r;. by-aThseinlgalbeellsetotner,sptehcuismeAnsorhaave=thJeamnuoanrtyh,sBindoircabte=d pygidiumcoarselypunctate, margins slight- February, etc.; thus 29 d 91 or 91 D 29 = 29 IV 91. VOLUME NUMBER 95, 1 119 Enceliabefore, during, and brieflyaftervis- brown to blackish, medial integumentary its to them by H. ruthae had ended. areasfrom tergum-2 tothelast, andasome- Taxonomic—It should be noted that my what greater squamiform setation of most sample of46 specimens ofthis new species ofthecloselycorrespondingwhitemarkings differs from most other large series ofHol- ofhead and body. copasites species, for all were collected at Unlike the labrum of//, ruthae, most //. one small site in the same year. They may stevensi have a mesally elongated, polished therefore display less variation in dimen- stripbasally(upon whichatiny papilla may sions, coloration and vestiture than would be found near its base in many—see Fig. 4); aseriesofcorrespondingtypefromdifferent the median carina generally arises from the years and from a variety of localities. For distal end of a polished mesal strip; basal reasons discussed in the closing commen- brush oflabral plumose hairs (ifnot abrad- tary, unless a specimen's eyes are strongly ed) not a simple transverse, near-linear ar- setose, all identifications should commence ray, but relatively wide, at mid-width al- with Hurd'sand Linslcy's key(1972, p. 11). most reaching dorsal margins of closed Male H. ruthaereach couplet 5 ofHurd's mandibles. In //. stevensi the ocular setae and Linsley's (1972) key to the banded spe- are very much sparser; "first flagellar seg- cies. They differ (among other ways) from ment isshorterthan thetwosucceedingseg- H. illinoiensis Robertson ofthat couplet by ments"—in //. ruthae that ratio is female their apical metasomal terga which are not (0.92-1.08 X, n = 16), male (0.91-1.1 1 x, n "chiefly or entirely blackish." Unlike the = 30). //. stevensi has the "interocellar and alternative, H. stevensi, the apical metaso- ocellocular distances about equal"; in H. mal terga are not "at most vaguely clouded ruthae, the ratios of the distance between with blackish"; in H. ruthae markings are posterior ocelli to the ocellocular distance definite, clearlydarker, often greatly so, than are: female (1.12-1.31 x), male (1.25- adjoining integument. 1.40X). Spot on forewing at the apex ofthe Female H. ruthaefirst run into ambiguity marginal cell in female H. stevensi is very in couplet 10, for in H. ruthae, the first fla- pale and short, still weaker in the male; the gellar segment is subequal to, "or slightly spot both largerand darker in both sexes of longer than . . . combined length [of] suc- //. ruthae. Female //. ruthae have the two ceeding two segments" as in H. illinoiensis; inner patches of the distal white band of but from the latter it differs by having the tergum-4 short and poorlydifferentiated or, ventralsurfaceofhead(thehypostomalarea) more often, lacking entirely; in //. stevensi closely punctate, not "sparingly punctate." that distal white band is well-formed, with Nor does H. ruthae fit either species sepa- the two inner patches strongly marked and rated by couplet 1 1. From H. eamia (Cock- much elongated (see fig. 13, Hurdand Lins- erell) it differs by having a strongly carinate ley 1972). The male pygidial plate of //. labrum (I find no labral carina in H. eamia, stevensi is said to be "more than twice as nor has one been described by others), and long as maximum basal width." In //. ru- by lacking "a subtriangular patch ofwhite thae the pygidial length and basal width pubescence on either side ofthe middle" of could be measured in 18 males only, for in metasomal tergum-4. Differences from the the remainder the base ofthe pygidial plate other member of the couplet, H. stevensi, is covered by the apex of tergum-5; ob- are given below. served range in length to width is 1.64- Most H. stevensi, perhaps all but a mi- 2.00X The abovedifferences, and different . nority, can be separated from H. ruthae by seasonal flight times ofthe two bees,justify theirpalermetasomata, andgenerallybyan recognition of two entities by individual absenceinbothsexesofsuccessivelydarker. specific names. 120 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Holcopasites linsleyi Cooper, per clypeus, surrounding antennal sockets New Species andalongmedianfacialcarinanearlytome- (Figs. 5, 6) dian ocellus; a band across vertex, broad- Recognition.—The single female speci- ening laterally onto upper halves ofgenae. men is a member of the banded-species On mesosoma: Along upper margin of pronotum onto base and rear of pronotal group. Itdiffersstrikinglyfromalldescribed female Holcopasites by its predominantly lobes; a posteriorly narrowing, elongate ferrugineous integument and well-formed patch on basal halfofmesoscutum divided lengthwise by median scutal furrow; lateral trapezoidal pseudopygidium, widest api- edging from antero-lateral margin of me- cally, ofmetasomal tergum-5. Female.—Length 3.3 mm; of forewing soscutum to transverse scutel-scutellar su- ture; dense patch covering each axilla, pos- from apex ofcostal sclerite to fenestra be- tween pre- and pterostigma 0.9 mm. teriormarginofscutellum (withinashallow subapical furrow), andprojectinglateral an- Integumentary coloration.—Overall fer- gles of the metanotum, between which rugineous, exceptasfollows: reddish-brown on upper frons, merging with a poorly de- transverse median portion is bare; narrow fined, conspicuously darker, brown band strip above propodeal spiracle, attenuating from sides ofocellar triangle to upper fron- alongupperlateral anglesoftriangle; dense, tal orbits; antennae brown above, pale be- very large, roughly pentagonal patch over low; mandibular tips dark brown to brown; upper two-thirds of mesepistemum, pos- approximately lateral thirds ofmesonotum terior extension ofwhich reaches nearly to mesocoxalmargin; sparse,squamiformhairs reddish-brown to brown; scutellum pre- along uninflected anterior margin of mes- dominantly dark brown; tegulae brown, epistemum connecting large pentagonal outer margins narrowly transparent, a broader transverse transparent band di- patch with that to each side ofthe median mesepistemal sulcus ventrally and along vides pigmented disc; wings iridescent, membrane grayish, veins brown, darker meso-metastemal sutures, within andalong along leading edge and apically; anterior borders and distal process ofthe metaster- surfaces offemora-1, -2, paler, dark brown nsquuma;mtiofeoarcmhsseitdaeeofonthememsaeipnitsrtacetmsuomflsaurcg-e elsewhere; femur-3 pale anteriorly in basal cessively shorter, more slender, less white two-thirds, posteriorly in basal half, dark brown elsewhere; tibiae dark brown; shaft hairs. and spine of malus yellow, tibial spurs On legs: On coxae a weak scattering lat- brown; tarsi dark reddish-brown; metaso- erally; two-thirdsto three-fourthsofventral maltergum-3 withatransverse, darkbrown marginsoffemora-2, -3;abandalongdorsal spot medially; tergum-4 with a large, black- surface oftibia-3. ish-brown,medial,transverseareafromnear On metasoma: Tergum-1 anteriorly with base to apex, narrowing laterally, covering a band on each lateral third, concavity with about half of disc. Tergum-5 with a dull, slenderhairs, thin scatteringofsquamiform grayish-brown, well-formed pseudopygidi- setae (laterally only) along distal margin; um, widest apically; broad, subbasal dark both terga-2, -3 with long bands basally, brown band reaching lateral margin, en- interrupted medially, on each side an elon- closing a dully ferrugineous spot each side gatepatchdisto-laterally, broadestlaterally; of pseudopygidium; stemum-5, except for tergum-4 with elongated basal band inter- basal and antero-lateral margins, reddish- rupted medially, connected with uninter- brown. rupted apical band by scattered setae lat- White markings (by appressed, squami- erally and to each side ofthe bare, medial formsetae).—On head:Aboveandontoup- black spot, enclosing on each side a small VOLUME NUMBER 95, 1 121 bare spot offemigineous cuticle; tergum-5 (Fig. 6);hypostomalareauniformly,closely, has a small scattering ofsquamiform setae coarsely punctate to hypostomal carina, in- basally on each side; sternum-1 has a tri- terspaces narrow, shining. angular patch medially; stemum-2 has an Of mesosoma: Mesoscutum closely, apico-marginal row; stemum-3 has a sparse coarselypunctate; tegulae polished(at 50x), basal band ofsmall squamiform setae con- with few, scattered discal puncta; exposed necting medially with a distal wide band mesepistemal punctacoarse, close set; mes- that narrows laterally; stemum-4 appears episternal sulcus ending in scrobe (visible rubbed, evidently had a distal band similar whencoveringsquamiformsetaemoistened to that of stemum-3; stemum-5 without with benzene); scutellum entire, posterior squamiform setae. margin weakly, outwardly curved; ratio of Othervestiture:clypealsurfacewithsparse, length ofmarginal cell to distance from its slender, scantly plumose hairs, largest me- apextowingtip: 0.93; metanotum angularly dially, progressively shorter laterally and produced laterally; propodeal triangle on alongorbits;labrumwithsparse,longerhairs upper metapostnotum with narrow (length on basal third. Wing membrane with mi- ca. 0.2X width),distallyslightlycurvedbas- nute hairs, more closely spacedbeyond api- al area ofmicrosculpture. cal venation. Pseudopygidium oftergum-5 Ofappendages: Second submarginal cell with exceptionally short, decumbent, sil- offorewing two-thirds length of first along very hairs. posterior side; calcar of mid-tibia ca. half Structural features.—Of /?ea^.' Globose, basitarsal length; hind trochanter with dis- verywide, 1.4x widerthan long, 1.2x wid- to-ventral margin spine-like in silhouette. erthan mesonotum; clypeus 4x widerthan Of metasoma: Tergum-5 with coarsely long; labrum about 1.2x longer than wide punctate piceous raised area interrupting (Fig. 6); lateralcarinaaboveclypeogenal su- gradulus medially, apex with well-formed, ture strong; mouthparts short, extending nearly isosceles trapezoidal pseudopygidi- only slightly beyond proboscidial fossa; se- um, ca. 4.5 X wider apically than basally tae ofeyes sparsely distributed over entire (Fig. 5), densely, minutely punctate, surface surface, setae somewhat longer than om- dull, very shallowly emarginate posteriorly; matidial diameter; face closely punctate, pygidial plate of tergum-6: not exposed; more coarsely on upper frons, narrow in- sternum-5 medially, longitudinally im- terspaces shining; antenna: flagellar pressed on apical 0.7; lateral lobes of segment-1 ca. 0.8 length offlagellar-(2 + 3); sternum-6 short, little more than one-third more distal flagellar segments somewhat distance between their apices, with three longerthan broad, but antennae not unusu- stout, curved, blunt setaeapicallybelow, 8- ally long for Holcopasites species; distance 9 lesser setae apically, hairs along inner anterior ocellus to lateral ocellus subequal margins oflobes with tips widely separated to an ocellar diameter; distance between along distal halfofapical emargination. posterior ocelli nearly 2x transverse width Etymology.—//, linsleyiisdedicatedto E. ofanteriorocellus(whichiswiderthanlong); Gorton Linsley,eminentfieldnaturalistand distance between posterior ocelli to ocel- systematist, whose wide-ranging studies of lorbital distance about equal; eyes bulging, insects over many years, importantly in- posterior articulation of mandible behind cluding Holcopasites and other small no- midpoint of lower margin of eye; labrum madinebees,andwarmfriendshiphavebeen punctate, puncta weakly impressed, largest ofsuch help and pleasure to his colleagues. inbasalthird, diminishinglaterallyand dis- Holotype.—Female, Arizona, Yuma tally, without a basal tubercle, with a low, County, 2.5 miles east ofAztec, 15 VIII 64, sharpcarinafrom nearbasetoapical fourth E. I. Schlinger; from the Timberlake Col- 1 122 PROCEEDINGS OFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON lection at the University ofCalifornia, Riv- s. str. and H. illinoiensis minimus(Linsley). erside,labelled"'Holcopasitessp. female,det. H. bohartorum, H. calliopsidis(Linsley), H. Timb." It will be placed in the collections heliopsis (Robertson) and H. pulchellus of the California Academy of Sciences in (Cresson) ofthe spotted species group also whichall recoveredtypesoftheTimberlake have setose eyes. Collection have been placed. Inalloftheabovethesetaeareofuniform Comparisons.—There are four other de- length and, though scattered, occurmore or scribed species of Holcopasites of which less regularly over the surface ofthe eye. In some females are as small, or smaller, than H. ruthae there is no significant difference 3.5 mm. None have eithera predominantly insetallengthsofmaleandfemale;thesetae ferrugineous integument nor a well-formed are very slender and somewhat longer than pseudopygidium, there being only a low, anommatidialdiameter. Setaeofsomeoth- median, longitudinalridgeon tergum-5. All er species seem to differ in length, and cer- have significant morphological differences tainly do differ in density over the surface from H. linsleyi. of the eye. H. eamia, e.g. has exceedingly H. pulchellus (Cresson) has the postgena widely spaced setae, the sparsest set ofoc- between the hypostomal carina and lower ular setae among all those examined. margin ofeye polished, with widely spaced, In view ofthe above, it is likely that all irregularly distributed puncta, as well as a Holcopasites have setate eyes. Nevertheless medially cleft, prominently bilobed scutel- Trichopasites (Linsley 1942) remains a use- lum. H. tegularis Hurd and Linsley lacks a ful group, for its members stand apart by mediallabralcarina; secondsubmarginalcell possession ofvery long, coarse setae which offorewing is "much shorter than one-half densely clothe their eyes. Those of H. as long as first submarginal . . . when mea- {Trichopasites) insoletus (Linsley) are ap- sured along posterior side." Additionally, preciablylongerthan twice the length ofthe both are members of the spotted species longest setae found among H. {Holcopas- group. ites) species, and appear to be more than Ofthe two small species belonging to the three times as wide. The setae of H. {T.) banded species group, ofwhich H. linsleyi arizonicus(Linsley)aredistinctlyshorterand is a member, female H. cazieri Hurd and narrower than those of H. {T.) insoletus. Linsley has the postgena sparsely punctate, Nevertheless, they are of such dimensions polished and shining adjacent to hyposte- that none among the spotted and banded mal carina, and the apex of metasomal species can plausibly be considered to be stemum-5 deeply emarginate medially. transitional. Discontinuitiesin setal dimen- At first glance, H. illinoiensis minimus sions and density over the eyes are vastly (Linsley) appears strikingly similar to H. different. linsleyi (apart from coloration). However, I examined a male ofSchmiedeknechtia like H. pulchellusand H. cazieri, H. i. min- gussakovskyiPopov. Itseyesarealsosetose, imus has the hypostomal area polished and butthesetaearebothshorter(<ommatidial sparsely punctate; also, flagellar article- diameters)and much more sparselydistrib- about equal to flagellar-(2 + 3). uted than any among the 13 species ofHol- copasites that I have examined. The two eyes ofS. gussakovskyiare alike, and there- Comment fore probably not partially abraded. The la- H. ruthae, H. linsleyi, and H. stevensi of brum ofthe specimen is less elongated than the banded species group are not alone in thatofanyHolcopasitesspeciesnowknown having setose eyes; that is so for H. cazieri (cf. Figs. 6, 9; also cf. Figs. 7, 9 ofthe very Hurd and Linsley, H. eamia, H. illinoiensis differently proportioned mesepistema).

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